"But Colangelo had previously worked alongside Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg(D) in the New York attorney general’s office, where he had worked on Trump-related investigations before. It’s about as circumstantial and speculative as you can get. Attorney General Merrick Garland last week firmly denied, under oath, that he had sent Colangelo to Manhattan. He denied any contact with Colangelo since he joined the D.A’s office.... [F]ormer Trump lawyer Joe Tacopina, who worked on Trump’s defense early in the Manhattan prosecution [said]... 'Joe Biden or anyone from his Justice Department has absolutely zero to do with the Manhattan district attorney’s office... People who say that... it’s scary that they really don’t know the law or what they’re talking about.'"
Writes Aaron Blake, in "GOP overwhelmingly supports a Trump conspiracy theory, yet again/There remains no evidence that Biden was behind the Manhattan prosecution of the former president, but 80 percent of Republicans say otherwise" (WaPo).
१११ टिप्पण्या:
So..... they said falsely that there's no evidence. Thereis evidence - they just don't find it convenient to accept the definition of evidence as it presently stands. Am I doing it right? Evidence comes in all shapes, sizes, and descriptions, and in all different strengths.
How many days before this "conspiracy theory" is proven true?
Funny how authoritative Trump lawyers can be when they're speaking against Trump's interests.
"How many days before this "conspiracy theory" is proven true?"
It's amazing isn't it? We went from decades. To years. To months. To Weeks. Now we're to days. Pretty soon it will be minutes. Then seconds.
No wonder they're going all in on LLMs and AI, they'll need the synaptic horsepower to make better lies. Despite being pathological liars, even they're running out of steam.
Colangelo wasn't colluding with Alvin Bragg on this case - he has been working with Bragg for years investigating Trump!
But Colangelo had previously worked alongside Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg(D) in the New York attorney general’s office...
So what? The relevant fact is he left the #3 position at the U.S. Justice Department to lead the prosecution. And yes, I have little doubt it was Colangelo pulling the strings. Bragg isn't nearly clever or competent enough.
"There remains no evidence" = we know full well Biden was behind all this, were just stroking the chains of our readers.
Liberals don't believe a the heartbeat of a fetus in the womb is a sign of life.
"There remains no evidence a fetus is an actual living thing."
There is more "evidence" the Biden Administration is behind these persecutions, than there is evidence justifying these lawfare prosecutions.
Whatever happened to caring about the appearance of impropriety? Maybe our Garland had nothing to do with Colangelo's job - but surely he could admit that its a very bad look.
"No evidence" = stonewalling.
Bragg isn't nearly clever or competent enough.
He's definitely corpulent enough, though.
Circumstantial evidence is still evidence.
Coordination is just another russian disinformation campaign say 51 current and former federal attorneys.
These are the people who still push the Russia hoax accusing Republicans of being conspiracy theorists.
Whatever Merrick Garland says, it's the truth.
Well, at least his truth.
Really, Honest Injun. Democrats don't lie. You can depend on the word of a Biden or a Biden acolyte.
Yes, we must believe everything Alvin Bragg and Merrick Garland say about Trump! Otherwise, these worthies will indict us for being a danger to democracy. They will say we are corrupting democracy by not voting for the Democrat/Barbarian Party. They will say any candidate not a member of the Democrat/Barbarian Party is committing a crime by denigrating the Democrat/Barbarian Party candidate. After all, the moto of the Democrat/Barbarian Party is "STFU and obey us! All your votes belong to us!"
Colangelo is obviously the Regime toady in this case.
This is so obviously the Biden Regime running this that the usual stalinists don't even really try to deny it.
They are being obtuse.
They know most people simply believe the charges were politically motivated, which everyone knows to be true. Biden didn't order it because he didn't need to.
Their reframing is transparent and embarrassing.
I am not a fan of "Journalists" providing cover for the Party in Power. That's what running this story is: cover. Why did the Editor decide, upon hearing that the Republicans think the Democrats are behind the Persecution of Trump (100% valid), that it was a good idea to frame this to defend the leader of the Democratic Party (President Biden)?
Well the DOJ and Bragg’s office shouldn’t have an issue with making any relevant emails, etc. available to Congress.
But they refuse to do so.
