Writes David Corn, in "Here’s How Biden Could Rattle Trump in Their First Debate" (Mother Jones).
The first thing Biden said as he walked out onto the stage was: "How you doing, man?" Obviously that was planned. Trump returned a more polite: "How are you doing?"
18 minutes in he said: "Will you shut up, man?" The context was that the moderator (Chris Wallace) had asked Biden whether he supported packing the Supreme Court. Biden had refused to answer this question before, as Wallace noted, and he didn't want to answer it now:
Whatever position I take on that, that’ll become the issue. The issue is the American people should speak. You should go out and vote. You’re voting now. Vote and let your Senators know strongly how you feel.
Why shouldn't Court packing be an issue that the American people would take into account as they vote?! He should make clear what Democratic control of the White House and both houses of Congress would mean so that if people do vote for the Democrats, they are saying they want Court packing. And it's not just about the Senators. It takes a statute to increase the number of seats on the Court. This answer is blatantly deceptive. Or is it clear that Biden does support Court packing and just doesn't want to take responsibility for it? Biden could be againstit but know that some Democrats would hold that against him.
It's understandable that Trump interrupts here: "Are you going to pack the Court?" Biden's answer is: "Vote now."
The second interruption is even more justified, since Biden was outrageously evasive. Trump says: "Are you going to pack the court?"
Biden's answer is: "Make sure you, in fact, let people know, your Senators."
Trump quite appropriately announces: "He doesn’t want to answer the question."
Biden comes right out and says: "I’m not going to answer the question."
Trump interprets the failure to answer: "Why wouldn’t you answer that question? You want to put a lot of new Supreme Court Justices. Radical left."
And that's where Biden says it: "Will you shut up, man?"
I thought Trump interrupted too much, but reading that in the transcript, I like all that interruption. Trump kept it up: "Listen, who is on your list, Joe? Who’s on your list?" And Chris Wallace tried to end the segment. Biden exclaimed: "This is so un-Presidential."
And Trump got his substantive interpretation in neatly: "He’s going to pack the court. He is not going to give a list."
Wallace announced: "We have ended the segment." And Biden snuck in sarcasm and another insulting use of "man": "That was really a productive segment, wasn’t it? Keep yapping, man." First of all, that was yapping. And that was un-Presidential. And if the segment wasn't productive, it was because Biden would not answer the question!
So Biden addressed Trump as "man." He also spoke about him as "this man." Example: "This man is a savior of African-Americans? This man cares at all? This man’s done virtually nothing."
When someone is right next to you and you speak of him in the third person, it feels insulting, and it's quite intentionally insulting when the distancing phrase "this man" is used over and over.
Notice that Biden was rude and evasive. Trump interrupted, but not with insults, and not in an attempt to bait and rattle Biden. Trump was trying to get him to answer the question the interviewer had asked and drawing our attention to Biden's evasiveness. Meanwhile, it was Biden who was insulting.
With the microphones shutting off in this new debate, neither man will be able to interrupt — at least not so that we can hear. They can hear each other. And I'm concerned that the cameras will show Biden but not Trump when he interrupts, and lip-readers will give us this year's version of "Keep yapping, man." But if both men wait their turn, Biden won't get to toss out that kind of thing, and Trump will simply have to wait for his next turn to put what would have been interruptions into a strong substantive assertion, e.g. He doesn’t want to answer the question. He won't answer the question because he wants a lot of new Supreme Court Justices — radical left Supreme Court Justices. He’s going to pack the Court and he won't give us a list. I gave you a list, but he won't give you a list because he knows what his judges are. They are radical left Supreme Court Justices.
Of course, Biden did not pack the Court, but he left us all room to think he might do what we wanted, whether that was to pack the Court or not to pack the Court. And how left-leaning would he go? No information at all.
७५ टिप्पण्या:
David Corn is a clown. A leftist democratic, clown.
let the people keep voting.
Keep voting -
Pack the voting....
Pack the vote.
... Ending voter ID and opening up voting for a month or more, and counting in secret for weeks on end = DEMOCRATIC!
