From "Joe Biden’s Last Campaign/Trailing Trump in polls and facing doubts about his age, the President voices defiant confidence in his prospects for reëlection" by Evan Osnos (The New Yorker).
With the television remote and a Diet Coke close at hand, [Trump] watched the events live on Fox News, rewinding at times for a second look. It is a period in Presidential history that the House select committee on January 6th later called “187 Minutes of Dereliction.”...
“This is where he sat,” Biden said, and I braced for a bit of speechifying... [but] he let the moment pass. At the age of eighty-one, in his fourth year as President, he displays less of the reflex to fill every silence....
As the title indicates, this article is mostly about Biden's "defiant confidence" in his viability as a candidate. On that topic, I liked this:
The kind of people who believe that they should be President of the United States do not generally go graciously into retirement. Alexander Hamilton, who knew his share of ex-politicians, described them as “discontented ghosts.” When Richard Nixon was between stints in office, he fretted, “I’m going to be mentally dead in two years and physically dead in four.” Calvin Coolidge, the only twentieth-century President who voluntarily passed up a reasonable chance at reëlection, said that he hoped to avoid “grasping for office.” (Coolidge noted that Presidents “live in an artificial atmosphere of adulation and exaltation which sooner or later impairs their judgment.”) In Biden’s case, he has been in politics so long that one of his aides told me a decade ago that he seemed “afraid if he stops working he might just fall over.”
५६ टिप्पण्या:
Those other Presidents were under the stress and duress of making important decisions that impacted the lives of all Americans. Biden has been shielded from all that stress by his handlers and the handlers are shielded from that stress because they don’t care about the lives of all Americans.
Consider that next time you’re declaring they’re getting rid of old Joe…
Wonder if Evan was given the chance, that he was quite eagerly hoping for, to actually blow the president ?
The Revolution where BLM tried to burn down St Johns Episcopal Church and forced Trump to retreat to a bunker?? That revolution, that Kamala raised money to let the criminal insurrectionists go free to destroy MORE of America?? That Revolution?? Or the peaceful protesters who were ushered into the Capitol by the Capitol police to take selfies??
The phrase "always a little taller than you expect" makes me wonder: How tall is Evan Osnos?
I'll guess his height is shorter than the median height for white(ish) males in the USA.
At the age of eighty-one, in his fourth year as President, he displays less of the reflex to fill every silence....
Biden's frequent tailing-off refrain: "Well, anyway..."
His handlers have told him for some time to stop elaborating, the instinct for deluded self aggrandizement epitomized in his return to the lectern at the hastily-called press conference following the release of the Hurr Report.
And now "revolutions" are a bad thing? Or did Biden just screw-up saying "insurrection"?
From Coolidge's autobiography (1929): "The political mind is the product of men in public life who have been twice spoiled. They have been spoiled with praise and they have been spoiled with abuse. With them nothing is natural; everything is artificial. A few rare souls escape these influences and maintain a vision and a judgment that are unimpaired." Quoted in "The Quotable Calvin Coolidge" compiled and edited by Peter Hannaford (2001) p. 122.
In Biden’s case, he has been in politics so long that one of his aides told me a decade ago that he seemed “afraid if he stops working he might just fall over.”
I see a new campaign tactic in the making! Dr. Jill tearfully pleading; "Please, don't let poor ol' Joe die!". Kind of like that National Lampoon "If you don't boy this magazine we'll shoot this dog" cover. Or maybe Old Yeller. Ain't American politics great?!
Media gushing. So Putinesque. so NBC. so Loyal.
I bet Crook Biden's dick is bigger too. You know - it's gotten bigger with age. Esp since the media assures us of all the pounding Jill is getting.
Biden't height is listed on Wikipedia as exactly 6 feet.
Like many men on dating apps, I assume he's rounding up.
Epcot White House.
In a recent public announcement, Biden twice said we were making airdrops into Ukraine, not Gaza.
Overseas newspapers --- like The Telegraph and The Guardian --- as well as Fox and NYPost, have covered it.
Other outlets, CNN, MSNBC, NYTimes, not so much,
The second Democrat with a shrinking Presidency.
I am surprised that Biden didn't tell how he, Cornpop, and the guys from the schul kicked the KKK out of Scranton in 1960.
Also, ask Jimmy and Roslyn Carter about how tall Joe is.
Doesnt the author remember that Joey Biden was drafted by the NFL? And was a football all-star?
Anyway, he's probably struck by Biden's height because Biden is small man in every other way. Usually, I don't care about attacking Biden on a personal level. He's just your standard issue leftwing Corporate liberal, no diffent than Obama, schumer, or 100 other Democrat Pols. But this was too easy a target to pass up.
For the past few years I've been referring to the events of 1776, commonly called "the American Revolution" as "the American insurrection". Insurrection and revolution being more or less synonymous.
If Brandon wants to call both "revolutions" it's fine by me. I don't think that J6 was either, or course
I have to go look at the law but I don't think "revolution" is illegal, is it? The USC does make rebellion and insurrection illegal but revolution?
