August 13, 2024

Here's the recording of the Trump/Musk conversation?... And was it a true conversation?

I was hoping for real conversation, and I think Musk was too. I wanted "something innovative and possibly disruptive." And Musk said he wanted people to hear how Trump "talks when it’s a conversation, rather than an interview," and "Nobody is quite themselves in an interview, so it’s hard to understand what they’re really like."

But there wasn't enough back and forth between Trump and Musk for it to feel like conversation. It was more like Trump's rally speeches, where he goes long and riffs this way and that, but the audience doesn't get to participate other than to cheer him on. These speeches are relatively conversational, but they don't give us a feeling of what Trump is like when he's interacting with someone personally. And it's the rally speech feeling that I got from the Trump/Musk conversation.

The 2 men were not in the same room. Trump was at Mar a Lago leaning over his speaker phone:  
Musk was somewhere else. Musk deferred to Trump and let him go on at length and also to interrupt and take control of the conversation at will. Trump was so hot to deliver his message that he bypassed the opportunity to draw Musk out, to get to know Musk, or to show that he was interested in Musk — Musk, one of the most interesting human beings in the world. Musk did not seem to mind. Musk clearly wants Trump to be elected and found an opportunity near the end to give a fairly long pro-Trump pitch. But that means the long encounter was pretty much all campaigning. 

I hope Trump accepts Joe Rogan's invitation and goes on that podcast. Rogan is so good at making conversation happen. But Trump might nevertheless take over and use all the time to batter his message in his usual way. The stakes are so high, perhaps no one running for President would ever risk having a real conversation. Not a major party candidate.


Leland said...

I didn’t and likely won’t listen. It is nothing against either participant. Really, it is as Althouse notes, which is why I thought it ok to comment. It is difficult as a politician to be open and frank, especially during a campaign. I’m not interested in listening to that type of conversation beyond what the policies might mean, and those will be repeated often enough.

Big Mike said...

I wasn’t going to listen but if Althouse says don’t bother then I probably should. I assume there’s something that a hard core feminist is afraid of my learning.

Kakistocracy said...

Trump exudes loser energy this time around. In 2016 there was a dark edge to his campaign, but he seemed to genuinely enjoy campaigning. His events were receiving coverage on major media channels and there was a lot of interest in the freakish aspects of his candidacy. Now he's getting stuck doing interviews in obscure parts of the internet with often obscure conservative podcasters. Even a guy like Musk has boxed himself into a corner with the weirdos. There is a market for what Trump is selling, just like there is a market for "brain pills" and right wing media. However, I'm skeptical that there is a mainstream, mass market for what he's selling in 2024.

I had some serious doubts throughout most of 2024, but the Democrats did a good job with their pivot to a new nominee and VP. The Democrats were hoping that Biden could coast to victory just by running as "not Trump". It was not a great strategy in 2024. However, Trump and the GOP seem to have no idea what they are doing, or why they are running. I don't think a campaign built around personal grievances is going to win a national election.

Mary Beth said...

It's clear you didn't listen to the conversation.

Shouting Thomas said...

Praise for the Politburo strategy of nominating candidates in secret in the back room. You’ve got to admire Democrats’ ability to lie ruthlessly and shamelessly. Democracy is the bosses issuing edicts.The Democrats didn’t completely ignore and evade the democratic process, they “pivoted.” Congratulations to Rich on his ruthless and shameless lying.

Dave Begley said...

When does Harris have a conversation with Musk? 100m would listen to that.

Dave Begley said...

Elon and Donald are the two bravest living Americans.

pacwest said...

"I don't think a campaign built around personal grievances is going to win a national election."
Agree. Thats why Trump is running on a specific platform of providing cheap energy, securing the border, lowering taxes, reining in a bloated beauracracy, revamping outdated foreign policy, improving a failing education system, making sure that international trade benefits America, reducing crime, etc. Put more simply - a set of policies so good that his opponents are *trying to copy them.

*Trying (or lying about). Parroting them anyway.

boatbuilder said...

No hate speech, apparently. It's taking a while for the talking points to get out.

deepelemblues said...

Came off as a conversation to me. Elon struggled to hold up his end a little bit with his mild Asperger's and his giddy fanboy reaction to Trump.