I think Trump is going to surprise the Biden sycophants on Thursday. I just don't think he's going to be as easily ticked.
Biden, on the other hand, has so many soft spots...
Biden needs drugs, endless prepping, and an ear-piece.
Trump vs. the rest of the world. And yet he will win (he says without evidence).
"Put him to choler straight: he hath been used
Ever to conquer, and to have his worth
Of contradiction: being once chafed, he cannot
Be rein'd again to temperance; then he speaks
What's in his heart; and that is there which looks
With us to break his neck." - Coriolanus, Shakespeare
Written 400 years ago, about a society that existed 2.000 years ago, and yet it's fresh today, with the deep state, "the tribunes," scheming to overturn an election with a show trial based on false accusations and astroturfed mobs. There are a lot of parallels. More than Julius Caesar, and as a sop to the Dossier believers, Coriolanus goes over to the enemy to take revenge against the actions of the Roman Senate in robbing him of his power unjustly.
You can rent the movie on Prime for $2.98.
Trump has to be ultra-disciplined in his speech and behavior. That's something he's not good at, though he has gotten much better at it. I think he can probably do it.
He needs to not whine about 2020. He needs to forget that Hunter Biden exists. He needs to forget that Jack Smith, Alvin Bragg, and Fani Willis exist. He needs to only talk about Biden's horrible record and what he, Trump, will do about fixing things. Period. That will impress the voters.
But all he needs to, otherwise, do is make one or two boorish comments or acts and that is all you will see on the news for the next four months. And that will lose him votes. It's worrisome, IMO.
Ice Nine = bingo
Trump is already slipping in the polls. He has shown no capacity to be calm and reasonable, and that's what he needs to show to attract the undecided and wavering voters. He has to lie about his record and plans. He has to be inviting.
Biden needs to sell his record, point to his plans for a second term, point out Trump's madness and danger, and appear calm and Presidential.
I believe Biden has the less difficult task. He must be the person he is. Trump must be who he is not.
Even if Trump shows up with his A-game - the hack-D moderators are going to take sides - and say things to Trump like, "You don't have any evidence" and other variations of democratic talking points.
Once again, everyone everywhere feels as if it’s their duty to give Biden campaign advice.
While at the same time telling us how awful Trump is.
But don’t worry, we can most certainly trust them to deliver fair election results coverage.
"With the microphones shutting off in this new debate, neither man will be able to interrupt — at least not so that we can hear. They can hear each other."
Ahh, I think this detail could prove important. Trump can interrupt and heckle Biden all he wants but the TV audience won't hear it. Biden will be triggered by these interruptions, he'll forget that Trump is muted, he'll respond in some angry/delusional old man way, with the result that Trump comes out looking like the sane, "presidential" one. Trump is smart enough and stage-crafty enough to avoid falling into to same trap.
Ice Nine said...
Trump has to be ultra-disciplined in his speech and behavior. That's something he's not good at, though he has gotten much better at it. I think he can probably do it.
He needs to not whine about 2020.
6/23/24, 8:44 AM
I realize the chuckservatives really don't want to be reminded of Biden's ludicrous 81 gorillion votes, but President Trump will be fine. Ideally, feeding the madness and making the JoePedo think he's the most popular leader ever will wake people up.
But it's not going to matter. If Donald Trump defends himself he's a boor, and if he lets the moderators beat on him all night he's a typical GOP poof. He's been the leader of the Republican Party since 2016 and doesn't need advice from anyone. Making Biden show up for a debate is a victory in itself: the drugs they use take a serious toll, and by now his health is certainly worse than RBG's. Which means Donald Trump is very likely to return to the White House.
Is senility presidential? Is pooping your pants presidential? C’mon man…
Aren’t we past Trump's enemies offering advice to Trump? If you aren’t you need to do better…
This is likely the only debate, for sure if Biden loses it. So Trump needs to make his closing case, the changes he will initiate on day one, the legislative agenda priorities. Let Joe yell and babble, as American sees for itself the emptiness of his presidency.
