So how does Trump think he would become president without an election?
“Trump said polls suggested he was at “93 percent” although it was not clear what that number was referring to. The former president said he responded by saying: “So why are we having an election? They didn’t have an election. Why are we having an election?”
I doubt it was a rhetorical question. It was much more likely something hatching in his brain because he is already losing so badly. Is he setting up another coup attempt? I’d put nothing beyond him. Who ever would’ve guessed he’d incite his followers to try to stop the counting of the electoral votes on Jan.6th? Fake electors? He will stop at nothing, he’s already proven that.
I have never recommended a TV show on this blog before, but here is the first time. An Internet friend recommended I watch an episode of "Corner Gas" because I liked "The Detectorists", an English, quirky, funny, charming, comedy. The setting in Corner Gas is a remote gas station/cafe in the middle of nowhere in Saskatchewan, Canada. I fell in love with the show because of its characters and dialogue. It's not condescending to small town people, and I really grew to like all of the the characters and cared about them (except Oscar - he is a pain in the ass). Since last Thursday I am half way through season 2. The shows are 22 minutes long, and they are all free on YouTube. I am hooked. So if you get tired of the idiocy of the National Democratic Party Convention going on this week, I highly recommend this as an entertaining diversion.
How is it that so many Americans have completely lost their flipping minds? Reading political comments on X (and often here as well, hi Inga!) feels like wandering through a lunatic asylum these days. Most especially the leftists, but there is plenty of stupidity to go around. Sometimes I wonder if people are faking it. They can't actually be as stupid as so many seem to be. Can they?
Reading Fosse - about Bob Fosse. Astounding the guy lived to 60, bad heart and his popping uppers and smoking 4 packs of cigs a day. Fortunately, he was a dancer, kept thin, and wasn't a drunk. Other astounding fact: Richard Dreyfuss was signed to play him in "All that Jazz". Incredible. You wonder what was wrong with 70s movie execs. Evans wanted James Caan as Michael in the Godfather, Coppola had to fight him for Pacino. Good thing for "All that Jazz" that Roy Snieder got the part after Dreyfuss quit.
I dunno if true, but once you listen to Harris with the thought that she’s drunk, it’s hard to not hear that in her voice and see that in her demeanor. My brain says that would be very out there, but my ears recognize the sound. Maybe she just so happens to sound like that?
I'm sure there is a person here, that will "explain" that: a) this isn't even happening b) it's FINE that it IS happening c) WOW! you should see HOW EVIL the russians ARE!! They are BAD MEDICINE!!
Germany has issued an arrest warrant against a Ukrainian national accused of sabotaging the Nord Stream pipeline, which supplied Germany with Russian natural gas. The suspect, a diver who was formerly part of the Ukrainian armed forces, is said to have been part of a small team, including Ukrainian special forces, that carried out the pipeline sabotage, which Western leaders previously blamed on Russia.
Ok, if this is what we're doing tonight... I recommend Clarkson's Farm. Jeremy Clarkson is Trumpesque in his willingness to be who he is in every situation - and though he begins by thinking farming is going to be a fun retirement job, it's some kind of wonderful to watch him become invested, not just economically but emotionally, in his gentleman's farm. When he and his woman friend have to face the death of livestock to which they've become attached - well.
There was a reality show on BBC-something, I think rebroadcast on PBS - The 1940s House. I also recommend this. In it, a modern family lived as if they were living in London in the 1940s. The family starts out with a cage of rabbits, which they are supposed to raise for food. Their children put up such a fuss that the show people decided to let them just treat them as pets.
I have never had to kill an animal for food. I have had to put a couple of animals out of their misery a couple of times when my dog has caught them. It is no small thing to take even a tiny life, by your own hand.
I wish I could remember where I first heard about The Directorists - I don't think it was here, but I can't rule it out! It's been on my movie/tv list for a long time. Glad to have more endorsements.
Dear childless cat lady… That you say no one cares about Jan. 6th proves that you are a very unserious person. I’ve long thought you to be an unintelligent and very confused person, a bad combo.
Oh, honey. Does it escape you that Trump isn't in office? That he walked out of the White House under his own steam on Jan. 20? That prior to his supposed incitement to stop the counting of electoral votes, the stoppage (and then restarting without poll-watchers) of the counting of ballots was on the shoulders of Democrats?
Or, go back further: the years-long denial of Trump's 2016 victory by Clinton? Or the illicit surveillance of the Trump campaign by the Obama administration? Or the Steele dossiere? Or the social media interference on behalf of the Democrats, as revealed by the Facebook and Twitter files? Or the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story by all media outlets except Fox?
