২ জুলাই, ২০২৪

How can anyone but Kamala Harris get their hands on the money contributed to the Biden campaign?

I'm reading "Campaign Finance Laws Give Harris Big Boost in Biden Dropout Scenario/If Biden were to withdraw his candidacy, only Kamala Harris could seamlessly use funds raised by the Biden-Harris campaign committee" (American Prospect).
The Biden for President campaign committee controls candidate contributions for the 2024 election... If Biden, as candidate, wanted to contribute money from this account to another candidate for the presidency, he’s limited to $2,000 per election. If Biden withdraws, he could convert this campaign committee to a political action committee. In that case he could direct $3,300 to another candidate.... It’s simply not allowable for a presidential candidate to directly transfer millions of dollars to another candidate....

[T]he Biden PAC could operate an independent expenditure campaign on behalf of the new candidate. But that PAC would not be able to coordinate with the new candidate.... [I]f Harris succeeded Biden, she would control all the funds in the [Biden/Harris] campaign committee and could use them in the election campaign....

One more reason why bypassing Harris would be a huge insult. Meanwhile, the Trump campaign is pre-attacking her:

১২১টি মন্তব্য:

Oligonicella বলেছেন...

Nice two-fer.

RideSpaceMountain বলেছেন...

As if a penny of it would help her popularity. That ho is more cringe-inducing than a root canal.

RCOCEAN II বলেছেন...

I've never understood the dislike for Kamela Harris. She's no worse then Biden. I assumed she'd be POTUS by now, and that Biden would've turned it over to her by now. I thought that was the plan in Jan 2021.

So why the dislike? Could it be we have more racists in the Democrat party than expected? Or maybe a lot of Democrat boomers can't tolerate a woman as President.

Drago বলেছেন...

"It’s simply not allowable for a presidential candidate to directly transfer millions of dollars to another candidate....",


They are New Soviet Democraticals! Nothing could be more irrelevant than how the actual law actually reads or what the actual law actually allows.

RCOCEAN II বলেছেন...

Its seems that the same mysterious "They" who wouldn't allow Hillary to be POTUS, are bent on stopping Kam from being POTUS.

Maybe Hillary can name them.

RideSpaceMountain বলেছেন...

"Maybe Hillary can name them."

Maybe Hillary is one of them. As if petty vaginal jockeying stops at high school...

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Isn’t it fraud to donate money for two named people and have someone completely different end up with the money?

Speaking of Steve Bannon.

doctrev বলেছেন...

The millions in the Biden campaign would be instantly replaced for a different candidate, thanks to Katzenberg/ Zuckerberg/ Bloomberg.

And yet people don't understand the symbiosis. Kamala loves the no-stakes job of VP and Biden loves having a zero-talen lt subordinate. When the various 115+ IQ types yell at the Bidens to replace Kamala, Jill hears "let us kill your idiot husband!"

How congenitally retarded do you have to be for Jill Biden to outpace you? Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the New York Times.

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

Or they spend all of it on negative ads bashing Trump. Money is fungible. This isn't a huge problem. The Bidens are just trying to gaslight everyone into thinking there are no other options.

wild chicken বলেছেন...

well, she's been cool hasn't she?

Klobuchar would have lost her shit by now.

Butkus51 বলেছেন...




rehajm বলেছেন...

If money bought elections Hillary would be crowning her successor right now.

rehajm বলেছেন...

The best example was that guy from Buffalo. How much money did he have? A few thousand dollars?

mezzrow বলেছেন...

Good ad. The music makes it work.

Keep 'em smiling, don't be dark if you're going to be mean.

This wouldn't work if it wasn't so easy. How did we get here?

Bob B বলেছেন...

Not only can the rules be ignored to advance the election prospects of the eventual Democrat nominee, but if Trump objects he will probably be criminally charged with sedition.

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

Can Biden just drop out of the race, or does he have to resign first and make dingbat Kamala President? I don't think the liberal white women who voted for Biden / Harris ever imagined she would take the reigns. It was a virtue signaling "see I'm not racist" vote.

If Kamala becomes President, via 2020 voter fraud, and gaslighting American Democrats into believing Biden had all his faculties... America has the President it deserves, and our decent will accelerate.

For all the feminists out there. Are you happy Kamala is steps away from becoming the first female President, or are you secretly mortified?

Aggie বলেছেন...

I think it's the only clear path the Democrats have without some really nasty moves being taken. Which is not to say I would put that past them - it's just that their brand has suffered a huge self-own, an unforced error as they say 'inside baseball'. They've got to get that behind them, and that ain't gonna happen if they start freelancing with the party charter.