The only reason the court didn't get packed with at least 5 new Democrat justices between January 2021 and January 2023 was that Joe Manchin couldn't be moved to get rid of the filibuster. If Manchin (and Sinema) had been willing the court would have 14 justices as I write this.
It is clear Biden’s handlers are concerned about the mood of the electorate. The political strategists call for a catalyst to close the support gap. Do something. Biden’s handlers are doing something…
It was Trump that got under his opponent's skin that night- it was Chris Wallace that saved Biden that night.
As for the mics being shut off: I point out that there isn't a live audience so Trump will be free to interrupt Biden all night long and the television audience will likely be unaware of it for the most part but Biden will hear it.
I could offer Trump advice on what to do but I am notoriously bad at judging what actually works in these faux debates that we hold for our candidates every 4 years- for example, I thought Clinton won all the debates in 2016 but audience reactions following the debates told me otherwise. I do wish Trump were more intellectually disciplined in his approach but Trump is who he is and he has his own idea about what will be most effective and who am I to argue with him?
Husk-Puppet needs an AI hand up his flabby rear end.
Biden may have a "surprise" acute attack of something that will cause him to drop out of the debate, perhaps the race. Otherwise, the CNN hacks will have to save him.
If its possible Trump needs to be calm as he dissects Biden on Immigration, fentanyl and crime, the economy, $7 billion for 7 charging stations and foreign policy.
If he's bombastic, Biden looks like a frail, old victim.
I should have read the rest of Althouse's post before commenting. My bad.
Ice Nine said...
He needs to not whine about 2020. He needs to forget that Hunter Biden exists. He needs to forget that Jack Smith, Alvin Bragg, and Fani Willis exist. He needs to only talk about Biden's horrible record and what he, Trump, will do about fixing things. Period. That will impress the voters.
Nevertrump losers entire world view is centered around 2020 being a legitimate election and Joe Biden actually having 81 million voters.
It is pathetic and stupid.
Trump is a better candidate than all of your GOPe losers. Deal with it.
Ron Desantis was a worse candidate than Jeb. He sucked. He was pathetic, wooden, and lame. He got more money than Jeb from the same people and he got fewer delegates than Jeb in the primary. He sign bills the Florida legislature gave him just like Jeb. Ron Desantis locked down Florida during COVID.
Ron Desantis will never be a national leader. He is a Harvard graduate and has no life experience worth a shit. He was raised to run for office by the Regime.
Donald Trump got 75+ million votes in 2020.
There is no other Republican that would have broken 65 million.
They would not even need to cheat to beat Ron Desantis.
If the most recent SOTU is any indicator, the cocktailed Joe is quite an angry man. If that is who shows up for the debate, he’s done.
MJDR (Mother Jones-didn't read). I guess I'm going to try to dig out the 2020 debate video, if I can find the time. Everybody back then was having a high time, myself included, pointing out the 15-person Biden rallies (5 of them cameramen), with the COVID death circles painted on the floor, and the giant screen teleprompters with 10" high letters on them, and all the basement time in-between. And then Joe magically won - the senile candidate with the minimalist campaign.
But I think it might be useful to compare the 2020 juiced-up Joe with today's version, so maybe it's worth the effort.
Does anyone truly believe that Trump is going into this election with any misconceptions? Is there a single person in the world that has such an enhanced view, with constant reminders, of what 'Reality' actually looks like, in his particular case?
His life is one of constant, unrelenting, unwarranted, and in many cases, unjustified feedback. And I think a lot of people are hoping that Trump's actual onstage performance conforms with that of the voodoo-doll strawman they've been lovingly constructing in their heads, rent-free. Won't they be disappointed.
"There's always this idea of getting under the other guy's skin. Is Trump really someone you can "bait" and "rattle"?"
When you don't have a record of accomplishments to run on and most everybody sane hates your policies, you have to do *something*.
A strange election where voters on both sides must be thinking that it would have been slam dunk victory if only they had another candidate on their side. A lost opportunity to have these 2 candidates as the best we could offer.
