Some pro-Palestinian demonstrators seem to believe, given the moral enormity of mass death, displacement and starvation in Gaza, that deferring to mainstream Jewish sensitivities means buckling to so-called respectability politics, which whitewash horror in the name of civility. “To the Jewish students, faculty and trustees blocking divestment and urging the violent crackdowns on campus: You threaten everyone’s safety,” said a recent communiqué from the Columbia Law chapter of the National Lawyers Guild, a left-wing group that’s been providing legal support to the protesters.
The statement disdains the ethos of nonviolence, quoting Black Panther leader Kwame Ture, formerly Stokely Carmichael: “In order for nonviolence to work, your opponent must have a conscience. The United States has none.” Within the movement, I imagine such rhetoric functions as a sign of total commitment, a no-going-back rejection of hollow liberal pieties. Outside of it, to the extent that anyone takes this language seriously, it serves to stoke a raging panic about the protests that both distracts from the war and feeds a growing backlash that threatens academic freedom....
The linked article is "What are the politics of respectability during a genocide?" by Maryam Iqbal in the Columbia Spectator. Excerpt:
When Zionists claim that “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” is a call for genocide, I ask: Why does the idea of Palestinian freedom evoke “genocide” in your mind? Do you fear that upon liberation, the Palestinian people will unleash upon you the same horrors that you inflicted on them?
It is incomprehensible that we are being manipulated into distracting arguments over the respectability politics of our chants and slogans while pages of South Africa’s ICJ case are direct quotes from Israeli officials openly calling for genocide—from Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant saying, “I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly” to Israeli army reservist Ezra Yachin, a veteran of the Deir Yassin massacre during the 1948 Nakba, saying, “Be triumphant and finish them off and don’t leave anyone behind. Erase the memory of them. Erase them, their families, mothers and children.”...
६३ टिप्पण्या:
Goldberg is a big nothing
Sounds like a more polite term for 'civility bullshit'.
The pro-Hamas brigade are rightfully scared shitless that this time the Israelis won't abide by 'civility bullshit' as they have in the past. Hamas had almost two decades of control over Gaza, and proved exactly what they would do if they were given another square inch of territory that is currently Israel. It wouldn't result in freedom for Palestinians or anybody else. It would result in the slaughter of any Jewish people remaining in those territories.
The Team Hamas left seems intent on making continuous in-kind contributions to the Trump campaign. Who had a re-run of 1968 with an anti-Semitic theme on their 2024 Bingo card?
Let God sort 'em out.
The plan is eliminate Hamas so that trade with Gaza is possible without anybody shooting it down or blowing it up. That's not a genocide.
The difference between Palestinians and Israelis isn't who's more oppressed but which side has been sabotaging mutually beneficial trade, which is the path forward.
As indeed the Abraham Accords contemplated with other Arabs. No genocide there either.
Respect the dignity of politics.
The antisemitism awareness act ought to be stopped because there's no special status for Jewish feelings in law, not to mention that they're delusional.
There was a ceasefire on 10/6/23. HamAss and their supporters broke it. Deal with it.
More 2 + 2 = 5 thinking and argumentation. Israel is not committing genocide. Israel is in a war with Hamas and Hamas started it.
The Palestinians must be the dumbest people on the planet. They also must be consumed with Jew hatred. They are suffering from the decisions of Hamas leadership and leadership is safe in a third country. The people need to pressure the Hamas leadership to surrender.
I have zero empathy and sympathy for the people of Gaza. They brought it on themselves. There’s a price to pay for October 7. FAFO.
Was it respectability politics to fight the Nazis in WWII?
Asking for a friend.
Odds on peace in the Middle East in my lifetime: 2%.
Too many generations have been taught to hate the other. Too many horrific acts of violence has been committed against Israelis and Jews around the world in the name of "Palestine". And now the destruction of Gaza will last for generations in the minds and hearts of Palestinians (and US college students + Glenn Greenwald).
