११ जुलै, २०२४

"Monday will be dedicated to events under the banner 'Make America Wealthy Once Again,' Tuesday’s theme is 'Make America Safe Again,' Wednesday’s is 'Make America Strong Again' and Thursday’s is 'Make America Great Once Again'...."

Do you realize the GOP convention is just a few days away?

I'm reading "RNC schedule: Major speakers, events and when Trump will accept the nomination/From July 15 to 18, Republican lawmakers, delegates and other party figures will descend on the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to officially crown Trump the nominee and see him announce his running mate" (Independent).

Will we watch the Republican Party spectacle when we've got the Democratic Party debacle going on?

If only the Democrats had a schedule for the next week of the show they insist on staging for us. I'm thinking:

July 11, 6:30 PM ET: Joe Biden, appearing outside of his 10-4 working hours, demonstrates his capability at what is billed as a "Big Boy Press Conference."

July 11, 7:30 PM ET: Democrats join chorus declaring "Big Boy Press Conference" a shocking display that proves decisively that Joe Biden is incapable of serving as President of the United States.

July 12-14: Either Joe Biden resigns as President and Kamala Harris is sworn in, or Joe Biden roars backs with declarations of "I'm not going anywhere." Experts explain 25th Amendment. Democrats argue amongst themselves

July 15-18: Either continue with colorful chaos that diverts attention from the GOP Convention or take a breather and allow the GOP Convention to distract an America that is tired of your high jinks.

७७ टिप्पण्या:

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...

Make America Coherent Again.

tim maguire म्हणाले...

What's with the "Once Again"?

Why break the rhythm with this unnecessary extra word?

stlcdr म्हणाले...

There's that word 'crown'.

I have now realized (I had forgotten) that the Independent (sic) is a British paper. They cannot see anything other than being ruled by someone.

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...

"Make America Safe Again"

Make America Sane Again. Horse before cart.

doctrev म्हणाले...

People have to update their slogans to justify the advertising budgets. But it's close enough that people can just keep their MAGA hats- which are in themselves as iconic as blue jeans.

mezzrow म्हणाले...

Hijinks? High Jinks? Let's party like Pixie and Dixie!

"I hate meeses to pieces." - Mr. Jinks

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

I agree with Bonchie that they should strive for super-boring. No speeches or announcements that will take Biden and the DNC off the front pages. Trump should give a very short speech. Hold the VP announcement until the very end if possible. Train every attendee to chase ballots while they're there.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Scott Adams observes that the Big Boy press conference is the dems setting Biden up to fail big, so as to get him out.

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

Make America the Home of the Brave Again, and that means recruit J D Vance, a fighter with blue eyes and beard included

Todd म्हणाले...

Is it normal to publish a schedule for a wake? If so, what font would the DNC use?

Enigma म्हणाले...

@Althouse: July 11, 5:30 PM ET: Joe Biden, appearing outside of his 10-4 working hours, demonstrates his capability at what is billed as a "Big Boy Press Conference."

I expect the Party to buy blackout curtains for his bedroom and set Joe's new wake up time to 11:00am. Then he'll be sharp from 4:00pm to 10:00pm and can appear stronger during prime time evening events. He won't be able to attend any state events during business hours though.

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

Adams could be correct, RH, but it had better work out that way or Biden is the nominee.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"Hijinks? High Jinks? Let's party like Pixie and Dixie!"


I like hijinx better myself, but I've been through this before and accepted that the preferred spelling is high jinks.

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

The American Republican Bund Chapters will be tying it on with gusto!

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

Only the mentally ill watch party conventions on television. I will read the speeches of Trump and the VP nominee but that is pretty much it.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

The OED does not have "hijinx" and it does have "high jinks," within the entry "jink."

A jink is "The act of eluding; a quick turn so as to elude a pursuer or escape from a guard."

"High jinks" was "A name given to various frolics formerly indulged in at drinking parties." That's Scottish and obsolete.

From that came the current usage, which the OED defines as "Lively or boisterous sport; romping games or fun; free or unrestrained merry-making."

Consider that "jinx" is a word and it doesn't have the right meaning. It means "A person or thing that brings bad luck or exercises evil influence; a hoodoo."

tcrosse म्हणाले...

Robert Cook, soi distant leftist, prefers the party of billionaires and warmongers.