The media has always claimed Trump is thin skinned, without providing evidence.
“A strange election where voters on both sides must be thinking that it would have been slam dunk victory if only they had another candidate on their side.”
You might be disabused of this notion if you watch any Trump rally. It’s only R-elites that wish Trump were not the R nominee.
Remember that the conventional wisdom had it that Joe wouldn't make it to the 2020 convention.
How many times has mother jones been sued for defamation now??
I think it would be an interesting exercise in showing how biased the moderators are when Biden shows up as energetic and forceful, if Trump was to challenge Jake and Dana to ask both Biden and himself what medications OTC or Rx or any energy booster was taken 48 hours prior to the debate. I suspect the moderators would pooh-pooh the appropriateness of such a question, but Trump should answer it anyway and make a big point of the change in Joe's delivery. etc.
I bet Trump would take the bait.
It’s a bet Corn would lose.
In 2020, Trump got more actual votes (not "marked ballots") than anyone ever and his rallies appear to be well attended wherever he goes, yet to this day you hear people saying that Trump is widely disliked and any other candidate would do better than him.
It's almost like there's a whole group of people who are closing their eyes, sticking their fingers in their ears and saying "Lalalalalalala I'm not listening!" because they're not getting their way.
David Corn? Is he the progeny of Corn Pop or just another big city journo cornholers? Inquiring minds want to know.
David Corn? Is he the progeny of Corn Pop or just another big city journo cornholers
One of the worst features of social media is the celebrity status it allows one to grant themselves…
Forget it Jake--it's just some fool bloviating in Mother Jones. That's what they do.
But David Corn is looking for that unicorn--a drugged up Joe Biden who can think quickly on his feet and conquer the Bad Orange Man. Unicorns being in short supply these days, that's not likely to happen. But we shall see. Own goals happen in a lot of games--and if I had to predict which of these two old gents is going to score an own goal in the debate, my money is on Joe.
stlcdr said...
Trump vs. the rest of the world. And yet he will win (he says without evidence)
News everywhere about Trump preparing for this month's debate is truly silly. The Convicted Felon has never prepared nor has he practiced a presidential debate.
CNN indicates that he doesn't deal with details at all as reported on 9/9/2020:
The first presidential debate between Trump and Joe Biden is exactly 20 days from today. And according to a new report from NBC, the President has done a total of zero formal preparation for it!
President Donald Trump has not held a single mock debate session, and has no plans to stage a formal practice round, as he readies for his first face-off with Joe Biden in less than three weeks, according to multiple people familiar with the discussions,” reads the NBC report.
Which, well, is not surprising.
In fact, Trump appears to be taking the same winging-it approach to his trio of debates with Biden that he took four years ago with Hillary Clinton. As The New York Times wrote back then of Trump’s debate prep:
“Mr. Trump is largely shunning traditional debate preparations … Mr. Trump, in turn, is approaching the debate like a Big Man on Campus who thinks his last-minute term paper will be dazzling simply because he wrote it.”
Trump should ask Joe when was the last time he showered with his daughter.
Then ask him what 17 minus 9 is, or what day of the week it is.
'A lost opportunity to have these 2 candidates as the best we could offer.'
Except the Rs fought it out.
The Ds rigged the primaries like they always do to get the result the deep state wants.
Ask Bernie and RFKJ how that worked out.
"Belittling him could yield the best payback."
This is extremely childish advice. It's also bad advice. If Biden does this he might come off like an angry toddler and it will remind people that people with dementia often act like toddlers.
David Corn? Mother Jones? You're taking the demise of WaPo hard, aren't you, Althouse. Don't worry, they'll keep the website up, and someone will still be posting things there. It's a brand.
Frank had chunks of guys bigger than Corn in his stool.
“Jew your worship of him as ignorant, bizarre and pathetic.”
Anti-Semitic and clownish.
@AMDG: Achilles, you have to come to the realization that most Americans (even a good chunk of people who will vote for Trump). Jew your worship of him as ignorant, bizarre and pathetic.
