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Conservatives upset?

I'm reading "White House roasted for saying Biden will give a ‘big boy press conference’: ‘Potty training next?’/Conservatives upset by ‘unbecoming’ joke in Monday’s White House briefing" (Independent).

Today's the big press conference that the White House referred to as “big boy press conference.” I would think that joke would upset Biden supporters. The idea of the press conference is, ostensibly, to give Biden another chance to prove he has the ability to serve as President. To tack a silly name onto the event is to undercut his effort. People can't stop saying "big boy press conference." Aren't conservatives just laughing?
In Monday’s White House press briefing, John Kirby, the White House’s national security communications adviser, raised eyebrows with his choice of phrase....  “The president will hold a press conference… a big boy press conference we’re calling it,” he said....

It's as if they've internalized Trump and are using his style of trash talk... against themselves. 

Kirby’s tongue-in-cheek reference was actually a callback to an exchange last week between [Karine] Jean-Pierre and Bloomberg journalist Justin Sink, who had asked her about the White House’s alleged strategy of shielding the president from “impromptu” settings in light of his disastrous presidential debate performance. 
The press secretary had denied that Biden had anything to hide regarding his competence for office and duly promised a “solo” press conference from the president, which prompted Sink to ask for more specifics: “Is that gonna be kind of the real, big boy press conference that we’re used to or…” 
“Did you just say ‘big boy press conference’?” she responded, as fellow members of the press corps broke up laughing. “Big Boy Justin over there… was asking some big boy questions,” Jean-Pierre joked.

Oh, Jean-Pierre must have thought she got the better of the exchange. She made a riposte. And then Kirby thought he could be funny — in an inside joke kind of way — by making a "callback," which maybe seems like a cool comedy move. Wikipedia:

In comedy, a callback is a joke that refers to one previously told in the set. It is also known as an internal allusion, a literary device that helps give structure to the piece of writing. Callbacks are a subset of inside jokes....

Meanwhile, the whole world is listening, and we didn't notice the comic resonance with what Justin Sink and Karine Jean-Pierre said back and forth to each other a week ago.

The Independent article continues:

A viral clip of Kirby using the phrase on Monday nevertheless prompted plenty of context-free ridicule.... 

Oh! You want to ding the ridiculers for omitting the context? But Kirby omitted the context, when he deployed "big boy press conference" as an inside joke.

Inept. I get the joke. The country is, apparently, led by a man of limited mental competence, but we're supposed to be amused by an inside joke that perpetuates the idea of him as a child. He's a child but not a baby, so that's funny... because it was funny a week earlier. Which you ought to explain every time you repeat it, otherwise you are indulging in "context-free ridicule."

And I still don't know why conservatives are the ones who are supposed to be upset here.

८२ टिप्पण्या:

Dave Begley म्हणाले...

I find the term “big boy press conference” to be accurate. We have a child-like intellect ostensibly running the Free World.

The real joke - and scandal- is how the Press and Biden insiders have covered up and lied about Joe.

Recall the first days of the Trump presidency. The leaks about Trump were incessant. And the Press was 24/7 attacking and undermining Trump.

I think it was Kevin McCarthy on Fox last night who said Putin decided to invade Ukraine after a personal meeting with Biden. 300,000 plus dead because the Press has covered for Biden.That’s a damn high price to pay for journalistic malpractice. The NYT and the rest of them all have blood on their hands. Their behavior has not been a silly joke. History will be harsh.

wendybar म्हणाले...

It's all we have been doing for almost 4 years. To think there are people who actually think Biden is all there, is hilarious. TDS has stricken many people mentally disabled and people who aren't into politics aren't blind to who has been lying to them.

wendybar म्हणाले...

Laughing at them is all we have been doing..

Drago म्हणाले...

Conservatives Pounce!!!

Or is this a "seize"?

Occupy Upset-ness?

Breezy म्हणाले...

At some point, Biden needs to stop embarrassing himself, and us. It’s sickening to know all these foreign leaders were in on the secret yet we were kept in the dark for so long. I don’t care at all what they call this press conference.

Left Bank of the Charles म्हणाले...

You seem kind of upset. I’ll grant you’re not a conservative.

rehajm म्हणाले...

