ADDED: I'm sure plans are in the works to fact-check the fact-checker.
७ मार्च, २०२४
Donald Trump will heckle Biden in real time.
"I am pleased to inform you that tomorrow night we will be doing a LIVE, Play by Play, of Crooked Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address. I will correct, in rapid response, any and all inaccurate Statements, especially pertaining to the Border and his Weaponization of the DOJ, FBI, A.G.s, and District Attorneys, to go after his Political Opponent, ME (something never done before in this Country!). We did this once before to tremendous success - Beating All Records. It is important for the Country to get the TRUTH!"
६५ टिप्पण्या:
Real time heckling should be fun. Real time fact checking sounds risky. Maybe this will finally get people to realize that the supposed “state of the union” address is nothing more than a long-running hatch act violation and should be stopped.
So we should all await the Trump Heckle Party on Truth Social to cheer the fool making a fool of himself. But only 2,000,000 MAGAts are expected on a social site where only really nutso followers of the Carnival Barker spend time.
Joe Biden is gadfly.
Never a fan of Mystery Science Theater…
I'm sure plans are in the works to fact-check the fact-checker.
And fact-check the fact checker's fact checking, and so on. (It's fact checkers all the way down.)
The 2024 election has already become an endless stream of nails on a chalkboard moments. We are clearly no longer a nation of adults. Instead we get this from both parties. It’s pathetic.
ADDED: I'm sure plans are in the works to fact-check the fact-checker.
And since it’s coming from the Democrats the odds that they will “fact-check” Trump’s fact-checking with real facts is vanishingly small. You need to put down your Kool-Aid and step away from the pitcher.
So now millions of liberals will have to sign up for truth social…and they say he’s an idiot.
It hs to be good insults, not just coutner-bloviating.
Another unforced error that can only lose Trump votes from those who've already decided to vote for him, and won't win another vote from those who haven't decided who to vote for and certainly not from those who have decided to vote for another candidate.
Really, worse than Trump's approach in the first debate with Biden in 2020. No one likes someone being cruel or acting like a bully to a feeble old man.
Question for you l, Althouse. Is it heckling, or just Fisking?
DONALD will be doing the "real-time" fact-checking?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
What’s the big deal? People liveblog these things all the time, often refuting or confirming what’s been said.
Aside, is it heckling if the speaker can’t hear you?
Dan Rather did say we should do real time fact checking.
It worked for the Mannings.
Well what is good for nbc/cnn is certainly good for President Trump.
Great idea. Love it. Orange Blob has eclipsed all comedy.
Dan Rather will be thrilled, right? He just posted on his blog and on Xitter about the importance of real-time fact checking when politicians speak!
It's so nice when I can see the word "MAGAt" and know that the sentence will be puerile and regurgitative. It spares me time to read other things.
"Never a fan of Mystery Science Theater…"
I love MST and I was thinking of Trump's heckling in this light.
I hope someone puts up a live stream of the SOTU and has a silhouette of Trump at the bottom and some Trump impersonator (or A.I.) voicing Trump's posts.
"It hs to be good insults, not just coutner-bloviating."
For 3 full seconds, I imagined that "Coutner" was one of your fancy-schmancy French philosophers. The study of political rhetoric...
"I hope someone puts up a live stream of the SOTU and has a silhouette of Trump at the bottom and some Trump impersonator (or A.I.) voicing Trump's posts."
And a couple of snide robot characters.
Althouse is on fire this morning! This keeps me coming back. Also her comments about Doritos...
I have more confidence that Trump will be able to respond competently in real-time, then I do that Biden will be able to read a teleprompter in real-time.
This will allow voters to compare and contrast the candidates. Biden won't debate, so this is the next best thing.
Trump should do it in mime in a postage stamp on the corner of the video feed.
Another old lawyer said...
No one likes someone being cruel or acting like a bully to a feeble old man.
3/7/24, 6:19 AM
That IS the current President of the United States along with the very likely person that will be running for re-election as President of the United States!
If Biden is a "feeble old man" what the hell is he doing STILL being President?!? The current administration is wreaking the country and Biden is the figure head. If he is too feeble to be heckled, get him out of there. Sorry, not sorry, zero sympathy for he and his that destroy lives over tweets and through citizens into solitary for walking through OUR houses after being invited in by those paid to protect them.
