७ जुलै, २०२४

"[American media] have become a stampeding herd producing an avalanche of stories suggesting Biden is unfit, will lose and should go away..."

"... at a point in the campaign in which replacing him would likely be somewhere between extremely difficult and utterly catastrophic. They do this while ignoring something every scholar and critic of journalism knows well and every journalist should. As Nikole Hannah-Jones put it: 'As media we consistently proclaim that we are just reporting the news when in fact we are driving it. What we cover, how we cover it, determines often what Americans think is important and how they perceive these issues yet we keep pretending it’s not so.' They are not reporting that he is a loser; they are making him one. According to one journalist’s tally, the New York Times has run 192 stories on the subject since the debate, including 50 editorials and 142 news stories. The Washington Post, which has also gone for saturation coverage, published a resignation speech they wrote for him. Not to be outdone, the New Yorker’s editor-in-chief declared that Biden not going away 'would be an act not only of self-delusion but of national endangerment' and had a staff writer suggest that Democrats should use the never-before-deployed 25th amendment. Since this would have to be led by Vice-President Kamala Harris, it would be a sort of insider coup. And so it goes with what appears to be a journalistic competition to outdo each other in the aggressiveness of the attacks and the unreality of the proposals. It’s a dogpile and a panic, and there is no one more unable to understand their own emotional life, biases and motives than people who are utterly convinced of their own ironclad rationality and objectivity, AKA most of these pundits."

Writes Rebecca Solnit, in "Why is the pundit class so desperate to push Biden out of the race?" (The Guardian).

Solnit is very anti-Trump, as you'll see if you read the rest of the column. She goes on to say — "Speaking of coups" — that Trump "orchestrated a coup attempt to steal an election" and is planning "yet another coup" through the implementation of Project 2025. She even uses the word "coup" to describe what the Supreme Court — with its Trump appointees — did in finding presidential immunity and in "dismantling the regulatory state."

I'm quoting her anyway, because she's questioning the motives and judgment of liberal media. I'd really like to know who decided a stampede was the right approach and unleashed it while the President was still on the debate stage. Immediately after the debate, CNN's John King was cued up to describe a stampede already in motion:


"Right now as we speak there is a deep, a wide, and a very aggressive panic in the Democratic party. It started minutes into the debate, and it continues right now. It involves party strategists, it involves elected officials, it involves fundraisers, and they are having conversations about the president's performance, which they think was dismal...."

As King described it, it's hard to see how they even watched the debate. They seem to have gone into cabal mode to capture the post-debate narrative. Was it — to use Solnit's phrase — "a sort of insider coup"? Who did this without knowing that they could — via stampede — drive their own candidate out of the race?

Solnit writes "Since this would have to be led by Vice-President Kamala Harris, it would be a sort of insider coup," but she's not talking about the stampede that seems to have begun mid-debate. She's talking about the 25th Amendment. That does, indeed, require the VP to participate in a constitutional procedure (not a coup!). 

I want to know who led the "deep... wide... very aggressive panic" that "started minutes into the debate" and communicated it to John King and motivated CNN to present this as the narrative, right after the debate, preempting any normal post-debate analysis and throwing the Democratic Party into chaos. Did someone decide to risk everything to shock and awe Joe Biden into submission? Who could do that? Who would do that?

And how did that old man — that supposedly broken down hopeless old man — resist? How could he resist? Who's helping him with his hero story, which is going strangely well against the deep, wide, aggressive panickers... whoever they are?

१७९ टिप्पण्या:

MadTownGuy म्हणाले...

As Nikole Hannah-Jones put it: "'As media we consistently proclaim that we are just reporting the news when in fact we are driving it. What we cover, how we cover it, determines often what Americans think is important and how they perceive these issues yet we keep pretending it’s not so.' They are not reporting that he is a loser; they are making him one."

True confessions, but Hannah-Jones thinks it only works that way when it's against their guy. In fact, that's the way it has always worked when they promote the party's anointed, and demonize any opponents because they're on the other side.

Leland म्हणाले...

You can’t change the world by just documenting what is happening in it.

tcrosse म्हणाले...

As long as we're asking who's running the country, we might ask who's running the media.

rehajm म्हणाले...

She doesn’t understand the meaning of coup or the basic functions of the US Constitution. Meh…

It’s lovely the debate woke up all the zombies to see what many saw and realized many years ago. When do we get to start putting them down?

…and I still don’t assume the saturation bombing either intends or will result in the king’s removal. I’m told ‘Experts say’ but…

rehajm म्हणाले...

I mean the whole thing gets tamped down with Obama stepping up somewhere waving his pointy finger and a couple of ‘That’s Not Gonna Happen’-s

rastajenk म्हणाले...

I just followed a link from another forum to another Graudian piece, by Robert Reich, that also focused on Project 2025.

Sounds Journ-O-Listic to me. Expect more references to Project 2025 as Trump's 'blueprint.'

mezzrow म्हणाले...


We have questions. So many questions, and less time every day before decision time.

My question? If this is what we are supposed to be focused on (and we are) what is going on in the places that are supposed to be outside the area of focus?

I suspect that's where the REAL action is to be found for the month of July. That, or the people who were working so hard to keep the Orange Monster at bay in 2020 are completely out of ideas. This reader thinks this is possible, but not likely. As with the COVID virus and Hunter's laptop we'll be the last to know, unless somebody screws up somewhere. I have better than even odds for that.

The waiting is the hardest part.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Women run the media via entertainment choices. So it's whatever makes the best soap opera about life choices and factions with differing interests.

The non-panic solution is that Trump wins, of course. Against that is more Wisconsin drop boxes.

doctrev म्हणाले...

rehajm said...
I mean the whole thing gets tamped down with Obama stepping up somewhere waving his pointy finger and a couple of ‘That’s Not Gonna Happen’-s

7/7/24, 7:00 AM

The "juiceboxers" like Ezra Klein are getting a hard lesson in the limits of their power. Joe Biden isn't leaving except in a pine box, and the Economist/ NYT axis will be humiliated when that happens.

More Wisconsin drop boxes are possible, of course, but Joe Biden getting 90 gorillion votes would leave American democracy fatally discredited- to the extent that it is not. Certainly normal patriots would immediately stop caring about wars in Taiwan and Iran. That's why some oligarchs are asking the serious question: is Trump really as bad as all this?

Dave Begley म्हणाले...

NHJ, “ They are not reporting that he is a loser; they are making him one.”

No, Joe is a senile and criminal loser that stole the last election with the help of the media.

As to who started the stampede, it can’t be the VP as she’s too dumb. Must have been Barack.

rehajm म्हणाले...

The non-panic solution is that Trump wins, of course.

Exactly. There is a simple solution: vote the nearly dead guy out. It comes soon enough…

I suspect part of the panic is the humiliation of realizing ‘I’ve been manipulated and now look pretty stupid…’

Narayanan म्हणाले...

Q > in terms of fundamental transform country does Obama need puppet or chaos?

Hey Skipper म्हणाले...

As Nikole Hannah-Jones put it: "'As media we consistently proclaim that we are just reporting the news when in fact we are driving it.

Now do Climate Catastrophe.

Jersey Fled म्हणाले...

Ok Nikole. Now let’s hear what you did to Trump. What did you make him.

Money Manger म्हणाले...

Like the Progressive fallacy that economies need to be driven by top-down central planning, so, apparently, a political consensus must have been directed by a sinister secret power.

The reality is that the consensus on Biden is bottoms up emergent, from a class whose group delusions disappeared with the debate.

Humperdink म्हणाले...


A) 25th Amendment
B) Biden resigns
C) Biden sticks it out

I vote door number 2 ... er ... B.

Wince म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Old and slow म्हणाले...

After watching Biden's performance in the debate, it doesn't seem entirely unreasonable to ascribe the resulting panic to an honest organic response. Still, this is the Democratic media we are talking about, so perhaps more cynicism is in order. I now frequently read on X that all the major news outlets are in the tank for Donald Trump, for whatever that bit of madness is worth.

Wince म्हणाले...

The appeal here is the same as watching an episode of Dr. Pimple Popper.

After much anticipation and build-up, we finally see the fetid ooze explode from the blocked abscess.

Sally327 म्हणाले...

There's always, to start with, the question of Cui bono? That is, who benefits?

Kamala Harris?* Maybe but she's not capable of this level of chicanery is she? Plus I would like to think she's not capable of this degree of treachery either.

Donald Trump? Is he really benefiting though? Also I don't think he's in a position to coordinate this lockstep response from the media.

The Russians?

The Chinese?

George Soros?

The Deep State?

Barack Obama?

Michelle Obama? She's got a grudge against the Bidens but, again, don't think she's got the wherewithal to pull this off.

