१२ जुलै, २०२४

"It felt like he was still the smart, witty guy we’ve all followed for many years, but the volume and speed are turned way down — to an alarming level."

Said an unnamed female Democratic Party donor quoted in "Inside the glitzy fundraiser where Biden lost George Clooney/At the June 15 event at L.A.’s Peacock Theater, some donors said this week that they noticed Biden seemed slow. He seemed frail. As he greeted donors lined up for photos, he trailed off or spoke too quietly in small talk conversation to be heard" (WaPo).
Making small talk with the current and former presidents while preparing for a photo, the donor said that she and Obama shared a brief joke that Biden initially seemed to miss. The current president only attempted a retort “in a barely audible voice” after the photo was over and others had moved on, she said.

So this lady got her big moment, wafted a joke/"joke," and Obama laughed, because that's what sharp people do when someone they want to please say something intended as a joke, and Biden did not laugh. In the wealthy woman's opinion, conveyed to The Washington Post with a demand not to use her name, Biden seemed to miss the joke/"joke." Initially. What was the purported joke and was it explained to him so that eventually he acted as though he got it? Maybe Obama explained it: Joe, this woman and her husband donated $100,000 and she believes she's said something amusing — don't you understand? And then Joe seemed to understand. But Joe had to have known he was at a fundraiser. And who could this lady be but a donor?

And if — with a camera pointed at them — she says something jauntily and laughs, how could you not know the time to laugh is right now? But Biden didn't laugh at the joke or for the camera. Perhaps he thought about this mysterious witticism and had something he wanted to say about it. But "the photo was over and others had moved on" —"others," that is, Obama. The lady just wanted a beautiful photograph, with her smile lined up with 2 ultra-famous presidential smiles. She didn't want a retort to her witticism. The man didn't know where he was!

The donor said she and her husband were asked by friends after the event about Biden’s condition and “struggled to answer them honestly,” fearful of eroding Biden’s support.

“We were worried that if we told the truth — that President Biden was stiff, slow and dare we say it, fragile — that we risked losing their support for the president,” said the donor. “It was painful to be deceptive. Now, we realize we were not alone in withholding what we experienced.”

Now, you realize that you were part of an immense and scandalous cover-up. How awful for you! 

१३८ टिप्पण्या:

wendybar म्हणाले...

Covering up what they called a conspiracy theory for 4 years whilst calling us Nazi's...and they expect us to believe anything else they tell us???

MadTownGuy म्हणाले...

When you don't have enough cognition to smile at a donor, you've got a real problem.

Michael K म्हणाले...

She had already donated so who cares ?this

gilbar म्हणाले...

he trailed off or spoke too quietly in small talk conversation to be heard

WOW! imagine IF he'd done that at a bigboy NATO press conference! oh wait..

gilbar म्हणाले...


Temujin म्हणाले...

But, as if on cue, the national polls are coming out showing Biden with a small lead, or barely trailing. Is it possible that, given what we've seen in the last 4 years, knowing what they all should know about Joe and Jill at this point, that Biden is leading?

I guess the real question is: Is Donald Trump hated this much by that many people that they are willing to destroy the country to save it?

To quote Padma Lakshmi when she did Top Chef, "I think we have our answer."

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...

"What was the purported joke and was it explained to him so that eventually he acted as though he got it?"

Donor: "Did you know that the Biden administration only lies when it's alone with someone?"

Obama: [snickers]

"Did you get that Joe?"

Joe: "Oh...yeah...I know all about that haha!"

narciso म्हणाले...

No it isnt

Why didnt the dog trainer report on this at the time

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

I will take "Things that did not happen" for 2000, Alex.

These people lie relentlessly and without remorse.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

That Joe Biden lost the support of his aristocratic donors and consequently his bid for reelection over a feeble and deservedly ungotten joke, and not over his gross mismanagement of virtually every aspect of the Office -- that will be the joke among future historians.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"But, as if on cue, the national polls are coming out showing Biden with a small lead, or barely trailing."

Right when they needed bad polls, they got not-so-bad polls. The Electoral College maps is still impossible, but they needed obviousness, and they got ambiguity.

Kevin म्हणाले...

We were worried that if we told the truth — that President Biden was stiff, slow and dare we say it, fragile — that we risked losing their support for the president

She will soon learn it's your duty to lie to the infidels.

n.n म्हणाले...

Obama to Joe: Let us bray together.

"Know know" is a lightly veiled pun.

Kevin म्हणाले...

they needed obviousness, and they got ambiguity.

If it's not close, they can't cheat.

Kevin म्हणाले...

It felt like he was still the smart, witty guy

Smart, witty people are the ones who get the joke.

Mason G म्हणाले...

"I guess the real question is: Is Donald Trump hated this much by that many people that they are willing to destroy the country to save it?"

Donald Trump received more actual votes in 2020 than anyone else ever has. What has happened in the last four years that would cause that number to decrease this time around?

Static Ping म्हणाले...

The fact that the donor thought Biden was "smart" does explain why she was slow on the uptake.

Drago म्हणाले...

We certainly heard quite alot over the last 9 months about an upside down flag at a Supreme Court Justice's house but nothing at all about the same 9 months where the biden team could not schedule a cabinet meeting for fear of what cabinet members would see.

Gusty Winds म्हणाले...

In the wealthy woman's opinion, conveyed to The Washington Post with a demand not to use her name….The donor said she and her husband were asked by friends after the event about Biden’s condition and “struggled to answer them honestly,” fearful of eroding Biden’s support.