Mistake, I think. If Biden stumbles and flails, that should be the only thing the public focuses on. Having Trump up there heckling allows the press to cover for Biden by shifting its attention to Trump. By doing this, Trump is implicitly signaling that he thinks that Biden will deliver a coherent speech.
He could use a straight-man partner.
But tone will be important--entertaining the base while not turning off nice women.
Trump's job now is to expand his reach. But focusing on an actual job is not his strength.
I just like watching Biden supporters lose their shit.
State of the Union Theater 2024. Because we know it will be badly done and mostly fiction.
The problem for me is it would require me to listen to two politicians talking. I don't like listening to one, so it is a hard pass for me.
I might have to take back my previous post. If this was spun from what it is or as a MST3K and rather was called a remake of "Grumpy Old Men", then perhaps I'd tune in. Then again, remakes of established brands are getting boring too.
@rehajm said: "So now millions of liberals will have to sign up for truth social…and they say he’s an idiot...."
That was very similar to my first thought, which was 'think of all the media hacks that are now going to have to grit their teeth and sign up for Truth Social, just for the opportunity to criticize what Trump says. Think of MSNBC taking heads having to do this, after refusing to broadcast his Super Tuesday speech. Trump is pulling a reversal on MSNBC.
It reminds me of Rod Steiger, In the Heat of the Night: 'You know Virgil, I don't think you can let this opportunity pass by....'
My guess is the democrats in the audience will dutifully crank up the applause and the standing ovations... to help offset Biden's brain-farts.
The SOTU will be the shit show America deserves. We've come a long way baby.
I think Trump should lose gracefully rather than being vulgar and disrepecting our Commander in Chief. This will lose the votes of those who prefer a President who's civil and maintains an aristocratic tone. Oh, for a Jeb Bush. LOL!
Seriously, this should be informative and hilarious. Biden isn't a serious man and he's protected by the DNC media. THere's never been a POTUS like Biden in 50 years. Every POTUS since LBJ has taken hard questions and explained himself to the public. That is, except Biden. Biden is also a shamless liar, and makes LBJ and Clinton look like honest men.
Trump needs to attack him and shine some sunlight on lies and half-truths.
Is it real or is it Memorex AI?
Another Old Lawyer said...No one likes someone being cruel or acting like a bully to a feeble old man.
Sorry. Joe Biden has been a corrupt asshole his entire life. He chose to accept the Presidency knowing full well he was installed via voter fraud and not elected. He has weaponized our court system against the political voices of over half the country, and sold American policy for personal riches.
But Old've misplaced the cruelty accusation. The cruelty toward this feeble old man is coming from the people who are using him as a prop. His wife included. Obama... etc...
Fuck Joe Biden and the fake horse he rode in on. Have at it Trump. Make fun of this feeble old man that liberals hung their hats on.
I'm tellin' ya. Biden better hire a food taster. His enemies are within...
gadfly the whining wookie
“So we should all await the Trump Heckle Party on Truth Social to cheer the fool making a fool of himself. But only 2,000,000 MAGAts are expected on a social site where only really nutso followers of the Carnival Barker spend time”
In your dreams. Watch Trump significantly out pull FJB. Watched Trump recently do a 45 minute speech at the Border the other day, without a teleprompter, and his imitation of FJB was brilliant comedy. He does a better job of it than most comedians are willing to do. Which is going to be more entertaining tonight? FJB? Or Trump? Or the usual Thursday night TV fare? And keep in mind the double whammy - Trump is apparently selling his Truth Social, apparently making a lot more money than that NYC judge is trying to steal from him. This is likely to drive up their audience numbers, very possibly increasing his profits even more. Win/Win.
Doesn’t the press get an advance copy of the transcript before the event? I’m sure Trump will have a copy. So he’ll be prepared
BTW, can’t wait to see which trans activist Brandon will have in his box..
Maybe this will finally get people to realize that the supposed “state of the union” address is nothing more than a long-running hatch act violation and should be stopped.
I approve of the sentiment, but I'm pretty sure the President is not covered by the Hatch Act.
But tone will be important--entertaining the base while not turning off nice women.
Some of the most dangerous enemies of liberty are "nice women".
