From "Chaos in Aurora/How the federal government subsidized the migrant madness in suburban Colorado," by Christina Buttons and Christopher F. Rufo (City Journal).
"The story begins in 2021, when the Biden administration signed the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) into law, allocating $3.8 billion in federal funds to Colorado. The City of Denver, which had declared itself a 'welcoming city' to migrants, drew on this reservoir of money to launch its Emergency Migrant Response resettlement program, with the goal of housing and providing services to a massive flow of migrants. Denver, in turn, signed multimillion-dollar contracts with two local NGOs, ViVe Wellness and Papagayo, to provide housing and services to more than 8,000 predominantly Venezuelan migrants. These NGOs are run, respectively, by Yoli Casas and Marielena Suarez, who, according to professional biographies, do not appear to have previous experience in large-scale migrant resettlement. Nevertheless, the city flooded them with cash...."
९१ टिप्पण्या:
Whatever happens in the European Union, doesn't stay in the European Union.
>>some of the nonprofits involved appear to be profiting handsomely from the situation
I think I see the problem....
The cozy relationship between (progressive) NGOs and the Uniparty is the most un-democratic feature of our modern governance. The structure is the root cause facilitator of our failed borders. They have side-stepped oversight, or even the possibility of oversight. An exposé of this from top to bottom, of the flow of money, the purchase of influence, the source of the funds, and the extent that it happens across national boundaries, would profoundly shock Americans if it were to be brought to light. Iran-Contra pales to insignificance, next to it.
So the question is: How can it be, that something this nefarious, has not been brought to light?
This has been known and documented for decades. I wish I could remember who has been documenting this for many years. Does anyone else remember?
As always... follow the money.
I can understand why Inga, Rich, and gadfly are just fine with this, but why in the hell is everyone else OK with our tax money being used to fund this invasion? It's like if the city of Troy paid for the building of the Trojan Horse, as well as the redistribution, care, and feeding of the enemy soldiers inside it who would then loot, rape, murder, and burn Troy to the ground.
Epic stupidity.
Just don't forget this was all a product of the Biden-Harris administration's American Rescue Plan Act.
The collective left HATE - and LIE - about the Mayor of Aurora.
Local News-jerk Komrad Kyle Klark - is a Venezuelan Gang Denier.
Chris Rufo now needs to go to Springfield, OH.
The democrat party does not care about US citizens. They care about power.
Aiding and abetting illegal aliens is a federal criminal offense. American Civil Liberties Unburdened
This has nothing to do with the "uniparty." It's the Biden administration's open borders and subsidizing sanctuary cities so as to build a new voter base. Biden and his border czar (Kamala) created this mess on day one of his administration when he cancelled the executive orders Trump had put in place and let the chaos begin. They have been dodging this issue for over three years and Kamala will do it for another 4 if given the opportunity.
The left HATE the mayor. HATE. HATE. HATE.
Isn't is funny these gangs don't end up in Madison, WI or Martha's Vineyard where they are most welcome??? They end up getting dumped on lower middle class towns or in the hood.
How? Profit motive + virtue opportunity with the goal of boosting social status, the commodity that carries the greatest value in their world. Doing well by doing good. Feels so so good.
The people responsible know they will never have to come into actual contact with the gangs they are importing. Until they do. When that is a daily reality, they will begin to listen. This will take years to resolve, even after contact is made.
Why so long? Because the denial mechanism just simply runs that deep, when leveraged against the cheap high of the virtuous turbo boost of compassion and magnanimity.
Fyi. You can do your own research at "usaspending[dot]gov" and/or you can follow "RandoLand[dot]us" on X....
End ALL tax exemptions for Non-Profits - religious, medical, scientific, legal and all NGOs! If individuals and businesses have to pay; everyone should pay.
While we're at it, maybe cut the tax code down to a few dozen pages that everyone can understand and give us an IRS taxation form that can be completed without "expert" help in less than an hour.
The migrant-industrial complex at work. Progs want the invasion, gain power from the great replacement, and benefit financially in the process at the expense of deplorables--what's not to like? GOP in Congress has allowed it to happen.
