Said Benjamin Netanyahu, speaking to the U.N., quoted in "Netanyahu Gives No Ground in Address at U.N./The Israeli leader made no mention of moving toward cease-fires in Lebanon, where conflict with the Iranian-backed Hezbollah militia has spiraled, or in Gaza" (NYT).
He also criticized the U.N. itself as a “swamp of antisemitic bile” and said its members concern for Gaza was motivated not by humanitarianism but by dislike of Jews.
“It’s not about Gaza,” he said of criticism over the last year of his government’s handling of the war. “It’s about Israel. It has always been about Israel. About Israel’s very existence.”
१८८ टिप्पण्या:
He's not wrong. It's about the existence of Israel. Or, more precisely, the location of Israel. Some people feel that they were there first, and that gives them certain rights. Israel's position is that whoever gets there second has the rights. But you can see where that leads.
I like him. He's an Old Testament kind of Jew. Doesn't balk when it comes time for smiting Philistines.
Corrupt Democrats in America fund Iran with our tax dollars.
I'd argue that the Jews were there first. Of course there's the conflicting claim of the ancient Mesopotamians, but there aren't any of those around today to advance the claim..
Bibi Netanyahu is despised by the Obama cartel behind both Biden and Harris.
Do you wonder why?
Why should Israel give any ground? Israel needs to completely destroy both Hama and Hezbollah.
I have long believed and still believe that another nuclear weapon/s will be detonated as a hostile act somewhere on Earth before 2100. Furthermore, I believe that location will be somewhere in the Middle East. The ancient hatred sand people have for one another is incandescent as the sun and I have seen it personally. There is no doubt in my mind that if any group of people lacked the compunction to release the atomic genie from his 80 year prison, it would be people that reside in that blistering furnace of ugliness.
I can't help feeling envious of Bibi's having the opportunity to stand up in front of that gang of antisemitic UN crooks and tell them to shove it straight up their asses.
“I call again for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the return of the sausages.”
—— Sir Keir Starmer, prime minister of teh U.K.
^^In the lead for “Quote of 2024”.^^
All arguments about who was there first are self-serving horseshit. None of the groups in the middle east today were there first.
The Israeli government is in control of Israel, that is the fact on the ground. Another fact is that Israel is a democratic western-oriented pluralistic society that plays by international law and respects human rights. It is surrounded by savages who are none of those things.
Which side does a person of good character support?
I engage pro-Iranian thoughts, but when the argument offered is far below
rational , you just wonder if you're maybe being trolled. But then, there
are people on all sides who are consumed by hatred and that's
about all they can express.
Credentialed idiot
For new Netanyahu fans, I agree, he's making good speeches.
But Netanyahu was PM while the defenses languished, replaced
with an empathetic plan to civilize Gaza by having Gazans work
in Israel.
Meanwhile, Netanyahu presided over the confiscation of guns
from ordinary Israelis, resulting in no way for them to shoot
back when brutally attacked.
then the Israelis should stop listening to USA or UN and deal with own civil matters
Preach it, Brother!
John Henry
in terms of USA funding who gets more UN or Israel? could there be funidng envy?
Biden supporter too.
did Israel get red-pilled or was it Bibi? Jews were even collecting the taxes for Palestinians
“I call again for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the return of the sausages”
— Sir Keir Starmer, prime minister of teh U.K.
I hope those sausages are kosher.
Israel is a democratic western-oriented pluralistic society, but the actions of Mossad and the occupation forces call the rest into question. Not that Hamas and Hezbollah are worthy of support or respect, but the history of the region is complicated, and nobody comes off looking that great.
The UN GAVE Israel that land, primarily because it was worthless and there weren't many people there being a crappy piece of desert with no real resources.
Israel found the resources, neighbors decided to try to grab it, they got kicked in the (yarbles) for it, and lost land. Tried again, lost more land. Then the 'Palestinians' got their propaganda going, Arafat started the Intifada, Hamas and Hezballess started attacks - yeah, I'm not feeling any sort of sympathy for those who keep starting fights and depend on the UN to bail them out when Israel kicks them in the (missing yarbles) repeatedly.
Bibi was never for the oslo deception nor much for sharons foolish retreat from gaza and we now know why
Yeah, that's kind of the point. It's OK to displace people, as long as you also wipe them out (or put them on "reservations"). But if you leave enough of them alive, you can expect that they will resent being driven out of their homes.
The point I am making is practical, not moral. This is going to go on until someone gets genocided. How else do you see it ending?
I'm not sure about first, but certain long before there even were Muslims.
But realistically, the Arabs don’t have a viable claim there. Their Prophet came out of Arabia with his armies and conquered it in the 700s AD, or so, 1700 or so years after the Jews, Philistines, Egyptians, etc were already there. And even then, they weren’t there in large numbers until the Israelis had made the desert bloom.
I resent the implication that my horseshit is self-serving. I don't have a dog in this fight.
