२९ जून, २०२४

"No conversations about that whatsoever. The Democratic voters elected, nominated, Joe Biden. Joe Biden’s the nominee."

Said Michael Tyler, director of communications for the Biden campaign, quoted in "There Are 'No Conversations' About Replacing Biden, Campaign Official Says/The official also said President Biden was committed to attending the next presidential debate in September" (NYT).

This immediately called to mind a tag I don't know why I don't use more often: "things not believed."

But even though I don't believe there have been "no conversations... whatsoever," I do believe "The Democratic voters elected, nominated, Joe Biden." That's the thing they like to excoriate Donald Trump for supposedly not believing. And when it's Donald Trump failing to say he believes it, he's denounced as an enemy of democracy, a man who wants to be a dictator. 

These people who want to oust Joe Biden — we don't even know who they are. They seemed to think they could stage a coup in 5 minutes, using CNN commentators in the immediate aftermath of the debate. Are these people not enemies of democracy? Do they not deserve the epithet "dictator"? And if they are the same people who have worked together to hide Joe Biden's incapacity from us, who exercise power through or instead of him, then the answer to those questions is even more emphatically yes.

६३ टिप्पण्या:

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Just about everything on the left is a lie.

"Kinda funny to watch the "Trump is a threat to Democracy" crowd openly strategize how to thwart the will of every Democrat who voted in the primaries by engineering a coup at the convention and placing a candidate on the ticket without a single person casting a vote."

doctrev म्हणाले...


Whoever is backing Obama is against the new direction. Which will mean an absolutely humiliating climbdown from the NYT and any number of spokesrats. Say what you want about Biden being senile, these idiots STILL couldn't outsmart him.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

I enjoyed the spin in the State Journal this morning that characterized Biden's debate performance as "uneven". This suggests ups and downs, and the only upside for the Democratic party near as I could tell was that the debate ended.
Poor Ben Wikler having to try to put a positive spin on this.

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

The Althouse has been on fire lately.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

The balance of feelings in the air is changing, for women.

Nothing structural has changed, for men.

narciso म्हणाले...

Tylers a jive talking clown

BG म्हणाले...

The Democratic voters elected, nominated, Joe Biden.

What choice did they have?

Mike of Snoqualmie म्हणाले...

The DCN rigged the nominating contest for Joe Biden. They would not allow anyone else, especially RFKJR, to compete. The Florida primary nominees were limited to Bribe me! by the Dem Florida nominating convention. Then, the New Hampshire delegates decided by NH's early election would not be awarded to the winner.

Bribe me!'s there nominee and they're stuck with him.

Saint Croix म्हणाले...

"There Are 'No Conversations' About Replacing Biden

That's a super-weird headline. Everybody in the liberal media is now talking about replacing Biden, including the NYT!

What they mean, of course, is that there are "no conversations" involving Joe Biden.

We're all talking about replacing his ass. But nobody is talking to him about it.

So that's super-weird. Nobody's brought it up? The subject is verboten? Are they afraid of him?

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

I understand the “downs” Madison but did they have any examples of “ups,” like “he made it to the lectern without tripping” or “he finally admitted there was ‘zero inflation’ when he took office”?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Obama is still all-in for Crook Joe -the Arabella-mob controlled husk puppet.

rehajm म्हणाले...

If you ‘replace’ joe the replacement is sentient and actually president. The people running things now don’t get to run the executive anymore.Democrats have power struggles, too…

wild chicken म्हणाले...

Pundits in the media are not the DNC. Pundits don't understand party politics. They think like screenwriters, what would be a good storyline? Surprise ending?

I say go write it up and sell it but the party ain't buying.

rehajm म्हणाले...

There used to be a method of replacing him but it doesn’t work anymore because standing laches moot…

Drago म्हणाले...

"Are these people not enemies of democracy? Do they not deserve the epithet "dictator"? And if they are the same people who have worked together to hide Joe Biden's incapacity from us, who exercise power through or instead of him, then the answer to those questions is even more emphatically yes."

These are people (insiders/establishment/leftist billionaires/deep staters etc) that have spent the last several decades with almost total control of all govt and cultural institutions along with technology and tools to drive narratives and massively censor and attack political and ideological rivals.

Yes, these are the people that generated the serial hoaxes and gaslighted/"hid" bidens condition.

Of course "they" thought they could dictate terms to/from the biden team. After all, these are the same people that hacked the 2016 and 2020 dem primaries and installed Dementia-glitch boy in the White House thru their "fortified" 2020 general "election".

Yes, they are authoritarians that are now moving at breakneck speed to finalize the full and permanent capture of the electoral process they have completely corrupted and with it permanent political power.

Yes, they most certainly are "dictator" types and they mean to exercise total power over us for "our own good".

HistoryDoc म्हणाले...

