९ जुलै, २०२४

"Trump hasn’t raised the beard issue with Vance, insiders say, but like a number of ladies of MAGAville, Trump has repeatedly commented favorably..."

"... on his 'beautiful' blue eyes and long eyelashes (just Google 'J.D. Vance eye' and links galore auto populate on speculation he wears eyeliner—which his team denies). Such are the considerations of Trump. The ex-president has a certain—shall we say, unique—set of specifications when it comes to charting out his political course. 'Central casting' is crucial...."

From "J.D. Vance Has a Problem on His Face/Can a VP aspirant with a beard find acceptance from a candidate who hates facial hair?" (The Bulwark).

It will be Vance, I think, and Trump's distaste for beards will be just one more thing he can talk about. It's a good random topic to riff on. I can practically hear him: J.D. Vance, I love this guy. Imagine how much I would love him if he didn't have a beard. Shave off that beard! No! I would love him too much. I see a beard, I think: Abraham Lincoln. You know, I like to say I can be more presidential than any president in history except for Honest Abe Lincoln but when he’s wearing that hat. And that beard! Should I grow a beard? I can't be more presidential than any president in history when there's Abraham Lincoln and he’s wearing that hat and that beard. J.D. Vance! He has a beard! He's very vice presidential with that beard....

९४ टिप्पण्या:

mccullough म्हणाले...

If you want to play for The Yankees, you shave the beard.

Vance is too short. Nothing he can do about that.

Kate म्हणाले...

You should hire yourself out as a Trump impersonator, Althouse. That was hilarious.

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...

In ancient Assyria a soldier was not considered prepared for battle unless his "beard was properly coifed" (which is why you see as much on ancient Bas reliefs).

Vance is coifed for battle, just like Lincoln, Jackson, or JB Hood before him. The comparison is apt.

tcrosse म्हणाले...

Althouse is angling for a job as speechwriter for Trump.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Vance helps with the age issue. I was kind of favoring Tim Scott.

Enlighten-NewJersey म्हणाले...

Don Jr. has a beard.

tcrosse म्हणाले...

An old college friend of mine was required to shave off his beard, which revealed that he had no chin. Bad idea.

doctrev म्हणाले...

I won't be surprised to realize that the beard is a test. Trump has enough backstabbers trying to "be their own person" around him. Ideally the VP would be as bland and loyal as possible. For that matter, I wouldn't mind Trump making one of his sons the VP.

rehajm म्हणाले...

I think, and Trump's distaste for beards will be just one more thing he can talk about

He's not going to talk about Hillary...

DanTheMan म्हणाले...

Vance would be a fine choice, beard or no beard.
My first choice would be Elise Stefanik, but strangely enough, Trump hasn't asked me yet.

Clearly an oversight on someone's part.

Dave Begley म्हणाले...

Agree with Ann. JD Vance will help somewhat with the ladies, but he will really help him in PA, MI, WI, MN and OH with blue collar workers.

Never forget that JD Vance is - by his own admission - a hillbilly. He hasn't forgotten his peeps. Yeah, he went to Harvard Law but he will connect with voters in the Rust Belt.

Dave Begley म्हणाले...

I've meet Rubio twice. He is extremely likeable. I'm sure his Q score for likeability is very high. And Marco is an expert on foreign policy.

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

Trump should basically do the opposite of what The Bulwank suggests all the time.

Dave Begley म्हणाले...


Marco is short too.

tcrosse म्हणाले...

Trump called him Little Marco. Has Little Marco forgiven him?

Lyle Sanford, RMT म्हणाले...

Wow - you totally nailed his cadence!

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

Gives him a US Grant look...

narciso म्हणाले...

The bulwinkle lol

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

Speaking of beards, Corey Booker is clean-shaven yet had a beard.


The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Jesus Christ, Althouse got Trump down.

The Godfather म्हणाले...

I can't see anyone voting for a Trump-Vance ticket who wouldn't vote for a Trump-ANYONE ticket.

I kind of like the idea of a Trump-Kamala Harris ticket (she'd have to pull out of the Democrat ticket of course).

Drago म्हणाले...

The rule of Lemnity: "Jesus Christ, Althouse got Trump down."

