BREAKING: Police have just told protestors at Yale they will be arrested if they don’t leave:
— Steve McGuire (@sfmcguire79) April 22, 2024
२२ एप्रिल, २०२४
"Identifiably Jewish students found themselves surrounded and cornered by protest mobs."
"Sahar Tartak, a sophomore who has written for these pages, was poked in the eye with a flagpole and needed hospital treatment. On Friday night the mob cheered as students ripped down the American flag in front of a memorial for fallen soldiers and tried to burn it. Students called Yale trustees and senior administrators 'terrorists.' Their chants included 'There is only one solution, intifada revolution' and 'From the river to the sea, Palestine is almost free.' They cornered a man at the plaza for wearing a T-shirt that read 'F--- Hamas.' This protest is in clear violation of Yale's code of conduct, which explicitly forbids protesters from obstructing building entrances or blocking students' ability to observe an event. But the administration sat on its hands.... For the police to step in, the Yale administration has to give them the green light, according to the [Yale police] officers. Some officers expressed frustration that Yale wouldn't allow them to intervene...."Writes Gabriel Diamond, a Yale senior, in "Protests Turn Violent At Yale" (Wall Street Journal).UPDATE:
१२२ टिप्पण्या:
BUT! Jupiter SAYS that None of This EVER Actually Happened!
Or, if it DID; it was FINE: 'cause it happened to Jews..
Right Jupiter?
Coexistence is not possible, IMO.
Yale is a sovereign state? Or just really big contributors to local politicians?
Disgraceful. Unsurprising.
"This protest is in clear violation of Yale's code of conduct"
LOL. Learning useful lessons: codes are tools, rules don't apply to favored groups, and by the way, Jews are oppressive genocidists, so take that.
"But the administration sat on its hands."
Nah. They're applauding.
Do we really expect left wing universities to crack down on left wing protests that get out of hand? They will never attempt to reign in the monster they created.
Lots of $oro$ tents. I'm sure the police gave them a stern warning.
Nazi's little Brown shirts have nothing on today's progressive students who hate America.
It is a shame this is happening in the places and institutions that encourages this type of protests against people they don't approve of.
There will be blood in the streets this election season. But it won't be mostly peaceful protests against just the right, this time. The DNC is going to be a great sh!t show.
I’m old enough to remember when two middle school kids spray painting a swastika on a tree would illicit an emergency crisis team of half a dozen rabbis and anti defamation leaders spending a week on local news denouncing the act and hate in general.
How progressive we’ve become…
Welcome to the latest installment of "existential threat."
When times are quiet, any semi-competent leadership will do. In times of crisis, our elites are tested. They are failing.
Arrests are probably just catch-and-release, won't be any prosecutions. They need to expel a large number of students, especially their highly-profitable foreign full-price ones. Show you're serious, Yale. Or close down and start processing refunds.
I saw no sombreros. The checks have cleared.
Nothing to see here, move along. We have a world to run at Yale.
Nothing to do with... you.
The battle over who is the biggest victim continues, the reporting being on the Jews are the biggest victim side at the moment. It's a low IQ battle and can't be won, especially since Palestinians are not very bright. Also the battle is great for clickbait, which guarantees its never ending status.
Jews acting like the smart ones might work if they tried it.
The opposite of victimhood, wealth, comes from trade. Jews have been trying to trade with Palestinians for years and each time Hamas has shot it down or blown it up. Sick Palestinians are treated in Israeli hospitals, as a Mitzvah. There's the argument to use.
Dropping victimhood is complicated by eternal Jewish victimhood being used internally to prevent low IQ Jews from assimilating, so it has a second use keeping it in play.
Victimhood doesn't work in America, or probably anywhere. Blacks have played victims for decades and they're worse off every year.
The FIB is conveniently absent from these hate speech/ civil rights crimes. Funny that. They are too busy arresting prayer groups at abortion clinics.
Stop this criminal nonsense by any means necessary.
Some people insist on learning a lesson the hard way. Serve that customer!
And they are released and back at the protest.
Lots of $oro$ tents. I'm sure the police gave them a stern warning.
Haha. Yes. The UPDATE is the police threatening to arrest. The End.
Arrest the Yale administration personnel for INCITING A RIOT by allowing them to have this antisemitic violent protest..
Simple, no?
I bet if someone asked, the people in the mob would claim to be against racial profiling and would fail to recognize that's exactly what they do.
Wake us up at 6:57AM?
Don't these fascist pigs know the earliest we can make it to class is 11:00AM?
These students at these Ivy League schools are complete trash.
Last weekend, I had my own little experience with four Creighton students and discovered that they are totally opposed to Free Speech. They don't want to hear anything that conflicts with their religious belief in CAGW.
Democratic voters.
Democratics like Puppet Biden and his corrupt puppet handlers and George Soros would like to import millions more of these American hating - Jew hating nazis.