Surely a Freudian slip, but what a doozy!
@Rich:Trump is already slipping in the polls.
Pfft. Statistical noise in a handful of polls. The trend is way up, and the betting markets and multi-poll averages look better all the time. He just took a double digit lead in the Rasmussen poll for the first time ever, along with the highest odds he's ever had from the bookies.
"With the microphones shutting off in this new debate, neither man will be able to interrupt — at least not so that we can hear."
Unless they're a long way apart or the Cone of Silence is lowered we should be able to hear the louder interruptions.
Also, will the mics be muted or will the feed from the mic be blocked from the broadcast? History is being made. We should have a record.
Blogger Iman said...
“Jew your worship of him as ignorant, bizarre and pathetic.”
Anti-Semitic and clownish.
6/23/24, 12:14 PM
Or a fat finger. Replace “Jew” with “view”.
Blogger Achilles said...
Insert usual tRump Swab twaddle about the greatness of his Lord & Savior, Donald “Wormwood” Trump and the incompetence of Ron DeSantis here.
6/23/24, 9:20 AM
Ice Nine had it correct.
tRump Swabs refuse to accept the fact that Trump is, at best, the second most hated politician in the country. His approval rating is under 40%. The only way that he can win independent voters (who despise the fat tub of goo) is for them to be convinced that Biden is a worse choice. Trump being Trump will only remind them of why they hate him.
Achilles, you have to come to the realization that most Americans (even a good chunk of people who will vote for Trump) view your worship of him as ignorant, bizarre and pathetic.
The loser of the election is the one that the election is going to be about.
"Or a fat finger. Replace “Jew” with “view”."
J and I are close together on QWERTY keyboards. V? That's a reach.
I'm hoping Trump destroys them all by coming out and being disciplined on policy. Attacking Biden might not work if Biden is frail. But ignoring the middle-school questions from the moderators and stating policy and observation on what everyone is living can help Trump. And he can preface his rebuttals with "We are all dumber from hearing "that man's" answer."
And the "right side" placement will have less value since they'll have to not show the whole stage lest Trump mime a response to Biden. And Biden will likely need the off camera time when Trump is speaking to sort himself out to go on.
"Then ask him what 17 minus 9 is…"
Oh, please, please, please do this.
Achilles remained by the black ships, raging.
Why the hatred for Ron DeSantis, weeks after he dropped out of the race? It's odd to bring him into a discussion of the presidential debates, which he is not participating in.
I've noted a certain monomania here. The Primary is over; Trump won.
"I thought Trump interrupted too much, but reading that in the transcript, I like all that interruption"
This is so Althouse
Blogger Known Unknown said...
"Or a fat finger. Replace “Jew” with “view”."
J and I are close together on QWERTY keyboards. V? That's a reach.
6/23/24, 12:59 PM
But V is right a live the space bar. Try this on an iPhone. Type a sentence that has the word “view”. Instead of typing the v hit the space bar, then type j instead of i.
People who are searching to offended are among the worst people.
Sometime you pull up the hook, and hey, where did the bait go?
Blogger pious agnostic said...
Achilles remained by the black ships, raging.
Why the hatred for Ron DeSantis, weeks after he dropped out of the race? It's odd to bring him into a discussion of the presidential debates, which he is not participating in.
I've noted a certain monomania here. The Primary is over; Trump won.
6/23/24, 2:10 PM
It is a quirk common to tRump Swabs. They are unable to defend an idiotic comment by Trump (replacing the income tax with tariffs, for example) so to compensate they lash out at DeSantis. If they actually came to recognize that Trump is a buffoon and that their love and devotion to him has been wasted their heads might explode. The reason cons work is that the marks’ ego’s will never let them admit they have been taken.
Of course, Biden did not pack the Court
When the Dems had the House, there was a 50-50 tie in the Senate. Joe Minchin wasn't willing to let the Dems pack the Court, so it didn't happen.
Now that teh Senate is 51-49 Dem, the House is nominally under GOP control. So again the Dems can't pack the Court.
