At some point, you've got to be able to articulate what you think is true. Otherwise, you're trying to beat something with nothing. But you can always walk away.
ADDED: If the students of today don't know how to think about and articulate what they feel is wrong, the teachers and the parents bear responsibility. Young people feel that something is terribly wrong — to the point where they feel called to act out — and they're not accepting the pushback that says you are anti-Semitic if you don't support whatever Israel decides to do.
The anti-Israel protesters are finding themselves on the receiving end of the cancel culture methodology they know how to wield. They know how to call you "racist" if you oppose affirmative action or say "All lives matter." They know how to call you "transphobic" is you're horrified by puberty blockers and "sexist" if you question abortion on demand. They've seen how that has worked to control speech and to control minds, and good for them if they decline to take what they've dished out.
Yes, the hypocrisy is glaring and the chaos is painful. And I'm not expressing optimism. I'm just saying I can see an opportunity to move to a higher ground.
AND: Here's the interview.
१३६ टिप्पण्या:
They have no answers only screams and victimhood. You cannot debate a Commie-Pinko.
The best part of this protest is they want food delivered. You know, because they have a Columbia dining room meal ticket.
The vast majority of these 'activists' have no idea what they are protesting for or against. They are utterly ignorant and most willing to take up whatever the daily chant might be, even if it means exterminating an entire race of people. They are led by a massively bankrolled operation of the Professional Left.
This is how history gets made.
I saw the picture on the front page of the State Journal this morning and could only wonder: "Was there a sale on green tents somewhere that I missed?"
Tent City had a whole slew of pristine green tents.
Keep chasing those dinosaurs
Facts, even inconvenient ones, are not a "narrative."
This is what these useful idiots have been briefed to do by the Direct Action leadership. It's training. They are told to only speak about certain things, and when the conversation starts heading in the wrong direction, onto indefensible ground, then the conversation is immediately terminated. They control the discourse - that is the objective. You notice how the Direct Action leadership never engages with the media?
The Universities have been playing a game of sympathetic collaboration all along, a chosen position of subservient weakness. It is designed to look like losing. Doesn't it feel good, to see our institutions losing? It's the same game those sympathetic mayors in blue cities played a few years ago, kneeling with the protestors with their masks on, while their city burned, meanwhile excellent logistics networks delivered bricks on nice, crisply packaged pallets.
Has anyone noticed that the campus protests all seem to be moving at the same pace toward ugly confrontation, harassing students and taking over buildings? Coordination, anyone? But it's all coincidental, apparently. Organic. Not astro-turfed at all.
Glad to see Columbia finally letting the police do their job.
At the moment, and probably permanently, they're competing on who's the most oppressed race, which is a battle that can't be won. Whatever happened on Oct 7, the Jews deserved it, is the Palestinian side.
The Jews are not going to give up their Holocaust card, so it's a stalemate.
The right argument is that Israel has been repeatedly engaging in mutually beneficial economic trade with Gaza - the source of all wealth is trade - and Hamas has repeatedly shot it down or blown it up. One side is moral and the other isn't. Argue that.
what is TRUE, is WHAT EVER *i* WANT to be True.
If *i* want to pretend that 30,000,000 innocent children were MURDERED by Israel; then: it is TRUE
If *i* want to pretend that NO Jews were EVER killed by the Nazi's; then: it is TRUE
Just ask your commenters, they'll explain it
The "interviewer" is Lawrence Jones, who (when I used to watch news) was/is one of the best at doing these campus interviews. He is subtle and outstanding. Notice how Jones asks about things the girl should know about first hand and establishes that she is willing to lie (or if I was generous "play dumb") for the "cause." Then he moves in with the October 7 question, on which everyone has an opinion, and she confirms herself a coward who cannot stand behind the chants of "from the river to the sea."
The walking away reveals to me that her answers to the first two questions were themselves a "false narrative," so they are willing to destroy property and are willing to take captives, and are willing to deny it, to lie with a straight face.
Is there really so many evil-hearted students on campus now? That's sad. But it is the logical end of Marxist indoctrination teaching her that truth is relative, that no facts exist independent of The Narrative, which is to say, "The Revolution."
"It's a false narrative" is a mantra, a magical incantation that wards away the evil spirits of unpleasant truths. It didn't matter that she couldn't explain what the correct narrative was. That's not important. It was enough that this one was declared false.
At some point, you've got to be able to articulate what you think is true.
What they think is true is that they are nobility, and not bound by the laws, morals, rules, or ethics the rest of peasants are bound by.
Throw every one of them in jail, expel every one of them enrolled in any University, and blackball them from employment.
IOW, it's time for "consequences culture" to happen to the Left
Ann said...
At some point, you've got to be able to articulate what you think is true. Otherwise, you're trying to beat something with nothing. But you can always walk away.
The problem here is the Democrats/Leftists are trying to claim some form of moral justification for their violence. BLM claimed racism. Antifa claimed anti-fascism. The PLO believes hating Jews is enough.
For the left Civil Disobedience means being morally justified in attacking people who disagree with you and stealing and burning their stuff.
They justify Censorship because the other side is spreading "disinformation" now. The disinformation may be true but it runs counter to their narrative.
But there is no moral justification for any of this. The police balling up the little turds and hauling them off are using violence too. There are only 2 considerations here:
1: Why is this happening?
2: What comes after?
For 1 this is happening because the Democrats and their brown shirt minions cannot get what they want through the normal political channels we have set up. This goes for most of their agenda. Open borders, mass printing of cash, hyper inflation, wars all over the globe, censorship, political violence, and putting dementia addled puppets in power all poll around the same level as Cholera. They have to resort to violence.
For 2 the choice is clear:
Democrats win: We end up with a Government Corporate Alliance police state that manages "disinformation," imports workers from all over the world, throws it's political opponents in jail, and starts multiple wars per year all while hyper inflating the dollar.
Trump and MAGA win: We see a return to the pre-COVID Trump administration where the US didn't start any wars, the border was functioning, working class wages went up for the first time in decades and capital was relocating from abroad and a massive reduction of the Federal workforce.
There will be violence. Democrats are going to use their federal police powers and their positions in the courts. The people of the country are going to have to fight back. It just is what it is. Both sides have different goals and the wankers in the middle are going to have to choose or sit on the curb.
The only things that matter in this discussion are Why and What comes next. The Democrats cannot honestly answer either of those questions so they respond with stupidity like "That is a false narrative."