The protests aren't directed against the Israeli government but rather against Jews and symbols of their faith like synagogues. This belies their statements that they aren't anti-Semitic but rather anti-Zionist.....Is it true that Soros is funding the protesters? WTF. Well, Jews were more notable in their support rather than their criticism of the early Bolsheviks. The superior intellect of Jews is demonstrated more often in the fields of medicine and physics than in political science.
There might not be enough popcorn for these events. Part of me wants to see the students burn these colleges and universities to the ground along with the cities they inhabit. "Good and hard" might be the only solution to what ails us as a country.
On an only somewhat more serious note- if the universities are serious about restoring order on their campuses, they will need to expel the students who are violating the rights of all the other students. There isn't a middle ground here- you either enforce order, or you will continue to get chaos which will only grow in scope and destructiveness.
Wondering if I am identifiably Catholic. Maybe if I wore a Creighton shirt.
The colleges are run by the students. In the olden days much of this activity would result in expulsion. Go home and tell your parents their tuition payments went for the glory of a place that does not exist.
Note to Jews living in blue cities. Buy guns. Buy ammo for the guns (at least 200 cartridges). Get training in how to safely use those guns, and safes so that kids cannot get their hands on them. If you bought a semiautomatic handgun make sure your training includes how to clear a jam. Ignore laws about concealed carry; as a Jew they will not give you a permit anyway, and if worst comes to worst and you’re forced to defend yourself maybe you’ll get a jury with enough Republicans to result in a hung jury (you might ask for a change of venue).
Fun year for high school seniors trying to pick colleges.
Lets get things square here
The FBI has spent the last 7 years infiltrating the Catholic Church, and investigating parents attending school board meetings. Along with leading wanna be militia types to kidnap and Governor.
Strange? That DoJ, FBI recruits heavily from the IVY League?
There seems to be a large number of people available to protest for leftish causes at the drop of a hat. This has been going on for a long time, and it seems so weird to me.
Leftist movements always end when nominal allies turn on each other. Unhappy people demand change but often incompatible types of change. The strongest lefty faction routinely kills off the others or forces them to join the opposition/conservatives.
The pro-Palestine, pro-Transgender (anti-biology), and Black reparations lefty factions are hell bent on driving all others away. I lay 2/3 odds that a moderate center-right coalition takes control and the hard left groups stew in angry impotency for 40 years, and 1/3 odds of structured terrorism and war.
Didn't Soros sell out his fellow Jews already when he collaborated with the Nazis as a young man? Nuthin' new here.
Jews are learning that we are now at the bottom of the victim pyramid, along with white heterosexual men. The diversity, that Jews mostly encouraged for so many years, is now after us. To some extent, as a group, we deserve it.
“Their chants included … 'From the river to the sea, Palestine is almost free.'”
I sorta agree with this one. The Israeli controlled areas of Palestine - from the river to the sea - are pretty free. The other parts - especially controlled by Hamas - not so much, though.
Is it true that Soros is funding the protesters? WTF.
Yes it is true. Recall that as a Hungarian teenager during World War II George Soros worked with the Nazis to confiscate Jewish property.
Crocodile eats him last.
William said...
"The protests aren't directed against the Israeli government but rather against Jews and symbols of their faith like synagogues. This belies their statements that they aren't anti-Semitic but rather anti-Zionist.....Is it true that Soros is funding the protesters? WTF. Well, Jews were more notable in their support rather than their criticism of the early Bolsheviks. The superior intellect of Jews is demonstrated more often in the fields of medicine and physics than in political science."
Soros funds many protest groups, not only through the Open Society Foundation but a number of shells within shells within shells.
The protestors aren't so much anti-Semitic or even anti-Zionist, as much as they're anti- capitalist and, by association, anti colonial. Harassment of Jews of all political affiliations is an intimidation tactic, simular to what Antifa was doing in Portland, Kenosha, etc.
I can't go along with the notion of superior intellect when it can be explained more easily through education and culture.
Big Mike recommends that Jews in blue cities get armed.
That is a great 2nd choice. First choice is to get out.
Get to a conservative state, and to outer suburbs if not rural, to minimize risk of being pogromed.
And, yes, still carry. And train.
Let the blue zones continue to azzarello themselves.
Just remember what you fled from, and to, when voting.
Bari Weiss
For a second, imagine that black students at Columbia were taunted with chants of "Go back to Africa."
Or imagine that a gay student at Yale was surrounded by homophobic protesters and hit in the eye with a flagpole.
Or imagine if a campus imam told Muslim students that they ought to head home for Ramadan because campus public safety could not guarantee their security.
There would be relentless fury from our media and condemnation from our politicians.
Just remember the righteous—and rightful—outrage over the white supremacist “Unite the Right” march in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017, where neo-Nazis chanted “The Jews will not replace us.”
This weekend at Columbia and Yale, student demonstrators did all of the above—only it was directed at Jews. They told Columbia students to “go back to Poland.” A Jewish woman at Yale was assaulted with a Palestinian flag. And an Orthodox rabbi at Columbia told students to go home for their safety.
What will the response be?