Peace has been offered since the formal declaration of Israel's independence. Peace has been rejected multiple times by the Palestinians. Their goal has always been extermination of the Jews. And Hamas, unlike Israelis, has never wanted peace. They've always wanted extermination and war. Why else would they sacrifice their own people to provoke the Jews into the demolition that has occurred?
No. As long as Hamas exists, there will be no peace. Israel is not going away. Those who have not been there have no idea what a great nation it is that has been built in the desert. Israel is not going anywhere. And as long as Hamas exists in one person, peace is not coming.
So...odds of peace in my lifetime are pretty much nil.
“Be triumphant and finish them off and don’t leave anyone behind. Erase the memory of them. Erase them, their families, mothers and children.”
So Hamas isn’t the Palestinian people when it’s killing toddlers, but it is the Palestinian people when we need to gin up a “genocide”?
Black Panther leader Kwame Ture, formerly Stokely Carmichael: “In order for nonviolence to work, your opponent must have a conscience. The United States has none.”
The first step toward genocide is always depersonalization. Think of your enemies as subhuman animals and pure evil, and then act to quickly exterminate those cockroaches and rodents.
Now do the Biden Administration's rhetoric against its many, many, many enemies...the oil industry...Trump and all MAGA people...Jan 6 participants...Mad Maxine Waters and the imaginary Trump militias training the woods...populist politicians worldwide...TERFs...Elon Musk...Russians...and any media source that won't bow down...gun owners...Christians...anti-abortion people...
...and the conspicuous absences of Islamic terrorists, China, and the "Top 1%" Democratic donor class...
The Democratic Party leadership danced with the devil and sold their souls to maintain power and control.
Some pro-Palestinian demonstrators seem to believe, given the moral enormity of mass death, displacement and starvation in Gaza, that deferring to mainstream Jewish sensitivities means buckling to so-called respectability politics, which whitewash horror in the name of civility
LOL! Apparently for pro-Palestinian demonstrators, history starts anew every 30 seconds (like with many liberals and Democrats). The years upon years of kidnappings, rapes, murders, constant rocket attacks, hijackings, etc. and [lest some choose to forget] 10/7. Apparently NONE of that matters. It is ALL about what is happening right now in Gaza. Something that can be ENDED right now if Hamas surrenders and releases all remaining hostages.
But NO, not only is that not an option to consider, these demonstrators and Hamas don't even recognize that this is a possible option. It is double-ungood think and the concept can not even be formed in their minds. For this lot Israel is for a fact, a situational un-good and just needs to go away.
That there are Americans participating in these protests is sickening.
Remember this
You Were Told This Would Happen.
“In order for nonviolence to work, your opponent must have a conscience. The United States has none.”
Them fightin words. They support violence and dehumanize their intended victims. Treat them as the threat they pose.
rhhardin said...
The antisemitism awareness act ought to be stopped because there's no special status for Jewish feelings in law, not to mention that they're delusional.
That's slightly more polite RCOCEAN-level 'civility bullshit'.
As David Bernstein explains the bill does nothing more than codify the status quo for Title VI of the CRA put in place by Executive orders dating back to W and sustained by Obama, Trump, and Biden. "Hurt feelings" is the basis for *all* Title VI 'hostile environment' claims. The AAA simply makes explicit that Jewish people, as an ethnicity based on the same criteria that creates a Palestinian ethnicity, get the same Title VI protection as any other group.
Stokeley Carmichael, who almost single handedly launched Women's Lib with his comment that the place for women in the New Left was "prone"!
At least he was honest.
"When Zionists claim that “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” is a call for genocide, I ask: Why does the idea of Palestinian freedom evoke “genocide” in your mind? "
Such gaslighting!
"from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" envisions the complete elimination of Israel, since the river is the Jordan, and the sea is the Mediterranean. We saw on October 7th the way the Palestinians will treat civilians. The Israelites would have to be complete dummies to put their safety into the hands of the sociopaths who live in and rule Gaza.