So the wealthy woman who wrote a big check to Biden is a dishonest coward. I'll give Biden some credit here. I can't imagine a person like this woman saying anything funny.

Perhaps Biden's metal decline doesn't allow him to be a clapping, laughing seal.

Iman म्हणाले...

He who laughs first, didn’t get the joke.

Right, Joe?

AlbertAnonymous म्हणाले...

But, but, but….PROJECT 2025 !!!!

gspencer म्हणाले...

Congratulations, wealthy lady, for noticing something that many of us noticed years and years ago.

Dave Begley म्हणाले...

Call comes in at 2 am tomorrow. Putin has used battlefield nukes in Ukraine. Next day at 2 am, China invades Taiwan.

Does anyone want Joe Biden handling those two matters?

Both things could happen next week.

Iman म्हणाले...

“Nobel Prize economists have said nothing I’ve done had any effect on inflation.”

—- P0TATUS Biden

Charlie म्हणाले...

It would take a heart of stone not to laugh at all this.

RAS743 म्हणाले...

“Smart, witty guy.”
The mind boggles.
He’s never been anything more than a hack, willing to take the point position and run his mouth for “the good of the cause,” to cement his position in the party in the hope that one day he could grasp the ring he now holds.
The party he now jeopardizes is one of grifters, naïfs, and celebrity-fixated nitwits, in service to radical true believers who just know their way is the only way to reach nirvana.
And watching them panic over Biden’s fate and therefore the party’s is an electorate as dumb as that of any Western nation, which should give them hope.

Aggie म्हणाले...

All this, infighting amongst the special interests that have been getting their demands met, for the past 4 years. It's glorious.

What did Willy Wonka say? "The suspense is killing me..... I hope it lasts."

who-knew म्हणाले...

Anyone who thinks Joe Biden was ever smart and witty should not be trusted to handle their own petty cash. It's hard to understand how they could have accumulated enough cash to be invited to a high dollar Hollywood fund raiser That is unless they were either an actor (and yes, that's a slur on the average actor's intelligence) or they inherited a lot of money and are pissing it away like all dim bulb heirs are destined to do.

Sebastian म्हणाले...

"It felt like he was still the smart, witty guy"

Doesn't even qualify as a gaffe. Dems believe it. But it is a tell. Dem wit = dimwit. Sorry.

By the way, something not usually noted about Joe is that he does not seem to have any interests outside political hackery. Well, that and money. But not books, not sports, not history, not music, not law. Maybe sitting on the beach. But really nothing. Any GOPers as dim, crude, and rubish would be derided by our prog betters.

"Now, you realize that you were part of an immense and scandalous cover-up. How awful for you"

What scandal? Why awful? They are disappointed and some are worried they might lose. But they'll still vote for cadaver Joe, no prob. Soon, any mention of Joe's frailty will be put down as ageism, and they'll try to resort to whataboutism, and double down on felon! abortion! It can work.

hombre म्हणाले...

The leftmediaswine once again call on their army of anonymous cowards to disparage someone. What an admirable industry.

narciso म्हणाले...

Remember clooneys most continuous film role was as a slick conman the ocean films

narciso म्हणाले...

We'll skip the batman films of that era

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

The crazy doddering fool deserves our sympathy. Or maybe is it the Chicom’s who owe him the sympathy. They bought him and they own him. And since the day he was installed by fraudulent vote counts made possible by the Bioweapon release timed for the 2020 election, every Biden policy has been precisely aimed at our economy’s destruction. Which took ChiCom intelligence since Biden has none.

hombre म्हणाले...

Dave Begley at 10.01. Exactly right! Trying to get a Democrat to understand or acknowledge that is futile. They see it as partisan criticism, not facts of life.

Kay म्हणाले...

This article makes me sympathize a bit with biden here, but it’s not enough to earn my vote come november.

Bob Boyd म्हणाले...

"Would you like to watch me virtue signal after the event? Maybe I can help your career."

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

Smart and witty. LOL. Fact presented without evidence.

Also, when even MSN is broadcasting horrible ad news from Biden (link), you know the knives are out.

BarrySanders20 म्हणाले...

Biden's peak cognitive ability was in the 80's. It wasn't all that high then. A nasty grinning blowhard corrupt rapey hair-sniffing weirdo liar attracted to very young girls at his best. Rightly rejected in 1988, wallowed in DC power for 20 years, picked by Obama for who knows what reason, angry at being rejected for Hillary in 2016, and hidden in the basement all of 2020. Dude can barely move, is obviously and easily confused, has terrible balance, and cannot speak in an audible voice, yet still retains the nasty grinning blowhard etc. liar that is his core.

These are the stories just now being allowed into print. Next up are anonymous sources saying he shit his pants.

friscoda म्हणाले...

Dimwit believes that other dimwit is smart. News at 11:00.

tommyesq म्हणाले...

I am disturbed that, with everyone on government and the Dem party who knew about Biden, it took George Clooney to pull the plug on his campaign. When asked about Clooney's opinion at the "press conference," the correct answer should have been "Who gives a fuck what that guy thinks? He doesn't even live in America anymore!"

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

'Smart and witty...'

I could see 'witty' in a backslapping/baby-kissing kind of way.

But smart?

Joe has never been smart.

Without being mean, I don't think Joe has a 100 IQ.

I think that bears out based on his academic record alone.

And no, it wasn't due to a stutter that nobody has ever seen.