2:17 AM · Apr 22, 2024
Bari Weiss"Anyone who has a naive belief in the power of higher education to instill morality has not studied the history of German universities in the Third Reich."
Columbia University Professor Shai Davidai just had his university card deactivated to keep him out of the 'liberated' zone.
Waiting for leftists to justify this-oh wait, they are too busy calling Trump a Nazi.
This has little to do with Israel, and everything to do with killing Jews, everywhere. And then whites.
The policies supported by the left are responsible for this. At least things are becoming honest now. The KKK, begun by Democrats, has merged with the left and showing us exactly what will happen if they take power.
And if the demonstration demanded that Blacks or Gays leave campus?
"There seems to be a large number of people available to protest for leftish causes at the drop of a hat. This has been going on for a long time, and it seems so weird to me."
Even more "weird" is "protesting" seems to peak in an election year.
From Eitan Fischberger on X:
Heard outside Columbia University last night: "Never forget the 7th of October. That will happen not 1 more time, not 5 more times, not 10, not 100, not 1,000, but 10,000 times! The 7th of October is going to be every day for you"
(via Instapundit)
Liberals hate Jews and want to kill them all.
And yet Jews keep voting for liberals.
That will be changing I think...
The Ivys won't crack down muslim protestors, they are the only students paying full boat tuition and board. Usually paid by rich immigrant parents or foreign governments. The Ivys need the cash.
FDR would be deporting them like he did German and Italian Nazi immigrants. Japanese Ivy Ivy students seem to have known in advance to go home. ;<)
These Nazi-wannabes support murdering innocent men, women, and children, so let's not pretend they're going to stop at mere bigoted harassment and trespassing.
So a certain semetic ethnicity is finding that the implementation of their Kalergi Plan is having some unexpected negative consequences for them? That's sad but they shouldn't worry. They can always make aliyah to Israel and they'll be taken in. Now as for the rest of us... I dunno.
To answer some questions, (i) the Yale campus is of course private property, (ii) Yale has its own deputized police force, and (iii) Yale and the City of New Haven have a long-standing MOU which provides that the municipal police force does not patrol or enter the campus unless specifically requested by the Administration. I understand that a number of universities have similar arrangements, reflecting a centuries-old tradition of universities as autonomous communities.
I also note that assembling a crowd in a central plaza (in this case, the central plaza at Yale, though the article obscures that) and burning a flag are traditional expressive activities, rather on the low edge of "violence." Also, only snowflakes--encouraged by Prof. Althouse's generation of academics--consider chanting slogans to be "violence." (The stick in the eye might be more serious, depending on the exact facts.)
In SF, the Pro-Hamas-ers who shut down the Golden Gate Bridge for six hours have been released without charges. Imagine if Pro-Israelis did that.
The New Haven police would be much more effective at clearing the space if they went through sloshing kerosene on those nylon tents and announcing that they’re coming back in ten minutes with matches.
And the Jews abiding this horseshit are the new Judentrat.
There are no rules for lefties. Of course, these people pose no threat to the Republic unless they start chanting, "USA, USA." Or maybe, "Jesus is Lord."
Just ask the FBI.
Blogger MadTownGuy said...
I can't go along with the notion of superior intellect
whose intellect is being subject here as superior?
protesters; administration; journalists; the jews?
Joe Smith: "And yet Jews keep voting for liberals. That will be changing I think..."
Don't hold your breath. “I have seen these people,” the Lord said to Moses, “and they are a stiff-necked people." Exodus 32:9.
They don't vote for liberals. They vote for Democrats for reasons they can't remember. Hamas loving Jew haters, Antifa, BLM, all cut from the same cloth, all Democrat Party consorts. Bari Weiss, John Podhoretz and a few others see it. Most Jews don't.
What would you expect from these tools on the eve of Passover? Sean says "Death to the Jews" is acceptable on college campus just as it was in the Weimar. Elvis Costello called it in his famous song - `
'Identifiably Jewish'
Did they have hook noses?
Were they lending money off in the corner?
Drinking the blood of Christian babies?
Inquiring minds...
Here's wishing you, and all death to Jews apologists, a Malinois peck on the cheek.
"In SF, the Pro-Hamas-ers who shut down the Golden Gate Bridge for six hours have been released without charges. Imagine if Pro-Israelis did that."
Put Ken Darlington in charge.
Problem solved.
BTW, Didn't Buwaya predict this was coming?
Kalergi Effect, was proposed by Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi. He was an Austrian-Japanese politician and philosopher who founded the Pan-European Union and advocated for a unified Europe.
I never heard of this before or know why someone would attribute this theory to Jews, other than the usual deranged bigotry.
Blogger West TX Intermediate Crude said...
...Just remember what you fled from, and to, when voting.
well : even after their brush with FDR, et al they have run behind/aside 'the strong D horse' so far [but overtly never astride]
West TX Intermediate Crude said...
Big Mike recommends that Jews in blue cities get armed.
That is a great 2nd choice. First choice is to get out.