Even had Politico writing about Biden being furious about the length of time their lawfare was taking.
ah aaron blake, the slightly dimmer chimp of chris cilizza, and thats pretty dim,
""But Colangelo had previously worked alongside Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg(D) in the New York attorney general’s office, where he had worked on Trump-related investigations before. It’s about as circumstantial and speculative as you can get. "
Oh he just happened to work for Letitia James and then just happened to work for Bragg, all on Trump cases.
Its just coincidental.
I was born at night but I wasn't born last night,
BTW, federal guys think they are better than state guys...who takes a demotion?
But Colangelo had previously worked alongside Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg(D) in the New York attorney general’s office...
Maybe we’re looking at this backwards. Maybe that’s why he was in the #3 position in the DOJ.
How much of a raise did Colangelo receive to come work fr Bragg? Oh? He took a substantial cut in pay? And we’re supposed to believe he was just being (by his lights) patriotic?
Uh huh.
I also am supposed to believe Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch just talked about grandkids. Sure they did.
Why do you put out posts like this, Althouse? Is it to express the natural contempt liberals traditionally display towards people to their right politically?
Pomerantz thought it was too flakey a charge, so they got Mikey Colangelo, (life cereal refernece)
Big Mike said...
How much of a raise did Colangelo receive to come work fr Bragg? Oh? He took a substantial cut in pay? And we’re supposed to believe he was just being (by his lights) patriotic?
Thank you, Big Mike.
Yeah "he took a big cut in pay to go from #3 at the Federal Gov't Dept of Justice to go work for the Manhattan DA's office" completely disproves the latest "no evidence" claim from Dem propaganda agents
when ever Phillip Bump finds it beneath him, you get Aaron Blake,
who takes a demotion?
It's like going back in time to smother baby Hitler in his cradle.
the other 9? prosecutors including a kin of Mr Burns himself, Chuck Schumer who took a pay cut from a prominent New York firm, another coincidence,
and yet so far, it has gone splat, like Wile E against a cliff face,
Don't piss piss on my leg and tell me it's raining. What are we, 38-0, in our conspiracy theories turning out to be true.
This is pretty tenuous stuff compared to the hand-in-glove ties between Sam Alito and the Proud Boys.
Have you ever watched video of Merrick Garland at a hearing? He's got that twitchy look of a guy who wants to get it over with as soon as possible so he can get back to molesting squirrels at the park.
Does it even matter if the elected Republicans are not willing to do anything about it?
My fear: The beatings will continue until the shooting starts.
When Matt Gaetz asked Garland if he would disclose all communications between DOJ and Bragg's office about this prosecution, Garland deflected by saying that the DA's office makes its own prosecuting decisions. When asked again about communications and not control, Garland again refused to answer. So while it is possible that Garland did not send his lackey to work for Bragg, there are reasonable grounds to believe that something untoward is going on that DOJ doesn't want disclosed.
Yeah, well Biden *IS* behind prosecution of Trump on fake Documents case, and the J6 bogus federal case. And Biden and obama were also involved in the fake "Russiagate" investigation and the fake Steele Dossier.
Biden's also supported the Manhattan Prosecution of Trump, and never once attacked its partisan nature or supported Trump as an ex-POTUS, even though this hurts the ability of future Presidents to rule without fear of some State/local judge putting them in jail.
Further, Biden refused to grant trump administration officials executive immunity, released all the files to the Pelosi committee and has ordered Garland DOJ to prosecute Trump officals for "contempt of congress" while the same DOJ refuses to prosecute Democrats for ignoring Republican committee supenoes (sic).
Biden is one step away from a Bannana Republic Dictator.
Amazing how Biden breaks all the rules and norms and Mitt Romney and McConnell who pretended to be so "Outraged" over Trump for overstepping any boundries, say zero.
We have a uniparty in DC, and Romney and Mitch and most the Republican Senate support Biden over Trump. They are the controlled opposition. And they will be happy if Trump loses in November or gets put in jail and can't run.
Why R voters keep nominating and electing them is beyond me. Maybe they're just goddamn stupid.
I believe I belieeeeeeve!
Man is my head ever sore from falling off that turnip truck.
without evidence
no evidence
Are just MSM "Code words" for - we have evidence but don't want to admit it.
and Hunters laptop is Russian disinformation dammit.
I'm willing to believe Biden was not directly responsible. Although he might have said "who will rid me of this meddlesome opponent?"