*There's a funny buddy comedy from the early 90s, James Garner and Jack Lemmon as former Presidents in "My Fellow Americans" who team up to unravel a government conspiracy and the VP in that movie is not quite what he seems to be either.

Christopher B म्हणाले...

I want to know who led the "deep... wide... very aggressive panic" that "started minutes into the debate" and communicated it to John King and motivated CNN to present this as the narrative, right after the debate, preempting any normal post-debate analysis and throwing the Democratic Party into chaos.

I think you're ignoring one very pertinent piece of information in this demand. Money Manager helps point it out, as well.

Biden's very visible decline in the last year, and that he was already on the edge of physical and mental frailty in 2020, was very well known to everybody who had contact with him. It was also very evident to anybody watching videos of him over the last year with an unbiased eye.

There was no controlling source of the narrative. John King's phone started blowing up five minutes into the debate as every Democrat lawmaker and mega-donor who had his private number went into absolute panic as the ability to hide Biden's decline was destroyed on live TV.

You knew it, everybody knew it but nobody wanted to talk about it because Orange Man Bad, until it was absolutely unavoidable and had to be dealt with.

Jersey Fled म्हणाले...

The rest of the press will only see the part about saving Biden. Not the the part about their own complicity.

Heartless Aztec म्हणाले...

Solnik and her ilk are professionally appalling. The lot of them. My default setting if I read anything they write (usually here) is to disbelieve everything down to the syntax and punctuation and then work my way back from there. They are both antagonizing and aggrandizing at the same time.

Jamie म्हणाले...

I suspect part of the panic is the humiliation of realizing ‘I’ve been manipulated and now look pretty stupid…’

On The Rising yesterday, the weekend hosts were discussing this point. Their conclusion was that the media have decided that it's marginally less harmful to them to be considered credulous fools than lying knaves.

Eric the Fruit Bat म्हणाले...

I always assumed that stampedes in real life end up with the animals looking at each other like Benjamin and Elaine sitting in the back of the bus.

gspencer म्हणाले...

If you have hate for the media, then it's not enough.

stlcdr म्हणाले...

They can’t hide the obvious, and want to try and be seen as ‘reporters’. As for the similarity between outlets, they all think the same way, so report (sic) the same way; there’s no real cabal, so to speak. However, if you are going to take down one of your own, make sure you don’t miss and do it as a mob.

Breezy म्हणाले...

Perhaps they were all calling John King of CNN to get him to stop the debate somehow…. ??

Given the malice these people have shown, I wouldn’t put anything past them. I guess the plus side is they are firing at each other now. Can’t wait for the ending.

john mosby म्हणाले...

Point of pedantry: the article says the 25thhas never been used. The voluntary provision has been used by 3 presidents: both Bushes and, surprise, Biden, to designate the VP as acting Prez while they were under anaesthesia, usually for colonoscopies.

Given the things I’ve said while coming-to after a colonoscopy, I can totally understand!


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Mere seconds ago - the corrupt lying American press were all solidly in Camp Liar-Biden. with their loyalist D-hack Media lies.

Achilles म्हणाले...

I want to know who led the "deep... wide... very aggressive panic" that "started minutes into the debate" and communicated it to John King and motivated CNN to present this as the narrative, right after the debate, preempting any normal post-debate analysis and throwing the Democratic Party into chaos. Did someone decide to risk everything to shock and awe Joe Biden into submission? Who could do that? Who would do that?

You have to look at the picture from farther away to figure that out.

The Democrat Party is a Potemkin village. It’s voters are barking seals who will vote for whatever they are told. The broad coalition of voters includes three major groups. The first are poor minorities who seek racial spoils. The second group is old people who always vote democrat and don’t think. The third group is the credentialed bureaucrats. They get some worthless degree and they get a worthless job like professors, DEI coordinator, public school teacher, HR manager, government bureaucrat. These are also single women and beta men.

The old people can be kept in line with a one liner about republicans taking away social security. Every now and then the traitors like Paul Ryan play along to help their democrat allies.

The racial spoils crowd is what drove Biden out. They are breaking up the coalition because they are getting replaced by illegals.

The HR department women are all in on anything the Democrats do. Their jobs and social status are on the line. The media are part of the credentialed but worthless HR wing of the party.

Over the top of this you have the oligarchs. They have some company or entrenched interest that provides their wealth and is protected by government. Their enemy is Elon Musk and any entrepreneur that can exist on their own.

Oligarchs decided to eliminate borders. The racial spoils contingent started leaving and polls reflect this. The HR department realized they were going to lose without the racial spoils vote.

Now they are signing up illegals to vote.

Sebastian म्हणाले...

"What we cover, how we cover it, determines often what Americans think is important and how they perceive these issues yet we keep pretending it’s not so."

Determines. LOL. But sure, the MSM determine what good Dems and lefties think is important. The rest of us thought Biden's senility was important way back in 2019. Not to mention his being a mean lying corrupt SOB.

"Why is the pundit class so desperate to push Biden out of the race?"

1. He's behind and might lose. 2 He embarrassed them.

Advice to Joe: stay! don't give in to the "pundits"!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

51 ex-FBI-CIA insisted that Hunter's laptop "HAD THE HALLMARKS OF RUSSIAN DIS-INFORMATION" ( See what they did there.) Steered clear of saying it WAS actual Russian Dis-info - just that it had hallmarks. yep.

That's all the Corrupt D-hack social Media- NBC-ABC-CBS NYT-WaPO- loyalist Soviet cabal of lying liars who lie needed to cover for Crook Joe and his horrible greedy corrupt family.

oh - and a giant FU to Barack Obama.

Oso Negro म्हणाले...

The 25th Amendment is a non-starter. 1) Kamala needs to lead it 2) Biden gets up to 21 days to respond to Congress 3) Two-thirds of both Congress and Senate are required to support removal. Why on earth would Republicans support Biden's removal at this point? Leave the Democrats stew in their mess.

Temujin म्हणाले...

First of all, the 'cabal mode' was exactly what propped Joe Biden into place back in 2020 when he was running 3rd in the Democratic Primaries with lowering numbers, then suddenly and miraculously bolted way ahead in South Carolina. And from there, again just as suddenly, everyone seemed to forget there were any others running and Joe was unofficially declared the Dems nominee before he officially won it. From nothing to "he's our best shot". And so it was arranged.

That same cabal wants their money back now. He served his purpose. But there are younger faces that can be propped up now. But only if they move fast. And by 'fast', I mean, before the CNN debate was even over. So, 'cabal mode' has been in action for years now. They just stepped back on the gas.

Regarding Project 2025. I've just read the outlines. But it's clear to me this is the new 'call to arms' for the Left. I suspect one or two of them have actually read it. But the list of Conservative organizations that worked on it, the list of Conservative individuals who worked on it is clearly striking cold fear into the hearts of the progressive left. And so, this thing...this Project 2025 must be destroyed. I mean, they're talking about things like cleaning up elections. How to clean up Federal agencies. How to recruit and train the next generation of conservatives.

We can't have that! Well...only Democrats are allowed such things, don't you know? You will hear the name of 'Project 2025' spoken about as if it's the demon who comes around every hundred years or so, and has to be defeated for the sake of all humanity.

Yes...cleaning up elections and planning well for the future brings out the cold sweats in Democrats. I think I'll read Project 2025 today.

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

There’s a theory to which I subscribe that the media has adopted the Claude Rains-like pose that they are “shocked, shocked to find” Biden less than able to perform at the “sharp as a tack” level they all parroted a week before the debate. And part of the feigned reaction is the flimsy excuse that the media was fooled by the WH comms team, by Dr. Biden (to whom they simply refer as “Jill” now) and fooled by the anonymous staffers. Being good members of the DNC-Media their duty compels them to attack Joe and his remaining supporters and prop up Kamala and the Democrat Party. In the words Alinsky they now must isolate the target (Joe), personalize their attacks, and use the ultimate weapon of public humiliation to effect change.

But only so far as the campaign goes. Most are still in the ridiculous position of recommending Kamala be elevated as The Candidate but not yet advocating she replace him as presidential figurehead. Strange times these are.

Mr. D म्हणाले...

We've got to protect our phony-baloney jobs, gentlemen. That's what this is all about.

Bob Boyd म्हणाले...

Cattle Today

James K म्हणाले...

Whoever the genius was that came up with "The Emperor's New Clothes" had this all figured out centuries ago.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"There was no controlling source of the narrative. John King's phone started blowing up five minutes into the debate as every Democrat lawmaker and mega-donor who had his private number went into absolute panic as the ability to hide Biden's decline was destroyed on live TV."

Did King say that or are you guessing? I understand the grassroots/groundswell theory, but that doesn't prove there was no leadership. This was a big move, and I don't believe it was King's decision to present it that way and preempt the narrative.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"Did King say that...?"