Get to a conservative state, and to outer suburbs if not rural, to minimize risk of being pogromed.
Nope. The blue cities are a mess in part because of who they’ve supported and how they’ve voted. Let them clean up the mess they’ve helped make.
Judenrat, ndspinelli, not Judentrat.
Yes it is true. Recall that as a Hungarian teenager during World War II George Soros worked with the Nazis to confiscate Jewish property.
He did not. You are a fucking liar (as is fairmarketvalue).
Student protests truly came of age in the 1960s. Protests over the Vietnam War, civil rights, assassinations of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy. Father Ted Hesburgh was a long-time University President at Notre Dame, including during the 1960s. As protests and sit-ins swept college campuses around the country, Hesburgh established the "15 minute rule". Students who were participating in a disruptive campus protest would be given 15 minutes to cease and desist. Any student remaining after 5 minutes would be suspended; any student remaining after 15 minutes would be expelled. I don't know whether this rule ever had to be implemented, but students were on notice as to the consequences of their actions.
Hesburgh was not a hard-line conservative. He was a well-known advocate for, and participant in civil rights causes.
Universities exist to educate students, and to allow for the free exchange of ideas. Disruptive protests like what is happening at Columbia, Yale, and other universities can and should be put to a stop.
This sounds like a class-action suit against Yale. Make it so.
Poor little Hamas supporter who's mommy married her brother is crying that she is homeless and STARVING now....WAHHH...WAHHHH....WAHGHHHHH.....
Mommy didn't teach her that actions have consequences so she has the Pravda media crying about poor little $90 thousand a year college, MOMMY being a Hamas Congresscritter.....How will she EVER make it in this RACIST, hateful country, that SHE is contributing the hate for???
I also note that assembling a crowd in a central plaza (in this case, the central plaza at Yale, though the article obscures that) and burning a flag are traditional expressive activities, rather on the low edge of "violence." Also, only snowflakes--encouraged by Prof. Althouse's generation of academics--consider chanting slogans to be "violence." (The stick in the eye might be more serious, depending on the exact facts.)"
Gee sean, you mean burning a palestinian flag, or a rainbow flag, or chanting Muhammad go home or Blacks back to Africa isn't hate speech or "violence"? Good to know.
'He did not. You are a fucking liar (as is fairmarketvalue).'
Who cares if it's true or not?
Democrats lie through their teeth on a minute-by-minute basis.
Remember Schiff's assertions that he saw direct evidence that Trump colluded with Russia?
All bullshit, but it pushed the narrative for a greater cause.
So yes, Soros is, in fact, an actual Nazi. He is related to Adolf Hitler.
That's my story, so go fuck yourself.
Freder, it is a matter of record. Wise up.
By his own admission, in a 1986 interview, he worked with Nazis to confiscate Jewish property. Try being a little less ideological and a little more intellectual.
Freder...Here is the transcript of the 60 minutes interview with Soros IN HIS OWN WORDS...
So before calling people fucking liars, take a seat and shut up. This is from his own corrupt mouth...and as usual, you are on the wrong side of history, and wrong again, as usual. They took the video down, probably because Your Hero George Soros paid them to.
"To understand the complexities and contradictions in his personality you have to back to the very beginning, to Budapest, where George Soros was born 68 years ago to parents who were wealthy, well educated, and Jewish.
When the Nazis occupied Budapest in 1944 George Soros’ father was a successful lawyer. He lived on an island in the Danube and liked to commute to work in a rowboat. But knowing there were problems ahead for the Jews he decided to split his family up. He bought them forged papers and bribed a government official to take 14 year old George Soros in and swear that he was his Christian godson.
But survival carried a heavy price tag. While hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews were being shipped off to the death camps George Soros accompanied his phony godfather on his appointed rounds confiscating property from the Jews.
Interview cont’d
You’re a Hungarian Jew who escaped the holocaust by posing as a Christian.
Soros cont’d
Host cont’d
And you watched lots of people get shipped off to the death camps?
Soros cont’d
Right. I was 14 years old and I would say that’s when my character was made.
Host cont’d
In what way?
Soros cont’d
That one should...
:Srs IV:
One should understand and anticipate events… It was a tremendous threat of evil. It was a very personal experience of evil.
Host cont’d
My understanding is that you went out with this “protector” of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson.
Soros cont’d
Host cont’d
… went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property of the Jews.
Soros cont’d
That’s right. Yes.
Host cont’d
That sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many years. Was it difficult??
Soros cont’d
Uh. Not at all. Not at all. Maybe as a child you don’t see the connection but it created no problem at all.
Host cont’d
No feeling of guilt?
Soros cont’d
Host cont’d
For example, “I’m Jewish and here I am watching these people go. I could just as easily be there. I should be there.” None of that?