Kamala takes instruction well and honors her bargains, that's her history. It's hard keeping a lower profile than Joe's, with respect to public appearances. Publicly, l'éminence grise will stay the Biden course as they work their options, just to preserve whatever credibility that comes from forward momentum. I think we'll know when they start working on Kamala's public image, when her behavior starts improving from better coaching, when she begins speaking intelligently, and of course, when the money starts flowing into the campaign fund again. Get through the convention with Biden/Harris intact, then a graceful exit, hopefully without falling.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

Althouse wrote "One more reason why bypassing Harris would be a huge insult." [emphasis added]

Has the host furnished a list of such reasons already? Or was the implied initial list in a NYT or other linked story recently? I feel like I missed the beginning of this conversation. I do agree (as Hugh Hewitt has articulated) that bypassing Harris would be risky and would insult Biden most loyal segment, black female voters.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

The term of art is pre-pounce, not pre-attack.

Lilly, a dog বলেছেন...

That ad could use some slide whistle.

Mason G বলেছেন...

"They are New Soviet Democraticals! Nothing could be more irrelevant than how the actual law actually reads or what the actual law actually allows."

They'll do whatever they want, call it a novel legal theory and pretty much dare anyone to do anything about it.

Wa St Blogger বলেছেন...

For all the feminists out there. Are you happy Kamala is steps away from becoming the first female President, or are you secretly mortified?

What's to be mortified about. It is clear left leaning people don't actually care whose name is on the ticker. The only thing that matter is the letter at the end of the name. Party uber alles.

Otherwise you would have to explain why they vote for dead people, stroke victims and dementia sufferers. Kamala is just another husk puppet.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Biden has to agree to withdraw. Without that, it is just all college dorm room political discussions.

However, let's say that the Democrats do manage to get rid of Biden and Harris both- I guarantee you they would then find a federal judge somewhere that would rewrite the campaign finance laws to allow the new candidate to directly use the funds in the Biden/Harris campaign accounts.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

"One more reason why bypassing Harris would be a huge insult"

And, not voting for Harris would be twice as bad as not voting for Hillary.
Twice the lawfare against Trump.
Twice the hysteria.

Achilles বলেছেন...

"How can anyone but Kamala Harris get their hands on the money contributed to the Biden campaign?"

All of that money will be spent on "Getting out the Vote."

The means mailing ballots to every address on the voter rolls and hiring harvesters to go pick them up.

Nobody actually cares what happens to this money or how it is spent.

Deep State Reformer বলেছেন...

Well, ALL of us to be honest. Lol. And if Trump wins the FEC, DoJ, and possibly a Special Persecuter too. Enjoy the no-knock FBI, IRS, and some assorted federal agencies raids on your homes and offices. Enjoy the Banana Republic rules we have now b****, bc I know WE all will. There's few things more satisfying than seeing your political enemies get their just desserts by being hoisted on their own petards.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Achilles বলেছেন...

Gusty Winds said...

For all the feminists out there. Are you happy Kamala is steps away from becoming the first female President, or are you secretly mortified?

Kamala is a stupid mediocrity with a talented mouth.

And she is terrible with words.

The answer to this would explain many things.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

D.D. Driver,

I would actually be pleased to see them blow all the money on negative ads since they don't really work to pull away votes in this case since he is already Donald Trump, the most famous man in the world. A guy living in the Amazon jungle eating lizards and bugs in a lean-to knows Donald Trump and already hates him.

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

"I would actually be pleased to see them blow all the money on negative ads since they don't really work to pull away votes in this case since he is already Donald Trump, the most famous man in the world. A guy living in the Amazon jungle eating lizards and bugs in a lean-to knows Donald Trump and already hates him."

You would be surprised how many people have forgotten about: Foxconn, the CDC ban on landlord evicting tenants, promises of military tribunals. People have forgotten the time he said Putin was a "genius." Or that time he said he thought the rules in the Constitution should be "terminated" because the My Pillow Guy said there wad voter fraud. People might want to hear Trump say "grab 'em by the pussy! They just let you do it!" Over and over and over again.

The point isn't to get independents to vote for their person. They just need independents to remember why they hate Trump (not too hard) and stay home. You forget that Trump cannot help but snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. He's a bumbling dipshit that can't help himself. He found a way to lose to Joe Biden! Between now and November he will do and say two dozen things that will piss off "normal" people.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Keep digging in that pile of dogshit, D.D., there is a diamond in there somewhere!

John henry বলেছেন...

Blogger Bob B said...

Trump objects he will probably be criminally charged with sedition.

Can you point me to the section of the US Code that makes sedition illegal?

There is no law against sedition.

As we saw in NYC, that won't necessarily stop the fascists from trying to prosecute him for it. "Laws? We don't need no steenken laws to persecute Trump!"

John Henry

Rusty বলেছেন...

This is another reason I don't think Biden is going to drop out. The Democrat convention will select another vice presidential running mate.

John henry বলেছেন...

If Biden drops out and Kamala becomes president, who becomes VP?

She gets to nominate someone who would then presumably be her running mate in November. Who might that be?

And what would be the chances of getting any nominee through the Senate (and House?) in the 3 months or so til november?

John Henry

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

Fun fact: If Kamala doesn't run for whatever reason and Biden does retire, guess what happens to that $200M? Biden gets to keep it under current campaign rules. And Jill is still demanding more from DNC for Joe to pull out.

Breezy বলেছেন...