Well. The Egyptians still have Egypt, and the Saudis still have most of the Arabian Peninsula. I expect that makes it a little easier to "live in peace".
The thing is, the Israelis followed accepted colonial practice. They killed as many Palestinians as they could, and drove the rest into small enclaves where they could be expected to wither and die. But they hadn't counted on the UNRWA. There has been no withering and dying.
Facing the likelihood of another, bigger O7 has a way of getting one focused on the real threat. Even much of Israel's nutty left has come to understand that, although they've been quick to forget in the past.
You're not wrong, but I think you may be overly optimistic. What do you expect "moderate leadership" to do for Israel? What part of "from the river to the sea" forms the basis for a political compromise? This is a cage match, except that a lot of Israelis have dual citizenship. They can get out of the cage, and some are starting to do so.
Netanyahu SHOULD have said, "If you TRY to strike us, we will strike you HARDER."
Mostly tribal warfare.
Jupiter: I resent the implication that my horseshit is self-serving
You don't have to take ownership of my assertion. Your post doesn't take a position on who was there first, you just pointed out that people do. And boy, do they!
What Jupiter conveniently forgets is that Israel's current borders are the result of Arabs starting wars and then losing. Interesting thing is that NO Arab country wants Palestinians. Kuwait and Saudi Arabia kicked them out in 1991. Egypt refused to take back Gaza. Jordan refused to take back the West Bank and Jordan is the actual Palestinian State. Some much for Arab Brotherhood. As noted above from "River to Sea" no Israel and no Jews allowed. All that these Palestinians want is that Israel give them jobs, money, healthcare and sit still when they decide to kill the Jews. Also interesting there are two-million Arab Israeli citizens who are NOT seeking to become Palestinian citizens. Apparently, they know better.
"except that a lot of Israelis have dual citizenship"
Something that needs to end in the US. And not just for Israelis.
Jerry @ 11:28
primarily because it was worthless
Small point but I'd say it was primarily because the Jews and the Zionist movement asked, it having been the home of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob.
Secondarily, they figured, it being largely worthless, there would be minimal and manageable objection.
My cynical self wonders if there were others who figured that if the Arabs objected strongly, they would invade and within days . . . "There 'ya go (dusting hands). Problem solved!"
I like keeping things simple. Do I support the side that doesn't really want me to join or the side where the moderate position is that they will let me live if I submit and pay a tax and has several hundred million fanatics arguing whether I should be given a chance to submit before they kill me.
Just a quibble on Bruce's comment about the prophet Mohammad--he never got anywhere near Jerusalem in life AFAWK, there is only a tradition that he ascended to Paradise from there.
Islamic scripture is a pig-dog's breakfast of ignorance and bigotry, formulated literally centuries after the events it describes, and should be enough to make reasonable people rethink the whole notion of freedom of religion (YMMV).
If you want a good example of the mostly peaceful "moderate position" religion just look at the history of the Sikh Khalsa and the multi-century persecution by the "moderate position" Mughals. Many of them weren't even given the opportunity to pay the jizya, just convert or die.
More than words:
The Palestinians (e.g. Jews, Arabs) are squatters on Ottoman Empire territory.
The Four Lads - Istanbul (not Constantinople)
And before that unincorporated land occupied by tribes and families.
How do you feel about a president (potentially) who is a dual citizen? Harris is a natural born citizen of the US and a natural born citizen of Jamaica.
Unless she has renounced one or the other without telling us.
And nobody has ever asked her about it that I know of.
John Henry
I wonder how Madisonians would feel if the Ho-Chunk started launching rockets into the near East Side or putting suicide bombers on Metro buses.
"The Ho-Chunk Nation of Wisconsin is considered a "non-reservation" tribe, as members historically had to acquire individual homesteads in order to regain title to ancestral territory; they hold land in more than 13 counties in Wisconsin and have land in Illinois. The federal government has granted legal reservation status to some of these parcels, but the Ho-Chunk nation does not have a contiguous reservation in the traditional sense. While related, the two tribes are distinct federally recognized sovereign nations and peoples, each with its own constitutionally formed government and completely separate governing and business interests. "
IIRC, not long after the nation's removal the Minnesota, members pooled their money and began to buy land in or near where they had lived. They didn't resign themselves to reservation life but worked hard (and smart) to recoup their land.
The problem is even more insidious in Africa. Case in point: South Africa, where Zulu fight Xhosa. In Sudan, where millions of Black Lives Don't Matter. Free Tibet! From left to right a land clear of the Green blight. #HateLovesAbortion
Given recent escalations in Ukraine-Russia and Israel-Gaza/Lebanon/Iran, don't be surprised if Harris has serious reservations about actually becoming president, because role will no longer be the relative cakewalk Biden has enjoyed.
