Nicolas Maduro steals an election right out in the open with vote tallies over time that precisely mirror how Joe Biden "won" in 2020 after they kicked out all the republican observers in 5 swing state key New Soviet Democratical controlled urban areas.
Then Nicolas decides its a good time to go Full Rich/Gadfly anti-Musk in his insane screeds (in which Rich in particular will take particular delight given it mirrors his own commentary) earlier today because, as in the US, Musk is simply noticing what the Left/Dems/LLR-dems are up to and calls it out.
The New Soviet Democraticals are all the same regardless of what nation they happen to inhabit.
A key political inflection point in Venezuelan history was the confiscation of all privately owned weapons and the Venezuelan New Soviet Democraticals then arming their BLM/Antifa-like street thug gangs with full auto weapons and unleashing them on political opponents for years now....and last night when those armed gangs raided ("fortified"?) precincts and stole ("fortified"/"secured"?) ballot boxes.
I am sincerely baffled by the Harris statement on the Venezuela election pasted below. Does it say she supports the announced result that Maduro won? Or doe it say she supports the opposition side that says they should have won? Or does it say she supports whatever? What is the bit about strengthening their democracy? If Maduro prevails, how are we going to do that? If the opposition prevails, democracy must have worked. And is this a statement on behalf the US government, or is it just Harris’s confused musings. Why can’t she be clear?
"The United States stands with the people of Venezuela who expressed their voice in today's historic presidential election. The will of the Venezuelan people must be respected. Despite the many challenges, we will continue to work toward a more democratic, prosperous, and secure future for the people of Venezuela,"
President Biden on Monday declared House Speaker Mike Johnson “dead on arrival” when asked how he planned to get his new rules for the Supreme Court through a Republican-run Congress.
Shortly after arriving in Austin, Texas, where Mr. Biden is scheduled to speak about his plan to overhaul the court, he took a few questions when the odd exchange took place.
Mr. Johnson, Louisiana Republican, said on social media Mr. Biden’s proposed reforms would be “dead on arrival” in the House.
When asked about the speaker’s comments, Mr. Biden responded, “That’s what he is.”
The confused reporter, seeking clarification, said, “He is?”
Blogger Louie the Looper said... I am sincerely baffled by the Harris statement on the Venezuela election pasted below. Does it say she supports the announced result that Maduro won? Or doe it say she supports the opposition side that says they should have won? Or does it say she supports whatever?"
If all the "good" people left Venezuela to come to America, how the hell can the leftists not win? Are there any moderates or conservatives remaining in Venezuela?
The rule is simple: if it’s too good to be true it probably is. And yet, pet rock was a big hit in the 70’s and 50 years later, Kamala Harris is probably going to be our next president.
Like the matrix smoking lady said: “I hate giving good people bad news.”
Hasn't anyone told the people of Venezuela that they should not protest an election and claim it is fraudulent. They should just accept the results. The highest good is the peaceful transfer (or retention) of power. Just vote harder next time.
Speaking of google, some people are claiming google is memory holing the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.
It would take more than just google to successfully do this. But even then, let’s just say for a thought experiment, that it’s just google experimenting. What do they have to lose? An experiment could only enhance their knowledge of what could be possible what could they get away with. The Rham Emmanuel maxim; a crisis is an opportunity to do things you thought you could not do before.
I'd heard of bee balm since childhood, but it was never a subject of my curiosity until now. So I googled it. Bee Balm has lots of medicinal uses -- unusually so -- but I've not found a single reference to it regarding bees or bee stings.
Fun songs from the 1980s no one remembers: Eddy Grant's Romancing the Stone, Dan Hartman's I Can Dream About You, Dan Seal's Bop, and Survivor's I Can't Hold Back.
@ Quaestor : Bee balm is a native plant in Texas, or at least a couple of varieties of Bee Balm are. Beekeepers like to see it growing, because it's a great source of nectar - forage for the bees. It attracts pretty much all pollinators, but for bees, it's an excellent source of food.
We had a good year for it in 2024, we've had so much rain this year I've come across it popping up all over my acreage, where I've never seen it before. Hopefully, now that I'm keeping bees, the pollinating would have been vigorous and I'll see even more of it next year....
Don’t forget these fake elections in Venezuela got their start under the approval from fake Carter Center Observers. Jimmy always thought Communism taking over was a good thing.