But give him credit. He is street smart and cunning and won the Game of Thrones.

Time to retire with negotiated dollars before those smarter than him stick the knife in; maybe literally.

narciso म्हणाले...

Well there is that he lives along lake como like the villain from tenet and oceans 12

PM म्हणाले...

I'd pay a lot to see Obama's eye-roll when he got the call to 'show up for Joe'.

mikee म्हणाले...

Joe exhibited aphasia - loss of names/words; derailment of thoughts - starting on one issue and segueing inappropriately to another, and use of shortcuts when lost in speaking. He repeatedly stumbled mentally and then said "for example" or "anyway" before saying something that was firm in his mind, as if from 40 years of speeches, but not necessarily apposite to the question he was lost in answering. He even threw in a fake bit of supposed anger over guns, just as in every speech he's ever made on the subject, except the question wasn't about guns at all.

My spouse, an MD, pointed out another symptom he exhibited: his inability to control swallowing automatically, an early sign of dysphagia, was exhibited as he kept clearing his throat again and again and again. This can last for months to years before the inability to swallow becomes uncontrollable consciously, in the final stages of dementia.

I witnessed elder abuse last night. CNBC dicn't even show Joe walk on stage, they cut to him standing at the podium. Better safe than sorry, I guess.

Also, as a relatively unimportant aside, who prepared the visible list of questioners for Joe? Were the press questioners aware of their chosen status before the presser? Were their questions provided to them, or by them, for preparation before the event? Why were there over 100 press members sitting there like lap dogs putting up with that staged BS? CNBC didn't even show Joe walk on stage, they cut to him standing at the podium. Better safe than sorry, I guess he might have shuffled or tripped. Why did the chosen few submit to the complete loss of their credibillity, or what littl ethey possess, playing along with that?

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

You know Althouse posed a question after the debate about if and how the sudden turn on Biden was coordinated by Big Media. She said it was especially apparent on CNN, which I didn't watch (I streamed it from USA Today's YouTube channel). To my memory that question was never satisfactorily answered, but this post remined me of it and of two items I observed this week.

First was George Clooney's announcement in which he said, "The Biden America saw at the debate was the same Biden we saw at the fundraiser." So everybody there observed a sub-par performance by POTUS, including the woman quoted today. Second thing was Jake Tapper. Jake Tapper turned hard against Biden after that disastrous debate and unlike some left-leaning cable newsers he has kept going hard, questioning every dumb statement, reading bungled syntax verbatim complete with eye rolls and appropriate skeptical asides.

My new follow-up corollary to Althouse's question is this: What did Jake see that we didn't? What happened during the commercial breaks and the "time delay" corrections to that debate? Maybe some day we will get the true story out of Tapper, as we eventually got out of Clooney and this lady. Tapper's unwavering anti-Biden bent, a new thing, tells me he knows more than he said so far.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

@Dave Begley (10:01), not only do I not want Joe Biden anywhere near those calls, I don’t want Kamala Harris, Lloyd Austin, Tony Blinken, Jake Sullivan, or any of the current members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff anywhere near them either. I want Jill or Hunter in on the call least of all.

“A managers hire A people. B managers hire Cs and Ds.” Best day of his life, Joe Biden was a C. Today he’s more like a D or D- .

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...

"I am disturbed that, with everyone on government and the Dem party who knew about Biden, it took George Clooney to pull the plug on his campaign. When asked about Clooney's opinion at the "press conference," the correct answer should have been "Who gives a fuck what that guy thinks? He doesn't even live in America anymore!"

Everybody knows about the nexus between DC and Hollywood, and it explains a lot why none of these people feel the slightest concern or compunction to hide the political reality that the politicians and 'leaders' are not the people in charge, and don't really matter, and BANG...out of way left field here comes Clooney. Why?

Because everyone is pretending. And everyone is pretending to not notice they are pretending. And when you notice all the pretending they pretend some more. Politicians and actors are cut very much from the same cloth. Most politicians play pretend for a living just like George does, and it's very much like that old line, "You can't bullshit a bullshitter."

You believe in the truth, justice, and what your eyes and your ears hear. You are not in the club. They view us as an audience. Problem is most of the audience is now awake and the show's not funny anymore.

Amadeus 48 म्हणाले...

"smart and witty"

Was Joe being smart when he said to black voters that the GOP would "put y'all back in chains"? Or was that witty?

Joe has always been vicious, empty, and stupid.

planetgeo म्हणाले...

This was the best of all possible outcomes for Trump. Biden did just well enough that he can continue hanging in there. And every day now he's getting new, free campaign ads he can use consisting of Democrat elites on camera saying Joe is unfit for office.

RCOCEAN II म्हणाले...

Name names WaPo or it didn't happen. I seem to be the only one upset at the constant use of anonymous based sources and "stories". So and so said X, says anonymous somebody. Why quote this person and believe her story about Biden unless she's willing to put her name to it?

And even if you believe its true, Althouse has the correct take. It proves nothing about Biden. Here's something that's more damning: Joe biden has not held a cabinet meeting since November 2023. Supposedly. Read this in a Conservative publication. Might be true or not true. Like this women's story.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Somebody who was Reagan's friend talked about his charmm and quick wit, and after visiting him after his mental troubles, said Reagan was gone. None of that was there.

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

Not sure why that disappeared.

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ म्हणाले...

Clooney's observation that the Joe Biden that he saw at the Hollywood fundraiser a month ago was the same Biden that he saw in the debate is the clinching argument. No lipstick dresses up this pig.