We didn’t tolerate 9/11, and we shouldn’t expect Israel to tolerate 10/7. Biden’s equivocation - basically funding both sides of the conflict - has exacerbated the divide in the US and elsewhere. He’s simply pathetic.
Finish the Hamascide. Let’s then see what the Palestinians learn from that. Long live Israel.
The current conflict could be over very quickly if the leaders of the Gaza Strip did the following:
1- Return all hostages or their remains if dead.
2- Turn over all participants and organizers of the October 7 attacks for trial in Israel for crimes committed on Israeli soil.
3. To the extent that one and two cannot be done immediately, fully cooperate with Israeli authorities to accomplish both one and two.
It’s very simple.
"Stokely Carmichael...serves to stoke a raging panic..."
“the bill does nothing more than codify the status quo for Title VI of the CRA put in place by Executive orders dating back to W and sustained by Obama, Trump, and Biden.”
Can we stop with all the new laws? Can we enforce the ones we have?
Is the problem at Columbia and all the other college campuses that we don’t have this additional law? Is this bill going to help the understaffed police departments to deal with tent cities on campus lawns?
I am so tired of our government officials meeting every problem with a new bill, which now needs lobbyists and defenders and opponents to take meetings and go for coffee and discuss back and forth the merits, the nonmerits, redrafting the bill, take in more donations, and so on and so forth. There are real problems on our campuses. Layering laws upon laws upon laws isn’t going to solve anything.
“In order for nonviolence to work, your opponent must have a conscience. The United States has none.”
The first sentence is right. Gandhi would never have been known if he did his thing in China.
The second sentence though is how leftist fascists are justifying their violence. There is no common ground with people like them. They just need to go to a place like China where that is how politics is done.
I think it’s germane to discuss what happened on the UCLA campus. David Bernstein said it very well:
What kind of message is it sending that Jewish students beg, plead, lobby, demonstrate, sue to have a school like @UCLA remove an illegal, pro-terrorist encampment that blocked Jewish and other students from moving freely on campus, to no avail. But then when a handful of local Jews tried to dismantle the encampment themselves, causing a melee, suddenly the encampment was removed?
The triggering event at UCLA was the beating and kicking of a Jewish coed until she lost consciousness. That night a motley collection of young Jewish men showed up at the encampment with fireworks, pepper spray, and fists, and taught the pro-Hamas denizens that they had no monopoly on violence. Belatedly, the UCLA administration finally ordered the encampment to be dismantled.
And thst’s really the key. No side has a monopoly on violence. Not the pro-Hamas campus demonstrators, not Stokley Carmichael and the Black Panthers, not even the redneck “militias” in the backwoods of Idaho that make Maxine Waters piss up her Depends.
There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly” to Israeli army reservist Ezra Yachin, a veteran of the Deir Yassin massacre during the 1948 Nakba, saying, “Be triumphant and finish them off and don’t leave anyone behind. Erase the memory of them. Erase them, their families, mothers and children.”...
Israel's mistake was failing. This should have been over in 2 months.
Groups like the Palestinians are being wiped out all over the world right now. Every country in the middle east kills the Palestinians and drives them out. Israel is 2nd or 3rd on the scoreboard for Palestinians killed. Jordan has killed millions of Palestinians. Focusing on the Jews in this situation is wrong.
Batman makes the same mistake. He fails to distinguish between the Joker and the common criminal. There are some people who you can help reform and some that you can't. By letting the Joker live and holding others back from killing him is wrong. If you keep this up Jason Todd eventually becomes the Red Hood and the killing really starts.
Force the Palestinian men who support Hamas to die, surrender and disband. Absorb the women and children into another tribe.
Let us proceed from first principals.
The word "genocide" has been used to descrbe what is going on in Gaza. So what does the word mean?
"Genocide"- The systematic and widespread extermination or attempted extermination of a national, racial, religious, or ethnic group.
(From the Harper Collins Dictioary)
Is what is happening in Gaza the extermination of the Palestinian people?
By the definition of the genocide and extermination, no.
"Genocide" is being used as an emotional trigger to get the less informed on the side of the Palestinians.