I'll say one thing about Google and YouTube, here recently: I've got ad blockers and pop-up blockers as plug-ins on my Firefox browser. I don't know if these are a factor, but here is what I am actually seeing: Every time I bring up a YouTube video - and by that, I mean every single time - The image that pops up on the video at first is an image (and a blocked video) featuring Obama, or Biden, or Harris - or in some cases, a lesser Democrat figure. Every. Single. Time. My blockers block these interruptions, which I am guessing would normally lead into a political ad. And then the video that I have selected slots in and begins playing.
Anybody else? Google / YouTube is IN THE DEMOCRAT TANK and they are tipping the scales Big Time.
but I've not found a single reference to it regarding bees or bee stings.
Best thing to do with a bee sting? Tape/bandaid a penny over it and take an antihistamine. Pain vanishes, no lump/swelling and especially no itching. It's like it never happened.
Works with hornets, too. Got stung four times. As a test, I covered two with a penny and nothing for the others. Regretted it big-time three days later when the itching was unbearable.
@Quaestor - Who knows? Maybe the bees find it soothing. It certainly fills their pollen baskets.
Best thing for a bee sting: Get the stinger out, pronto. Bee stingers work like a barbed electric knife - the two sides are both barbed, and they work themselves in deeper and deeper. And the bee detaches its venom sacs with the barb, which keep pumping as it digs. Get it out ! And take satisfaction that the little bugger will die.
For the remedy: I hate to say it, but the best thing I've found is chewing tobacco and a little of the victim's spit, make it into a poultice and stick it on with a bandaid. It doesn't take much, but it does draw out the venom better than anything else I've used. An real old timer told me this years ago, and I thought he was full of it until I tried it. In a pinch, any tobacco works. And it works on scorpion stings too.
No, I don't have a bone through my nose, and there's no dancing or incantations involved .
If you want to get a chuckle, go to Youtube and watch the returns from the 1984 presidential election. Watching the call go for Reagan in 49 states was surreal.
But what about Jim's penny remedy? Why could that be plausible? As for chewing tobacco, that's very plausible as a short-term remedy. Nicotine is an effective analgesic, and applying it to a sting should give some relief to the pain and itching, though how it could draw out the vemon eludes me.
I'm asking about the penny remedy because it's a puzzle.
The penny would work like the silver foil bandaids or silver emulsion ointment used for burns, I would clean the penny with steel wool first. These metals have antibiotic properties probably some ionic effect kills germs or reacts with the poison, that part I don’t know.
I would guess transition metals, perhaps first row. Do pennys have zinc. With chelation I could see zinc toxicity or zinc starvation of bacteria as possibilities.
Bee stings generally do not present bacterial complications except as secondary infections caused by excessive scratching. So silver's antibacterial properties wouldn't be cogent to the issue at hand. Furthermore, pennies don't contain silver.
Zinc oxide is effective against skin irritants. New pennies are copper-washed to seal the zinc against corrosion, but a worn penny could expose a layer of zinc oxide to the skin. Personally, I have my doubts regarding the penny treatment. But the improbable notion of zinx oxide pressed to the skin is interesting.
I believe tobacco contains tannic acid, and is astringent and hydrophlic. A poultice might conceivably provide some benefit.
Once stepped into a yellow-jacket nest looking for a golfball. I was wearing shorts. I kept waiting for the anaphylactic shock to set in. Nothing. Still, a couple rolls of pennies and a crate of bandaids would've been nice.
@Aggie -- every single time I get Kamala begging for money for 5 seconds before I can skip. I had no idea she had such a childish speaking voice until I heard the YouTube pitch. Until she started running, I never got Dem ads.
The Dems have progressed from senility to inanity as the leading characteristic of their Presidential candidate. They are ecstatic over the change or anyhow the media is. Their hope is that since the senility took six months to become an issue, the inanity will not be detected over the next hundred days. It can already be seen by half the country. For example, look at Kamala commenting in the Venezuelan election. As many commenters above have pointed out above, it is impossible to know where she stands. Which side is she on? But the other half of the country - the Simple Swallowers that gulp down media fantasies like kids eating cotton candy - that half has not noticed the droning noise emanating from the penumbra of The Great Inane in place of human speech. It's like a cheap refrigerator noisily switching on and off. You have to listen but there's nothing to hear. We have a republic - we can keep it if enough Dems realize that inanity is no better than senility in a leader in difficult times.
You think Biden is bad??? WHAT the fuck is she talking about?? We know what the root cause was. It was Biden doing an EO and letting this invasion happen. His administration was even flying illegals in the middle of the night to cities across America. They planned this. THAT was the root cause. Whatever she was trying to say, Biden could have said better, and that is scary as hell...
