What a massacre for the neocons. Nikki Haley and Victoria Nuland in the same day. Smells like a palace coup. Nikki could certainly have held out for a Trump conviction, but somebody told her to stop. There are rumors about a corruption investigation of Nuland, but even if that turns out to be true, which I strongly doubt, nobody would investigate her if she wasn't already in trouble with the powers that be.
But if it *were* true, it would be BIG. I would have to adjust my level of cynicism even higher, and it's already at 11. I still give her credit for being honest in her beliefs, if deluded.
"Beginning March 31, 2024, Hovenweep National Monument and Natural Bridges National Monument will transition to a fully cashless fee system and accept only mobile or electronic payments for entrance and camping fees."
The US government is going to refuse to accept the very currency they issue? Sounds about right.
Hovenweep and Natural Bridges are both out in the middle of nowhere. Maybe it's hard to keep ferrying cash in and out of those places. Maybe it's easier to use satellite Internet.
Read Blood Money by Peter Schweizer. It suffers from the predetermined nature of it's conclusions. There's no dramatic tension. But if you are interested in a quick explanation of the malign nature of China's plans for us, this is the book for you. We are at risk.
Mason G said... Hovenweep and Natural Bridges national monuments moving to cashless fee collection starting March 31, 2024
The US government is going to refuse to accept the very currency they issue? Sounds about right.
Cash transactions require the ability to handle coins and make deposits which is difficult in the Wild Wild West. Your government has no commercial banks, so cash counting, collecting, making change, and traveling to and from banking locations is time-consuming and expensive. How many plastic cards are you carrying, Mason?
Victoria Nuland was caught on tape picking the new government of Ukraine *before* the Maidan Massacre, which was perpetrated by snipers on our side, and blamed on the government. There is a poster here who claims that the trial results showing that government weapons did not cause the deaths have been refuted, but the forensic tests that he cites were conducted by the government that took power during the coup, where they found themselves innocent, and contradicted the tests done at the trial. So basically it boils down to "trust us bro, it was them; we didn't do it."
Oh look!! The are erecting fences for Joe's State of the Union address to keep out the Hamas supporters to stop them from calling out Joe for GENOCIDE!!! They are scared of their own constituents...and SHOULD be....they made these monsters...now THEY get to deal with what they built.
Paging "Dave from Creighton" for any illumination on the historical item below from "Bring Back Creighton Football". As a dedicated Sicko, I found this on the internet, so it must be true. Outside the Iron Bowl, it's hard to find this kind of passion today.
Nothing to see here, just a little light kidnapping for supporting the red vs the blue...
Hoax highlights: Insurrection Hoax, Fine People Hoax, Border is closed hoax, Putin puppet hoax, and more.
MSNBC Coverage: Breathless praise
Long shot possibilities are
"if you don't vote for me, you ain't American."
"Inflation is down," which only means that the prices are rising more slowly, not that they have fallen.
A shout out to our fallen agent in Moscow, Navalny.
I doubt that there will be any mention of the fact that our national debt is rising by the same amount that we spend annually on our military, every 100 days or so. The trillion dollar "Inflation Reduction Act" notwithstanding.
We've been labelled deplorables, lovers of guns and Bibles, Nazis, Racists, Homophobes, Transphobes, and most recently Christian Nationalists. Now along comes James "JR" Reaves, head of a governmental news agency, with a new moniker for us white trash .... snow roaches.
Some of his more colorful (ha) quotes: "Cry about it, snow roaches" .... "Keep the Immigrants, Deport the Racists."
"By 2045 Snow roaches will be a minority. That scares you… #welfarequeens,"
So war monger in chief and career diplomat Victoria Nuland is retiring.
From wiki: "On January 24, 2018, The Washington Post published an interview with Nuland where she opined on the work of President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. She described an exodus of career foreign service officials and dysfunction within the State Department."
Dysfunction within the State Department = No new wars. That was a tough for the career diplomat and gunslinger.