Of course, that's how King presented it at the time. I just don't believe he'd do that on his own, and also everyone else on the panel repeated the same narrative. It was weirdly coordinated. The panelists were all saying the same thing, when normally they argue with each other and present lively debate (even exaggerating their differences).

I watched the debate, and when it ended, I fully expected the CNN commentators to insist that Biden won and to explain why. But they all went hard in another direction. I want to know how that happened.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

One little-discussed theory is that the CNN commentators were terrified of saying that Trump had done well. Saying Biden did absolutely abysmally was a way to deflect attention from Trump and to avoid giving him any credit or positive attention at all.

Kate म्हणाले...

It's called a preference cascade.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

Althouse writes, "I want to know who led the 'deep... wide... very aggressive panic'."

Hold on to your corset stays. Uncork the smelling salts. We want no swooning to spoil the great reveal. Brace yourself. Here it comes. The next thing I type will be my theory. All brontosauruses are thin at one end... No! My apologies. That was my theory but it was my Bronotosaurus theory. I'm here at this moment, at this instant of the ongoing geologic period, at these spacetime coordinates to give you my other theory: The cause of all the panic, the author of the alarm, the source of the scare, the seed of the stampede, the mainspring of the movement, the root of the rout, the foundation of the frenzy, the creator of the coup is... is... is... You're not going to like it... is Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg.

DrSquid म्हणाले...

I agree with the professor's 8:09 comment. I too expected the usual post-mortems from the CNN panel. Geek that I am I was switcing around the cable news channels and was surprised that CCN was even more harsh than FOX news in the earliest minutes after the debate finished. I smelled a rat right away. Did they set Biden up? His performance was far worse than even I expected; the voice, the rumbled clothes, the deer in the headlights look--had they kept him awake for 24 hours? He looked and acted like he'd just emerged from a cell in the Lubyanka Prison! After a full week of debate prep. The reaction John King was reporting was a little too immediate to be real. Even David Axelrod was saying that the Dems are going to have a real problem moving forward, and the debate had ended less than 5 minutes earlier.

The oft repeated truth now that "they had to know" suggests that the powers that be decided it was time to cut their losses. I wish them success in that effort. Bring on Kamala!

imTay म्हणाले...

"Don't believe your lying eyes!" - The Democrats

ga6 म्हणाले...

I would look about 151 miles South of Madison for a clue:

cassandra lite म्हणाले...

The modern legacy news media are high schoolers with influence. You can no longer be an iconoclast. This is simply a sudden-onset preference cascade, like the day everybody had to have Rachel’s haircut, and the day you could no longer have Rachel’s haircut.

John henry म्हणाले...

Aren't "fascism" and "regulatory state" synonyms?

"Everything within the state,
Nothing outside the state,
Nothing against the state" mussolini

Why is fascism OK when THEY advocate it?

John Henry

John henry म्हणाले...

Or maybe I am confusing fascism and regulatory state with Marxist Socialism?

Control of the economy by the people (a/k/a govt)

John Henry

Maynard म्हणाले...

I fully expected the CNN commentators to insist that Biden won and to explain why. But they all went hard in another direction. I want to know how that happened.

They all knew that Joe is increasingly senile. The debate just made it completely obvious to the general public. They had to cover their journalist asses by telling some of the truth ... for once.

I tend to doubt conspiracy theories because of how complicated many conspiracies have to be. Life is not Mission Impossible. That said, the CNN talking heads may have simply received permission from above that they could point out the Emperor's new clothes.

rwnutjob म्हणाले...

Their bullshit has been found out with two debates & they know that everyone knows now, including PMSNBC viewers.

Gonna be hard for Chicago Jesus to get his fourth term, but we know.
They know.
They know we know.
They don't care.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

All kidding aside, John King has his sources and Quaestor has his. John King's sources are all secondary Democratical apparatchiks, people who spread rumors on their bagels rather than cream cheese. Quaestor, on the other hand, confabs only with movers and shakers and ignores the moved and shaken. Here's the real deal that you can take to the bank where it will earn 5.5% daily interest until it's bought by Chinese real estate investors: While Joe Biden was held incommunicado at Camp David where he was alternately drilled and dosed with sound bites to memorize and an Adderall/cocaine cocktail to swallow. The Great and Mighty Secretary of Trans was ensconced at Camp Rudolfo binge-watching Blackadder episodes in between massage sessions with Rudolfo while Rudolfo whispered in his shell-like, Just think of it, my little pudding cup, you could be President!

Leland म्हणाले...

I saw Trump refuted his support for Project 2025, which gave it the Streisand affect. It is a real thing by the Heritage Foundation. I read it on their website, and it is pretty vague except for the notion they, the Heritage Foundation, think they are going to have a big say in the Presidential transition of 2025. How, Why, and particularly Who are not really mentioned. It's dumb, and Trump is right to refute it.

Project 2025 is essentially the eGOP asserting they will run the transition, while not actually doing anything to win the election or mentioning the candidate.

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ म्हणाले...

Biden looks to me like he has Parkinson’s disease. The paucity of movement, impassive faces and slow mentation are very characteristic. This could give him an honorable exit: if “I have very recently been diagnosed with PD and in the light of that it would not be responsible to continue” this might fly (even if in fact it had been known to the inner circle for some time).

Christopher B म्हणाले...

I think both Temujin and I are reasoning from a very strong base of observation.

As I commented on one of the original post-debate threads, the majority of "reporting" in the current moment consists of reacting to and commentary on social media postings. This is especially true of political events. It's the source of the meme "when Democrats screw up, the Republican reaction is the story." Even the whole Journ-o-list thing was essentially reporters and pundits talking amongst themselves about how to cover stories, with input from partisan Democrat media flacks, in ways that would either benefit Democrats or minimize negative impact.

You don't need a single controller when the objective is widely shared among the participants in a project.

Again, reprising a previous comment, the overriding objective of the cabal we're observing is *keeping Donald Trump out of the White House*. It's not keeping Biden in power, or even maintaining influence for any particular person, and it certainly ain't doing anything that would benefit the country if it meant minimizing the control the cabal has achieved. This is exactly how any organic organization works through decision making. People are doing things they recognize as supporting that goal and reaching out to allies they perceive as pursuing the same goal.

There was plenty of time in a 90 minute debate for the CNN crew, reacting to the social media posts going up as well as private communication they had to be getting from influential people, to decide that the next move would be, as your last comment suggests, pushing Biden down rather than giving people a reason to elevate Trump.

imTay म्हणाले...

"“I have very recently been diagnosed with PD and in the light of that it would not be responsible to continue”

You are assume a level of honorability from the Biden clan that has never been evident.

Michael म्हणाले...

The denizens of the Deep State (bureaucrats, educrats, media-craties) all share the same top priority. In the immortal words of Mel Brooks: "We have to protect our phoney-baloney jobs!"

All else follows from that.

robother म्हणाले...

And Obama was so looking forward to a FDR-tying 4th term. I assume, when Brandon says that it would take a call from the Almighty Himself to get him out of the race, he was referring to The LIghtbringer. Conversely, as long as Obama is not among those demanding Biden leave, Biden can tough this out. Leaking that Obama is effectively serving as the President would probably firm up Biden's Democrat support and major donors.

Jonathan Burack म्हणाले...

I think Ann raises a very good question and I do not think it's been answered. Likely it cannot be answered. So here's a possible theory. The decision to seek this debate was made with the expectation and hope Trump would refuse to take part. Because they do not really understand him, they did not anticipate he would accept. When he did, they knew they were in real danger of having Biden's cover blown on TV before millions. So they had plenty of time to prepare to use the debate instead to do Joe in and move on to Kamala. In this scenario, as soon as Joe showed his expected and shocking incapacity, they were ready to go with this plan B.

Just my guess. I really don't know.

imTay म्हणाले...

Besides, these people are all figureheads for political machines, and the machine is what matters, and if Biden is out, the machine loses power. It's a tale as old as time, well, written history anyway.

Supposedly George III said when George Washington was set to relinquish power, that it would make him the greatest man who ever lived, and this tradition of gracefully giving up power was nice while it lasted.

If you asked Goebbels what he would tell the people if he were going to hold on to power and destroy a time-honored tradition, he would say "I would simply accuse the other side of refusing to give up power" and when you asked him what he would use for evidence, he would say "The accusation is what is important, the evidence doesn't matter."

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

Perhaps it as simple as Baghdad Bob suddenly realizing that there is nothing he can say that will keep reality at bay.

Amadeus 48 म्हणाले...

Obviously, it was Trump that did it. He is maniacally determined to control the opposition to the Party and is worthy of any five minutes’ hate directed towards him. See Emanuel Goldstein in 1984.

Bob Boyd म्हणाले...