The baseline for genocide is the nazi extermination of the Jews. Everywhere Germany conquered the local Jews were murdered. Had the nazis been sucessful in conquering the world they would have murdered every Jew in the world.
Israel is not committing genocide on the Palestian people so lets leave that word out of the conversation.
So if what is happening in Gaza is not genocide. What is Israel doing in Gaza?
rhhardin said...
The antisemitism awareness act ought to be stopped because there's no special status for Jewish feelings in law, not to mention that they're delusional.
This is truth.
The people trying to bestow some special moral status on Israel and the Jews are doing damage to the cause of peace and they are doing that on purpose.
Christopher B said...
The AAA simply makes explicit that Jewish people, as an ethnicity based on the same criteria that creates a Palestinian ethnicity, get the same Title VI protection as any other group.
Why would you do this?
This is just as stupid and self defeating as Hate Crime legislation stating that murder is wrong but murdering gay people is MOAR wrong.
The goal of these acts is not to make the singled out ethnicity more safe.
In fact it is quite the opposite and if you don't see how this works you are very foolish.
Congress shouldn't be passing censorship laws of any kind, in any fashion, at any time, for any reason. The best disinfectant for anti-Semitism is real-time, confrontational shaming and ridicule, and if the anti-Semitism is violent, then return violence of the sort that precludes another instance.
Was is hell. Don't want none? Don't start none. Republicans should know better than to form partnerships with Democrats to pass laws that shut people up. It's a disgrace of the first order.
"Do you fear that upon liberation, the Palestinian people will unleash upon you the same horrors that you inflicted on them?"
Yes. And more. The history of the last eighty years certainly points in that direction.
from the river to the sea, Palestine will be relocated to Qatar.
From the post:
"The statement disdains the ethos of nonviolence, quoting Black Panther leader Kwame Ture, formerly Stokely Carmichael: “In order for nonviolence to work, your opponent must have a conscience. The United States has none.”
Kwame Ture's confession by projection shows that his, and the other allied movements, have no conscience.
Eva Marie said...
Can we stop with all the new laws? Can we enforce the ones we have?
Is the problem at Columbia and all the other college campuses that we don’t have this additional law? Is this bill going to help the understaffed police departments to deal with tent cities on campus lawns?
I am so tired of our government officials meeting every problem with a new bill, which now needs lobbyists and defenders and opponents to take meetings and go for coffee and discuss back and forth the merits, the nonmerits, redrafting the bill, take in more donations, and so on and so forth. There are real problems on our campuses. Layering laws upon laws upon laws isn’t going to solve anything.
Eva nails it.
The goal of special ethnicity defining legislation is not to solve the problem and protect that ethnicity.
The goal of this legislation is division and the propagation of ethnic and racially motivated violence in order to promote more legislation and more law which can be selectively applied.
A good law is simple and easily enforceable. It is hard enough to effectively enforce a simple law.
Mucking it up with various provisions based on things that don't matter purposely make it harder to enforce and give power to government employees who are by naturally selected from a pool of people that tend corrupt and they are now given more space to selectively apply the law.
Goldberg is almost inevitably going to choose evil, thats why they hired her at Salon,
the law is very clear about what is incitement, and assault, we don't need another one,
Now do the word "insurrection."
Big Mike said...
And thst’s really the key. No side has a monopoly on violence. Not the pro-Hamas campus demonstrators, not Stokley Carmichael and the Black Panthers, not even the redneck “militias” in the backwoods of Idaho that make Maxine Waters piss up her Depends.
In our previous social contract we granted a monopoly on violence to the government in order to maintain order and make day to day interactions between people in our country safer. As always something like this exists because of social consensus and suppression of vigilantism.
What the Democrats are starting to learn is that letting their little thug groups like BLM, Antifa and the PLO break that contract will cause the other side to stop following that contract as well.
I have been telling these fascist shitheads they are not going like a world where we treat them the way they treat us.