Soros cont’d
Well. Of course I could be on the other side. I could be the one from whom the thing is being taken away, uh, but there was no sense I shouldn’t be there because there was – Well, actually, (in a) funny way it’s just like in markets that if I weren’t there (of course I wasn’t doing it) REDsomebody else would be taking it away anyhow. Whether I was there or not (I was only a spectator) the property was being taken away. So – I had no role in taking away that property so I had no sense of guilt.RED END"
By his own admission, in a 1986 interview, he worked with Nazis to confiscate Jewish property. Try being a little less ideological and a little more intellectual.
He did not. You are a fucking liar (as is fairmarketvalue).
Is Freder as ready to vehemently call out a lie whet it does not involve his heroes? I think it's not that it's a lie, it's that it denigrates someone important to him. At least that seems to be where the evidence leads.
Blogger fairmarketvalue said...
Didn't Soros sell out his fellow Jews already when he collaborated with the Nazis as a young man? Nuthin' new here.
Soros is a scoundrel and a dick, but he was born in 1930 and thus too young during the war to be helping the Nazis.
Legally, what liability is the University taking on here by permitting obstruction and allowing violent/riotous speech followed by acts of violence towards certain students on the basis of religion.
If Police are actively being told not to protect students and enforce existing laws - let alone codes of conduct by the University - I would assume there is liability issues emerging.
"Soros is a scoundrel and a dick, but he was born in 1930 and thus too young during the war to be helping the Nazis."
He was 13 in 1944 when the Nazis started sending Hungarian Jews to the camps. So, yes. He was old enough and old enough to know what he was doing.
Some people are just evil and deserve no polite accomodation.
Oh. And my advice to any Jew anywhere in the world. Aquire a firearm legally or illegaly and learn how to use it.
"When someone comes into your house to murder you, arise and kill him first." This the Torah tells us.
Remember, these are the people with student loan debt that Joe Biden wants the non-college taxpayers to pay off through Biden's "forgiveness" giveaways.
Far-left Democratic Socialists (Dezis)
Amazing how the MSM frames the debate and stories they publish. We get almost no stories about 30,000 innocent Gazans being murdered by israel since October 7th. And almost nothing about what these protesters are actually protesting. How many Gazans were killed today by the IDF?
Instead, we get this endless framing of privilaged powerful, Jewish Ivy league students as victims. Enless stories about so-called antisemitism. Oy vey, a privilaged guy in Jewish yamaka couldn't go somewhere because of a Palestinian protest. Cry me a river, cupcake.
I'd love to just ignore this battle between mostly rich completely entitled Ivy Leaguers, but the dishonesty is just too much.
Amazing how the MSM frames the debate and stories they publish. We get almost no stories about 30,000 innocent Gazans being murdered by israel since October 7th. And almost nothing about what these protesters are actually protesting. How many Gazans were killed today by the IDF?
Instead, we get this endless framing of privilaged powerful, Jewish Ivy league students as victims. Enless stories about so-called antisemitism. Oy vey, a privilaged guy in Jewish yamaka couldn't go somewhere because of a Palestinian protest. Cry me a river, cupcake.
I'd love to just ignore this battle between mostly rich completely entitled Ivy Leaguers, but the dishonesty is just too much.
By his own admission, in a 1986 interview, he worked with Nazis to confiscate Jewish property. Try being a little less ideological and a little more intellectual.
I notice this is not a direct quote and you are being disingenuous. The Soros' survived by getting forged papers identifying them as Christian. George did indeed go stay with his "god father", who had a contract to remove the furniture from the homes of Jews who had been deported. To avoid awkward questions (why isn't that healthy young man not helping you?), he did indeed go out with his godfather on some of his collections. To claim this is collaboration (especially by a 14 year old) is a gross distortion.
Wikipedia summarizes the Soros/Nazi collaboration event:
Soros was 13 years old in March 1944 when Nazi Germany occupied Hungary.[43] The Nazis barred Jewish children from attending school, and Soros and the other schoolchildren were made to report to the Judenrat ("Jewish Council"), which had been established during the occupation. Soros later described this time to writer Michael Lewis: "The Jewish Council asked the little kids to hand out the deportation notices. I was told to go to the Jewish Council. And there I was given these small slips of paper ... I took this piece of paper to my father. He instantly recognized it. This was a list of Hungarian Jewish lawyers. He said, 'You deliver the slips of paper and tell the people that if they report they will be deported'. I'm not sure to what extent he knew they were going to be gassed. I did what my father said."[44][45]
effinayright says: "Soros is a scoundrel and a dick, but he was born in 1930 and thus too young during the war to be helping the Nazis."
The Nazis occupied Hungary in 1944, when Soros would have turned 14, easily old enough to be of some use to them. I don't know whether he was of use, but he was old enough to be.
The Washington Post says that:
Early in the occupation, Soros worked as a courier for the local Jewish council, which Nazis set up in many occupied countries — using Jews to identify and keep tabs on other Jews.
“The members of the Jewish councils faced impossible moral dilemmas,” the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum wrote. They were often unaware that the Nazis’ goal was the death of all Jews, or even believed that working with the regime might benefit their communities.
So, you make the call: duped, or collaborator?
In any event, his undisputed current role as financier for extreme leftist causes makes him an awful person.