"...the Biden administration, in partnership with Denver authorities and publicly subsidized NGOs, provided the funding and logistics..." "...worse, some of the nonprofits involved appear to be profiting handsomely from the situation."
The Biden-Harris Administration and the NGOs are simply following the Planned Parenthood model. Also, like Planned Parenthood, I wouldn't be surprised if some of that money was flowing back to the politicians who facilitate their efforts.
A few weeks ago I had lunch with a friend in Wilmette, IL. Wilmette is a Chicagoland north shore wealthy liberal community. Kids there feed into New Trier HS which is basically a breeding farm for the Ivy League. You see the same bullshit signs like the virtue signalers in Martha’s Vineyard put in their yards.
My friend and I were walking around the downtown area by the RR Trax where Metra runs in and out of Chicago. She tells me, busloads of migrants from Texas are dropped off at the Wilmette train station, but then have to get on the train to complete their journey to Chicago proper, so they can displace and already overcrowded hood. Liberal white women love to pretend they give a shit.
They are not welcome to stay in white, wealthy, liberal, Wilmette, even though the signs say so. Wilmette makes sure they get on that train.
Not only do the the US citizens who live in the area suffer - the corrupt leftist money chain is flush in our tax dollars.
When the corrupt left demand tax hikes "on the wealthy" - which is another lie - remember this is the kind of hot garbage they need OUR money for.
Rich white left will be protected from the chaos.
Clearly it was in fact the "Democrat Party Rescue Plan Act".
To name names, Catholic Charities and the US Council of (Catholic) Bishops are two of the NGOs taking the money to relocate illegal immigrants, raking in an astonishing sum to pick and dump illegal immigrants into the domestic interior. And to forestall accusations of anti-Catholic prejudice, please note that I am Irish-Catholic myself.
Now do a story on how the Feds pay NGOs, who then go South of the border to assist illegals, and the cartels, including the coaching sessions to tune up their asylum application with precisely the right words
“How did members of Venezuelan gangs suddenly find themselves in suburban Colorado?”
Were they listening to the Talking Heads when they wrote that line?
And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack
And you may find yourself in another part of the world
And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile
And you may ask yourself, "Well, how did I get here?"
So Covid was more than just pretext to fund green energy initiatives.
Using NGOs this way constitutes the privatization of bureaucracy. Leftists didn't want prisons to be privatized because they thought it would impede transparency and the private actor would be able to get away with stuff that public prison administrators couldn't. It's the same thing here: Give NGOs boatloads of money and basically shield the whole project of importing millions of illegals from public view.
I tell you, the scandal here is not "merely" the wholesale trafficking of unvetted aliens into the U.S. It's that it's all being done without any effort to tell the American people what they were planning to do and obtain our
(or our representatives') consent. NOBODY FUCKING VOTED FOR THIS. We only learn about various aspects of this illegal program, such as the overnight flights, well after the fact.
If there's a role for government secrecy, it's limited to important national security exigencies. But nobody can argue that there was any national security reason for this administration to undertake a secret program to import millions of foreign nationals into the country in violation of our immigration laws.
I dare any Biden-Harris supporters here to try to defend this atrocious crime against the American people, which standing alone makes B-H the worst presidential administration in history.
These people are not stupid.
It’s a business opportunity to them.
They have no compulsion to abide by any rules since they formed their values in a place where rule breaking was the norm.
There is zero chance to rein this in, let alone reverse the trend.
Even if law enforcement is minimally successful it will only result in filling jails with people who shouldn’t be here in the first place. And “concentrating” them in correctional facilities will ultimately make matters even worse since they will forever be burdens on society. Whether in prison, or after they’re released.
Who is Yoli Casas and what qualifies here to run a housing program?
ViVe Wellness was founded in 2015 by Yoli Casas, award winning coach, athlete and exercise physiologist. She has over 40 years of experience in coaching and working with children and adults in athletics, physical activity, and wellness education. ViVe addresses the health equity and wellness needs of many of Denver's low-income Latino youth, who face significant health disparities and often lack access to engaging physical activity. ViVe promotes public health, mental health, leadership, and social and economic well-being. Our vision: "In mundo donde todos pueden jugar" - A world where everyone can play.