Follow the money to understand one huge reason why Jill is not letting Joe bow out of the race. Last thing she’d want is Kamala using the funds that Joe accrued.

Ambrose বলেছেন...

This assumes the rules apply to Democrats.

narciso বলেছেন...

Remember how obama disabled the verification checks on foreign notationd

Darkisland বলেছেন...

AP was talking about Biden resigning the presidency in October 2020 before he was even elected.


John Henry

chickelit বলেছেন...

The plan has always been to install the wholly unelectable Harris as POTUS. She's a perfect husk-puppet--perhaps even huskier than Biden.

chickelit বলেছেন...

I'm not talking about what the Biden's want, but rather what the puppet masters want.

chickelit বলেছেন...

And the mere fact that the DNC is not worried is consistent with massive voter fraud this fall. They simply don't care about her electability.

Temujin বলেছেন...

I'm not sure there's enough money there to drag Kamala over the finish line. Unless the Chinese crank up their Democratic donation pipelines again. They look at it like: Why ruin a good thing?

Drago বলেছেন...

chickelit: "The plan has always been to install the wholly unelectable Harris as POTUS. She's a perfect husk-puppet--perhaps even huskier than Biden."

Indeed. The ability to see what a Harris "presidency" can be, unburdened by what the Biden "presidency" has been.

chickelit বলেছেন...

I see that RCOCEAN is preemptively playing the race card: If you don't support Kamala, you could be racist or a misogynist.
Quelle surprise!!

Skeptical Voter বলেছেন...

The prospect of the Kackler as President is not a laughing matter.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

I don't know the rules, but from an ethical standpoint I don't understand why even Harris should have to the funds. IMO, they were given to Joe.

Marcus Bressler বলেছেন...

As bad and as stupid as Kamala is (btw, for the umpteenth time, she is NOT "black", with or without a capital B for the racists who follow the AP Stylebook), I would feel a tiny bit better with her in charge of the nuclear football than the current imbecile with dementia.

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

Democrat policy is set by three groups, the Beiden Family Trust, NT, Wapo, CNN, and Schumer’s head senators. The first two groups have essentially started a Cold War, the first won’t leave but the second has already staked a claim against Beiden they can’t welsh out on.

I think the senators would like newsom or wittmer.

The Beidens and the media are going to have to find true love again or fight to the death. This can’t happen without severe loss of credibility for one or the other.

But the Beiden’s are short timers anyway. The big guy can’t win. The only answer is Kamala for the loss, and then 8 building years, or Newsomwhitmer for a Hail Mary. Optimal solution is to cut the Beiden’s loose and save the media, and roll the dice with newsomwitmer, you are going to piss lots of people off, so get going and get it over.

So Joe resigns, Kamala gets 7 months as pres, and newsomwitmer gets to run and probably loose, but be the future of the party, and the media is proven to be independent and forceful.

Everyone involved has to lose something in this to make it work.

The Middle Coast বলেছেন...

Hasn’t Kamala forfeited her right to be President, given her necessary complicity in the cover-up of Biden’s cognitive loss? Not legal, but moral, forfeiture.

Darkisland বলেছেন...

So Joe resigns, Kamala gets 7 months as pres, and newsomwitmer gets to run and probably loose, but be the future of the party, and the media is proven to be independent and forceful.

How many candidates in history have run for president, lost and come back to win later?

Nixon is the only one I can think of

John Henry

GatorNavy বলেছেন...

D.D. Driver gives the peanut gallery a partial list of what is hateable concerning Trump.

Will he give a list for Kamala? For Jill Biden? For Joe Biden?

Listicles were one of the first things lazy journalistic minds started writing when the blogosphere was a wee infant.

And too prove I’m just as lazy, if not more lazier than D.D. Driver, my listicle for Kamala:

in 2014, as Attorney General, Harris declined to take a position on Proposition 47 — a ballot that would reduce certain low-level felonies to misdemeanors.
In 2018 she opposed a bill that would’ve required her office to investigate police shootings. She refused to support statewide standards for police to wear body cams.
Remember Deborah Madden? The crime lab technician who purposely sabotaged her work and stole drugs. Harris’s team knew about the technician’s crimes but failed to inform defense lawyers.
That brings me to her string of wrongful convictions. Kevin Cooper, a death row inmate who requested advanced DNA evidence to prove his innocence. Harris’s denied it UNTIL the New York Times wrote a piece on the case that went viral. Then there’s George Gage, in his case prosecutors withheld exculpatory evidence that would’ve helped his case. George is still incarcerated. Not to mention Daniel Larson and Johnny Baca.
In 1994, Speaker of the California Assembly Willie Brown, who was then dating Harris, while they were married to other people, appointed her to the state Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and later to the California Medical Assistance Commission. Harris took a six-month leave of absence in 1994 from her duties, then afterward resumed as prosecutor during the years she sat on the boards. Harris's connection to Brown was noted in media reportage as part of a pattern of Californian political leaders appointing "friends and loyal political soldiers" to lucrative positions on the commissions.

And I didn’t have to stoop to ad hominem attacks

Eva Marie বলেছেন...