It appears that Obama (the actual President behind the curtains) has calculated that just waiting for enough real insurrection troops to walk across our border isn't working fast enough, so now his puppets are airlifting them in from undisclosed locations and positioning them in undisclosed locations here for the "Final Fundamental Transformation".
has anyone else here, ever Been to Hovenweep? i have. They have a large visitor center, where you have to walk in, and pay a cashier. IF their logistics allow human cashiers (and, They DO!).. You'd think that cash wouldn't be an unscalable problem
Progressives LOVE to be lied to. The whole J6 fiasco was a set up, and they lied to us. Why do you think they refuse to release the videos. It's all on tape.
🇺🇸 @FreeStateWill
Newly released Capitol CCTV shows Sen. Kamala Harris exiting the Capitol at 11:21 a.m. on January 6. The government filed indictments in January 6 cases for almost a year falsely claiming that Harris was still in the Capitol building.
Newly released CCTV also shows a man in a hoodie coordinating with police at 2:03 p.m. (ten minutes before any protestor had entered the Capitol). I noted this in a case filing almost a year ago.
dicentra63 said... "Hovenweep and Natural Bridges are both out in the middle of nowhere. Maybe it's hard to keep ferrying cash in and out of those places."
Any harder than ferrying in books, posters and other assorted trinkets to sell in the visitor center? They seem to be able to do that just fine. As far as "the middle of nowhere" goes, that describes most of the west.
gadfly said... "How many plastic cards are you carrying, Mason?"
What kind of dickless moron writes "There is a poster here who" without naming him? And makes a number of bold historical assertions without linking any evidence to show that they are true, or even plausible? 'tim in vermont', that's who (4:03am). Maybe he shouldn't be posting at 5:00 am his time - or maybe he's not really in Vermont, or was drunk, or both.
And how could Nuland have "pick[ed] the new government of Ukraine"? It was freely elected. After Yanukovych was removed by parliament and fled to Russia, a caretaker was appointed and elections scheduled for 3 months later. Yanukovych's party nominated Dobkin, who got 3.03% of the vote, while another prominent member of the party (Tihipko) ran as an independent and got 5.23%. That's a pretty decisive repudiation of the corrupt and tyrannical old regime.
dicentra63 said... "Hovenweep and Natural Bridges are both out in the middle of nowhere. Maybe it's hard to keep ferrying cash in and out of those places. Maybe it's easier to use satellite Internet."
Since it's public employees. Money goes missing. It's to keep the people with tax payer funded jobs, if not honest, at least not able to steal the cash.
Victoria Nuland is gone. The coup was her brainchild, and that of John McCain. there is video of him talking about a "transition" from the democratically elected government in an interview from Maidan Square. The whole thing was the exact screwup that Europe warned Joe Biden, by his own admission, that it would turn out to be. A warning which he recklessly and proudly ignored.
What I think is really funny is the idea that the US would never do a regime change in a backwater like the Ukraine when regime change in Moscow has been an openly stated goal of US foreign policy for a long time now, at least since 2006. Victoria Nuland is of Ukrainian descent, and her hatred of Russia has led the United States into a tight spot. NATO's military prestige is burning in a dumpster fire.
Read for yourself in The New York Times all about CIA operations in Ukraine against Russia: https://archive.is/zXXQV
Poor stupid 'tim in vermont' doesn't seem to have asked any Ukrainians what they think of the removal of Yanukovych in 2014. They are flabbergasted that anyone would claim that it wasn't their idea, or that they didn't do all the work, and they didn't need any help from busybodies like Nuland or McCain or the CIA. Apparently citizens of non-nuclear powers aren't allowed to decide their own fates. And it wasn't a fucking coup. Before he fled the country, he signed an agreement for early elections with parliament. His own party voted for it unanimously. After he fled, they had elections on the date specified. It was a democratic transition of power.
As for the "democratically elected government" of Viktor Yanukovych, that's a serious misrepresentation:
1. He had previously been caught red-handed trying to steal the 2004 election. And his opponent in that election (Yushchenko) was poisoned so badly with dioxin that he's never recovered his looks. I wonder how that happened.