Who cares about any of this? These are symptoms of a country so divided and driven by animus were yes he was no he wasn’t argument away from actual civil conflict. Neither side believes what the other thinks, says or does. Can we please stop the childish charade and move on to dividing up the country before it’s too late. Merrick Garland! Is there anyone less relevant on the planet? A total lackey.
I think it is more significant that after the early flurry, the phrase "convicted felon" seems to dropped out of the MSM parlance.
No doubt some will try to revive it in certain constituencies, but the phrase seems to be taken more of a reminder of the absurdity of the NYC show trial than anything else.
These are the same people who still confidently assure us that there is "no evidence" that Joe Biden in any way profited from his brother's and son's foreign business dealings over the past fifty years.
Considering his zombie state, Biden is just a synonym for Biden's handlers.
Pious, authoritative, soothing assurances from government officials and their news-media mouthpieces have lost most of their credibility since I was a young man.
None of the predictions of the climate catastrophists have come to pass in more than forty years. Nothing you hear from the Pentagon can be trusted since at least the Second Gulf War. Pretty much everything the public health authorities ordered us to believe about COVID-19 has proven to be a mistake, if we're being charitable, or a malicious, knowing, self-serving lie, if we're not. Likewise Crossfire Hurricane, the Steele Dossier, and all the rest of the Byzantine conspiracies to get Trump that were cooked up by the court eunuchs and viziers who are putatively our hired help. Why should the current prosecutions of Trump be thought any different?
Trump's high-profile enemies can all be assumed to be scheming, dishonest, amoral petty tyrants until proven otherwise. Anything the news media tells us about him can be dismissed as a fabrication, distraction, or at least a lie by omission.
These scum who fancy themselves our superiors have been proven so wicked and wrong by the passage of time that every time they open their mouths to attack Trump, my zeal to see him re-elected despite his flaws goes up.
Well, the pretty much proves it- they called it a conspiracy theory.
So what if he was formerly employed by the NY AG? Who takes a promotion elsewhere and then suddenly comes running back for one case - outside of a cheap buddy movie? That is why it has the aroma of a conspiracy.
This story is just a distraction to make it look like Trump doesn't have goods grounds for appeal.
Obviously, the Biden administration didn't cause this prosecution to happen, but there is also no doubt that the people who did make this prosecution happen are Biden supports and want Trump to lose the election.
of course it did,
they just try to cover the truth, with a pillow, till it stops moving (ht iowahawk)
there was a similar move with wade and willis, in Atlanta, of course Dread pirate smith, well little needs to be said,
Well. The theory that Biden sent Braggs help does match very nicely with Biden's boasts as an administration with the most firsts.
The first administration to convict a rival. They are very proud. That's why you had Biden smiling after the verdict.
Does first have plural?
Garland had no idea why Colangelo would take a pay cut to leave the DOJ to work for the Manhattan DA's office.
No idea and no curiosity as to why his #3 guy quit.
Usually you have a discussion when your #3 person decides to leave your organization.
But not Merrick Garland.
how many times did Bragg go to the White House?
how many times did Lani go to the White House?
Think “breastesses”, Lem…
h/t True Romance
It's getting to the point that when they say conspiracy theory, I tend to lend some credence to it.
Speaking of rat-faced, Merrick Garland
If Merrick Garland denied it, under oath, no less, that's good enough for me. It must be true.
The Progressive playbook:
Play 1: Can't comment on an ongoing investigation. These things can stretch out for decades, if you let them.
Play 2: No evidence! Unless there is a smoking gun next to a letter spelling out the crime, with DNA on the letter, and a video of the person confessing to exactly the thing he's being accused of -- and even then, we can't really know for sure.
Play 3: Old news. This is old, old, old, and why are you still stuck dragging this up? You must be one of those tinfoil hat people and summarily dismissed no matter how recently the investigation was closed and how damning the evidence turned out to be.
Play 4: If someone unfortunately takes the fall. Like if Trump is elected and actually fires someone, then you get a cushy job somewhere with ridiculous pay. Like a book deal, or thousands of dollars to appear on TV and tell the people that...what was that thing the guy said above? Oh, "People who say that... it’s scary that they really don’t know the law or what they’re talking about.'" And then you, Whoopi and Joy have a big laugh about it all.