Who would perform worse in the second scheduled debate:
Joe Biden or Kamala Harris if Joe resigns?

Drago বলেছেন...

D. D. Driver: "The point isn't to get independents to vote for their person. They just need independents to remember why they hate Trump (not too hard) and stay home. You forget that Trump cannot help but snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. He's a bumbling dipshit that can't help himself. He found a way to lose to Joe Biden! Between now and November he will do and say two dozen things that will piss off "normal" people."


minnesota farm guy বলেছেন...

Jill is the stopper on withdrawal. She will never acquiesce and she is clearly is driving Joe's candidacy. If the DNC - as it should - tries to insert a different nominee there will be a civil war in the Dem party because there is no clear replacement. Apparently Kamala is so dumb that she frightens even those irresponsible souls running the Dem party.

Drago বলেছেন...

GatorNavy: "And I didn’t have to stoop to ad hominem attacks"

You also didn't stoop to Rupar-ing misquotes, a habit D.D.Driver has demonstrated quite a few times. Because Driver is all about "accuracy", not like that Trump dude!

JK Brown বলেছেন...

Even before the debate, Biden was working hard to stem the hemorrhaging of the college indebted, blacks, Hispanics. Now they are depending on the "anyone but Trump" voters to ride the decline. But there is an option that is not Biden and not Trump for such voters.

Now they said Biden was doing best with the old people. The same people who would be nostalgic for a Kennedy.

Ruh roh

PM বলেছেন...

Four years ago, the Democrats put a what on the ticket - female/racial - with no regard as to her ability to govern were the President prove unable. Now that he IS unable, they're looking everywhere but at her. In fact, they'd rather continue with an incapacitated leader than her. Incredibly, even knowing how little they think of her, she remains next-in-line for 4 more years. A stunning disregard for the nation.

MayBee বলেছেন...

Why do people talk about Whitmer? Is it just because she, like Kamala, is a fairly attractive female Democrat? Has nobody learned their lesson?

MayBee বলেছেন...

What happens to the money if Biden withdraws but does not spend the money as a PAC?

Mary Beth বলেছেন...

So why the dislike? Could it be we have more racists in the Democrat party than expected? Or maybe a lot of Democrat boomers can't tolerate a woman as President.

7/2/24, 9:48 AM

Maybe they just can't picture what can be, unburdened by what has been.

RideSpaceMountain বলেছেন...

"Is it just because she, like Kamala, is a fairly attractive female Democrat? Has nobody learned their lesson?"

If Whitmer and Kamala are "fairly attractive" among female democrats, and among democrats in general, it would explain a great deal why their party is filled with queers. Even the straightest man would rethink his sexuality if a Waffle House 3 viewed through beer goggles was all that was on offer.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

"Maybe they just can't picture what can be, unburdened by what has been."

It is funny that when the Democrat race in 2019 was getting started, I was 99.9% certain that Harris would be the Democrat nominee and that it would be over by South Carolina. One of my more spectacular miscalls in political races in a lifetime of bad predictions. Of course, I didn't have, at the time, the wealth of videos like that of Harris on which to judge things. Even worse, when Harris bombed out before the Iowa Caucuses, I was 99.9999% sure Biden wouldn't be the nominee. Mid 2019-mid2020 was a bad year for me topped off by a huge miss on the numbers of COVID assigned deaths.

Dogma and Pony Show বলেছেন...

I don't the dems ought to be concerned about "insulting" Kamala. There's more at stake for them and for the country than Kamala's feelings.

That said, it's remarkably the ease with which the discussion goes from "Biden should quit. . ." to ". . . and here's a list of people who might replace him." Sure, Biden has exhibited more than enough cognitive and physical decline to conclude that he's not fit to serve a second term. But taking over for a president who cannot serve is exactly the JOB of a vice president. Therefore, calls for Biden to be replaced by anyone other than Kamala implicitly acknowledge that she's not good enough to be president. If that's the case, then she shouldn't even be vice president.

If Biden hadn't selected Kamala in the first place, or if he had announced a different running mate for 2024, then it's possible that the physical/cognitive decline on display now would be hurting him much less, politically. As things now stand, a voter who is generally concerned that Biden won't make it through (or perhaps "to") a second term may rationally conclude that Trump is the "safe" choice for the country. OTOH, if Biden had a running mate who was clearly both capable and qualified to assume the presidency, then voters could vote for Biden anyway, despite concerns over his failing health, with the assurance that, worst-case (BEST-case?), the running mate would seamlessly take over. Right now, it's obvious that Biden CAN'T respond to the calls for him to step down by pointing to his VP as a reason not to worry about his age and fitness. This only leaves him with one strategic option: Try to continue gaslighting the country that he really is fit and really will make it through to the end of a second term. By picking and then sticking with Kamala, he has painted himself into a corner.

Quaestor বলেছেন...

Key Democrat donors threaten to pull plug if Biden doesn't resign, as furious party insiders reveal 'worst fears' about ailing president have now been confirmed: 'How stupid do they think we are?'