Since 2015, ViVe has served more than 2,000 children ages 4-18 and their families through in-school and out-of-school physical activity programs that use a two-generational approach to address health needs of adults and their children. Over the last four years, ViVe has evolved significantly - doubling the number of youth served each year and continuing to tailor programming to the needs of the underserved and immigrant communities. ViVe has expanded from only offering swim lessons and community exercise classes to also offering more kids sports specific training, mentoring, workforce development and leadership development opportunities. ViVe has also evolved significantly since working closely with the city and county of Denver helping migrants secure housing, education, and employment.
With just a few minor changes, "Maude and the Radical" becomes a reality.
Maude: Tell me, how many of you have read his brand-new book,
uh, Give Us Colorado?
Arthur: I read it, Maudie.
Maude: You don't count, Arthur.
Arthur: Oh, you say I don't count. That's because you don't want everyone to know that Jim Chambers has gone mad. In his book, Give Us Colorado, he wants the United States to give the entire state of Colorado to the Venezuelans.
Maude: Colorado? Well, isn't that where Aspen is?
Arthur: That's right.
Maude: Well, to hell with him. Venezuelans don't ski.
The reason why I brought up the EU is because we know more about their migrant influx plight than we do about our own migrant influx plight. It's really suspicious how that just so happens. It's like the word "collusion" was universally vanished. Remember how popular that word "collusion" was not that long ago?
Now do the cages that Kamala keeps the kids in (when she's not misplacing 300,000 of them to the traffickers).
Broomfield (north of Denver) is RIGHT NOW on lockdown for an active shooter in a Venuzeulan-gang controlled apartment complex.
Cops: "The surrounding area is NOT SAFE. Limited evacuations have been done. Everyone else please avoid the area."
Doesn't matter what the context is, what the crisis is, what they are seeking asylum from, or where these immigrants are placed. The bottom line is that putting a bunch of x from y in z is just a recipe for disaster. They should be spread out. This is a massive country, after all. They should never be concentrated. You're just asking for repeats of bad outcomes over and over. Maybe it wasn't always that way, back when they all wanted to be American, but not now, when they are not encouraged to assimilate, and indeed, the very notion of wanting them to assimilate is somehow a dogwhistle to those with the right types of ears.
Looks like it is long past time to defund a lot of NGO’s.
This is, of course, aside from the fact that most of them shouldn't be here to begin with.
I think the question was two parts, who is she and what qualifies her to run a housing program. What was the answer to the second part?
Sadly, this article does not acknowledge that our Governor Polis labelled the reports of Venezuelan gangs in Aurora 2 weeks ago as merely the fever dream of a single Aurora councilwoman. As usual, even as ICE and the Aurora have stated that there at least 10 gang members in Aurora, 9 of whom are in custody, no further clarification from our governor is demanded by the local press, nor is it likely.
We were assured that it was the right thing to do, helping all migrants.
Polis is a liar and a putz.
Polis Priorities. trust me -this man is a spoiled brat.
IIRC, The Lutheran social services did Somali/Minnesota. When info was available, (in 20teens), the 'Weathermen' org. set about infiltrating foundations and NGO management. See also Obamacare navigator's origins. Nasty business. Weather Underground thrives.
NGOs are running the world right now. And they're populated with people graduating universities with the goal of working for a 'non-profit'. As if that makes their ignoble work more noble. (Who, in any previous generation had a goal of working for an organization that made no profit, yet somehow spent millions on directors salaries and global conferences?).
The first step to cleaning up the mess that is Western Civilization would be to cut off the funding to these rampant NGOs that cannot provide a record of what they do, where their spending goes, and what their net positivity is on a country or the world at large.
Or we can just cull the herd of them by 66%.
As is, they are the 'on the ground' directors of policies that would never pass any legislative test.
Colorado is a Blue State. Fuck them.