The only thing they will listen to is force.
So be it.
See what I'm dealing with here?
She doesn't really understand what she's doing or why. She has no distance or objectivity. She's caught up in a network swarm and operating emotionally, not rationally. Basically, her phone is telling her what to do. It's like she's been hypnotized.
And one of her commenters linked it to "fake news" disparagingly but I believe "false narrative" predates it by decades.
This account shows two things:
1. Student is not very smart and certainly not a critical thinker; and
2. The culture and professors are filling her young head full of mush.
Received truths and fixed phrases always leads to dogma and rigid traditions. The left is the new right. Never trust anyone under 30.
"Hail, Mary, full of grace, the lord is with thee..."
That student is going to run NPR, someday.
The student probably has no idea what "false narrative" means. It is just a "smart person" way of refusing to answer the question. Unfortunately for her, she lost commitment to the bit at the end and just came across as an angry idiot.
This is what happens when (a) a university's first priority is indoctrination as opposed to education and (b) the university is so dedicated to DEI that it admits students for reasons other than merit. Honestly, Columbia University has lost its purpose and I am having trouble coming up with a reason why it should remain a going concern. Why would you hire anyone from this school? Unless being a giant hedge fund is a purpose for a purported institution of higher learning.
Are false narratives and fake news the same?
UW at Madison is being featured on FOX News right now.
Wisconsin students, per the police, were overheard chanting "Heil Hitler" at Jewish students.
Who guessed that Nazis would be the heroes of the Left?
I agree but what do you expect when it’s the same way the people in power behave.
At some point, you've got to be able to articulate what you think is true. Otherwise, you're trying to beat something with nothing.
True, in general. But people don't seem to understand what the "social justice" movement meant: It meant "We're not debating. We're not articulating. We're imposing."
And most college professors and administrators were fine with that, until the targets were fellow progressives.
The reality is that every single pro-"Palestinian" story line is an actual false narrative.
The Arabs of Israel were offered 1/2 the land, with the Jews getting the other 1/2. This was infinitely more than the Arabs had before, since before they had nothing.
They decided to engage in a genocidal war to steal all teh land.
The proper response to that would have been "you get nothing, and we will bomb any refugee camp you set up, anywhere in the world."
But the Jews are far nicer than they should be.
She needs her ass kicked. Hard. Her and all her fellow conspirators. If a few should die along the way it’ll be a bonus.
Smugness will only carry you so far..then it gets tough.
I assume Oates is a zionist and is trying to show how takeover and protest were just so horrible and awful. And this is supposed to show students as Know nothings.
Its really tiresome how leftists and Zionists (particularly in the MSM) switch the frame of protest stories depending on how they much they like the protesters.
MSM Likes protesters: Center on any possible police brutality, talk about how justified their greviances are and how the protester's are great people. Use the protest to talk about their cause and issues. Minimize any violence or harm to police or others: "Mostly peaceful" "Violence broke out".
MSM dislikes Protesters: Center on damage caused by protesters and and all the laws they broke. Highlight any police injuries or death. Maximize any violence or harm done and blame protesters. Include calls for "Law and Order". Refuse to engage with the issue being protested. Call the protesters "extremists" or some other "-ist" label used by their enemies. Complete silence on police brutality.
"At some point, you've got to be able to articulate what you think is true."
This is an important observation. What did happen on October 7? Are you willing to own it? What about those maintenance people? Do you think they are lying? Are you willing to own it?
This person reeks of entitlement. She doesn't have to explain her empty head. She just walks away.
False Narrative can mean two things:
1) I don't know and don't want to talk about it, or
2) Fuck you.
At some point, you've got to be able to articulate what you think is true.
It helps to have thought and formed an opinion about what you're protesting beforehand. Doubt most of this bunch have done that.
"At some point, you've got to be able to articulate what you think is true."
She did. It's the Narrative™.
But just because she thinks it's true doesn't make it so.
"At some point, you've got to be able to articulate what you think is true."
Why? They have their truth. It's their lived experience. Power creates its own truth.
"Otherwise, you're trying to beat something with nothing."
Not at all. Their actions speak loud and clear. They are trying to beat liberal values with illiberal action--and of course, to vilify Israel and the Jews.
At some point, you've got to be able to articulate what you think is true.
No. No, you don't. When the government, media and learning institutions are all able to declare "False Narrative" on things that are factually true, it is not necessary to articulate your position. If someone challenges your declarations, it is appropriate to simply walk away. To give them a platform or forum to push their false narratives is the the height of irresponsibility. Facts are not truth. Truth has a deeper, transcendent reality - you cannot measure it, you cannot test it. It is experiential and only the enlightened will understand.
The pinnacle of modern intelligence and sophistication, to not know or believe anything at all. Except that “those guys” are evil!
Most of the Gaza groupies can't find it or Israel on a map. the answers I have heard on X are much the same as this woman. slogans they can't explain, pure feelings, and a superior attitude that the rest of us are too stupid to understand.
thinking, reason, debate- how white of you to suggest we do that.
Man, that chick sticks to her moronic denialist talking points almost as aggressively as her teammate Howitzer Howard!
Now, if she could also incorporate significant fake projection and purposefully mendacious gibberish into her spiel (see what I did there?) , she might qualify as a Howitzer Howard apprentice!
Good luck to her!
Were going to need more popcorn.
I saw this on X yesterday. This is the typical liberal student response/reaction taught and accepted at American colleges. t's anti-intellectual. Cowardly. Stupid. It fits right in with the colligate shout down technique. College is no longer worth the price of admission. But...because they sell prestige and are willing to inflate grades for incoming cash flow...there's really not much that can be done other than hope for an implosion.
There are faculty members at UW Madison, Columbia etc... who march in full support of these protests and braindead tactics. It ain't your Grandpa's Phd....
Thanks, Obama, for making "Community Organizer" a desirable career path!
So what we have here is a quote from an Xitter poster to which Althouse gives credence. There are probably more false posts on X than honest quotes but above all else there are mostly unsubstantiated opinions.
CJinPA said...
"At some point, you've got to be able to articulate what you think is true. Otherwise, you're trying to beat something with nothing.
True, in general. But people don't seem to understand what the "social justice" movement meant: It meant "We're not debating. We're not articulating. We're imposing."
And most college professors and administrators were fine with that, until the targets were fellow progressives."