They are absolutely committed to him...until they're not.

He is being actively defenestrated right now by the NY Times.

The jig is up, they will lie about it until the last second.

typingtalker म्हणाले...

things not believed

You are too kind. Perhaps you need a tag, BS.

mezzrow म्हणाले...

When you go for the King, you must go for the kill. They're not ready for that, and he has his defenders.

These people will endure a lot to stay where they are. They thought he could make to an inauguration, at least. They want the next few days to be unimportant, a bet I would not take. There's no giddyup left, and they are forced into denial to survive.

Here's to living long enough to read the book that tells all the details someday. It's good to have a goal, and that will not be out for awhile.

Drago म्हणाले...

"There Are 'No Conversations' About Replacing Biden"

Saint Croix: "That's a super-weird headline."

Not really. Its a headline for which any member of Pravda easily understands the implications.

It would be similar to a Pravda headline in the 1930's that read "There are no food shortages in Ukraine".

Bill, Republic of Texas म्हणाले...

I don't believe the debate was a set-up by the dump Biden brigade. I think it was a test.

Anybody paying attention knows Biden is on decline. I think most of the Party people would accept Biden being the nomination if they could hide his decline. But of course they have to be nervous he'd make a catastrophic mistake and blow the whole lie.

I believe the debate was set so early as a test. If Biden failed it they have time to replace him. If he failed they would put on a pressure to resign or withdraw. That is what we saw on Thursday. The Party powers saw Biden humiliate himself and possibly sealed his election fate. They implemented Plan B.

Now we are seeing the push back to Plan B. We'll have to wait and see the poll results before we know who wins this battle.

planetgeo म्हणाले...

Most people don't know that Biden 's campaign team were understudies to Monty Python's Black Knight:

Arthur: I command you as King of the Britons to stand aside!

Black Knight: I move for no man.

Arthur: So be it!

Arthur cuts off the Black Knight's left arm.

Arthur: Now stand aside, worthy adversary.

Black Knight: 'Tis but a scratch.

Arthur: A scratch? Your arm's off!

Black Knight: No, it isn't.

Arthur: Well, what's that then?

Black Knight: I've had worse.

gilbar म्हणाले...

gilbar's tediously redundant prediction:
by the end of the 1st night of the convention.. Biden will TRAGICALLY DIE, possibly on TV
grieving nation rallies around Moochelle O'Bama who reluctantly agrees to lead us further down the path

Moochelle wins with a vote COUNT of WELL OVER 100 Million

MadTownGuy म्हणाले...

"No conversations about that whatsoever. The Democratic voters elected, nominated, Joe Biden. Joe Biden’s the nominee."

It's easy to say that the Democratic voters 'elected' Joe Biden when he's running as the incumbent, and challengers were excluded from the ballots. The (D) Party is the Hobson's Choice Party.

Jimmy म्हणाले...

"These people who want to oust Joe Biden — we don't even know who they are."
Obama, the god child, the perfect candidate, the chosen one, the Nobel winner, and 'great' orator. He is responsible for that great mass orgasm in 2008, where whites, particularly women, voted their guilt and justified their existence, by electing a post racial super human, who solved all problems.
Biden, Orwells perfect party apparatchik. angry, mean, corrupt and easy to manipulate. Greed and power motivate most politicians, and biden was honest about his depravity and lust.
Is obama smart enough? Doubtful, but him and his party of left wing marxists clearly set out to stage a coup.
Will we ever know who the real players are? Probably not, but I think most people can figure out who is on what team.
Not sure how they switch out biden. But past history suggests if they need to, they will. and the good party members will cheer, and rewrite history to make it so.

Cappy म्हणाले...

Welp, they built Biden, so they own Biden.

rehajm म्हणाले...

What do the party rules say? If they left a method to replace him they can replace him. Voters got nothin to do with it until the general

Oso Negro म्हणाले...

Every news program in the country should be asking the Democrats "who is the decider in the White House now?"

Humperdink म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Hassayamper म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Humperdink म्हणाले...

"There Are 'No Conversations' About Replacing Biden"

^^^^^ That's not a headline, that's an order!

They will let know when to execute.

Hassayamper म्हणाले...

@Drago:It would be similar to a Pravda headline in the 1930's that read "There are no food shortages in Ukraine".

Thread winner.

"Things not believed" is indeed a great tag. The Democrats have been talking about nothing else since about 2 questions into the debate, as everyone from the dogs in the street to Biden himself knows perfectly well.

narciso म्हणाले...

who are the players soros schwabb hans wyss, I think thats the third moneyman,

Dave Begley म्हणाले...

Jill is just driving up the bribe amount that will have to be paid in order to get him to drop out.

Trust me on this.

I give you my word as a Begley.

narciso म्हणाले...

haven't we seen they take diamonds in payment,

John henry म्हणाले...


