৩১ আগস্ট, ২০২৪

"When going down into the hole... it was really scary, but this is indeed the duty of a firefighter; we have to overcome the fear and surrender to God."

"It is pitch black in that pipe. You don't want to know what's in there. It's full of human waste and other garbage. We decontaminate immediately after each dive."

Said a firefighter and a sewer worker quoted in "Search for woman swallowed by 8m sinkhole now 'too risky'" (BBC). It's been 8 days since the woman, Vijaya Lakshmi Gali, 48, "disappeared into a pavement sinkhole in Kuala Lumpur." There have been 110 rescue workers. "But apart from a pair of slippers found in an initial 17-hour search, their efforts have been unsuccessful."

There is security camera footage of the hole opening up beneath the woman, here.

১৯টি মন্তব্য:

Michael Fitzgerald বলেছেন...

Pretty square sinkhole, like it might have once been a shaft of some kind, but maybe that's just the surface shape.

wendybar বলেছেন...

They still haven't found the man in Florida who got swallowed up by a sink hole while he was sleeping in 2013. https://www.yahoo.com/news/brother-man-swallowed-florida-sinkhole-131235370.html?

Kevin বলেছেন...

Drones are cheap. Perhaps Althouse can provide a revenue-generating Amazon link.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

It’s probably journalists using the wrong word for a sewer collapse, or a careless translation since the original story wasn’t in English, but I would say after the first few hours, it’s no longer a rescue operation, it’s a search for the body.

Lyssa বলেছেন...

How awful.

Wendybar, when my son little, he was really interested in weather, and we would check out every library book in the kids’ section on tornados, hurricanes, and other disasters. They had one on sinkholes, so he wanted that, too. It included the story of the Bush family losing the brother while he was sleeping- I kept thinking “oh, but he’s going to be OK, right? I mean, it’s a kid’s book.” Nope, never found the body. (Didn’t bother my son at all, but I still worry about it.)

JAORE বলেছেন...

""When going down into the hole... it was really scary, but this is indeed the duty of a firefighter; we have to overcome the fear ...". And still they went into that hole. Again and again. Damned old toxic masculinity once more.

Temujin বলেছেন...

Watching this video of that lone woman being 'disappeared' forever in the blink of an eye, or any image or video of an instant & awful accident reminds me of any number of drawings that show the hand of God reaching down from above, flicking away a man. You're walking down the street and then...you're not. There's a lesson in there somewhere.

Iman বলেছেন...

Born under a bad sign.

Iman বলেছেন...

You yelled “hey!” when the ground opened up

Upset? why yes

And the footprints on your leaving, they're almost gone

And you're wondering why?

Well mama lay your head down, don't you cry

h/t Lowell George

Tom T. বলেছেন...

The bottom of the BBC article links to other sinkhole stories from around the world. One of them advises "Walkers are urged to take extra care" and for a moment I thought it said "wankers."

Kai Akker বলেছেন...

Do you sincerely want to be Third World? Then we need more of this here. One vote only has the best hope to get you there. Pull that lever for equality. Keep the machines in place in Chicago, LA, New York, Houston and environs.

Sally327 বলেছেন...

Maybe she found a way out and doesn't realize that everyone is looking for her down that hole.

Wa St Blogger বলেছেন...

Not too many worse ways to meet your demise. My son, who works in a dental office and had a patient my age who was nearing end of life due to poor health, reminded him how precious life is. I am sorry for that woman, and for the family that had no idea they would never see her again after that fateful moment.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

If they haven’t found her by now it’s a recovery operation, not a search and rescue. There’s a difference.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

All honor to the men who run towards the sound of gunfire, who go into burning buildings, and who risk their lives to find and rescue hikers and mountain climbers who’ve gotten in over their heads. Their masculinity is only toxic until it’s a woman who needs rescuing.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"There is security camera footage of the hole opening up beneath the woman, here."

Not watching that. No thank you.

I once accidentally watched a video of a stupid kid falling to his death. Still, occasionally, gives me the willies.

Mikey NTH বলেছেন...

There are also plenty of videos of sinkholes opening up suddenly in China and swallowing highways.

Wince বলেছেন...

You don't want to know what's in there. It's full of human waste and other garbage.

Keep your perspective. One woman being swallowed whole by a shit hole doesn't make it a shit hole country.

rehajm বলেছেন...

We has two small sink holes open up (again) in the fairway on 8. They put in high quality fill and used a compactor this time…