Mary Beth म्हणाले...

tommyesq said...

I am disturbed that, with everyone on government and the Dem party who knew about Biden, it took George Clooney to pull the plug on his campaign

Why didn't Clooney or anyone else at the event express any concern publicly until after the debate? They, like the rest of the Dems, were fine with it as long as it could be hidden from the public.

A pox on all of them.

ron winkleheimer म्हणाले...


Michael K म्हणाले...

Blogger planetgeo said...

This was the best of all possible outcomes for Trump. Biden did just well enough that he can continue hanging in there.

Exactly !

Wilbur म्हणाले...

“It was painful to be deceptive", as said by no Leftist in world history.

Kate म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
rehajm म्हणाले...

'Unnamed donor' and everyone like her's gonna vote for him anyways...

PB म्हणाले...

Joe was never witty and widely considered one of the least intelligent members of Congress.

tcrosse म्हणाले...

This was the best of all possible outcomes for Trump. Biden did just well enough that he can continue hanging in there.

But poorly enough that he wasn't going to convince anybody he was up to the job.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

"It felt like..."
That's the problem.

Roger This म्हणाले...

I heard that the delayed retort was:

'Well, the Jerk Store called. They're running out of You!'

tcrosse म्हणाले...

So Biden didn't laugh when the donor lady told him why the chicken crossed the road, but Obama got a big laugh out of it. Makes sense.

Lloyd W. Robertson म्हणाले...

My favorite Jimmy Carter joke--not about him, but from him. He had never been successful telling a joke in all his years in politics. Then he was in Japan, working with a translator. Told a joke and got a big laugh. He admitted to the translator that this was his biggest laugh ever. Did the translator say something different? "I simply said: the President of the United States has told a joke."

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

If China doesn't make zir move now, is it because zi doesn't really want to do it, or because zi fears a retarded move by a confused leaderless American administration?

Dude1394 म्हणाले...

“I guess the real question is: Is Donald Trump hated this much by that many people that they are willing to destroy the country to save it?”

This lady was more than willing to lie to her supposed friends to prop up her tribe. Because that is all it is at the moment.
This tribe of communists, fascists and Nazis are way more than willing to destroy the country. It has always been this way with far left Marxists.

PrimoStL म्हणाले...

Every aspect of this debacle reminds me of some historical drama at Versailles where people in masks are navigating a room with knives. The French film "Ridicule" comes to mind.These people are vultures.

Jamie म्हणाले...

Joe Smith@10:46, I have the same thought: dumb and venal as he is, Biden stuck it out and grabbed - or was handed - the brass ring. (I wish I'd thought of Game of Thrones, as you did. Much better!) So, animal cunning, I suppose.

But the problem now is that the ONLY path left for Democrats, if Biden stays in, is to embrace their own deception - "Yes, it's true that the president hasn't been running things for... a while now. But the people who have been running things will continue to run things! And that's got to be way better than voting for a convicted criminal rapist authoritarian who wants to put y'all back in chains! Vote Democrat - we've got it covered!"

And it'll work.

So we need turnout. Lots of it. Oodles.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

"But, as if on cue,..."

Spoon fed every. single. day.
A lot of people are finally on to it, but it's amazing how many still line up for another helping every morning.
NY Times subscription?

Darkisland म्हणाले...

Blogger AlbertAnonymous said...

But, but, but….PROJECT 2025 !!!!

I wish someone would tell me what the problem with the project is. Someone who has actually read all 900+ pages or at least the official summary.

Every time I hear someone talk about it, lovers, haters, indifferent, I keep thinking "Well, gee, what's wrong with that? Sounds like something that even the most rabid demmies would agree with."

John Henry

Darkisland म्हणाले...

Here is Brandon being witty on the presidential campaign trail


A reporter asks where he went to law school and where he finished in his class. Joe immediately responds "I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you..." then goes on to talk about how how at the end of his first year he was in the top third of his class but by the time he graduated he had sunk to top half. ISTR that he actually finished in the bottom 10th of his class.

Very agressive and not very honest overall but a fun clip.

John Henry

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...

"I wish someone would tell me what the problem with the project is. Someone who has actually read all 900+ pages or at least the official summary.

Every time I hear someone talk about it, lovers, haters, indifferent, I keep thinking "Well, gee, what's wrong with that? Sounds like something that even the most rabid demmies would agree with."

John Henry"

There are problems with it. For instance for me personally is some of the proposed restructuring of the Veteran's Affairs Agency and some of the changes they propose both to VA benefits and disability. Guys like me who are already out aren't in danger because we'll be grandfathered most likely, but I don't like the idea of our service members coming after me to get less coverage for what are sure to be more debilitating conditions....warfare ain't gonna get nicer you know.

There's a bunch of other iffy stuff proposed by the Heritage Foundation I won't get into but in all honestly it pales in comparison to a lot of the effective proposals it puts forward. What everyone is hearing is the democrat/leftists screeching about the juicy iffy stuff. The best and most important proposals are about the destruction and downsizing of the administrative state, which is long overdue. It purports to eliminate department and agency insubordination in the chain of command, which has actually been taking place since JFK was assassinated.

Your "Well, gee, what's wrong with that? Sounds like something that even the most rabid demmies would agree with" is absolutely 90% of Project 2025, excluding the septum-pierced.

Darkisland म्हणाले...

It would be interesting to know who this donor woman is and where the money she is giving comes from.