Perhaps Biden can resign in mid-October, give Harris three months of playing president role, to then fade away into sunset of LA society life again. So far she has evidenced zero ability to maneuver tough situations, much less a world war. God save us from Kamalalala.
Zionism... Ho-Chunkism... the audacity of community organizers.
Jordan is in contempt of the UN. The Palestinians ex Jews should return home to resume the Jordanian Spring. All's fair in lust and abortion.
I think it's anathema. Dual citizenship in itself should be anathema to any citizen, and to any nation. Citizenship in the ancient Western sense of the word is a contract between governance and governed...well at least it used to be. It contains both obligations (such as military service) and benefits (such as legal standing and fairness within national jurisdiction) and those obligations and benefits are and should be none-transferable to people not covered under the contract. Furthermore, it is unjust that a person have divided loyalties that allow them to A) reap benefits of both and B) avoid obligation to either when circumstances disadvantage them. The founders of this country would completely agree with my position. Dual-citizenship isn't just a contradiction, it is absolutely un-American in my opinion. Matthew 6:24 backs me up:
“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."
"a swamp of antisemitic bile”
Bibi is absolutely right. Why are we still even in this utterly corrupt institution? According to UN resolution 1701, the UN was supposed to be policing the Lebanese-Israel border and keeping Hezbollah out. It has never even come close to trying to do this. I say move the entire UN to some empty spot in Kansas and let them all stay in Motel 8s.
come November et seq. D's may be able to answer Clint Eastwood empty chair question/stunt with their own empty chair in Oval Office + official portrait?
Here's a blast from the past which has relevance today,
why inflict them on KS or vice versa
why not beached/stranded floating platforms in ME
nice of them to fact check self.
Perhaps I should restate that. The question of "first" is problematic and irrelevant. The Israeli position is, basically, that what matters is who is there last. And the Palestinians are in whole-hearted agreement with that position. They just don't agree that this is a settled question.
how to interpret color of smoke? new ''popes/tollahs'' or not?
Move it to ryleh in the middle of the indian notion
The majority of the Arab inhabitants of Israel who were displaced by Jews from Europe were Christians, not Muslims.
You persist in regarding this as a moral problem. This allows you to say that the Arabs are the problem. That would seem to point toward the nature of the solution. Care to spell it out?
It would certainly be surprising if the Palestinians were not trying to get their hands on some nukes. I suspect they would be happy to accept a slightly radioactive Palestine in place of Israel. Of course, the Israelis already have the nukes, but nukes won't solve their problem. The Persians probably have nukes too, but they are not so eager as the Palestinians to use them on Israel. But yeah, it is likely just a matter of time. Genies are released when people have wishes.
It would be well for the Imans to consider the possibility that they are not the craziest motherfuckers in that neighborhood. I think the Israeli response has been appropriately disproportionate to some aggressions. The aggressor should not be able to set the parameters of the conflict......If the Palestinians should ever prevail, should the Germans take heart and reclaim their lost city of Konigsborg? Can the Greeks reclaim Anatolia? Can the Irish at long last kick the English out of Northern Ireland? Can we give Texas back to the Commanches (or do we give it back to the Mexicans)?.....On the plus side, everybody in Alsace Lorraine seems to be happy with the way things are.
Narayanan said…
“Why inflict [the UN] on KS or vice versa? why not beached/stranded floating platforms in ME?
Hey! The Army under direction from the Biden Administration has some recent experience setting up a floating pier in the area. Maybe they can help.
Israel is mentioned (negatively) over 40 times in Muslim holy books. Palestine, never. This is Islamic jihad against Jews. Territory it the excuse.
Israel is mentioned (negatively) over 40 times in Muslim holy books. Palestine, never. This is Islamic jihad against Jews. Territory it the excuse.
I have heard the "pull the US out of the UN and/or stop funding them" as much as I have heard "we need to have a balanced budget". Politicians are so FOS that they almost could be journalists
Actually, the Zionists considered all kinds of locations for the Jewish homeland, including Africa and South America. The chief attraction of what is now Israel was that it did not belong to the people who lived there, and
therefore might be obtained by asking. First they asked the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, but he was unwilling. However, the British Empire succeeded the Sultan, and they were willing to dicker.
Extra credit; What did the Zionists trade to the British Empire in return for the Balfour Declaration?
Well, yeah, actually. What's your theory?
Funny, I've got this Bible here next to me, describing the comings and goings of Hebrews/Jews in Canaan, Galilee, Judea, Judah, Jerusalem, ISRAEL and elsewhere almost 3000 years ago, where the modern Israel is now located. Nothing in it about Arabs, who didn't even exist as a group back then, and didn't arrive in significant numbers until the 6th Century CE, well after the Jews were driven out, by Babylonians, Romans, Byzantines and Turks. As for Mesopotamians having some kind of claim to lands hundreds of miles away from the Tigris and Euphrates where they lived....huh?