Your next President, ladies and gentlemen…

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

Since when is hearty laughter at the extraordinarily on-point message from this administration, calling an event that was routine for every other president and a daily event for Trump in particular a “big boy press conference, a sign of being “upset?” We conservatives are in fact delighted!

Enigma म्हणाले...

After one has spent years inside a propaganda bubble (and if one isn't very smart to begin with), it may be hard to separate facts from fantasy. You might call it gaslighting or brainwashing. I thought of how one can train a simple pigeon to be superstitious by linking its food (pay) to any random behavior (vacuous TDS babble):


The anti-Trump crowd has been rewarded for saying "Orange Man Bad" and "Conservatives Pounce," and punished for logical thinking, so everything they now hear turns into a quasi-religious and superstitious dogma.

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

Dear clueless Big Media, it’s not Us, it’s You. You’re upset. Please stop projecting your feelings, which are valid and understandable, on Me. It’s not Me. It’s You.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

The left wing has, since news was made a profit center instead of just bring prestige to the network, been doing soap opera news for women, starting with Jessica in the Well when they found their 24/7 audience.

The traditional right wing counter has been bemusement and mockery, for their 24/7 audience. As men mock women among themselves. Not to women or there's no sex.

"Big boy press conference" is just a throwback to those days of amusement before right wing clickbait.

Bob B म्हणाले...

Isn’t the use of “Big Boy” press conference an insult to 5’ 5” George Stephanopoulos?

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

Mark Halperin’s Substack today (How MAGA Sees the Biden Fiasco) should be a mandatory reading assignment for the DNC-Media, or at least those who haven’t yet figured out just how f’ed Biden is at this point and what it means for them and their legacy.

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

Now I regret not visiting the Bob’s Big Boy on I-10 just east of Yucaipa before I bugged out of California. It really holds a fond place in my childhood memories.

Lloyd W. Robertson म्हणाले...

WH staff all have a good laugh at the idea that Jill will be removed from office. She will not be ignored! She is ready with a Fanfare for the First Lady. Remember Mrs. Wilson. People under-estimated her until she brought about a constitutional amendment. Attention must be paid to Jill and her husband.

Joe's big accomplishment: he was better on foreign policy than Obama or Hillary, but the Obamacrats assumed he was an idiot. That was before he grew into severe dementia. Jill boils with indignation.

Mr. D म्हणाले...

Having to defend the indefensible 24/7 has to suck.

Greg Hlatky म्हणाले...

"History will be harsh."

No, history will be written by historians. Historians always portray conservatives as subhumans. It will be said that the positives of the failed, but noble, effort at a cover-up was justified by the fascistic nature of Trump.

pacwest म्हणाले...

Or maybe Jill was warned she has one more chance. Get this one right or she's outta here.

Sally327 म्हणाले...

In the corporate / business world someone will say "put on your big girl pants" or "or put on your big boy pants" as a shorthand way of meaning that's it's time to be an adult and take responsibility and get stuff done. I first heard the expression 10 or 15 years ago, and it's usually said after a fair amount of grousing and whining and blame shifting. Okay, folks, time to suck it up and move on. It has to come from olden times when a child would move from wearing short pants to long pants as they matured? I don't know. Anyway...

Maybe in the government world "Big Boy" means something else. Like a nuclear weapon, Fat Man and Little Boy. And if conservatives are supposedly annoyed by this jocular lingo, it's probably because it seems to trivialize the issue of Biden's caducity.

Jamie म्हणाले...

After one has spent years inside a propaganda bubble (and if one isn't very smart to begin with), it may be hard to separate facts from fantasy.

AK-shually, it's apparently easier to fool or gaslight a smart person. (Studies say.) The smart person knows she's smart; she has confidence in her reasoning abilities. So - to her - whatever she believes is correct, unassailable. To think that she believes something wrong or untrue goes against a very deep part of her identity.

I'm not trying to mock people of the left (because of course this happens on the right too). Intelligence isn't a shield against gaslighting; it's a risk factor.

Being told you're stupid for believing something - now that's some protection, especially if you also live among the mockers. You have to examine your premises all the time, test them against what your detractors keep on throwing out at you. I think my conservatism was tempered in the hot blue fires of an Episcopal church in Pennsylvania - a place I dearly loved, people I dearly loved. But, not knowing how I leaned, they spoke freely around me about what they thought of conservatives, which made me think hard about why I leaned that way - if these friends of mine reflexively thought people like me were mouth-breathing cretins, I'd better be damn sure and be able to back up my beliefs.