They quote Stokley Carmichael like he's some kind of aspirational figure. Well, Carmichael did express admiration for Adolf Hitler. Carmichael didn't hold much truck with white people, but he was willing to make the exception for Hitler....He changed his name to Kwame Ture to honor two African dictators he shilled for. I don't think Toure was in a class with Hitler, but Toure did manage to kill fifty thousand of his political opponents, many of them after prolonged bouts of torture. I remember some reporter asking Carmichael about this, and Carmichael responded that Toure didn't kill enough people. So, anyway, Kwame Nkrumah's Ghana is the beau ideal of what they're aiming for.
Someone upthread stated he had "zero empathy" for children and old women getting murdered by Israeal because they "brought it on themselves". Man, I wouldn't do business with someone so immoral. In fact, I'd count my fingers after shaking their hands. People that callous and amoral about a matter of public policy, will really be immoral when they see a chance to benefit personally or be selfish. They have no morals.
I must say that all these wars and things like J6- they've really smoke out the amoral types who will do ANYTHING to win. These people cry rivers of tears when "their side" is hurt, and gloat and act the tough guy when the "other side" is injured. One could tolerate the tough guy act: "that's war, baby" "Just win baby, just win", if they weren't always screeching to high heavens whenever someone they like is injured or loses. Cry-bullies are the most disgusting scum on earth. Snowflakes one moment, attila the hun the next.
1: The only side attempting genocide (neither side has actually carried it out) is the Palestinians.
2: The statement disdains the ethos of nonviolence, quoting Black Panther leader Kwame Ture, formerly Stokely Carmichael: “In order for nonviolence to work, your opponent must have a conscience, and the Hamas Nazi supporters have none. So by their own argument, every shred of Israel's violence against "the people of Gaza" is entirely justified
3: Some pro-Palestinian demonstrators seem to believe, given the moral enormity of mass death, displacement and starvation in Gaza, that is all and entirely teh fault of Hamas. FIFY.
"The moral enormity" of the mass rape, torture, and murder of innocent civilians in Israel by Hamas, and the cheering of that by the people of Gaza, justifies ANYTHING Israel has to do to those people in order to make sure it never happened again.
4: We'll know the people of Gaza no longer deserved to be bombed, starved, displaced, or killed when they rise up and slaughter every single Hamas supporter.
Until then? Nazi civilians are still Nazis, and still legitimate targets for violence
Leftists conveniently forget and leave out OCTOBER 7TH.
Israeli video compilation shows the savagery and ease of Hamas’ attack
After Oct 7th - I know I am perfectly fine with turning Gaza into glass.
No other nation on earth is told to sit back and show restraint. Just Israel.
Leftists love to invent new terms and phrases and redefine words to justify whatever they're doing. It all boils down to one thing: The Left's evil deeds are OK so stop noticing them.
"It's a big theme in porn — or so I've read —"
Not to delve into the subject, but you'd know it (porn) if you saw it?
It’s a pet peeve of mine but I don’t like the use of “need to” when the writer means “in my opinion should”. Senators “need” food, water, air - no one needs to do what Michelle Goldberg or anyone else wants them to do.
Oh, have they finally come for Michelle? Welcome to the club, honey.
RCOCEAN II said...
Someone upthread stated he had "zero empathy" for children and old women getting murdered by Israeal because they "brought it on themselves". Man, I wouldn't do business with someone so immoral. In fact, I'd count my fingers after shaking their hands. People that callous and amoral about a matter of public policy, will really be immoral when they see a chance to benefit personally or be selfish. They have no morals.
Applying morals in this situation is stupid and juvenile.
The only thing you do by allowing the "Palestinian People" to continue as a group is to force women, children, and future generations to be raised and a part of a failed social contract and to be hunted and driven out because they are toxic to every other tribe in the area.
You don't care about what Jordan or Syria or Egypt have done to the Palestinians. Only what the Jews are doing.
You are just as biased as the people propping Israel up as some sort of moral paragon and your claims of moralism are just as hollow.
