१० जुलै, २०२४

"Independence has always been an important guiding principle for us, and resilience—not only the ability but the willingness to embrace multiple perspectives..."

"... and follow the facts on difficult stories, including some stories that upset people as individuals. But we need to provide good, well-rounded coverage of all the issues that are out there in the news for the broadest possible audience, and we need to create a culture where people feel incentivized to take on those stories even when they will sometimes engender a lot of scrutiny, some backlash. And I don’t think that comes automatically...." 

Says Joe Kahn, quoted in "The Culture Wars Inside the New York Times/Joe Kahn, the newspaper’s executive editor, wants to incentivize his staff to take on difficult stories, even when they might engender scrutiny, or backlash" (The New Yorker).

"[W]e’ve brought in hundreds of people, many next-generation journalists with a wider range of skill sets.... For them, but also for an older generation, we can’t assume that people are coming to the Times with the full set of values of the mission of independent journalism, even more so now because we’re recruiting people from very different kinds of backgrounds, people who came from the design world, people who were data experts, people from audio and visual backgrounds who weren’t trained at newspapers. And how do you build a culture where there’s a common consensus about what we do and why we’re doing it and what the craft and discipline is?"

८० टिप्पण्या:

hombre म्हणाले...

Culture wars at the NYT? Between whom, the far left and the extreme left?

Achilles म्हणाले...

The NYT’s employees are tools doing what their owners tell them to do.

In this case provide moral justification and cover for their obvious lying.

MadTownGuy म्हणाले...

"Says Joe Kahn, quoted in "The Culture Wars Inside the New York Times/Joe Kahn, the newspaper’s executive editor, wants to incentivize his staff to take on difficult stories, even when they might engender scrutiny, or backlash" (The New Yorker)."

Journalistic integrity? Or virtue signaling? I lean toward the latter.

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...

Dear NYT,

You're not independent. You take your orders to run or kill stories from administrations you support and the deep bureaucracy that puts them there. We have evidence. You use information funneled from same to smear and attack those who won't provide you the ammunition you need to forward your agenda, which you definitely have. We have evidence of that too. You have acted as a 5th column of American politics that no one elects, and when caught, refuses to be held accountable.

You made your bed fuckos. You sleep in it. No one is forgetting anything.

You will be held accountable,
Millions of pissed of voters

Chris-2-4 म्हणाले...

Tell me you think Donald Trump is going to win the election without TELLILNG me you think Donald Trump is going to win the election.

NYT: "we need to create a culture where people feel incentivized to take on those stories even when they will sometimes engender a lot of scrutiny, some backlash."

Shoeless Joe म्हणाले...

"we’re recruiting people from very different kinds of backgrounds"

Different backgrounds, but identical mindsets: extremist left-wing drones of all sizes and shapes. Congratulations to the NY Times on achieving their version of diversity.

Sebastian म्हणाले...

"for the broadest possible audience"

But online features aside, their whole business model has been to cater to the left--specifically, the sensibilities of Upper West Side soap opera liberal women. Something's gotta give.

"The Culture Wars Inside the New York Times"

They're not really culture wars but political wars. Should the NYT push the prog narrative and support prog power all of the time or just some of the time?

narciso म्हणाले...

The same model a as long as they are all in black

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...

New tagline for the Gray Lady:

When you read the NYT, Don't Expect Intelligence.

Leland म्हणाले...

Concur with RideSpaceMountain’s letter.

Whatever pretense of “Independence” was lost with the news’ room reaction to Tom Cotton’s op-ed.

Quayle म्हणाले...

A more appropriate tagline:

"All the news that's fit to keep our reporters from being cancelled by their colleagues."

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...

The moment Trump gets back in the White House:

- All MSM press passes are revoked. Permanently.
- The Press Briefing Room will be dismantled and the space used for other purposes.
- Press will be excluded from all Cabinet departments. Their briefing rooms will be eliminated.
- No professional journalistic press or those associated will be given access of any kind, in any venue. Permanently.
- Public inquiries will be handled directly. We have the technology.
- Messaging from the White House will be handled directly to the public. We also have the technology.
- Hollywood and all hollywood-adjacent affiliates are banned. No interviews. No access.

They are already enemies...why try to keep currying favor?

