२९ जून, २०२४

Why not a coordinated double-coup?

What's brewing here?

"... Haley said the tests could be administered by most doctors and should be voluntarily shared by candidates for federal office. She compared it to the same sort of basic financial disclosure required of candidates. Washington is 'full of older people,' and voters need to know 'who is up to the challenge and who is not,' she said.... In the past, Haley has questioned Trump’s mental vitality. In January, while campaigning in New Hampshire, she suggested he has experienced mental 'decline,' highlighting how he had mixed her up with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi...."

८२ टिप्पण्या:

Kate म्हणाले...

When Haley chooses these comments at this time, I mix her up with Nancy Pelosi, too.

Limited blogger म्हणाले...

uh oh

Nikki is my pick for Trump's VP.

What are you doing dear Ms. Haley?

narciso म्हणाले...

Does she ever say anything that isn't trite,

Mr. D म्हणाले...

What are you doing dear Ms. Haley?

Demonstrating conclusively why her future is sputtering and fulminating on cable when Michael Steele is out of town.

Leland म्हणाले...

She's acting like Trump attacked a chicken.

John henry म्हणाले...

Will Haley take a cognitive test?

Will she release the results?

John Henry

Iman म्हणाले...

Nikki Nikki Nikki Hokey
Yo pappy’s doin’ time in teh pokey

John henry म्हणाले...

I forecast this double coup Thursday night after the debate.

I suggested it would be presented as a compromise "we'll ditch Brandon if you ditch Trump"

John Henry

doctrev म्हणाले...

Thank you, Nikki Haley, for continuing to utterly discredit yourself and anyone who was stupid enough to vote for you in the primary where Trump absolutely stomped you. I'd call you a Calcutta beggarwoman, but the average beggarwoman is more likable and sensible.

And don't forget, Ron DeSantis dropped out of the primary before she did!

Bob Boyd म्हणाले...

Haley looks like she's in that heart-breaking stage between when you've been bitten by a zombie and when your friends have to shoot you.

Pelosi looks like she got bitten, but didn't have any friends.

Breezy म्हणाले...

What’s the point of this, now that Biden has failed a much bigger cognitive test? She’s living in limbo.

cassandra lite म्हणाले...

She’s positioning herself for the role of younger opponent, isn’t she? At this point, the Dems might just do it on the grounds that (a) they don’t have anyone else, and (b) she hates him, too.

John henry म्हणाले...

Pedjt may have helped this "compromise" inadvertently in the debate. He said, at least twice, the only reason he decided to run is because of how bad a job Brandon is doing.

If Brandon steps down, dems and dicks can tell pedjt "OK, no reason to run now. Step aside"

It's not a good argument. But it is an argument they can and will latch onto.

John Henry

narciso म्हणाले...

no because any of the other candidates, would continue to destroy this country,

Humperdink म्हणाले...

Haley's like a tough dose of the flu, she just won't go away. Talk about irrelevant. What a putz.

Fred Drinkwater म्हणाले...

The problem with the Federal executive branch and Congress is not really the mental acuity of the denizens. It's their evilness. Where's the test for that?

Besides, we can't even get elementary school teachers to take a test on the Three R's. (Which is more important.)

John henry म्हणाले...

Haley was "runner up" in the primaries?

Donald Trump got 2,060 delegates.

Haley got the next highest total at 97

That really stretches the meaning of runner up.

"extremely distant second" would be a better description

John Henry

Stephen म्हणाले...

Maybe this will lead to voters taking a cognitive test in order to vote, with results to be stored with IRS-level security at the DHS. Everything old is new again

Kate म्हणाले...

Bob Boyd @8:44 --


Achilles म्हणाले...

John henry said...
Pedjt may have helped this "compromise" inadvertently in the debate. He said, at least twice, the only reason he decided to run is because of how bad a job Brandon is doing.

That argument applies much stronger to republicans in dc than to democrats.

The only reason Trump is a successful politician is because of how pathetic republicans are.

Saint Croix म्हणाले...

Unlike the Democrats, the Republicans had an actual primary fight, with multiple impressive candidates. And Trump wiped the playing field.