That is the headline from the Daily Mail. How stupid, indeed? Everyone agonizing over Joe Biden has no one to blame but himself. Yes, NYT, WaPo, CNN, ABC, NBC, BBC and virtually every so-called journalistic enterprise lied, lied, and lied again for, what is it?, NINE YEARS -- constantly, unremittingly, ever since Trump announced his presidential ambition in 2015. The lies didn't fool me, and they didn't fool millions like me. Quaestor isn't all that smart or prescient. It isn't perspicacity; it is the unwillingness to deceive oneself that makes a good citizen of a self-governing republic. And it's sophistry that makes the cannon fodder of dictatorships.

Replacing the idiot with another lying, smiling idiot won't save you denizens of cloud-cuckoo-land. From the moment you looked at the face of Hillary Clinton and saw a messiah rather than a power-obsessed harpy you were doomed to wet the bed.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

" Optimal solution is to cut the Beiden’s loose and save the media, and roll the dice with newsomwitmer, you are going to piss lots of people off, so get going and get it over."

This is what normal people would do. You'd think the media, in particular, would care about their credibility, but they seem to care only for the regard of their media colleagues.

The problem the democrats have gotten themselves into is that they went so over the top with the manufactured Trump derangement they don't have any recourse. They burned their bridges and can not climb down from the ledge.

Vance বলেছেন...

Grover Cleveland lost an election, came back, and won a second term as President. Trump is trying to do the same, and right now looks like he will.

Grover Cleveland ALSO had a huge sex scandal dogging him. He was a Democrat, and the Republicans were using the (fantastic!) chant "Ma, Ma, where's my Pa?" as he had an illegitimate child, I think.

So when he won the election, the Democrats turned it around. "Ma, Ma, where's my Pa? Gone to the White House, ha, ha, ha!"

One of my favorite political stories.

Kate বলেছেন...

I like how the HARRIS font booty-bumps Biden right off the screen.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"By picking and then sticking with Kamala, he has painted himself into a corner."

This DEI stuff has real world consequences. It's not just college presidents, it's nuclear footballs.

Butkus51 বলেছেন...

DD Driver

what a campaign slogan

Dont Vote

(to save democracy of course)

Quaestor বলেছেন...

The time for "key Democrat donors" to rebel was nearly four years ago when the New York Post ran the Hunter Biden laptop story.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

if D cheat machine is already warmed up why even necessary to campaign or worry about funds?

RCOCEAN II বলেছেন...

If the Democrats refuse to nominate Harris, does that mean Democrats are the real racists?

I'm shocked all the Dumbo Conservatives aren't all over this.

RideSpaceMountain বলেছেন...

"This DEI stuff has real world consequences. It's not just college presidents, it's nuclear footballs."

The really scary part? It's all a game to them. These people get where they get and screw who they screw through gamification of the system and treating it that way.

People like Harris or Claudine Gay or Hillary Clinton psychologically peaked in high school. If you're looking for a guidon to their behavior, you need to be thinking about how people politic at the 12th grade level.

This is a game to them. Until it's not. Until it might be their blood flowing. Then you are royally screwed. Then you get to see something special, akin to Ceaușescu and his wife being machinegunned to death in a courtyard by AK-47s.

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

“if D cheat machine is already warmed up why even necessary to campaign or worry about funds?”

It’s hard to quantify the margin of fraud. It’s risky to have 110% turnout in elections but it has been done. I think the democrats have to be more moderate this time, too many people watching.

Prof. M. Drout বলেছেন...

It will be Harris if it's anybody, and they very well might go with Harris / Heil-Whitmer for the "First 2-Woman Ticket" headlines, but the reason that a really significant fraction of the Democratic leadership doesn't want Harris may be the terrible internal polling numbers and focus-group data that she has apparently always gotten.

Take this with big grains of salt, because my source is certainly not a true insider--he just does system design for the various X-Blue groups in each state that do fundraising and voter turnout work--but he told me last year that Harris polls horrendously with African-Americans and the thought is that she could not turn out the black vote, which the Dems need even more for down-ballot races this year.

Apparently having a Jewish husband and looking and talking the way she does REALLY rubs the Democrats' most loyal voting block the wrong way. Actually two wrong ways based on gender: supposedly black men dislike her for one set of reasons and black women dislike her for a completely different set.

My acquaintance said that there was a serious behind-the-scenes push to nudge her into resigning for fake "family health" reasons about 18 months ago, but she and her people believe that Biden's health gives her reasonable chance of becoming the "First Black Woman President" without having to do anything controversial or difficult, like invoking the 25th, and possibly without even running: she can just wait until he croaks and step in to accolades.

I asked my acquaintance if she really is a stupid as she seems, and I'm not sure what to make of his answer: "No one knows."

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

I think Silver or someone would be happy to produce a well done article this year that proved some counties electoral results were almost impossible. I think they would do it for the moral glory, especially if they thought Trump was going to win.

The election is decided in only 12 urban counties or so.

Mr Wibble বলেছেন...