No one expects to be a Menshevik.
damikesc: "Who guessed that Nazis would be the heroes of the Left?"
[Drago raising hand immediately] Oooh! Oooh! Pick me! Pick me!
She has transcended mere words and logic. She has embraced an antinomian Leninism that must have deep emotional rewards.
So what if we don't understand. Get over it, boomer!
She is the endpoint of a cultural dead end into which bienpensant dopes like Joyce Carol Oates have led us.
I tried to debate some Creigton undergrads re: climate change. They all said, "I refuse to engage."
Don't bother me with facts!
Law enforcement sent to UCLA following attack on encampment
Reposted from a comment on another post. Using Antifa-style tactics on Antifa-style protestors.
""Officers from the Los Angeles Police Department and California Highway Patrol arrived on campus Wednesday morning to restore order following attacks on a pro-Palestinian encampment that has been set up on the University of California, Los Angeles campus since last Thursday.
The violence erupted shortly before 11 p.m. Tuesday when the group of about 50 men believed to be supporters of the pro-Israeli counterprotest wearing dark clothing, hoods and white masks covering their faces stormed the barricade and tried to tear it down.
Unarmed security guards were forced to flee as fireworks were launched at the encampment, exploding near the tents that have overtaken Royce Quad.
Several of the counterprotesters, who appeared to be older outside agitators and not students, used what looked like bear spray to douse pro-Palestinian protesters, said KTLA’s John Fenoglio who was at the scene.
Aerial footage from Sky5 captured the chaotic scene, including countless clashes between protesters. The number of people injured and the severity of the injuries were unclear.
The LAPD was finally sent to the campus at the request of UCLA officials during the early morning hours on Wednesday to restore order and maintain public safety.
The situation appeared to have stabilized in the hours after police arrived.
Pro-Palestinian protesters are demanding UCLA divest all interests in Israel and are calling for an immediate halt to the conflict between Israel and Hamas.
When you’ve had genocide carry on for this long, people are just not going to be able to live side by side with two governments in the way that it’s been suggested and I think that a free Palestine is the only way forward,” said pro-Palestinian demonstrator Luke Veltz.
Counter-protesters calling for the release of Israeli hostages taken captive on Oct. 7 by Hamas have used screens and speakers to blast images and stories of survivors just feet away from the encampment.
“I think this is blatant antisemitism,” one young man, who was not identified, told KTLA. “This is crazy what’s going on, what they’re letting go on. They’re chanting to kill us. They’re chanting ‘from the river to the sea,’ which is just blatantly to kill us all. I wanted to see what’s going on and it’s scary."
The school declared the encampment unlawful in a letter issued just hours before the violent confrontation.
The university asked participants to leave the area and stated that those who decide to stay could face disciplinary measures, including suspension or expulsion, the Daily Bruin reported.
Officials also announced that Royce Hall will be closed through Friday and that Powell Library won’t reopen until Monday."
MJB Wolf
Lawrence Jones is excellent. Exceptionally smart. When he was added to the Fox morning show, I thought 4 was too many. But he does some field work and adds good comments when he is in the studio.
Free speech is wonderful. The more they speek, the more it becomes obvious they are full of prune juice and canal water.
They know that Muslims aren't fond of gays, right? (but they love their Bacha bazi)
What do they teach in schools these days?
“I assume Oates is a zionist and is trying to show how takeover and protest were just so horrible and awful. And this is supposed to show students as Know nothings.”
While there are US citizens being held hostage in Gaza, these protests are shameful.
The term NPC springs to mind.
The real “false narrative” is that Columbia students are sentient.
Blogger damikesc said...
Who guessed that Nazis would be the heroes of the Left?
National socialists are still socialists, and the Left has always hated Jews.
So it seemed like an obvious fit, now that the USSR and Nazi Germany are no longer fighting each other
News of the Day
In a heroic victory for the people, a PhD student focusing on poetry and imagination interpreted through a Marxian lens helped capture a janitor.
News of the Day
In a heroic victory for the people, a PhD student focusing on poetry and imagination interpreted through a Marxian lens helped capture a janitor.
gadfly said...
So what we have here is a quote from an Xitter poster to which Althouse gives credence. There are probably more false posts on X than honest quotes but above all else there are mostly unsubstantiated opinions.
gadfly hates "disinformation." That disinformation might be true, but it runs contra to what gadfly and his fascist shithead friends want.
gadfly cannot honestly support open borders, forever wars, hyper inflation or political violence.
So he posts this kind of stupidity and justifies censorship.
It is what it is. These people will have to be defeated and suppressed if we are going to have a free country.
"At some point, you've got to be able to articulate what you think is true."
Judging by the comments by the lefties here that is obviously not the case. Cook is the prime example of this (although others are in the running). Why not engage in debate? And no, insults and lies are not fact based arguments. I can't remember the last time I heard a fact based argument from any of them. I don't think it has ever happened. Pretty good reason for that imo.
Rich, Howard, Cook, gadfly and lonejustice - do better. Take Althouse's advice. Give it a try! Best wishes.
Howard said...
Free speech is wonderful. The more they speek, the more it becomes obvious they are full of prune juice and canal water.
And you will note that none of us want to shut you up. We are happy when you fascists take off your masks.
But when you start occupying spaces, burning shit down, stealing stuff, and imprisoning political opponents, starting wars and importing the 3rd world into our country it is time for you and your friends to go.
Remember when US citizens were held hostage in Iran, and Ted Koppel led every night's Nightline with updates? This hostage crisis was largely responsible for ending Jimmy Carter's Presidency.
Remember how the current US citizens held hostage in Gaza for more than 6 months are featured on every news broadcast, candle-light vigils are held, and we are encouraged to "speak their names?" How public opinion is turning against Biden for doing nothing to secure their release? Yeah, I don't either.
Biden is organizing a temporary port to provide aid to Gazans, however, and is reportedly considering accepting Palestinian refugees into the USA.
A fairly incoherent and morally obtuse lecture from the professor.
They are led by a massively bankrolled operation of the Professional Left...
"Was there a sale on green tents somewhere that I missed?"
Tent City had a whole slew of pristine green tents.
It Used to be said; that Capitalists would sell Commies the rope to be hung with..
NOW; Capitalists DONATE the rope
Sebastian said...
"At some point, you've got to be able to articulate what you think is true."