Why this insistence that the chain of evidence lead to Biden. If we can’t prove that Joe did it, it didn’t happen.
Hell, Joe doesn’t know half of what happens in the White House. He can barely find his way off a stage.
But someone does.
Remember, Nixon wasn’t behind the Watergate break in. Just the coverup.
Once you realize Big Journalism has devolved into nothing more than fan service these imbecilic takes make sense.
Hassayamper said... "every time they open their mouths to attack Trump, my zeal to see him re-elected despite his flaws goes up."
6/10/24, 5:00 PM
ALMOST!!! Almost got all the way through an entire three paragraph comment without taking a needless dump on Trump, but ya couldn't do it. Ya couldn't resist, ya dipshit. You Fucking nothings just can't resist taking a shot at a man who is your superior.
Listen up, shitheads- NOBODY CARES THAT YOU DON"T LIKE TRUMP! okay? Fuck you all with your pussy-mouth equivocations about the "flaws" on Trump, mmm-kay, shitheads? Can you take that democrat party dressing off of every comment about the only president in the past 40 years who has looked out for Americans?
Nobody knows you, you are nothings! Everybody knows Trump, and we like him. Say your piece without taking cheap shots at a man who you aren't fit share oxygen with, you schmucks.
I think it is more significant that after the early flurry, the phrase "convicted felon" seems to dropped out of the MSM parlance.
I've noticed that too. Some galactic brains have figured out that branding of Trump is backfiring on Brandon.
Appearances matter. And neither Merrick Garland, Bragg, Colangelon or the Biden grifting crime family understands that.
Most of the Dim party lawfare smells like a fresh wind off a sewage treatment plant.
theres not enough exlax to clear this, and they wonder why they lost 70 million oollars,
I believe Garland didn’t send him.
Garland is a pool boy too.
The people who tell Garland what to do tell Colangelo what to do.
A professional journalist would 1) ask Colangelo for an explanation of how he came to leave a top job for a lesser one and 2) find someone in the 40+% that suspect Biden's involvement to articulate the reasons for suspicion.
This isn't journalism.
Depends on the meaning of the word 'Sent.'
yew monaco and clark, but thats a whole nother fish of kettle
Hey Fitzgerald. You will look long and hard to find a bigger Trump supporter than me. And he is definitely superior to me in his drive, business acumen, and willingness to go out in the arena and catch bullets for you and me.
That said, the only perfect man, the only man before whom I would ever bend the knee, has been dead nearly 2000 years. Why do you object if I say Trump is flawed? We are all flawed. In Trump's case, he is undisciplined, particularly with regard to his tendency to speak more carelessly and instinctively than he should. At least formerly, he was a slave to his sexual appetites. He seems to be a poor judge of character when it comes to picking his underlings. I could go on but I won't. None of these statements should be controversial, even among those of us who love the man and will crawl through broken glass to vote for him. His virtues far outweigh his flaws.
Phantommut: You aren't the only one to notice how quickly "convicted felon" dropped away. It seems as if someone noticed that all of this wasn't working as planned and then realized what was in motion couldn't be stopped. Like how the talk went immediately to Trump's VP choices.
That dog won’t hunt.
From what I understand, Trump is not technically a convicted felon until he is sentenced.
'Joe Biden or anyone from his Justice Department has absolutely zero to do with the Manhattan district attorney’s office...
Uhhh-huhh, sure. Then why was Biden more or less publicly pissed off (I mean, this article got sourced somehow...) at Garland for not moving faster in the election interference case against Trump? The whole extended Democratic Party machine is involved in trying to take down Trump, and we're supposed to believe that the WH has no hand in it at all?
This is from Politico on the internal disagreements between the WH and Garland's DoJ, so it's not like it can be dismissed by the True Believers as "some right-wing screed".
"It’s just that, as with so many of the above numbers, it’s largely based on one piece of highly circumstantial and dubious evidence: Trump said so."
"What am I, chopped liver?"
- M. Colangelo
That was not an effective rebuttal by Blake. He never offers a convincing explanation for the move. He cites denials and he cites the prior association but those facts don't address the reason for this primary "circumstance."
His final sentence must have left some spittle on the keyboard.