2. His opponent in 2010 refused to concede, and accused him of ballot-box stuffing in his home areas. He had her locked up for his entire term on bogus charges. Yes, what Trump joked about doing to Hillary, what Biden has tried and failed to do to Trump, Yanukovych actually did: he locked up the woman he had defeated. He also had five other prominent opponents prosecuted.
3. He then somehow (bribes? threats? both?) convinced 3 supreme court justices to resign, appointed replacements, had them declare a 6-year-old constitutional change unconstitutional, thus giving himself much more power.
4. He was massively corrupt. Have you even bothered to read the Wikipedia biography? The 7,000 companies that were forced to pay his family 30-50% of profits or be taken over entirely? His massive estate with $100,000 chandeliers and pet ostriches - now a museum? His multi-billion net worth when he had never had a salary over $2,000 a month?
Of course, being democratically elected does not mean one cannot be removed early. Nixon was reelected by a far larger margin than Yanukovych's, and still had to resign for crimes that were an infinitesimal fraction of Y's. Was that a coup?
Why do you keep making stupid and dishonest arguments? And why do you pretend that the Maidan protesters murdered themselves? Yanukovych doesn't even deny that his men were the killers: "In June 2015 interview with BBC Newsnight Yanukovych stated that he never ordered the security forces to open fire, but he also said he had not done enough to prevent bloodshed. He said "the members of the security forces fulfilled their duties according to existing laws. They had the right to use weapons."
Candide has repeated a common myth about the Bolsheviks and the Russian Civil War. The Bolshevik forces were better armed, better equipped, and better paid than the remnants of White, Green, and other indigenous forces. McMeekin's The Russian Revolution has the details.
What happens when 'tim in vermont' is unable to answer my refutations of his stupid propaganda? His minion (mignon) Con-dite (so-called) shows up with stupid insults.
My expressed intent was not to disparage the rubble but to warn to be afraid of the rubble. Because history shows that rubble has potential to organize and become formidable force.
I have no connection with ‘tim in vermont’. I agree with some of tim’s posts and disagree with others. The main point is that I understand his basic premise. Tim establishes himself as American patriot and proceeds to judge world events from the position how it benefits or harms US. tim’s conclusions may be erroneous sometimes but his position is ultimately respectable.
You, on another hand, come across as a complete lunatic. Somehow you conceived that unnatural love of Ukraine, the country you obviously never visited and the people you obviously never met. Then you proceed to heap abuse on anybody who pokes holes into your cherished delusions.
Mr. Le Con-dite: (Address me by my nom de web and I'll address you by yours.)
You do have a connection with 'tim in vermont': you have repeatedly jumped in to attack me when he should be answering my specific criticisms of his false statements, as here. If you don't want people to think you're his minion or his doppelgänger, stop acting like one. And if he doesn't want people to think he's a paid Russian propagandist, he needs to stop writing lies about Ukraine that follow the exact party line of Russian propaganda. If he's not paid to do that, he's the most gullible fool on the planet.
Have you noticed that I never bring up the subject of Ukraine? That Ann only brings it up every couple of weeks? That it comes up several times a week because 'tim in vermont' insists on polluting more than half of the open threads with long-refuted bullshit propaganda about Ukraine? And that he sometimes (as here) insists on bringing me into it? I'd be happy if the subject never came up here.
And you both tell lies. I have an "unnatural love of Ukraine"? How about a perfectly natural hatred of brutal wars of invasion, accompanied by rape, looting, torture, and every war crime known to man? And why do you assume I've never visited Ukraine or known any Ukrainians? Do you think if I had I would think the country deserves to be destroyed? A lot of Germans in the 1930s liked to say "If you only knew the Jews as well as we do, you'd hate them, too": is that what you're saying about Ukrainians?
Now does either of you want to answer the points I made in my 5:34pm comment? Or is 'tim in vermont' going to just wait a day or two and then say the Maidan Revolution was a 'coup' and an elected president can never be removed from office early, no matter how he behaves, and all the other refuted bullshit? This is the third or fourth time I've mentioned Nixon, to deafening silence from 'tim in vermont'. And is he going to address my point a few days ago that there were in fact two violent military coups in Ukraine in 2014, the Russian seizure of Crimea and the Russian invasion of the Donbas (link)?