The Democrats kept any primary opposition away from Biden, forcing Bobby Kennedy Jr. out. Newsom and the rest of the wannabes proved themselves to be cowards who put their own self-interest ahead of the American people. They had to know Biden was a horrible candidate, it was so obvious. But they didn't primary him. So he had no competition. And now Biden is forcing the Democrat party to eat that shit sandwich. He's only out as a candidate if he admits reality. And he's not going to do that.

Sally327 म्हणाले...

A law requiring competency tests as a prerequisite to holding or retaining federal office sounds like another "follow the science" idea where we're supposed to defer to the experts. It's a bad idea.

I haven't read the article but based on the headline I think Haley is suggesting that the Democrats are going to off Biden (from the ticket) and run someone younger and Trump needs to be ready to pivot to that, no more geezer jibes, etc., as he will have a different opponent.

Saint Croix म्हणाले...

My point is that strong primaries -- like fair elections -- minimize any coup attempts.

Haley's not trying to pull a coup here. For one thing, Trump's already taken a cognitive test, so she's really just saying that Biden should do what Trump did. The other thing is that Trump stomped her, fair and square. So even if she wanted to do a coup, there's no traction because Trump has obvious popular support in the Republican party.

Biden is in danger of a coup, because he sabotaged the Democrat primary, and has not given the Democrats an opportunity to vote on his candidacy. And he's showing signs of horrible weakness.

The knives will really come out when the polls show Biden's chances of winning the election dropping to slim or none.

Eva Marie म्हणाले...

Sally327 said...
A law requiring competency tests as a prerequisite to holding or retaining federal office sounds like another "follow the science" idea where we're supposed to defer to the experts. It's a bad idea.
That’s a great point. Even after the Covid debacle, there’s this impulse to trust experts. Never again.

tommyesq म्हणाले...

Haley, Hillary, what is it with women seeking power being so unable to grasp that it is over for them?

Old and slow म्हणाले...

I agree that we would be well served by younger candidates, but if Haley manages to get herself nominated as the Republican I will stay home on election day and wash my hands of participation entirely. I doubt I am alone in this. Let the DC warmonger uniparty have its fun, they will do it without my blessings.

Saint Croix म्हणाले...

Also I don't think Republicans and Democrats can coordinate on a picnic, let alone a dual coup attempt.

Republicans want to avoid riots, and probably will.

Meanwhile, Democrats picked Chicago for their convention, and their biggest riot of 2024.

Is It 1968 All Over Again?

Bob Boyd म्हणाले...

This isn't really about Biden's competence. It's about factions within the political parties.

Both parties need to be destroyed and replaced by something new. They have both been around too long and have degenerated into corrupt, incompetent, self-serving husks of their former glory, as all organizations tend to do. America's problem isn't our system of government. It's that we're stuck with these two terrible parties and their terrible people.
Trump has shaken up both parties and continues to do so.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent म्हणाले...

The headline in the screenshot suggests something markedly different than what’s written below it.

This seems to have become a standard editorial practice these days. If you went just by the headlines on the MSN homepage these last couple of years, you’d think the Ukrainians were whomping the Russians. When you read the body of the article, you discover a tank was disabled or a conscript captured.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent म्हणाले...

The headline in the screenshot suggests something markedly different than what’s written below it.

This seems to have become a standard editorial practice these days. If you went just by the headlines on the MSN homepage these last couple of years, you’d think the Ukrainians were whomping the Russians. When you read the body of the article, you discover a tank was disabled or a conscript captured.

gilbar म्हणाले...

i will NEVER vote for Nimarata Randhawa (alias: Nikki Haley)
Not if she's running against Hilary!
Not if she's running against Kalema
Not if she'd running against Moochelle

She IS what is wrong with this country.. SHE is the sort of person that our poor Chuck would support

RCOCEAN II म्हणाले...

1) There's no reason for anyone to care what Nikki (He's scum for opposing aid to Ukraine) Haley says about anything.
2) She's uniparty and wants the D's to win.
3) So Haley is going to the uniparty GOPe Wall Street journal and demanding Joe drop out.

Nice to know GOPe and WSJ are all in the plot.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Haley is a snake funded by the Republican branch of the Uniparty.

gilbar म्हणाले...

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...
If you went just by the headlines on the MSN homepage these last couple of years, you’d think the Ukrainians were whomping the Russians. When you read the body of the article, you discover a tank was disabled or a conscript captured.