We caught an episode of Corner Gas while staying in Windsor one year. Got hooked on it right away. Two years ago, on our way to the Canadian Rockies, we detoured off the Trans-Canada to Rouleau, SK, where it was filmed. By then, the set had been razed, the Dog River grain elevator was gone, and a little sign by the patch of dirt was all that remained. We still enjoyed the detour.
Thank you for calling me honey, Jaime, that’s sweet. I’m well aware Trump isn’t in office and I hope he never ever in the office of the presidency again. Trump had no choice but to leave under his own steam, I don’t think he even he would’ve been so dumb as to have to be put out by force. I could ask you if you have any decency? Do you think that what Trump did, sending his followers to riot in the Capitol to stop the certification of the election was legal, was a democratic norm? The fake electors, that was alright in your book too? Now I must ask, what is wrong with you? I feel bad for your dad.
I know exactly how my very intelligent, but elderly, father came by his opinions. He's 81. He's a Vietnam vet - they have some real reasons to question the government, even though - then as now - it was Democrats who expanded the war and Republicans who attempted to find a way out of it. (Initially I was a neocon. I came to my senses when I finally realized that simply showing a very different culture what is possible to it if it will only change its baseline assumptions doesn't necessarily work - it depends on the culture.) He get all his news from tv and that's it. It would be quite something if, with that set of inputs, he came to a different conclusion from the one, the only one, to which he has been exposed.
Looking forward to seeing clips of Brother Joe and Darlin' Jill speaking from the heart, LOL! Stabbed in the back by friends and allies, and have to stand and thank them for it. Joe and Jill will "write" a memoir, and be standing behind the folding banquet table autographing copies at Costco and WalMart.
lonejustice said... I have never recommended a TV show on this blog before, but here is the first time. . . . Corner Gas Thank you so much. What a great show.
Not sure why, but I commented on Mutaman's recommendation of the Fosse miniseries, and it disappeared. Thanks for the recommendation, I'll have to check it out!
Fullmoon thanks: Kim’s Convenience and Trailer Park Boys are on Netflix and Letterkenny is on Hulu. I will have some new shows to watch now.Clarkson’s Farm is available on Amazon Prime.
I also feel bad for my dad; he expressed a wish personally to "blow up" Donald Trump, which, knowing my father who was devoted to the preservation of human life throughout his career as a rescue helicopter pilot, could only be because he had been convinced that Trump was truly the existential threat that the Left has tried to paint him as, despite his demonstrably moderate views and governance. He was egregiously lied to and his life has been poorer for it.
My mom disagrees with him, but because of their generation, she only ever expresses her disagreement under her breath.
Trump has meticulously acceded to the rule of law, throughout his presidency and thereafter. Name a way in which he hasn't. (To forestall stupid crap, disagreeing with, for instance, the National Archives about what is classified, or resisting extortion, or even questioning election results when an election is conducted under circumstances never before seen, do not constitute defiance of the rule of law - they constitute disagreement that our system is set up to adjudicate. And Trump has, at every turn, also acceded to even the least justifiable adjudicated results.) On the other hand, try to come up with a justification for the Biden administration's - and backing up, the Obama administration's, and the Clinton campaign's - behavior toward not just Trump himself but the half of the country that supports or defends Trump.
For some reason I can't reply to lonejustice and the "Corner Gas" recommendation. Here's my response: Great show - It is hard to be cyclical* after watching it. (*Trust me, watch the show...)
Lord, it's Ashley Biden. What a surreal night. I so want to go to sleep... but I'm wondering if they're delaying President Biden for so long in order to minimize the number of people watching.
President Biden is the OG Girl Dad, she says. Ugh. She's doing her best - but it's weird that she's saying her dad is the love of her life.
I remember that someone mentioned The Detectorists and if it was you, Corrupt, thank you. It was the first time I had heard of the show and something about what you said about it made me immediately binge watch all 4(?) seasons that same day. I've since rewatched it at least twice. Lovely, lovely, show. Thank you for the recommendation.
For the past several months I've been binging on British cop shows. Just finished Prime Suspect starring Helen Mirren. Terrific show, one of the best I've ever seen.
Other recommendations are Blue Lights (set in Belfast Ireland), Unforgotten (They investigate found bodies) and a series set in Edinborough whose name escapes me at the moment.
Charlottesville AGAIN. When Trump was she'd what he would say to the mother of the young woman who was killed that day, he said, "and I quote, 'There are very fine people on both sides.'"
Are we done here yet?
Oh no, we're not: "Demonizing no one," he says.
What an effing lying craven... At least he's losing the crowd.
It's amazing to see someone whose character hasn't changed in 40 years. We lived in a dorm that had been a motel: all the doors faced on a parking lot and we had a pool. Crazy place, and we all nodded at each other with goofy faces, unbelieving at our good luck. Everyone except Steve Kerr, who nodded at no one.