She is getting awfully good at that!

Drago म्हणाले...

tcrosse: "Trump called him Little Marco. Has Little Marco forgiven him?"

When political opportunity arises, all sorts of "forgiveness" and compromise and "strange bedfellows-ness" arises.

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

'An old college friend of mine was required to shave off his beard, which revealed that he had no chin.'

Me: No chin! Well, my dog has no nose.

You: How does he smell?

Me: Awful!

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Trump Vance - made for TV

Skeptical Voter म्हणाले...

J. D. Vance is an interesting guy for a lot of reasons--many of them set out in his Hillbilly Elegy. When he was at Yale Law school one of the other law students looked at him and said, "What are you doing here". Unwashed hillbillies not welcome--not our sort thank you very much.

And in my mind that's one of the better reasons to support him in political office--not necessarily as a VP for Trump--but just as an ongoing "up yours" to our bicoastal elites. He's only 39 so he's got a lot of time to "git er dun" in that regard.

But that's background only--Vance is definnitely climbing into the same economic stratum as the elites. He got his law degree at Yale. He also got a wife, and Indian American woman who grew up in San Diego. But unlike Kamala Harris, Usha Ilukuri went to a first rate law school--and got married. She and J. D. have three kids; she's had a stellar career, having clerked for both Brett Kavanaugh--when he was on the Circuit Court of Appeal--and for Chief Justice John Roberts. She works at a prominent corporate law firm, Munger Tolles & Olson.

I like the Vance beard. He was born near Cincinnati. So was U. S. Grant who sported a similar beard.

who-knew म्हणाले...

If it's down to Vance and Burgum, I hope it's Vance. And it's not just because of the beard (although that's a plus). I think Dave Begley is right when he says "JD Vance will help somewhat with the ladies, but he will really help him in PA, MI, WI, MN and OH with blue collar workers." I remember when I was a kid and hippies were new and exotic that I wondered if we'd ever see another president with a beard. Vance could pull it off (whether he's picked for VP or not). And I'll join those who have complimented Althouse on her Trump imitation, brilliant!

Ralph L म्हणाले...

My SIL's brothers looked like they wore eyeliner but didn't. Sadly, she has barely visible eyebrows and must paint--but not quite as bad as Zuckerburg's. Their father was Irish-NYer and their mother's family was from Föhr, a once-Danish North Sea island taken by the Germans in the 1860s with Schleswig-Holstein.

who-knew म्हणाले...

tcrosse said "An old college friend of mine was required to shave off his beard, which revealed that he had no chin.". A friend of mine shaved his off with the same shortcoming revealed. His wife told him she'd divorce him if he didn't grow the beard back.

Achilles म्हणाले...

Dave Begley said...

I've meet Rubio twice. He is extremely likeable. I'm sure his Q score for likeability is very high. And Marco is an expert on foreign policy.


Gang of 8 shillboy has no value to Trump or the party except to hold his seat. He would be a Pence style traitor at best.

Achilles म्हणाले...

The Godfather said...

I can't see anyone voting for a Trump-Vance ticket who wouldn't vote for a Trump-ANYONE ticket.

It makes no sense unless Vance presented as extremely competent in person.

There is no argument for Vance that isn't overshadowed by Vivek who is better in every way.

Dave Begley म्हणाले...

I just saw a picture of JD without the beard; the beard makes him look much better.

This guy really came up from the bottom of society to the top via smarts and hard work.

Public high school, Marines, Ohio State (summa), Yale Law, writer, VC, politics and law.

When you look at the promise of America and what a person can achieve, JD Vance is the role model.

He's also a very clear and concise speaker.

Achilles म्हणाले...

Yancey Ward said...

Trump should basically do the opposite of what The Bulwank suggests all the time.

Hard to imagine an organization more repellent than the NYT's.

But here we are.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Betty White was Liberace's beard.

tcrosse म्हणाले...

Vivek's talents would be wasted as VP. I'm sure he would be bored presiding over the Senate, cutting ribbons and attending funerals. He would be better employed as a troubleshooter without portfolio.

Mikey NTH म्हणाले...

Vance has a beard?
Didn't know

Still don't care.

tommyesq म्हणाले...