So the Dems haven't backed the Court, but only because they weren't able to steal enough power to do so
Mutaman said...
"I thought Trump interrupted too much, but reading that in the transcript, I like all that interruption"
This is so Althouse
And no claim as to which of the interruptions were illegitimate.
That is so Leftists lying sack of sh!t, which is to say "so Mutaman"
Greg the Class Traitor said...
"And no claim as to which of the interruptions were illegitimate.
That is so Leftists lying sack of sh!t, which is to say "so Mutaman"
They were all "illegitimate" (sic). You don't interrupt your adversary when you're arguing in court, you don't interrupt your opponent when you're having a presidential debate. You summon up your self control, you wait until your opponent is finished, and then you make your rebuttal.
DeSantis Online Wanna Be Influencer and Globalist Suckup AMDG remains very, very upset that the DeSantis jig was exposed long before the GOPe/dem/lawfare crew ploy to remove Trump could come to fruition and then DeSantis collapsed on the campaign trail despite spending $250M to win precisely zero delegates.
This was AFTER DeSantis had parked his arse in Iowa for months on end and hit EVERY SINGLE COUNTY...and the more people saw of DeSantis, the less they wanted.
DeSantis plummeted behind Haley! Another AMDG fav no doubt. Anything to keep the Romney/Ryan/McConnell wing in charge!
Looks like the Iowa farmers appreciated Trump's economic policies...but then again we know AMDG despises them as well. At this rate, AMDG despises 85% of the republican base voters, so he's catching up to LLR-democratical Chuck!
Come on Drago - defend the replacement of the income tax with tariffs - arguably the most retarded proposal by a major Presidential nominee in the history of the nation.
Instead of lashing out at “GOPe” defend your Lord & Savior, Donald “Wormwood” Trump.
A strange election where voters on both sides must be thinking that it would have been slam dunk victory if only they had another candidate on their side. A lost opportunity to have these 2 candidates as the best we could offer.
If you hadn't stolen it in 2020, you wouldn't be in this situation.
You have only yourself to blame.
DeSantis Online Wanna Be Influencer and Globalist Suckup AMDG: "Come on Drago - defend the replacement of the income tax with tariffs - arguably the most retarded proposal by a major Presidential nominee in the history of the nation."
Do you even know the history of US tariffs vs income tax in funding government? Impacts on economic development/growth? Size of government?
I am guessing you dont have a clue....all you have are MSNBC talking points.
Which makes perfect sense really.
AMDG: "Instead of lashing out at “GOPe” defend your Lord & Savior, Donald “Wormwood” Trump."
Its amazing you actually believe comments like that will work. Astonishing really.
And dont think its some big secret you democrat-aligned GOPe-ers aren't cooking up some convention scenarios with your lawfare amigos to remove Trump before Nov as well as preparing to cover for the dems shenanigans in Nov if it comes to that.
So no, I very much will continue to criticize your democrat-aligned GOPe heroes...even Kinzinger and Cheney and no, I wont care if that gives you the "sadz"!
Get used to it...or dont.
I know tarries were a big part of government funding in the 19th century when the Federal government was significantly smaller.
I know that the Smoot-Hawley tariffs played a key role in turning a recession into depression.
I know that total annual imports run between $3.5T and $4.0T.
I know that the income tax raises around $2.5T annually.
I know tariffs on all goods, including raw materials for US manufacturing and other goods that the US does not produce, would have to be around 75%.
I know that 75% tarrifs would destroy the US economy.
I know that the candidates who advocate for 75% tariffs (which you are if you support Trumps imbecilic plan), is too stupid to hold office.
Mutaman said...
"I thought Trump interrupted too much, but reading that in the transcript, I like all that interruption"
This is so Althouse"
They're called "Facts", mutaman. You should use some sometime.
Rich still saying Trump is going to be a noshow? Wanna put money on it.
AMDG said...
Come on Drago - defend the replacement of the income tax with tariffs - arguably the most retarded proposal by a major Presidential nominee in the history of the nation.