I personally don't know how to feel about this "big boy press conference" thing. On the one hand, being on the side that is the constant subject of mockery by the dominant public culture (no matter how often what we say and believe turns out to be correct and true), it gives me a rather guilty sense of schadenfreude. On the other, oh, my country.

Drago म्हणाले...

Left Bank of the Charles: "You seem kind of upset. I’ll grant you’re not a conservative."


You probably were attempting to make some sort of Big Boy point here.

Sadly, without success.

Would you like to try again?

James K म्हणाले...

I presume it will be in the middle of the day during Biden's few compos mentis hours, so he'll do better than in the debate (a low bar).

The only interesting question is whether the press is against him now and will actually do their job, or have they accepted the fact that he's staying in and will report his being able to string two sentences together as a "triumph."

Drago म्हणाले...

pacwest: "Or maybe Jill was warned she has one more chance. Get this one right or she's outta here."

The money spigot for the New Soviet Democraticals has been turned way, way down. On top of the bad polling news of course.

And that reduction in money and polling perhaps, perhaps, beyond the extended reach of the now more visible astonishing New Soviet Democratical Election and Deep State Cheat Machine is forcing this next step.

NOT what Jill and Hunter wanted. They wanted 2020 campaign redux. Not gonna get it.

This jig is up.

Todd म्हणाले...

Conservatives upset by ‘unbecoming’ joke in Monday’s White House briefing" (Independent).

Why would they/we be upset? Is "upset" being added to the lineup of "pounce", "seize", etc. that conservatives and/or republicans "do" when the media tries to flip the story from bad/stupid things that democrats do to how conservatives/republicans "react" to their bad/stupid thing? Has this been officially added to the official journalists' style guide yet?

Christopher B म्हणाले...

We were all told the adults took charge four years ago (give or take).

Left Bank of the Charles said...
You seem kind of upset.

So, the little lady shouldn't worry her head about it none?

Jamie म्हणाले...

Joe's big accomplishment: he was better on foreign policy than Obama or Hillary, but the Obamacrats assumed he was an idiot.

I think this is probably true.

I also think Trump was better on foreign policy that any of them, because (among other reasons) he understands the difference between things you say and things you do. The Democrats always criticized him (to put it mildly) for "sucking up" to the likes of Putin and Xi, but Putin and Xi stayed in their boxes while Trump was in office. Mexico agreed to the Remain In Mexico policy. The Abraham Accords were THIS close to pulling in Saudi Arabian. Iran was broke, its nuclear program languishing.

But yes, Biden has been been marginally better than Obama (or than Obama would have been in current circumstances), in my mind because his foreign policy thinking harks back to a time before the End of History, and yes, it certainly seems that the Obama camp thinks he's a dolt.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Illegals purposely bussed-in and shuttled-in -given free stuff and free housing... and now voting.

Big Boy Joe is our downfall. Enjoy.,

Quaestor म्हणाले...

RE: Big Boy associations

1) An excessively large hamburger with extra everything guaranteed to make a mess of everything near it.

2) An excessively large caliber gun, just the thing to turn a deer into No. 1

3) A form of transitional diaper intended for 2-year-old boys who have not completed toilet training, essentially a down-scaled Depends undergarment.

The White House lackey whose memo launched the Big Boy press conference meme needs a cognitive assessment almost as urgently as the Resident himself.

Iman म्हणाले...

Mommy, WOW! He’s a big boy now…

rrsafety म्हणाले...

Sean Spencer isn’t a “conservative”. There are no conservatives left in DC.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

who's a good boy!

MadTownGuy म्हणाले...

"And I still don't know why conservatives are the ones who are supposed to be upset here."

Embrace the power of projection. The insiders are upset, but they want to blame it on the outsiders.

Drago म्हणाले...

Christopher B: "We were all told the adults took charge four years ago (give or take)."

They did.

What the New Soviet Democraticals and our media DIDN'T explain was that after the dems got back in the White House "the adults" that took charge were the foreign leaders and it was the US that got pushed around.