Where's Aldo Raine and Donnie Donowitz when you need them?
Why would anyone in charge of hiring, if they're working for a Company that has any number of Jewish employees, hire someone from Yale?
Talk about Tainting the Product!
effinayright: You're wrong. Soros was 14 when he participated in the confiscation of Jewish property by the Nazis. Please see multiple comments above regarding his 1986 admission of that. However, you are right that Soros is both a scoundrel and a dick.
There is a real, live fifth column in America. And they're just getting warmed up.
The only question is what will the rest of us do about it...
Remember the "poop swastika" from maybe 10 years ago? Someone allgedly drew a swastika on a dorm bathroom wall at Missou U. using shit as the medium and the college went berserk. Something banal and insignificant was blown out of all proportion.
Now we actual NAZI brownshirts taking over our universities to the point that Jewish kids are being told to go home and our Leftist government and media shrug. Just kids beiing kids... freedom of speech... blah blah blah.
Has anyone on either side been physically hurt or is it all hurt feelings?
Critter said...
Has anyone on either side been physically hurt or is it all hurt feelings?
I was just reading today that a jewish girl at Columbia had a flag pole shoved into her eye.
So yes, real harm
On a side note:
IIUC, one of the Jewish Columbia professors now demanding police protection from teh mob, was previously part of the defund the police movement.
For all that I am opposed to the genocidal monster Palestinians, I dont' believe that ANY "defund the police" supporter should ever get any sort of "police protection."
You denied, or wanted to deny, it to others. You shouldn't get it yourself
RCOCEAN II said...
Amazing how the MSM frames the debate and stories they publish. We get almost no stories about 30,000 innocent Gazans being murdered by israel since October 7th.
That's because the claim is a lie. Even Hamas is no admitting they made that figure up
And almost nothing about what these protesters are actually protesting.
What those protesters are protesting for is the rape, torture, and / or murder of every single Jew in Israel.
"From the river to the sea" is a demand that every Jew in Israel who doesn't escape fast enough gets murdered. So no, teh press isn't reporting on what the scum are demanding, because the press is on your side
How many Gazans were killed today by the IDF?
Why should we care? That's like caring in teh middle of WWII how many German or Japanese civilians were killed today.
They're the enemy., and they started the war. Whatever happens to them, until such time as they unconditionally surrender and free all the remaining hostages, is something they deserve.
Per Bari Weiss:
"Just remember the righteous—and rightful—outrage over the white supremacist “Unite the Right” march in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017, where neo-Nazis chanted “The Jews will not replace us.”
This weekend at Columbia and Yale, student demonstrators did all of the above—only it was directed at Jews. They told Columbia students to “go back to Poland.” A Jewish woman at Yale was assaulted with a Palestinian flag.
Interesting. Can someone explain why chanting "The jews will not replace us" is a threat or an expression of "hate". It seems to saying "Hey, Jews wont destroy us". Which is defensive.
But the Weiss seems to think that's a threat to Jews. Just like she thinks someone protesting Genocide in Gaza is a threat to Jews. We don't know any of the details of these incidents. And we only get hysterical exaggeration from people like Weiss. Weren't all these "Explicitly and Obviously Jewish" people confronting the Palestinian protesters? Weren't they arguing with them and defending Israel's actions? If so, they were the victim of some rude remarks. But what were THEIR rude remarks toward the protesters?
And how is one "assaulted by a flag"? you mean the flag (not the pole) touched her body? I doubt she needed medical attention.
This sort of writing is why Tucker thought Weiss was dishonest. Now, she may be telling the truth. But everything points to Weiss exaggerating and being misleading.
Hey Critter - Go grab an Israeli flag and walk through the encampment at Columbia. Then tell me if your feelings were hurt.
Interesting how we're all a bunch of 'fucking liars' but upon providing proof we're now being told what Soros did really wasn't all that bad.
Why is the chant of “The Jews will not replace us” threatening to Jews?
I think that’s pretty simple. The chant implies that the Jews are the people interested in “replacing” and thus displacing working class, rural white men. But it is not “the Jews,” but the elitist Democrats who inhabit the Swamp.
By the way, while some in the swamp are Jewish elitists, most Jews are elsewhere, and about 1/4 are quite conservative in. politics.
Robert J. O'Neill
Do we pay off their student loans before or after they shout "death to America"?
9:54 AM · Apr 22, 2024
Over-compensating Non-combat "vet" Howitzer Howard: "Where's Aldo Raine and Donnie Donowitz when you need them?"
In the pages of fiction, just like all the hoaxes you've pushed year after year.
Jim at: "Interesting how we're all a bunch of 'fucking liars' but upon providing proof we're now being told what Soros did really wasn't all that bad."
Classic Field Marshall Freder.
Interesting how we're all a bunch of 'fucking liars' but upon providing proof we're now being told what Soros did really wasn't all that bad.