"GOP Congressman Cory Mills on Monday said he will be conducting a “parallel independent investigation” into the attempted assassination against President Trump after Speaker Johnson assembled a disappointing task force to probe the Butler shooting.
The Florida lawmaker and former sniper said expressed his disappointment in Johnson’s Trump Assassination Attempt Task Force.
Notably missing from the task force are two veterans who happened to be snipers: Eli Crane and Cory Mills."
Cory Mills @CoryMillsFL It’s very unfortunate but not surprising for anyone familiar with how DC works. I’m not a politician, leadership, or a “yes man”.
I wish the members of @SpeakerJohnson Task Force well, and think it’s time for a parallel independent investigation with subject matter experts (SME) and the whistleblowers who’ve already come forward that myself and @EliCrane_CEO and @bennyjohnson have spoken with.
I will be speaking with other members, and although I won’t have subpoena powers, I will personally fund whatever is required for additional staff to further investigation and expose the truth. Quote Benny Johnson
@bennyjohnson · 15h Complete and total bull that Eli Crane and Cory Mills are not on this
No members have done more to expose security failures that day than them.…
"Eric Matheny 🎙️ @ericmmatheny · Follow Imagine had Kamala Harris issued a statement asking rioters to stop and go home, instead of bailing them out and then going on TV to proclaim that “they’re not gonna stop; they shouldn’t stop.”
<Drago said: Nicolas Maduro steals an election right out in the open with vote tallies over time that precisely mirror how Joe Biden "won" in 2020 after they kicked out all the republican observers in 5 swing state key New Soviet Democratical controlled urban areas.
60+ Judges said "No stolen election in 2020." We are not Venezuela, Sonny Boy, but Trump was the guy who tried to steal the 2020 election. So I see that Russia intends to campaign for Trumpispissed again this year. So he will not count votes in November - he tells everyone he has all the votes he needs; however, he should not go swimming else the Russian sharks will get him.
The propaganda media repeated talking point about Musk and the Kamala video is that Musk violated X policies by posting. Did nobody tell them thier side doesn't run X anymore?
I planted some Bee Balm (Monarda?) in NoVA in the 80s, and it turned out to be quickly invasive, so I had to pull all of it out after a couple of years.
Was Cory Mills the Rep. who posted a video from the 2nd story window overlooking the shooter's perch? I foolishly lost the link last week.
So, I wake up this morning to check last night's comments and we have new comment features, like Reply, Collapse/Expand. Is this new with Blogger across the board or something Ann turned on while we were sleeping?
"GOP Congressman Cory Mills on Monday said he will be conducting a “parallel independent investigation” into the attempted assassination against President Trump ..."
I'd subpoena Christopher Ray to go back over a few of his more risible answers. Firstly, I'd ask him to specific exactly what object behind President Trump could possibly be the source of his mythical "shrapnel or glass". The FBI has contradicted its Director and affirmed it was indeed a "bullet whether whole or fragmented into smaller pieces, fired from the deceased subject’s rifle". The photo taken by NYT photographer Doug Mills could be nothing but a bullet or an iniquitous hoax. Wray's initial answer before Congress could only arise from inexcusable ignorance or an effort to propagandize the hearing.
Secondly, I'd ask him to specify how Crooks' rifle stock could conceivably aid his evasion of the Secret Service. His so-called collapsible stock is more properly understood as an adjustable stock. It entire range of adjustment is less than six inches.
from wiki: The Blackfoot recognized the strong antiseptic action of the plants, and used them in poultices for skin infections and minor wounds. Native Americans and later settlers also used it to alleviate stomach and bronchial ailments. Bee balm is a natural source of the antiseptic compound thymol, the primary active ingredient in some modern commercial mouthwash formulas. The Winnebago used a bee balm tisane as a general stimulant. Bee balm was also used as a carminative herb by Native Americans to prevent excessive flatulence.]
"60+ Judges" said no such thing, as you're well aware. 60+ judges said "I'm not going to look at this case" for a variety of reasons. I read your suggested seagull-LIV post the other day; may I ask that you read this one about some - not all - of the irregularities in swing states in 2020? Feel free to skip the bullet points at the top; they're excerpts from the full post below. Or, just read the bullet points and see whether they prompt you to want to read the full post.