Narayanan म्हणाले...

I am noticing that tagged 'biden drops out' is headless[lowercase]notyetbigboy

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...

Jill puts on Joe's big boy pants one leg at a time like everyone else.

ThatsGoingToLeaveA म्हणाले...

riposte meet thy petard

imTay म्हणाले...

"He's going commando, no diaper!

tommyesq म्हणाले...

Of note, after dodging questions all week on the basis that she "couldn't speak to campaign-related issues" (because doing so is unlawful), the White House is now using the full force of their press secretary and national security communications adviser to announce a press conference that is specifically set up to give Biden an opportunity to demonstrate that he is mentally capable of serving a second term - i.e., that is unequivocally a campaign event. If this were Trump, the media would be shrieking.

JRoj म्हणाले...

Americans should be crying, regardless of who is laughing, having been bamboozled into Obama’s third term. Now if Obama shows up for the presser, that would be what a big boy would do. Fat chance.

Aggie म्हणाले...

But when expressed in an adult context, and directed toward other adults, the meaning is invariably condescending and contemptuous toward the listeners.

Jean-Pierre spent a few pathetic minutes the other day, reiterating that Joe Biden 'had a cold' on the night of the debate, and this was the sole cause of his poor performance. I sat there, listening to it in the background. She went down the list of 'proof': COVID testing; Joe's travel schedule leading up to the debate; his symptoms; on, and on. It was Politburo-level stuff, words trotted out with no substance and no purpose, other than to misdirect. Generalissimo Francisco Franco is alive and well and administering his duties.

And now we have jokes about 'big boy' this and that. How dark is that? What drives that kind of disrespect?

Achilles म्हणाले...

Drago said...
Conservatives Pounce!!!

Or is this a "seize"?

Occupy Upset-ness?

Pretty sure they are mostly “mocking” and “deriding” at this point.

While “stripping context” of course.

mikee म्हणाले...

Conservatives are upset, of course, because due to the nature of Joe's problem they are limited here in their ability to pounce, and more importantly, to be seen pouncing and thus at fault and bad.

The story here always is that conservatives are bad and pouncing, not that Biden has dementia and is losing the office of the presidency. The reporter pounced, using the derogatory term "big boy press conference." Jean just noted that the conservative reporter pounced, ignoring the questions of Joe's competency and how the press conference would run. The conservatives must be at fault, therefore the conservatives are close to pouncing, or preparatory to pouncing, thus upset and of course bad.

Dementia sucks for the sufferer, and for those around the sufferer. Dementia is relentless and progressive and is measured by the bad days, not the good ones. As to the press conference, Joe could ace it and still his dementia will progress week by week, month by month. The extent of his dementia is demonstrated by his aphasia, derailment of thoughts, and inability to control himself at the debate, not by anything he now does during a potentially good press conference, perhaps hyped on adderal with a meth chaser.

He will be a drooling mess in four more years. He should leave, last year.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

‘Potty training next?’

Possibly. I understand Biden needs it.

Jamie म्हणाले...

This is all so sordid. I have never even liked Joe Biden as a person (of course never as a pol either, but that's obvious), and certainly I've had no fond feelings for Karine, but this mess is making me pity both of them.

wendybar म्हणाले...

Jamie said...
This is all so sordid. I have never even liked Joe Biden as a person (of course never as a pol either, but that's obvious), and certainly I've had no fond feelings for Karine, but this mess is making me pity both of them.

7/11/24, 8:31 AM

They did this to themselves. Lying to the American people didn't work. They deserve shame, not pity. Shame on lying corrupt Progressives for thinking they could get away with this. They all belong behind bars, if not hung for treason.

Gusty Winds म्हणाले...

The country is, apparently, led by a man of limited mental competence...

Just like his voters who fall for every every single hoax pushed by Democrats and the media.

The list is long. Latest is Project 2025.

planetgeo म्हणाले...

By calling it a "big boy press conference" they are openly admitting that all Biden's conferences to date have been "little boy press conferences." Spoon-fed pablum questions by day-nurse type gentle questioners. Quite an admission, not only about Biden but also about the journalists who acted as surrogate day-nurses all this time.