Why? They have their truth. It's their lived experience. Power creates its own truth.
Why? Because teh US has the 2nd Amendment, and 300 million+ firearms in private hands.
The "Cultural Revolution" shit doesn't work when the other side can shoot you, and is quite willing to shoot you if you make yourself enough of a threat.
A leftist thug, then a leftist mob, went after Kyle Rittenhouse, who was all alone.
Final score: 2 dead leftists, one leftist missing his right arm, and a jury ruling of self defense.
And Kyle was a nice guy. "Lefty" GG pointed his (illegally carried) handgun at Kyle, Kyle started moving his gun towards GG. GG pointed his gun away. Kyle pointed his gun away, GG pointed at Kyle again. Kyle finally shot him.
I would have shot GG the first time. And so will most other people.
See also: UCLA counter protesters.
So yes, they are going to have to actually articulate what they think is true in a way that can win elections. or else we will simply kill them until they stop trying to trample our rights
Is the faculty proud of their student?
"At some point, you've got to be able to articulate what you think is true."
They're being paid. They're articulating the same way a mercenary articulates raping and pillaging commoners. They don't have to have reason, and neither should we when shooting them.
Joyce Carol Oates didn’t include a link to the interview, possibly because it was Lawrence Jones on Fox News. The video does not support the entirety of her tweet.
Is the woman interviewed a Columbia student? She says at the beginning of the interview that she “is here in support of the students” which suggests she is not a student.
When asked about the building takeover, she does not say “I think it's a false narrative.” She says, “I think their cause is a just cause and I hope the administration really hears their demands, I think they’re just demands.” So she did articulate what she thinks is true as well as what she thinks is false.
She doesn’t walk away. she says, “my colleague just came back, one moment” as she walks over to the other person. It’s only because she is blocked from doing so that she says, “can you get out of my face please?” At that point Lawrence breaks off the interview. But you can see in the video that the woman is still right there.
MadTownGuy said...
Law enforcement sent to UCLA following attack on encampment
Reposted from a comment on another post. Using Antifa-style tactics on Antifa-style protestors.
Thank you, that was a fun read. Thoughts:
1: What took them so long?
2: It's, what, a month until finals, and thanks to those asshole "pro-Palestine" "protesters" undergraduates can't use Powell Library? Hanging is too good for them.
3: Next time use Molotov cocktails instead of bear spray
The police exist to protect criminals from their victims. If you're not going to arrest people blocking student access to University resources (as the "protesters" were clearly videoed doing), then you dont' get to complain when those affected assert their rights
"At some point, you've got to be able to articulate what you think is true."
They can't. Remember the "I'm not doing your homework" dodge?
I think the reporter missed an opportunity:
'I think that's a false narrative.'
Okay, can you describe that situation in a way that you think is a true narrative?
Political congruence ("="), handmade tales, empathetic appeals, quasi-legal threats, braying in publication, appeals to authority, redistributive bennies, violence, invasion, etc are effective forcings of change.
"Wisconsin students, per the police"
Funny, I have read all the local stories on the UW protests and have seen no such quote or claim.
The msm hates protesters pull the other finger
Miss oates i think i mentioned her ode to maoist revolutionaries at one point
"At some point, you've got to be able to articulate what you think is true."
No they don’t. The are not running for office or trying to affect public opinion. They are nihilists, completely disinterested in the why or what’s next or even what happened on 10/7 details. The NPCs have taken over the game.
“If *i* want to pretend that 30,000,000 innocent children were MURDERED by Israel; then: it is TRUE
If *i* want to pretend that NO Jews were EVER killed by the Nazi's; then: it is TRUE”
I like the word “pretend” in Gilbar’s quote above. The simple act of believing something, or even “pretending”, makes it true for the Left.
Gadfly provides an example above:
“So what we have here is a quote from an Xitter poster to which Althouse gives credence. There are probably more false posts on X than honest quotes but above all else there are mostly unsubstantiated opinions.”
Gadfly proves his claim of unsubstantiated opinions by providing an unsubstantiated opinion. To Gadfly, simply believing that his assertion is true is enough to make it true.
The really smart Lefties know that they are pretending, but the ends justify the means. The not so smart just believe things because they believe them.
A false narrative a la misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation... and handmade tales.
A just cause as in 100 years of wars to push Jews into the sea.
Support as in murder, rape, torture, and abduction in the pursuit of social justice is no ethical vice.
Palestine as in a narrated reference to the unincorporated territory of the Middle East.
Gaza as in the Hamas terrorist urban space.
"Tent City had a whole slew of pristine green tents."
They'll learn. There's an opportunity for some enterprising leftist to provide pre-stressed tents. Like they do with blue jeans.
"They've seen how that has worked to control speech and to control minds, and good for them if they decline to take what they've dished out."
From "How To Identify A Leftist In Thirty Seconds". Rules for thee, but not for me.
See: "Democrats, Donald Trump". Also filed under: "Leftists are garbage people".
Propaganda and terrorism are potent weapons that the left has used to great effect in the past. The Viet Cong were extolled as Ewok type agrarian reformers while they were carrying out targeted assassinations. What's somewhat different this time around is their choice of victims. It's very hard to win a propaganda war against the Jewish left, but we'll see how this works out. I don't see the Jewish left getting on board with Hamas but they've supported dumber causes in the past. Maybe the Jewish gays or feminists will end up organizing a hunger strike in support of Hamas.
"Young people feel that something is terribly wrong..."
Yes there is something wrong. Terribly wrong. But unfortunately, they've been led miles and miles away from the source of what is really wrong, and if you point them to the source and the solutions, they will mostly wholly reject them without consideration. They've been lied to for a long time about where inner peace and joy come from, and so far, they've believed the lie.
But optimism is indeed in order. Jeremiah saw the day [remember, Israel is more than just Juda, it includes 11 other branches]:
"Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! says the Lord. Therefore thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, concerning the shepherds who shepherd my people: It is you who have scattered my flock and have driven them away, and you have not attended to them. So I will attend to you for your evil doings, says the Lord. Then I myself will gather the remnant of my flock out of all the lands where I have driven them, and I will bring them back to their fold, and they shall be fruitful and multiply. I will raise up shepherds over them who will shepherd them, and they shall no longer fear or be dismayed, nor shall any be missing, says the Lord.