We have the 'Who', the 'What', the 'Where' and 'When', but the 'Why' is unmentioned. I believe the purpose of seconding top DOJ officials into local investigations, salting them into the top tier of the DA's teams, was to provide a direct pipeline to Federal DOJ investigatory resources. I'm reminded of the Deep State apparatus, the enormously powerful NSA, the ability to tap into anyone's communications. Is it a fever dream? Or has it been adequately demonstrated that in the modern FISA world, warrant-less surveillance and poking to private areas is common practice? Maybe the purpose was to provide access to those powerful Federa tools, and experienced users with their networks. Or maybe it's just a conspiracy theory. Maybe these things are impossible. Like leaking someone's tax returns to the NYT, can't happen.
When they say "no evidence" what they mean is no proof. (Good post, and good comments from some who also frequent this space)
I'm willing to believe Biden was not directly responsible. Although he might have said "who will rid me of this meddlesome opponent?"
I'm quite certain that Biden is carefully not directly responsible.
What I don't understand is why he (meaning "his team") didn't do the obvious thing and declare that no matter what his opponent may or may not have done (since we cherish the principle of innocence until guilty is proven in court of law), he looked forward to meeting him on the political field of battle, going toe to toe, policy versus policy...
It all would have been BS, as it generally is, but it would have provided plausible(?) deniability.
@Michael Fitzgerald, like far too many others, you have been tricked into focusing only on Trump. That's good, because you like him. Before I retired I was very active in local Republican politics, and in my opinion he has the political instincts of a newt.
When one realizes that his economic policies are so sound that he was able to make life good for the American workers and small business owners and others of the middle class, despite damned near every person who worked in or around DC fighting him fang and claw. And he even pretty much made it look easy.
And when one looks at his main opponents, the Biden-Harris ticket, he'd have to be a whole lot worse to be only four times better than they are.
Glad you like him. Me, not so much, but he may be the last, best hope for a sane federal government.
how is a conspiracy theory, different from 'great minds think alike'?
is it because great mind size of small mind?
is it wrong for DOJ to be adjacent to State / City DA's
Why do you put out posts like this, Althouse?
what is the point of flouting if not to flaunt?
Trump should start referring to Biden as unconvicted felon.
Christopher B said...
When they say "no evidence" what they mean is no proof. (Good post, and good comments from some who also frequent this space)
"Proof" is properly reserved for mathematics. A mathematical proof is airtight---at least within the metes and bounds of its own definitions.
In ALL other aspects of life, it's evidence---strong or weak, "beyond a reasonable doubt", or a "preponderance of evidence."
Sure, if a murderer confesses at the scene that he did it, (and absent any exculpatory reasons) that's legal "proof", but what if he's lying to "take one for the team"?
Hassayamper said...
Hey Fitzgerald... Why do you object if I say Trump is flawed? We are all flawed."
Thank you for this predictable and nonsensical reply. Why say it if it's true of everyone, instead of singling out Trump, every time. Have you ever written about the flawed Joe Biden or flawed Barack Obama or constantly harp on the imagined flaws of any other political candidate? If we're all flawed, why say it? Do you say, "Donald Trump, who breathes oxygen"? Do you equivocate and say, Well, I know Donald Trump is a white male, but still I'll vote for him"?
This is for you Hassayamper, and for Big Mike at 9:40 PM and for all the other nominally conservative commenters who invariably flavor their commentary with unconscious anti-Trump rhetoric courtesy of the propaganda you have ingested in pop culture: I don't "like Trump", I am not defending Trump, I am correcting your regurgitation of democrat party propaganda. When you write about angry Donald Trump or flawed Donald Trump or you write that "Reagan closed down the mental hospitals" or that "The parties switched sides" or any other number of longstanding democrat party shibboleths, then you are legitimizing that lie, or justifying that propaganda. Conservatives have to be more aware of the rhetoric they are using, and the ideas they are generating in readers and listeners.
Finally, if you're trying to win over braindead voters, do you really think it helps to be slagging your own guy every time you mention him, particularly when you don't ever do it when you refer to his opponent?
How about Fani Willis’s boyfriend / lead counsel submitted billing invoices for work done on the Georgia case for meeting with Biden White House officials in DC. That’s evidence right there, and if those billing records are false, Wade is susceptible to fraud charges.