“Have you noticed that I never bring up the subject of Ukraine?”
Of course I noticed that you never bring up anything by yourself. You wait for somebody to say something that contradicts your obsessive delusions, then you get triggered and start calling people names and spout Kievan talking points. You don’t have the courage to take a stand. This is exactly why I find your posts so annoying.
What started as Bolshevik riff-raff troops in 1917 became Red Army by 1920, strong enough to subjugate most provinces of defunct Russian Empire, but not enough to take over Poland, where it was routed and almost completely destroyed. Eventually it become the military machine that prevailed against Hitler and occupied most of Eastern Europe in 1940-s.
What started as sans-culotte rabble in 1790 became La Grand Armee by 1804, the military machine that took over almost the whole Europe.
Since you often call yourself a Historian, you must understand the importance of Chronology and passage of Time between historical events?
Poor Candied Yam just can't stop lying, and can't answer a simple question.
He starts by calling me a stupid name and then accuses me of "calling people names". I have never mocked anyone else's name unless he mocked mine first, as here, and even then I generally ask him not to do that before replying in kind. I also make a point of offering someone a fresh start whenever possible, for instance if I have something to say to 'tim in vermont' or 'drago' on a subject he knows something about (not Ukraine) I address him by his nom de web and aim for a nice friendly argument. And I don't call people liars unless they insist on repeating things that are obviously untrue, like calling the Maidan uprising a "coup".
Unfortunately, there are an awful lot of lies repeated here. For instance, nothing 'Candide' (wasn't Voltaire's character kind of an idiot?) writes in his last paragraph is true. The only "[Kyivan] talking point" I've seen here was from 'tim in vermont': he quoted spy chief Budanov as saying Navalny wasn't murdered. I never quote Ukrainian government sources, and rarely see them unless someone I follow on Twitter quotes them. And I offer evidence for my positions, which 'tim in vermont' and 'Candide' never address, but always pretend not to have seen, so they can repeat their nasty little slurs ad nauseam.
As for unanswered questions, why does he think I've never met any Ukrainians? Does he think Ukrainians are such subhuman scum that if I'd ever met any I would want them all to be conquered and oppressed by the Russians? (Lots of Russians think exactly that: that's why they're mostly OK with enslaving, torturing, raping, and murdering them.) If there's some other way of interpreting his statement, he needs to say what it is.
Guy who refuses to explain why he thinks I've never met any Ukrainians, refuses to address specific arguments, and insists on using insulting names, pretends to teach manners? Hahaha!
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४४ टिप्पण्या:
What a massacre for the neocons. Nikki Haley and Victoria Nuland in the same day. Smells like a palace coup. Nikki could certainly have held out for a Trump conviction, but somebody told her to stop. There are rumors about a corruption investigation of Nuland, but even if that turns out to be true, which I strongly doubt, nobody would investigate her if she wasn't already in trouble with the powers that be.
But if it *were* true, it would be BIG. I would have to adjust my level of cynicism even higher, and it's already at 11. I still give her credit for being honest in her beliefs, if deluded.
If you're woke, you can get a 20% discount on North Face products. John Hinderaker at Power Line shows you how.
Hovenweep and Natural Bridges national monuments moving to cashless fee collection starting March 31, 2024
"Beginning March 31, 2024, Hovenweep National Monument and Natural Bridges National Monument will transition to a fully cashless fee system and accept only mobile or electronic payments for entrance and camping fees."
The US government is going to refuse to accept the very currency they issue? Sounds about right.
Hovenweep and Natural Bridges are both out in the middle of nowhere. Maybe it's hard to keep ferrying cash in and out of those places. Maybe it's easier to use satellite Internet.
Read Blood Money by Peter Schweizer. It suffers from the predetermined nature of it's conclusions. There's no dramatic tension. But if you are interested in a quick explanation of the malign nature of China's plans for us, this is the book for you.
We are at risk.
Mason G said...
Hovenweep and Natural Bridges national monuments moving to cashless fee collection starting March 31, 2024
The US government is going to refuse to accept the very currency they issue? Sounds about right.
