Here's this morning's article: "Suspected Gunman Said He Was Willing to Fight and Die in Ukraine/Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, told The New York Times in 2023 that he had traveled to Ukraine and wanted to recruit Afghan soldiers to fight there" (NYT). Excerpt:
Mr. Routh, who had no military experience, said he had traveled to the country after Russia’s invasion and wanted to recruit Afghan soldiers to fight there. In a telephone interview with The New York Times in 2023, when Mr. Routh was in Washington, he spoke with the self-assuredness of a seasoned diplomat who thought his plans to support Ukraine’s war effort were sure to succeed. But he appeared to have little patience for anyone who got in his way. When an American foreign fighter seemed to talk down to him in a Facebook message he shared with The New York Times, Mr. Routh said, “he needs to be shot.”
In the interview, Mr. Routh said he was in Washington to meet with the U.S. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, known as the Helsinki Commission “for two hours” to help push for more support for Ukraine. The commission is led by members of Congress and staffed by congressional aides. It is influential on matters of democracy and security and has been vocal in supporting Ukraine.
He said he was meeting with the Commission? Was he?
Mr. Routh also said he was seeking recruits for Ukraine from among Afghan soldiers who had fled the Taliban. He said he planned to move them, in some cases illegally, from Pakistan and Iran to Ukraine. He said dozens had expressed interest.
Again, things he said. Was that fact-checked in 2023? What I'm seeing in the old article is: "It is not clear whether he has succeeded [in recruiting Afghan soldiers], but one former Afghan soldier said he had been contacted and was interested in fighting if it meant leaving Iran, where he was living illegally."
I want to know more about Routh's connections and activities.
२३९ टिप्पण्या:
«सर्वात जुने ‹थोडे जुने 239 पैकी 201 – 239Is 'tim in vermont' a native speaker of English, or is he really Timofei in Voronezh? I wrote "There are plenty of mercenaries fighting in Ukraine - Somalis, Nepalis, and citizens of a couple dozen other Third World shitholes - but they're all fighting for Russia." He assumes I meant that all the foreigners fighting for Russia are mercenaries, but that is not what those words in that order mean. All the mercenaries are on one side does not mean everyone on that side is a mercenary! Logic 101.
Of course there have been a few idiot foreigners who fought for Russia because they support Putin, including at least two Americans I know of. One was Russell 'Texas' Bentley, who fought for the Russians in the Donbas for 9 1/2 years, and was brutally murdered in April by Russian soldiers who thought he was a spy. The other is Wilmer Puello-Mota, an Air Force veteran and Massachusetts city councilman arrested in Rhode Island for possession of child pornography, who fled to Russia and is now allegedly flying drones for the Russian army in Ukraine. (Funny how Russia attracts and welcomes pedophiles like Puello-Mota and Scott Ritter.) I'm sure there are at least a few more.
when DC actors have already deemed J6 25 as national security event there is need to psych up for more Ashlis to murder
OMG! He doesn't have a blue check! Lots of excellent accounts on Twitter/X refuse a blue check because they don't want to give Musk money, or find it pretentious. Anyone who thinks lacking a blue check is a sign of unseriousness knows nothing about the site.
Moronic 'aestor' (give me back my Dr and I'll give you back your Qu) doesn't seem to get my point: the International Legion didn't want this guy even before he tried to kill Trump. The guy bragged about providing 1000 Afghan warriors for Ukraine, but doesn't seem to have recruited a single one. So yes, he was a grifter.
The bearded picture of the shooter looks like Jeffrey Epstein.
The earlier, unbearded picture looks like Any Dad USA.
You don't need a visa to visit Ukraine as an American
Is it ethically acceptable to defame people online? Inquiring minds want to know. Do state bar associations not care about this casual defamatory rhetoric? I'm very interested in that question. And silence is contemptable at this point.
Edward Snowden @Snowden · 17h
"We know little so far, but w alleged Trump shooter's personal and public participation in military activity in Ukraine, it is hard to imagine this White House's agencies can claim zero contact—"clean hands." Something of an Oswald vibe, here. Congress should get answers."