Corner Gas is funny, but like a lot of other Canadian shows had a short run. But if you can find them to watch there's Kim's Convenience which ran 5 seasons. And a 3 letter spy agency comedy, which in Canada was 4 letters, but whatever, Insecurity. Season 1 was extremely funny, and season 2 has never made it out of Canada. Can't watch it on the Canadian broadcasting site- because it doesn't allow their shows to be streamed to their big friendly neighbor to the South. And the second season was never released to DVD, at least not the last time I checked... And for quirky Australian police comedies, there's The Strange Calls which I can highly recommend. Now I'll have to look for The Detectorists.
I have yet to see any evidence that the Nordstream pipeline was blown up by an external bomb of any kind. All the released photos, and they're hard to find, and have been since it first happened, show breakage along weld lines, and no real jagged edges or pipe blown INWARD</b which is what would happen with an external explosion. And any external explosion large enough to sever a pipeline would leave a crater below the explosion- and there's no evidence of that. What it looks like is classic pipe separation caused by a gas line equivalent of a steam line water hammer. Which can and does break lines. And the pipeline, IIRC, was built by Russia itself, meaning, it had Russian quality control, lack thereof, on all the welds. And the fact that the breaks all occurred near a pipeline bend also is indicative of a water hammer. The slug of water (gas plug, whatever) hits the bend, and, BOOM!, puts a lot of stress on the line. And it will find weak spots and break them.
And the thing about water hammer is- it's not going to leave any evidence behind except for the damage. Now supposedly listening systems heard noises similar to an explosion about the time of the breaks. I've heard water hammers in smaller lines. In a pipeline that diameter- it's going to make a lot more noise then the extreme noise I've heard in smaller lines.
Inga, Please get help. The last couple of days have shown you have gone bonkers, and need to get help immediately before you hurt yourself. It really is sad watching you crash and burn because hate burns so deeply inside of you that you are self combusting.
onald J. Trump Posts From His Truth Social @TrumpDailyPosts Comrade Kamala Harris has just informed us that she will NOT do the FoxNews Debate on September 4th. I am not surprised by this development because I feel that she knows it is very difficult, at best, for her to defend her record setting Flip-Flopping on absolutely everything she once believed in, including her statements that THERE WILL BE NO FRACKING IN PENNSYLVANIA and her HORRIBLE Performance on the Border, our “Border Czar,” where millions of criminals and people from mental institutions and terrorists, have been allowed to pour into our Country, totally unchecked and unvetted. It’s called, and she LOVES IT, an OPEN BORDER!!! Rather than the debate on September 4th, I have agreed to do a Tele-Town Hall, anchored by Sean Hannity, for Fox. It will take place in the Great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - Details to follow!
Donald Trump Truth Social 11:39 PM EST 08/19/24 @realDonaldTrump 11:41 PM · Aug 19, 2024
The "House of the Rising Sun" song says the house is in New Orleans. And who would argue with Bob Dylan? There is a house on Bluff Mountain, near Pigeon Forge with the same name. And low and behold, yet another in Bluff, South Africa on the beach. Madison's Maple Bluff wasn't mentioned in my Duck Duck Go search.
Steve Kerr was a pretty good basketball player (mostly beloved for being white and looking like a paperboy, if we are being honest), but what that says about his political opinions I cannot imagine. If the game is celebrity endorsements, I'll take the richest, most innovative entrepreneur in the world, who has utterly transformed multiple industries over a former UofA basketball player. Though I prefer to make my own judgments about politics rather than following perfect strangers with motives I can only guess at.
So Biden said he would “end the pipeline” if Putin invaded Ukraine, Vicky Nuland bragged about blowing it up, but Gospace says that didn’t happen because he saw “pictures” of “a pipeline” that looked like it didn’t blow up. Mr. Occam would like a word with you.
Way back when, Hollywood was going to cast Richard Dreyfuss as "Spenser For Hire." I recall Robert Parker commenting that he didn't really care, as long as he got paid. It fell through, for some reason.
Steve Kerr, for reasons of of either pure spite or fealty to Nike, kept the best American basketball player on the bench for most of the Olympics. A real asshole.
Meanwhile, they found 6 more hostages bodies in Gaza, whilst they are crying for a cease fire when there was a cease fire, and Hamas broke it....AGAIN. How many times do we do the same thing over and over again before you realize that the insane are running things...
I've relayed my second favorite personal political interaction here a few times, which was Barbra Boxer (recently retired) standing behind that forlorn table at Costco trying to sign copies of her autobiography for which literally no one was lining up. I said "Hey Senator" as we walked by laughing at her just so she'd know that we knew who she was.
Speaking of Gaza, how about that comment by Joe? "Those protesters out in the street, they’ve a point." Sure sounds a lot like "there are good people on both sides", which Joe sure doesn't like.