Did she marry and/or inherit the money? Or is it hers, that she created, through her own endeavors?

Not knowing anything about her of course, it sounds like she is giving away someone else's money.

John Henry

Darkisland म्हणाले...

'Well, the Jerk Store called. They're running out of You!'

Oh yeah? Well I had sex with your dead wife!

John Henry

doctrev म्हणाले...

You can anonymously call Biden a shambling old child abuser, and I certainly enjoy the privilege. But this donor, assuming she even exists, doesn't have the juice to call out Biden even when she drops $100k on him.

Who owns who, again?

FullMoon म्हणाले...

Searching for something else, came across this potential scenerio for first black woman president.

"Meade said...

Best case scenario: Cheney gets indicted (and is acquitted), Condoleeza becomes W's vice president, W resigns and retires to his Texas ranch."
10/28/05, 12:12 PM

imTay म्हणाले...

It all makes sense now, how this started with a donor revolt. They are the only ones, outside of his inner circle, who actually get to interact with him, and they are not buying it, literally.

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

'Did she marry and/or inherit the money? Or is it hers, that she created, through her own endeavors?'

I love looking at expensive real estate I can never afford.

Every Friday the WSJ has a real estate section. A typical article goes like this:

Mrs. Jones is an entrepreneur who is selling her Palm Beach estate for $150M after her husband recently passed away.

So I look up Mrs. Jones. Almost 100% of the time, Mr. Jones turns out to be the founder of a hedge fund or a doctor/dentist who invented an ubiquitous medical device, netting him a billion dollars or so.

Mrs. Jones convinced hubby to give her some money to open a children's clothing boutique on Worth Avenue : )

imTay म्हणाले...

"So, animal cunning..."

Yep, and he only uses his cunning to further the interests of his clan.

ron winkleheimer म्हणाले...

'Every time I hear someone talk about it, lovers, haters, indifferent, I keep thinking "Well, gee, what's wrong with that? Sounds like something that even the most rabid demmies would agree with."'

Saw a video this morning, liberal woman was pointing out that it advocated the government encouraging people to get married before having children, and staying married. She was appalled. Another case of a liberal inadvertently making a campaign commercial advocating for Trump.

imTay म्हणाले...

House of Cards had a line that you *never* take money as a substitute for taking power. There will be no bribing the Biden clan to leave, any more than you could pay the Snopes family to leave in Faulkner's novel, The Hamlet. The Bidens *are* the Snopeses.

FullMoon म्हणाले...

The difference between bigboy Biden and debate Biden is reminiscent of unconscious Hillary being stuffed into the van and resurrected Hillary a few hours later.

Joe's dosage was wrong prior to debate.

Would be greatly amusing to see debate Joe show up again, but not until Pelosi and Clooney have re-joined team Biden.

narciso म्हणाले...

at the end of the cycle, they will post who the donors are, and we can narrow them down, how much did the woman who bought hunters art, who managed to get the only american hostage out,

doctrev म्हणाले...

imTay said...
House of Cards had a line that you *never* take money as a substitute for taking power.

7/12/24, 1:03 PM

Claire Underwood was almost certainly gunned down by her own soldiers for her reckless incompetence, which is why the left hated Season 6 of HoC so much. A fitting end after the various Underwood murders.

May your baby enjoy heaven, Claire, and may you get what you deserve.

Iman म्हणाले...


Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

NYT is reporting that $90 million in pledged donations are now being held back from Democrats unless Joe is removed from top of the ticket. This link goes to Hot Air's coverage of NYT article:


Christopher B म्हणाले...

As much as it would be encouraging to believe this story is true, if this anonymous woman freely admitted she was willing to lie to her friends that Biden was sharp as a tack when The Narrative demanded it then why should we believe that she's accurately reporting her reaction now that The Narrative demands the opposite?

We've seen it right here in these comments where someone who swore up and down for four years that any impairment was a Republican fabrication turn on a dime in the last 24 hours to claim that Biden should resign for health reasons because he's a 'decent man'.

imTay म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
narciso म्हणाले...

so according to open secrets, clooney donated to the dga, last year, katzenberg last in 21,
spielberg last in 20,

Chick म्हणाले...

Perhaps we can ask Russia and China to adjust respective invasions to accomodate EST time zone, so that the call comes into WH at 11:00 am.

Rabel म्हणाले...

As Mr. Meade has brought up the name and given me an opening I would just like to say, "Fuck you, George W. Bush."

His silence while the Democrats wage absurd and unconstitutional lawfare against Trump is damning.

Achilles म्हणाले...

Rabel said...

As Mr. Meade has brought up the name and given me an opening I would just like to say, "Fuck you, George W. Bush."

His silence while the Democrats wage absurd and unconstitutional lawfare against Trump is damning.

What do you mean silence?

The Bush Republicans have been the loudest proponents of the lawfare. Trump's house is in Florida where Republicans signed off on the raid. They are going after Ken Paxton in Texas. Georgia, Arizona, and Wisconsin Republicans installed Joe Biden. The examples of GOPe betrayal are endless.

We are in the situation we are because of Republicans like George W. Bush.

We are in this situation because there is no actual opposition party. If we had an actual opposition party Bill Clinton would be arrested for rape years ago. The Bureaucrats that attacked the tea party would be in the middle of prosecutions for treason if they ever left Washington DC. The FBI agents that raided Trump's house would be arrested by Florida police. Etc. Etc. Etc.

