২১ আগস্ট, ২০২৪

Sunrise — 6:15, 6:16, 6:17.




৪৩টি মন্তব্য:

Whiskeybum বলেছেন...

Whatever happened with the predicted 2024 gigantic cicada breakout? I live near the region where the breakout was supposed to be severe, but I haven’t seen anything unusual at all. I was in Iowa last week - the cicadas were very loud there, but they always are like that in the summer in Iowa - didn’t actually see a single one. Must have done the way of the murder hornets.

Mason G বলেছেন...

"Whatever happened with the predicted 2024 gigantic cicada breakout?"

Global Warming.

William50 বলেছেন...

Perfect water for skiing. I used to love getting out on the lake around 6.00am before the wind kicks up.

narciso বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
rehajm বলেছেন...

Donahue thought he had the perfect response to capital punishment- make them televise it he argued. I think he thought that would stop ‘em. Maybe back then. Today..I like the idea. Warm up with any lawyer using the word insurrection as a weapon in the courtroom, then line up all the election thieves- past, present, and soon to be…that’ll take a while…

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

Back from the JD Vance event. About 300 people there. No speech. He just shook hands and posed for pictures. I was exceptionally unhappy with the Secret Service. No screening of people before they entered the bar. There was a Dem at the bar who goes by the name Agent of Satan. I know what a nut she is and I went up to her and asked if she was carrying. She denied it, but people have been known to lie. She could have walked up to JD and started shooting.

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

In retrospect, I should have made the Agent of Satan open her purse. Or told the Secret Service that she is a suspicious person.

Inga বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Inga বলেছেন...

Sheesh Begley, why the heck didn’t you tell the Secret Service of your concerns?!

mccullough বলেছেন...

Brewers playing well this season. A shame Yelich is out the rest of season as he was playing at a high level again. But this team is pretty deep and consistent.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Elmhurst Illinois was severe. Worse than last time. 12 miles further west you'd never know there was any at all.

Drago বলেছেন...

Because unlike the The New Soviet Democraticals and their snitch lines and East German "The Lives Of Others" inclinations, Begley is just a random dude to the Secret Service and his "warning", without any visible evidence, might very well have led to an unnecessary distraction and/or altercation and/or violation of the crazy lefty lady's constititional rights.

Its not surprising in the least that a New Soviet Democratical NPC such as yourself fails to comprehend any of that.

One can only assume an idiot like yourself, who completely bought into the hilarious "Trump dove over and wrestled Secret Service agents for the wheel of The Beast!" and the Oh Noes The MAGA dudes attacked Jussie Smollett And Tried To Steal His Subway Sandwich! hoaxes, would have immediately alerted any and all Secret Service agents to the prescence of dangerous MAGA hawaiian shirt wearing treasonous traitors had they and you been present in a venue where a dem candidate was walking about.

Iman বলেছেন...

Morning becomes electoral.

Drago বলেছেন...

Next up for Inga: Hello, 911? Yes I'd like to report someone has placed several large Trump signs on their front lawn! It seems very suspicious as well as treasonous to me!

911: have you seen anyone doing anything actually suspicious?

Well....no...but did I mention the suspicious signs?....they might also be attendees of a Catholic church where the Latin Mass is performed...or..OR...they might be parents of school age children and oppose Drag Queen Story hour and pornographic books being made available to elementary school children and dared to show up at a school board meeting to complain! The FBI has already declated those activities to be dangerous indicators of domestic terrorism!

Mike of Snoqualmie বলেছেন...

The Seattle Mariners had a 10-game lead during June. Now they're about 5 games behind Houston. I'm predicting they'll be out around September 15 unless they step up their game.

I've paid first half payment for post season tickets (6 possible games). I see a refund in my future.

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

I wasn’t quick enough to think to ask the Agent of Satan to open her purse. And LEO can ask for identification. She would have had to open her purse for that.

Kathryn51 বলেছেন...

Ahhh. . . .the Mariners. They have one value in our household - occasionally Millennial Son (via his company which shall remain nameless) gets free tickets, we go and eat decent food and enjoy our time together. Thankfully, hubby is not a fanatic (he saves that for politics, lol). 🤣🤣

Narr বলেছেন...

It fizzled here.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Agent of Satan is a Democrat? No way. /// I just can 't believe it. ////

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Kamala Can’t Win Without Extreme Election Interference And That’s Exactly What’s Happening

gilbar বলেছেন...

U.S. government report says fluoride at twice the recommended limit is linked to lower IQ in kids

Fluoridation is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous communist plot we have ever had to face.
Have you ever seen a Commie drink a glass of water?
Purity Of Essence

Chest Rockwell বলেছেন...

US Secretary of Commerce ladies and gentleman.

Chest Rockwell বলেছেন...

Great podcast with Nate Silver. His latest book is in my Kindle queue.

WK বলেছেন...

John Legend is not Prince.

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...

I have, believe it or not, spent quite a bit of time watching the speeches at the DNC. What I find notable is that the entire line of speakers and indeed the ideology of the Democratic Party seems in thrall to seeing Trump along the lines of "Hitlerism". By this I mean that, it's not that Trump is a replay of that unique history, but that they see him as an individual who in and of himself is an Evil Agent of Change.

Now, not only is this a bad understanding of the rise of Hitler, but they would never see the rise of other totalitarian figures such as Stalin or Mao in those terms. It also permits the lazy thinking that thinks that to deal with Trump the man is to deal with the concerns of his 65 million voters, and that without Trump the concerns and political will of his voters would somehow remain inchoate.