Big Mike said...

At yesterday’s press briefing Washington Post reporter Cleve Wootson asked Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre whether there wasn’t something the administration could do about the conversation between Musk and Trump because of the risk of “campaign misinformation.”

RMc said...

As I figured, the media's coverage of the chat was mostly negative, focusing on the delay, calling it "dull" and "bizarre", and highlighting Harris' reaction.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

And there was the technology angle, the DDOS attack on X servers that Musk described as the largest and most dispersed attack he has ever seen or heard about. Highly organized black hat hacker teams don’t just coalesce organically. Even if one considers Trump unworthy of news coverage that huge cyberattack should rate a mention in “mainstream media.” If that dog ain’t barking then sentient Americans should ponder why that is so.

gspencer said...

Maybe we're all burdened by the passage of time.

Breezy said...

“I had some serious doubts throughout most of 2024, but the Democrats did a good job with their pivot to a new nominee and VP. The Democrats were hoping that Biden could coast to victory just by running as "not Trump". It was not a great strategy in 2024. However, Trump and the GOP seem to have no idea what they are doing, or why they are running. I don't think a campaign built around personal grievances is going to win a national election.”

Clever pivot there. What is the Harris strategy now? Isn’t it still “not Trump”? Or do you think this “vibe” strategy will work? Or the “not gonna talk to the media” strategy? Or the “steal Trump policies” strategy? Seems to me there is a lot of floundering going on on the Harris side. I imagine the Biden vs Harris vs Obama staff infighting within the team isn’t helping.

boatbuilder said...

As I said below, Harris (and our actual President, Joe Biden--remember him?) missed a golden opportunity to score cheap political points by standing for America and Free Speech, and telling that EU Commissar to butt out.

But instead they go for "misinformation," and reveal themselves to be opposed to what America is all about.

rhhardin said...

I want interesting ideas, not sincerity.

rhhardin said...

Nobody says that if you can fake interesting ideas you've got it made.

Gunner said...

Rich, the reason Trump was getting covered by major media channels in 2016 was because the Hillary loving idiots were following her pied piper strategy to help him win the nomination. They thought he would be easiest for her to beat.

Inga said...

Two hours of mostly campaign speech by Trump with moments of Musk trying to get him back on track. Trump repeated the same stories and Musk was polite like he might be to a favorite elderly uncle. I think Musk showed patience by gently trying to guide him into substantial topics, despite Trump’s flighty thought processes interrupting the flow of conversation.

God of the Sea People said...

I listened to it as I did some other things. I felt like Musk directed the conversation well enough. Obviously if you point Trump at a topic like illegal immigration, he is going to say the stuff he usually says about those topics. No surprise there. But I felt like Musk was able to successfully pivot to new topics after they had talked about something for a while. I liked the fact that Musk talked about articulating some "moonshot" programs that would give the nation something to strive for. I can't remember the last time a presidential candidate talked about using American power and excellence in that way. Trump would be smart to seize on those kinds of ideas.

Michael said...

Didn't Rogan say he wouldn't be inviting either Trump or Harris on the pod?

Amadeus 48 said...

I listened in to the last 45 minutes or so. Very interesting with Elon stepping up a bit. I think a net plus for Team Trump, particularly with the vacant Kamala putting out nothing but disco. She ought to go an hour and a half with Elon on X. It would be revealing.

Gusty Winds said...

I thought the biggest story was the Left/Deep State desperation and attempts to shut the conversation down. They cyber attack that delayed the start. The WaPo reporter asking the dingbat press secretary what the White House was going to do to shut it down. The threatening letter from the EU to Musk. The desperation on MSDNC and CNN. Musk pointed out that when Trump was President, and attacked constantly with Russian collusion lies and others, he NEVER went after press freedom of freedom of speech. He engaged. There was the one time he had Jim Acosta kicked out for manhandling a microphone from a female staffer at a press event, but Acosta actually deserved to get punched for that one.

Gusty Winds said...