It's Koranic jihad, holy war. It's not about land or justice. As long as antisemitic nations support the Islamists Israel will have to fight them forever or nuke them.
effinayright is completely correct, so I won't repeat what was written there. The Arabs arrived millenia after the Jews and the Jews, through multiple organizations, literally purchased the lands the Jews lived on in the late 1800's (the bills of sale are still viewable!) from the Ottoman turks, absentee landlords living in Lebanon, Egypt and Syria primarily, and the Arabs only migrated into what was basically a barren landscape because the Jews, and later the British under the British mandate, began building and building and building.
The Jews founded Tel Aviv in the first decade of the 1900's and built out from there.
There was no such thing as the Nabka. The only "Nabka" was the forced exile of Jews from muslim lands in response to the Partition. Just check the numbers on the before/after numbers of Jews in Arab nations and compare to the number of Arabs in Israel. Tells you all you need to know.
"They killed as many Palestinians as they could, and drove the rest into small enclaves where they could be expected to wither and die. "
Complete and utter BS.
Israeli Jews won't sell land to Arabs. Look it up.
"Jupiter: Actually, the Zionists considered all kinds of locations for the Jewish homeland, including Africa and South America. The chief attraction of what is now Israel was that it did not belong to the people who lived there, and therefore might be obtained by asking."
Complete and utter BS. Again. Amazing the nonsense being spouted.
There was never any intent by the primary Jewish agencies to go anywhere except to the Jewish historical homeland. Period.
OK, but why do you feel compelled to take a side?
The Hamas charter explicitly calls for the killing of all Jews, anywhere in the world. Hamas has already spelled it out for you. I suggest you address that.
And BTW, you may be on their side, but that doesn't mean that they are on your side.
A 3rd combat-use of a nuclear weapon is, as they say, The Sum of All Fears. Not because of the immediate destruction it would cause which would be grotesque in itself, but rather the response that would be required of the great power nations, and a response would be unavoidable. No one knows what that would really look like.
The sole purpose for detonating such a weapon in that region by any side (or a false flag for that matter) would be to necessitate world involvement. For better or worse, they would be successful.
For the better, maybe it means sitting down and cutting a deal that lasts for all time instead of the band-aids of the last 90 years. For the worst, maybe it means turning the whole sand box into radioactive trinitite and being done with its bullshit forevermore.
Lazarus. You live next door to someone that rapes your family to death, targets your women and children and see how long you will play by marques of queensbury rules. Limousine liberal.
The Biden/Harris losers found out that lying about Bibi does not turn out well.
More than a few of the Arabs were descendants of Jews and other peoples of the region. It wasn't as though all the Jews were moved out and Arabs swooped in. Some Arabs did move in from other areas, but people who already lived there were converted and began speaking Arabic.
If "Nabka" isn't in the dictionary, it may be that it's not spelled right.
He doesn't pay "The Big Guy" enough. Or any.
Well, OK, Drago, I guess that settles it. The Arabs sold it fair and square, and the Jews own it now. So, there's no problem, right? All fixed!
Me too. and then take out the trash in Lebanon.
Wrap that stick in barbed wire and hand it to Bibi to use.
But were the Zionist militants in the 1940s playing by Marquess of Queensbury rules? Is Mossad playing by those rules? It's a complicated history. Look at the whole thing and nobody has clean hands. Support Israel, sure, but don't just repeat the most simplistic and deceptive propaganda.
He was besieged by the left at the time. Anybody notice who else was ?
Jupiter seems to ignore the lesson of the Sudeten Germans. Start a war and lose and vanish from history.
Jupiter is exposing his/her sentiments nicely. Did you spend any time on the campus of Columbia U ?
Jupiter takes a side but is annoyed anyone would take the side of the "Zionists. Hmmm.
America was not on Israel's side. The Arabs took affirmative action against Jews, welcoming, entertaining, celebrating subsequent suspicion of subversion from within. Jordan discovered the risk of appeasement the hard way. Unfortunately, Diversity is a hard habit to break and a progressive condition.
The latest support for Hamas in violence only serves as a historic reminder to residents of the now incorporated territories.
Nicely done, if true. Now do Iran.
Jupiter, the Eqyptians, Syrians, Lebanese and Ottoman Turks that sold their land to the Jewish Agencies that generally paid more than the going rate for those lands in the late 1800's and into the 1900's do not consider themselves anything like the Arabs (not "palestinians") that were present in what is modern day Israel.
They in fact do consider that comparison an absolute insult and if you were dumb enough to try it to their faces, which Jupiter just might be, they would probably head butt you and break your nose (their "go to" move) on the spot.
So, stop muddying the waters with your talk about "Arabs" in general. You'd be better off differentiating just who the players were, and when, and what each of the subgroups did and didn't do.
But since its clear you point on this thread is to try in almost a child like idiot way to undermine the historical claim Jews have to ancient Judea (did you catch that one Jupiter?) and Samaria and the lands they purchased outright long before the partition, I suspect you will continue in your Crack Emcee manner.