Cash transactions require the ability to handle coins and make deposits which is difficult in the Wild Wild West. Your government has no commercial banks, so cash counting, collecting, making change, and traveling to and from banking locations is time-consuming and expensive. How many plastic cards are you carrying, Mason?
Victoria Nuland was caught on tape picking the new government of Ukraine *before* the Maidan Massacre, which was perpetrated by snipers on our side, and blamed on the government. There is a poster here who claims that the trial results showing that government weapons did not cause the deaths have been refuted, but the forensic tests that he cites were conducted by the government that took power during the coup, where they found themselves innocent, and contradicted the tests done at the trial. So basically it boils down to "trust us bro, it was them; we didn't do it."
"But if you are interested in a quick explanation of the malign nature of China's plans for us"
Every country in the world is evil except us, so we have to defeat them all in war so that they submit. That's the plan.
Oh look!! The are erecting fences for Joe's State of the Union address to keep out the Hamas supporters to stop them from calling out Joe for GENOCIDE!!!
They are scared of their own constituents...and SHOULD be....they made these monsters...now THEY get to deal with what they built.
Paging "Dave from Creighton" for any illumination on the historical item below from "Bring Back Creighton Football". As a dedicated Sicko, I found this on the internet, so it must be true. Outside the Iron Bowl, it's hard to find this kind of passion today.
Nothing to see here, just a little light kidnapping for supporting the red vs the blue...
Legirons for Cooper
Here are some of Scott Adams suggestions for your bingo cards for the Hate of the Union speech
Brainwashing Words: Chaos, extreme, darkness, existential Trump threat, dictator.
Hoax highlights: Insurrection Hoax, Fine People Hoax, Border is closed hoax, Putin puppet hoax, and more.
MSNBC Coverage: Breathless praise
Long shot possibilities are
"if you don't vote for me, you ain't American."
"Inflation is down," which only means that the prices are rising more slowly, not that they have fallen.
A shout out to our fallen agent in Moscow, Navalny.
I doubt that there will be any mention of the fact that our national debt is rising by the same amount that we spend annually on our military, every 100 days or so. The trillion dollar "Inflation Reduction Act" notwithstanding.
We've been labelled deplorables, lovers of guns and Bibles, Nazis, Racists, Homophobes, Transphobes, and most recently Christian Nationalists. Now along comes James "JR" Reaves, head of a governmental news agency, with a new moniker for us white trash .... snow roaches.
Some of his more colorful (ha) quotes: "Cry about it, snow roaches" .... "Keep the Immigrants, Deport the Racists."
"By 2045 Snow roaches will be a minority. That scares you… #welfarequeens,"
tim in vermont...you forgot the almight "Maga extremists"
So war monger in chief and career diplomat Victoria Nuland is retiring.
From wiki: "On January 24, 2018, The Washington Post published an interview with Nuland where she opined on the work of President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. She described an exodus of career foreign service officials and dysfunction within the State Department."
Dysfunction within the State Department = No new wars. That was a tough for the career diplomat and gunslinger.
I’m reading threats by Democrats and other Lefties to stage an insurrection of their own if Trump wins in November.
My response to you Lefties out there: Think. I know it’s painful for you, but try anyway.
It appears that Obama (the actual President behind the curtains) has calculated that just waiting for enough real insurrection troops to walk across our border isn't working fast enough, so now his puppets are airlifting them in from undisclosed locations and positioning them in undisclosed locations here for the "Final Fundamental Transformation".
has anyone else here, ever Been to Hovenweep? i have. They have a large visitor center, where you have to walk in, and pay a cashier.
IF their logistics allow human cashiers (and, They DO!).. You'd think that cash wouldn't be an unscalable problem
Hovenweep and Natural Bridges national monuments moving to cashless fee collection starting March 31, 2024
That racist.
Fanni Willis has explained Blacks are genetically programed to use cash, and lots of it.
This will screen out Blacks from access to nature. Maybe that's Bidens intent. Punish them for voting for Trump
Progressives LOVE to be lied to. The whole J6 fiasco was a set up, and they lied to us. Why do you think they refuse to release the videos. It's all on tape.