I thought the answer to the second part was evident from the first part.
Nothing qualifies her to run a housing project.
John Henry
no they just stole with mail ballots in the larger cities,
This is a chapter in Schlicter's book, "The Attack".
Look - Learn AWWWWW Fugetaboutit!
Buwaya used to talk about them a lot back in the day.
"Buwaya we need ya now
don't you care about
your sons and daughters"
H/T John Kay, Steppenwolf
No one really cares about Aurora, except the people living there. Always been relative poor and minority filled. Growing up, we pretty much ignored it. Then, they built DIA in what had been N Aurora, and turned the old Fitsimmons Army hospital into the CU Med (and Dental) School and Anshutz medical center. Still, except for those things, we continue to avoid it to this day.
Broomfield is a different story. It’s right on US 36, the old Denver/Boulder Turnpike (I remember when they took the toll booths down, after it was paid off - probably about 1960). It’s where my daughter jumps onto 36 heading west to go to work every day in Boulder. It’s the eastern end of the US 36 high tech Corridor. And her husband heads East on 36 there instead, for his work by the Mouse Trap (I 25/I 70 crossing each other).
Kinda. But a lot of it is mail in voting. When te instituted that, the state lost the chance of replacing corrupt Dems with less corrupt Republicans. When we visited back in July, to see my new granddaughter, I got plenty of compliments on my Trump hats.
Wrong. It has Uniparty fingerprints all over it. There was even more of this border "enhancing" bullshit in the "bi-partisan border bill" that the Uniparty blames Trump for defeating, despite he didn't get a vote or a veto on it. You may recall there was actually more aid to Ukraine in that bill than funding for the border "improvements."
So yes, Uniparty is the operative word here.
Consider how our various NGOs operate in foreign countries fomenting color revolutions and suchlike. Oh how our media like to opine about NGOs being mistreated and suppressed. These people effectively ARE agents of the US government. Not the elected government, of course, the actual ruling class that makes the meaningful decisions.
Jesse Jackson's son got an earful from his constituents in Chicago tired of this bullshit. He actually asked a citizen what HE would do and the dude promptly yelled "Send 'em back!" at which point the entire crowd applauded.
ALL of them. If a charity serves the people the people can dig into their own wallets and contribute. Churches should know better than to get in bed with Government, but then the ROMAN Catholic church has a long ugly history of partnering up corrupt governments and many of the offshoot "mainline" religions have done the same. ANY "religious: bureaucracy is susceptible, as evidenced by the recently gone woke Southern Baptist Convention. They took Soros money which might be even worse than a government strings-attached handout.
I lived in that neighborhood in 1993 for about a year. At the time, it was said that it was the most drug-and-gang-infested area per capita in the nation. I don't know if that's actually true or not, but "it was said." Anecdotally, I often heard gunfire at night, hookers were very blatant along Colfax, and yeah, there were a lot of gang folks walking around at any given time of the day, and an apartment complex slightly farther west that the one that features in these stories was colloquially known as "New Jack City," so yeah, it wasn't great even then.
To me, seeing these strories now, is just "new crime bosses are moving in." The place has been a hellhole for decades, it's only now that the new boss (same as the old boss) happens to be Venezuelans instead of locals that it's finally getting some attention.
CO was red until the left coordinated powerful efforts to turn it blue.
It's fun to have that "screw U" attitude, until the corrupt left take over the state you live in.
Fucking NGO maggot-folk. I can smell them if they sit near me on the plane.
Excess criminal activity is the stuff that DREAMs are made of. That, and redistributive change and Democratic gerrymandering. American Civil Liberties Unburdened
Dogma and Pony Showsaid...
"Using NGOs this way constitutes the privatization of bureaucracy."
There's a name for a system where private industry only exists at the pleasure of the government. It starts with an "F". And was invented by an Italian socialist.
"Leftists didn't want prisons to be privatized because they thought it would impede transparency and the private actor would be able to get away with stuff that public prison administrators couldn't."
Anyone who has regularly interfaced with the government will quickly be disbursed of the notion that government is magically more transparent than the private sector. A government beauracracy is still a beauracracy.