""Not a Boomer" sounds just like that crazy woman who hates Althouse. Empty profile, too."
I know who I am, and what handle I am signed in under...
Why get personal, Dr. K? If you are a Believer, you should be able to defend your foreign policy to anyone, man woman or child...
So, do you honestly think Netanyahu's strategy of upping the death count of unarmed civilians while ignoring (or simply letting them rot) the innocent hostage lives is a wise move? Is this what victory looks like to you? Hm.
You old men sure do like killing, even when it harms your cause. Again, I suspect it will take the loss of your own innocents for you to see what a stupid strategy this is in the long-run, but likely you won't. You will be dead by the time the consequences of support this evil are visited upon us here at home. Rest in Peace, Dr. K.
Only about 2% of Israelis have dual citizenship. Is that a lot? The majority of Israelis are native born.
"I have long believed and still believe that another nuclear weapon/s will be detonated as a hostile act somewhere on Earth before 2100." If so, it will be detonated either by the US or by Israel, or both, acting jointly.
Sic semper tyrannis! Love the pumpkin spice JDAM strikes on Lebanon that may have sent Hassan Nasrallah to his 72 raisins.
Jerry said...
The UN GAVE Israel that land, primarily because it was worthless and there weren't many people there being a crappy piece of desert with no real resources.
Actually there were Jewish funding drives around the world to raise money to purchase strips of swampland. Every reference to Palestine before and around 1948 is specifically referenced to the Jews living there; for example the Palestine Orchestra was the Jewish orchestra. Palestine was simply the Jewish homeland as it was referred to before 1948 when the State of Israel officially formed. It was not given by the UN. The UN recognized it as a state. The sliver of land was purchased by Jews for the new secular state of Israel.
We need an update of Noel Coward's song Don't Let's Be Beastly to the Germans.
Jupiter said...
Yeah, that's kind of the point. It's OK to displace people, as long as you also wipe them out (or put them on "reservations"). But if you leave enough of them alive, you can expect that they will resent being driven out of their homes.
Actually they were not driven out of their homes. All the surrounding Arab armies tried to commit genocide and kill all the Jews. The Arabs themselves had been trying to murder Jews there from time immemorial. Refer to the Hebron massacres of the 1920's well before there was a Jewish state. In the three major wars - 1948, 1967, and 1973, the Arabs were encouraged to flee to allow the Arab armies to kills Jews freely and wantonly. The problem from their perspective is they did not murder all the Jewish men, women, and children, but rather the aggressors lost and so lost land as well.
Nathan’s and some Hebrew National… 🙂
Sure Kook. Sure.
Jupiter said...
Actually, the Zionists considered all kinds of locations for the Jewish homeland, including Africa and South America. The chief attraction of what is now Israel was that it did not belong to the people who lived there, and
therefore might be obtained by asking. First they asked the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, but he was unwilling. However, the British Empire succeeded the Sultan, and they were willing to dicker.
Extra credit; What did the Zionists trade to the British Empire in return for the Balfour Declaration?
9/27/24, 1:29 PM
To be honest, the Tanach - Torah, Prophets, and Writings are filled with the land of Israel being central to Judaism and specifically Jerusalem. The land of Israel is of foundational importance to Judaism. It is absolutely central. Judaism without the land of Israel is Catholicism without the Pope. Literally unimaginable. Did Jews consider the idea of building a Jewish land outside of Israel? Yes. Did any serious Jew consider any outside of Israel to be the new Jewish homeland? No Jew that practices Judaism. The Reform movement largely jettisoned everything important in Judaism from it and called it "Reform Judaism." "Reform Judaism" is more a secular humanism with bagels rather than any relation to Judaism.
I think Israel would get much more sympathy if it stopped the legal and illegal settlement activity and stayed within its borders. This would make it much easier to make the case that they are defending themselves. You could even make the case that some military occupation is needed for defense but there is no excuse for the settlements and the protection the settlers are getting from the military.
As long as this goes on, I feel both sides have goals that lead to eternal conflict.
Jupiter said...
And BTW, you may be on their side, but that doesn't mean that they are on your side.
9/27/24, 1:51 PM
You're quoting Al Jazeera? I assumed you were only antisemitic but on the side of America. What you quoted is typically what Nazis and Klansman quote to slander Jews.
Yes, anybody and everybody who might object to anything that Israel does is antisemitic. This even includes Israeli citizens who oppose Netanyahu. It's true because it's constantly repeated, and repetition is the most persuasive of the arguments.
You guys are going to love it when Israel succeeds in dragging us into a war with Iran. Look at how the Houthis have been giving our navy fits, just wait until the Persian Gulf has been shut off.
tim in vermont
You guys are going to love it when Israel succeeds in dragging us into a war with Iran.