Newly released Capitol CCTV shows Sen. Kamala Harris exiting the Capitol at 11:21 a.m. on January 6. The government filed indictments in January 6 cases for almost a year falsely claiming that Harris was still in the Capitol building.
Source: https://rumble.com/v4eqvt8-0113uscs01senatecarriagedoor-2021-01-06-11h20min02s737ms.mp4.html?playlist_id=Q4mUudTC__E
"I’m reading threats by Democrats and other Lefties to stage an insurrection of their own if Trump wins in November."
They really can't read a room.
Newly released CCTV also shows a man in a hoodie coordinating with police at 2:03 p.m. (ten minutes before any protestor had entered the Capitol). I noted this in a case filing almost a year ago.
dicentra63 said...
"Hovenweep and Natural Bridges are both out in the middle of nowhere. Maybe it's hard to keep ferrying cash in and out of those places."
Any harder than ferrying in books, posters and other assorted trinkets to sell in the visitor center? They seem to be able to do that just fine. As far as "the middle of nowhere" goes, that describes most of the west.
gadfly said...
"How many plastic cards are you carrying, Mason?"
Doesn't apply to me. I have a lifetime pass to any national park.
Big Mike said...
“I’m reading threats by Democrats and other Lefties to stage an insurrection of their own if Trump wins in November.
My response to you Lefties out there: Think. I know it’s painful for you, but try anyway.”
Both sides need to think long and hard before inciting an insurrection.
Historical records show that initially disorganized mobs can and often do prevail.
Jacobin riff-raff prevailed in France against all the armies of old kingdoms.
Bolshevik riff-raff prevailed in Russia against regular armies of Russian Empire supported by Entante forces.
Eventually, riff-raff mobs can get organized and under leadership of Napoleon or Stalin conquer many other lands.
Come to think of it, disorganized mobs performed quite effectively in US circa 2020.
What kind of dickless moron writes "There is a poster here who" without naming him? And makes a number of bold historical assertions without linking any evidence to show that they are true, or even plausible? 'tim in vermont', that's who (4:03am). Maybe he shouldn't be posting at 5:00 am his time - or maybe he's not really in Vermont, or was drunk, or both.
And how could Nuland have "pick[ed] the new government of Ukraine"? It was freely elected. After Yanukovych was removed by parliament and fled to Russia, a caretaker was appointed and elections scheduled for 3 months later. Yanukovych's party nominated Dobkin, who got 3.03% of the vote, while another prominent member of the party (Tihipko) ran as an independent and got 5.23%. That's a pretty decisive repudiation of the corrupt and tyrannical old regime.
dicentra63 said...
"Hovenweep and Natural Bridges are both out in the middle of nowhere. Maybe it's hard to keep ferrying cash in and out of those places. Maybe it's easier to use satellite Internet."
Since it's public employees. Money goes missing. It's to keep the people with tax payer funded jobs, if not honest, at least not able to steal the cash.
Victoria Nuland is gone. The coup was her brainchild, and that of John McCain. there is video of him talking about a "transition" from the democratically elected government in an interview from Maidan Square. The whole thing was the exact screwup that Europe warned Joe Biden, by his own admission, that it would turn out to be. A warning which he recklessly and proudly ignored.
What I think is really funny is the idea that the US would never do a regime change in a backwater like the Ukraine when regime change in Moscow has been an openly stated goal of US foreign policy for a long time now, at least since 2006. Victoria Nuland is of Ukrainian descent, and her hatred of Russia has led the United States into a tight spot. NATO's military prestige is burning in a dumpster fire.
Read for yourself in The New York Times all about CIA operations in Ukraine against Russia: https://archive.is/zXXQV
Poor stupid 'tim in vermont' doesn't seem to have asked any Ukrainians what they think of the removal of Yanukovych in 2014. They are flabbergasted that anyone would claim that it wasn't their idea, or that they didn't do all the work, and they didn't need any help from busybodies like Nuland or McCain or the CIA. Apparently citizens of non-nuclear powers aren't allowed to decide their own fates. And it wasn't a fucking coup. Before he fled the country, he signed an agreement for early elections with parliament. His own party voted for it unanimously. After he fled, they had elections on the date specified. It was a democratic transition of power.