I don't remember it being illegal but might be wrong.
If revolution is not illegal, does Brandon's (apparent) gaffe perhaps have some legal significance?
John Henry
"he displays less of the reflex to fill every silence...."
They really are incorrigible, our prog "reporters," aren't they?
"he seemed “afraid if he stops working he might just fall over.”"
Ah, so that's what he's doing when his schedule is empty and leaves for the weekend and goes to the beach and . . . Quite the hard worker, our Joe.
—- Slow Joe Biden
Something else about Coolidge, and the reason he could have been reelected, is that he ^the only former vp to be generally accepted as having a successful presidency.
Some might add Roosevelt although might disagree.
Unlike most vps, he also had considerable executive experience.
John Henry
Why does Biden keep a whole rack of shirts in a side office? Is he dribbling or something? Who keeps a rack of clothes handy by in a huge house with endless toadying staff?
Why put that tidbit into the story in the first place, anyway? Smells like the tide's out.
I took "taller than you expect" to indicate Biden occupies a place of feebleness and frailty and smallness in people's thoughts, so it causes a slight jolt of surprise when they see he is at least not one of the three.
Title 18 chapter 115 us code
§2383. Rebellion or insurrection
Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States
Nothing in there about "revolution"
A subsequent section does make it illegal to advocate the overthrow of the government which might be considered revolutionary. But it does not use the word. And I think this section has been largely rendered not on 1st amendment grounds.
A cursory search of the entire usc for "revolution" turns up many uses of the word. Nothing making it illegal.
So: gaffe or on purpose? And if on purpose, why?
It is such a weird gaffe that I going with on purpose but have no idea why.
Or it copulation just be Brandon off his meds.
John Henry
"At the age of eighty-one, in his fourth year as President, he displays less of the reflex to fill every silence.... ".
I don't think this one will stick as a winning suggestion demonstrating Biden's thoughtfulness.
I could say nice try because, what else do they have?
But it is not.
Unless there's some sort of revolution by the country's lefties Biden doesn't stand a chance in hell of getting re-elected.
Biden was showing Osnos — as Biden put it — "where Trump sat and watched the revolution."
I guess someone was wrong:
The Revolution will not be Televised
“he seemed “afraid if he stops working he might just fall over.””
And now we’re afraid if he keeps working he’ll just fall over, and we’ll be stuck with Kamala. Have a heart, Joe.
When there's nothing else to admire, you resort to noting "taller than expected".
I hope Osnos brought his kneepads with him and some mouthwash.
I listened to an interview of Osnos on NPR's The New Yorker Radio Hour yesterday.
Any Reasonable Person would call it an in-kind donation to Biden's election effort.
Me? I could definitely detect sucking sounds. Sounded like a 3-way.
Remember reading about the dynamism of the Notorious RBG. So do the reporters for the NYT and MSM. They're none too fulsome in their praise of Biden's energy and focus. They do what they can with what they've got. It isn't much, but they're skilled writers.... It was easy to fit Obama into their panegyrics. That man had sharp creases, but Biden has sharp creases where he should have wrinkles. Biden doesn't make it look effortless. He himself is effortless.....Speaking of oxymorons, Biden deserves recognition as the world's greatest mediocrity. He was chosen to be VP because of his bland, non-threatening mediocrity and he capitalized on that bland mediocrity to become President. America has a rich history of mediocrities who ended up in the Oval Office, but Biden is a world historical mediocrity. He has shaped our nation's identity and destiny for years to come. The full scope of his legacy will not be realized to his second term when Kamala takes office.
"Biden, always a little taller than you expect..."
On the other hand, he's the same mean spirited hair-sniffing perv he's always been. So he's got that going for him.
Two "M" words come to mind: malarkey and merde. Take your pick. Why not both?
"...wore a navy suit and a bright-blue tie and a pair of huge pants that were on the cover of Sunday's Style Issue."
"It was in front of that TV that Trump spent the afternoon of January 6, 2021, after exhorting his supporters to march on the Capitol and stop Congress from certifying Biden’s election."
The political boyfriend.
Joe Biden has always been the smallest of men.
Biden is listed at 5'11 1/2" and Trump at 6' 3".
Who is the tall president?
Besides, Biden stoops and shuffles these days.
Not exactly Buford Pusser.
It's longer than it looks, really...
Perhaps he thinks with Biden's advanced age, he would be inflicted with the same type of back pain that causes Mr. Burns to lean over with a humped back. Old people often have those problems, but Biden's are related health problems are mental not physical. He stands up just fine.
According to Wikipedia, Trump at 6'3" is the third tallest President. Biden at 6' is tied for 14th. I guess the important question from 2016 is who has the bigger hands?