I had the dvr set for Gutfeld! and went to bed when the revrun Warnock was still bloviating.
This morning I reviewed the tape at triple speed and see that FJB spoke for 30 minutes or more. In all honesty, I saw no joy and a lot of anger--I'm learning of the highlights from you guys.
Mike (MJB Wolf): You need to talk to G.I.L.B.A.R. (the B is for 'Bestiality'). He is absolutely certain that Ukraine did it, you seem to agree with 'tim in vermont' that the U.S. did it, you can't both be right, but you can both be wrong.* As I have said all along, I don't know who did it, or even if it was sabotage and not an accident as Gospace suggests, and neither do any of you. It is also quite possible that Russia did it. We may find out one day.
*I understand the WSJ story blaming Ukraine said the US warned them not to, but they did it anyway. That means you can't wiggle out of the contradiction by claiming the US and Ukraine did it working together. It's one or the other, or neither, but it can't be both.
At the time there was a petroleum pipeline expert that posited that the lack of maintenance was the culprit. It made sense because Russia is famous for it's slipshod maintenance of almost all it's infrastructure. Gas pipeline accumulate moisture that, if not purged of regularly, turns to ice and can rupture the pipe.
Occam's Razor strongly supports shoddy construction and subsequent poor maintenance. And- intelligence agencies around the world all benefit by claiming it was done by sabotage- for getting everyone to believe that increases their budget. All kinds of speculation on who did it and how- yet- no evidence, just lots of speculation. No timing devices, no wires, no pictures showing- "Here's the evidence! It was an external explosion!" Russia benefits the most from it being an "explosion". And since it's their pipeline- they should be eager to prove it. They haven't. As Rusty says, I'm not the only one who believes it was structural failure. But no one benefits from that being the case...
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११० टिप्पण्या:
“Love comes to you and then after
Dream on on to the Heart of the Sunrise”
So how does Trump think he would become president without an election?
“Trump said polls suggested he was at “93 percent” although it was not clear what that number was referring to. The former president said he responded by saying: “So why are we having an election? They didn’t have an election. Why are we having an election?”
There is a house in Maple Bluff they call the rising sun....
Inga does not recognize a rhetorical question.
Are we not going to have a chat about the DNC?
I doubt it was a rhetorical question. It was much more likely something hatching in his brain because he is already losing so badly. Is he setting up another coup attempt? I’d put nothing beyond him. Who ever would’ve guessed he’d incite his followers to try to stop the counting of the electoral votes on Jan.6th? Fake electors? He will stop at nothing, he’s already proven that.
I have never recommended a TV show on this blog before, but here is the first time. An Internet friend recommended I watch an episode of "Corner Gas" because I liked "The Detectorists", an English, quirky, funny, charming, comedy. The setting in Corner Gas is a remote gas station/cafe in the middle of nowhere in Saskatchewan, Canada. I fell in love with the show because of its characters and dialogue. It's not condescending to small town people, and I really grew to like all of the the characters and cared about them (except Oscar - he is a pain in the ass). Since last Thursday I am half way through season 2. The shows are 22 minutes long, and they are all free on YouTube. I am hooked. So if you get tired of the idiocy of the National Democratic Party Convention going on this week, I highly recommend this as an entertaining diversion.
How is it that so many Americans have completely lost their flipping minds? Reading political comments on X (and often here as well, hi Inga!) feels like wandering through a lunatic asylum these days. Most especially the leftists, but there is plenty of stupidity to go around. Sometimes I wonder if people are faking it. They can't actually be as stupid as so many seem to be. Can they?
I second that.
Mentioning The Detectorists get's my immediate attention.
“ Sometimes I wonder if people are faking it. They can't actually be as stupid as so many seem to be. Can they?”
I’ve often thought this very same thing about Trump and his followers.
Reading Fosse - about Bob Fosse. Astounding the guy lived to 60, bad heart and his popping uppers and smoking 4 packs of cigs a day. Fortunately, he was a dancer, kept thin, and wasn't a drunk. Other astounding fact: Richard Dreyfuss was signed to play him in "All that Jazz". Incredible. You wonder what was wrong with 70s movie execs. Evans wanted James Caan as Michael in the Godfather, Coppola had to fight him for Pacino. Good thing for "All that Jazz" that Roy Snieder got the part after Dreyfuss quit.
Nobody cares about Jan 6th, Inga. Except Russia Russia lie-loyalists.
Thanks. I loved Detectorists and I believe I was the first person to mention that show. If I may be so self-congratulatory/
"Corner Gas".. got it.
Trump-hate cultists are the most delusional.
I dunno if true, but once you listen to Harris with the thought that she’s drunk, it’s hard to not hear that in her voice and see that in her demeanor. My brain says that would be very out there, but my ears recognize the sound. Maybe she just so happens to sound like that?