The plan has always been to install the wholly unelectable Harris as POTUS. She's a perfect husk-puppet--perhaps even huskier than Biden.

She's not. They tried early on to make her the face of the Admin, through the whole "Biden-Harris Administration" crap, as well as making her Border Czar. All that was about making her the face of the admin and giving her a portfolio of "accomplishments" to tout. She flunked it. There have been a whole host of stories that have come out about how horrible she is to work for: she treats staff like shit, she refuses to do the prep work for speeches or to study briefing materials, and she is generally a combination of stupid AND arrogant. That makes her difficult to control. It's why Biden has stayed in power as long as he has, and why the Dems are panicking now.

Quaestor বলেছেন...

RCOCEAN II writes, "If the Democrats refuse to nominate Harris, does that mean Democrats are the real racists?"

Evidently, at least one dumbo is all over this.

Jim Gust বলেছেন...

About six months before the Democrat primaries in 2020 Scott Adams called attention to subtle changes in the MSM coverage of Harris. He claimed this proved that Harris was the chosen candidate of the Deep State. Seemed unlikely to me, especially after she flamed out in the debates.

Then she was selected as VP for no reason that I could understand. So I thought Adams must have been correct.

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

What Democrats are really scared of is that if Trump wins and congress goes double R, at the end of 4 years the population will be so prosperous and happy that they are not made to live in fear of stupid things that they will disappear into splinter parties.

They are desperate to eliminate him.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"Then she was selected as VP for no reason that I could understand."

Biden had made a promise regarding his VP selection. It had to be a black woman (or woman of color, or something, I don't remember the exact verbiage). How many candidates are there that fit that description?

Kamala Harris is a DEI selection. No two ways about it.

Rory বলেছেন...

"that PAC would not be able to coordinate with the new candidate...."

Tell me what current authority is going find an intent to coordinate.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

Narayanan said, "if D cheat machine is already warmed up why even necessary to campaign or worry about funds?"

It's only effective in marginal states, ones called "within the margin of cheat" for Democrats, usually amounting to less than 3% of the vote in the state and concentrated in densely populated urban areas where D's machines dominate, Milwaukee County, WI or Fulton County, GA.

RCOCEAN II said, "If the Democrats refuse to nominate Harris, does that mean Democrats are the real racists? I'm shocked all the Dumbo Conservatives aren't all over this.

Just to clarify, you're "shocked" that Conservatives aren't "all over" an event that hasn't even happened yet? Perhaps not interrupting the idiot who's self-destructing is better for now and we can "pounce" later, Skippy.

mccullough বলেছেন...

Trump has chosen his opponents

Quaestor বলেছেন...

"The plan has always been to install the wholly unelectable Harris as POTUS."

The usually reliable chickelit had bumbled this one. That wasn't the plan. Harris was selected to appease the suburban liberal white female demographic, a key component of the bedlam that goes by that risible alias, the Democratic coalition. The suburban liberal white female is a racist-sexist bigot who lives in a fantasy land inhabited by fabulous creatures -- fairy princesses (i.e., suburban liberal white females) threatened by monsters and evil wizards (working-class white men) and handsome knights in armor (any Democrat vaguely reminiscent of JFK) eager to rescue the fairy princesses. Even in that fantasy land, Joe Biden isn't John Fitzgerald Kennedy or anybody like him. To mollify the suburban liberal white female voter Biden's handlers knew they needed a black female running mate. Kamala Harris was a black female with name recognition that didn't need to be invented from whole cloth. Sold! If that was their Machiavellian scheme, it was taken from the My Weekly Reader condensed edition of The Prince.

The plan that has collapsed like a Barbie's Dream House under the treads of an Abrams tank was hatched thirteen years ago.

gilbar বলেছেন...

it's NEAT, how "laws" work!
Biden Campaign Accuses Newspaper Of Election Interference For Criticizing Biden
it is now a Felony.. Punishable by DEATH, to Criticize a member of the Democrat Party..
IMAGINE, How Much trouble *i* am in, for misnaming the Democratic Party.. Right Chuck?

Hassayamper বলেছেন...

It’s risky to have 110% turnout in elections but it has been done.

It's not as risky as it ought to be. If the Federal, state, and/or local governments run by the same party as the victors in these rotten boroughs refuse to investigate or prosecute such obvious fraud, then those responsible should be seized by mobs and publicly lynched. That is what our founding fathers would have done, and that is what they meant for us to do when they passed the Second Amendment.

It's not one bit different than an invasion by a foreign army intent on enslaving and tyrannizing us. Anything is justified to prevent and punish it, up to and including picking up firearms en masse, slaughtering everyone responsible, and nailing their severed heads over the door of City Hall.

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

"Keep digging in that pile of dogshit, D.D., there is a diamond in there somewhere!"

You know what we will find there, right? The "Eighth Wonder of the World."

D.D. Driver বলেছেন...

Biden Campaign Accuses Newspaper Of Election Interference For Criticizing Biden
it is now a Felony.. Punishable by DEATH, to Criticize a member of the Democrat Party..
IMAGINE, How Much trouble *i* am in, for misnaming the Democratic Party.. Right Chuck?