Gusty Winds म्हणाले...

The VP announcement and Trump's nomination speech are the highlights. Everything else is fluff.

Hope the VP Pick is Tulsi Gabbard.

john mosby म्हणाले...

The one great thing Pence said on the 2020 campaign trail was “Make America Great Again, Again.”

I thought then, and still do, that this should be the official re-election slogan.

Has a lot of appeal for the South Park Conservatives.

Plus it conveys the subliminal message “no, we’re not stuttering - your guy, on the other hand….”


Jersey Fled म्हणाले...

There you go calling people Nazis again Cookie. It really doesn’t become you.

Greg the Class Traitor म्हणाले...

Experts explain 25th Amendment.

1: VP says "The President sucks"
2: Has to get 1/2 the Cabinet to agree, in writing
3: Kerfuffle occurs
4: Here's the key part:
None of this affects the Democrat nomination for President. For that the people running the DNC need to pull on their "big boy pants" and change the rules so that the "Biden delegates" can be freed from voting for Biden.

Which isn't going to happen, because anyone at the DNC with the capability to pull on "big boy pants" is sane enough to be terrified of what the far left wing delegates would do if given the chance.

jpg म्हणाले...

Gusty Winds said...
The VP announcement and Trump's nomination speech are the highlights. Everything else is fluff.

Hope the VP Pick is Tulsi Gabbard.

7/11/24, 11:30 AM

Secretary of Defense with a mandate to lop off the top tiers of Pentagon brass and the Joint Chiefs and rebuild the military is my preference.

Greg the Class Traitor म्हणाले...

I'm hoping Trump's VP is DeSantis. because he's already shown he has a team that knows how to keep the Dems from engaging in significant vote fraud.

Something that Trump clearly lacks, and dearly needs

gilbar म्हणाले...

Maybe Affordable Groceries Again?

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

It is puzzling why Cook would relate a philosophy of leftist European Jews from over a century ago to current American politics. Given that movement's sympathies with socialism, it's especially ironic he tries to associate it with the least socialist party in America. Must be more of that projection thing the Hard Radical Left are so fond of doing.

To circle back to the actual subject of this blog post, I suggest Robert Cook watch the convention next week in its entirety and maybe learn something new. If not at least one would shed a little bit of that coastie ignorance that handicaps the attempts at political humor.

Friend of the Fish Folk म्हणाले...

I wonder if they actually have the votes to oust Biden with the 25th. Would the GOP actually help them kick him to the curb in their attempt to improve Democrat electability? Republicans might actually be stupid enough to do that.

mezzrow म्हणाले...

"A person or thing that brings bad luck or exercises evil influence; a hoodoo."

Sounds like the DNC description of the Republican candidate.

"Jinxy Trump" He's a bad orange cat.

I appreciate the drill down on the etymology.

gilbar म्हणाले...

My mom (92 year life long democrat) told me sunday that she HOPED Kamala would be the pick

WHY? i asked?
she told me that (according to her mind), IF Kamala was the pick, Trump would "disgrace himself"
by saying (and i QUOTE): "racist" and "sexist" slurs against her.

I asked her WHY she thought that would happen?
"because he wouldn't be able to control himself!", said answered.

Again, i asked what she was talking about? and she told me: "EVERYONE KNOWS he's a racist sexist!"

My moral is: as long as there are people like my mom.. the dem's WILL get SOME people to vote for them

Enigma म्हणाले...

With the Republican policy platform seeming to pull in its sharp edges, and with the possibility of nominating a 1990s-style conservative Democrat as VP (such as Tulsi), I think the Trump 2024 campaign is emulating Clinton 1996. As with Clinton they want to keep Trump's personal life under wraps, focus on good economic times, and triangulate the hot-button issues.

Christopher B म्हणाले...

The Democrats should be desperate to turn the conversation back to Trump but we'll see what their media adjunct wants to do.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

Althouse writes, "I like hijinx better myself, but I've been through this before and accepted that the preferred spelling is high jinks."

If the term is high jinks, does that not imply low jinks as well? Could come in handy as in Fascism apologist Robert Cook indulges in his accustomed low jinks.

Two-eyed Jack म्हणाले...

None of you seem to recognize the threat of Project 2025 to our democracy!