I'm sure there is a person here, that will "explain" that:
a) this isn't even happening
b) it's FINE that it IS happening
c) WOW! you should see HOW EVIL the russians ARE!! They are BAD MEDICINE!!
Germany Halts Military Aid to Ukraine After Nord Stream Sabotage Revelations.
Germany’s government has halted new military aid to Ukraine, supposedly prompted by a need to reduce spending. However, the move comes after new revelations that Ukraine may have been behind the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage.
Germany has issued an arrest warrant against a Ukrainian national accused of sabotaging the Nord Stream pipeline, which supplied Germany with Russian natural gas. The suspect, a diver who was formerly part of the Ukrainian armed forces, is said to have been part of a small team, including Ukrainian special forces, that carried out the pipeline sabotage, which Western leaders previously blamed on Russia.
Ok, if this is what we're doing tonight... I recommend Clarkson's Farm. Jeremy Clarkson is Trumpesque in his willingness to be who he is in every situation - and though he begins by thinking farming is going to be a fun retirement job, it's some kind of wonderful to watch him become invested, not just economically but emotionally, in his gentleman's farm. When he and his woman friend have to face the death of livestock to which they've become attached - well.
There was a reality show on BBC-something, I think rebroadcast on PBS - The 1940s House. I also recommend this. In it, a modern family lived as if they were living in London in the 1940s. The family starts out with a cage of rabbits, which they are supposed to raise for food. Their children put up such a fuss that the show people decided to let them just treat them as pets.
I have never had to kill an animal for food. I have had to put a couple of animals out of their misery a couple of times when my dog has caught them. It is no small thing to take even a tiny life, by your own hand.
Sure, honey.
OMG - An old Trump interview - political clairvoyance discovered -> @ the 1:38+ mark.
"Someone with no great brain but a big smile...."
Trump is 34 years old.
Watch the whole thing here
"Reading Fosse - about Bob Fosse."
The Fosse/Verdon miniseries is worth the watch. Sam Rockwell and Michelle Williams are pretty amazing.
I wish I could remember where I first heard about The Directorists - I don't think it was here, but I can't rule it out! It's been on my movie/tv list for a long time. Glad to have more endorsements.
Dear childless cat lady…
That you say no one cares about Jan. 6th proves that you are a very unserious person. I’ve long thought you to be an unintelligent and very confused person, a bad combo.
Oh, honey. Does it escape you that Trump isn't in office? That he walked out of the White House under his own steam on Jan. 20? That prior to his supposed incitement to stop the counting of electoral votes, the stoppage (and then restarting without poll-watchers) of the counting of ballots was on the shoulders of Democrats?
Or, go back further: the years-long denial of Trump's 2016 victory by Clinton? Or the illicit surveillance of the Trump campaign by the Obama administration? Or the Steele dossiere? Or the social media interference on behalf of the Democrats, as revealed by the Facebook and Twitter files? Or the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story by all media outlets except Fox?
At long last, have you left no sense of decency?
Silly question.
We caught an episode of Corner Gas while staying in Windsor one year. Got hooked on it right away. Two years ago, on our way to the Canadian Rockies, we detoured off the Trans-Canada to Rouleau, SK, where it was filmed. By then, the set had been razed, the Dog River grain elevator was gone, and a little sign by the patch of dirt was all that remained. We still enjoyed the detour.
Thank you for calling me honey, Jaime, that’s sweet. I’m well aware Trump isn’t in office and I hope he never ever in the office of the presidency again. Trump had no choice but to leave under his own steam, I don’t think he even he would’ve been so dumb as to have to be put out by force. I could ask you if you have any decency? Do you think that what Trump did, sending his followers to riot in the Capitol to stop the certification of the election was legal, was a democratic norm? The fake electors, that was alright in your book too? Now I must ask, what is wrong with you? I feel bad for your dad.
I know exactly how my very intelligent, but elderly, father came by his opinions. He's 81. He's a Vietnam vet - they have some real reasons to question the government, even though - then as now - it was Democrats who expanded the war and Republicans who attempted to find a way out of it. (Initially I was a neocon. I came to my senses when I finally realized that simply showing a very different culture what is possible to it if it will only change its baseline assumptions doesn't necessarily work - it depends on the culture.) He get all his news from tv and that's it. It would be quite something if, with that set of inputs, he came to a different conclusion from the one, the only one, to which he has been exposed.
You don't have that excuse - you're here.
Giant violist Ravel String Quartet
He will stop at nothing, he’s already proven that.
It's going to be fun watching you melt down during the next three months. You're already psychotic. Can't wait to see what's next.
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Impecable interpretación.
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Looking forward to seeing clips of Brother Joe and Darlin' Jill speaking from the heart, LOL!