A fevered dream I wish were true, but Trump loves the stink of their shit too much to hope for it.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

Culture wars at the NYT? Between whom, the far left and the extreme left?

@hombre, +1

Kahn is writing for the gullible. I’m not among them.

narciso म्हणाले...

Well trapdoors and a shark tank

Kevin म्हणाले...

with the full set of values of the mission of independent journalism


PM म्हणाले...

From the NYer, where Trump exists as an existential threat second to climate change.

CJinPA म्हणाले...

But we need to provide good, well-rounded coverage of all the issues that are out there in the news for the broadest possible audience...

...we can’t assume that people are coming to the Times with the full set of values of the mission of independent journalism...

It's easy to be cynical (fun, too), but I've been critiquing the Times for decades, and this is not normal rhetoric for an executive editor there.

I assumed their business plan *requires* them to feed *the narrowest possible audience* a constant diet of left-wing red meat.

The product may very well not change one iota. And this guy may very well be felled by the paper's woke mob that has claimed several scalps. But this kind of talk is different. I'm intrigued.

wendybar म्हणाले...

You mean they MAY try to start telling us the truth??

Biff म्हणाले...

"we’re recruiting people from very different kinds of backgrounds, people who came from the design world, people who were data experts, people from audio and visual backgrounds who weren’t trained at newspapers."

(emphasis mine)

That may be the closest I've seem someone at that level admit that the purpose of "data experts" is to slant the data to fit the narrative than it is to use the data to describe reality.

doctrev म्हणाले...

RideSpaceMountain said...
The moment Trump gets back in the White House:

7/10/24, 10:43 AM

Invite them in, and then march them all of to prison for their role in the Biden fraud. You're under the impression that a second Trump term is going to be mostly like the first, and I am looking forward to you being wrong.

Honestly, if Trump invites a mob to hose down the new Congress with bullets, it will be long overdue.

Earnest Prole म्हणाले...

In olden times the best journalists dreamed of being a turd in the punchbowl.

Jimmy म्हणाले...

knowingly lying for the leftist regime, while at the same time saying you love democracy and free speech. How does that work? being that corrupted and evil, while feeling virtuous and superior?
What part of your soul do you sell to reach that goal?
Pravda or the Peoples Daily were more self aware than those clowns at NYT et al.

wildswan म्हणाले...

They are notifying the newsroom that FJB is about be F'd and anyone who doesn't like it will get the same.

Real American म्हणाले...

"Independence has always been an important guiding principle for us, and resilience—not only the ability but the willingness to embrace multiple perspectives...and follow the facts on difficult stories, including some stories that upset people as individuals. But...."

But no one believes that describes the NYT for one damn second. The NYT is a publication that engages in leftist fan service and that "BUT" erases all the words that came before it.

Hassayamper म्हणाले...

This clown doesn't seem to have understood the new rules. All scrutiny of designated victims is white supremacy and patriarchy.

gadfly म्हणाले...

Althouse publishes articles today about the NYT and its relationship with some little known exec named Joe Kahn and a stupid review of juvenile Donald Trump calling Democrats names when he cannot even spell "laugh."

But somehow she missed the lie told by writer David Sanger to sustain the ongoing attack on Joe Biden by falsely claiming that confidence in its core members was in doubt only because of Biden’s debate performance, and not Trump generally.

But Sanger wrote in February that NATO ministers had concerns about the long-term existence of the treaty if Trump was elected:

European leaders were quietly discussing how they might prepare for a world in which America removes itself as the centerpiece of the 75-year-old alliance.

Deep State Reformer म्हणाले...

Ridespacemoutain said @ 10:21AM / 7.10.2024
Yah.There will be zero forgiving nor forgetting anything those NYT pricks wrote, blogged, said, or did. When the revolution comes the "Truth & Reconciliation Teams" will consist of seven guys with rifles & a list standing next to a berm of sandbags.

stlcdr म्हणाले...

This time, we really are going to have balanced reporting. Honest.

Dude1394 म्हणाले...

What a joke. There is no integrity or honesty at the NYTimes. None, zip, nada.

Aggie म्हणाले...

..."And how do you build a culture where there’s a common consensus about what we do and why we’re doing it and what the craft and discipline is?"

Did you mean to say, 'where the hell is the craft and discipline'?