Ya mean, they can blow up pagers, cell phones here in America too? Well gee golly... somebody ought to pass a law against that kind of indiscriminate killing. We're a better people than that, or we once were... back when we knew what a Man was and better understood the circle of life.
Now, these old geezers think that slaughtering the young will bring them eternal life. It's a Death Cult, I tells ya!
tim in vermont
You guys are going to love it when Israel succeeds in dragging us into a war with Iran.
Ya mean, they can blow up pagers, cell phones here in America too? Well gee golly... somebody ought to pass a law against that kind of indiscriminate killing. We're a better people than that, or we once were... back when we knew what a Man was and better understood the circle of life.
Now, these old geezers think that slaughtering the young will bring them eternal life. It's a Death Cult, I tells ya!
If a nuke goes off, It will be by Iran, Cook's buddies. They always are yelling how they need to exterminate Israel, and they don't care how many Palestinians they kill. The only thing that would stop them is they might save it for us instead.
The harris/biden/obama/deep state crew loves the mad mullah islamic supremacist leaders of Iran, as evidenced by the actual actions taken by the New Soviet Democratical adminstrations. Any public statements to the contrary do not for a minute plaster over the support the New Soviet Democraticals have given the mad mullahs, much to the dismay of the Persian people who themselves oppose the mad mullahs but lack the necessary force to overthrow them.
There will be no war between the US and Iran. The Forever War neo-cons want the Forever War to be in Ukraine for their continued money laundering and attempted color revolution against Putin in russia....which will never work since the russki people despise the American leadership and even if they wanted to get rid of Putin would hold off if they know its what the US wants.
And the Mad Mullahs aren't going to close off the Straits of Hormuz since the dance between the US leaders and the Mad Mullahs is all for show.
So how many times will Netanyahu have to strike against Iran before the dastardly Iranians strike first? Obviously a missile attack on an Iranian embassy wasn't enough, nor was the assassination of a guest of its government in Tehran?
So I ask you again, what is it going to take to get Iran to strike first?
Tyranny sounds like an authoritarian cross-dresser.
Iran has been providing the major funding for Hezbollah and Hamas military operations for decades resulting in continous, years long missile barrages against Israel.
This idea that Iran has not yet attacked Israel makes about zero sense. Proxy activity is direct activity.
Cook shows how much communists hate Jews.
Jupiter, it has little to do with "who was there first." Jews were there continuously. Jews were also oppressed minorities (along with Christians) in Iraq, Iran, Syria, etc. Those Jews, expelled by their countries when Israel was founded, were the parents and grandparents of about half the current Jewish population of Israel. And Arabs who did NOT leave when Egypt, Syria, Jordan, etc. made war on the new state currently make up about 20% of the population, and are equal citizens.
I think Jerry is right that there were some who looked forward to "problem solved" through invasion by Egypt and Arab countries.
Jupiter, the "chief attraction" of the land was that Jews were already living there and had always wanted to return there. Britain did not maintain the Balfour Declaration during WWII. What Britain and lots of other countries were "traded" by the founding of Israel was the ability not to have a lot of distressed Jewish survivors remaining in Europe.
Israel had no problem with the shah in iran its when he fell
that hezbollah was formed the plo was a soviet trained and
Organized outfit
the us had no problem with their nuclear program until the ayatollah
Good for Netanyahu and Israel. I read an article today about how Iran's new president Masoud Pezeshkian is presenting himself and Iran and wanting peace, not war, shucks and darn why is Israel trying to start a war with us. Iran has stepped up its game.
Iraq had supported carlos of the opec siege abu nidal of airport massacres and other charming gentlemen
Iran has been at war since dmbassy siege beirut buenos aires et sl
Wow! I now suspect Bibi is Scots Irish. He confronts the enemy and stands and fights until he wins.
Bedouin i.e. nomad. Islam... 7th century A.D. - A.D. get it?
What part of 'Death to Israel' are we expected to ignore?
2% is not zero. It should be zero.
The war isn't against Arabs, Jupiter. The war is aginst Iranian proxies who happen to be Arabs. The goal is to eliminate the threat.
You know why Romania is called Romania? Because when the Romans invaded they killed everyone and filled it with Romans.
That is not what the Israelis are doing.
And just to add. If the administratin hadn't seen fit to dole out billions to Iran all this would be moot. We finaced this turmoil.
So the terrorist fan is the stalker i did not see that coming
could US ally with from Iran could be staging ground for dismemberment of Russia
Bibi should have pulled out cell phone and hit send from UN podium in proper Austin Powers style
Russia seems to have forgotten their long time rivalry with persia
looks very much like Hindu in India effort to reclaim Mughal colonized areas?!
How many missiles counts as a "try?"
Rusty states the issue succinctly.
True and the anti-Semites seem to be growing in number as the Left adopts them.
The Jews were there long before there was an "Ottoman Empire." Even Christians preceded the Ottomans by centuries.
