১ জুলাই, ২০২৪

At the Sunrise Café...


... you can talk all night.

I took this photo yesterday at 5:24 a.m. and then I forgot to put it up — after driving out to Spring Green to see "Much Ado About Nothing." Sleeping a bit late this morning — almost until 5 a.m. — I skipped this morning's sunrise.

২২টি মন্তব্য:

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"I skipped this morning's sunrise."

The sun is concerned.

Iman বলেছেন...

“Have I thought long to see this morning’s face, and doth it give me such a sight as this.”

Auto correct changed doth it to dogshit, glad I caught it in time, lol.

Iman বলেছেন...

Dems are currently lisping a chant of “Calm the Caucus!”

Drago বলেছেন...

Love the "texture" of the water (degree of chop and lighting).

MadTownGuy বলেছেন...

Milei picks pro-Bolsonaro rally over Lula for first Brazil trip

"Argentine President Javier Milei is finally making his first visit to Brazil, his nation’s largest trading partner. But instead of meeting President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the libertarian will rally with his leftist counterpart’s biggest rival.

Milei decided against attending next Monday’s summit of Mercosur nations in Paraguay, where he would have crossed paths with Lula, due to a busy agenda, Presidential Spokesperson Manuel Adorni said Monday. He will, however, attend CPAC Brasil — an offshoot of the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in the US that Jair Bolsonaro is also scheduled to take part in — this weekend, Adorni said.

wildswan বলেছেন...

I keep looking at Newsmax to see if Biden's resigned. Maybe the whole thing will be a long process damaging the Dems as much as the debate damaged Biden. The Americans who support Dem policies deserve something better but the Dem symbol is a jackass and you can't get the attention of such but with a 2x4. Apparently, the Dem leadership hasn't noticed anything yet. "What, one night of being a complete fool for 90 minutes in front of the whole world. Nothing we can't spin away. Our supporters are gullible as a needy kittle kid thus forming a matching set with their ostensible leader who is regressing to childhood."

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Biden's response to Supreme court unusually measured, honest, calm, reassuring, and Presidential.

imTay বলেছেন...

"Biden's response to Supreme court unusually measured, honest, calm, reassuring, and Presidential."

Since you have earned a reputation as something of an unreliable narrator, I will wait for the memes.

Gospace বলেছেন...

And in a long continuing series of slow revelations- more bad news for those of you who succumbed to covid hysteria and Fauci's lies and got the vaccine that isn't.


Seems with a careful study, peer reviewed in Germany, excess deaths are directly correlated not with covid cases, but vaccination rates. And- increased stillbirths are directly correlated with- vaccination rates.

Detailed explanation and breakdown of the study at coffeeandcovid.com.

And Portugal has the world's highest excess death rate. Just one link although a search will find many.


And guess what nation has the highest covid "vaccination" rate? Ding-Ding! if you guessed Portugal.

There should no longer be excess death rates. Something is causing it. The covidiots are claiming it's still covid itself. But us unvaccinated are dying at the usual rates, not excess rates... Sort of like everyone I know actually diagnosed with covid in the last year has been vaccinated.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Kerri Kupec Urbahn

Think about how remarkable this is: a president delivering a televised, primetime statement criticizing the highest court in the nation for not rubber stamping his DOJ's prosecution of his political opponent.
7:55 PM · Jul 1, 2024


Saint Croix বলেছেন...

I'm not a doctor, but I agree with these doctors.

It's highly likely that Biden has Parkinson's, not dementia.

'He's fine 98 per cent of the time, but there are occasions when he appears to have lost his train of thoughts and others where he can't stop himself from rambling.

'These fluctuations and dips in attention are a key symptom of Parkinson's.'

And stress makes it worse.

The presidency is a high-stress environment, and if you've got Parkinson's, you really need to think about stepping down. If we were in the middle of a Cuban Missile Crisis, you really wouldn't want your president to be confused and not fully cognizant of reality.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

Lest we Trump supporters get over confident, let's not lose sight of the fact that PA elected a brain addled senator to office. Fetterman's debate performance was on par with Biden's, maybe slightly better, but not by much.

Money Manger বলেছেন...

I’ve always had difficulty remembering which of Shakespeare’s comedies match with which plot: All’s Well/ Much Ado/ As You. I love Twelfth, so that sticks, but the others, no. The Tragedies and Histories are obviously easy. I need some sort of mnemonic.

imTay বলেছেন...

Not to worry, Blinken called up Putin and Xi and got them to agree not to try anything except between 10 AM and 4 PM Eastern Standard Time.

wendybar বলেছেন...

Just read the comments from the lefties here.....

"These are troubled days for Democrats, with a disastrous debate on Thursday, some adverse court rulings on Friday, and now an immunity ruling that did not go their way at all. So this might be a good time to consider how they got into such a mess. I would say it all began with Hillary Clinton and Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).

In 2016, Democrats were extremely confident that Hillary would demolish Trump in the presidential election. When she didn’t, the shock was huge, and many Democrats instantly lost their minds."


Fritz বলেছেন...

Saint Croix said...
I'm not a doctor, but I agree with these doctors.

It's highly likely that Biden has Parkinson's, not dementia.

Well, I am a doctor* and the answer could well be both.

* of oceanography, but if Jill can flaunt her EdD, I can wave my PhD.

Old and slow বলেছেন...

Last night I listened to the All-in podcast interview with Tucker Carlson. It was done long before the debate debacle, and he confidently predicts that Biden will be replaced by Gavin Newsome. He also opines that the presidential candidate he would like would be competent and "boring", and "not make it all about himself".

He was much more interesting and intelligent than I had expected. I really had hardly ever listened to him speak before, much less at any length. It was well worth the time.

lonejustice বলেছেন...

John Hinderaker, over at Powerline, has a thoughtful, dispassionate take on the Supreme Court decision yesterday on Presidential immunity. It's titled "The Supreme Court does the right thing."


Here's one pull quote from his article: "In short, there is nothing surprising about today's decision. It is consistent with where most observers thought the case was going after oral argument. It represents a moderate, compromise position -- and a correct one, in my opinion."

Rusty বলেছেন...


Old and slow বলেছেন...

I know that X is not real life, but many influential people both right and left post there, and the stuff I'm seeing from the left recently is downright crazy and frightening. Given half a chance, they will pack the supreme court and really stomp on any opposition. Bad things are coming our way.

Rich বলেছেন...

We just may have to come to grips with the idea we have a king, like Charles I or James II or Richard II.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Rich said...
"We just may have to come to grips with the idea we have a king, like Charles I or James II or Richard II."

Have you read the Constitution?