"He was raising a mercenary army for the CIA and Harris-backed undeclared war against Russia"
This is simply a statement of fact. Now perhaps he was doing this on his own initiative, and the US government knew nothing about him. I'm always willing to credit a LOT to sheer incompetence, but this stretches the limits of my imagination.
"In a telephone interview with The New York Times in 2023, when Mr. Routh was in Washington, he spoke with the self-assuredness of a seasoned diplomat..."
Seasoned with what? The cooking sherry?
Weevil writes "Anyone who thinks lacking a blue check is a sign of unseriousness knows nothing about the site."
And anyone who accepts a non-bluechecked subscriber's comment as fact rather than opinion knows nothing to differentiate his asshole from a posthole.
P.S. Show us your degree and I'll gladly restore your Dr.
N.B. Redactions on that putative sheepskin will be taken as evidence of deceit.
Sincere question: If our duly credentialed host doesn't insist on being addressed as Dr. Althouse, why should you? I don't give a rat's ass what you call me. Inga frequently tries to insult me with jejune misspellings of the authentic word I have adopted as my nom de plume. No honest Althousian thinks any less of me when they read her postings referencing "Queester", or any better of her. There's a lesson here if you're willing to take it.
Some possibilities:
1) His activities around Ukraine are of his own initiative and he's never received CIA support and never had contact with them knowingly or unknowingly.
2) He was working with the CIA in Ukraine from the get-go.
3) He started his Ukraine activities on his own. The CIA saw him, met him and decided to support him.
4) He started his activities in Ukraine on his own. The CIA saw him, met him and decided to stay away from this nut completely.
5) He started on his own, the CIA met him, decided not to support him, but also decided to string him along in case he was to come in handy at a later date.
Given that he was found by the NYT, I would assume he was on the CIA's radar, so #1 seems unlikely. I would hope that the CIA wouldn't work with nutcases like this, but I don't think they are always that discerning. I'm leaning toward options 3-5.
“ In a perverse way, Donald Trump owes his life to that first attempt. Cook was not a sophisticated assassin.”
Robert writes some execrable stuff around these parts, but who knew?!?!
Weevil writes, "Moronic 'aestor' ... doesn't seem to get my point: the International Legion didn't want this guy even before he tried to kill Trump. The guy bragged about providing 1000 Afghan warriors for Ukraine, but doesn't seem to have recruited a single one. So yes, he was a grifter."
I didn't get the point because Weevil didn't make one worthy of consideration. Without the blue check, there's no reason to believe "King Jack Strong" (a CoD gamer handle if I ever saw one) speaks for anyone but himself. Nor is there any reason to believe he, she, or it is even human and not a sock puppet account for someone aiming to muddy the waters. Find a source who is authentically credentialed to speak for the so-called International Legion, and we will listen without snickering, I promise.
“That’s because your comments are so stupid.”
That’s it… you have an hour detention after 7th period, Inga!
We need to completely rethink America's golf courses. Steel doors surrounding the greens. Armored golf carts. And, above all, trained and armed caddies. Or.. everybody gets a firearm when they enter. The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.
No soft targets.
Someone who calls himself 'Quaestor' when he is certainly not an ancient Roman, has not served as one of the Vigintiviri or as a military tribune, and has not been elected by the Comitia Populi Tributa, objects to my chosen pseudonym because I haven't proven to him that I have a Ph.D.! Does the filthy hypocrite not realize that my real name is not 'Weevil' and that 'Dr Weevil' is a take-off on 'Dr Evil', so it doesn't matter? It's still an essential part of my username. And I can't help noticing that commenters only stop using it when they object to what I'm saying, or (most often) are losing an argument with me.
Of course, it's perfectly obvious that he only wants a picture of my undredacted diploma so he can doxx me and harrass me on- and off-line. No thanks, Quntsor.