A bedwetter stampede is an awful thing. No mattress is safe.

Zavier Onasses म्हणाले...

A genuine crisis, intended to replace Rule of Law with Tyranny. When enough of the People ask Government to provide their particular Special Interest, Government becomes its own Special Interest.

Sally327 म्हणाले...

The possible choices I didn't think of until now are

Bill Clinton

Hillary Clinton

What is Bill up to these days?

JK Brown म्हणाले...

Just watched Matt Taibbi explain this to Jordan Peterson


He illustrates how journalists use their adjectives to influence. Peterson does make the joke on the example Taibbi gives of "John Kerry is warm" that it must be due to the climate change.

I occurs to me that Trump used this MSM "influence" to discredit them and now they are doing it to Biden. Are they just trying to save themselves after being Biden's cheerleaders right up until the first question in the debate? Or were they compromised long ago and now easily manipulated by operatives in key seats?

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ म्हणाले...

Whitmer would be my pick. She’s from the rust belt, hasn’t alienated young and progressive Democrats in the same way as Newsom, and is very clearly articulate in national media. Biden needs to step down as soon as possible and give potential replacements the chance to pitch themselves to the country.

Amadeus 48 म्हणाले...

Re: resistance to Joe

Remember, WSJ had published a long but weak story on Biden’s mental decline. The usual suspects gathered to exterminate it, claiming that SuperJoe was sharp as a tack behind closed doors. Boooo! Bad WSJ! Bad Rupert Murdoch!!

Then Joe showed them all up at the debate with his doddering performance. The unanimity was that of a class of people who had styled themselves as “elites” trying to undo their chumpitude. Now they are saying that they always said Joe was slipping.

The most fundamental mistake you can make is to believe these people on any topic. They process what they are fed. N

Zavier Onasses म्हणाले...

Harris will be Democrat candidate for President. Manageable level of chaos. Totally open Convention would be risky.


Amadeus 48 म्हणाले...

No person’s liberty or property would be safe if Gretchen Whitmer were POTUS. She is like the bossiest grade school teacher you ever had. She has a low regard for the intelligence of her subjects, and she’ll determine what rights are good for them.

Great choice, Rich.

Amadeus 48 म्हणाले...

The panic of the elites is that Trump showed up Biden at the debate, coupled with the realization that Biden isn’t going to get better. They fear massive losses at all levels because of their comfortable acceptance of Joe Biden’s fantasies. They are squirming like trapped rats.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

"I want to know who led the "deep... wide... very aggressive panic" that "started minutes into the debate" and communicated it to John King and motivated CNN to present this as the narrative, right after the debate, preempting any normal post-debate analysis and throwing the Democratic Party into chaos."

We have someone in our midst who's turned from Biden is masterfully guiding the country to Biden has Parkinson's and must step down. Gave me whiplash.

Michael K म्हणाले...

The lefty insiders have had a good run but nothing lasts forever, except reality. They fear Trump more now because he has seen them at work and knows how to get around them. He has learned the difference between a pat on the back and a stab in the back.

n.n म्हणाले...

Catastrophic JournoListic Climate Change.

The Guardian is comically anticlimactic.

mikee म्हणाले...

Stampede is a great word. It describes herd animals that can't or won't think for themselves, rushing headlong without a known destination, based upon a total lack of accurate information other than a sudden surprise. It is supposed to be a survival instinct for bovines or zebras or a wildebeast herd, but for reporters the old myth about lemmings leaping off cliffs comes more to mind.

Skeptical Voter म्हणाले...

The buffalo herd in the media made Joe Biden a competent hero--done by spewing tons of buffalo dung over the populace. The buffalo herd will now trample Joe Biden--to compensate for or conceal the folly it engaged in when it "made" Joe Biden.

Meantime the herd has come up with another bogeyman to fool the populace. It's Project 2025 supposedly being drawn up by "allies" of Trump. It's a policy incubus--accompanied by a policy succubus. Those two demons will arrive at night to suck the souls out of ignorant progressive men and women. Fortunately there is no such demon for the souls of the LGBTQ crowd. Succubi and inccubi attack straight men and women only---so the Dims may still have sufficient votes to prevail.

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ म्हणाले...

What is clear is that the vast majority of Americans do not like either Biden or Trump. The Party that puts for an alternative will win this election.

Paraphrasing Nikki Haley: 'The first party to retire its 80-year-old candidate is going to be the one who wins this election'.

For the Democrats, Whitmer is the better choice to defeat Trump. Trump had done fairly well in Michigan in the previous elections (2016, 2020), but Whitmer has recaptured the middle in Michigan and now the Democrats control both the House and Senate in the state legislature along with, obviously, the governorship. The Trumpist wing of the Republican Party in Michigan is in complete disarray as a result. She is far more pragmatic and centrist. The Democrats will win Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan with Whitmer, no question.

Newsom is going to come with a bunch of California baggage that is not going to go over well with the middle that the Democrats need to beat Trump. He's not the best choice.

Biden either needs to make a graceful exit or be pushed out the door.

John henry म्हणाले...

I've been hearing bits and pieces about project 2025 for the past week or two what I've seen I like

1) they sound like great ideas

2) they annoy all the right people.

But I know very little about it. So I decided to go read it.

It is a 925 page book currently sold out (how?) and unavailable to order.

Fortunately one can download a 925 page pdf.

It strikes me that this is a Peter Grace type document that is not intended to be read or used except to beat people with.

"you have to read the whole thing to understand any of it"

"you didn't read the whole thing? Then you have no standing to discuss it"

"your criticism is fully covered in the end note 17 for page 623"

And so on

Not a document to be read, just waved about and quoted.

Bullshit, in other words. No matter how good the ideas.

John Henry

Ice Nine म्हणाले...

>Why is the pundit class so desperate to push Biden out of the race?<

This is the question of an idiot.

hombre म्हणाले...

After lying about Biden's mental state for years some in the media are trying to distract from that by acknowledging his senility now. Making news is their game. To hell with reporting news.

ron winkleheimer म्हणाले...

I was visiting a friend yesterday who had CNN on. Some congress critter from California was attempting this sort of push back. Why, oh why wasn't the press covering the fact that Trump is suffering from diminished mental faculties he lamented. I don't think, "hey the other guy is just as demented and feeble as ours" is the winning defense he thinks it is.

Drago म्हणाले...

LLR-democratical Rich: "Biden looks to me like he has Parkinson’s disease"


You misspelled "dementia" Rich...but then again, along with the hilarious faked up "we are so shocked biden has deteriorated this much" stories the dems/media/LLRs are deploying to cover their years long lies for biden while simultaneously attempting to project biden's issues onto Trump, the new modified limited hangout for you lefties is to claim its all Parkinson's....and still a stutter too!

And Jon Karl's shock shock SHOCK baby just yesterday that biden camp was handing out all press "questions" for prescripted answers was EVEN MORE HILARIOUS a faked up lie! The biden camp has been caught doing that for 4+ years!

Its all so transparent for the New Soviet Democraticals and their automaton NPC's.

Christopher B म्हणाले...

Jonathan Burack said...
I think Ann raises a very good question and I do not think it's been answered. Likely it cannot be answered. So here's a possible theory. The decision to seek this debate was made with the expectation and hope Trump would refuse to take part.

I suspect there were a multitude of things that made the debate challenge seem like a good idea at the time.

Trump could refuse either immediately or during the negotiations, as you noted.
"Convicted felon" could take off, giving Joe an out to 'deplatform' him.
A motivated miscalculation was made that Joe was likely to have 'less bad' night.
Joe needed to quiet down any rumblings from inside the party that he needed to go prior to the convention.
Trump could have a real meltdown on stage. In any event, the plan was likely that Trump would spend most of his time 'debating' with Bash and Tapper, leaving Biden to recite his standard talking points.

From the evident confusion following the performance, it appears to me the expectation was these were all the fail-safes thought necessary, and that rules appearing to favor Biden would also tamp down most of Trump's previous bad debate behavior was never considered.

Black swan, or at least grey goose, events do happen.

Drago म्हणाले...

And, of course, LLR-democratical Rich works in a plug for Nikki Haley!


A democratical wind-up toy pushing a uniparty/deep stater wind-up toy.

Its all so embarrassing.

Aggie म्हणाले...

"I suspect part of the panic is the humiliation of realizing ‘I’ve been manipulated and now look pretty stupid…’

Their humiliation is because they had talked themselves into thinking it could still work. But the crowds are fickle, and Biden's condition was painfully obvious, for whatever reason. Self-owns are the most painful humiliations, and also the most quiet ones.