Stabbed in the back by friends and allies, and have to stand and thank them for it.
Joe and Jill will "write" a memoir, and be standing behind the folding banquet table autographing copies at Costco and WalMart.
lonejustice said...
I have never recommended a TV show on this blog before, but here is the first time. . . . Corner Gas
Thank you so much. What a great show.
Uh Oh. I sense an Inga manic meltdown coming.
Altight, if we are going Canadian, Kim's Convenience, Trailer Park Boys Letterkenny.
Comedy with no laugh track. Trailer Park, and Letterkenny may a bit sophisticated for some here.
Second Clarkson, it's great real world stuff.
Big if true: "The UK is releasing 5k prisoners to make room for anti-immigration protestors"
Not sure why, but I commented on Mutaman's recommendation of the Fosse miniseries, and it disappeared. Thanks for the recommendation, I'll have to check it out!
Thanks for the recommendation, I'll take a look
STEVE KERR: "After the results are tallied that night, we can -- in the words of the great Steph Curry -- we can tell Donald Trump: "Night, night!"
Steve Kerr is such a loser- except for those 9 rings and those 2 gold medals.
Inga has trouble with complicated topics, let alone rhetorical questions.
Fullmoon thanks: Kim’s Convenience and Trailer Park Boys are on Netflix and Letterkenny is on Hulu. I will have some new shows to watch now.Clarkson’s Farm is available on Amazon Prime.
I also feel bad for my dad; he expressed a wish personally to "blow up" Donald Trump, which, knowing my father who was devoted to the preservation of human life throughout his career as a rescue helicopter pilot, could only be because he had been convinced that Trump was truly the existential threat that the Left has tried to paint him as, despite his demonstrably moderate views and governance. He was egregiously lied to and his life has been poorer for it.
My mom disagrees with him, but because of their generation, she only ever expresses her disagreement under her breath.
Trump has meticulously acceded to the rule of law, throughout his presidency and thereafter. Name a way in which he hasn't. (To forestall stupid crap, disagreeing with, for instance, the National Archives about what is classified, or resisting extortion, or even questioning election results when an election is conducted under circumstances never before seen, do not constitute defiance of the rule of law - they constitute disagreement that our system is set up to adjudicate. And Trump has, at every turn, also acceded to even the least justifiable adjudicated results.) On the other hand, try to come up with a justification for the Biden administration's - and backing up, the Obama administration's, and the Clinton campaign's - behavior toward not just Trump himself but the half of the country that supports or defends Trump.
And I apologize for not capitalizing your name, Inga - I chalk it up to my vision.
Steve Kerr is an elite hard-core liberal. And he cares for the middle class ,,,, gag me.
You will like Kim's, guaranteed.
"an elite hard-core liberal."
The Know Nothings have such a way with words.
Oh dear, Jasmine Crockett immediately began crying when Harris asked her what was wrong.
Our nation is - to coin a phrase - in the very best of hands.
I am a woman. I am ashamed of the behavior of women in office - especially Democrats, who seem to believe deep feelings are in themselves a virtue.
Beshear says we should all live "in anger politics" once and for all?
Give Inga a break. She's stressed out trying to attend to the child rapes in her migrant hostel. But she's doing her part..for Democracy!
After shaming narciso, why would you not flex your link skills?
Some lucky agents are tailing Tulsi;
So, Harris couldn't even stand up to applaud when Dr. Jill was talking about Joe's sacrifice of his own prospects in her favor. What a jerk she is.
For some reason I can't reply to lonejustice and the "Corner Gas" recommendation. Here's my response: Great show - It is hard to be cyclical* after watching it. (*Trust me, watch the show...)
Lord, it's Ashley Biden. What a surreal night. I so want to go to sleep... but I'm wondering if they're delaying President Biden for so long in order to minimize the number of people watching.
President Biden is the OG Girl Dad, she says. Ugh. She's doing her best - but it's weird that she's saying her dad is the love of her life.
Literally. That was the quote: "He is the love of our lives." One line before talking about her wedding.
Nor does she understand the difference between bleach and disinfectant. For someone who claims to be a nurse, that is really amazing.
Nor does she understand anything else, apparently
John Henry
At least Harris stood up for Biden.
I remember that someone mentioned The Detectorists and if it was you, Corrupt, thank you. It was the first time I had heard of the show and something about what you said about it made me immediately binge watch all 4(?) seasons that same day. I've since rewatched it at least twice. Lovely, lovely, show. Thank you for the recommendation.
For the past several months I've been binging on British cop shows. Just finished Prime Suspect starring Helen Mirren. Terrific show, one of the best I've ever seen.
Other recommendations are Blue Lights (set in Belfast Ireland), Unforgotten (They investigate found bodies) and a series set in Edinborough whose name escapes me at the moment.