KellyM म्हणाले...

Temujin said...

“I guess the real question is: Is Donald Trump hated this much by that many people that they are willing to destroy the country to save it?”

No, they hate White, Christian, Heritage Americans who still cling (futilely) to the shred that was America. Trump just makes a good target. What they really want is to see us broke, homeless, stripped of our inherent rights, our wives and daughters raped and murdered while they laugh.

Narayanan म्हणाले...

Who can attest biden wit? And witout

doctrev म्हणाले...

Rabel said...

His silence while the Democrats wage absurd and unconstitutional lawfare against Trump is damning.

7/12/24, 1:44 PM

Achilles got it right, as usual. The Bushes and the people they represent are the enemy, as much if not more than some Democrats. But this is also why the drones in Congress would desperately try to throw their seats over abortion or culture war failure theater.

The problem is, we know that, and they are aware that Trump would love to have them all killed.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

I've watched ABC and CNN for the first time in years the last couple of weeks. What vicious, awful people. The biased chyrons have to be seen to be believed. One CNN kept running was 'Stunned, angry democrats blame white house staff for covering up for Biden' (or something close to that). You bastards were in on it for years, and now you are claiming to be the aggrieved party?

This country needs an honest, inquisitive press, yet we are left to suffer the depredations of these Quislings. My contempt for these people could not be greater.

Darkisland म्हणाले...

Blogger Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

NYT is reporting that $90 million in pledged donations are now being held back from Democrats unless Joe is removed from top of the ticket.

What are they going to do, vote for Donald Trump if Brandon doesn't renounce?


This is a snit, a meaningless threat. Brandon will hold fast through the weekend, everyone will accept that he is the candidate and give the money. There may be a few holdouts but he'll get 90% of the money.

John Henry

Big Mike म्हणाले...

I just got back from taking my wife to her retina specialist. Overheard in the elevator from a very elderly, wheelchair bound woman speaking to a middle-aged woman pushing her chair:

“Take me to the rest room so I don’t do a Biden.”

Her helper: “What’s that?”

“I don’t want to poop my pants in public.”

Is that funny? I guess it Depends

Big Mike म्हणाले...

Brandon will hold fast through the weekend, everyone will accept that he is the candidate and give the money. There may be a few holdouts but he'll get 90% of the money.

@John Henry, I’m not so sure about that. If your expectation is that Joe will lose regardless of whether or not you donate then why would you give him a dime? Safer and likely to be more fruitful to curry influence by giving to Democrats (or even some GOPe!) further down the ticket.

Iman म्हणाले...

They (Democrats and their media) have lied about Biden’s infirmities for several years now, they have no credibility.

Fuck each and every one of them.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

I've watched ABC and CNN for the first time in years the last couple of weeks. What vicious, awful people. The biased chyrons have to be seen to be believed. One CNN kept running was 'Stunned, angry democrats blame white house staff for covering up for Biden' (or something close to that). You bastards were in on it for years, and now you are claiming to be the aggrieved party?

This country needs an honest, inquisitive press, yet we are left to suffer the depredations of these Quislings. My contempt for these people could not be greater.

imTay म्हणाले...

"There may be a few holdouts but he'll get 90% of the money."

And 90% of the votes, which will doom him.

Narayanan म्हणाले...

is it possible the dogs attacked SS because FJB had panic attacks?
A service dog can be helpful for individuals experiencing panic attacks. These dogs are trained to detect early signs of an attack and respond appropriately. They can provide deep pressure therapy or bring emergency medications. They help mitigate the attack’s impact.

Left Bank of the Charles म्हणाले...

“Right when they needed bad polls, they got not-so-bad polls. The Electoral College maps is still impossible, but they needed obviousness, and they got ambiguity.”

The RCP average showed Trump up 1.5 points on June 27, just before the debate, and up 2.9 today, a change of just 1.4 points. The claimed cover-up is nonexistent as President Biden’s physical and mental acuity is well known and has already been baked into the polls. Impossible means not able to occur, and certainly there are enough undecideds to win those points back.

The judgment call to be made is whether President Biden is good for another 4 years. That’s not a fact that can be known. Even there, if you believe his Vice President is the best person to succeed him, you might not weight that issue very high. If Biden can serve the full 4 years, good. If he has to step aside, you still have Harris. That’s what we decided in 2020.

Zavier Onasses म्हणाले...

"...the smart, witty guy..."

Ummmm...thin skinned, grasping, abusive?

The truly smart
..do not plag1arize their school work and political speeches;
..argue with substance, not misdirection, untruths, ad hominem attacks

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

What people seem to be underappreciating is that Biden will now get progressively worse every day. That's going to make him staying a glaring and increasing embarrassment that is unsustainable. Imagine how bad it will get. We will all be hiding under blankets when he's on TV.

loudogblog म्हणाले...

As I've said before, ALL of my Biden supporting friends are refusing to admit that Biden has a problem. They say that the videos are Republican cheap fakes or Biden just had a bad day or that Trump is still worse because he constantly lies and will become a dictator or PROJECT 2025!!!.

You know things have jumped the shark when people are so blinded by their politics that they're willing to support a person who is showing obvious signs of dementia for the highest office in the land. Trump isn't my choice, (I'm supporting RFK Jr.) but I know that it is an irrational belief that Trump will turn the United States into a NAZI dictatorship. Trump is just an egotistical, reality TV star and businessman. He is not Hitler.

minnesota farm guy म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
minnesota farm guy म्हणाले...