I know that the Smoot-Hawley tariffs played a key role in turning a recession into depression.
Really? How do you know that?
Given that pretty much everything FDR worked to make the recession worse (wage and price controls, the NRA, etc.)
I know that total annual imports run between $3.5T and $4.0T.
I know that the income tax raises around $2.5T annually.
So, we eliminate income tax, giving Americans back $2.5T
And then we impose a 75% tariff on imported goods.
Your 1st order approximation is that nothing changes. Prices go up, but so does income, and it's all a wash.
Except, of course, that companies that make their goods in America, using raw materials mostly from America, don't see their costs going up.
So they raise their prices less, getting more sales. Making more jobs in America.
Of course, this means that the tariff doesn't raise as much money as Trump hoped. But US businesses are making more money, making more profits, that lead it more taxes there.
Now, this does create a problem for the US, because US having tariffs that high would cause other countries to retaliate, hurting US exports.
But yes, please do tell us exactly how this will destroy everything in the US.
Rusty said...
"They're called "Facts", mutaman. You should use some sometime."
Don't think its a "fact", Sparky, I think its what's called an "opinion".
Mutaman is feeling a bit butt hurt today along with all the other lefties because even Snopes, after a mere 7 years of delay, could no longer keep up one of Mutaman's favorite hoaxes, the lie re: "fine people" hoax, while Mutaman is STILL pushing all the other hoaxes!
At least several times a week Mutaman vomits up the "drink bleach" hoax as if he were chatting up a group of middle schoolers instead of the Althouse commentariat.
Lets have some fun: Mutaman, did Trump tell everyone to drink bleach?
The "good news" for Mutaman? He can probably get AMDG to go along with every single one of the dozens and dozens of New Soviet Democratical hoaxes.
Drago said...
"Mutaman is feeling a bit butt hurt today along with all the other lefties because even Snopes, after a mere 7 years of delay, could no longer keep up one of Mutaman's favorite hoaxes, the lie re: "fine people" hoax, while Mutaman is STILL pushing all the other hoaxes!"
Free advice, buddy: You really need to stop obsessing about butts and relax. Maybe have a gummy and lie down or, better yet, go get a massage.
Mutaman: "Free advice, buddy: You really need to stop obsessing about butts and relax. Maybe have a gummy and lie down or, better yet, go get a massage."
Does that sort of adolescent deflection usually work for you when get embarrassed over and over again?
I am guessing no.
Now, back to the question at hand: Do you still believe Trump told people to drink bleach?
Dont get shy on us now tiger!
The argument against tariffs in classic economics is irrelevant because it does not address the particular example of what to do when a state-run economy subsidizes loss-making enterprises and dumps their products on overseas markets at a loss, driving out competition and building economies of scale that become insurmountable competitive barriers.
And industry by industry, from steel and aluminum, semiconductors, solar panels, lithium batteries, and EVs, and others, that is what China has done and is doing.
This hollows out the industrial base of China's trade partners and has led to an increase in inequality, lost jobs, lower wages, lost tax revenue, lost growth, accelerating climate change (China uses mostly coal to fuel its manufacturing base), and higher budget and trade deficits.
It also creates supply chain dependencies that are problematic and security risks given that the Cold War 2.0 era has begun.
The politics in China make changing this policy of overproduction- whether manufacturing or real estate- nearly impossible. Especially for foreign officials who have been complaining about China's violations of trade rules for decades now and has ultimately killed the WTO.
What will change China's policy of overproduction in manufacturing is prohibitive tariffs that prevent dumping and increase the losses China's government must bear exponentially.
It's not just the US that has begun to impose them. Several countries in Latin America have also begun to slap 40% tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from China.
But at the end of the day, the tariffs the US has imposed on Chinese state-subsidized, dumped products represents a small percentage of Chinese imports, and is helping to protect and grow substantial investments in the same industries in the US and growing them- reversing the effects of dumping while also showing China that dumping overproduction in foreign markets is a recipe for failure in the end.
mutaman @ 7:46
Yes. Based on facts.
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