John Henry
It's angry Joe, tonight.
The faces of Harris and Walz, as Biden speaks of the triumph of democracy, are... instructive?
He truly is a despicable man.
Charlottesville AGAIN. When Trump was she'd what he would say to the mother of the young woman who was killed that day, he said, "and I quote, 'There are very fine people on both sides.'"
Are we done here yet?
Oh no, we're not: "Demonizing no one," he says.
What an effing lying craven... At least he's losing the crowd.
It's been Joe's view since he came to the Senate that unions built the middle class - that's why he was known for decades as the Senator from MBNA.
Oh good, there will be 500,000 new charging stations!
Per Booty Gig's track record?
That's the thing! It'll only take...
Um... 260,000 years?
Oops, typo. 250,000 years. Sorry!
I had to turn it off. Baldfaced lies make me angry.
For a while, CNN's website was doing some fact checking that actually challenged what was being parlayed on screen. They're no longer doing that.
Joe will protect our "freedom to love who you love." Something tells me he doesn't mean "love" in this context.
He kept his commitment to appoint the first Black woman to the Supreme Court, and the first Black woman of Asian descent to serve as VP. Yay DEI!
Say it isn't so, Joe.
Harris did not stand up for that applause line.
And of course now we hit "suckers and losers." What a class act. What a class party.
As my husband points out - THIS is the note he wants to go out on? And I quote the husband, "Finish your vile speech and get the hell off the stage."
It seems to be winding down...
But apparently the ancient Greek taught us that character is destiny, and that has something to do with Harris and Walz. I'm not sure what.
Oh if only he had spoken of sharks and electric boats, his speech would’ve been so much better.
"Finish your vile speech and get the hell off the stage."
"vile" ?
The Know Nothings have such a way with words.
Inga said...
“Oh if only he had spoken of sharks and electric boats, his speech would’ve been so much better.”
Good point! Well said.
Bubbles is The Man.
It's amazing to see someone whose character hasn't changed in 40 years. We lived in a dorm that had been a motel: all the doors faced on a parking lot and we had a pool. Crazy place, and we all nodded at each other with goofy faces, unbelieving at our good luck. Everyone except Steve Kerr, who nodded at no one.
Corner Gas is funny, but like a lot of other Canadian shows had a short run. But if you can find them to watch there's Kim's Convenience which ran 5 seasons. And a 3 letter spy agency comedy, which in Canada was 4 letters, but whatever, Insecurity. Season 1 was extremely funny, and season 2 has never made it out of Canada. Can't watch it on the Canadian broadcasting site- because it doesn't allow their shows to be streamed to their big friendly neighbor to the South. And the second season was never released to DVD, at least not the last time I checked... And for quirky Australian police comedies, there's The Strange Calls which I can highly recommend. Now I'll have to look for The Detectorists.
I have yet to see any evidence that the Nordstream pipeline was blown up by an external bomb of any kind. All the released photos, and they're hard to find, and have been since it first happened, show breakage along weld lines, and no real jagged edges or pipe blown INWARD</b which is what would happen with an external explosion. And any external explosion large enough to sever a pipeline would leave a crater below the explosion- and there's no evidence of that. What it looks like is classic pipe separation caused by a gas line equivalent of a steam line water hammer. Which can and does break lines. And the pipeline, IIRC, was built by Russia itself, meaning, it had Russian quality control, lack thereof, on all the welds. And the fact that the breaks all occurred near a pipeline bend also is indicative of a water hammer. The slug of water (gas plug, whatever) hits the bend, and, BOOM!, puts a lot of stress on the line. And it will find weak spots and break them.
And the thing about water hammer is- it's not going to leave any evidence behind except for the damage. Now supposedly listening systems heard noises similar to an explosion about the time of the breaks. I've heard water hammers in smaller lines. In a pipeline that diameter- it's going to make a lot more noise then the extreme noise I've heard in smaller lines.
Inga, Please get help. The last couple of days have shown you have gone bonkers, and need to get help immediately before you hurt yourself. It really is sad watching you crash and burn because hate burns so deeply inside of you that you are self combusting.
onald J. Trump Posts From His Truth Social
Comrade Kamala Harris has just informed us that she will NOT do the FoxNews Debate on September 4th. I am not surprised by this development because I feel that she knows it is very difficult, at best, for her to defend her record setting Flip-Flopping on absolutely everything she once believed in, including her statements that THERE WILL BE NO FRACKING IN PENNSYLVANIA and her HORRIBLE Performance on the Border, our “Border Czar,” where millions of criminals and people from mental institutions and terrorists, have been allowed to pour into our Country, totally unchecked and unvetted. It’s called, and she LOVES IT, an OPEN BORDER!!! Rather than the debate on September 4th, I have agreed to do a Tele-Town Hall, anchored by Sean Hannity, for Fox. It will take place in the Great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - Details to follow!