Trump is looking toward the women vote with his VP pick. Women will vote for an attractive guy with beautiful eyes way before voting for an attractive woman with beautiful eyes.

Mogget म्हणाले...

Would be an interesting debate between Kamala and J.D. Very high TV ratings, I expect.

Aggie म्हणाले...

Vance was elected in 2022, so he would be releasing 4 years worth of Senate seat to become VP. That's an unfortunate detracting feature, and I would have thought he'd be of more use, in his seat, with someone else presiding as Head of Senate. Burgum? I don't think he adds much, certainly not as much as the right woman in that place (Stefanik IMO). Rubio is untouchable by reason of past treacheries, again IMO.

If Trump is selecting Vance then it's to double-team the Swamp.

Chuck म्हणाले...

... Because all that beard stuff would be so much better for Trump to talk about, than the GOP Convention Platform, or Project 2025, or the developing fight with Right to Life and the other devoted pro-life elements in the far right, who now feel totally betrayed as Trump punts on any national abortion policy.

Flat Tire म्हणाले...

Hilarious Trump impersonation.

Chuck म्हणाले...

Dave Begley said...
I just saw a picture of JD without the beard; the beard makes him look much better.

This guy really came up from the bottom of society to the top via smarts and hard work.

Public high school, Marines, Ohio State (summa), Yale Law, writer, VC, politics and law.

When you look at the promise of America and what a person can achieve, JD Vance is the role model.

He's also a very clear and concise speaker.
(My emphasis.)

Yes; he can be very clear and concise.

JD Vance on Trump: "noxious...reprehensible...I'm a never Trump guy...I never liked him...My God what an idiot."

narciso म्हणाले...

Hes only been senator for under two years

Quaestor म्हणाले...

"If Trump [selects] Vance then it's to double-team the Swamp."

The Swamp bites from behind in the dark when you're not looking when you're asleep. Double-teaming is required. Trump assumed Pense would defend him. He was mistaken. Pense is a Judas with Deep States bills outstanding.

Chuck म्हणाले...

I hope nobody really expects JD Vance to shave off his beard. It would be like Ronna Romney MacDaniel, known her entire political career as a "Romney," suddenly changing her name just because Trump wanted her to get rid of it.

Does anybody think that would happen? Of course not.

Come on, people; Trump isn't that venal; that petty; that much of a raging simpleton. And Trump followers would never debase themselves at that level...


RCOCEAN II म्हणाले...

Beards. Since we were talking about ties, beards were another no-no back in the 80s corporate world. You could have a mustache, but going full hippie was looked down upon. You could get away with it, if you some super-smart computer scientist or engineer, "who cares? Those guys live in their own world" but if you were an average meat and potato corp exec - you were expected to be clean shaven. Even stubble was looked down on.

Now, everyone looks like abe lincoln.

RCOCEAN II म्हणाले...

BTW, some guys are better clean shaven, there's nothing worse than a thin scraggly beard or a wimpy, wispy mustache.

Mikey NTH म्हणाले...

Oh look, Chuck showed up.
Tap to the right of the name, comment rolls up, don't have to read his blather.

More here should do that instead of arguing with him.

Ralph L म्हणाले...

narciso said...
Hes only been senator for under two years

BO was running for Prez after two years in the Senate.

Tofu King म्हणाले...

I don't like picking a VP on anything but experience and leadership. This election is too important to lose, and I hope he goes with a female to raise his numbers in that demographic. Stefanik would be great.

Sebastian म्हणाले...

Just adding my upvote on Althouse's little Trump riff. See, it's possible for a liberal to 'get' Trump, but very few do.

narciso म्हणाले...


james म्हणाले...

Ann, you do a nice Trump. Maybe you can moonlight writing material for him.

narciso म्हणाले...

Obama wasnt doing anything of note there ghats the difference

rastajenk म्हणाले...

In other words, Tofu, you want a career politician. And you want pandering to women as well.

Two reasons for me to like JD, among many others.

Eva Marie म्हणाले...

J D Vance reminds me of Robert Bork.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

With a great mustache goes great responsibility.

Rosalyn C. म्हणाले...