@Jim at, yup. “Interesting” is the right word. Are people like Freder just gullible nincompoops? Or do people like him figure that if they shout loud enough and fuss hard enough we Normals will just forget about living in the real world and join him in his fantasy world to appease him?
Not that it matters a whole lot. What’s fascinating is reading how Snopes, Newsweak (pun deliberate), and other sources contort themselves to diminish or excuse what George Soros has done in the past. USA Today goes so far as to claim that while George Soros participated in taking inventory of the property of wealthy Jews, it didn’t mean that he actually participated in the confiscation of that property. Not considered by USA Today is why there would be an inventory if not as part of the ensuing confiscation.
There is a word for what Soros did, by his own admissions- collaborator. You don't have to like it, but that is what Soros and his family were- collaborators. Soros was probably lucky in that Hungary was an ersatz ally of the Reich for all but the last year of the war, and working for the Nazis didn't carry the same sort of condemnations as it did in the Netherlands and France, but lie to us, Freder- we aren't fooled by you.
I heard on All Things Considered this afternoon - after enduring the Confederation of The Smelly at Walmart - that Jewish students at Columbia are being told they should leave the campus for Passover. There was no comment, no expansion on the irony of having the Jews evacuate campus for their safety in the context of this particular holiday. Fortunately there was some discussion by a Jewish student leader that this proposal is unacceptable, no matter where on the calendar it lands - they are staying put and celebrating the holiday with provisions of added security for moving around the campus. Good for them.
I'm heartened to see civic and university leaders across the country, in predominantly Blue cities, finally getting fed up with the bullsh*t of protestors blocking traffic and making a nuisance of themselves on campus, taxing the forbearance of the solid citizens. But I would like to see the helpful application of police encouragement to improve the focus on getting the problem areas cleared, I must confess.
I just don't understand why my comment did not get posted.
I will try again.
Student protests became common in the 1960s. No doubt, there was a lot to protest about -- the Vietnam War, civil rights, the assassinations of Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy.
As college campuses all over the country were roiled by disruptive student protests, teach-ins, and sit-ins, Father Theodore Hesbugh, University President of Notre Dame came up with the 15-minute rule. Students participating in distruptive campus protests/demonstrations would be told that they were to cease and desist. Any student continuing to protest/demonstrate after 5 minutes would be suspended. Any student continuing to protest/demonstrate after 15 minutes would be expelled from the University.
Hesburgh was no Conservative hard-liner. He was a well-known advocate for, and participant in, civil rights causes. I don't know whether Father Ted ever had to implement his rule. Students were given notice of the rule, and students believed that Hesburgh would back up his words.
Universities can, and should be a number of things. A place of scholarship. A place where students come to become educated -- to receive the accumulated knowledge from all areas of academic endeavor. A place where students learn to respect the free exchange of ideas, and come to their own conclusions about important issues.
A university that tolerates the disruption (by students and others) that we see today at Columbia, Yale, NYU, and, no doubt, other places can no longer fulfill its functions of providing scholarship, education, and the free exchange of ideas.
If they have the will to do so, university presidents and administrators can put a stop to the campus disruption that we see today. They have rules. They can enforce them.
If they have the will to do so.
“TWhe Ivys won't crack down muslim protestors, they are the only students paying full boat tuition and board. Usually paid by rich immigrant parents or foreign governments. The Ivys need the cash.”
BUT - they are seeing alumni mega-donations from Jews dry up. Which is worse, losing some full-boat tuition Muzzie tuition? Or 7 and 8 digit Jewish contributions.
Something else. Those schools won’t stay elite without Jewish SAT scores and Jewish faculty. Replacing them with Muzzie and DEI students and faculty will just drag down the school’s ranking over time. Israel has many times the number of Nobel prizes than the entire Muzzie world combined. Throw in DEI types, and the result won’t be much different. Nobel prize winning faculty bring in the top tier grad students. Drive your Jewish faculty away, and they will go where they are protected. Because of the residual status of these elite schools, and the insane amount of money they are sitting on, they have the luxury of sitting with their heads in the sand now. But it will ultimately change, because it has to.
The Jewish (not Israeli) woman at Yale had the end of the flagpole stuck into her eye. Hell yes she needed medical attention. She was a journalist trying to cover the protest for a Yale student paper, and the pro-Palestinian side cut off her view as she was attempting to film the protest, before this particular asshat stabbed her in the face.
It's clear that the Hamas terrorist cheerleaders and eyepokers like illegal immigrants and African American looters operate under BLUE sponsorship and are likely immune from arrest and/or prosecution. On campus and in cities the "thin BLUE line" is more BLUE than thin as police chiefs toady before their Democrat masters.
Citizens have no reliable protection. Mob rule abides in our streets. Federal law enforcement and the leftmedia wallow in the memory of J6 and in Donald Trump's make believe crimes.
Paddy O wrote -
"Yale is a sovereign state? Or just really big contributors to local politicians?"
Follows from the doctrine of "in loco parentis." Big contributions helpful but not necessary.
Soros was convicted of felony level financial crime in France. He is a destructive scofflaw.