Of course, anyone who accepts the statement of a bluechecked Tweeter "as fact rather than opinion" knows nothing about Twitter/X. Any idiot can pay for a blue check, and many idiots, liars, and propagandists do exactly that. As already noted, many of the better Twitter users refuse to get a blue check because it's more often than not a sign of low quality. You have to judge blue checks and no-checks by what they write. It's frankly astonishing that Quntsor doesn't know this. Maybe not quite so astonishing when you read the other things he writes.
Narciso -- I won't go off topic at length, but Felt was responsible for just some of the cases being dropped. A great many powerful people in New York, including judges, protected the elite of the Weathermen, Dr. Spock included among them. And Dohrn's culpability in the San Francisco bombing and the Brinks' BLA robbery/murders fall outside the Felt purview, don't they?
Regarding the attempted assassin in hand, one way or another (disordered or intentional), he sounds like a card-carrying member of the intentionally disordered Ron Unz/Voltaire Network club.
"Cook was not a sophisticated assassin..." That's not fair. I don't agree with Cook often, but I don't think he's an assassin.
Narciso, regarding comments above, I tried to reply there but misunderstand the new threads system. I'll delete this if redundant. Yes, Mark Felt was the excuse for not prosecuting the Weathermen for some bombings, but corrupt judges made the call. And the Weather elite were protected by a bunch of them, and other powerful people like Dr. Spock. Still, some of Dohrn's later involvement in BLA murders don't apply.
As to the current attempted assassin, he sounds like either an intentional or mentally disorganized denizen of the intentionally disorganized Ron Unz/Voltaire Network political cusp. As I said, he better watch out for Jack Ruby.
They do have armored golf carts, apparently. After the shots the ss apparently whisked pdjt away in one.
According to the news
John Henry
They do have armored golf carts, apparently. After the shots the ss apparently whisked pdjt away in one.
According to the news
John Henry
"Does the filthy hypocrite not realize that my real name is not 'Weevil' and that 'Dr Weevil' is a take-off on 'Dr Evil', so it doesn't matter?"
This filth hypocrite was not under any illusion that Weevil is not the legal name of the cowardly fraud who insists on an academic title that he has not earned but rather purchased from a diploma mill. Nor did the purile association with Dr. Evil, a stage name often used by spook show hosts in the 1960s elude him for even one second.
Please to continue to cite unknown sources offering unverifiable information regarding the hapless clowns in camouflage who have nothing positive to contribute to Ukraine, the United States, and the planet. The wise and learned will continue to hold your comments in contempt, quite fitting for someone who chose to be known by Weevil -- wee evil, small mischief.
No one is saying it was a Dem plot.
That depends. Where does "loud rhetorical Dem incitement of random acts of stochastic terrorism by mentally unwell leftists" end, and a "Dem plot" begin?
What kind of hateful moron doesn't realize that calling myself 'Dr Weevil' is in fact no worse than him calling himself 'Quaestor', even if I didn't have a Ph.D., though in fact I do, and not from a diploma mill. Not that it matters: it's not an "academic title" when it's part of a comic pseudonym, anymore than 'Quaestor' is a Roman title when used by some contemporary asshole.
By the way, it's spelled "puerile" and you should avoid calling other people that when you've told them to put on their "big boy pants": that's far more puerile than anything I've written, other than maybe calling you Quntsor, but your earned that one.
I don't think the team that was present at Butler would have spotted this shooter.
one 'pedestrain' saw him get in SUV and told FL LEO
may be there are others yelling and jumping around and ignored?
Tina Trent writes, "[The alleged would-be assassin] sounds like either an intentional or mentally disorganized denizen of the intentionally disorganized Ron Unz/Voltaire Network political cusp"
Please elaborate.
There is no contemporaneous evidence that he ever voted for Trump. Only a screen shot of a twitter post where he says "I voted for you in 16 but you went bad" or some such silliness. Only a fool would take that at face value.
Oh wait, it's Inga we're talking to here.
They don’t even consider the old adage, live by the sword, die by the sword.
Keep running your mouth. Show everybody here - once and for all - just exactly who and what you are.