"How did members of Venezuelan gangs suddenly find themselves in suburban Colorado?"
Because the importation of massive numbers of criminal illegal alien criminals at the same time the lefty government is attempting to censor speech and disarm the American people are key elements for successfully destroying the American Republic experiement via Cloward-Piven means in order to create the lefty desired New Soviet Democratical Party controlled nation.
Clearly it was in fact the "Democrat Party Rescue Plan Act".
The future belongs to those who show up for it. The Democratic Party is comprised of far more than its share of homosexuals, lesbians, spinster cat ladies, the mentally ill, the anti-natalist Club of Rome eco-fanatics, atheist/nihilist sybarites, and careerist urban limousine liberals with no time for more than one child, if any. As the birth rate dropped off a cliff in the last couple of generations, the effects began to be felt much sooner and more sharply among their constituents, while happy family-oriented Christians just went on breeding white babies and voting Republican. For the Democrats it was either import the Third World, or become a regional rump party. They chose survival, and damn the costs.
Don't get me wrong. Of course they hate America, white people, Christians, law and order, reward according to merit, unfettered free speech, gun ownership, limited government, and race-blind equality before the law. Oh boy do they ever hate that stuff, and dream of turning the whole world into a brown-skinned communist prison planet.
But that's not why they are doing this. It is an existential battle for survival before it is an ideological culture-war conspiracy. We should take heart from their foolish desperation. We will win and they will lose. I hope they are merely voted into irrelevance by the Mormon/Amish/Trad-Cath/Orthodox majority of 2100, but if they force us to rise in another American Revolution, we'll win that way too.
Fuck those losers. We got this.
All those wealthy, progressive, and white people have done their part by caring about the issue.
Everything is planned and paid for. Its not Cheech sneaking over the border to live with his cousin and find a job at an auto shop.
I hire warehouse staff, and I have noticed I get very few refugee applicants. Our city has a large Afghan population and I have had ONE APPLICANT from there in 5 years...
So, after that factory owner in OH was enthusing over his refugee workforce, I looked into this, and found every major relief NGO will have employer outreach. They usually have this on their local websites, not the national ones.
So, you can call the NGO and they will supply candidates who are pre-screened etc. This is why I do not see these people on Indeed or Ziprecruiter. They don't need to look for jobs. The NGO has knocked on doors and has a pipeline of jobs ready for them.
Note, there is nothing wrong with this, per se. If they were real refugees, it makes sense. But now we have 10 million arrivals. Not 100,000. And for native born citizens, they don't have access to that job pipeline. They don't get help with housing and applications, etc. No NGO is negotiating their rent in bulk with a landlord who wants to rent the whole complex to refugees because the rent is paid by government.
Gerda: the first report I wrote about this and its ties to populations serviced by refugee and immigrant NGOs was in 2009, though most of my materials have been removed from the internet. Jim Simpson still has some good reports up.
Magson, in 1993, no part of Colorado hit the top of violent crime stats per capita charts. Once, I could give you the top ten, but the OJP has stopped publishing such statistics online. Also, who was doing the killing then? Do you blame them less? Are we not supposed to talk about some organized crime, only others? If we are literally subsidizing organized crime gangs to come to America, do you want us to shut up about it? For how long? How many murders before we are permitted to notice it? Funny, you seem to have no problem quipping about New Jack City. Are you the one being stereotypical?
We have the right to discuss the consequences of government policies, whether it offends your sensibilities or not. Know what I was doing in 1992? Being a liaison between the foreign and ethnic gang crime unit and civilian refugee and immigrant populations in Atlanta. Through World Relief, a nonprofit which made plenty of money bringing these people into America and then even more money dealing with the criminal element among them. You should have seen some of the Somali warlords we brought in. Sword fights in the apartment parking lots in Clarkston, GA. But we better not talk about it, right? Certainly the media studiously wormholed it.
Ironically, Colorado is now ranking very high in per capita property crime nationally. Wonder why now, and not then? Or do I need permission to wonder?