As for the "democratically elected government" of Viktor Yanukovych, that's a serious misrepresentation:
1. He had previously been caught red-handed trying to steal the 2004 election. And his opponent in that election (Yushchenko) was poisoned so badly with dioxin that he's never recovered his looks. I wonder how that happened.
2. His opponent in 2010 refused to concede, and accused him of ballot-box stuffing in his home areas. He had her locked up for his entire term on bogus charges. Yes, what Trump joked about doing to Hillary, what Biden has tried and failed to do to Trump, Yanukovych actually did: he locked up the woman he had defeated. He also had five other prominent opponents prosecuted.
3. He then somehow (bribes? threats? both?) convinced 3 supreme court justices to resign, appointed replacements, had them declare a 6-year-old constitutional change unconstitutional, thus giving himself much more power.
4. He was massively corrupt. Have you even bothered to read the Wikipedia biography? The 7,000 companies that were forced to pay his family 30-50% of profits or be taken over entirely? His massive estate with $100,000 chandeliers and pet ostriches - now a museum? His multi-billion net worth when he had never had a salary over $2,000 a month?
Of course, being democratically elected does not mean one cannot be removed early. Nixon was reelected by a far larger margin than Yanukovych's, and still had to resign for crimes that were an infinitesimal fraction of Y's. Was that a coup?
Why do you keep making stupid and dishonest arguments? And why do you pretend that the Maidan protesters murdered themselves? Yanukovych doesn't even deny that his men were the killers: "In June 2015 interview with BBC Newsnight Yanukovych stated that he never ordered the security forces to open fire, but he also said he had not done enough to prevent bloodshed. He said "the members of the security forces fulfilled their duties according to existing laws. They had the right to use weapons."
If you argue with Dreevil your mind may shrivel.
Candide has repeated a common myth about the Bolsheviks and the Russian Civil War. The Bolshevik forces were better armed, better equipped, and better paid than the remnants of White, Green, and other indigenous forces. McMeekin's The Russian Revolution has the details.
What happens when 'tim in vermont' is unable to answer my refutations of his stupid propaganda? His minion (mignon) Con-dite (so-called) shows up with stupid insults.
Are you talking about Bolshevik forces in 1917 or 1920? Because there definitely was a difference.
Just like there was a difference between sans-culotte rubble and Grand Armee.
My expressed intent was not to disparage the rubble but to warn to be afraid of the rubble. Because history shows that rubble has potential to organize and become formidable force.
So practice some reading comprehension, please.
I have no connection with ‘tim in vermont’. I agree with some of tim’s posts and disagree with others. The main point is that I understand his basic premise. Tim establishes himself as American patriot and proceeds to judge world events from the position how it benefits or harms US. tim’s conclusions may be erroneous sometimes but his position is ultimately respectable.
You, on another hand, come across as a complete lunatic. Somehow you conceived that unnatural love of Ukraine, the country you obviously never visited and the people you obviously never met. Then you proceed to heap abuse on anybody who pokes holes into your cherished delusions.
Mr. Le Con-dite:
(Address me by my nom de web and I'll address you by yours.)
You do have a connection with 'tim in vermont': you have repeatedly jumped in to attack me when he should be answering my specific criticisms of his false statements, as here. If you don't want people to think you're his minion or his doppelgänger, stop acting like one. And if he doesn't want people to think he's a paid Russian propagandist, he needs to stop writing lies about Ukraine that follow the exact party line of Russian propaganda. If he's not paid to do that, he's the most gullible fool on the planet.
Have you noticed that I never bring up the subject of Ukraine? That Ann only brings it up every couple of weeks? That it comes up several times a week because 'tim in vermont' insists on polluting more than half of the open threads with long-refuted bullshit propaganda about Ukraine? And that he sometimes (as here) insists on bringing me into it? I'd be happy if the subject never came up here.