I can see from the prevalence of this attitude among the Democratic leadership how they thought that their storm of lawfare would shatter him and his movement. Unfortunately, I have to admit that my mind also turned to darker thoughts and could see how so many Democrats find it hard to openly condemn his near-assassination.

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...

And, BTW, the Democrats need to channel their inner Mussolinis and make their damn convention run on time! This is the third evening in a row that the keynote speaker of the evening comes on AFTER 11PM EDT.

Who are these people trying to reach? The American Association of Insomniacs and Night Owls?

Run a country?! These clowns can't even run a convention!

Eva Marie বলেছেন...

I love photo #2. It’s these kind of views of the sun that make me realize I’m an inhabitant of a planet orbiting the sun. BTW, we’ve had a wonderful summer here in AZ. I always say summers in the Phoenix area would be bearable if the crazy heat ended in August. This year the over 110 temperatures started in June and have ended mid August. Last year we had over 50 days of over 110 degrees with 31 consecutive days in July. (Last day of June through to the second to last day in July.) Not only that but the over 110 degree temps stretched into September. It was a miserable summer.

tcrosse বলেছেন...


Mutaman বলেছেন...

"And, BTW, the Democrats need to channel their inner Mussolinis and make their damn convention run on time! This is the third evening in a row that the keynote speaker of the evening comes on AFTER 11PM EDT."

Young Hegelian thinks its 1975 and has apparently never heard of tape or Youtube. I guess that's another weird thing about the Know Nothings- they dasn't stay up past their bed time.

Iman বলেছেন...

He’s a cross between E.T. and a tanned Patton Oswalt.

Disparity of Cult বলেছেন...

Eric Holder isn't willing to have a conversation.


gadfly বলেছেন...

Wow! The Hillbilly goes to Omaha to campaign and 300 people show up including a Democrat. So lawyer Dave asks the lady Dem if she is carrying a concealed weapon in a state that requires no permit. But he didn't ask anyone else. Was there no sign that read, "Long guns only, please!"

I can't imagine what costs the RNC incurs for travel to ill-attended events when JD could have been spending time at his townhouse in DC with his lovely wife, Usha.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Matt Whitlock

The patronizing tone of congratulating a grandparent for giving up the car keys when the family actually took them away by force and threw grandpa in a home.

Conservative War Machine
Former President Bill Clinton: “Then [Joe Biden] did something that is really hard for a politician to do; he voluntarily gave up political power.”

Mark বলেছেন...

What a weird way to complain that you don't like the poll numbers and media coverage. Extreme election interference not shown

wendybar বলেছেন...

"This was gigantic news today. Anyone from the administration appearing on television during the DNC -- even with a lapdog media -- had to have expected questions about the jobs report.

ESPECIALLY if you are the freaking Secretary of Commerce! But, as has become glaringly obvious over four years, the entire Biden administration is a Confederacy of Dunces. Check out Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo's response to being asked about the numbers:

Greg Price
Reporter: Nearly a million jobs "created" since Kamala took office do not exist.

Raimondo: “I don’t believe it because I’ve never heard Trump say anything truthful.”

Reporter: "It is from the Bureau of Labor."

Raimondo: "I'm not familiar with that."

She actually tried to blame the jobs numbers on Donald Trump at the beginning of this interview. Unbelievable ... and also not surprising. Democrats genuinely have nothing else. "

Yet the sad thing is there are idiots here who are just like this fool, and blame Trump for all the Progressive lies that are coming out of the woodwork to show how corrupt their own party is, and has been. Maybe someday they will wake up, but I doubt it.

Drago বলেছেন...

Nice Summary by Kobeissi on X:
"Current situation:

1. US job additions revised lower by 818,000, largest revision since 2009

2. US unemployment rate is up to 4.3%, highest since 2021

3. 5 out of the last 6 jobs reports have now been revised LOWER

4. A record number of Americans are now working multiple jobs

5. US Dollar has lost 25% of its purchasing power in 4 years

6. 11% of credit card balances in the US are now delinquent, the highest in over a decade

How is this a "soft landing?""

rehajm বলেছেন...

Jeez. Ouch…

Rocco বলেছেন...

Whiskeybum said...
"Whatever happened with the predicted 2024 gigantic cicada breakout? I live near the region where the breakout was supposed to be severe, but I haven’t seen anything unusual at all. "

So, you're getting *crickets* instead.

Jersey Fled বলেছেন...

New Starbucks CEO will commute to work on corporate jet.


I’ll believe climate change is real when my betters start acting like it.

Mark বলেছেন...

Twitter, which now is being called the worst loan from large banks in the last 15 years.

I think your gloating about the success of Twitter/X just hit a Titanic sized iceberg. They're a financial disaster.

planetgeo বলেছেন...

The problem with the continued "Trump is literally Hitler" BS is that Trump was already President for 4 years and we have the evidence of what he actually did and didn't do during that time. And he sure didn't act like Hitler. Can't say the same about the Democrats though, with their lawfare, mask mandates, and general thuggery against anyone who disagrees with them (including people who are Democrats).

Iman বলেছেন...

Weak sauce, Markie Marx!

Drago বলেছেন...

Poor Dumb Lefty Mark. Those X investors simply arent fleeing as Musk and Team continue on their multiyear strategic plan to maintain free speech (which is Dumb Lefty Mark's real complaint) and develop an "everything app" which will be more robustly impervious to politicized anti-ad buy manipulations by the totalitarian censors....like Dumb Lefty Mark.