Therefore the days are surely coming, says the Lord, when it shall no longer be said, “As the Lord lives who brought the people of Israel up out of the land of Egypt,” but “As the Lord lives who brought out and led the offspring of the house of Israel out of the land of the north and out of all the lands where he had driven them.”
The not so smart just believe things because they believe them
Because their friends believe them, or a celebrity they idolize believes them, or because the man on TV said they would be bad people and outcasts if they didn't believe them.
This whole thing is like some weird movie. If it were, it would get horrible reviews for being unbelievable.
Item, as the cops drag one (former?) student off to jail you hear her wailing that that can't do that because she has to study for finals.
Item: At a press conference yesterday a spokeswoman was complaining that the university would not deliver bottled water to the students who kidnapped and held hostage 3 janitors (so much for concern for the working man) and vandalized the building, breaking windows. Does this woman not know that drinking bottled water is LITERAL VIOLENCE!!!! against the planet?
Item: If the Babylon Bee had tried this, they would be laughed out of existence. The spokeswoman above was none other than Johanna King-Slutzky. Who is JKS you well might ask?
Perhaps she is a former PhD student at Barnard because her page has been taken down. But the internet lives forever.
“My dissertation is on fantasies of limitless energy in the transatlantic Romantic imagination from 1760-1860. My goal is to write a prehistory of metabolic rift, Marx’s term for the disruption of energy circuits caused by industrialization under capitalism. I am particularly interested in theories of the imagination and poetry as interpreted through a Marxian lens in order to update and propose an alternative to historicist ideological critiques of the Romantic imagination. Prior to joining Columbia, I worked as a political strategist for leftist and progressive causes and remain active in the higher education labor movement.”
She seems to have misspelled "fascist" in that last line.
She seems to have pulled down her LinkedIn page.
John Henry
The facilities worker left 10 minutes after the building takeover. From the photos, it looks like he had to get physical with three of the protesters in order to leave.
He should have been allowed to leave immediately and should not have had to use force to do so, but I don't know that I would use the term "hostage" unless they were making demands as a trade for his release.
I'd be pleased to see the Chabad chads bring something a little more persuasive than bear spray next time, and give the communist lice what they've had coming to them for a long time now. Those rattan canes that they use in Southeast Asia, or the heavy hippopotamus-leather "sjambok" whips from Africa, would be just the ticket. Give those terrorist left-wing scum the worst beatings of their lives without causing the permanent harm that might result from, say, a baseball bat.
False narrative; misinformation; disinformation---it's all part and parcel destruction of the willingness to engage in honest debate. You don't like it, so it's false, mis or dis.
There's a push to dumb down America--and it seems to be working.
Where is Meir Kahane when he is needed?
He's been taking a dirt nap for the past 34 years. Perhaps it is time to wake him up. Or at least his memory.
No more briquets
John Henry
Mark (not the dumb one, the Other dumb one) said...
Funny, I have read all the local stories on the UW protests and have seen no such quote or claim.
here you GO Mark! live and LEARN (heh heh, as IF!)
On April 29, 2024, Madison protesters allegedly shouted ‘Heil Hitler’ at University of Wisconsin‘s Jewish students while violating Wis. Statutes by pitching tents on university grounds.
The protesters were filmed chanting, “there is only one solution,‘ in what a Milwaukee attorney called “Fairly ominous.”
University of Wisconsin – Madison’s police officials Tuesday, a spokesperson for the Department confirmed an active police investigation is ongoing regarding protester(s) shouting ‘heil Hitler’ to Jewish student(s).’
It's Not, that i'm implying that the Mark's are useful idiots.. I'm EXPLICITLY Stating it
When you incentivize terrorism as a conversation starter more conversations will begin with terrorism...
Who wants to be an SS BLM billionaire.
Althouse: "...they're not accepting the pushback that says you are anti-Semitic if you don't support whatever Israel decides to do." There is no such pushback. Obviously there are limits to supporting Israel. However, anyone who does not condemn what Hamas did on October 7, be they student, prof or Palestinian, is antisemitic and pro-terrorist.
And: "I'm just saying I can see an opportunity to move to a higher ground." There is no "higher ground" for those who support terrorism.
Butkus51 said...
"They know that Muslims aren't fond of gays, right?"
False narrative, Butkus51. You gotta stop listening to those Muslims in Dearborn (*) teaching their kids to stomp on the gay flag, and start listening to Queers for Palestine.
(*) - or most other places, for that matter.
"Politically incorrect" is a phrase that Lenin used more than a century ago and was taken up again in the 60s. It universally means "factually correct but hurts the narrative so don't say it"
It has become something of a cliche in recent years. There was even a TV show by that name with Bill Maher.
I think "false narrative" may be the replacement. It seems to mean "it's not false but hurts the narrative so don't admit to it" It is certainly the context in the interview.
John Henry
interviewer asks Columbia student
Was this woman's name 'Columbia Student'? I shan't take whatever you're trying to accomplish seriously unless and until you sign your name to it...
RCOCEAN II said...
"And this is supposed to show students as Know Nothings."
Perhaps. Perhaps not. But showing them to be Know Nothings is not a hard task. Just ask them to drive a stick shift.
Washington Free Beacon points out that ActBlue, main Democrat fundraiser, is passing donations on to Hamas supporters at Michigan State and taking a cut.
Big surprise! /S
gilbar said...
"It Used to be said; that Capitalists would sell Commies the rope to be hung with..
NOW; Capitalists DONATE the rope."
Most Capitalists still make them buy the rope. It's more their trust fund babies who donate.
Blogger damikesc said...
Who guessed that Nazis would be the heroes of the Left?
Why not? The left has always supported socialism in its rainbow of genocidal flavors. Marxism, Maoism, Leninism, Trotskyism, national socialism, international socialism, whatever Pol Pot & Co called their flavor.
I suspect that if you asked these kids whether they support National Socialism they would have no idea what you are talking about. But they would hear "socialism" and agree that it is a good thing.
Unless they knew even less and bleated that National Socialism is not really socialism because the govt only controls everything without the fiction of owning it. And all for the benefit of the people, of course.
John Henry
Youth rallies when it finds something to believe in.
Rallying for 'Palestine' works.
Once Israeli hostages are safe, and bombings subside, they'll trash the tents and go back to global warming and structural inequality.
Blogger Dave Begley said...
I tried to debate some Creigton undergrads re: climate change. They all said, "I refuse to engage."