Donald Trump Truth Social 11:39 PM EST 08/19/24
11:41 PM · Aug 19, 2024
Lacey is so pretty! I used to OD on Canada with Corner Gas/Letterkenny binge fests. I’m better now…
Forget it- it’s a post-election nation. You just don’t see it yet. It will be obvious after the census.
It seems to be the belief that because Steve Kerr can help put the ball in the basket that we must abandon out political beleifs…
Try highlighting Trump said polls suggested he was at “93 percent" in Inga's comment and ENTER. Are you too lazy to do your own research?
The "House of the Rising Sun" song says the house is in New Orleans. And who would argue with Bob Dylan? There is a house on Bluff Mountain, near Pigeon Forge with the same name. And low and behold, yet another in Bluff, South Africa on the beach. Madison's Maple Bluff wasn't mentioned in my Duck Duck Go search.
Steve Kerr was a pretty good basketball player (mostly beloved for being white and looking like a paperboy, if we are being honest), but what that says about his political opinions I cannot imagine. If the game is celebrity endorsements, I'll take the richest, most innovative entrepreneur in the world, who has utterly transformed multiple industries over a former UofA basketball player. Though I prefer to make my own judgments about politics rather than following perfect strangers with motives I can only guess at.
So Biden said he would “end the pipeline” if Putin invaded Ukraine, Vicky Nuland bragged about blowing it up, but Gospace says that didn’t happen because he saw “pictures” of “a pipeline” that looked like it didn’t blow up. Mr. Occam would like a word with you.
Way back when, Hollywood was going to cast Richard Dreyfuss as "Spenser For Hire." I recall Robert Parker commenting that he didn't really care, as long as he got paid. It fell through, for some reason.
Now hells go back to sauron where he belongs
Steve Kerr, for reasons of of either pure spite or fealty to Nike, kept the best American basketball player on the bench for most of the Olympics. A real asshole.
Meanwhile, they found 6 more hostages bodies in Gaza, whilst they are crying for a cease fire when there was a cease fire, and Hamas broke it....AGAIN. How many times do we do the same thing over and over again before you realize that the insane are running things...
I've relayed my second favorite personal political interaction here a few times, which was Barbra Boxer (recently retired) standing behind that forlorn table at Costco trying to sign copies of her autobiography for which literally no one was lining up. I said "Hey Senator" as we walked by laughing at her just so she'd know that we knew who she was.
Indeed. USA will be Maduro's Venezuela very soon.
Speaking of Gaza, how about that comment by Joe? "Those protesters out in the street, they’ve a point." Sure sounds a lot like "there are good people on both sides", which Joe sure doesn't like.
I had the dvr set for Gutfeld! and went to bed when the revrun Warnock was still bloviating.
This morning I reviewed the tape at triple speed and see that FJB spoke for 30 minutes or more. In all honesty, I saw no joy and a lot of anger--I'm learning of the highlights from you guys.
Second Clarksons Farm. The first few episodes of 'Corner Gas' and 'Letterkenny' were good. After that they became formulaic.
Mike (MJB Wolf):
You need to talk to G.I.L.B.A.R. (the B is for 'Bestiality'). He is absolutely certain that Ukraine did it, you seem to agree with 'tim in vermont' that the U.S. did it, you can't both be right, but you can both be wrong.* As I have said all along, I don't know who did it, or even if it was sabotage and not an accident as Gospace suggests, and neither do any of you. It is also quite possible that Russia did it. We may find out one day.
*I understand the WSJ story blaming Ukraine said the US warned them not to, but they did it anyway. That means you can't wiggle out of the contradiction by claiming the US and Ukraine did it working together. It's one or the other, or neither, but it can't be both.
At the time there was a petroleum pipeline expert that posited that the lack of maintenance was the culprit. It made sense because Russia is famous for it's slipshod maintenance of almost all it's infrastructure. Gas pipeline accumulate moisture that, if not purged of regularly, turns to ice and can rupture the pipe.
Boatbuilder, they should have cast Dreyfuss as Hawk!
Occam's Razor strongly supports shoddy construction and subsequent poor maintenance. And- intelligence agencies around the world all benefit by claiming it was done by sabotage- for getting everyone to believe that increases their budget. All kinds of speculation on who did it and how- yet- no evidence, just lots of speculation. No timing devices, no wires, no pictures showing- "Here's the evidence! It was an external explosion!" Russia benefits the most from it being an "explosion". And since it's their pipeline- they should be eager to prove it. They haven't. As Rusty says, I'm not the only one who believes it was structural failure. But no one benefits from that being the case...
NASA announces Boeing Starliner astronauts to return to Earth on SpaceX’s Crew Dragon.
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