The event itself was the event. The actual content of the conversation was secondary. Musk is wrestling away the control and dissemination of information from the totalitarian gate keepers in the MSM who sold their souls decades ago. Does anyone thing the massive DDOS attack that delayed the start was some "lone shooter" hacking dork in his basement? It was the gov't trying to shut it down. Just like the assassination attempt. They failed at both, but the message was received loud and clear. The desperation to stop it from happening is the biggest story.

Achilles said...

That is a clever way of saying Kamala Harris is not smart enough to do what Trump did.

Mark said...

Musk has championed 'radical transparency' at Twitter. He needs to show us the logs of this claimed attack which didn't affect any other part of Twitter's functionality than the same part that went down during DeSantis' stream.

Claiming that they tested it earlier in the day made me laugh, as that is testing the system without enough time to address any significant problems before it needs to work.

Of course thus went down.

Achilles said...

That was around 1 hour and 59 minutes longer than Kamala would be able to last in a conversation with Musk.

Never mind you are right, Kamala wouldn't last one second in a discussion with a paper bag, much less Elon Musk.

Mark said...

Or was the DDoS made up?
Elon claims transparency, this is a good chance for him to show it. I bet we never see proof.

Sally327 said...

With the tech issues and Trump hunched over his phone trying to have a meeting,, it could be a scene from April 2020 with the pandemic raging and all us hunkered down trying to figure out how we're going work from home. Reminders of that time do not benefit Trump. Was the low tech /no tech approach supposed to communicate something to all of us?

Howard said...

Trump basically repeated all of the same talking points he made during his press conference. If he does win it would be nice if he actually used Elon Musk as an advisor. He has much more sensible ideas regarding the future of energy and the protection of the environment

Howard said...

You just think that because you're America's biggest pussycat

Howard said...


Howard said...

That's a fair assessment. I just didn't think Donald said anything different that he already said during his Mar-A-Lago press conference last week

Birches said...

Wait, I thought Rogan has turned down a Trump interview? If Rogan has offered them it's obvious that everything Trump has done this far is setting up for the Rogan interview.

Achilles said...

Howard is incapable of admitting that Trump is smarter and braver than he is even though it is objectively and obviously true.

This inability has the same source as Howard's juvenile taunts.

This insecurity will tear you apart Howard. Stop hating yourself.

Maynard said...

Of course, Howie and Inga did not listen to the conversation. They are just repeating what the DNC media has told them to say.

You guys are so obvious.

Achilles said...

Poor Mark. They failed to keep the world from hearing Trump speech.

Now Mark is big mad that everyone knows who the obvious culprit is. This is just like when they tried to assassinate Trump.

You can't prove it is a bullshit statement. We know who you are.

Achilles said...

I am sure he is inviting both.

I am also sure there is only one person even considering it.

And I also know that the person who will not go on will also try to shut it down like they did with Trump Elon.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Tell me you are technologically challenged without saying "I'm technologically challenged." Or is Mark just so partisan that he doesn't care that so many assets are being dedicated to attacking X simply because Trump is on the site?

planetgeo said...

All this conversation about whether it was a real conversation is ridiculous. Trump isn't a good public speaker. Never has been, never will be. So what? You want "My Dinner with Andre" from a guy who eats Big Macs? Or later, from a woman who only does word salads?

The simple fact is that we don't need to hear what either Trump or Harris say they would do. We have already seen and been affected by what each of them did do and didn't do. Trump was already President for 4 years...what did he do/not do and how did that affect your life? Likewise, Harris served in multiple capacities in California and the last 3 years as Vice President...what did she do/not do and how did that affect your life?

You already have all the evidence before you of what they did. You don't need any more conversation about what they would do.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Trump showed more compassion in the first 5 minutes than Biden or Harris have in 4 years. Ditto Musk asking about Butler, which no leftist media swine are even interested in talking about. Sounds like Inga didn't listen but has received the DNC "what to say" memo and is parroting the progressive BS about the long interview. An innocent man died and Democrats couldn't care less. Y'all are ghouls. Straight up. Fuckin' bloodthirsty ghouls.

Howard said...

That's some good shit, Maynard

Gusty Winds said...

You're being completely disingenuous. The desperation to shut it down, and the left/deep states efforts to control speech in the last five years is very real. I can only assume you are in full support of these totalitarian efforts. Even though you comment freely at the Althouse blog. Typical liberal hypocrisy.