Lost in the current flap is that Joe is about as dumb as a post and always has been. He is certainly a serial liar that puts Trump 's hyperbole in the shade. Bob Gates could not have been more accurate when he said that Biden has fucked up every foreign affairs decision he has made ( I paraphrase!). While in office he has been able to add Afghanistan and Ukraine to his string of fuck ups.

The only person who can make Joe look smart at this point is Kamala. What a sad state of affairs!

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...

"What people seem to be underappreciating is that Biden will now get progressively worse every day. That's going to make him staying a glaring and increasing embarrassment that is unsustainable. Imagine how bad it will get. We will all be hiding under blankets when he's on TV."

If I understand from other sources, Joe basically "released his delegates" to do what they want in so many words last night. If that's true, I truly don't see him surviving the convention. That was a subtle way of giving them a way out, knowing how much worse it's going to get.

I know for a fact that GOP/Trump are already wargaming his replacement, and have been for months. It won't help them.

imTay म्हणाले...

"and certainly there are enough undecideds to win those points back."

I am sure that the September debate will reassure everybody, and the enthusiasm gap will suddenly shift in Biden's favor, and King Leer will lead his party to victory, like El Cid, you know, the Spanish guy in 1099, whose dead body was, according to legend, dress up in his armor and lashed to his horse which then led his men into battle and to victory. His horse's name, Babieca, translates to "The Stupid One," fitting, since in this metaphor, the Babieca part is to be played by the press.

Aught Severn म्हणाले...

That’s what we decided in 2020.

Correction: that's what you decided, unless you can read minds.

The eleventy billion (or was it trillion? Someone please remind me, my mind just bidened) votes he received in the last election had the same number of different reasons for those votes. Some may have been similar to your reason, some could have been based on having missed the opportunity to do so in '88. There is no hive mind, people are not Borg, a claim made with a generic 'we' referring to an unspecified and large group is inherently false.

n.n म्हणाले...

Biden has a womb... room in a Democratic jurisdiction with Progressive sects operating with liberal license. He may no longer be deemed viable and thus ripe for Planned Parent/hood. Karmic irony.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Someone who forks over 100,000 - is still scared that they will piss off the mob-democrats...

oh yes..

Goldenpause म्हणाले...

Nice of the lady donor to admit that she is willing to lie if it advances the interests of the Democrat Party. She would fit right in at any one of the mass media that hid Biden’s cognitive collapse.

William50 म्हणाले...

The only people whose opinion matters is the donors. Especially the large donors. Your campaign can't do anything without moola! If the large donors say no more cash he's finished.

Narayanan म्हणाले...

are there video of FJB doing song and dance for his gold-sugar-friends

Lucien म्हणाले...

Dave Begley: I take your point, but have you considered what it would take for China to mount an amphibious invasion of Taiwan? No one has really done such a thing since Inchon, and those guys had experience. The distance between China and Taiwan is equivalent to that between England and Normandy, and in 1944 the Germans didn’t have satellites. China would need to gather and embark invasion forces and supplies, assemble an invasion fleet too large to sail from a single port, and launch the attack. To keep the US from seeing everything, they would probably have to initiate an aggressive war against the US by attacking our satellites.
Etc., etc.

Jim at म्हणाले...

The claimed cover-up is nonexistent as President Biden’s physical and mental acuity is well known and has already been baked into the polls.

It's like dealing with people on another planet entirely.

/shakes head and walks away

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...

"Dave Begley: I take your point, but have you considered what it would take for China to mount an amphibious invasion of Taiwan? No one has really done such a thing since Inchon, and those guys had experience. The distance between China and Taiwan is equivalent to that between England and Normandy, and in 1944 the Germans didn’t have satellites. China would need to gather and embark invasion forces and supplies, assemble an invasion fleet too large to sail from a single port, and launch the attack. To keep the US from seeing everything, they would probably have to initiate an aggressive war against the US by attacking our satellites.
Etc., etc."

Several years ago a high-level naval war game was run (165-page report on the CSIS 2024 Summary of the US vs China wargames conducted in January 2022, entitled The First Battle of the Next War: Wargaming a Chinese Invasion of Taiwan), the result of which was a complete US victory over Chinese naval forces in the Taiwan Straight and Pacific at the strategic level (i.e. the PLAN being turned into a "fleet in being" that could no longer sortie).

The cost to the US Navy was 3 CVNs, 27 something surface combatants, 16 SSNs (about a 1/3 of active submarine assets), a classified number of SSBNs, 60% of all prepositioned and non-prepositioned Military Sealift Command (MSC) assets, the destruction of strategic facilities at Guam, Diego Garcia, Okinawa, and partner nations in the Philippines, Taiwan, Australia, and Singapore. It goes on too. keep in mind this is what would be necessary to produce acceptable destruction sufficient to render the PLAN an ineffective fighting force...we haven't really started on the PLA and PLAAF yet in this scenario.

The costs to the USA of a full-blown conflict with China will shake the foundations of the Earth.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

Lost in the current flap is that Joe is about as dumb as a post and always has been.

@minnesota farm guy, he’s also a backstabbing SOB, as Clarence Thomas could certainly explain.

FullMoon म्हणाले...

Interesting from October 2005. Comments back then also reflect detrimental treatment from the press towards the Republican candidate.

"Blogger Ann Althouse said...