But well, OK, if they really want to prove Joe's fitness, let's have him do a "really big boy Trump press conference." You know, like having Jim Acoster (Boston pronunciation) and half a dozen other rabid questioners yelling hostile questions and insults at him. If Joe can get through one of those, he's good to go. We'll all be impressed.

TobyTucker म्हणाले...

This is sure to be a well-managed event. Biden will be issued a "cheat sheet" with the names and pictures of the specific reporters he is supposed to call on. (It's been so long since he's had any real press contact that he is unlikely to recognize them. And you wouldn't want him to be looking or pointing in one direction when the person he's calling on is in another.) Those reporters will then ask their assigned question and Biden will give his rehearsed answer with those in charge holding their breaths each time, as the possibility of his mangling the answer will still be there.

I'm assuming that this will be held in the early afternoon to take advantage of those times (between 10 AM and 4 PM) when Biden is most cogent to give this "Big Boy" event the best chance of success. I'm sure everything will go just fine and cheers will be heard throughout the land.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

Aren't conservatives just laughing?

@Althouse, not really. Unlike you lefties, we don’t regard politics as one big game with zero consequences, other than the score. But there are those of us who see the consequences of the bad choice that the Democrats made in 2020, that you were conned into accepting, and the electorate was conned into voting for. No, we are not laughing because it is not at all funny.

Gunner म्हणाले...

I think the headline is trying to say that conservatives are "upset" that Cringe Jean Pierre and her minions are treating Biden's dementia like it is just a joke or something.

AlbertAnonymous म्हणाले...

Had to read the whole article to figure out that the “upset conservatives” are two unnamed “right wing journalists”. And they quote sean spicer but his quote wasn’t anything that could be described as “upset”.

I think the writer just needed to spin it away from the regime.

No matter how much you hate the new media, it’s not enough.

GRW3 म्हणाले...

Will any of journalists called on "at random" (wink) have the guts to forget the question they pre-submitted and ask a fresh question?

narciso म्हणाले...

The independent is owned by an oligarch an ex kgb operative

narciso म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
narciso म्हणाले...

The independent is owned by an oligarch an ex kgb operative

Ralph L म्हणाले...

The big boy talk might get a few more people to watch, but I don't believe Biden's people should want that.

Will anyone check Biden for earpieces? I'm convinced that's where the "we finally beat Medicare" instead of COVID came from. At this point, if they don't use one, they're deliberately setting him up to fail. You have to wonder what kind of people would sign up for this WH, yet we've heard so little about them. Who's telling them not to tell all, and how has that been enforced?

Anthony म्हणाले...

Jamie said...
AK-shually, it's apparently easier to fool or gaslight a smart person. (Studies say.)

I think James Randi (magician) used to say that academics/intellectuals were the easiest to fool.

Skeptical Voter म्हणाले...

In a press conference "cool" Bill Clinton was asked what sort of underpants he wore, "Boxers or briefs?"

The not so current joke making the rounds a few months ago put the same question to Joe Biden, "Boxers or briefs?" He answered "Depends". Well if Joe is wearing adult diapers--and he probably has some company among others of a similar age--then a "Big Boy" conference is just what he can handle.

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

The context that actually matters here is that Sink works for Bloomberg News, hardly a rightwing organization.

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

And Althouse is correct- the right is laughing their asses off at "big boy press conference".

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

I've seen a couple like this: I'm assuming that this will be held in the early afternoon to take advantage of those times (between 10 AM and 4 PM) when Biden is most cogent to give this "Big Boy" event the best chance of success.

But no, I'm told it is scheduled for 5:30 EDT. And yes it is OK for us cons to laugh at the utter disarray and tone-deafness of this WH comms team, Big Mike. I'm still willing to pounce on the "who's in charge?" issue, of course. Because governing is serious, but politics is largely theatre and this crew around Joe is doing low comedy lately.

dwshelf म्हणाले...

This era is all for show.

Biden's going to voluntarily resign the candidacy. In due time. He knows it. More importantly, Jill knows it. That's the plan.

Democratic voters are being made to understand that it's necessary to compete against Trump, and thus any imagined insult to democracy or Biden or whatever is a distant second in importance.

As to why they picked the script we are watching, and as to whether it's working out for them as planned, time will tell.

Iman म्हणाले...

Joe’s Big Boy Combo: Pudding and pudding with a side of pudding.