And you both tell lies. I have an "unnatural love of Ukraine"? How about a perfectly natural hatred of brutal wars of invasion, accompanied by rape, looting, torture, and every war crime known to man? And why do you assume I've never visited Ukraine or known any Ukrainians? Do you think if I had I would think the country deserves to be destroyed? A lot of Germans in the 1930s liked to say "If you only knew the Jews as well as we do, you'd hate them, too": is that what you're saying about Ukrainians?
Now does either of you want to answer the points I made in my 5:34pm comment? Or is 'tim in vermont' going to just wait a day or two and then say the Maidan Revolution was a 'coup' and an elected president can never be removed from office early, no matter how he behaves, and all the other refuted bullshit? This is the third or fourth time I've mentioned Nixon, to deafening silence from 'tim in vermont'. And is he going to address my point a few days ago that there were in fact two violent military coups in Ukraine in 2014, the Russian seizure of Crimea and the Russian invasion of the Donbas (link)?
Dreevil said,
“Have you noticed that I never bring up the subject of Ukraine?”
Of course I noticed that you never bring up anything by yourself. You wait for somebody to say something that contradicts your obsessive delusions, then you get triggered and start calling people names and spout Kievan talking points. You don’t have the courage to take a stand. This is exactly why I find your posts so annoying.
I wasn't disparaging 'rubble,' Candide. Riff-raff and rubble (rabble?) are your terms.
I cited a recent scholarly source on the Russian Revolution(s) to support my claim on a particular point you made.
Reading comprehension, indeed.
What started as Bolshevik riff-raff troops in 1917 became Red Army by 1920, strong enough to subjugate most provinces of defunct Russian Empire, but not enough to take over Poland, where it was routed and almost completely destroyed. Eventually it become the military machine that prevailed against Hitler and occupied most of Eastern Europe in 1940-s.
What started as sans-culotte rabble in 1790 became La Grand Armee by 1804, the military machine that took over almost the whole Europe.
Since you often call yourself a Historian, you must understand the importance of Chronology and passage of Time between historical events?
Poor Candied Yam just can't stop lying, and can't answer a simple question.
He starts by calling me a stupid name and then accuses me of "calling people names". I have never mocked anyone else's name unless he mocked mine first, as here, and even then I generally ask him not to do that before replying in kind. I also make a point of offering someone a fresh start whenever possible, for instance if I have something to say to 'tim in vermont' or 'drago' on a subject he knows something about (not Ukraine) I address him by his nom de web and aim for a nice friendly argument. And I don't call people liars unless they insist on repeating things that are obviously untrue, like calling the Maidan uprising a "coup".
Unfortunately, there are an awful lot of lies repeated here. For instance, nothing 'Candide' (wasn't Voltaire's character kind of an idiot?) writes in his last paragraph is true. The only "[Kyivan] talking point" I've seen here was from 'tim in vermont': he quoted spy chief Budanov as saying Navalny wasn't murdered. I never quote Ukrainian government sources, and rarely see them unless someone I follow on Twitter quotes them. And I offer evidence for my positions, which 'tim in vermont' and 'Candide' never address, but always pretend not to have seen, so they can repeat their nasty little slurs ad nauseam.
As for unanswered questions, why does he think I've never met any Ukrainians? Does he think Ukrainians are such subhuman scum that if I'd ever met any I would want them all to be conquered and oppressed by the Russians? (Lots of Russians think exactly that: that's why they're mostly OK with enslaving, torturing, raping, and murdering them.) If there's some other way of interpreting his statement, he needs to say what it is.
Dreevil said,
“wasn't Voltaire's character kind of an idiot?”
Quite right, ‘kind of’ an idiot. So you do know something. Good for you!
So, 'Candide', you going to answer my question? Why do you think I don't know any Ukrainians? Not answering makes you look like a total swine.
Thanks for the history lessons, Candide.
That wasn’t about history. I wouldn’t presume to give you history lessons. That was about manners.
Guy who refuses to explain why he thinks I've never met any Ukrainians, refuses to address specific arguments, and insists on using insulting names, pretends to teach manners? Hahaha!
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