Actually, Obama and his minions have funded Iran and I have no idea why.
closing the tag
could US ally with from Iran could be staging ground for dismemberment of Russia
There's two ways to look at this:
1: Who was there first?
Well, that's the Jews. There is not still existent culture that was there before the Jews. So if we're going with "settlers and colonizers bad, original inhabitants good", then all of Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank is the sole property of the Jews, and teh Palestinians need to FOAD
2: Who is there now?
That's still the Jews
As for the "Nebula", or whatever: shit's to give: 0
The Arabs invaded Israel in 1948 with the stated goal of a genocidal war to wipe out Israel. Happily, they lost.
Doing that erases any "and acts" by the other side. You tried for your solution. you failed. you lose
“Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.
In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.”
The fossil evidence is that Neanderthals were there first. Does it matter?
Excellent comments!
That is the legend. Before the 1948 war, some Palestinians were told by Arab forces to leave areas where fighting was to be expected. Many more left because they wanted to get out of a war zone, or out of fear of approaching Israeli forces, or because they were told to or ordered to leave by Israeli forces. The idea that most of the refugees fled because Arab leaders "to allow the Arab armies to kill Jews freely and wantonly" is a fabrication and has been rejected by most serious historians. Looking at the mess the 1948 war created, does anybody seriously thing Arab armies were encouraging further flight in 1967 or 1973?
Well for starters, Netanyahu is a Jew. He’s disliked by Big Zer0’s clown posse right out of the gate.
I'd say, let them sort it out; I've got no dog in this fight to quote earlier comments. Except that people keep giving both sides weapons, and since that is happening, I want the civilized side to win. AND it is not uncivilized to defeat your enemies to the extent that they will no longer be a threat to you and yours. It was only on that basis that civilization had a chance to flourish.
They strike all the time! They fund Hamas and Hezbollah and all sorts of terrorism, because 1) they don't have a navy to sail to attack Israel directly and 2) Iraq and Saudi Arabia are in between them and Israel and neither country likes Iran much. So they don't generally want missiles or planes flying overhead.
Hilarious, there would’ve been blown O-rings suffered by the appropriate recipients.
Don’t don’t don’t let’s start.
It is a different spelling, but the thought is what counts. Not Barry Soetoro.
Buraq is a creature that carried Muhammad on his Night Journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and the heavens.
Let's just say it is a human rights issue, shall we.
“Actually, Obama and his minions have funded Iran and I have no idea why.”
Stray Revoltage
Michael K said: The Jews were there long before there was an "Ottoman Empire." Even Christians preceded the Ottomans by centuries.
History began yesterday or any day that is convenient for the Marxists.
Obama believed that the Jews and the Brits were evil colonialists. He apparently has close to zero grasp of history, as is the case with most leftists.
What are its borders? The west bank of the Jordan was conquered by Israel in after Jordan attacked, and Jordan does not want it back. This area includes some of the most salient Jewish and Christian historical sites. Also, from the hills of this area you can easily aim at Tel Aviv (distance is 9 to 20 miles). So is Israel to give complete control to the Palestinian Authority? Instead, it has set up a system under which Palestinian settlements and villages rule themselves, and Israelis are allowed to settle in UNOWNED land there. And yes, they are protected by the military. How is this unfair or illegal?
I don't think there were ever Neanderthals in the Holy Land, but I suppose it's possible. The point is, there aren't any now, so it will not be necessary for Israel to kill them all in order to remain in undisturbed possession of the land. That argument does not apply to the Palestinians. So argue on about historical possession as long as you like. The Palestinians are not going away. Unless, of course, someone makes them go away. Is that the plan?
Bless you, Duke Dan
Speaking for all Neanderthals, whether our forebears were in the area or not, we don't want it back.
Please tell us what their "borders" are. Do they include East Jerusalem, where the site of the temple is, and where Jews lived for 3,000 years except for 1948-67? Or do you agree with the UN that East Jerusalem should be Judenrein? As for the West Bank, Israel was attacked by five countries in '67 and took that territory. Jews shouldn't be allowed to live there? Why not?
"Hamas has already spelled it out for you. I suggest you address that."
You are correct, the Hamas plan is to kill all the Jews, or drive them out of the region. The thing is, that plan would work, if they could carry it out. Similarly, if the Israelis could do that to the Palestinians, that also would resolve the matter. But the Israelis do not appear to have such a plan, at least not most of them, and the Palestinians are unable to put theirs into operation. So the hostilities will continue until the stalemate is broken.
It wouldn't surprise me, Sagoldie. They just didn't figure on the Jews not cooperating in their extinction.
I spent a few years in NYC, back in the 80's, but I don't think I ever made it to Columbia. And it is well-known that various Zionists looked at Madagascar and British Guiana as potential "Jewish Homelands". But you guys have me wrong. I'm not saying one side is right and one is wrong. I am saying that "The Jews have a right to Israel, and the Palestinians should just get over it" is not a serious position, it is a determined effort to avoid confronting reality. It may look like the Jews hold all the cards, but the Jews have to keep playing aces forever. The Palestinians only need to win one hand.