Hamas should be more like Fatah is, and less of what it was. Gaza should follow West Bank. The Muslims should stop trying to clear the Palestine territory that is occupied by Jordan, Syria, Israel, etc, and abort their century long effort to force a Jewish Spring, to push Jews into the sea. It didn't work in collaboration with the German Nation Socialists and it is still not a viable Choice with contemporary left-wing regimes. Move On (no pun intended).
That said, murder, rape, and torture in the pursuit of social justice is no ethical vice, left (sic)?
Totally agree with Dave Begley's comment ... anyone throwing around the term "genocide" is not to be taken seriously. The Gazans/Palestinians are reaping what they have sown in throwing in with Hamas
Good to know - that according to some - morals don't apply when it comes to Israel. So, if China or someone drops a nuke on Israel, well, that's just war baby. No tears please.
October 7th, Guess that too was "Just war, baby."
A question none of these Pro-Israeli Genocidal tough guys never ask "Why are we remembering the Holocaust - that was just war, baby."
'cause the tough guy pose is just an act. They just love their tribe and hate the other tribe. Ooog the caveman.
Stokley Carmichael, eh? I think he was still “Stokley” and not yet “Kwame” back in 1964 when someone asked him about the position of women in the Civil Rights movement.
“Prone,” he succinctly answered.
"given the moral enormity of mass death, displacement and starvation in Gaza"
I do get tired of bullshit walking around on stilts, screaming that it smells great.
That "moral enormity" is not a given. Name another country on earth today required to provide food to the population of its enemy during active war, and doing it on such a scale. How many Gazans would be alive today if Israel wanted them dead of starvation? Mass death reported by the propagandists of one side and unverified is only a report, not a fact. And those deaths are often caused by Hamas keeping their own civilians hostage as human shields. Displacement, yes, but again Israel does this odd thing where it tells civilians to leave an area before bombing or attacking Hamas there. That "moral enormity" is enormous, all right, but about as moral as a crack whore on a Baltimore street corner late for her fix.
So the moral enormity seems to me to be that the Palestinians could kill every Hamas member available and surrender to the Israelis, to reduce the one true moral horror there, which is and always has been Hamas' genocidal war against the Jews.
Why does the idea of Palestinian freedom evoke “genocide” in your mind?
So much manipulation of language in one interrogative sentence.
"Freedom"? Freedom from what? Twentieth century history would like a word. There was never an Arab state called Palestine. There used to be a British Mandate of Palestine. And Arabs in or from that area were not called "Palestinians" until the 1960s.
"Genocide"? What on earth would give that idea? October 7th would also like a word.
I am increasingly p-ssed off by this sort of rhetoric. Iqbal treats us as if we are drooling morons who know nothing and are incapable of rational thought.
Big Mike said...
Stokley Carmichael, eh? I think he was still “Stokley” and not yet “Kwame” back in 1964 when someone asked him about the position of women in the Civil Rights movement.
“Prone,” he succinctly answered.
Yes, he was the Civil Rights movement's first self-described "Backdoor Man".
If I had a name as cool as Stokley Carmichael, I sure as hell wouldn't go changing it to some fake-ass African bullshit.
RCOCEAN II said...
Good to know - that according to some - morals don't apply when it comes to Israel. So, if China or someone drops a nuke on Israel, well, that's just war baby. No tears please.
October 7th, Guess that too was "Just war, baby."
A question none of these Pro-Israeli Genocidal tough guys never ask "Why are we remembering the Holocaust - that was just war, baby."
'cause the tough guy pose is just an act. They just love their tribe and hate the other tribe. Ooog the caveman.
I expected a juvenile response.
The same thing happening in Gaza right now is happening in at least 10 other places in the world right now. It is happening to groups of people that have been given far fewer chances than the Palestinians. Some of those groups of people did nothing wrong other than be weak.
The Palestinians are one decision away from having peace and their own country.
They repeatedly choose war. The Palestinians have chosen war they cannot win for decades.
The problem is they are being shielded from responsibility for this choice and they are dooming future generations to suffer from their bad choices.