I think this is one of those fake news stories. Why would Trump have any problem with Vance's beard considering that Trump's sons who are running his businesses each have full beards. I can't imagine it's an issue. Eric has had his beard for some time now, and Don, Jr. has had his beard for a very long. They definitely look very well groomed, as does Vance.

Without a beard Vance looks like a little kid, and that does not encourage confidence in his ability to serve as vice president. I think the beard will stay, especially if he is chosen as VP.

walter म्हणाले...

More proof Trump is Hitler.

hawkeyedjb म्हणाले...

I once worked for a company (in Wisconsin) that didn't allow facial hair. It was a condition of employment, and I wondered if that was legal. I didn't have any and I needed the job so I took it. It wasn't the Trump organization, by the way.

BUMBLE BEE म्हणाले...

I'd like to see Trump run with Dr. Ben Carson on the ticket. Zero bombast with High everything else.
Carson in 2028 - holds me captive.

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

Rosalyn C. is absolutely correct- it is a fake news story, and right on cue you get Chuck the Cunt showing up to promote it.

Clyde म्हणाले...

The last U.S. President with a full beard was Grover Cleveland; the last President with any facial hair at all (a mustache) was William Taft. No matter who Trump chooses as his VP nominee, it won't be deal-breaker for me, but having a Vice-President with a beard wouldn't be, either.

FullMoon म्हणाले...

Blogger DanTheMan said...

Vance would be a fine choice, beard or no beard.
My first choice would be Elise Stefanik, but strangely enough, Trump hasn't asked me yet.

Make a donation, everyone in the family will send email asking your opinion about everything.
Another dozen and Ima ask for my donation back..

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

JDV is a natural leader and he will be Trump’s gift to us for 8 years starting in 2028. There is nothing
I don’t like about Vance.

FullMoon म्हणाले...

Chuck says
JD Vance on Trump: "noxious...reprehensible...I'm a never Trump guy...I never liked him...My God what an idiot."

Cannot imagine Trump forgiving that. Might do a Romney after winning, invite Vance in to talk about an important position in administration, then send him packing.

Romney still humiliated about that.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

Regarding presidential beards:

Lincoln was the first to wear a beard, which was just becoming stylish in the United States. None of the previous fifteen wore one, though John Quincy Adams and Martin Van Buren wore sideburns. The rest were clean-shaven.

Lincoln made his reputation as a lawyer and debater without whiskers. However, in October 1860 he received a letter from an 11-year-old girl urging the growth as a means to get elected. Apparently moved by the innocence of her advice, he agreed to let his whiskers grow, though he didn't begin until after the ballots were cast. He set a presidential style of facial hair repeated by every subsequent Republican until William McKinley, the first post-Lincoln clean-shaver. All were Civil War veterans. All but one were general officers. As serving soldiers, beards might have been more convenient than daily shaving. The only private among the veteran presidents was McKinley, who enlisted at age 15. He may not have needed to shave until the peace was declared. Andrew Johnson, however, was beardless, a Democrat, and a semi-literate selected for his Tennessee origins, poor chump.

Ralph L म्हणाले...

the last President with any facial hair at all (a mustache)

Eleanor had a little one.

Rosalyn C. म्हणाले...

I wondered, who is this writer Marc Caputo at The Bulwark, where did he come from, and why is he writing allegedly MAGA oriented pieces, but actually seems to be giving very bad advice to their campaign? Why does he seem so fake?

Marc A.Caputo had been a senior national political reporter at NBC News, before that wrote for Politico for many years specializing in Florida politics. He got fired or asked to leave NBC after proudly tweeting about how nasty he was while evicting his tenant in Key West. Maybe Marc thinks his mean guy reputation now makes him credible as a MAGA writer? What can a liberal media guy do when exposed as being not at all compassionate? Pretend to be a Trump supporter but actually working to sabotage Trump's campaign? (https://www.thedailybeast.com/marc-caputo-nbc-politics-reporter-relishes-evicting-tenant-in-bleak-instagram-posts)

Quaestor म्हणाले...

J.D. Vance says he…regrets criticizing Trump

So who is J.D. Vance, the now or the then?

Hassayamper म्हणाले...