Iman म्हणाले...

It’ll be early bird special!

Static Ping म्हणाले...

The framing is typical prejudice. I do not like X, so I interpret whatever X does negatively. We should just be glad they did reference Hitler.

I am not upset by "big boy conference." That just embarrassingly stupid and also hilarious in a black comedy sort of way. I am upset that a dementia-addled corrupt idiot who on his best day had no business being in Congress, much less the Oval Office, is President of the United States.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

He'll be jacked up, like the SOTU. But I'm rooting for him. What better way to continue the chaos in their ranks than if he does passably well? I wish I could watch it, but I'll be preparing for an observing session tonight.

cfs म्हणाले...

Dave Begley said...
I find the term “big boy press conference” to be accurate. We have a child-like intellect ostensibly running the Free World.

The real joke - and scandal- is how the Press and Biden insiders have covered up and lied about Joe.

Recall the first days of the Trump presidency. The leaks about Trump were incessant. And the Press was 24/7 attacking and undermining Trump.


Drew Holden had a thread showing the reporting of media over the past few months in regards to Biden's mental health. Any articles now saying their were duped are just more of their lies. They were in on it with the White House. Each and every one.

I also saw a video from February 17, 2017 of a compilation of videos of reporters, while quoting Brandi Lee (Yale psych clinician), stating Trump was suffering from dementia and the 25 Amendment should be enforced to remove him. That was less that a month after Trump being sworn in and from the same people that have insisted Biden just suffered from a stutter that he had since childhood.

These people are evil. Pure evil!

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

After the press conference, Jill will tell Joe that he answered all the questions without shitting on himself.

walter म्हणाले...

Put on your positive pants, everyone.
Will Pedo Pete be using his inside voice or will the juice set him loose with piss and vinegar?

Rabel म्हणाले...

Left Bank of the Charles said...
"You seem kind of upset."

Left, now is when you should ask her to calm down and be reasonable.

Please. Do it. I'm begging you.

PM म्हणाले...

Personally, I'll be more shaken when we get our first 'big girl' press conference.

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...

"Personally, I'll be more shaken when we get our first 'big girl' press conference."

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen and members of the press. Now that I am the presumptive nominee, I'm asking for your support. Whose dick do I have to suck to earn your trust?"

- Cumala Harris, Chickenhead-In-Chief

FullMoon म्हणाले...

Sources within the administration familiar with Biden's thinking break their silence anonymously and reveal Biden's intention to charge all naysayers and turncoats with insurrection and election interference.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

Has the White House sent out all the acceptable questions yet?

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ म्हणाले...

Re: " ... the president is committed to his re-election bid, defeating Trump and serving another term in the Oval Office."

That fairy tale was probably never true and for sure is now over. What part of "over" doesn't Biden personally and the White House collectively not grasp?

Rusty म्हणाले...

Drago said...
"Conservatives Pounce!!!

Or is this a "seize"?

Occupy Upset-ness?"

I'll put the Althouse stamp on this; Conservives garner!

Original Mike म्हणाले...

Biden was doing ok. Then he introduced Zelenskyy as "President Putin".

Original Mike म्हणाले...

And CNN is piling on.

The fix is in.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

My bad, Hulu fed me ABC, not CNN.

ABC going heavy with the theme "Biden staying in the race is good for Trump".

Original Mike म्हणाले...

The press really is a disgusting lot. CNN keeps running this disingenuous chyron saying democrats are angry at Biden's staff for hiding his infirmity. No mention of their own complicity.

Greg the Class Traitor म्हणाले...

dwshelf said...
This era is all for show.

Biden's going to voluntarily resign the candidacy. In due time. He knows it. More importantly, Jill knows it. That's the plan.

Well, here's what should be the GOP plan.
1: The second Joe pulls out of the race, they need to start demanding that Harris and the "Biden" Cabinet pull the 25th Amendment trigger.
2: Also need to immediately start filing lawsuits against every action of the Executive Branch, stating that, given Biden's mental infirmity, the President is actually incapable of acting, and therefore no one in the Executive branch can use his power to do anything

If they want to get rid of Joe, then make them pay the price for trying to prop him up as "President".

It's time to start making the Democrats and MSM (BIRM) pay for their attempt to drag Joe across the finish line