Sure like ball players lawyers often leave the Big Leagues to join a Division I college team. Happens all the time. Nothing to see here. Sure he also worked on the Letitia whatshername case that the AG brought but that’s just because he’s a Trump expert, you know like the divorce lawyer in Atlanta. Top Men. Every one of them.
Of course you also have to overlook the book written by the lawyer who quit in a huff to pen his “roadmap” for the DA, and the interesting things he says about Colangelo. I’m sure it’s all coincidental. Hey that Taylor gal is quite a looker isn’t she.
Several of you took the time to respond to Michael Fitzgerald in a thoughtfully and polite manner. It was beyond his abilities to understand what was said. I'll be a bit more concise. He's a fucking moron.
And let’s overlook the entire setup for the Top Secret documents case cooked up in White House meetings between Bratt, Garland and the Archivist. The phoniest of the phony baloney cases whipped up in the Swamp and farmed out using Smith’s rigged Grand Juries and “punctured” attorney client privilege. All on the up and up the Deep State transcribers tell us. It’s not coordination it’s simply communication. Move along. Trump’s a convicted felon. Sort of.
Occam's Prosecution.
Anyone who wonders or questions whether the Alvin Bragg prosecutions were political can find all the answers here, straight from the mouth of a prosecutor who quit in disgust at how slow Bragg was moving to "get Trump," from the book People vs. Donald Trump written by Mark Pomerantz:
Some on Bragg's team like Colangelo himself have said this book published in 2023 was their "roadmap." I'm going to save this and post it on every discussion that devolves into whether they were out to "get Trump" or not.
I like Old and Slow’s analysis of the FNG, but the FNG seems like the pretense of a what a Trump supporter is thought to be. Someone who tolerates Trump, but can’t handle anyone else noticing them. He’s like what ChatGPT would write if a person that loathed Trump asked it to write something to defend Trump.
But if FNG is real…. Dude, we all know Trump is on his third marriage. It wasn’t news during his Presidency because it wasn’t news during his candidacy. We all knew it, factored it in, and voted for him anyway. Trump isn’t perfect, and his rhetoric claiming to be is exactly that, rhetoric. Hassayamper’s comment is also religious rhetoric, that all are flawed. But geez, Trump and his real supporters are not so fragile that they squeal like a stuck pig if someone suggests Trump might have a flaw. Hassayamper’s real point is that whatever Trump’s flaw, those making a big deal about them seem to have worse ones. It is hardly different than comments I made during the trial to wit “I’m willing to believe Trump is corrupt, but can’t they find someone less corrupt than they claim Trump is to prosecute him?” That doesn’t mean I believe he is corrupt, only that I’m willing to do so, but those claiming it better provide better evidence than Michael Cohen.
It is sad that this has to be explained to anyone with the pretense they are a Trump supporter, which is why I don’t believe the FNG is.
I think I explained myself pretty fully at 11:22pm. If you read what I wrote, but still reply like Old and Slow, or Leland, then forget it, you're too fucking stupid to reason with.
so many happy coincidences on the left.
Now the corrupt liar soviet left are going after Alito for this:
“On one side or the other — one side or the other is going to win. I don’t know. I mean, there can be a way of working — a way of living together peacefully, but it’s difficult, you know, because there are differences on fundamental things that really can’t be compromised. They really can’t be compromised. So it’s not like you are going to split the difference.”
Guards! Seize him!
When one thinks of crowdsourcing, one tends to see a heroic enterprise in which multiple like minded individuals, each with limited knowledge and resources, are able to successfully pursue a common goal without a formal agreement or explicit coordination among themselves. It's a wisdom of crowds thing.
But crowdsourcing doesn't have to have a noble objective. Like minded knaves and fools can achieve their ends without a formal conspiracy. In fact, this may be the way most of the worst things are done.
A blob, a hive, a cluster, a seemingly uncoordinated grouping, instinctively pursues a loosely articulated set of goals to their foolish and damaging ends. It's an evil of crowds thing.
The entire made up case was based on a pututive violation of Federal election law. The view in plain sight here is that a Biden apparachik left his DC post to prosecute the former president on a violation that no federal official thought worthy to prosecute and no one in the adminstration thought it appropriate to say this is a bad aidea or a threat to democracy. Silence may not be violence, but in this case it is complicit.
I'll be a bit more concise. He's a fucking moron.
moron: noun. a person of subnormal intelligence.