Don't let Dr We Evil hear you say things like that!

Ficta म्हणाले...

If Haley is the Republican nominee, I'll vote for RFK. She's a security state stooge.

walter म्हणाले...

I suspect Team Juice is giong to reach foer borderline lethal dosings.

walter म्हणाले...

Blogger Ficta said...
If Haley is the Republican nominee, I'll vote for RFK. She's a security state stooge.
You'd rather have Biden then.

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

Leland at 8:38 AM wins the internet for today!

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

Ok, it might be a tie with Bob Boyd at 8:44 AM.

Oligonicella म्हणाले...

Fred Drinkwater:
Besides, we can't even get elementary school teachers to take a test on the Three R's. (Which is more important.)

This. My daughter teaches high school physics, forensic science and another STEM (don't recall). She pretty much despises the average teacher.

Almost every teacher I've spoken with lags the curriculum.

john mosby म्हणाले...

“ Haley, Hillary, what is it with women seeking power being so unable to grasp that it is over for them?”

Not just women. We are seeing a lot of people who were present at the start of a revolution figuring out either that the revolution’s over and the outcome wasnt as great as they thought it was, or that the revolution will keep going beyond their lifetimes and they’ll never really benefit from it.

Women’s Lib definitely. Depending on your viewpoint, it’s either accomplished and now women are just being judged like men, or it has a long way to go, baby.

Black civil rights too. Explains much of the BLM rage over statistically tiny numbers of killings.

Lefty Boomer causes in general.

Even rightie causes: neocon wars and uktra-free trade, as one commenter above pointed out, are falling out of fashion. The people who built their lives and piles of money on them are enraged.

Probably in 30-50 years, angry populists will be clawing on to power when the conditions that required their revolution no longer apply.

“But Grandpa, those migrants arent alive anymore. Their grandkids here now are more [British, Greek, American, etc] than you amd me!”


Dude1394 म्हणाले...

She and mcconnell are stupid politicians. At least when it comes to actually, you know, winning.

She's politically dead to me anyway.

who-knew म्हणाले...

John Mosby said: "“But Grandpa, those migrants arent alive anymore. Their grandkids here now are more [British, Greek, American, etc] than you amd me!” That's possibly true of the Latin American's coming to the US but it sure as hell isn't true about the Muslim's moving to Europe. There it's more likely to be "But Grandpa, you know you can't do that now that we live under sharia"

Wince म्हणाले...

I doubt Trump will take advantage of the youth and inexperience of whomever the Democrats might replace Biden with.

JAORE म्हणाले...

"... a dual coup attempt."

That is a definite "after YOU" action.

(See Senator Schummer and his deals with Republicans.

Drago म्हणाले...

Make no mistake. As we speak the GOPe is working feverishly behind the scenes with the New Soviet Democraticals to construct a scheme to jail Trump and move Trump out of the nominee position at the republican convention. I imagine that is the point of Haley's message.

And no, the GOPe could not care less how the base voters feel about it and, yes, the GOPe would be absolutely thrilled if their plan to remove Trump was successful and caused enough republican voters to stay home and hand all of government to the democraticals.

This is precisely what Ryan/McConnell pulled in the 2018 cycle.

john mosby म्हणाले...

Who-knew: that would happen if there were no Farage, Le Pen, Meloni, etc. But I think the populists will win, or at least shift the Overton window enough that the worst of the migrant crisis will end. Both from toughening things up at the destination contries, and from non-green policies eliminating the need to intervene in the Middle East and thereby reducing the flow from the source countries.

The exogenous communities in continental Europe would then become much more like the ones here.


Josephbleau म्हणाले...

Haley just sees a slim chance to stir the pot and hope she somehow floats near the top.

I think a cognitive test would be illegal under the Georgia Power decision. All cognitive tests are tests of intelligence. Ant the presidency is a job.

Milo Minderbinder म्हणाले...

Perhaps the newsies have been fooled yet again. Obama doesn't care who the front man or woman is for his third and fourth terms. Harris will be as useful a tool for Obama as Biden once Biden is spent and is tossed aside, next man up, a very rich man. Obama's acolytes are seeded throughout the bureaucracy, they just need to be on speed dial. The Obama/Clyburn vote harvesting machinery remains in place in all battleground states. The only way to overcome the Obama/Clyburn machine and whomever is at the top of Obama's ticket is for the opposition to turn out in numbers that cannot be surmounted at 1am on Election Night.