Drago said...

Non-combat "vet" Howitzer Howard could have volunteered for a frontline Marine Recon or similar role while serving. He chose not to.

Since then he has effectively surrendered intellectually and rhetorically and physically, as have almost all New Soviet Democraticals, to their strategic political allies: the islamic supremacists.

Howard will gleefully attack a 70 year old Christian woman praying outside an abortion clinic but he will keep his big yap shut very tight while the radical islamists attack whatever they want.

Its likely Howard launches his adolescent missives at Althouse blog to compensate for these deficiencies.

Mark said...

There was no problem using Twitter itself during the stream, so unlikely to be a DDoS

Kakistocracy said...

"There appears to be a massive DDOS attack on 𝕏. Working on shutting it down. Worst case, we will proceed with a smaller number of live listeners and post the conversation later. — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) August 13, 2024

It's a dubious assertion by Musk — no evidence of it, and evidence against it is that the rest of the site was working just fine. If every random statement like that were reported, it would just be more noise.

Temujin said...

Trump does tend to take over any conversation, and run all over the yard with his thoughts, barely keeping on topic at any time. That's how he talks (and one reason I cannot stand listening to him speak). Musk let him go, and Musk would probably let Kamala go as well, but she, unlike Trump, doesn't know where she's supposed to publicly stand on any one topic. So she's being schooled for a few weeks before they let her out. Much like Joe Biden last time.

Joe Rogan would be a much better interview. Although Joe tends to go off on wild tangents as well. It could be fun. I think it would be a great interview to listen to.

Musk is not a great speaker. He's a great thinker. And Musk is not a professional interviewer. But kudos to him for making the platform available. Shame on Kamala for not having the intellectual wherewithal, and too unsure of a philosophical base to do this now.

Drago said...

You really ought to just stop now. Your astonishing technical ignorance is beginning to bang up against your ignorance of social media audiences.

Drago said...

Rich is super intent to compete with Dumb Lefty Mark for Biggest Tech Moron on Althouse blog, with Freder and Left Bank and Cook and others doing their best to win the crown.

We should organize them into a bracket and arrange them in Idiot Lefty 1 v 1's and then vote our way to a "champion"!

Drago said...

Transparently false Dumb Lefty Mark.


As always.

Without exception.

Mark said...

Twitter 'worked' just as everyone except you and Elon expected Drago.

How quickly you forgot this same thing with Elon and DeSantis a year ago.

RCOCEAN II said...

Puzzled by Joe Rogan. Not sure if I got it right, so Trump is going to be a guest on Joe Rogan's podcast? I thought Rogan had publically stated he would never have Trump on his program. It'd be interesting to watch, but I don't think it would make much difference in terms of Trump gaining votes.

Drago said...

Remember, way back in late 2022 and early 2023, techno-business whizes (LOL) Rich and Mark confidently declared X would be dead within mere months! Destroyed by the magnificent Threads launch! X was doomed....doomed....DOOMED!!!

And here we are.

I think Dumb Lefty Mark should be transparent and explain fully where he got it all wrong.


As always.

With the full benefit of hindsight.

Lets see what happens....

Mark said...

I saw people complain on X about the sound quality. I wouldn't know. But it does seem rather dumb for Trump not to have used a real high quality microphone.

Mark said...

It was more like Trump's rally speeches, where he goes long and riffs this way and that

Or how an old man will just ramble and ramble....

Mark said...

Trump and the GOP seem to have no idea what they are doing, or why they are running

Because Trump was robbed in 2020 and he's simply getting what is rightfully his, expecting that it should just be given to him, that's why the lack of serious campaigning. Why should he have to work for it? He already won it...twice!

Mark said...

Trump is running on a specific platform of providing cheap energy, securing the border, lowering taxes, reining in a bloated beauracracy, revamping outdated foreign policy, improving a failing education system, making sure that international trade benefits America, reducing crime, etc.

And you here have been as specific on these general goals as Trump has been. He could have saved himself with that platform and simply stuck with the one line of "make American great again." No need to give details. And if some group out there tries to offer specific policy plans, then condemn and disown them, even though the group is composed of Trump supporters and past staff members.

Mark said...