Rusty म्हणाले...

Gadfly posted,
"European leaders were quietly discussing how they might prepare for a world in which America removes itself as the centerpiece of the 75-year-old alliance."
Yeah. So? What do we owe them? Why is it that when Europe fucks up we have to rescue them?

Michael K म्हणाले...

Gadfly goes on with another lie about Trump and NATO. Trump wanted the members to fulfill their obligation to fund the alliance rather than let the USA do all the work.

ga6 म्हणाले...

Short version:

"Grow a pair."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Bash Trump 24/7.... So brave! Threat to democracy - over and over.

Meanwhile - ignore biden's family corruption for personal profit.

Drago म्हणाले...

The Increasingly Hopeless gadfly: "Althouse publishes articles today about the NYT and its relationship with some little known exec named Joe Kahn and a stupid review of juvenile Donald Trump calling Democrats names when he cannot even spell "laugh."'

"Respects to our potentially new Democrat Challenger, Laffin' Kamala Harris,..."--Donald Trump

"Laffin" meaning: Laughing, often in a slangy way - OneLook.


Not a day goes by where gadfly doesnt embarrass himself!

Just yesterday this dolt was claiming Zbig Brzezinski founded the Trilateral Commission when it was actually David Rockefeller behind the whole operation vision.

Too funny.

Gadfly couldn't "research" his way out of a paper bag.

narciso म्हणाले...

of the three european emigre advisors, perhaps only Richard Pipes, had a real understanding of the Soviet Mind, he was part of Team B, that challenged more gullible understanding of Soviet behavior, the ones that underlay the flawed detente framework of the 70s, the Times reporter Richard Burt, who ended up at State, was all too trusting, even another member of Team Paul Nitze, was integrated into the Arms control priesthood, which like the Middle East peace process yields no fruit,

Sheridan म्हणाले...

I wonder if things would get better at the Times, the Post and whatever if all reporters and "fact checkers" were replaced by an advanced AI system. Keep editors around so that they could push the "try again button" on the AI console if a news story was too crazy but dismiss everyone else. Could things get any worse? Besides, I'd love to see AI write about High Fashion. Can AI systems have culture and good taste? Let's find out!!

CJinPA म्हणाले...

European leaders were quietly discussing how they might prepare for a world in which America removes itself as the centerpiece of the 75-year-old alliance.

An important topic, but you could read the same articles they wrote 7 years ago if you need to scratch that itch.

effinayright म्हणाले...

As the Hollywood rag "Variety" would put it, gadfly is a "LAFF RIOT".

narciso म्हणाले...

well you do know Open AI was hacked more than a year ago, but it's a GIGO question about imputs,

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

A president secretly battling Parkinson and they all want the lead to Alito’s flag flap.

James K म्हणाले...

"... [W]e need to create a culture where people feel incentivized to take on those stories even when they will sometimes engender a lot of scrutiny, some backlash. And I don’t think that comes automatically...."

You mean like James Bennet, who published the Tom Cotton op-ed and promptly got "incentivized" right out of the NYT?

Joe Kahn wasn't the Executive Editor at the time, but he was Managing Editor, and I don't recall him coming to Bennet's defense (or to Cotton's). I have a feeling he's talking about stories that go after Trump and Republicans, and get "scrutiny" because the stories are full of crap.

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

"Broadest possible audience," he says. If you can effect such a change at the Old Gray Lady then I would consider subscribing. Maybe Kahn will be the first to reverse the "go woke go broke" cycle swallowing up the news biz. A recent attempt at WaPo failed but they've always been a little slow to catch on.

The NYT actually had an excellent reputation amongst us classically trained journalists. Would that that they could get that back.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

NYT bares its troubled soul to the Nooyawkah. For some reason, I have little faith in Clare Malone's efforts to deconstruct Joe Kahn's thesis. It's obviously my fault. I have never been able to enjoy a shit sandwich, probably thanks to my insufficiently troubled upbringing. Mom and Dad should have crushed my spirit more often, those lazibones.

Try as I might, I cannot accept this at face value. I keep thinking of Judas and Benedict Arnold having a pity party DOWN THERE.

Let Joe Kahn enjoy a confessional with the Washington Examiner on the other side of the screen. That would be interesting.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

Mike (MJB Wolf) writes, "The NYT actually had an excellent reputation amongst us classically trained journalists."