Wa St Blogger म्हणाले...

Every election there is a cognitive test that is conducted. It's just on the voters, (mostly, fraud not withstanding). We don't need a cognitive test for our leaders, there is one conducted as they run. There are no surprises, we know what we are choosing, so the extra test is redundant If we want an idiot, dead person, or rapist as our leader, we fail the test.

Charlie म्हणाले...

Nikki, how can we miss you when you won't go away?

JK Brown म्हणाले...

This by Haley is just the deep state realizing they are far less likely to drag Biden across the line. So now they raise the spectre of their girl replacing Trump.

As always the question is, which coup members are acting in Biden's name now?

Achilles म्हणाले...

Drago said...

Make no mistake. As we speak the GOPe is working feverishly behind the scenes with the New Soviet Democraticals to construct a scheme to jail Trump and move Trump out of the nominee position at the republican convention. I imagine that is the point of Haley's message.

And no, the GOPe could not care less how the base voters feel about it and, yes, the GOPe would be absolutely thrilled if their plan to remove Trump was successful and caused enough republican voters to stay home and hand all of government to the democraticals.

This is precisely what Ryan/McConnell pulled in the 2018 cycle.

The chances that they try to give Trump an extended jail sentence just went up dramatically after this debate.

Haley is sticking her proboscis out again. Just doing what she is told.

They absolutely cannot allow Trump into office at this point. I don't think he will let them off anymore.

It will be interesting to see how far they go.

Drago म्हणाले...

Charlie: "Nikki, how can we miss you when you won't go away?"

The GOPe wants her waiting in the wings to be installed after Trump is removed. She's just doing her "job"....advancing the GOPe/dem alliance.

Also, believe it or not, there are beltway types that truly believe the worst case scenario for Haley is that she is shut out this time but can be a front runner in 2028.

The disconnectedness of the DC GOPe-ers is quite astonishing.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

"The chances that they try to give Trump an extended jail sentence just went up dramatically after this debate."

"They absolutely cannot allow Trump into office at this point. I don't think he will let them off anymore.
It will be interesting to see how far they go."

More like terrifying. I really do fear for the guy.
I hope I'm just being a conspiracy theorist.

Achilles म्हणाले...

Original Mike said...

"The chances that they try to give Trump an extended jail sentence just went up dramatically after this debate."

"They absolutely cannot allow Trump into office at this point. I don't think he will let them off anymore.
It will be interesting to see how far they go."

More like terrifying. I really do fear for the guy.
I hope I'm just being a conspiracy theorist.

The only reason Trump is alive is because of what his supporters would do if they killed him.

We are all now starting to realize how depraved and brazen they are about shooting presidents and how systemically rotten DC has been since Kennedy became president.

EdwdLny म्हणाले...

The only reason Trump is alive is because of what his supporters would do if they killed him. 400,000,000 and a list of people deserving of retribution, a very long list.

imTay म्हणाले...

Haley is Joe Biden in heels. She is the darling of the neocons. I bet even Rich could vote for her.

imTay म्हणाले...

Basically the Tories in the UK are showing the GOPe how it's done. That they can sell out Trump the way that the Tories sold out Brexit, and create the unaccountable single-party rule that is what they really want, just as is being done in the UK. Democracy was all fun and games when the parties were Coke and Pepsi, selling virtually the same sugar water under different brands, but now that the voters have demanded a real choice? Our democracy is at at risk!

Meanwhile, since the Union of Concerned Scientists won't update the "Doomsday Clock," I will give you the update. Putin just announced that Russia is going to respond to the US withdrawal from the IMF treaty, and its installation of medium range nuclear missiles in Europe and the Philippines. I know we are not supposed to listen to that guy, but he does have 6,000 nukes and some pretty impressive delivery systems. China also can see that they are being threatened, they used to only have 300 nukes, but you can't put nuclear weapons a few hundred miles form a major industrial, scientific, and technical power and not expect them to respond by building up their own arsenal.