And while I did just take advantage of the reply-to-commenter feature to plug, again, John Eastman's long article on the irregularities in the 2020 election, I will happily go back to a single flat thread.
"Let me be as charitable as I can: If I took all of the students that I've taught in my 30+ year career as a professor, @kamalaharris is by far the one who would be the most imbecilic no-nothing schmuck. It's not even close. She knows nothing; she says nothing; she's done nothing."
At first I thought "no-nothing' was a typo, but then I saw what he did there.
Didn't see this noted, but this particular monarda is called "Bergamot" ( Despite its native origins, my Wisconsin hummingbirds like the red bee balms better.
To be clear, my "this new format is horrible" referred to the (I think) second iteration of comment styles this morning. It's a little better now, though the nested comments aren't nesting for me (I am trying to reply to my own 7:48 comment), and the commenting space does not scroll as I type to show me what I'm typing - I have to swipe down to check for typos after typing blind.
@Quaestor said 23:56 :"Bingo! Zinc! Zinc oxide is effective against skin irritants. New pennies are copper-washed to seal the zinc against corrosion, but a worn penny could expose a layer of zinc oxide to the skin. Personally, I have my doubts regarding the penny treatment. But the improbable notion of zinx oxide pressed to the skin is interesting. ..."
Go to the hardware store and buy a fresh dozen galvanized flat washers, say 1/8" or 3/16", if you want to test your theory, but it'll cost more than a penny these days.
Sorry for the delay. Waiting for comments to stabilize.
I've done some searching but never found anything definitive. It was simply suggested by a friend when I got blasted by some hornets a few years ago. Tried it on two of the stings. Worked.
And just the other day I got popped working near a woodpile. Did the same thing. Four hours later it was like nothing happened. Your mileage may vary.
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८२ टिप्पण्या:
Nicolas Maduro steals an election right out in the open with vote tallies over time that precisely mirror how Joe Biden "won" in 2020 after they kicked out all the republican observers in 5 swing state key New Soviet Democratical controlled urban areas.
Then Nicolas decides its a good time to go Full Rich/Gadfly anti-Musk in his insane screeds (in which Rich in particular will take particular delight given it mirrors his own commentary) earlier today because, as in the US, Musk is simply noticing what the Left/Dems/LLR-dems are up to and calls it out.
The New Soviet Democraticals are all the same regardless of what nation they happen to inhabit.
A key political inflection point in Venezuelan history was the confiscation of all privately owned weapons and the Venezuelan New Soviet Democraticals then arming their BLM/Antifa-like street thug gangs with full auto weapons and unleashing them on political opponents for years now....and last night when those armed gangs raided ("fortified"?) precincts and stole ("fortified"/"secured"?) ballot boxes.
Mark lloyd the marxist in obamas fec like bishop garrison in the pentagon thought banning opposition media was key to chavez takeover
There does seem to be mocement among bolivarian guard units
I am sincerely baffled by the Harris statement on the Venezuela election pasted below. Does it say she supports the announced result that Maduro won? Or doe it say she supports the opposition side that says they should have won? Or does it say she supports whatever? What is the bit about strengthening their democracy? If Maduro prevails, how are we going to do that? If the opposition prevails, democracy must have worked. And is this a statement on behalf the US government, or is it just Harris’s confused musings. Why can’t she be clear?
"The United States stands with the people of Venezuela who expressed their voice in today's historic presidential election. The will of the Venezuelan people must be respected. Despite the many challenges, we will continue to work toward a more democratic, prosperous, and secure future for the people of Venezuela,"
Military currently not following Maduro’s order to suppress riots and instead joining them. Living in interesting times.
Who died and made Kamala President?
@tcrosse Maybe it's better that she is ..
From the Washington Times ...
President Biden on Monday declared House Speaker Mike Johnson “dead on arrival” when asked how he planned to get his new rules for the Supreme Court through a Republican-run Congress.
Shortly after arriving in Austin, Texas, where Mr. Biden is scheduled to speak about his plan to overhaul the court, he took a few questions when the odd exchange took place.
Mr. Johnson, Louisiana Republican, said on social media Mr. Biden’s proposed reforms would be “dead on arrival” in the House.
When asked about the speaker’s comments, Mr. Biden responded, “That’s what he is.”
The confused reporter, seeking clarification, said, “He is?”
“He is dead on arrival,” Mr. Biden responded.
Via Ed Driscoll @ Instapundit
“The United States stands with the people of Venezuela…”
As best I can tell, she said nothing. Empty words.