I got blocked on BlueSky by a guy in a climate change thread. He was nattering on about carbon when it was clear he really meant CO2 and that atmospheric carbon levels are even closer to zero than CO2 levels. I asked why he was posting disinformation and he blocked me.
John Henry
Left Bank, thanks for the link! Useful to bear in mind that two can play at the no-context game. If this person didn't robotically claim "false narrative" at every query, we need to be aware of it.
The claim of "just cause" doesn't change my mind about which side is more truthful or has the moral right of things, but I wouldn't want to be (and am not) against the pro-Palestinian side simply and solely because they're bad debaters.
They need consequences. These are not people trying to have a dialogue, to create productive outcomes.
College should be a place of robust DEBATE. Anyone who seeks to silence DEBATE through intimidation and force should be expelled.
And, in many of these cases, there should be legal ramifications immediately.
The lack of consequences is what is most damning to me.
"If the students of today don't know how to think about and articulate what they feel is wrong, the teachers and the parents bear responsibility. Young people feel that something is terribly wrong — to the point where they feel called to act out — and they're not accepting the pushback that says you are anti-Semitic if you don't support whatever Israel decides to do"
I'm sorry, but these are 18-25 year old individuals. They are adults. They are taking adult actions. The teachers and parents may bear some responsibility, but the "young people" need to face the consequences and see their peers facing consequences.
There is a right way to protest and make your voice heard, and a wrong way.
The wrong way has been tolerated too much
Greg the Class Traitor said...
"MadTownGuy said...
Law enforcement sent to UCLA following attack on encampment
Reposted from a comment on another post. Using Antifa-style tactics on Antifa-style protestors."
I should clarify that I'm not in favor of what the counter-protesters did. My point was that LAPD didn't act until after the fracas started.
The police exist to protect criminals from their victims. If you're not going to arrest people blocking student access to University resources (as the "protesters" were clearly videoed doing), then you dont' get to complain when those affected assert their rights
Why not. Didn't your mom ever tell you that two wrongs do not make a right?
"Funny, I have read all the local stories on the UW protests and have seen no such quote or claim."
What I'm seeing is this at Wisconsin Law Journal:
"UW-Madison pro-Palestine protesters spark debate over free speech laws
"On April 29, 2024, Madison protesters allegedly shouted ‘Heil Hitler’ at University of Wisconsin‘s Jewish students while violating Wis. Statutes by pitching tents on university grounds. The protesters were filmed chanting, “there is only one solution,‘ in what a Milwaukee attorney called “Fairly ominous.”
“I know these kids are ignorant but calling others ‘fascists’ and then chanting about a ‘solution’ to the presence of Jews is fairly ominous, WILL Director and Attorney Rick Essenberg posted to X, formerly known as Twitter, on Monday.
Adolf Hitler’s “final solution” included the extermination of more than 6 million Jews.
WILL attorney Skylar Croy said he spoke to several Jewish students on Madison’s campus on April 29 who are considering filing police reports after pro-Palestinian protesters allegedly shouted “Heil Hitler” to them on Monday.
During an interview with University of Wisconsin – Madison’s police officials Tuesday, a spokesperson for the Department confirmed an active police investigation is ongoing regarding protester(s) shouting ‘heil Hitler’ to Jewish student(s).’
“Our officers were approached yesterday by a (student) saying that (someone shouted ‘Heil Hitler’ at them). We are actively investigating to identify that individual (protester),” said Marc Lovicott, spokesperson UW Madison Police.
“We take allegations like this extremely seriously. Actions like that have no place on our campus. As soon as the report was made to us, we took immediate action,” Lovicott added.
A copy of the police report was not immediately available due to the nature of the ongoing investigation...."
Respectfully, Althouse; on this subject, I think that the famed Kalven Committee Report (University of Chicago) would be worthy of a separate blog post.
Here's FIRE with a plain-English brief on the Kalven Report.
Hamas prohibits alcohol and will execute you for taking drugs.
Hamas treats women as breeding cattle and it's OK to beat your wife if she gets out of line (and she had better wear the burqa).
Hamas prohibits abortion and the odds are good that girls will have their genitals mutilated (this last part is OK with the left here).
And Hamas will gladly and gleefully execute trans and homosexual people.
And yet, the morons on the left are all in with Hamas.
This is how stupid our 'youth' have become...they are easily manipulated and none too bright.
But don't worry, the future of our country is in good hands!
Who guessed that Nazis would be the heroes of the Left?
There was a time in the 20's and early 30's when fascism held an attraction for large swathes of the Left, and Mussolini and Hitler were widely admired. Much of their party platforms, and the political reforms and initiatives that followed from them, are quite plainly socialistic and still desired by people on the far Left.
The "Fascist Manifesto" of 1919 reads as follows:
Here is the program of a sane Italian movement. Revolutionary because anti-dogmatic and anti-demagogical; strongly innovative because anti-prejudicial. We place the valorization of revolutionary war above everything and everyone. The other problems: bureaucratic, administrative, legal, educational, colonial, etc., we will chart when we have created the ruling class.
For this WE WANT:
For the political problem
Universal suffrage by regional list voting, with proportional representation, voting and eligibility for women. Minimum age for voters lowered to 18; minimum age for deputies lowered to 25. The abolition of the Senate. The convening of a National Assembly for the duration of three years, whose first task is to establish the form of the state constitution. The formation of National Technical Councils of labor, industry, transportation, social hygiene, communications, etc., elected by the professional or trade communities, with legislative powers, and the right to elect a General Commissioner with ministerial powers. For the social problem: WE WANT:
The prompt enactment of a state law enshrining the legal eight-hour workday for all jobs. Minimum wages. The participation of workers' representatives in the technical operation of industry. The entrusting to the proletarian organizations themselves (who are morally and technically worthy) of the management of public industries or services. The speedy and complete settlement of the railroad workers and all transportation industries. A necessary amendment of the Disability and Old Age Insurance Bill by lowering the age limit, currently proposed at 65, to 55. On the military issue:
The establishment of a national militia with brief educational services and exclusively defensive duty. The nationalization of all arms and explosives factories. A national foreign policy intended to enhance, in the peaceful competitions of civilization, the Italian nation in the world. For the financial problem:
A strong extraordinary tax on capital of a progressive nature, having the form of true PARTIAL EXPROPRIATION of all wealth. The seizure of all property of religious congregations and the abolition of all Bishop's canteens, which constitute a huge liability for the nation and a privilege of the few.