All of this when we have a POTUS who has "bad days" even if he has been prepped for them for a week. Who is going to prep him for the rapid fire decisions that will need to be made when his aggressive military stance towards the rest of the world goes pear shaped in a hurry?

imTay म्हणाले...

"Our democracy" was murdered in November of 1963, by our own spy agencies in cahoots with a Vice President who gained office through a fraudulent election.

effinayright म्हणाले...

Haley's trying to impose a condition for POTUS candidates and elected federal offices that isn't in the Constitution.

She should go back to making chapatis.

Jim at म्हणाले...

Go. Away.

Narayanan म्हणाले...

Biden is forcing the Democrat party to eat that shit sandwich
if Biden is the shit where is the bread?

Michael McNeil म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
rehajm म्हणाले...

She’s been in my house. I wasn’t home. She blows…

Michael McNeil म्हणाले...

I notice that recently (including yesterday)—driving between far-southern Oregon and far-northern Calif., off I-5 but visible from the road (between Yreka, CA, and the Oregon line) during the last few weeks—there has been a Nikki Haley truck, festooned top to bottom with her posters.

Harun म्हणाले...

OK, if Trump is in jail, and somehow he can't run for president, I'd allow the convention to choose someone else.

wouldn't be Haley.

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

Two new candidates? A dream. But that's all it is.

John Clifford म्हणाले...

This is why Nikki Haley will not be Vice President under Trump, and will never be the GOP presidential candidate. She's too stupid, interrupting the Democrat circular firing squad to point it at her party's candidate. What a maroon.

Amadeus 48 म्हणाले...

The surest way to a prompt Trump third impeachment with a conviction this time would to have Nikki Haley elected VP. She is the favorite Republican of the uni party, (DC united).

JRoj म्हणाले...

Nikki dear, put the microphone down, it only serves to make you appear less intelligent…which is proving harder and harder to achieve.

Aggie म्हणाले...

If I were Trump I'd say: "Nikki, hon, I'll take a public cognitive test if you'll take a public intelligence test."

She's the worst kind of politician. Greed on her face, seats on too many corporate boards (too many of them defense contractors), and hunger in her heart. Exactly the wrong kind of person to be in charge of anything. Ambition without principle.

Bill, Republic of Texas म्हणाले...

This is why Nikki Haley will not be Vice President under Trump, and will never be the GOP presidential candidate. She's too stupid, interrupting the Democrat circular firing squad to point it at her party's candidate. What a maroon."

She's just doing her job assignment she got from the Uniparty. Can't let the conservatives win even one new cycle.

Saint Croix म्हणाले...

if Biden is the shit where is the bread?

ha ha ha

I don't know, Kamala?

White guy is the brown turd and the brown girl is the white bread.

wendybar म्हणाले...

Humperdink said...
Haley's like a tough dose of the flu, she just won't go away. Talk about irrelevant. What a putz.

6/29/24, 8:58 AM

More like Herpes

boatbuilder म्हणाले...

Apparently Evan McMuffin isn't polling well...so Nikki it is!

Mark म्हणाले...

All the doddering old dinosaurs that comment here have something of a conflict of interest on the matter.

Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...

“A law requiring competency tests as a prerequisite to holding or retaining federal office sounds like another "follow the science" idea where we're supposed to defer to the experts. It's a bad idea”

It’s also unconstitutional. Congress can’t add requirements for the Presidency(>=35, natural born citizen, different state from VP, <=10 years in office, etc) absent a Constitutional Amdt.

GayRepublicanDad म्हणाले...

Nikki Haley has destroyed her political career. She will be sitting on boards for the rest of her professional career. There is not a R politician who will trust her moving forward. She should have criticized Biden and stopped there. The attempt to go after Trump after she served in his administration is political suicide. Good riddance to the double-dealer.

Bruce Hayden म्हणाले...

The Dems just gave the Republicans a goal, by shooting and scoring, on their own goal. The GOPe wants to reciprocate, and shoot on their own goal, just to make things fair.

No girl. We don’t want things fair. This is the time for a power play, to score again before the Dems can recover.

Tofu King म्हणाले...

What's up with that photo? It looks like some I take with a finger over part of the lens.

NKP म्हणाले...

Cognitive tests? Fine, as long as they’re for ALL candidates. Age or race or gender alone would be a civil rights violation.