I don't think the 25th will be evoked - too many moving parts, some of them difficult or impossible to control. The convention has the Home Field advantage though. You can control sentiment, there. The tearful farewell will have been prepared. Joe won't step down - he'll faithfully serve out his term, and nobody will squawk because they already knew he was a figurehead in virtually all the ways, and has been for years. The Convention is their Church Leadership Conference, where displays of faith are important - now they'll show that they have faith in their machinery. Joe will keep the home fires burning, while the campaign moves ahead. Forward ! Forward, Comrades !

The biggest task they have now is organizing the stream of events and finding Kamala's VP.

TobyTucker म्हणाले...

Funny how these folks "just now" discovered that Biden was in such sad shape, after spending years telling us that he was at the top of his game, that the only thing wrong with him was an occasional "stutter". Oh, wait... the people who WERE aware of his decline were those deplorable Trump supporters, viewers of Fox News and readers of right-leaning websites. In other words, a bunch of nobodies This performance, on the other hand, was broadcast live to a nation-wide audience and couldn't be explained away as a "cheap fake". It was a "The Emperor has no clothes!" moment when the Elites realized that the truth couldn't be pooh-poohed away any longer and desperate to secure their own futures went into panic mode.

Trouble is, replacing Biden won't be easy even if he was to step down and that certainly doesn't seem to be the case. Is Vogue going to put Dr Jill on its' cover if Trump is President? Ha! She just loves stuff like that and wants it to continue. The only way Joe is gonna go is if he's forced out and that's going to be even harder.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

"I fully expected the CNN commentators to insist that Biden won and to explain why. But they all went hard in another direction. I want to know how that happened."

The debate happened. It was so bad, it was impossible to spin. Towards the end of the debate I looked forward with interest to see how they would try to pull it off. But it was a bridge too far.

Occam's Razor.

Christopher B म्हणाले...

It's really cute how NT/GOPe shills think they're going to have influence on either side.

TobyTucker म्हणाले...

Oops, should have had a "And seeing as Dr Jill is the one in charge here," there at the end.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

"It was a "The Emperor has no clothes!" moment when the Elites realized that the truth couldn't be pooh-poohed away any longer and desperate to secure their own futures went into panic mode."

Exactly. They're trying to salvage their credibility by expressing shock that "they were lied to!". Sadly, it will work for the significant fraction of the country who laps up their propaganda.

Iman म्हणाले...

It was all such a shock… the speed of Biden’s mental decline was unprecedented… a total loss of mental acuity in less than a week’s time.

No one has ever seen anything like it.

Paul Sand म्हणाले...

"... stampeding herd producing an avalanche ..."

Do stampeding herds typically produce avalanches? Or is this just a really bad mixed metaphor?

Wa St Blogger म्हणाले...

One little-discussed theory is that the CNN commentators were terrified of saying that Trump had done well. Saying Biden did absolutely abysmally was a way to deflect attention from Trump and to avoid giving him any credit or positive attention at all.

This theory seems most plausible. The media were in a bit of a panic because they really thought Biden would have some positives that they could spin their way. They thought they would see a little more of the fire that he displayed under other controlled environments, but he failed so miserably they could not spin enough to make a case for Biden. Thus the need to distract. I hold this theory because of the shifting narratives that have happened since. The media did not plan the response because it was not on the list of possibilities, because if they expected it before hand, all the subsequent narratives would have reinforced the original. Someone called an audible and they ran with it and then shifted later when they had a few meetings in the war room.

However, not everyone is on the same page. Different factions are driving their preferred solution, and thus there are differing pockets of narrative coming out. It will interesting to see how the party discipline will take over and then we will see the final strategy manifest.

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

The left talks about a J6 coup while ignoring a years-long coup attempted by Hillary with Russia Russia Russia.

Clueless, evil people.

Trump needs to enter office with a team of computer forensic experts to reveal all of the communications deleted in panic.

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

'Whitmer would be my pick.'

I thought she was blown up by a bunch of rednecks who wanted to steal our democracy.®

Oh, wait, it was just the FBI and it was all bullshit.

Ralph L म्हणाले...

The voluntary provision has been used by 3 presidents:

Also by Reagan when he had colon cancer surgery.

Kathryn51 म्हणाले...

Drago said...
LLR-democratical Rich: "Biden looks to me like he has Parkinson’s disease"


You misspelled "dementia" Rich...

Laugh all you want Drago, but my bet is also on Parkinsons, which I have frequently mentioned on this forum.

A few months ago, I was at an event featuring Michael Schellenberger ("Twitter Files") and in response to a question from the audience, he also said he believed Biden suffered from Parkinsons - based on his personal experience with his father: deteriorating balance, the halting steps, slurred words, mental incoherence - some of the symptoms caused by the cocktail of medicines.

W/in the past few days, we learned a specialist in Parkinsons has visited the White House several times to meet with the WH physician. If the Democratic press wanted to know about Biden's physicial/mental condition, they could have easily done so - they didn't hesitate to psycho analyze Trump whenever he garbled a phrase. They Did Not Want To Know.

Someone in the press corps finally asked the question whether Biden suffered from a debilitating disease such as Alzheimers or Parkinsons and Kareem gave an emphatic "no". Bitch lied.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

The press thought they could hide Biden's mental deficit until after the election when they assumed, correctly I believe, that Kamala would take over. Biden's debate performance blew up that plan and they panicked.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

"Do stampeding herds typically produce avalanches?"

They do if they yodel too much.

John henry म्हणाले...


Do you think Whitmer was in on the FBI plot to stage her kidnapping?

Or do you think she played no role?

You are in Michigan, aren't you? Can you give us a boots on the ground report please?

I can see arguments both ways and can't make up my mind.

Certainly elevated her profile whichever it was.

John Henry

Original Mike म्हणाले...

"One little-discussed theory is that the CNN commentators were terrified of saying that Trump had done well. Saying Biden did absolutely abysmally was a way to deflect attention from Trump and to avoid giving him any credit or positive attention at all."

IDK. You'd have to believe that the press believed that Trump had done well. Personally, I don't think he did, which causes me to think that the press certainly didn't think he did. Biden was just objectively terrible. IMO.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

I'm coming around to the notion that Rich is Chuck.

tcrosse म्हणाले...

Dementia is an umbrella term which covers a number of different conditions. Among them are conditions related to Parkinson's.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

Certainty is a positive virtue. What our democracy needs is certainty. Vote for Kamala Harris, because you may be absolutely certain the nonsense has nothing to do with amyloid plaques.

John henry म्हणाले...

We laughed at pedjt riffing on getting electrocuted by a boat. What a nut job that guy is. Then I see this today:

Teenager, 18, dies after 'jumping into electrified lake' as friends suffer 'shock'
Story by Liam Buckler

An 18-year-old teenager tragically drowned after jumping into an "electrified lake" - as his desperate friends suffered an electric shock trying to save him.

(yadda, yadda snipped)

Police believe Jesse and the two friends were electrocuted in the water, which can happen when faulty wiring on boats or docks releases energy into the lake

I was disappointed there was nothing about sharks or polar bears. That would have made the story perfect.

Except for the kid dying, of course.

John Henry

John henry म्हणाले...

Steven Miller on X just now

Everyone focusing on the White House questions with the radio hosts are asking the wrong questions.

The correct question to ask right now is were George Stephanopoulos's questions presubmitted.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

Hence the media rage: They did their job — why, look at how enthusiastically they coordinated with the White House on the “cheap fakes” story a mere two weeks ago! — but Biden failed to keep up his end of the deal, and now he’s going to pay.

"Did we experience an orgy of self-recriminative “make up” reporting about the implosion of the Russiagate hoax? Or about Hunter Biden’s laptop being authentic? How about Covid likely being a Chinese lab leak? Of course not — no apology was necessary in the media’s mind because those were no longer “live” issues, and their suppression of the truth had served its necessary purpose. This time the ruse was exposed before the con had been completed. Now the only job: Get a new shyster in to run at the top of the ticket and complete the mission."

Read the whole thing.

n.n म्हणाले...

Whitmer would be my pick.'

Whitmer at Planned Parent/hood is a Choice that will forever live in infamy. Very progressive.

Iman म्हणाले...

“Laugh all you want Drago, but my bet is also on Parkinsons, which I have frequently mentioned on this forum.”

Embrace the power of “AND”!

loudogblog म्हणाले...

What started the media stampede was when they suddenly realized that the Democrats would lose the election if they stuck with Biden and they couldn't do anything to stop that. They're being pragmatic about this. They really, really don't want Trump to win.

Like I said yesterday, the denial that I'm seeing by the Biden supporters is off the charts. They're actually denying the truth of what they are seeing with their own eyes and ears.

It's like that commenter yesterday who said that she didn't see any difference between Biden in 2020 and Biden in 2024. All you have to do is Google it; it's there for everyone to see.

Drago म्हणाले...

Original Mike: "I'm coming around to the notion that Rich is Chuck."

I dont thonk so.