The MAGA Republicans plan to

-- Ban divorce
-- Increase pollen count
-- Enslave single mothers
-- Require flags on the tailgates of all trucks
-- Imprison Star Wars actors
-- Seek retribution against people who look at them funny
-- Engage in hijinx and force people to spell it that way

Only a President of doubtful mental competence can save us now!

mccullough म्हणाले...

Tuesday is the All-Star Game

It will be Great

WK म्हणाले...

In Milwaukee today. They are setting up the barriers for the convention. We are looking for a bar to watch the press conference later. Fun day planned.

Jamie म्हणाले...

Would the GOP actually help them kick him to the curb in their attempt to improve Democrat electability? Republicans might actually be stupid enough to do that.

It actually seems like kind of a quandary to me.

We have four months until the election. We have a president who is not serving - but someone is.

The morally correct, but possibly performative, position for Republicans could be to cooperate in a 25th Amendment ouster for the good of the nation - but pragmatically, that only puts Harris, who might be more electable than Biden at this point, in the Oval Office - and she may be no more in charge than Biden is, with only six months until the next inauguration (why wouldn't the people running things from behind the scenes insist that they continue to do so, for such a short time? Then Harris could concentrate on her campaign). So, cooperating with an effort to oust Biden doesn't change who is currently governing the country, and does create an incumbent advantage for Harris where there isn't one now.

So what's the right thing to do? Especially if you're a principled Republican who believes that the Biden-Harris administration, whoever is actually running it, is not doing the right things for the country?

I can see a path to - several things:

1. Staying as quiet as possible while Democrats run around like chickens with their heads cut off and hoping that ultimately they decide to keep Ridin' with Biden;

2. Cooperating with the 25th with some insider knowledge that it won't get enough support from Democrats in Congress, in order to make the case that they're acting in the nation's interests without the risk that their helping to install and possibly to elect someone whose policies will be just as bad;

3. Not cooperating with the 25th but explicitly saying that it's because it wouldn't change anything - the shadowy forces behind Biden would still be pulling Harris's strings;

4. Showing compassion for Biden and explicitly condemning those who insist on keeping him under the lights, whoever they are (Dr. Jill...).

There may be more. Point is, it looks to me as if Congressional Republicans have some decisions to make too, with good principled and pragmatic reasons on all sides.

Smilin' Jack म्हणाले...

If Biden’s going to drop out, he should announce it right in the middle of Trump’s acceptance speech. Nyah, nyah, gotcha!

Fred Drinkwater म्हणाले...

I'm in favor of imprisoning Star Wars WRITERS and DIRECTORS.

The rest of that list? Meh.

Achilles म्हणाले...

Christopher B said...

The Democrats should be desperate to turn the conversation back to Trump but we'll see what their media adjunct wants to do.


Trump's policies are overwhelmingly popular.

Trump is the most popular Presidential candidate by over 10%. Second place is Obama and Trump annihilated him.

The more people learn about Trump the more people support him.

Gunner म्हणाले...

Any Convention will be a step up from 2020.

J L Oliver म्हणाले...

Biden always jinxes things up.

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...

"The MAGA Republicans plan to

-- Ban divorce"

Hardy-har, but in all seriousness no-fault divorce needs to be legislated into oblivion. That little piece of feminist vengeance has done untold damage to our social fabric, to say nothing of what it's done to black communities.

That, plus allowing paternity testing to be used as evidence in family court proceedings would be a tectonic shift in family law.

Drago म्हणाले...

Robert Cook: "The American Republican Bund Chapters will be tying it on with gusto!"


The unreconstructed Stalinist New Soviet Democratical party have but one play in their playbook.

Commies were never that creative...unless you want to discuss lying about murdering tens of millions. They got pretty creative there in a Potemkin sort of way.

Drago म्हणाले...

Two-eyed Jack: "The MAGA Republicans plan to

-- Ban divorce
-- Increase pollen count
-- Enslave single mothers
-- Require flags on the tailgates of all trucks
-- Imprison Star Wars actors
-- Seek retribution against people who look at them funny
-- Engage in hijinx and force people to spell it that way"

You forgot to add making Swedish the official language of the US and forcing everyone to wear underwear on the outside of their garments to facilitate inspections!

Michael K म्हणाले...