It’s right on US 36, the old Denver/Boulder Turnpike (I remember when they took the toll booths down, after it was paid off - probably about 1960)
No shit? Politicians actually kept their promises, and didn't go on fleecing the people long after the bonds financed by the tolls were repaid?
Oh wait. Colorado was Republican back then. Not at all like the corrupt Democrat scum in Massachusetts and New Jersey, who broke every promise they ever made to the public about the tollways.
"For refugees, employment is a vital step toward achieving self-sufficiency. New arrivals are eager to build strong foundations for themselves and their families here in the Miami Valley.
Refugees are legally allowed to work immediately upon their arrival in the United States. Our refugee resettlement team works with each individual to assess their existing skills, help them with resumes and job applications, provide job readiness training, and help manage expectations.
We also work closely with local employers, to match job skills to the employers’ needs and help ensure a positive experience for the business as well as the new employee.
Our program boasts a high employment rate within the first year of resettlement. That means within about six to nine months, most people are entering their first job after coming to Dayton. And it takes about that much time — six months of English classes, six months of employment and job skills training. We also see many of the refugees taking the same paths that many American-born citizens do, seeking job upgrades after a year and attaining second employment.
If you are a Dayton-area employer who would like to learn more about hiring refugees, call (937) 223-7217 and ask to talk with a refugee employment specialist.
“Attracting capable, reliable workers is a significant challenge and we are thrilled that we have been able to support the refugee community while at the same time meeting the needs of Dayton’s employers.” — Tom Maher, President & CEO, Manpower of Dayton"
Note this stuff is not on the national catholic services website...its their local website instead.
"If you are a Dayton-area employer who would like to learn more about hiring refugees, call (937) 223-7217 and ask to talk with a refugee employment specialist."
Catholic Charities and the Catholic Bishops certainly have a lot to answer for. So do Lutheran Ministries, Jewish Social Services, various Evangelical NGOs such as World Relief, and so on. Many religiously observant people (and athiests) put a lot of volunteer hours into helping refugees and immigrants. But the religious NGOs are raking in the bucks, until recently in the 11 official federal resettlement sites. Now everywhere is a resettlement site -- except rich liberal enclaves. And a lot of that federal tax money is handed out to extremely radical, non-religiously based nonprofits now, such as Make the Road, which also lobbies for no southern border.
...the NGO scam is bigger and more corrupt than is being imagined here. It's essentially a blank check from US Treasury to the personal accounts of liberal political allies to fund them and their goals, personal and political.
I should mention there are tax incentives for hiring some refugees who are on food stamps. Many arrive and are put on food stamps. $2400 in tax credits for the first 12 months of hiring.
Notice what the refugee NGO says...
"We also see many of the refugees taking the same paths that many American-born citizens do, seeking job upgrades after a year and attaining second employment."
Is that a dog whistle? Is that saying they will get you new workers every 12 months so you keep the $2400 subsidy?
They ship the immigrants to strategic blue places in sufficient numbers to alter the House Map in 2025.
I suspect it was a similar mechanism that diversified Minneapolis with Somalis.
So, you're saying this continues regardless of who is president?
The Weather Underground also created ACORN. Look into the "Breakup of Acorn" congressional hearings.
Not a single leftist commentator has shown up on this article.
Odd, that....
Well, no, not really odd. They have no defense for this at all, and just hope we all ignore it.
I'd welcome 10 times as many mean tweets as we got to have avoided 1/10 of this horror show. Respectfully, Never Trumpers are fools, and owe us all a huge apology, but as always, being left means never having to say you're sorry, or more importantly never learning from failure. Have they learned anything? Don't worry, there is still time. It's gonna get worse. The full price of the 2020 selection is yet to be paid.
I'm on the board of directors of a couple of small, traditional non-profits (medical, educational, land preservation, etc.), and I fully agree. I spend too much of my time on these boards just trying to keep them focused on their stated missions instead of being hijacked to focus on woke politics, even though they are supposed to be non-partisan. I have become convinced that a large portion of the non-profit "industry" is a thinly-veiled money laundering operation that allows mostly leftwing operations to be run "off the books" by Democratic Party interests in the government.