They are stupid enough to take diamonds in payment.

But not a good idea.

Diamonds are pretty close to useless as a store of value.

John Henry

Money Manger म्हणाले...

Wait until the post debate polls start coming in. And the carnage down ballot becomes too real to ignore: Republicans will pick up 5 Senate seats, strong control of the House.

Biden is out by Monday. Wednesday at the latest.

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ म्हणाले...

I like both candidates, but I think what we really need is someone older.

Imagine what this looks like to young people in this country.

Frankly neither of them is a fit candidate. The GOP can’t do anything about their situation but the Democrats can. Awareness of one's own limitations is a key feature for a politician and a human being. Time for Biden to step aside.

MartyH म्हणाले...

You'll know the knives really are out for Joe Biden when his family's pay to play scheme is front paged on the NYT.

RCOCEAN II म्हणाले...

Biden will only leave, if Biden and jill want to leave.

Joe Brandon has a big ego and enjoys being POTUS and Jill obviously relishes the role of 1st lady, so I dont think either of them will agree to Biden dropping out and giving the nomination to someone else.

This reminds me of all the Republican pundits and Pols demanding Trump "drop out" in October 2016 to "Save the Senate". Trump didn't and he won. Maybe biden will do the same in 2024.

This will all blow over soon, probably by next week. This could mean no 2nd debate. Or maybe Biden is thinking, "Hey if i prepare better and exceed the low expecatations, I'm guaranteed to win the 2nd debate and therefore the election".

Sebastian म्हणाले...

"That's the thing they like to excoriate Donald Trump for supposedly not believing"

So what? The Althouse theorem applies especially to politics: people don't believe what they profess to believe. Dems wil happily ditch democracy to "save our democracy." Except that, so far, Joe isn't cooperating, and the alternatives are risky.

RCOCEAN II म्हणाले...

Althouse's point about Democracy is correct and very smart.

But it ignores that Democrat Base voters just don't care. they're perfectly happy to let their "Leaders" make all the decisions and pick who is the nominee. They didn't care that Biden ran against no oppostion, with RFK being shut out. And they didn't care in 2020 that the DNC and the leaders decided to shut down the primaries after South Carolina and declare JOe Brandon the winner. BTW, they never did figure out who really won Iowa.

And they didn't care in 2016 that the leadership rigged the whole thing for Hillary. Demcorats dont care about Democracy or personalities. They just vote (D), and hope their leaders give them what they want. As long as those Goddamn Republicans don't win - they're happy.

Saint Croix म्हणाले...

These people who want to oust Joe Biden — we don't even know who they are. They seemed to think they could stage a coup in 5 minutes, using CNN commentators in the immediate aftermath of the debate. Are these people not enemies of democracy? Do they not deserve the epithet "dictator"?

They are Democrats who are worried about the 2024 election.

What's interesting to me is that the media immediately jumped ship and abandoned the president. Those journalists are the public face of the private discontent. So we know who the journalists are.

And that, in and of itself, is huge, right?

Joe Biden has lost the mainstream media.

Think about that for a second.

All the free advertising Democrats get from the liberal media. All the biased reporting. All the spin and the pro-Biden bullshit.

He's lost that.

The media is openly discussing how the president needs to step down. He's too old. He's incompetent. Instead of hiding his infirmities, more and more journalists will report on it.

I also suspect the donor money will dry up substantially. Instead the liberal donor class will donate in Senate and House races, and Governor races.

Who gives money to a candidate when they want him to drop out?

Tacitus म्हणाले...

Politics is what we do instead of internecine warfare. Long may that remain true. But in any sort of conflict your opponent gets some say. There are things Trump could do between now and a putative next debate.

Pick a VP candidate several grades better than Kamala Harris. Should not be too difficult.

Request a slightly different debate format. I mean, at this point Biden needs another debate far more that Trump does.

Have a sit down, televised, informal chat with Kennedy. And maybe after that, with some of his Republican rivals. An exchange of ideas to seek out common ground. What a radical concept!

Come to the second debate even more relaxed, calm and actually concerned for his opponent. Ask Biden if he wants a chair to sit down....and the moderators if they have one to provide him.



Tacitus म्हणाले...

Oh, and I expect a video op in the week ahead where Trump hits a golf ball way down the fairway. So many good tag lines. "Heading to the goal...never hooks to the left".

And Biden on a split screen staring vacantly.


Saint Croix म्हणाले...

Obama convinced Biden to not run in 2016. Could he convince Biden to not run in 2024? Apparently, they haven't even had a conversation about it(!)

I'm convinced Obama likes pulling the strings in secret. The $6 billion in Iranian funds released on September 11 to free 5 hostages? That stinks of Obama. See also that $10 billion move.

Who the hell wants to give money to Iran? Obama!