No, this guy was registered as “unaffiliated”. He voted for Trump in 2016. He became disillusioned by Trump. He supported Tulsi Gabbard and Bernie Sanders in 2020 and then he supported Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy in 2024.
He wanted to kill Donald Trump yesterday. He's yours. Own it.
I have never been to a congressional committee hearing or meeting. I have been to state administrative agency ones. Is there a public comment period like in administrative hearings? This guy seems to have an overinflated sense of self and "meet with the committee" could just be "speak during the public address portion".
It was to exercise his overinflated sense of importance. He would be remembered forever and would provide his own Zapruder film!
They were probably more murderous before the modern era, when there were fewer checks on behavior.
Perhaps. One thing is certain, there were few repeat offenders once the public got hold of them.
People forget that the only reason we have police forces in the first place is because busybody upper-class white women became distressed at the sight of a thief's corpse dangling from an oak tree at the crossroads, and severed heads of murderers nailed to bridges.
These proto-Karens demanded a professional government-funded police force not to protect the public from criminals, but to protect criminals from the public. They demanded that instead of summarily lynching them at the scene of their crime, society should instead lock them up in a new institution called a "penitentiary". Here, they would be unable to do any harm to others, and would be subjected to Bible lessons from busybody upper class white women until they could see the error of their ways and be born again in righteousness and meekness and holiness, glory hallelujah.
While we still did so with strict diligence, it worked well enough, but now the busybody upper class white women have circled back to demanding the penitentiaries and police be disbanded. God forbid that the poor little lost puppies they are trying to save should suffer any loss of self-esteem by being held to the same standards of civilized behavior expected of everyone else who is not of their skin color.
We are skating mighty close to the point at which the public decides that rough justice beats no justice at all. The impending financial collapse that is now baked in the cake, thanks to a hundred years of reckless spending and borrowing, means a day is coming when a lot of cops are likely to find their paychecks have bounced.
If that continues for more than a few weeks, the busybody upper class white ladies are going to have to get used to the sight of dangling corpses and severed heads all over again. Not all of them will be criminals. Some will be politicians.
Regardless of what this guy might have claimed on social media, I'd put the odds that he actually voted for Trump in 2016 at about the same as the likelihood that some of this board's self-proclaimed "Life-Long Republicans" are in fact such.
I am of the firm belief that Rodman's visit with Kim was encouraged by and done in cooperation with the CIA, and was done for patriotic purposes on Rodman's part rather than foolish publicity (which was the cover, of course). Certainly there had to be members of the entourage who were CIA.
It was reported that Trump's golf game was not a scheduled event so did Routh plant himself in the bushes for 12 hours just hoping Trump would come by?
Tick tock bigshot.
Time's up, Weasel. Obviously you are a bully and loser who cannot back up his words. Don't make the mistake of slandering me again. I accept your 24-hour silence (after demanding an explanation from me) as proof that you have no balls and no argument. FTW
Unz Review and Voltaire Network: the latter is paid for by Iran via Marxist Thierry Meyssan, the former paid for by Unz and seems to be a vanity project for projecting anti-Israel and his own, hard to classify views. Both operate as politically ecumenical demoralization projects, attracting kooks such as truthers from the far wings (cusp) of both political parties -- for example, Voltaire funds Ron Paul and Cynthia McKinney to do bus tours together. Unz seems to sincerely abide by the principle that anyone may say anything at his site, and not everything published is obsessively anti-Semitic. But a lot is. I find these projects interesting because they offer a sense of where the crazies across the political spectrum (and there are even centrist crazies) are getting their ideas, or reinforcement of them. I imagine that the sticky fingers of several rogue state security agencies may be found at either site. China and Iran, certainly. Unz doesn't need to answer to anyone, but that doesn't mean his site isn't being used for propaganda purposes. Matt Taibbi wrote an interesting book about the political ecumenicalism of the truther movement. CCP tv, Iran tv, and RT (Russia Today) are similar demoralization projects targeting the same audiences.
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