September 5, 2024

Howard Stern pays tribute to Richard Simmons.


RCOCEAN II said...

Good God. I'd pay NOT to listen to those two. I had nothing against Simmons, he filled a niche - exercise guru for fat chicks - and seemed like an OK guy. Stern is ugly inside, and so ugly outside he'd scare away a Proboscis Monkey

tommyesq said...

Who still remembers Howard Stern?

Danno said...

I have SiriusXM in one of my vehicles that I do long distance drives in. I make sure Howard Stern is NOT part of my subscription. I'd rather listen to anything rather than him, including farm reports, small town gossip and any drivel that is on the airwaves.

Achilles said...

Howard Stern is a sold out husk with no soul and no usefulness to society.

There is no reason to acknowledge his existence beyond using as an example of how pathetic a person you become when you have no principles or integrity.

Danno said...

Last I heard, he was still sheltering from Covid-19.

Anthony said...

Hardly ever heard Stern and didn't miss it.

Simmons had his appeal. I think he really wanted people to be healthier. I was more of a Jack LaLanne guy, if only because one Summer when I was a scrawny, out-of-shape teenager I found one of his home workout books my Mom had, started working out with it, and didn't look back lo these 40-some years later.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Richard Simmons & Tammy Faye was a match made in queer heaven.

Mikey NTH said...

I rember as a kid seeing reruns of the Jack LaLanne show.