The revision of all war supply contracts and the seizure of 85 percent of war profits.
The interviewee, Lillian, isn't a student at Columbia.
@William: Propaganda and terrorism are potent weapons that the left has used to great effect in the past. The Viet Cong were extolled as Ewok type agrarian reformers while they were carrying out targeted assassinations.
The Vietnamese were tough. TOUGH. They'd been invaded by random Asian warlords and empires for a long time. The USA inherited a mess from the dysfunctional and weak French empire...and then naively "fought Communism." The USA missed the point. The Vietnamese didn't want anyone messing with them regardless of ideology. Their post-Vietnam war resistance to the incoming Communist Chinese lasted for a decade and was brutal.
They were underestimated as harmless Ewoks before they (and the Star Wars Ewoks) defeated empires.
rhhardin said...
That would be asking for a reasoned debate. That ain't gonna happen.
I have after a question. What do you suppose will happen to Gaza after the Israelis have eliminated Hamas and their sympathizers? What is the future of Gaza?
RCOCEAN II said... @ 9:36
Remember we talked abour rights? Remember we talked about how nobody has the right to prevent you from exercising your rights? The antiZionists may have a perfectly valid argument. But if you can't articulate that argument then you've lost. Violence is only going to invalidate it.
they're not accepting the pushback that says you are anti-Semitic if you don't support whatever Israel decides to do
They're also not accepting the pushback that says you are anti-Semitic if you call for the conquest of Israel and the genocide of its people, or explicitly support the mass murder and rape of Jews that took place in October.
There is no cause for optimism. The protesters are brainwashed totaliarians, and the speech and identity laws and rules we enforce prevent us from fighting back.
Only a rollback of these laws, starting with employment, then K-12 teacher schools, then k-12, then law enforcement and the military leaves any hope the the twin enterprises of this gangster complex, higher education and the media, can be halted in their march to anarchy and destruction.
I'm not optimistic, nor is anyone I know or read, and I read widely. I just conducted an interview with an educator in South Korea. He's American but hasn't been back in 10 years. He is shaken by the stories he's heard, even from his most liberal interviewees. And the revolution this time wasn't even the topic, but shell-shocked academicians, mostly liberal, couldn't stop talking about it.
Oh well.
This is how it happens: slow, then very fast. I hope all of you who did nothing will have complete awareness of your failure to act when it comes to you.
And this is not about words, as Achilles puts so well. This mindless chant is just replaces by the next. Then finger snapping. Then screaming for someone's blood.
It's not about Gaza or whites or police or Jewish whites. It's about the wordless wind-tunnel of revolution. Only force will stop them, as Achilles also says.
All the Achilles.
"I'm just saying I can see an opportunity to move to a higher ground."
I think that they've already lost that opportunity. Images are coming out of the vandalism and destruction that some of these violent protestors have done. Their S.O.P. has been to avoid doing peaceful protests and hosting speakers and going straight to "it's my way or the highway" violence. They have created their own brand and they will be forever known for that.
Back in the late 1960s, most people understood that the anti-war protests directly affected the college students. We were sending American soldiers into the meat grinder of Viet Nam and a lot of these young, male, college students were facing the real possibility that they might be drafted after their college deferments ran out. The American people understood their anger and frustration. The American people didn't agree with the violence, but they understood where it was coming from.
That's not the case with these current protests. The United States is not directly involved in the Israel/Hamas war and most people actually support Israel's right to defend itself against Hamas.
Instead of students rioting because they're afraid of being sent off to die, we have student protestors who are taking over and vandalizing the campus library in Portland because they want the school to stop dealing with Boeing.
"pushback that says you are anti-Semitic if you don't support whatever Israel decides to do"
Well, how about the pushback that says you are anti-Semitic if you do support the population and their government that actively attempts genocide against Jews of Israel and wants all Jews dead worldwide? You know, the 70% of Gazan Hamas supporters, and Hamas itself? Are those supporters still valid anti-Semites or has language been so currupted that those bastards are just people whose culture we misunderstand somehow? To hell with Hamas anti-Semites, to hell with Hamas-supporting Gazan anti-Semites, and to hell with anti-Semitic protesters here who are so corrupted in their hearts and minds that they support those anti-Semites.
It has to be difficult for The New Soviet Democraticals and their LLR-democratical allies.
They tried desperately to hoax up another George Floyd scenario to drive round the clock nation-wide riots ("mostly peaceful" murders, attacks, destruction of property, burning of whole city blocks, etc) and they just couldn't do it.
So they shifted and are using their now unbreakable alliance with their death cult islamic supremacist buddies instead with a "Death to America/Death to Israel" national tour!
No compromise. Rat fuck em.
they're not anti-Semitic if they don't support whatever Israel decides to do. They don't support anything Israel decides to do because they're anti-Semitic. They hold Israel to a double standard that they wouldn't hold any other country to because they're anti-Semitic. They use the "River to the Sea", "Kill All Jews" and "Go Back to Poland" rhetoric because they're anti-Semitic. They assault Jews and support Islamic Terrorists dedicated to annihilating Jews because they're anti-Semitic.
They're not fooling anyone. There's no "false narrative". They hate Jews. They hate America. They Support Terrorist enemies of the United States. Fuck them. Send them to Guantanamo.
I watched that interview and was appalled. My thought was, she is definitely brainwashed. Later I saw an article naming her and saying she teaches and is a PhD student. She is brainwashed and ready to commit to doing the same to others. The title of the paper shown to be hers, was absolute woke gobbledygook. I don't get to use that word often until lately.
They don't display anti-semitism when they protest actions of the Israeli government. But they certainly do when they yell at passing jews to 'Go back to Poland' or 'Heil Hitler'.
They're chanting Heil Hitler and attacking Jews, but it's just about Zionism... justify your hatred and bigotry any way you want, but it is what it is.
Apparently protestors attempted to set up a tent city in Dunn Meadow at IU-Bloomington, and the IU prez had them cleared out post haste by the local constabulary.
Some faculty now calling for the removal of the president, of course. A performance review meeting might bring this fact up with said faculty in future. "Goals not in alignment with the mission of the university" sounds like a suitably administrative entry.
Don't be daunted, do not falter. Hold the line, Indiana.
Oh, my the hostages.