And Trump is talking about televised military tribunals to exact revenge. We are fucked. It's psychos on both sides and very stupid people following them.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

“Let me just say I was very disappointed with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution,” she said in response to the newspaper’s editorial board writing that Biden should drop out. “As we have talked about making sure that we’re protecting elections and making sure there’s no undue influence, this was undue influence by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, or an attempt to influence.”

HOLY COW! This is from gilbar's link. It's election interference for a newspaper to run an editorial. I imagine some democrat prosecutor is looking at this right now.

We live in dangerous times.

Quaestor বলেছেন...

In 2011, SEAL Team Six surprised Osama bin Laden and shot him clean through the head. Everybody in the White House was delighted. Barack Obama, formerly Barry Soetoro, had something to crow about that pleased virtually every American, with one notable exception, that great geo-political strategist unrivaled since Napoleon muffed Waterloo, Joseph Robinette Biden. He was against the Bin Laden raid. It would backfire! It was a trap! It was a backfiring trap that would entrap and backfire!!

This wasn't unexpected. Everyone in the Obama White House knew that anything that could conceivably be fucked up could be royally fucked up by Joe "Gimme Anything, I'll Fuck It Up" Biden. What they didn't expect was the escape of that fact from the usually airtight Obama White House.

Many regular decent people knew that if Biden had been in charge, the SEAL Team Six raid would have been aborted with saline and stuffed alive into a wood-chipper. November 2012 was fast approaching. Hillary Clinton was snatching at the Veep crown like Rhoda the Bad Seed snatched at Claude Daigle's penmanship medal. Biden was in tears.

"There, there, Little Joe," said President Soetoro. "Did the bad witch try to steal your Burger King hat?"

Therefore The Plan was laid. Joe would remain Vice President, but Obama's endorsement for 2016 would go to Hillary. "Then it will be your turn next," cooed the evil Lord Zero.

But the poor idiot didn't know what Lord Zero predicted: Hillary wins in 2016 and wins again in 2020, and by 2024 the Joseph Robinette Biden problem would be solved by death or dementia. Unfortunately for everyone, The Plan went somewhat pear-shaped.

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

Is it just me, or are these the best campaign ads I've ever seen in my life?

I love the narrator in that one. The gentle mocking tone.


Saint Croix বলেছেন...

I've never understood the dislike for Kamala Harris.

Prosecuting people for pot while she smokes pot.

Using sex with Willie Brown to advance her career.

Being gifted with the vice-presidency when she did so poorly with Democrats in her national campaign.

Being put in charge of illegal immigration and failing to do anything to stop it.

Word salads of incoherence and air bubbles.

Uncontrollable giggling.

RideSpaceMountain বলেছেন...

"I've never understood the dislike for Kamala Harris."

You mean the social-climbing, Californicating, DEI-dunce hire with the eloquence of Gilbert Gottfried that's managed to out-peter the Peter-Principle entirely because of the color of her skin? Someone doesn't know diddly about Kum-N-Go Kamala!

Ralph L বলেছেন...

Today, I listened to a long, several months old Ezra Klein podcast with a Dem operative about likely scenarios, open conventions, etc. One possibility they didn't discuss was everyone knowing Biden was incompetent, but he wouldn't step aside, exactly the problem they have now.

Darkisland বলেছেন...

Blogger Quaestor said...

In 2011, SEAL Team Six surprised Osama bin Laden and shot him clean through the head.


Nobody got to see the body in the box.

John Henry

Iman বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Iman বলেছেন...

b. Pete Rose

Former Illinois resident বলেছেন...

the deal:

Bidens keep control of $200 million Biden-Harris contributions, eventually washing it via established Biden Family money-laundering operation.

Biden resigns presidency on Aug 15 2024, four days before aug 19 convention committee meeting, his reason given as "major family medical emergency", of either Joe or Jill. So Harris technically becomes president, but with predetermined major caveat that she won't be allowed to be 2024 Democratic candidate for president. Harris will agree, because she wants to be "first blackish woman president" without actual presidential duties - just touch-base, call victory, and then defer to new 2024 Democratic ticket nominees.

Rather than attend DNC-Chicago, Bidens are represented by AI holigram - cool, standing ovation for 60 minutes - yahoo, they're gone, these two saintly slime-balls.

Aug 18, Bidens fly to Delaware to deal with "medical emergency" off-camera, silent for duration of election-cycle.

Press focuses August 15-19 on thanking Bidens for their "patriotic service to nation", blah-blah, then pivot Aug 20 to focus on newly-slated candidates Pritzker and Adams. Pritzker is only guy, other than Bloomberg, who can self-finance his presidential campaign, so he gets the job. Adams get VP spot because she's convenient large black woman to accessorize the large white man running as Dem's presidential-candidate.

The American oligarchs (and Pritzker) refill DNC coffers, and Pritzker bumbles along. Given that he's a bumbling bad governor, he'll be a bumbling bad presidential candidate, but hey, someone has to take the fall for the party this Fall 2024.