Narr said...
“Speaking for all Neanderthals, whether our forebears were in the area or not, we don't want it back.”
The AfDoHHoTL - Association for Descendants of Homo Heidelbergensis of The Levant - would like to have a word about who was there first.
And it’s THE Levant, just like THE Ohio State.
Sheesh! LLR-democratical Rich has, amazingly, decided to display his considerable ignorance in a brand topic area!
Gee, who could have seen that coming...besides everyone that is!
"Jupiter seems to ignore the lesson of the Sudeten Germans. Start a war and lose and vanish from history."
I think you maybe mean the Prussians, who were driven out of most of their historical homeland at the end of WWII. It is a tragic history, and one that would probably be much better known, at least in the US, if the refugees had settled in Hollywood and started the film industry.
Murder, rape-rape, probably rape, and torture-torture in the pursuit of social justice are no ethical vice. Indiscriminate bombing of Israeli women and children over decades is a cause to build upon.
Meanwhile, a black genocide in another Spring in Sudan is in progress.
Thanks to the UN, NGOs, Hamasidols, and Obama funding the Iranians, Netanyahu Unchained. Lose your Pro-Choice religion.
Compelled to take a side? Because the line about the several hundred million fanatics intent on killing me is understated, not exaggerated.
Sudetin Germans were in Czechoslovakia. Pomeranians were in Pommern (i.e., now part of Poland). Prussia was a governmental structure that covered much of the northern German-speaking territory that became Germany in 1871 or thereabouts. Yes, the Pomeranians were driven out of their homeland at the end of WWII.
Why does the UN recognize the right to hold territory gained in battle for every other nation except Israel? That those baffles were instigated by the side that lost the West Bank, the Golan Heights, the rest of Jerusalem, is merely ironic.
I guess my point is too subtle, though perhaps Narr picked up on it. It doesn’t matter who was there first. This accepts the specious “oppressor-oppressed” rhetoric of today’s campus antisemites. Since defeating the Arab armies arrayed against them in 1948 Israel is a genuine nation and has the right — and obligation — to defend the lives of its citizens, with lethal force if need be.
@Jupiter, there are multiple sites in present day Israel (which as others have noted, is historical Israel and Judea as well) where Neanderthal remains have been discovered. Kebera and Amud are probably the most significant
So that is why Harris repeats herself so much, she is making a persuasive argument!
Great news if they got Nasrallah -- potentially a clean sweep of Hezbollah's entire senior leadership in like a week. The sequence, too -- blow up their pagers, let people laugh at videos of Hezbollah operatives with their trousers exploding in public, blow up their radios, drop missiles on their senior leadership, and then drop more missiles on the leftovers -- just makes Hezbollah look pathetic. Like a bunch of absolute dimwits.
Their sheer haplessness might build some sympathy for them. I think a part of the Israel-Palestine dynamic as it plays out in the West is that a lot of people sympathetic to the Palestinians think of Palestinians more or less like they have an intellectual disability or something, so that Israel retaliating against attacks by Hamas or other terrorist groups is like an adult spanking a developmentally delayed child for a violent outburst he can't be held morally responsible for. But whatever. Good for Israel nevertheless.
"OK, but why do you feel compelled to take a side?" As I stated before. Prior to 2020 there was no problem. 81 million Americans decided they had enough peace and prosperity and decided to finance the instgator of this current mess.
I am for the side that is going to restore peace and prosperity with the least amount of damage to the people who are not bent on war.
Then explain Isreali Arabs.
"If a nuke goes off, It will be by Iran, Cook's buddies. They always are yelling how they need to exterminate Israel, and they don't care how many Palestinians they kill. The only thing that would stop them is they might save it for us instead."
Uh, do so, Iran would have to develop a functioning nuke program and build and build a stockpile of nukes of their own. In the real world, this hasn't happened.
"Palestinians should just get over it" is not a serious position, it is a determined effort to avoid confronting reality. It may look like the Jews hold all the cards, but the Jews have to keep playing aces forever. The Palestinians only need to win one hand."
The "Palestinians" are history's losers. The Sudeten Germans did not have UNRWA to keep them childish for 100 years. The UN, a new organization since 1945, has become the equivalent of NGOs aiding the invasion of the US by the Third World. We could solve 90% of the problem by leaving the UN.
That must be why the Zimbabweans keep hoping the white man returns.
Jupiter, where do those 2 million Israeli Arabs live ?
"The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity." They had a great opportunity in 2000 and rejected it. Clinton was determined to muscle a weak Israel into a bad deal. He saw a Nobel Peace Prize go a glimmering. Dennis Ross described it in a column at the time.
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