This loop where the Palestinians attack Israeli citizens and Israel kills Palestinians will continue until the Palestinians cease to be a people. Kids who are born in Gaza now would be born in a peaceful country if Palestinian women and children were driven into Jordan or Egypt and assimilated into the local population after any one of the many wars the Palestinians have started and lost over the last several decades.
Excerpt:When Zionists claim that “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” is a call for genocide, I ask: Why does the idea of Palestinian freedom evoke “genocide” in your mind? Do you fear that upon liberation, the Palestinian people will unleash upon you the same horrors that you inflicted on them?
As a people they have made really poor choices for decades. The worst choice they made was to adopt cultural marxism. This has led every country in the region to kill them because they start trouble wherever they are currently living.
What I fear is that these people will be allowed to raise more children in future generations into a culture of hatred and nihilistic warmongering. The women and children do not deserve to be abused by this sick tribal leadership.
Again, note how Zionists behave and write:
1) They NEVER defend, apologize or disavow Israel killing 33,000 innocent Gazans, 90 percent of whom are women and kids. Many of whom are Christians.
2) They NEVER defend, apologize or disavow Israel for Bombing and detroying Hospitals, Mosques churches, or apartment buildings. 2/3 of the buildings in Gaza have been destroyed.
3) They ever defend, apologize, or disavow Israel for continuing to kill and bomb innocent Gazans after drving them out of most of Gaza.
They only attack, derail, call everyone "antisemite", and change the subject to "Oy vey, the Poor snowflake Jewish Students, someone said a rude word."
BTW, its amazing to see Christian Zionists blubber about "Oh, the poor Indians" "Woe is me, what Whites did to the poor blacks, I feel so guilty" and then compare it to their current "WHo cares about Gaza Genocide, that's war baby". Its hard to comprehend. I guess they're 90 percent Zionists and 10 percent Christian. And zero percent American.
Go over there and fight Maryam, you duplicitous piece of shite.
"...the Israelis won't abide by 'civility bullshit' as they have in the past."
When have they ever?
"'Someone upthread stated he had "zero empathy" for children and old women getting murdered by Israeal because they "brought it on themselves". Man, I wouldn't do business with someone so immoral. In fact, I'd count my fingers after shaking their hands. People that callous and amoral about a matter of public policy, will really be immoral when they see a chance to benefit personally or be selfish. They have no morals.'
"Applying morals in this situation is stupid and juvenile."
Completely wrong. Morals should and must be applied especially in situations of war and human death and suffering. The dismal reality is completely the opposite. This is why all wars are crimes, the ghastliest crimes humans can commit. Any person who has "zero empathy for children and old women getting murdered" (by any warring entity) is not simply immoral, but a monster, a supporter of murder and murderers.
Blogger RCOCEAN II said...
Again, note how Zionists behave and write:
1) They NEVER defend, apologize or disavow Israel killing 33,000 innocent Gazans, 90 percent of whom are women and kids. Many of whom are Christians.
Well, that's because :
1: The claim is utter bullshit, as even Hamas has admitted
2: If civilians don't want to die in a. war, they need to do two things:
i: Try to keep their country from starting wars
ii: Keep their county from starting a war by engaging in mass atrocities against enemy civilians.
I don't give a shit about all the German, Italian, and / or Japanese civilians killed during WWII
I don't give a shit about any "Palestinian" civilians killed in this war.
Once you deliberately go after the other side's civilians, ALL of yours are legitimate targets. However many Gaza civilians have died is unimportant, because their deaths are all well deserved.
When they're tired of dying, they will show that by overthrowing and wiping out Hamas, and making peace with Israel, accepting that Israel is and always will be a Jewish State, that it has complete and total right to control its borders, and that none of them, now or ever, have any "right" to enter Israel.
You know, just as we actual conservatives feel about America
I understand that Jew hating Nazi pieces of shit have a problem with this. I don't care
Thank you, Greg. BS must be confronted and denounced.
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