Yes; he can be very clear and concise.

JD Vance on Trump: "noxious...reprehensible...I'm a never Trump guy...I never liked him...My God what an idiot."

I also had a poor opinion of Trump in 2016, and voted for the Libertarian, Gary Johnson.

In 2020 I voted for Trump enthusiastically.

This year? TRUMP OR WAR. It's bigger than Trump now. The monster occupation government in Washington is the most dangerous entity on the planet, and must be dismantled. Trump must win because Trumpism must win.

I don't just want government-loving leftists to cry theatrically for the camera when he wins again. I want them to know real existential fear. I want them to get the fuck out of my country. They are no longer my countrymen, they are my enemies.

Hassayamper म्हणाले...

that beard stuff would be so much better for Trump to talk about, than the GOP Convention Platform, or Project 2025, or the developing fight with Right to Life and the other devoted pro-life elements in the far right, who now feel totally betrayed as Trump punts on any national abortion policy.

Which is it then? Project 2025, or punting on abortion policy. Make up your mind.

Drago म्हणाले...

Quaestor: "J.D. Vance says he…regrets criticizing Trump

So who is J.D. Vance, the now or the then?"

I don't hold it against people who were unsure of Trump in 2016. But if you were paying any attention at all since then and are still uncertain, then you are a democrat.

Mason G म्हणाले...

"National abortion policy"? Didn't the Supreme Court have something to say about that a while back? If you were talking about Joe Biden and the Democrats then sure, I could see them saying "Fuck the Supreme Court, we're going to do whatever we want." But Trump? That's not the way he rolls.

Drago म्हणाले...

Banned Commenter LLR-democratical Chuck: "...suddenly changing her name just because Trump wanted her to get rid of it."


Who, specifically, are the sources for this latest hoax-y and stupid claim?


Let me guess, more anonymous sources. So many, many, many anonymous sources in dem/LLR-dem/leftist land.

Or maybe Cassidy Hutchinson claimed Trump screamed at Ronna to drop "Romney" while he was leaping 6 feet across the interior of The Beast to commandeer the vehicle to Chicago to scream "This is MAGA country" at lefty TV personalities carrying subway sandwiches (tuna perhaps?) at 2am on wintry mornings?


You'd think Banned Commenter LLR-democratical Chuck would experience perhaps the smallest degree of embarrassment over his non-stop decade of pro-democratical serial lies and smears...but you'd be mistaken.

No doubt as his probably large of team of personal therapists have discovered as well.

Drago म्हणाले...

Looks like I found the unimpeachable sources for Chuck's hilarious re-launch of the 2017 BS story, from the Washington Post no less! Who could have guessed that?

"Trump was pleased that McDaniel mostly stopped using the Romney moniker, according to a senior administration official and an adviser. Trump’s request to drop the maiden name, advisers said, came around the time he noted to others that “Romney” often prompted boos at his events."


These lefty democraticals, like Chuck, couldn't change if you offered them the moon!

Original Mike म्हणाले...

"I don't hold it against people who were unsure of Trump in 2016."

Me neither, since that would be me. My 2016 vote was reluctant. My 2020 vote was enthusiastic.
Try harder, Chuck.

And here's the GOP Platform that somehow Chuck thinks LLRs should be opposing.

Drago म्हणाले...

Original Mike: "And here's the GOP Platform that somehow Chuck thinks LLRs should be opposing."

Just remember, those LLR's, like Chuck, are really just like lifelong democraticals and have, in fact, migrated so far down the left side of the political spectrum they have fallen off the edge.

Which explains every Chuck post for the last 10 years.

Drago म्हणाले...

Ouch! This one is really going to give Banned Commenter LLR-democratical Chuck a case of the shakes: Trump challenges Biden to an 18 hole golf match, promises to give Dementia-Glitch 10 strokes per side(!) and will give $1M to any charity of biden's choice (like "Partial Birth Abortions R Us" or similar) if Dementia-Glitch wins.

Can you imagine the audience that would be on hand to watch that?

The best part? We would no doubt be regaled, as we were in 2016, by LLR-democratical Chuck with tales of derring do by Chuck claiming to golf at Trump golf courses and having all of Trump's golf club employees just begging, BEGGING, to be the next to give LLR-democratical Chuck all the lowdown on just how horrible that darn Trump is!!