Blogger Louie the Looper said...
I am sincerely baffled by the Harris statement on the Venezuela election pasted below. Does it say she supports the announced result that Maduro won? Or doe it say she supports the opposition side that says they should have won? Or does it say she supports whatever?"
Harris doesn't want to take a position. So she said lots of words that added up to nothing.
If all the "good" people left Venezuela to come to America, how the hell can the leftists not win? Are there any moderates or conservatives remaining in Venezuela?
Elon Musk is insulting Maduro, and calling out the voter fraud in Venezuela currently on X/Twitter.
Maduro even responded via video. Anybody else seeing this on X? It's awesome.
Also today, he told Gavin Newsome to suck his balls over the Kamala Harris video.
If you're not following what Musk is doing on and with X, you're missing out. Game Changer.
Elon Musk on X just said Maduro is "dumber than a donkey" in Spanish, and then replied, "sorry, that's an insult to donkeys".
Rockstar! Fight! Fight! Fight!
He was playing 2024 long ball when he bought Twitter from the censors. Man of freedom. Like Trump.
Ignorance of History Feeds Demogogues Hate of the Constitution
YouTube: mr beast (YouTubes biggest cash cow?) is in trouble
Exposed by some kid without much online presence.
The rule is simple: if it’s too good to be true it probably is. And yet, pet rock was a big hit in the 70’s and 50 years later, Kamala Harris is probably going to be our next president.
Like the matrix smoking lady said: “I hate giving good people bad news.”
Hasn't anyone told the people of Venezuela that they should not protest an election and claim it is fraudulent. They should just accept the results. The highest good is the peaceful transfer (or retention) of power. Just vote harder next time.
Speaking of google, some people are claiming google is memory holing the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.
It would take more than just google to successfully do this. But even then, let’s just say for a thought experiment, that it’s just google experimenting. What do they have to lose? An experiment could only enhance their knowledge of what could be possible what could they get away with. The Rham Emmanuel maxim; a crisis is an opportunity to do things you thought you could not do before.
X : The Harris campaign is segregating people in the name of DE&I
This sort of thing would be alarming, at some different time in the not too distant past.
I'd heard of bee balm since childhood, but it was never a subject of my curiosity until now. So I googled it. Bee Balm has lots of medicinal uses -- unusually so -- but I've not found a single reference to it regarding bees or bee stings.
"This sort of thing [racism] would be alarming, at some different time in the not too distant past."
Fun songs from the 1980s no one remembers: Eddy Grant's Romancing the Stone, Dan Hartman's I Can Dream About You, Dan Seal's Bop, and Survivor's I Can't Hold Back.
Cheers all.
@ Quaestor : Bee balm is a native plant in Texas, or at least a couple of varieties of Bee Balm are. Beekeepers like to see it growing, because it's a great source of nectar - forage for the bees. It attracts pretty much all pollinators, but for bees, it's an excellent source of food.
We had a good year for it in 2024, we've had so much rain this year I've come across it popping up all over my acreage, where I've never seen it before. Hopefully, now that I'm keeping bees, the pollinating would have been vigorous and I'll see even more of it next year....
"Harris doesn't want to take a position. So she said lots of words that added up to nothing."
Not always. She's firmly on record warmly greeting the results of Venezuela's free and fair election.
Of course, being on record is entirely up to the Ministry of Truth.
Don’t forget these fake elections in Venezuela got their start under the approval from fake Carter Center Observers. Jimmy always thought Communism taking over was a good thing.
I'll say one thing about Google and YouTube, here recently: I've got ad blockers and pop-up blockers as plug-ins on my Firefox browser. I don't know if these are a factor, but here is what I am actually seeing: Every time I bring up a YouTube video - and by that, I mean every single time - The image that pops up on the video at first is an image (and a blocked video) featuring Obama, or Biden, or Harris - or in some cases, a lesser Democrat figure. Every. Single. Time. My blockers block these interruptions, which I am guessing would normally lead into a political ad. And then the video that I have selected slots in and begins playing.
Anybody else? Google / YouTube is IN THE DEMOCRAT TANK and they are tipping the scales Big Time.
but I've not found a single reference to it regarding bees or bee stings.
Best thing to do with a bee sting? Tape/bandaid a penny over it and take an antihistamine.
Pain vanishes, no lump/swelling and especially no itching. It's like it never happened.
Works with hornets, too. Got stung four times. As a test, I covered two with a penny and nothing for the others. Regretted it big-time three days later when the itching was unbearable.