Rich and lonejustice are definitely pals of Chuck but are coming from discernably different perspectives.

But in all their cases, many of their more noticeable posts were hilarious circle jerk posts lauding and referencing each other in the cringiest, most obvious suckup ways! I have to say I rather enjoyed them and linked to the Blazing Saddles " [ ] Johnson is right about [ ] Johnson being right!" scene to describe it all.

Rich brings an astonishing level of business ignorance from a junior bean counter (abacus level) point of view yet presents himself as a big shot "I was in those rooms!" business decision maker....usually as a part of his dem narrative supporting smears of Musk.

Both Chuck and lonejustice are supposedly legal beagles that whore themselves out to Team Lawfare and are more than happy to twist tjemselves into pretzels in support of our 2-tiered Soviet politicized court systems.

And all three are Rupar/Maddow/Stelter/Bulwark/Lincoln Pedophile Project level liars...which any objective reader of Althouse blog picks up on instantaneously.

Drago म्हणाले...

LLR-democratical Rich: "Laugh all you want Drago, but my bet is also on Parkinsons, which I have frequently mentioned on this forum."

Yes indeed. You are a most faithful NPC foot soldier for the daily New Soviet Democratical narratives.

Every single day.

Without exception.

You and your dem/LLR's have spent years lying and hoaxing up just about everything. This is no different.

loudogblog म्हणाले...

We all know that all the politically left media and a lot of the politicians keep regular contact online. I suspect that there was an unwritten agreement between them all that if Biden shit the bed during the debate that they had a duty to try and save the Democrat party from itself.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

The Blazing Saddles line that keeps popping up in my mind regarding the media's post-debate behavior is: "We have to protect our phoney baloney jobs, gentlemen!"

Ice Nine म्हणाले...

>Kathryn51 said...
Laugh all you want Drago, but my bet is also on Parkinsons, which I have frequently mentioned on this forum.<

I don't know why Drago is laughing at the possibility of Parkinson's as Biden's problem. Parkinson's is most definitely in the differential diagnosis - and near the top of the list.

>A few months ago, I was at an event featuring Michael Schellenberger ("Twitter Files") and in response to a question from the audience, he also said he believed Biden suffered from Parkinsons - based on his personal experience with his father...<

Well, if Michael Schellenberger thinks it, it must be so...

Dementia is generally considered a late symptom in Parkinson's disease. I can't remember when Biden's gait abnormality began but if it is due to Parkinson's, the gait abnormality is not particularly advanced. This would tend to make me think that his dementia is not due to Parkinson's.

But, it well could be. Diagnosing neurodegenerative diseases from newscasts is rife with uncertainty. For Schellenberger most certainly, and for MDs. Such diagnoses require very close-up and meticulous examination.

>W/in the past few days, we learned a specialist in Parkinsons has visited the White House several times to meet with the WH physician<

Just because the neurologist who examined him specializes in Parkinson's does not mean that Biden has that disease. Unless he has previously been duly diagnosed with it, which we don't know. All neurologists, including subspecialists, would examine for and possibly diagnose causes for Biden's symptoms other than Parkinson's. They exist and they present similarly.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

As Nikole Hannah-Jones put it: 'As media we consistently proclaim that we are just reporting the news when in fact we are driving it. What we cover, how we cover it, determines often what Americans think is important and how they perceive these issues yet we keep pretending it’s not so.'

Well, Hannah-Jones (and by extension Rebecca Solnit) are being disingenuous about the “pretending it’s not so.” They are not pretending to themselves or each other — they know exactly what they are doing. They are pretending for the benefit of the ever-dwindling number of Americans who still buy into the “were just reporting the news” bullshit.

They are not reporting that he is a loser; they are making him one.

Not true. He made himself one, and not just with the terrible optics from the debate. Inflation is not under control, and people know it. If you read an article about the economy in one of the usual suspects (e.g., New York Times, Washington Post) inevitably there is a statement to the effect that food and energy costs are not included in the inflation calculations “because they are too volatile.” That, and the fact that if the inflation calculations included food and energy then the inflation numbers would be ridiculously high. But! For people on the lower rungs of the working class food, energy, rent, and clothing for their kids are what they mostly spend their income on. And thus they know that the official inflation rate is bullshit. They don’t much care what the newsmedia has to say.

And then there was what Senator John Kennedy (R-Common Sense) had to say on “Hannity” last night — saying you’re only senile part of the time is not going to win an election.

Paul Sand म्हणाले...

We've gotta protect our phony baloney jobs!"

Cited (at least three times) here. It has only grown in explanatory power since 1974! YouTube clip here.

TobyTucker म्हणाले...

I had always thought Parkinson's was a physical ailment that attacked the nervous system, affecting your motor skills, but a quick internet search reveals that there is also a cognitive aspect, with the symptoms being extremely similar to dementia. Apparently only a clinical neuropsychologist can make a definitive assessment through extensive testing as to which is affecting the patient. In other words, it's a distinction with not much a difference.

Despite this, I don't think most people (other than those with relatives suffering from it) consider Parkinson's as anywhere near as debilitating as dementia, so I'm expecting the WH to announce that Biden is suffering from a "mild case" of PD and it in no way affects his performance in office.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

"Just because the neurologist who examined him specializes in Parkinson's does not mean that Biden has that disease. "

True, but his visits indicate that the White House suspects that there is a problem. Personally, I don't care what the diagnosis is. I just don't want it running the country. Especially foreign affairs.

Inga म्हणाले...

Drago, in his usually manic style so wants to pin Biden’s decline on only one thing, dementia. As if to him dementia is the most insulting, so other causes cannot be considered. He doesn’t understand that dementia is part of any number of diseases and are grouped under the term “dementia”.

Biden has physical symptoms of Parkinson’s, the stiff gait, the frozen look of his face, his increasing difficulty with enunciation, etc etc. Dementia does happen in one third or more of people with Parkinson’s eventually. I believe he has been suffering from Parkinson’s for a few years already, based on my years in the nursing field and observing many patients suffering from Parkinson’s. I think that most people who have had loved ones with Parkinson’s recognize the symptoms that Biden displays.

Biden and his family should make an announcement and come clean about his decline. He has been a good president, has done many good things and his family needs to protect his legacy, by his graceful departure. He is still held in high regard by Democrats.

narciso म्हणाले...

He was never fit and our enemies knew it ci putin khamenei harris omg she probably was the decider on whether putin should invade foolish on his part

Inga म्हणाले...

“LLR-democratical Rich: "Laugh all you want Drago, but my bet is also on Parkinsons, which I have frequently mentioned on this forum."

Rich didn’t say this, he was quoting Kathryn 51 (who is a conservative commenter) @11:13AM. Drago often makes such mistakes, hmmm, dementia?

Drago म्हणाले...

White Savior Karen Inga: Drago, in his usually manic style so wants to pin Biden’s decline on only one thing, dementia. As if to him dementia is the most insulting, so other causes cannot be considered. He doesn’t understand that dementia is part of any number of diseases and are grouped under the term “dementia”."

Inga takes time out from her and her fellow democreaticals "manic" posting to accuse others of manic posting.

Par for the course.

I dont consider "dementia" "insulting" in the least. I consider self-proclaimed "mindreaders" like yourself to be idiotic and ridiculous. But that is not the subject for today.

You should have spent far less time lying continuously for the last 9+ years with the most easily debunked insane serial hoaxes and lunatic accusations and coverups...like this one.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

Neurologist Inga writes, ”[Biden] is still held in high regard by Democrats.”

How very true and insightful. In the estimation of loyal Democrats there nothing more admirable than 40-odd years of mendacity, graft, plagiarism, child molestation, and gross stupidity.

GingerBeer म्हणाले...

Is it asking too much for Biden to wait until August 9th?

Christopher B म्हणाले...

I am not a doctor (nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night) but from the few articles I've read there is no definitive test to determine if a person has a disease of the Parkinson's spectrum, Lew Body Dementia, or Alzheimer's. The hormone changes all occur beyond the blood/brain barrier and changes to brain hormone output are not correlated to changes that can be observed by MRI or CT scans. Diagnoses are done by subjective and differential means but the only truly definitive diagnosis is done post-mortem.

Until Potatohead croaks nobody actually knows what, if anything, is going on inside his skull.

Inga म्हणाले...

“How very true and insightful. In the estimation of loyal Democrats there nothing more admirable than 40-odd years of mendacity, graft, plagiarism, child molestation, and gross stupidity.”

There is nothing more admirable to cultists than their continued support of Trump, even after all his rides on the Lolita Express, socializing with Epstein (with his own young children in tow) and of course his brilliant and stable genius that is often expressed in his stories of electrocution in boats with batteries and sharks. Oh, can’t forget his fine tuned humor in his often repeated jokes about Hannibal Lecter.