How do classically trained journalists account for Walter Duranty?

Drago म्हणाले...

gadfly: "Althouse publishes articles today about the NYT and its relationship with some little known exec named Joe Kahn..."


"...little known exec..."

Pulitzer Prize winner and managing editor for the NYT since 2016 before being made Executive Editor of the NYT.

"...little known exec..."

I guess I shouldn't hold gadfly the soy boy cat lady to standards above that of your average 13 year old.

Drago म्हणाले...

Quaestor: "How do classically trained journalists account for Walter Duranty?"

All "trained" journalists for legacy media had been, have been and are "trained" first and foremost in leftism/marxism and advancing the leftist cause.

gspencer म्हणाले...

How the elites/lefties/non-deplorables view us,


narciso म्हणाले...

Duranty, Matthews for Castro, Halberatam on Vietnam, Friedman on the middle East

Hassayamper म्हणाले...

Honestly, if Trump invites a mob to hose down the new Congress with bullets, it will be long overdue.

Satisfying to contemplate, but unlikely to the point of fantasy.

My own revenge fantasy has Trump sacking every single political appointee in the FBI as his first act after taking office, and ordering them (and all the rest of the Bureau right down to the janitors) to evacuate the FBI HQ building without carrying out a single thing. Then bring in a trustworthy outside ninja team to collect and publicly release every document in the FBI files (and CIA and NSA and DOD too, why not?) that has to do with the prosecutions against him and his associates.

Then move on to harsh, exemplary criminal prosecutions for any of them found to have committed any election interference, violation of anyone's civil rights, or giving perjured testimony. Hopefully they live out the rest of their lives in prison, but if not, the process is the punishment. These fucking scum deserve to have their lives smashed to pieces, not just as well deserved retribution, but also a warning to all the rest of them that they are nothing more than our fucking worthless hired help, and they will do as we fucking say through our elected representatives, or be utterly fucking crushed.

Moreover, Trump and all of his associates should file a class-action civil lawsuit against Garland and the rest of the scum for conspiracy to violate their civil rights. Find a nexus in Wyoming or Texas that will cause them the same maximal inconvenience in travel that they have inflicted on so many innocent Americans. This will also allow a conservative jury to be seated, which will hopefully strip them of their homes, their childrens' college funds, and every other goddam thing the filth own right down to their toothbrush.

Any resistance will be considered insubordination and grounds for instant dismissal regardless of the civil service protection laws. Have the US Marshals escort them out, and if a court orders them reinstated, yank their ID and security clearance and post them to a rubber room in Idaho Falls. All of this is quite within the scope of Trump's plenary executive powers.

It's unlikely but conceivable that the seditious Deep State scum might attempt to subvert Federal law enforcement officers and/or local military units to prevent this by armed force. Then and only then would be the time for Trump to summon a million armed men from the unorganized militia of Title 10 Section 311 USC to descend on Washington and drive the enemy traitors out of our capital and permanently out of our national polity.

Interested Bystander म्हणाले...

That quote makes it sound like they’re actively trying to get away from the woke J school turds. Either that or the editor is full of it.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

... and follow the facts on difficult stories, including some stories that upset people as individuals.

Of course by “people as individuals” Kahn means “conservatives and other deplorables, including people who work for a living, but under no circumstances does this include important Democrats or people who donate big bucks to important Democrats”

Dave Begley म्हणाले...

Independent my ass!

The NYT writers are all liberal shills who are so fucking clueless that they don't even realize how biased and worthless they are.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

What he says is completely content-free. Bullshit in the style of C.L.Sulzberger. Prose that reads like the ruins of Pompeii, Jean Shepard said.

rehajm म्हणाले...

Your editors wrote an editorial saying they were abandoning journalistic principles because Donald Trump was too much of a threat. Has NYT apologized or written an editorial stating they were returning to following journalistic principles?

Sounds more like you’re trying to fluff up some credibility so you can pull off another big lie. Fuck. You.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

JOe Biden and his corrupt family are a threat to democracy.

FullMoon म्हणाले...

But Sanger wrote in February that NATO ministers had concerns about the long-term existence of the treaty if Trump was elected:

European leaders were quietly discussing how they might prepare for a world in which America removes itself as the centerpiece of the 75-year-old alliance.