But balm is not a synonym of food. Why "bee balm"?
Jim writes, "Best thing to do with a bee sting? Tape/bandaid a penny over it and take an antihistamine."
Why does that work? Can you propose a hypothesis? (a little exercise in logical inference)
@Quaestor - Who knows? Maybe the bees find it soothing. It certainly fills their pollen baskets.
Best thing for a bee sting: Get the stinger out, pronto. Bee stingers work like a barbed electric knife - the two sides are both barbed, and they work themselves in deeper and deeper. And the bee detaches its venom sacs with the barb, which keep pumping as it digs. Get it out ! And take satisfaction that the little bugger will die.
For the remedy: I hate to say it, but the best thing I've found is chewing tobacco and a little of the victim's spit, make it into a poultice and stick it on with a bandaid. It doesn't take much, but it does draw out the venom better than anything else I've used. An real old timer told me this years ago, and I thought he was full of it until I tried it. In a pinch, any tobacco works. And it works on scorpion stings too.
No, I don't have a bone through my nose, and there's no dancing or incantations involved .
Roy Cooper drops out of the running for Kamala Harris' VP.
If you want to get a chuckle, go to Youtube and watch the returns from the 1984 presidential election. Watching the call go for Reagan in 49 states was surreal.
But what about Jim's penny remedy? Why could that be plausible? As for chewing tobacco, that's very plausible as a short-term remedy. Nicotine is an effective analgesic, and applying it to a sting should give some relief to the pain and itching, though how it could draw out the vemon eludes me.
I'm asking about the penny remedy because it's a puzzle.
The penny would work like the silver foil bandaids or silver emulsion ointment used for burns, I would clean the penny with steel wool first. These metals have antibiotic properties probably some ionic effect kills germs or reacts with the poison, that part I don’t know.
"These metals have antibiotic properties..."
Which metals?
I would guess transition metals, perhaps first row. Do pennys have zinc. With chelation I could see zinc toxicity or zinc starvation of bacteria as possibilities.
Bee stings generally do not present bacterial complications except as secondary infections caused by excessive scratching. So silver's antibacterial properties wouldn't be cogent to the issue at hand. Furthermore, pennies don't contain silver.
Bingo! Zinc!
Zinc oxide is effective against skin irritants. New pennies are copper-washed to seal the zinc against corrosion, but a worn penny could expose a layer of zinc oxide to the skin. Personally, I have my doubts regarding the penny treatment. But the improbable notion of zinx oxide pressed to the skin is interesting.
So you're SOL if all you have is a 1943 penny.
I believe tobacco contains tannic acid, and is astringent and hydrophlic. A poultice might conceivably provide some benefit.
Once stepped into a yellow-jacket nest looking for a golfball. I was wearing shorts. I kept waiting for the anaphylactic shock to set in. Nothing.
Still, a couple rolls of pennies and a crate of bandaids would've been nice.
Goetz von Berlichingen
@Aggie -- every single time I get Kamala begging for money for 5 seconds before I can skip. I had no idea she had such a childish speaking voice until I heard the YouTube pitch. Until she started running, I never got Dem ads.
Lord Mark 🇺🇸 🇬🇧🏴
Replying to @SaltyGoat17
I think that gave my eyes AIDS...
8:34 AM · Jul 29, 2024
Replying to @libsoftiktok
"JD Vance is weird"
The Dems have progressed from senility to inanity as the leading characteristic of their Presidential candidate. They are ecstatic over the change or anyhow the media is. Their hope is that since the senility took six months to become an issue, the inanity will not be detected over the next hundred days. It can already be seen by half the country. For example, look at Kamala commenting in the Venezuelan election. As many commenters above have pointed out above, it is impossible to know where she stands. Which side is she on? But the other half of the country - the Simple Swallowers that gulp down media fantasies like kids eating cotton candy - that half has not noticed the droning noise emanating from the penumbra of The Great Inane in place of human speech. It's like a cheap refrigerator noisily switching on and off. You have to listen but there's nothing to hear. We have a republic - we can keep it if enough Dems realize that inanity is no better than senility in a leader in difficult times.
Thanks for sharing David53
You think Biden is bad??? WHAT the fuck is she talking about?? We know what the root cause was. It was Biden doing an EO and letting this invasion happen. His administration was even flying illegals in the middle of the night to cities across America. They planned this. THAT was the root cause. Whatever she was trying to say, Biden could have said better, and that is scary as hell...