"On campus and in cities the "thin BLUE line" is more BLUE than thin as police chiefs toady before their Democrat masters."
Support for "law & order" and support for "the police" is becoming (or even- has become, depending on the location) two different things these days.
This "protest" is ongoing and continually blocking several university walkways and when Jews try to go along those walkways they are surrounded and insulted. Antisemitic slurs are shouted at them. One woman has been injured because the end of a flagpole was shoved at her face and hit her eye. It's filled with rich students from the elite of Islamic countries and their rich US counterparts. These are the people the elite wish to conciliate and get on board with. That's because Yale has been excluding Republicans and conservatives from faculty appointments for the last twenty years until now there is no disagreement within the Yale faculty. It's all on the left and moving left without a tug from the right because the right isn't there any longer. But this in turn means that the talent of half the country is now excluded from the faculty. And now that exclusive circle of Our Betters (Yale Faculty Section) is defending students who are going after the Jewish students. Jewish faculty members are afraid to speak out or more likely paralyzed with shock. But that won't last. Either Yale gets challenged on its faculty selection criteria or the Jews leave - driven out as they were in Nazi Germany. Then, for one thing, Yale will be excluding half the country and the Jews - it won't be a great university any more. For another I think that the Jews won't be driven out. I think the Republicans, conservatives and Jews will make common cause and bring lawsuits which will make the Oberlin settlement look like small change. When the Yale faculty search committees were quietly voting down all the conservatives they didn't have students screaming insults at conservatives out in the quad. It was hard to demonstrate bias in any one case. But now there's an obvious tilt against the Jews and it draws attention to the previous less dramatic tilt against anyone on the right. I don't think we've seen the last move in this campus war.
Why is the chant of “The Jews will not replace us” threatening to Jews?
Except the chant was “You will not replace us.” I’m being drawn back to a scene early in the movie “Annie Hall” where woody Allen’s nebbish is complaining to a friend because he (deliberately?) heard “would you” as “wood Jew” and is mightily offended. Clean the wax out of your ears and stop being stupid
(You too, Bari Weiss. I’m a Free Press subscriber and I read your latest essay.)
Freder Frederson said...
By his own admission, in a 1986 interview, he worked with Nazis to confiscate Jewish property. Try being a little less ideological and a little more intellectual.
I notice this is not a direct quote and you are being disingenuous.
Try not to be a c*nt.
What a pathetic piece of crap Minouche Shafik has revealed herself to be.
I just saw that the "solution" this spineless President of Columbia U came up with was to force students into remote learning because she allowed a bunch of violent anti-semites to run amok.
For more than two decades we've been told that even politely disagreeing with a myriad of political positions makes certain "vulnerable" students feel "unsafe." Faculty and students have been punished, fired, expelled, etc., and everyone in academia has been forced to waste countless hours in idiotic "trainings" that are nothing more than logic-free assertions of ideological points. I loathe the whole rotten regime, but it is what it is and has been.
Therefore: How, precisely, is physically attacking Jewish students, chanting "From the River to the Sea" or "More October 7ths" or "Go back to Poland" to an individual student, and all the other repulsive anti-Semitic garbage that has been going on not a violation of the whole "Safety" regime?
Of course it is, but the garbage people running our institutions don't care. They don't care about their students, they don't care about basic decency---they don't even care about minimal logical consistency, demonstrating that they were never real scholars or teachers to begin with, just ladder-climbers.
This abuse of Jewish students is being allowed to continue for multiple reasons. Some of the People in Power just love their feral third-world pets for their "authenticity" and are going to be just shocked when the feral pets turn on them and bite their stupid faces off. Others--mostly younger ones--just hate Jews because they've inverted the old National Socialist paradigm and now interpret the Jews as the whitest of white people. And others--and the worst--of the People in Power are planning to use these violent mobs for their own purposes--to disrupt the lives of normal people all over America this summer and fall to help keep the people currently running things in Power.
If you think that the real problem is that this is a freedom of speech issue, you have been duped. The police--university and otherwise--have obviously been given orders to allow the Jew-haters to run amok but to immediately arrest anyone who pushes back against them. The riots of summer 2020 are the paradigm.
What I wonder, in bad moments, is how long it will take a few of the many injured and abused people to realize how effective some of the tactics of the Irish Republican Army would be against the violent mobs that the authorities are allowing to terrorize the normals.
Harmeet K. Dhillon
Sue Yale. Sue every university that refuses to keep students safe based on their religion. Make them regret their choices. Deplete their endowments. Sue each and every violent protester and organizers.
Drain their bank accounts. Sow salt in their career plans.
Sahar Tartak🇮🇱🇺🇸
Tonight at Yale, I was assaulted by a student today at an anti-Israel protest. He stabbed me in the eye with a Palestinian flag. Now I'm in the hospital. This is what happens when visibly Jewish students try to attend and document these rallies.
2:25 PM · Apr 21, 2024
"Wow, this SNL sketch from 2015 is a spot-on prediction of what Ivy League schools have become today."
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