Then what? We all die?

n.n म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
n.n म्हणाले...

Shaka, when the walls fell.

Bob Boyd म्हणाले...

Democracy Dies of Difficulties

Aggie म्हणाले...

Thought Experiment: Conservative Supreme Court Justice begins to show stiffness in the gait and begins speaking more slowly, but is otherwise robustly healthy. When would this start to be pointed out, when would the crescendo of calls for stepping down become noticeable (i.e. to the general public, on the nightly news) and when would the calls become overwhelming from elected Democrats for testing / resignation / replacement?

Assume, for simplicity, that a Presidential term (i.e. the privilege of selecting a replacement candidate) is not a factor. But use, as the timeline, the Biden Presidential timeline, beginning in January 2020. When, along that timeline from Jan '20 to now, would these things have happened?

I'm guessing discussion would have started in Feb '20, Nightly News by July '20, shrieking from the Senate Democrats by January '21. No way a similar case would have been papered over for anything like 4 years. It would have been kept front & center.

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...

"Shaka, when the walls fell."

Sokath, all of their eyes uncovered!

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...


Fuck Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra, I want heads to roll and phasers set to 'kill'.

n.n म्हणाले...

Sokath, all of their eyes uncovered!

RideSpaceMountain, a homer hit to right field.

n.n म्हणाले...

RideSpaceMountain, Antidem was a turning point.

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

If you want to be a real journalist that covers politics, the first thing you have to do is to stop fellating politicians. There are no such journalists working for the NYTimes and there haven't been for quite a while now.

Mikey NTH म्हणाले...

All perspectives must be explored - Stalinist, Maoist, Trotskyite, Crypto-Anarchist - every view point!

Lance म्हणाले...

If the NYT actually "follow[ed] the facts on difficult stories", they'd lose half their customers. But that won't happen, because the NYT will not "take on those stories even when they will sometimes engender a lot of scrutiny, some backlash."

The NYT knows their customers considers themselves open-minded and fair, so the editors occasionally trot out the "tough journalism" bromides. But they also know their customers won't pay for any reporting that challenges Democrat politics.

JIM म्हणाले...

In other words, they have no courage, no integrity, no grit. Simply stenographers who are just typing out what they were told to type.

Ne exeat म्हणाले...

The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That's a sea change. They literally know nothing."

Isn't that the problem?

Craig Mc म्हणाले...

"And how do you build a culture where there’s a common consensus about what we do and why we’re doing it and what the craft and discipline is?"

By firing the people who won't accept it.

Narayanan म्हणाले...

as executive editor can he assign them to go to Trump rally and field-report from war zone?

Todd म्हणाले...

Says Joe Kahn

LOL, that was a good one, OMG my sides hurt, this fellow needs to be drafted by SNL to help make them funny again! What, what? He is serious?

If that quote is his honest opinion, he needs to be seeing an army of therapists as not only has he lost touch with reality but he can not even see reality from where he is standing!

RMc म्हणाले...

Tell me you think Donald Trump is going to win the election without TELLING me you think Donald Trump is going to win the election.

I predict that in six months and nine days, dissent will become patriotic again.

Rusty म्हणाले...

The smell of farts in that building must be overwhelming!

Patrick Henry म्हणाले...

It's actually not that hard. The editor should send the reporter(s) back to the word processor if their "news story" reads like an editorial.

Don't blame this on the reports. This begins with the editors and goes up to the top.

mikee म्हणाले...

If I ever read a story in the New York Times (which I only ever get from here on Althouse blog) where the 5 Ws are presented in full, before the opinion which the reader is told to hold about the story, I'd be amazed.

mikee म्हणाले...

As an example of opinion reporting I present the idea that Trump, in demanding that NATO's European members provide their treaty-obligated amounts of defense spending and thus strengthen the allied military power, or the alliance will be void, is somehow threatening to destroy NATO. "Make it stronger or I see no use to being in it" is a business negotiation way of saying, "Make it stronger," not the opposite.

Jeff Vader म्हणाले...

These clowns really view themselves in a very high regard

Dr.Bunkypotatohead म्हणाले...

He just wants more balanced coverage of food and fashion trends in Manhattan.