Temporary stand-in "President Harris" makes Big Speech at DNC, but states she'll retire to California for "family time". Her political career is over, but her lucrative speaking tour years begin. And she has her "resignation compensation" to boost her new Oprah-lifestyle. In Nov 2024, she divorces her handler-faux husband (Ed? Steve? Greg? Willy?), and buys a $15 million Santa Barbara mansion near Megan Markle.

In Feb 2025, Trump sworn in as president, Joe Biden is quietly placed in a posh Delaware assisted-living facility, then demoted to skilled nursing bed, then locked dementia unit due to his argumentative state. Meanwhile, Jill Biden uses her "resignation-compensation payment", paid to her personally for allowing Biden to resign ticket and presidency, to buy herself a $25 million Santa Barbara mansion, and rids herself of her 50-year babysitter job with Biden Family.

imTay বলেছেন...

They seem like they are angling to keep Harris out of the presidency, but they don't mind president Harris, they just don't believe that she can win. Probably because they think that the American voter is hopelessly racist, and therefore any subterfuge to put her into office is fully justified.

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

Mr. Wibble nails it at 12:53

Her leadership skills are horrible

The people under her quit, and quit, and quit some more

It's always been like that, apparently.

From the San Francisco Examiner...

A heartbeat from the presidency at a dangerous time, can Kamala Harris rise to the task?

Iman বলেছেন...


Rusty বলেছেন...

What are you going to do, Robert, when it's discovered that the prosecuter and the judge massively overstepped their warrent and the conviction is overturned?

The Middle Coast বলেছেন...

If I'm Trump I have my VP do the September debate against Biden/Harris/tbd

robother বলেছেন...

Brandon at this point is Kamala's Klown. Trump should insist on debating Kamala in the second debate. He could even make the point that Jill and Kamala are engaging in elder abuse by forcing Joe into another debate.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"Trump should insist on debating Kamala in the second debate. He could even make the point that Jill and Kamala are engaging in elder abuse by forcing Joe into another debate."

I've been thinking about the second debate. If you're the dems how can you send Joe out there again? Yet, how can you not? Your strategy, while amusing, is throwing them a lifeline. They might jump at the chance.

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

"Today, I listened to a long, several months old Ezra Klein podcast with a Dem operative about likely scenarios, open conventions, etc. One possibility they didn't discuss was everyone knowing Biden was incompetent"

A good rule of project management is, If you plan for a problem, it will never happen. So plan for as many things as you can. Then you have time to react flailingly to the problems you did not plan for.

A favorite movie line from hunt for red october: The average commie don't take a dump without a plan.

Mr. Majestyk বলেছেন...

Biden hangs on till he's formally nominated at the convention. He the soon bows out of the race, forcing Party bigwigs to select someone to replace him. The only person who can leapfrog Harris is another black female. Enter Michelle Obama. And since Harris is still on the ticket, they can use the $200 million in Biden-Harris campaign funds. The media swoons. There is genuine excitement in the Dem base. Her rallies draw far more than Joe's, enough to justify the fake polls showing her winning. The cheat machine does its thing. Say hello to President Michelle Obama.

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

"The cheat machine does its thing. Say hello to President Michelle Obama."

Yes, I can see that, but if the Democrats take their Goddess off the altar and she loses, there is nothing left. There are no young goddesses in storage. Only actresses and tic tockers, and squad house members.

Static Ping বলেছেন...

What's the ruling if Biden goes to meet his maker? Not saying that would happen. No, no, no. Just asking for a friend.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Why do so many Dem women cackle? Asking for friends (not just a friend) . A truthful answer (Rich, Chuck, Inga) would be appreciated.

chickelit বলেছেন...

I think it's related to "creaky voice" but I need clarification.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Great ad. Kamala would be a horror show. I don't know if I can handle that cackle....I would have to watch anything I see her on, on mute.

Bill R বলেছেন...

President Trump, you are winning now.

Act like a winner. Be grateful to you friends, magnanimous to your foes.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Blogger Former Illinois resident said...
I think that's why he's going to stay in. Jill gets to control all that campaign money as long as her husband is running for president. If he stays in the game and loses they get to keep a good chunk of that money. If he drops out then Harris get the campaign donation money and Jill and Joe are out. If there is any negotiation going on it's Jill demanding at least as much money as if they stayed in. In kow it's very low class and grubby, but that's the people we're dealing with. It's about the control of the money. That's all it's ever been about.

PM বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Tim বলেছেন...

There is a reason Biden picked Harris as VP. She is his insurance policy.

Zev বলেছেন...

If Biden drops out, that money is staying with him and his family.
You can take that to the bank (as he will).

Rocco বলেছেন...

Josephbleau said....
"There arout no young goddesses in storage. Only actresses and tic tockers, and squad house members."

Say hello to President Taylor Swift.

Rocco বলেছেন...

Josephbleau said....
"There arout no young goddesses in storage. Only actresses and tic tockers, and squad house members."

Say hello to President Taylor Swift.