I've seen no indication of Trump having a subnormal intelligence. Judging by what I've seen I'd say just the opposite. Your comment doesn't seem very "concise" to me.
I get it. Trump's constant self promotion turns a lot of people off, and I'd like less of it, but I'm a results oriented person so it doesn't bother me that much. After 45 years in business you learn to appreciate results over personality. Bottom line rules.
I'd prefer the reasons for voting for POTUS be a little more analytical than a high school popularity contest. Try it. You'll like it!
TeaBagHag said...
Evidence, pshaww. MAGAts don’t need evidence.
When the communists stole the 2020 election, we didn’t have evidence but we were damn sure.
Poor hag.
When the Democrat "vote counters" of Fulton Co GA, kicked out all press and poll watchers because "they were done counting votes for the evening", stood around looking out windows to watch the observers leave, and then immediately went back to "counting votes" (I watched the video of this on 60 Minutes), this was conclusive proof of election fraud.
Because that's not something an honest vote counter ever does.
The fact that Democrats rallied round this clearly illegal behavior, and insisted there was nothing to see there, indicated that teh Democrats knew they were stealing the election in multiple places.
Because flipping GA back to Trump wouldn't have changed the election outcome.
But acknowledging teh reality of Democrat election fraud would have made it harder to find / defend / excuse their other fraud (see Detroit).
So yes, we are damn sure. And whatever shred of doubt remained has been destroyed by the corrupt "trials" against Trump.
Because people willing to twist and pervert the rule of law in order to get their enemies are NOT people who would shy away from vote fraud to do the same
Whoa, Greg! That sounds totally brazen and awful.
Well, if it happened like you say, and you’ve got the proof, then it should be a cinch to get the courts to take up the case.
How’d that go for you?
Blogger pacwest said...
"I've seen no indication of Trump having a subnormal intelligence."
You've misunderstood me. The moron I was referring to was Michael Fitzgerald. For all his many flaws, Trump is no moron. That's for sure!
The moron I was referring to was Michael Fitzgerald.
Hmm. I thought he had a valid point. I see no value added by pointing out Trump's "flaws" while arguing he is the best man for the job and I get tired of the equivocation too. As for myself I will be voting for Trump unapologetically and enthusiastically. The right man for the right job at the right time kind of thing.
M. fitzgerald speaks the truth. Its interesting how the Right and Left differ. No matter how bad Liberal/Leftwing Politicans are the liberal/left almost never criticize them, except for not being Left enough. Or if they do criticize them, they couple it with an attack on the Rightwing/conservative Politican.
The Conservatives and RW's meanwhile, cant pass up an opportunity to show everyone how "Reasonable" they are. So we get this endless, "I don't agree with Republican X on everything, but.." Or "I agree with the Demcorats/Liberal Left that Republican X is Flawed, but..."
Always "Reaching accross the aisle" with no return favor. Always trying to show the liberal/left you're Not one of "THOSE rightwingers" - you believe in all that's Holy and are reasonable.
And this never works, since the liberal/left just regards you as a nasty trump supporter. Or crazy rightwinger.
As for Trump, I'm just tired of the virtue signaling. Biden supporters just support him. Period. Trump supporters need to do the same.
Quit with the qualifications.
"I will be voting for Trump unapologetically and enthusiastically. The right man for the right job at the right time kind of thing."
I agree 100%
It’s a Clintonism…’There is no evidence’.
This corrupt media---always with the straw man! The point is that it's hard to explain why an attorney, a federal employee, who is highly-placed in the DOJ with a very nice salary plus great benefits including pension, would leave that position to become a municipal employee.
In our family we have a situation where a municipal prosecutor dreamed of becoming a federal prosecutor and then finally achieved that hallowed position. Pretty much every other attorney in the municipal prosecutor's office also dreamed of being hired by the Feds but it's super-competitive.
TeaBagHag said...
Whoa, Greg! That sounds totally brazen and awful.
Well, if it happened like you say, and you’ve got the proof, then it should be a cinch to get the courts to take up the case.
How’d that go for you?
The courts refused to take the cases.
Are you trying to pretend that it did not happen? That when 60 Minutes showed the video of it happening, then did their best to make up stories to justify it, that didn't happen?
How old are you, 12?
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