Cook demonstrates his ignorance of history once again. Mussolini was a Socialist before he started Fascism.He probably got the idea of violence added from Lenin or Stalin, more of Cook's heroes.

narciso म्हणाले...

Ignorance of everything

John henry म्हणाले...

Spoken like a true fascist Robert Cook. Trying to deflect your own fascism on others.

I don't think fascism has any stronger supporter here than yourself.

Everthing within the state,
Nothing outside the state,
Nothing against the state.

Is how mussolini defined fascism. Increasing, strengthening and central seems to be your one political philosophy.

You are a fascist. Prove me wrong.

John Henry

John henry म्हणाले...

Should have read

"Increasing, strengthening and centralizing state powers seems to be your one political philosophy."

John Henry

RMc म्हणाले...

The MAGA Republicans plan to (...) Imprison Star Wars actors

I'd vote for that!

You forgot to add making Swedish the official language of the US and forcing everyone to wear underwear on the outside of their garments to facilitate inspections!

Now that's Bananas...!

mikeski म्हणाले...

"EVERYONE KNOWS he's a racist sexist!"

And racist sexists are the worst kind! Jeez, do I have to draw you a picture?

Ralph L म्हणाले...

I would have gone with "Prosperous" over "Wealthy." MAPA!

MadTownGuy म्हणाले...

WK said...

"In Milwaukee today. They are setting up the barriers for the convention. We are looking for a bar to watch the press conference later. Fun day planned."

I wonder if DJT will go to the Press Club and sign one of the blackboards, if he hasn't already.

Scott M म्हणाले...

Aldaraan wasn't as lit up as bright as Chicago is going to be.

Achilles म्हणाले...

RideSpaceMountain said...

Hardy-har, but in all seriousness no-fault divorce needs to be legislated into oblivion. That little piece of feminist vengeance has done untold damage to our social fabric, to say nothing of what it's done to black communities.

That, plus allowing paternity testing to be used as evidence in family court proceedings would be a tectonic shift in family law.

Society should make rules that encourage healthy two parent families with as many kids as possible and a man and a woman in each family who are the biological parents.

There don't need to be laws making other things illegal. But all tax subsidies should be directed towards married couples that have and raise children.

pacwest म्हणाले...

So Ukraine is scrambling to get a peace deal on the table "before the US election".

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

I think Biden is hoping/praying that the Olympics will take the heat off of him just long enough...

Hassayamper म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Hassayamper म्हणाले...

I'm delighted at Althouse's snark and well-crafted ridicule in this post. She tries hard to be fair-minded and even-handed, but I think she's completely fed up with the happy-talk bilge pouring out of Democrats' mouths.

At times, plain old cruelty serves us better than cruel neutrality.

Gospace म्हणाले...

Have to agree with Achilles. Stop subsidizing poor life choices and start subsidizing wanted behaviors.

A good start would be turning AFDC back into what it once was- Aid to Widows and Orphans.

And with DNA testing able to confirm paternity- go after bio- father's who carelessly dropped their sperms around. And women who won't cough up names for testing? No benefits. Period.

Hassayamper म्हणाले...

I'm in favor of imprisoning Star Wars WRITERS and DIRECTORS. The rest of that list? Meh.

No. Mark Hamill gets the chop too.

Greg the Class Traitor म्हणाले...

Friend of the Fish Folk said...
I wonder if they actually have the votes to oust Biden with the 25th. Would the GOP actually help them kick him to the curb in their attempt to improve Democrat electability? Republicans might actually be stupid enough to do that.

1: 25th doesn't make Biden stop running for President
2: If 1/2 the Biden Cabinet is ready to dump Biden, the Dems will boot him off the ballot
3: It would be a horribly bad look with the voters to refuse to 25th Biden once the Dems are ready to
4: House has to approve any replacement VP. Refusing to do so means Dems lose the VP vote in the Senate
5: Kamala Harris in the spotlight is one of the Dems worst nightmares. She's spent the last 4+ years refusing to do any prep work, bullying her staff, and whining because white men refuse to "position her for success".

It would be terminal stupidity for the GOP to refuse to deep six Joe once the Dems start teh 25th Amendment process.

narciso म्हणाले...

Make whedon write the second season of firefly

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

"I'm in favor of imprisoning Star Wars WRITERS and DIRECTORS."