So I noticed my first comment of the day disappeared in this sucky new commenting platform.

Anyway, I said something about how people on X had complained about the sound and wondered why Trump couldn't be bothered to use a real quality microphone.

Gusty Winds said...

Rich regurgitates the "without evidence" MSM median mantra, knowing full well Musk is telling the truth, and there in no "evidence" people like Rich would publicly acknowledge. Rich would applaud if they had successfully shut it down.

Gusty Winds said...

What "evidence" would Rich accept? There is none.

Sally327 said...

Constable Drago, thank you for the warning. I don't want to run afoul of the blog police.

Amadeus 48 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kakistocracy said...

DDOS: Impossible to prove, useful to allege.

The axis of conspiracy theories and misinformation.

Breezy said...

The goal here was to reach out and inform people who aren’t thoroughly plugged into political maneuvering as many of us are. Likely millions of people getting info from Trump they haven’t heard before. And that info is from him directly, which carries a lot of weight with voters.

Drago said...

Mark's next complaint will be the soda machines at X are not always fully stocked. X is DOOMED!

Yancey Ward said...

I read the transcript- I think the two men needed to be in the same room for this to be what Musk says he wanted. It is harder to bloviate in campaign mode when you are sitting across from the person you are talking to. I found the entire thing to be informative but boring- I didn't learn anything that I didn't already know. The golf video Trump did with DeChambeau was more informative of the man Trump is than this discussion was.

Drago said...

Rich is going to keep drilling down into that techno-moron ditch and there is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop him.

Without Inga around to provide up to the minute and timely Soviet Full Mindreading Capabilities, we will simply have to assume that the Server Walls Are Closing In On Musk!!!

Drago said...

Rich moves seamlessly from Trump Was Never Shot to The DDOS Attack Never Happened, which is a continuation from all the way back to Obama Didnt Spy On Trump, Hillary Dd Not Pay For The Dossier up to the present: Biden Is As Sharp As Ever And Will Crush Trump, becoming Of Course Biden is Addled And Has To Go, becoming Its Actually Trump That Is Addled, Walz Is Not A Stolen Valor / Blue Falcon Coward Liar (despite about a hundred videos of just that!), etc.


Someone tell Abacus Boy Rich, the Harry Sisson of Althpuse blog, that Animal Farm was a cautionary tale, not a script to be followed.

Inga said...

Sally, just picture Drago as Barney Fife.

Kakistocracy said...

Did Elon bring up Trump’s cross dressing VP pick ?

Drago said...

Interestingly, Dumb Lefty Mark spent about a year claiming, and oh so confidently claiming, Musk was absolutely NOT standing up to the censors anymore than the other social media platforms.

And again, Dumb Lefty Mark asserted this for a very long time.

Naturally, as always, inevitably, this was proven to be a ridiculous lie.

So, Dumb Lefty Mark, in the interest of transparency, why were you lying abou that for so long?

And remember, dont create new lies to cover for your old lies.

Drago said...

Since the Pravda legacy media was calling on biden to STOP the Musk/Trump discussion, the New Soviet Democraticals should have called out the National Guard to raid Musks and Trump's venues....but then again, if the National Guard members behaved like Stolen Valor / Blue Falcon Coward Liar Walz, nobody would have shown up!

n.n said...

African-American interviews Person of Orange (PoO). Racial politics.

Jim Gust said...

If you actually want to eavesdrop on a Trump conversation, find that golf outing Trump did recently trying to break 50. It's on Youtube, I don't remember who he played with. I watched about half of it with my brother. Nothing about politics, no campaigning, just two guys playing golf wearing microphones. Trump is a surprisingly good golfer for his age.

Kakistocracy said...

Trump's media company — which includes Truth Social — reported total sales of less than $837,000 in the second quarter of this year.

And yet a market cap of $4.75bn — totally normal company.

Michael K said...

Howard says he had heard enough about policy at that press conference. The dullard pretends she listened. Another 1 billion people heard it too.

Michael K said...

Kind of like Microsoft at this stage, right?

Drago said...

This just in: The New Soviet Democratical Party emulates commie Kamala by flipping their "foreign influence" talking points (always known to be a lie in any event but still) and lovingly and passionately embracing Thierry's letter threatening Musk and telling him he better not interview Trump!