10 things Trump’s “fact checkers” will take issue with in the State of the Union Address:
Biden still acts like he won in 2020
Donald Trump had nothing to do with the current Republican plot to criminalize abortion nationwide; it was actually some staffers on the Hillary Clinton campaign who started all that
Biden’s claim that he “supports the people of Israel” is undermined by a recently-unearthed video clip where Joe Biden is among thousands and thousands of people in New Jersey cheering the Hamas attacks on October 7th
Trump’s tongue-in-cheek remark that he would “act like a dictator” on Day One was blown way out of proportion by hysterical liberals who remain hopelessly out-of-touch with the salt-of-the-Earth MAGA voters who appreciate Trump’s sense of humor & absolutely want him to do that
The Democrats’ “border bill” was clearly offered in bad faith, as it included conditions that they knew fully well Republicans would never consider in a million years such as aid to Ukraine
Trump’s “Stop the Steal” rally was not an act of insurrection; the 890 criminal convictions of the J6 participants were merely political revenge instigated by those woke left-wing socialists in the FBI
Joe Biden’s praise of Ukraine’s steadfast resistance in the face of Russian aggression made no mention whatsoever of Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s shifty attempts to protect Hunter Biden
The Democrats’ infrastructure bill was unfair because it included benefits for cyclists, but nothing for golfers
Donald Trump was instrumental in enabling “Warp Speed” production of the COVID vaccine that his supporters refused to take
The State of the Union is not “strong”, but very weak, much weaker than when Trump was President, the country has never been weaker; stay tuned for more data-driven analysis like this
>seen in ExTwitter<
"Donald Trump joins 200,000,000 other Americans in heckling Joe Biden in real time.
The crazy lefties here will be jerking off to the state of the union address, their fearless leader on the screen for all that time.
And close-ups too!
It's like porn to them.
'I'm tellin' ya. Biden better hire a food taster. His enemies are within...'
They had better love pudding, ice cream, and Metamucil...
Do you understand that most of us know that you are a DNC employee? As such, there is little reason to read your comments.
Try telling us what you think rather than the talking points we already hear from KJP.
LLR-democratical Rich doing his "best" impression of Harry Sisson.
Again, as always, another Rich offering that only "flies" in grades 10 and below...if he's lucky.
And he's not.
I will be having dinner with friends tonight in a restaurant. I never miss an opportunity to miss one of Joe Bidens SOTU addresses. I know I'm probably missing comedy gold--but I can survive.
"Do you understand that most of us know that you are a DNC employee? As such, there is little reason to read your comments."
I think he's really Joe Scarborough.
Nobody else could be such a kiss-ass for so long.
Not only is he good at it, he loves being a subservient worm, so that's a bonus : )
I think it's a good idea for Trump. This is the closest we'll get to a debate between Trump and Biden.
"Try telling us what you think"
That would require thinking to be involved. I'm afraid you are asking too much, Maynard.
Do you understand that most of us know that you are a DNC employee? As such, there is little reason to read your comments.
So easy to scroll by knowing I won't miss anything of note. Too many people quote him but that's not so bad as reading the original drivel w/o comment.
Trump should do the MST3 thing, I agree, and also have the former first lady slowly tear up "Biden's speech" in the lower right corner during the show.
'So easy to scroll by knowing I won't miss anything of note. Too many people quote him but that's not so bad as reading the original drivel w/o comment."
It's too fun and too irresistible to point out the idiocy of low-IQ communists, who aren't really people.
In 1967, Polish mercenary Rafal Ganowicz was asked what it felt like to take human life, "I wouldn't know, I've only ever killed Communists."
Heckle? I guess, like others, I question the use of this verb for reacting to a speech.
Trump will be living my dream tonight…
"Which is going to be more entertaining tonight? FJB? Or Trump? Or the usual Thursday night TV fare?"
The leftist whining will be yuuuuge, for sure.
"I'm sure plans are in the works to fact-check the fact-checker."
Why not? Fact Checkers are minions of media. So they have no other plans for that evening.
Oh goodie! Now I have two boring productions to avoid: Biden's State of the Union address and Trump's comments on it.
Is it real or is it Memorex AI?
could the recent barrage of AI launches be in-kind-digital-tech contribution beta testing?
has anybody asked AI to write SOTU speech for FJB?
3 hours to deadline!
Winston Smith should have been a fact checker. If the novel ever gets updated, that will be his job. The "memory hole" was way too much work, Orwell should have seen that.
Correction: Trump will fail to as his brilliant social media site goes down.
Almost as good as the X/DeSantis campaign loss.
Trump claims Biden can barely eat the mushed peas his wife feeds them but when it comes speech time is left ranting into the void as he can't hire a competent contractor/lawyer for his life.
Own goal for Trump yet again.
I sure hope you're nobodys financial advisor.
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