(Biden, meanwhile, is obviously pro-Israel, even when that's unfashionable on the left)

Rusty म्हणाले...

" I mean, at this point Biden needs another debate far more that Trump does."
No. No he doesn't. Biden isn't capable of debating. The best strategy his handlers can use now is to keep him out of the public eye as much as possible. In fact what were are going to get going forward are a lot more press releases and very few press confrences.

Wa St Blogger म्हणाले...

Demcorats dont care about Democracy or personalities. They just vote (D), and hope their leaders give them what they want.

Shades of the yellow dog. Democrat voters do not care at all about democracy. (Wait did I call them Democrat?) They care about the agenda and have little interest in the laws or norms that protect their rights. "Win at all costs" has them ignoring the costs. It comes around to bite them sometimes, but then they go right back to trying to create utopia by destroying the system.

You can see it in the hive mind of the lefties on this blog. They vote dead people, they vote people with strokes. So why would they not vote a person with dementia? The person does not matter. They are a placeholder only and are completely replaceable by the party. Conservative Republicans play baseball, the democrat party plays calvinball.

Prove me wrong.

Saint Croix म्हणाले...

Speaker Johnson is talking about using the 25th Amendment.

(But he also says it's up to Biden's cabinet to do that).

JK Brown म्हणाले...

That CNN panel was "shocked, shocked, they say" that Joe Biden is compromised. What you saw was all them trying to get something on the record to pushback at their culpability in Hiding the Decline.

JAORE म्हणाले...

The shameless media can and will pivot on a dime if Biden stubbornly refuses to drop Bribery MIGHT help but Jill Biden is already wealthier than she and Joe dreamed of as a Senator's wife. Think Hillary. Suppose she were an actual lock to be POTUS but you wanted her to drop out. Hell a billion would not be enough.

One thing might work. If media, intel agencies and power brokers tell Jill we are going to provide such clear evidence that Joe took bribes that no one can deny it. And Joe and family are gong away for a long time.

Drago म्हणाले...

LLR-democratical Rich: "Awareness of one's own limitations is a key feature for a politician and a human being."


Write that in lipstick on your bathroom mirror and then try and live it each and every day...because you sure the heck aren't doing it now.

DavidD म्हणाले...

RCOCEAN II said... (6/29/24, 9:53 AM)

They don’t call them “yellow dog Democrats” for nothing.

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

"Speaker Johnson is talking about using the 25th Amendment.

(But he also says it's up to Biden's cabinet to do that)."

The 25th's invocation is up to the cabinet but Congress isn't powerless here- there is impeachment and conviction.

Tacitus म्हणाले...

These are crazy times in politics. How badly does Biden "need" to show he can stand up and be coherent sans teleprompter for 90 minutes? I guess we'll find out. But there could be a cumulative effect, perhaps enough to pull a few percentage points in swing states. 2020 campaign from basement. Minimal public appearances. Afraid to take the stage at his own National convention. The Baghdad Bob level of excuses offered up by his surrogates. (I'm now going to start thinking of that press secretary as a Baghdad Bobble Head). Trump could make a few reasonable sounding requests for the next debate and when Biden says no, claim that the man is afraid. Correctly. Or, just let his Veep wipe the floor with Kamala in a VP debate and ask people if they really think Biden has four more years in him. And if not.....well, you just had the second Presidential debate.

But who knows the limits of gullibility in play here?


Milo Minderbinder म्हणाले...

The only thing Trump threatens is socialism.

Remember, Obama doesn't care who the front man/woman is as long as his acolytes are in key places in the bureaucracy, and the Clyburn vote harvesting machine is operable in major cities in battleground states.

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

"I'm now going to start thinking of that press secretary as a Baghdad Bobble Head"

I already think of her as Baghdad Sideshow Bob. I guess I could make Bob Bobble Head.

Narayanan म्हणाले...

"who is the decider in the White House now?"
they can show FJB choosing icecream and puddingpop

Biff म्हणाले...

"the same people who have worked together to hide Joe Biden's incapacity from us, who exercise power through or instead of him"

If we had "journalists" worthy of the title, they'd be working very hard to identify exactly who has been running the government.

Somehow, the question will not be asked by any of the "professionals."

At best, it will be left for a revisionist historian a few generations in the future.

Narayanan म्हणाले...

Speaker Johnson is talking about using the 25th Amendment.
what an out for R's - shirley they cannot in good conscience send any bills for signing to WH

so why not go on extended vacay?

Matt म्हणाले...

A serious question: if Biden isn’t fit to run for president, is he fit to remain president? I think the odds of a president Harris just went up.

RMc म्हणाले...

I like both candidates, but I think what we really need is someone older.

(Jimmy Carter has entered the chat)

Kevin म्हणाले...

Joe won the rigged Democrat primaries fair and square.