We're hearing and reading a lot of stuff about how communities are dealing with an influx of "migrants". But the terminology ignores the real problem: These "migrants" shouldn't be in these communities in the first place. We have laws (yes, we really do have laws) about who can enter our country and under what conditions. These laws are supposed to limit the number of "immigrants" to a number that we can absorb (yes, for refugees we often stretch the limit, but that's a grace that we extend).
But under the Biden-Harris regime (and frankly the Democrats generally), the presumption is that we may not place effective limits on border-crossers, and we then force local communities to deal with the results.
Federal law should establish the number of immigrants the country can absorb, and provide procedures to limit immigration to that number.
Biff said…
“I'm on the board of directors of a couple of small, traditional non-profits (medical, educational, land preservation, etc.), and I fully agree. I spend too much of my time on these boards just trying to keep them focused on their stated missions instead of being hijacked to focus on woke politics, even though they are supposed to be non-partisan.”
Robert Conquest’s 2nd law: Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing.
There are Federal offices where a substantial number of the offices/cubicles are occupied by consultants. As I was told there is no difference in the two, except they don't have to have to follow Civil Service rules. NGO's are worse, especially in today's climate of throwing billions at a "problem" without any time (or effort) to establish processes or monitoring.
Just ask yourself how much of the tens of billions for EV chargers have been spent with 7 (?) chargers in place after two years.
That's also why fed projects, no matter how ineffective, never die. Hundreds of bureaucrats, consultants, contractors and social workers would have to be let go.
This is an effort to pre-bunk the impact of the results. They are careful not to allow anybody to call them 'illegal aliens', which is the proper legal term. But, if they call them 'migrants', why it takes on the reasonable argument that in fact, they're just here for a little while, like crop pickers . Sure, that's it ! Or aternatively, they can turn around and roast the complainer a little, calling them a bigot. Don't you remember Ellis Island? Don't you remember America is a Melting Pot? Are you some kind of racist ??'
Pre-bunking like this is the latest fad for commandeering a conversation about a delicate social issue, and steering it into deeper waters before the ship of state hits the reef of public opinion (meaning: public awareness).
Say: Did you hear that greater Houston has their own Venezuelan gangs-taking-over-housing problems?
It is pretty obvious that when Obama spoke of "fundamentally transforming America" that this is what he had in mind. I agree that the policy option is to shut down the tax shelter for NGOs, and maybe it should kill off religion, too. But there is no way in hell this is ever going to happen. It is like dreams of a flat tax. There are way too many people, most of whom vote Democrat, who are vested into these funding models. Even those damn CPAs would have to get real jobs if we did get a flat tax. Until the country goes broke, which may be sooner than later, nothing will change. But this is exactly what higher education is all about these days: training people who will work in government, NGOs, or will work in the regulatory sections of corporate America. All are deeply invested in this continuing. It is their livelihood.
Tcrosse, you are correct. Minneapolis was one of the original federal 11 sites, and they got a big cohort of the Somalis, and, I think, Hmong. In Atlanta, a large percentage of the Somalis imported refused to get jobs. They demanded, sometimes violently, perpetual government support -- unlike the Vietnamese -- who have very compatable work ethics, though they certainly brought their standards of domestic violence, other oppression of women, and especially human sex and labor trafficking with them. Happily, a lot of the Somalis learned of Maine's far more generous welfare and moved en masse to that state.
You'd hear a lot of horror stories at the office, but it was made clear that we were to only speak of native-born Americans in negative ways. And boy, was that encouraged. Hide the refugee and immigrant crime, loudly call American citizens racist if they even modestly objected to mass takeovers of small towns like Clarkston, or immigrant crime.
How loudly? They made a totally dishonest, award-winning Hollywood movie about what happened in Clarkston, GA. And that was some 35 years ago. Republicans aren't nearly as culpable, but the Reason Magazine/Koch/AFP type libertarian ones are.
The Law of Pigeons, don't feed them.
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