Well, Iran took 100 Americans hostage and we don't bomb Tehran and kill 30,000 Iranians. We negotiated. That's what civilized countries do.
In any case, stop derailing about "American" hostages. 99 percent of these "Americans" in Israel are dual citizens. Jews who've decided to relocate to Israel or have a foot in each country. Some were anchor babies. They're Americans in name only. Paper americans.
And since they have two identities, I half-care about them.
I must say, I rather enjoy seeing police beat the shit out of commie punks.
Nice way to start the day...
They're chanting Heil Hitler to Jews to say to the Jews that they're the Hitler now. A perfectly respectable Palestinian position. The mistake is to try to argue who's the most oppressed race, which cannot be won and will never end.
Argue which side has been open to trade for mutual benefit and which side has shot it down or blown it up every time. One side moral, one side not.
The ratio remains unbroken. There are 4-5 women for every man involved with these "protests."
Why not. Didn't your mom ever tell you that two wrongs do not make a right?
If the cops won't control you and your leftist thugs, don't be surprised when others step up and do it for them.
You have no idea of the fire you're playing with. None.
RCOCEAN II (2:52pm):
"Well, Iran took 100 Americans hostage and we don't bomb Tehran and kill 30,000 Iranians. We negotiated. That's what civilized countries do."
That is simply and obviously false. Carter tried negotiating, and begging, and appeals to the Ayathollahs' better nature, and it did no good at all. Iran kept the hostages until the end of his one and (thankfully) only term of office. They were only released, on Inauguration Day, because we elected Reagan, who made it quite clear that he was perfectly willing to bomb Iran and kill as many Iranians as necessary to get them back. He didn't even have to demonstrate his willingness.
Freder Frederson said...
The police exist to protect criminals from their victims. If you're not going to arrest people blocking student access to University resources (as the "protesters" were clearly videoed doing), then you dont' get to complain when those affected assert their rights
Why not. Didn't your mom ever tell you that two wrongs do not make a right?
There are no "wrongs" or any "right" in this situation.
There is one group that is yelling, screaming, blocking traffic, stealing our stuff, beating up Jews, demanding the right to assault and harass people they disagree with, installing racist DEI policies into as much of our society as they can, starting wars all over the world, and insisting on jailing and censoring their political opponents.
There is another group that wants the fascist shitheads to leave them alone and stop attacking people that disagree with them and forcing their fascist crap into our lives.
You made it this way. There is no right or wrong here.
The only thing left to determine is when and how you surrender.
Tina Trent said...@ 1:36
I'm afraid you're right. And I mean I'm afraid. Behind every one of those simple minded college students are at least four criminals that are chaffing to do violence. The type of people Kyle Rittenhouse shot. Once it starts it's going to be very bloody. The Democrat Convention in Chicago is going to make '68 look tame. Chicago PD is already starting 1000 officers short and of the officers they do have 22% are women.
FFS, these aren't "anti-Israel protests", they're quite obviously part of an anti-American pro-terrorist uprising. The fact the brain dead, mis/un-educated mob don't understand what's what is of no interest to those bankrolling them.
At least the 1930 nazi kids could sing, “ the future belongs to me!”
The ratio remains unbroken. There are 4-5 women for every man involved with these "protests."
is each "man=tent" then a harem?
The ratio remains unbroken. There are 4-5 women for every man involved with these "protests."
is each "man=tent" then a harem?
Real American said...
they're not anti-Semitic if they don't support whatever Israel decides to do. They don't support anything Israel decides to do because they're anti-Semitic. They hold Israel to a double standard that they wouldn't hold any other country to because they're anti-Semitic. They use the "River to the Sea", "Kill All Jews" and "Go Back to Poland" rhetoric because they're anti-Semitic. They assault Jews and support Islamic Terrorists dedicated to annihilating Jews because they're anti-Semitic.
They're not fooling anyone. There's no "false narrative". They hate Jews. They hate America. They Support Terrorist enemies of the United States.
@Real American, I question whether Althouse would have written “… and they're not accepting the pushback that says you are anti-Semitic if you don't support whatever Israel decides to do” if she didn’t at least somewhat fall for it. I think it’s quite possible to criticize Israel without supporting people who physically threaten physical violence towardsJewish students, setting up tent cities and trashing campus common areas, and occupying campus buildings. But especially without threats of violence towards Jewish students. I don’t think I’m alone in this belief.
Peachy Keenan
Look at the Columbia zoomer feminist protestors:
They crave a hijab. They long for a niqab. Their hearts desire a man to come along and whisk then away, a dashing Vizier Charming to ride off with them to his harem.
Rusty: I need help in Chicago. I need as many observers as possible. We come in early and have stories and pictures ready for the press. I do a training for avoiding trouble. I don't do riots or violence and don't make more trouble for the police, and to work with me, they must know who you are, ID included.
ROCEAN II: Carter's allowance of Khomeini back into Iran rank and his feckless approach to hostage takers rank as one of the largest political blunders of the late 1900s. The West and all Islamic countries are still suffering from that turning of the other cheek.
One does not "negotiate" with hostage takers, because there is an infinite pool of hostages and any success in taking hostages for concessions will be repeated. Much better to "incentivize" hostage takers by eliminating them from the face of the earth until such barbarism goes extinct as a simple survival mechanism among everyone feeling oppressed.
Some things Joyce Carol Oates and PEN support and shower with awards: guys who rape old women; cop killers, domestic leftist terrorists like Susan Rosenberg -- and they endorse releasing all three types back into society. Oates has also written about desiring Mike Tyson's sexual brutality (sort of like Drew Barrymore wanting Kamala Harris to be America's Mammy, as Althouse discusses in another post).
Oates parted with PEN only when they gave a posthumous award to the murdered artists of Charlie Hebdo Magazine. When people are murdered by Islamic terrorists, she sides with the Islamic terrorists.
PEN, with Oates' approval, has given awards to at least half a dozen Weather Underground and BLA terrorists (likely more -- I can remember six), rapist/attempted murderer Benjamin Laguer, Mumia Abu Jamal (in anthology and a book about his heroism), Judith Clark, Marilyn Buck, Angela Davis, etc. etc.
Funny, how snobbish they are. They like the rich, elite thugs, not the shmoo who steals a car.
Despite decades of earnest pandering, PEN had to cancel their awards ceremony this year because half of them are protesting the Jewish members and awardees.
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