Prof. M. Drout म्हणाले...

It's certainly possible that there was behind-the-scenes coordination, but I think there's a simpler explanation: even if all journalists are no longer on Twitter (and honestly, most still are), they still remain connected to various large, interlocking, electronically mediated networks: group chats, direct messages, email lists, etc. This is why they exhibit such remarkable groupthink all the time: an idea or a phrase has been floated, A/B tested, revised, and spread around these networks before it appears in print simultaneously in many places.

Such a network setup is great for making sure that there's only one message that is hammered to every viewer / reader from every platform, but its fatal weakness is the same as the fatal weakness of the Mean Girls Table in Middle School: the social hierarchy is infinitely graded and recognized by everyone in the group, but there is a never-ending struggle to move up that hierarchy, and a multitude of strategies are constantly being employed. Sometimes sucking up works, sometimes it gets slapped down. Backstabbing and gossip can be good unless you get caught. Changes in fashion can be a Godsend or they can induce misery. And whenever an EXTERNAL event perturbs the hierarchy--a new girl moves to town and she's good looking and has money; the queen bee comes down with mono and is out of school for a month; a top-tier striver commits a huge faux pas--there's a reshuffling and a kind of rapid-paced musical-chairs panic. Some people gamble on a new set taking over the higher ranks, others stay with what they know, and eventually the shake-up ends with a different cast of people in the same roles.

The external event was Biden's long-obvious dementia being broadcast around, and the "panic" was all the people wanting to get out ahead of the pack so that they could claim new status. But the Empire always strikes back, and now that Biden hasn't gone anywhere, the high-status people who showed their hands appear weak to many of the lower-status ones who didn't.

People in the media are miserable because they can't tell which horse they need to back: go with the NYT and risk humiliation if Biden sticks it out, or signal what a loyal soldier you are to the Biden people and hope for a payoff for that.

It is wonderful to watch them squirm.

Breezy म्हणाले...

Slight aside - wasn’t Putin exhibiting similar issues wrt mobility last year? What is his current health status? Haven’t seen anything about it lately.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

As for the neurologist who visited the White House so days previously, there’s no evidence he was invited to examine Biden or whether he even met with the Resident. The fact that the bootlickers are anxious to plant the notion that Biden is afflicted with Parkinson’s Disease suggests that the White House meeting was about the plausibility of “rapid-onset” Parkinson’s as a fake diagnosis rather than the long-standing senility observant Americans have witnessed since Day One of this absurd and disastrous Administration.

No one in the White House other than Doctor Jill and her coke-addled step son are worried about Biden’s already craptastic legacy. They and all the usual suspects at CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo, etc. are concerned with protecting their legacies. They are in desperate search of alibis and excuses that could plausibly deflect the logical and inescapable conclusion that they have been members of a vast conspiracy of lies that has finally collapsed as such card houses are wont to do in lighter breezes than the shitstorm raging now.

Ralph L म्हणाले...

In 2020, his speech was obviously very different from during his VPency, but I don't remember his gait as abnormal as it is now, and he famously rode a bicycle as Prez. Wouldn't the order that symptoms appeared be important to the diagnosis?

They must have counted on how we got used to his infirmity. I thought at his inaugural that he'd be retired in a few months.

Aggie म्हणाले...

@Inga said 13:00: "He has been a good president, has done many good things and his family needs to protect his legacy, by his graceful departure. He is still held in high regard by Democrats...."

This is an honest question, asked without any malicious intent, only curiosity:

What springs to mind when you note that Biden has 'done many good things' during his administration - what are the main headline accomplishments that you credit him with? I'm truly curious that I may be missing something. Thank you.

rehajm म्हणाले...

The old people can be kept in line with a one liner about republicans taking away social security. Every now and then the traitors like Paul Ryan play along to help their democrat allies

After Simpson Bowles Paul Ryan’s SS plan was the most sensible proposal by the US Government. Which is why it was shot down so quickly I suppose…

Drago म्हणाले...

White Savior Karen Inga: "There is nothing more admirable to cultists than their continued support of Trump, even after all his rides on the Lolita Express, socializing with Epstein (with his own young children in tow)"

Right back to her old habits of projecting and distraction for her New Soviet democraticals.

Its the Moscow hotel hookers lies all over again...so she can ignore the direct accusations by bidens own daughter of his showering with her and sexualizing her.

It took Inga 2 full years of knowing about that before finally criticizing biden, ever so gently for that...only to pull another classic Inga reset where she "forgets" the actual truth to place herself back in her make believe world where biden in a "respected" in DC (snort) "truth telling dude".

Leftist cultists are all the same.

Inga म्हणाले...

“What springs to mind when you note that Biden has 'done many good things' during his administration - what are the main headline accomplishments that you credit him with? I'm truly curious that I may be missing something. Thank you.”

Pact Act
Student Loan Forgiveness
Re entering the Paris Accords
Chips Act
Strengthening our NATO connections
Supporting women’s reproductive health care
Supporting same sex marriage

Just some.

cfs म्हणाले...

Also the media:

Trump’s Vows to Prosecute Rivals Put Rule of Law on the Ballot

"Donald Trump’s promise to seek retribution challenges long-established norms. The election could hinge in part on what kind of justice system the country believes it has now and wants in the future."


Quaestor म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Drago म्हणाले...

White Savior Karen Inga: "Student Loan Forgiveness"


In direct violation of Supreme Court rulings...like a dictator/authoritarian...and thats before we even get into bidens role in continuing the weaponization of the govt against domestic political enemies.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

Pour it on, Inga.

No one here respects your notions or dreads your abuse. In all the years you've commented here, not once have you pushed a noun against a verb except to repeat a borrowed falsehood or fling a puerile insult. We have come to expect nothing else, and you never disappoint, God love ya.

Allow me to proffer some advice. To really get our goats you must be more creative. Try concocting your own whoppers rather than gleaning them from other itinerant doofuses. First, go outdoors more often, even your louche tangle of neurons would do better with more Oh-Two. Then sit down and give it a long think. Yes, I'm certain you'll find that uncomfortable, but creativity takes brain work. Ingenious perjuries and demiurgic denunciations don't grow on trees.

Iman म्हणाले...

Well said, Quaestor @ 1:16 PM!

Original Mike म्हणाले...

"In direct violation of Supreme Court rulings...like a dictator/authoritarian..."

Nay, like a King.

Iman म्हणाले...

For Igna…

When war comes, remember this:

Jerry Hendrix said…
“11 Ford Class carriers
83 Burke Class destroyers
167 frigates
35 Virginia Class submarines
The recapitalization of the ICBM force

That’s the level of security we passed up to buy 10 million votes from people who made poor education decisions.”

In response to Quemala Harris…

“President Biden and I have cancelled $167 billion in student loan debt for nearly 5 million people — and we're not stopping there.

We will continue our work to build an economy that works for every American. Learn more at http://EconomicOpportunity.gov.“

Iman म्हणाले...

Link… https://instapundit.com/658787/

Aggie म्हणाले...

Thank you, Inga.

Iman म्हणाले...

“Now It Can Be Told!”

Come see “Non Compos Mentis Man” @ 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington D.C.

Wa St Blogger म्हणाले...

There is nothing more admirable to cultists than their continued support of Trump, even after all his rides on the Lolita Express, socializing with Epstein

Inga again with the misstatements of facts. Still no interest in truth.

Trump had just a few flights with Epstein in the mid 90's, while allegations of his child trafficking occurred in early 2000s. This Trump knew Epstein when he was NOT trafficking, but since you are so intent on sliming an individual you play fast and loose with the facts.

Do we condemn all of Epsteins highschool buddies and his college girlfriends too? Where is the cutoff between knowing someone and being involved in their illicit activities that occurred AFTER your associations?

Question for Inga. Can you assure us that every person you have ever known has been free of immoral behavior for every period of their life, even after you stopped any relationship with them?


Biden is KNOWN to have his own little lolita encounters. That doesn't seem to bother you any.

reader म्हणाले...

My opinion is that Biden was already starting to struggle when he was first elected. My opinion is that left leaning media were aware of this and thought they could simply refuse to address it. It has become so apparent that is no longer possible. Now media are piling on in an effort to distract from the lack of earlier coverage.

Quick question. I assume that presidential immunity doesn’t extend to wife and children acting in the stead of an incapacitated president. Does this leave Dr. Jill and Hunter at risk if it’s determined Biden hasn’t been coherent enough to actually be in charge of the Executive Branch? Maybe we do need to hear the audio of Biden’s October documents interview.

Rabel म्हणाले...

Without tremors it's hard to say he suffers from Parkinson's. Possible, but unusual.

He has no tremors. Simple senile dementia would explain his symptoms, some of which are similar to Parkinson's.

narciso म्हणाले...