"GOP Congressman Cory Mills on Monday said he will be conducting a “parallel independent investigation” into the attempted assassination against President Trump after Speaker Johnson assembled a disappointing task force to probe the Butler shooting.
The Florida lawmaker and former sniper said expressed his disappointment in Johnson’s Trump Assassination Attempt Task Force.
Notably missing from the task force are two veterans who happened to be snipers: Eli Crane and Cory Mills."
Cory Mills
It’s very unfortunate but not surprising for anyone familiar with how DC works. I’m not a politician, leadership, or a “yes man”.
I wish the members of
Task Force well, and think it’s time for a parallel independent investigation with subject matter experts (SME) and the whistleblowers who’ve already come forward that myself and
have spoken with.
I will be speaking with other members, and although I won’t have subpoena powers, I will personally fund whatever is required for additional staff to further investigation and expose the truth.
Benny Johnson
Complete and total bull that Eli Crane and Cory Mills are not on this
No members have done more to expose security failures that day than them.…
"Eric Matheny 🎙️
Imagine had Kamala Harris issued a statement asking rioters to stop and go home, instead of bailing them out and then going on TV to proclaim that “they’re not gonna stop; they shouldn’t stop.”
Just imagine how many lives would’ve been saved."
<Drago said:
Nicolas Maduro steals an election right out in the open with vote tallies over time that precisely mirror how Joe Biden "won" in 2020 after they kicked out all the republican observers in 5 swing state key New Soviet Democratical controlled urban areas.
60+ Judges said "No stolen election in 2020." We are not Venezuela, Sonny Boy, but Trump was the guy who tried to steal the 2020 election. So I see that Russia intends to campaign for Trumpispissed again this year. So he will not count votes in November - he tells everyone he has all the votes he needs; however, he should not go swimming else the Russian sharks will get him.
No regime change, only font change
The propaganda media repeated talking point about Musk and the Kamala video is that Musk violated X policies by posting. Did nobody tell them thier side doesn't run X anymore?
"No regime change, only font change"
Looks like Google psy-op against Althouse, a blog not under regime control.
I'm so old I can remember when the Althouse lefties lectured us that Twitter/X was going to shrivel up and die without their leadership
Seems like a lot of people don’t want to be Kamala’s running mate. Maybe they see it as a road to oblivion rather than a road to the White House.
How many of the lefties that had a Flee to Canada™ moment when Musk took over are now back on X bitching about Musk?
I planted some Bee Balm (Monarda?) in NoVA in the 80s, and it turned out to be quickly invasive, so I had to pull all of it out after a couple of years.
Was Cory Mills the Rep. who posted a video from the 2nd story window overlooking the shooter's perch? I foolishly lost the link last week.
So, I wake up this morning to check last night's comments and we have new comment features, like Reply, Collapse/Expand. Is this new with Blogger across the board or something Ann turned on while we were sleeping?
for some people that is Trumpian!!!
"GOP Congressman Cory Mills on Monday said he will be conducting a “parallel independent investigation” into the attempted assassination against President Trump ..."
I'd subpoena Christopher Ray to go back over a few of his more risible answers. Firstly, I'd ask him to specific exactly what object behind President Trump could possibly be the source of his mythical "shrapnel or glass". The FBI has contradicted its Director and affirmed it was indeed a "bullet whether whole or fragmented into smaller pieces, fired from the deceased subject’s rifle". The photo taken by NYT photographer Doug Mills could be nothing but a bullet or an iniquitous hoax. Wray's initial answer before Congress could only arise from inexcusable ignorance or an effort to propagandize the hearing.
Secondly, I'd ask him to specify how Crooks' rifle stock could conceivably aid his evasion of the Secret Service. His so-called collapsible stock is more properly understood as an adjustable stock. It entire range of adjustment is less than six inches.
“Iran Is Working to Undercut Trump in Presidential Election, U.S. Spy Agencies Say“
Headline at WSJ.
Is this another way of saying they are working for Kamala?
Collapse/expand is not new. Reply to individual comments is new.
Talking points are out. JD Vance is WEIRD!
Give the Dems/media credit. They organize and hammer those talking points home.
Strange that Elon fired 1/3 of twitter’s workforce when he bought the company and the site seems to be working better than ever.
Ralph L writes, "I planted some Bee Balm (Monarda?) in NoVA in the 80s, and it turned out to be quickly invasive..."
Invasive or disagreeably prolific? As best I can tell bee balm is a native plant.