Why the leniency?

baghdadbob म्हणाले...

"Wealthy" is a mistake and will be justifiably mocked and resented.

"Prosperous" would be much better. Someone connected should send them this emergency message.

Sincerely, Retired communications pro.

Jersey Fled म्हणाले...

“My moral is: as long as there are people like my mom.. the dem's WILL get SOME people to vote for them”

God bless her. Some believe it because they believe it.

Hassayamper म्हणाले...

"Wealthy" is a mistake and will be justifiably mocked and resented. "Prosperous" would be much better.

I'm not so sure. The average American would like to get rich. That was part of Trump's original appeal, after all. There might be pushback from hair-shirt Bernie Sanders types, who think no one should be allowed to be wealthy, but it will fall on deaf ears.

baghdadbob म्हणाले...

Hassayamper said...
"Wealthy" is a mistake and will be justifiably mocked and resented. "Prosperous" would be much better.

I'm not so sure. The average American would like to get rich. That was part of Trump's original appeal, after all. There might be pushback from hair-shirt Bernie Sanders types, who think no one should be allowed to be wealthy, but it will fall on deaf ears.

The problem is "Wealthy AGAIN." Most Americans never were wealthy (and never expect to be), regardless of aspirations.

Mason G म्हणाले...

"pushback from hair-shirt Bernie Sanders types, who think no one should be allowed to be wealthy"

How many houses does Bernie own, again?

Drago म्हणाले...

Mason G: "How many houses does Bernie own, again?"

3. Like all good socialists.

Robert Cook can explain: Real Bernie Personal Socialism has never been tried.

narciso म्हणाले...

Like komarovsky from dr zhivago

Drago म्हणाले...

narciso: "Like komarovsky from dr zhivago"

In unreconstructed Stalinist world, actions and results are irrelevant.

All will be judged politically.

JAORE म्हणाले...

"And women who won't cough up names for testing? No benefits. Period."

Like the old joke:

Girl: Daddy, I'm pregnant.
Dad: OMG, who is the father?
Girl: I'm not sure.
Dad: WTF! Get back in your room and don't come out until you know.
Girl (an hour later): Daddy, I have it down to two.
Dad: Sign, who are the two?
Girl: Either the football team or the marching band.

Aggie म्हणाले...

OK: Let's assume the 25th Amendment is put into motion and is on the glide path to Kamala stepping in.

Who becomes the Presidential Candidate? Is Kamala an automatic selection? Or just the likely one?

Has a candidate (President and VP) ever been selected, cold, from the floor of the convention?

Greg the Class Traitor म्हणाले...


Who the Democrat Party picks as their Presidential nominee is entirely separate from who is President, and from the 25th Amendment.

However, for teh Democrats to skip over acting President Kamala Harris would be even more egregious than skipping over VP Kamala Harris.

I'd love to see the Democrats try to do that, but I don't think they're that stupid.

If for no other reason than having her as President, and bitter at the Democrat Party, with absolutely nothing to lose, would be a really special situation.

With no way out for the Dems, because booting her would make Mike Johnson the acting President

Rocco म्हणाले...

mikeski said...
"And racist sexists are the worst kind! Jeez, do I have to draw you a picture?”

Nah. Sexist racists are even worse.
- The Judean People’s Front

Dr.Bunkypotatohead म्हणाले...

When the Dem convention begins, they should just "forget" to wake Joe up for it.

Chuck म्हणाले...

Serious question; has there ever been a national party presidential nominating convention where immediately after the convention the party lost support? I’m basically talking about a negative “convention bounce.”

The reason I ask is because all of the Trump supporters who I speak to hardly ever watch his rallies. They don’t see the crazies who populate his warmup events, they don’t pay attention to the bizarre flubs and rambling kookiness, as well as the mind-numbing lies. It’s always been a source of amazement to me; how little Trump supporters pay attention to his rally speeches. Aaron Rupar spends hours and hours every weekend (it’s almost always a Friday or a Saturday, after playing golf most of the week) watching and clipping Trump speeches; it’s rare that Althouse blogs even a single Trump rally speech passage.

I do think that the more everyone sees of the deepest Trump insanity, the better it is for the Trump opposition.

donald म्हणाले...

Drop the links bitch (Chuck of course).