Drago म्हणाले...

Shorter White Savior Karen Inga: Believe all women...except Dementia-Glitch biden's own daughter in her own words in her own private diary.

Inga म्हणाले...

Regarding tremors and Parkinson’s disease.

Myth 3: Everyone with Parkinson’s disease has tremors.

Fact: It’s easy to connect tremor to Parkinson’s disease because it’s a prominent and recognizable symptom. But some people with Parkinson’s never have a tremor, and even those who do may not have it at the start of the condition.

Joe Smith म्हणाले...

Pact Act
Student Loan Forgiveness
Re entering the Paris Accords
Chips Act
Strengthening our NATO connections
Supporting women’s reproductive health care
Supporting same sex marriage

Except for the first, these are all terrible.

Jim at म्हणाले...

Whitmer would be my pick.

You mean the person who shut down the gardening sections in stores during Covid?

Yeah. You go with that.

tcrosse म्हणाले...

My lefty stepson worked his butt off to pay off his student loans, so he's conflicted about Biden's student loan forgiveness. He wants his money back.

FullMoon म्हणाले...

I believe he has been suffering from Parkinson’s for a few years already, based on my years in the nursing field and observing many patients suffering from Parkinson’s."

Don't remember you ever mentioning it here..

Ice Nine म्हणाले...

>Rabel said...
Without tremors it's hard to say he suffers from Parkinson's. Possible, but unusual.<

Not hard to say; not unusual. 30% of Parkinson's patients never have tremors.

narciso म्हणाले...

they've known for years, but it is their callous egotism, that forces then to continue the fraud, not kabul kyiv, not the kibbutz of southern israel, make then turn away,

khematite म्हणाले...

Watch the post-debate panel on MSNBC, where Joy Reid takes the lead in describing the Democratic insider panic and tells the audience that, a few minutes into the debate, her phone "never stopped buzzing throughout." O'Donnell, Maddow, Wallace, and Hayes seem generally to go along with the view that Biden's performance had been disastrous. I'd assume that Reid is eager to see Kamala head the ticket, but I'm not sure about what the rest of that panel might be wanting. Not a believer that someone behind the scenes was pulling the strings.


The Godfather म्हणाले...

Although the Democrats may not care, the public interest requires that Biden be removed from the Presidency as soon as possible. How does that happen?

The Democrats' bench is and has been pretty lean. Remember why they picked Old Joe four years ago? They discovered, toward the end of the Primaries, that the two candidates left standing were the faux-Indian from Mass. and the real Socialist from Vermont. So they picked non-candidate Joe, a familiar name, having been VP to the Light-Bringer, and a Senator since the Bronze Age. He (or whoever was making his decisions then) picked Kamala because she was female and multi-racial and no threat to Joe. She's still at least two of those things. Her performance as VP has managed to be even less impressive than most VPs. But I don't see they really have any other choice. The Dems have to get Biden off center stage quickly and prevent him from doing obvious harm to the public interest. Which means KAMALA!

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

First they were a stampeding herd trampling over any idea that Biden was decrepit. So stampeding behavior is not unknown to them.
It would be a great story to read how the obfuscation occurred -- but no press will carry that self-damning portrait, and it won't win prizes. But I'd pay money for it.

Gospace म्हणाले...

I've read in several places today that the ideal ticket for demoncRATs would be Kamala with The Lightbringer as VP. Because, according to their logic he's prevented from running for president by the 22nd amendment, but can run for VP since it's not specifically forbidden.

I'm absolutely willing to bet that would bring out a ground swell of people who normally don't vote who would vote to prevent a constitutional end run.

John henry म्हणाले...

and the real Socialist from Vermont.

Sanders has never been a Democrat Party member in his 40 years or so in politics.

He never campaigned for anyone or for the party

Never raised money for anyone or the party.

Never understood why they let him be a candidate.

Never understood why he didn't get the Kennedy treatment.

John Henry

Rusty म्हणाले...

"Until Potatohead croaks nobody actually knows what, if anything, is going on inside his skull."

Stars! It's full of stars!

Mason G म्हणाले...

"Never understood why they let him be a candidate."

Because he was never actually going to be the candidate, they just want the votes of his supporters.

Aggie म्हणाले...

Washington Examiner says today that Trump's VP list is narrowed down to 3:

1. JD Vance
2. Marco Rubio
3. Doug Burgum

The List

Aggie म्हणाले...

Walter Kirn has an interesting Inside News - Inside Politics set of views on the Taibbi - Kirn weekly podcast.

He says the wheels are already turning, the script is already being followed, and it's just a matter of time now. He is mooting that Joe serves out his term and steps away from re-election.

bflat879 म्हणाले...

The only people who could pull this off are Obama/Holder. Who scheduled the first debate so early? Biden was convinced by his handlers to do it early. There were 2 reasons, one is he coould hold his own if he got lucky and two was, if he failed the sycophant media would act all surprised at his mental acuity and create chaos, which they did. They can't just force him out because he controls the money, which means they have to find a way to get Kamala running. They have plenty of time, before the convention, to sort this out. They'd like Joe to step down. The ideal way would be before the convention so that Kamala goes into the election as the incumbent, but not too soon so people can figure out how inept she'll be. I think the last thing they really want is an open convention. If Kamala runs and is elected, nothing changes. We know she won't be making policy so who's left, the same crowd.

I'm not sure how the sycophant media handles this. They've lost their credibility so it depends on how much of it they want back. It's going to be interesting.

Dr.Bunkypotatohead म्हणाले...

You might as well ask why a school of fish or a flock of birds made that last right turn.
It's instinctive behaviour, survival of the group.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

"Because, according to their logic he's prevented from running for president by the 22nd Amendment, but can run for VP since it's not specifically forbidden."

Implicitly, yes. The implicit stuff is why we have the judicial branch. Zero can't be President, but as VP he must be President if something happens to the President, even if for long enough to sign a resignation. The Constitution has no mechanism for skipping over the next in line unless he's dead.

Ralph L म्हणाले...

bflat879, I suspect some big donors wanted the early debate before they'd shell out for Biden.

The 12th amendment says: "But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States."

So BO is right out.

Balfegor म्हणाले...

I want to know who led the "deep... wide... very aggressive panic" that "started minutes into the debate" and communicated it to John King and motivated CNN to present this as the narrative, right after the debate, preempting any normal post-debate analysis and throwing the Democratic Party into chaos.

I think it was initially an organic mob response, only the "mob" was just Democratic Party / media groupthink, apparently spread during the debate through text messages. I am sure some people egged it on with some sort of strategy, but I don't think there was a mastermind or a cabal behind it.

Rather, while I don't think highly placed Democratic insiders and journalists were actually fooled by the administration's lies about Biden's condition, I think they were expecting something more like the state of the union speech, where Biden could cover for any defects through aggression and energy -- enough for them to claim victory even if his answers were garbled (it's a "stutter").

Crazy World म्हणाले...

Haven’t yet watched the video or read all the many comments but just wanted to acknowledge the best 10 days ever in these last horrifying (almost) 4 years.

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

Congresscritters fear being dragged down by the Biden-Harris implosion and they were the most important voices in John’s ear, if indeed he was inundated with calls during the debate.

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

Of course #fakenews "journ-0-list" Nicole H-J is best known for using media to push her theory about The 1619 Project, trying to "make it a thing," so to speak. Maybe the whole Media Industrial Complex should rethink the employment of activists-with-bylines and hire some, you know, reporters.

Rusty म्हणाले...

Biden said,
"We will continue our work to build an economy that works for every American. Learn more at http://EconomicOpportunity.gov.“
Well. He's right. Everybody is miserable.

walter म्हणाले...

"Student loan forgiveness" is extremely regressive and will only drive up college costs more.

Inga forgot the tens of millions "migrants", with all the trafficking and raping of children.
Slipped her mind...

GRW3 म्हणाले...

They're not trying to drive Biden out so much, they think he's going anyway, as they are trying to gaslight their readers to think they were fooled too.

Greg the Class Traitor म्हणाले...

They do this while ignoring something every scholar and critic of journalism knows well and every journalist should. As Nikole Hannah-Jones put it: 'As media we consistently proclaim that we are just reporting the news when in fact we are driving it. What we cover, how we cover it, determines often what Americans think is important and how they perceive these issues yet we keep pretending it’s not so.' They are not reporting that he is a loser; they are making him one.

1: Nice of them to admit how the Left uses their control of the MSM to corrupt our national conversation
2: Joe made himself a loser with the first 5 minutes of his debate with Trump. All these people are doing is recognizing the reality that they were no longer able to push the big lie of Joe's "competence", and that therefore for the sake of their future "credibility", they needed to admit what everyone who was watching teh debate could see

GRW3 hit it on the head