I sort of miss those psychotic Chuck departures from reality. Those were the more fun ones before it all devolved into the really dark stuff later.

pacwest म्हणाले...

You've got the Trump patter down. Good job!

Original Mike म्हणाले...

I'm trying to figure out what might be Chuck's beef about the GOP platform. All I've come up with so far is there's an excessive use of capital letters.

Michael K म्हणाले...

A friend of mine, a doctor in Laguna Beach, had a beard and apparently for a long time. For some reason he decided to shave it off. His wife saw him and screamed. She thought he was stranger in their bedroom. I think he decided to grow it back.

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

Once more Trump being a good judge of people loves Vance for all the right reasons.

The beard is more than offset by his blue eyes. He is Peter Thiel’s man. Plus he is that once a Marine and always a Marine, which means Trump can count on him to fight. Not that his fighting is in doubt because he is Scots Irish…one with the best education possible.

Trust me, he is Trump’s type.

God of the Sea People म्हणाले...

People with beards are just like people without beards, except with a beard.

Drago म्हणाले...

Original Mike: "I'm trying to figure out what might be Chuck's beef about the GOP platform"

Its not a far left wish list, which, if enacted, would yield permanent democratical control of the nation and persecution of all non-democraticals.


gspencer म्हणाले...

Vance's beard will help Trump win the crucially important Smith Brothers sore throat sufferers,


Jupiter म्हणाले...

"Bulwark"? I think they mean "Buttcrack".

phantommut म्हणाले...

Elise Stefanik.

After she brutalized Wray about whether or not the FBI was investigating Trump or Biden in a congressional hearing I WANT her as Trump's attack dog. She's sooo good.


phantommut म्हणाले...

Sorry to not let it go, but I would pay to see a Stefanik/Harris debate.

Michael McNeil म्हणाले...

In C. S. Lewis's Screwtape Letters the Devil chortles over how he's managed to convince “nearly all the females” that beards on men are disagreeable—as an element in Hell's general purpose “…to guide each sex away from those members of the other with whom spiritually helpful, happy, and fertile marriages are most likely.”

Narayanan म्हणाले...

Assalamu alaykum,
I would like to know if it is permissable to shape or style the moustache when trimming it?

All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) is His slave and Messenger.

It was not clear to us what is meant by outlining or shaping the moustache, but if the way of outlining or shaping it about which you are asking involves imitating the disbelievers or dissolute people, then it is not permissible.
Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen may Allaah have mercy upon him said in a Fatwa during the monthly meeting he used to hold: “But, if cutting the hair is done in such a way as to imitate the French or other disbelievers, it is prohibited because the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention ) said: ‘He who imitates any people is considered to be one of them.’” [End of Quote]

As for the ruling on cutting the mustache and the limit in this regard, An-Nawawi may Allaah have mercy upon him said in Al-Majmoo’: “As for trimming the mustache, it is an act of Sunnah by agreement [of scholars]. The limit of trimming the mustache is to cut it until the edge of the lip is visible, and it should not be shaved at the roots. This is our adopted view. Imam Ahmad may Allaah have mercy upon him said: ‘If one shaves it, there is nothing wrong with that, and if one trims it, there is [also] nothing wrong with that.’” [End of Quote]

Allah knows best.

Anne in Rockwall, TX म्हणाले...

Poor Chuck. He's so horrified of being considered common, he goes to outrageous lengths to look down his nose. Yet he always ends up dropping his glasses on the linoleum, and stepping on them.

All I have left is pity. And the knowledge that he is, in the truest sense of the word, common.

Blair म्हणाले...

Men ought to have beards. That's what a man's face looks like.

I'm torn between the sensible choice of Dr Carson, who would make a better President, and Vance, who would make a better scrapper and campaigner. I suspect Trump will pick Vance, which will be fine, but I think I like the counterpoint that Carson offers much better.

Saint Croix म्हणाले...

Back in 2016, HuffPost ran an article imagining all the candidates with beards.

They all look better!

Except Rubio, who looks like a Commie.

Trump looks like Santa.