The New Soviet Democraticals have attempted to jail Trump, silence Trump, bankrupt Trump, remove Trump from the ballot, murder Trump....because....[checks notes]...they supposedly WANT Trump to be the republican nominee!

Drago said...

Yes. Another pointless New Soviet Democratical lie goes "Full Explodey".

Mason G said...

Handwritten note on the soda machine at my first job:

"I want grape soda. I've been here 25 years and I've never asked for anything. Now it's time."

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Repeating talking points during a campaign? Weird...

john mosby said...

Would be great if Trump went to Rogan’s studio, accepted the proffered doobie, and did the interview in two entwined clouds of dank skunky smoke. Instant popular and electoral landslide, especially if the DOJ and Mass authorities (I think Rogan still lives in Mass) tried to selectively prosecute them.

The Prof would have to create a “Trump is like Bob Marley” tag.


Mark said...

Looking forward to Elon's full transparency proving the DDoS claim was real.

Otherwise it's it the typical modern Twitter experience ... lots of talk, but little to show.

Modi seems to have censorship power at Twitter, Drago.

Mark said...

Twitter has a lot of egg on their face today, Drago.

How's their profitability? You keep crowing about how great they are doing, yet every metric says ad revenue is one long decent.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

That would be great. At this point, I think Rogan almost has to invite Trump on the show, if Rogan wants to be considered a player. Which he does.

Interesting and smart campaign strategy by the Trump people. Show up in places where Harris can't even begin to compete and garner millions of ears. The other significant thing about this is it requires people making a conscious choice to listen. That sticks. Unlike letting the MSM spew wash over you like a particularly bad Pine-Sol commercial.

Drago said...

Sorry Dumb Lefty Mark. DoS does not = DDOS.

I am sorry you are too dumb to know that. They even gave it a different name to help dummies like you understand there is a differencr. You could even look it up all by your little lonesome! Courage little man. Courage.

Now that we're past that latest screwup of yours, lets get back to why you spent a year lying about Elon Musk and claiming he wasnt standing up go censors.

Then we should get back to how it is (spoiler: we actually already know) that you asserted so boldly X would collapse back in 2022 and 2023.

Go ahead Dumb Lefty Mark, wow us all! The tension and suspence is killing me!

rehajm said...

…and no Denial of Service attack. Surprise!

FullMoon said...

LOL. So, basically, left is claiming DDOS was a lie. Why? To "cover up" the interview being delayed? What possible reason would Musk lie about it? Just saying he, or Trump are running behind schedule would not be unusual or newsworthy.

FullMoon said...

Would be better if they are in same room for next conversation in September.

Marty said...

I skip any post by Rich, Inga or Mark. I wish the rest of the people commenting would stop responding to them because I skip those comments, too. Sometimes there is not much left after that. Please consider NOT responding to those three trolls. Let them do what they are paid to do while the rest of us simply ignore their bullshit.

pacwest said...

Pick one.
Immigration: (per Trump)
1. Finish wall.
2. Deport criminal element first.
3. Make it harder to hire illegals.
4. Reinstate remain in Mexico.
5. Remove access to welfare for illegals.
6. There are several more, but I know I'm just talking to a bag of hammers.

He covers all the above items at length in greater detail. I really have a hard time understanding why people don't take the time to research rather than make stupid comments like yours. Lazy? Incompetent? Why?

GRW3 said...

It sounded like a conversation to me, particularly considering who was talking. That it's not the conversation Ann would have doesn't make it not a conversation.

effinayright said...

Not "impossible to prove", but difficult to trace. "A DDoS attack can be recorded and analyzed in detail, using Traffic Logs, Packet Captures and Network Behavior...ChatGPT. So Musk can show the evidence that it happened, which would shove Rich's inane comments up his own well-reamed butt.

Paddy O said...