Everyone should watch this vid.
I found bee balm to be disagreeably prolific in my MA garden, as well. I had to pull it out. I love the look of it and was sad it had to go.
Bee Balm ..
Invasive or disagreeably prolific?
The Official Word is: Aggressive
Bee Balm is a native plant.. That is Aggressive.
Disagreeably prolific would work too
from wiki:
The Blackfoot recognized the strong antiseptic action of the plants, and used them in poultices for skin infections and minor wounds.
Native Americans and later settlers also used it to alleviate stomach and bronchial ailments.
Bee balm is a natural source of the antiseptic compound thymol, the primary active ingredient in some modern commercial mouthwash formulas.
The Winnebago used a bee balm tisane as a general stimulant.
Bee balm was also used as a carminative herb by Native Americans to prevent excessive flatulence.]
That last one seems useful! Bees Despise Farters
Obligatory Seinfeld post. "Do you know what a balm is? Have you ever seen a balm? Did you read the instructions? No one can tell what a balm will do"
"60+ Judges" said no such thing, as you're well aware. 60+ judges said "I'm not going to look at this case" for a variety of reasons. I read your suggested seagull-LIV post the other day; may I ask that you read this one about some - not all - of the irregularities in swing states in 2020? Feel free to skip the bullet points at the top; they're excerpts from the full post below. Or, just read the bullet points and see whether they prompt you to want to read the full post.
The Most Secure Election in American History
This new format is horrible.
And while I did just take advantage of the reply-to-commenter feature to plug, again, John Eastman's long article on the irregularities in the 2020 election, I will happily go back to a single flat thread.
Things go back to normal, or at least normally readable, when our host includes a "click for more" and you click it.
In case there is any doubt..
118TH Congress - H.Res.253 March 24, 2023- - “Whereas, on March 24, 2021, Vice President Kamala Harris was named “Border Czar” in charge of leading efforts to stem migration across the United States-Mexico border;”
When will we see the resolution declaring backsies on that resolution?
"Let me be as charitable as I can: If I took all of the students that I've taught in my 30+ year career as a professor, @kamalaharris is by far the one who would be the most imbecilic no-nothing schmuck. It's not even close. She knows nothing; she says nothing; she's done nothing."
At first I thought "no-nothing' was a typo, but then I saw what he did there.
New Adverstising slogan:
Are you jittery and nervous?
Be Calm
With Bee Balm.
At your local meadow, everywhere!
The Winnebago used a bee balm tisane as a general stimulant.
I thought they had a V-8.
Harris is for the side that provides the most oppression for the most amount of people.
Independent investigation -YES. Sounds a lot better than "Warren Reprt II".
Didn't see this noted, but this particular monarda is called "Bergamot" ( Despite its native origins, my Wisconsin hummingbirds like the red bee balms better.
To be clear, my "this new format is horrible" referred to the (I think) second iteration of comment styles this morning. It's a little better now, though the nested comments aren't nesting for me (I am trying to reply to my own 7:48 comment), and the commenting space does not scroll as I type to show me what I'm typing - I have to swipe down to check for typos after typing blind.
Oh, now it nested!
News that wasn't on the Associated Press home page, but available only after a search:
What we know so far about the attack on French train network ahead of Olympics opening
Do a google search on "Donald Trump."
Google adds "Kamala Harris" to your search results.
News About Harris Donald Trump
Now do a google search on "Kamala Harris."
Google plays it straight.
News About Kamala Harris
That's an ugly monopoly. Republicans should figure out some way to break Google into smaller pieces.
@Quaestor said 23:56 :"Bingo! Zinc! Zinc oxide is effective against skin irritants. New pennies are copper-washed to seal the zinc against corrosion, but a worn penny could expose a layer of zinc oxide to the skin. Personally, I have my doubts regarding the penny treatment. But the improbable notion of zinx oxide pressed to the skin is interesting. ..."
Go to the hardware store and buy a fresh dozen galvanized flat washers, say 1/8" or 3/16", if you want to test your theory, but it'll cost more than a penny these days.
Why does that work? Can you propose a hypothesis?
Sorry for the delay. Waiting for comments to stabilize.
I've done some searching but never found anything definitive. It was simply suggested by a friend when I got blasted by some hornets a few years ago. Tried it on two of the stings. Worked.
And just the other day I got popped working near a woodpile. Did the same thing. Four hours later it was like nothing happened. Your mileage may vary.
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