His voice is thin and clotted, and his gestures have slowed, but, in our conversation, his mind seemed unchanged. He never bungled a name or a date. At one point, he pulled out a white notecard inscribed with some of Trump’s most alarming comments: his threat to terminate the Constitution, his casual talk of being a dictator on “Day One,” his description of immigrants as “poisoning the blood of our country.” Biden tossed the list on his desk and gave a look of disbelief. “What the hell! ” he said. “If you and I had sat down ten years ago and I said a President is going to say those things, you would have looked at me like, ‘Biden, you’ve lost your senses.’ ”
What? Evan didn't question Pedo Pete about the wisdom of opening the border to sex trafficking, Fentanyl and terrorists?
Joe Biden’s Last Campaign ~ The New Yorker
“How can we, as a democracy, elect anyone President who says violence is appropriate?” he asked me. And he thinks that the press has failed to take full stock of Trump’s menace.”
It’s like the media has become numbed by it.
Can "revolution" be seen on the Shark Channel? Or did Joe have trouble reading "revulsion" on his cue card?
How often does a government get attacked by people waving the flag the government controls?
On face value the flag wavers were trying to stop an insurrection.
More immigrants (soldiers)
A subsequent section does make it illegal to advocate the overthrow of the government which might be considered revolutionary...
Which is odd, since Jefferson best work, the Declaration of Independence, actually advocates for rebelling against the king, and suggests it might be necessary for us again some time in the future: When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. Followed a short time later by,...Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends [protecting the rights we hold self-evident], it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
That is the true danger in our age. Our government has become a violator of rights rather than a protector of them, especially the ones Jefferson wrote about us holding most dear: Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Are the list of crimes against us ascribed to the king not the same thing the Biden admin is doing now?
He has obstructed the Administration of Justice [at the border and elsewhere]...
For depriving us in many cases [J6 rioters], of the benefits of Trial by Jury...
He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us [MAGA] out of his Protection and waging War against us...
[Created] the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these [Red] States...
A short man refrains from calling anybody tall, lest people automatically wonder what he calls tall.
Taller than you'd expect avoids that.
No, for politicians like Biden, the fear is if they lose office, their corruption will be exposed like an embezzler taking a vacation. It's going to get ugly as 50 years of knives come out for the Bidens.
Rich - Didn't Biden once say that 'he has all the F-16s and the military' at his disposal -to fight Americans who might get uppity and go against his corrupt regime?
"...his (Trump's) threat to terminate the Constitution..."
Didn't today's Supreme Court ruling determine that Democrat Party-operative "activist" judges in Colorado violated constitution in their attempt to terminate/constrain Constitution to remove Trump from Colorado ballot?
Another card-carrying Democrat-appointee Judge in Cook County (Chicago) took same unconstitutional action just last week to remove Trump from Illinois ballot. In Cook County, Democrat-identifying elected judges reportedly pay local Democratic Party a $100,000 minimum "contribution" sponsorship-nomination, and known for their poor grasp of jurisprudence. In Cook County and Chicago, rule-of-the-game is to copy any newsworthy progressive actions of other governmental entities, no matter how poorly conceived or executed, or in this instance, LEGAL.
Look eveybody! Joe Bidfen! He's shit President, but he's nearly six feet tall!
“It’s like the media has become numbed by it.”
Heh… sort of like you, Rich, only you’re numb from the neck up.
"Taller than expected" is similar to Trump's "medium sized small but large hands" - silly fluff that means exactly nothing.
Rich, did you sleep through Obama's administration, or are you just dim?
Your statements hold the clue.
A small man the size of a normal man.
John Henry,
Or it copulation just be Brandon off his meds.
An Autocorrect for the ages, I think.
Ghost Town (2008) Ricky Gervais and Tea Leoni
But what's really exciting about Pepi is how they handled his organ.
- His organ?
- Yeah, his dick. I got it right here. You wanna see it?
There's nothing unusual about the phallus itself.
- Sure.
- It's the way it was stored. You know, normally, the penis and the heart are kept together and mummified along with the body, but in Pepi's case, they removed it and preserved it in this separate gold-encrusted jar.
God. I can see why he was king.
- You okay?
- Yeah. I've got to get used to looking down at a shriveled, old penis, eventually. Oh, geez. I see he died happy.
That's it. That's enough.
He must have had huge hands.
Biden has held his height pretty well into his 80s. He’s probably lost about an inch from his max height when he was younger (about 6’1” out of bed).
Biden is probably 6’0” out of bed. He has good posture.
Trump’s peak height was about 6’2.5 out of bed. He’s about 6’1 out of bed these days (Obama is taller than Trump now).
HW Bush was tall. Even in his late 60s he still had about 3/4 of inch on Clinton. Clinton at his peak was slightly taller than Obama.
Going back over height with the presidents starting with Reagan, here they are in height order (height as president not when they were 30). HW Bush > Clinton > Obama > Trump > Reagan > Biden > W.
Clint Eastwood is almost 94. He looks almost 4 inches shorter nowadays compared to his peak height.
So I agree that Biden seems taller. Good posture and has only lost about an inch at age 81.
“Taller than expected” an appeal to the female Tinder crowd?
That's a pretty thorough investigation there mccullough..
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