It has been a very long time (like 10+ yrs) since I listened to a politician speak at length. It's just always a waste of my time. I decided to listen to this. I'd never heard Musk talk, so that was interesting in itself, and I've never liked Trump since I first knew about him as pre-teen in the late 80s. I'm not inclined to be favorable. But I actually appreciated this. I do think it was a conversation, though not like one between people who know each other well. There was some feeling out and there was obviously points each wanted to make sure they made along the way. Trump seemed more human to me, and while the beginning on the assassination attempt went long, I appreciated how he knew people's names and he definitely was honorable in how he talked about the Secret Service. He didn't throw anyone under the bus at any point, really the only people he insulted were Biden and Harris. He was gracious toward Obama, but genuinely thinks those two are actually not very smart.

I thought it was conversational in how it had more of a free flow from one topic to another, with only occasional forced transitions and I got a good sense of both of their priorities. I very much liked Musk's emphasis on an efficiency board going through the federal system (and that Musk is willing to be part of that). Trump's strong affirmation of Milei's work was a good moment.

I honestly really would love to hear Kamala do the same thing. Trump talked smoothly for the whole time and didn't seem to run out of energy at the end. I don't know what Kamala won't do something like this, even if not with Musk but someone more politically aligned, it would be really interesting to hear her in more freeform. I'm open to hearing what she has to say but her unwillingness to do something like this (or other interviews/questions) is sadly telling for her ability to take over the presidency. Someone who was strongly capable, or believes themselves to be, would be jumping at the chance to prove themselves in public. So does she lack genuine confidence or is someone else actually in charge of what she does and says?

Iman said...

Howard was hurt by someone important to him in the not too distant past. Either his dominatrix or some Bubba cellmate from his last 6 month stretch.

Michael K said...

I have seen a comment elsewhere that the "conversation" didn't work because they were a thousand miles apart. I think that is valid.

Michael K said...

Musk, who sells electric cars is "more sensible" on energy ?

Jim at said...

You listened for the entire two hours. Riiiiiight. I doubt you listened at all.

Not that I did, but I'm not the one spreading bullshit about it.

DKWalser said...

Those complaining that this wasn't a 'real' conversation seem to forget that Musk has what used to be called Asperger's syndrome, which is a form of autism. Conversation is not his forte. His side of his 'discussion' with Trump sounded pretty much like the public conversations he's had with others.

Rosalyn C. said...

I think it's difficult to have a virtual long distance "conversation" with someone you don't have a personal relationship with, so of course it was awkward. And on top of that, knowing that hundreds of thousands of people are listening and even more will listen to the recording, of course Trump was mostly in campaign rally mode. I mean, he is running for president and that was the whole purpose of the call. So of course he wanted to optimize his own agenda. Of course he wasn't able to do that 100% because he had to deal with Musk.
For example, Musk wanted to get into the topic of what causes inflation, touching on government overspending and enlarging the money supply. Musk was trying to direct the conversation into more geeky subjects he's interested in, but Trump avoided that entirely and focused on his plans to lower the cost of energy and fuel. I'm not an economist so I can't evaluate the connection between increasing the supply of fuel and the effect of lowering inflation. But under Trump's policies at least people will have more money to afford food and other necessities.

RCOCEAN II said...

Thank God for the new format. Its saved me a lot of time.

Iman said...

Rich: Impossible to take seriously, useful as teats on an alligator.

Ann Althouse said...

I don't listen to all of Rogan's podcasts, but I have heard him say more than once that he's had an open invitation out to Trump for a long time and wants him on the show. Maybe that's changed and I missed it. I believe Trump could go on the show if he wanted, though I presume he'd be required to go to Joe's studio and record in person — not this over-the-phone method that Musk used.

Iman said...

I watched Rogan’s comedy special on Netflix. In my opinion, he should stick to podcasts.

Tina Trent said...

Musk was awkward and nervous, and whenever he tried to be self-serving, Trump politely guided him back to issues important for non-billionaires. Trump was funny and gracious with him. Trump should go on Rogan. Who has more moral authority to urge Rogan to stop killing himself with pot and booze? I'd hate to lose out on listening to Joe Rogan in the future. Trump's a teetotaler who lost a brother to alcohol and doesn't approve of either substances, though he is open to legalizing pot. He opposes people being addicts of any sort. Plus, they could talk MMA.

Rusty said...

I think that would be cool as well. Not to see how well Trump handles Rogan, but to see how Rogan handles Trump. I think Rogan would push Harris on her policies and her history of incompetence.

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