When Bush originally ran for office in 2000, there were reports of him needing a lot of rest time and getting tired. I was for Gore back then, and I really thought Bush would fail because he just wouldn't hold up through the campaign, especially with the debates in the end. Now, I'm worried again that he has a problem with getting tired."

10/28/05, 1:35 PM

effinayright म्हणाले...

Lucien said:

"The distance between China and Taiwan is equivalent to that between England and Normandy..."
No, it's not.

Taiwan is four times (81 miles) as far away from China, as England is from Normandy (21 miles)

That distance makes it much, much harder to engage in a Normandy-style invasion from China.

There's NO CHANCE it could be a sudden, sneak attack. The preprations, the launches, the sea transits, would all be captured in real time via satellite.

IOW Biden would have plenty of time to fuck up our response.

campy म्हणाले...

"If it's not close, they can't cheat."

You people are nuts if you believe there's any margin the democrat fraud operation can't overcome. Even if Trump wins the popular vote 70% to 30%, (which he won't) he'll still be watching the inauguration on TV next January.

imTay म्हणाले...

Three quarters of Taiwan's exports go to mainland China, three quarters of Taiwan's imports come from mainland China. Who is really the beneficiary of a war? Not China, not Taiwan. The US seems to think that it would be us, in the form of a devastated China that will no longer be an economic rival, Taiwan need only look at Ukraine to see what they get out of the arrangement.

What China really should want, and probably does, since they are rational, is a neutral and demilitarized Taiwan, trading with them and the world. This situation is unacceptable to the US, since it calls into doubt our role as global hegemon, at which point the whole economic house of cards collapses.

boatbuilder म्हणाले...

Nobody who listened to Imus in the Morning, on which Biden regularly was a guest, would ever buy smart or witty. He was the comic foil. He thought he was smart and witty.

Ralph L म्हणाले...

I love looking at expensive real estate I can never afford.

Have I got the youtube channel for you!
Arvin Haddad critiques promotional house tour videos from all over the world! Careful, it's addictive.
Flaws Exposed: The MOST Luxurious Home The UK's Ever Seen

Original Mike म्हणाले...

"What China really should want, and probably does, since they are rational, is a neutral and demilitarized Taiwan, trading with them and the world."

Why would China be concerned about Taiwan's military if they don't have aggressive intent? It's not like Taiwan is going to invade them.

Johnula म्हणाले...

effinayright said...
Lucien said:

"The distance between China and Taiwan is equivalent to that between England and Normandy..."
No, it's not.

Taiwan is four times (81 miles) as far away from China, as England is from Normandy (21 miles)

Well, Dover to Calais is 21 miles, but the allies didn't attack via Dover-Calais. The allied invasion force left from their debarkation points on the south coast of England and landed on the Normandy beaches northwest of Caen. A minimum distance of 90+ miles from Portsmouth to Omaha beach, but well over 100 miles from most other English ports

PM म्हणाले...

Maybe they'll run Jill as President and Joe as vice-president.
It's legal and they've been doing it for years.

Dr.Bunkypotatohead म्हणाले...

When people get old they stop caring...about their appearance, about what others think of them, about those women with the $100k checks. There's plenty more where she came from.

Drago म्हणाले...

RideSpaceMountain: "Several years ago a high-level naval war game was run (165-page report on the CSIS 2024 Summary of the US vs China wargames conducted in January 2022, entitled The First Battle of the Next War: Wargaming a Chinese Invasion of Taiwan), the result of which was a complete US victory over Chinese naval forces in the Taiwan Straight and Pacific at the strategic level (i.e. the PLAN being turned into a "fleet in being" that could no longer sortie)."

I have not had a chance to fully absorb the report beyond key assumptions and then findings (results/probabilities) so my question is how forward looking was the wargame scenario in the use of mass asymmetrical drone attacks and what were the implications specifically to those assets?

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...


My recollection was that it was very forward looking, especially towards aerial sensor-fused drone-warms and logistics 'rapid-dragon' deployed long-range interdiction assets. I would like to emphasize for all concerned this information is publicly available for as unclassified a deep-dive as you would like and that the Chinese are well-aware and have their own classified models for the same scenarios.

The primary value of drones is their expendabilty. Not their firepower. Not their intelligence gathering-capability (though it substantial). Not even their mass. Expendiblity allows you to do all sorts of amoral, unethical, and shame-inducing things that you couldn't do if you were beholden to kinfolk you have to write KIA letters to and who vote their grief.

I want to re-iterate the fundamental takeaway from all the publicly available data, which is that the USA would be victorious in such a non-nuclear scenario, but at what cost? Do we really have the moral authority and internal resolve to absorb losses in the Pacific that exceed anything we absorbed in WWII?

These psychos are playing with fire.

Josephbleau म्हणाले...

“i.e. the PLAN being turned into a "fleet in being"”

Yes the fleet in being at Scappa Flow thats very existence would prevent Europe from invading England in ww1. The “fleet in being” of the usaf sac missile force. These do work in defense, but as noted you can’t conquer a country with a fleet in being.

Josephbleau म्हणाले...

So Putin and Xi are sitting around and one says let’s threaten beiden with a nuke attack and he will surrender the west to us. But do they want to mess with a demented fool? He might just shoot the wad because he once saw a kubric movie.

So for a while we are ok, but if miley the general calls them up and tells them we wont let beiden fire, we are screwed. Miley the trator.

Narayanan म्हणाले...

assemble an invasion fleet too large to sail from a single port, and launch the attack.
is encirclement of the island possible? no attempt to conceal!