From "Doritos Scraps Deal with Trans Influencer... After Backlash, Old Tweets" (TMZ).
There are so many reasons not to eat Doritos, but I'm afraid this boycott, coming from the right, is going to propel those on the left to re-envision Doritos as elite and edgy. I see this as a win for Doritos. Just putting the word "Doritos" in play right now is going to trigger the urge to eat the strangely compelling low-quality snack food.
So Samantha Hudson — at age 15 — tweeted debased desires? That's completely aligned with the debased desire to eat Doritos. I feel sorry for whoever receives this incident as an incentive to lean into the urge to eat Doritos. If that's not you, good. You should not be eating Doritos anyway. Everyone knows this.
१११ टिप्पण्या:
Sorry. We don't like pedophiles. We don't excuse pedophiles, and we will not support pedophiles.
Conspicuously absent from the summary is the word transgender. The question I have is when he/she had inappropriate desires as a 15 year old towards a 12 year old female, was Samantha a he or a she? One thing we do know is he/she suffers from gender dysphoria, a mental illness as defined by the American Psychological Association.
Doritos? Never a fan of their products, but to parade a tranny to help sales is about as stupid as it gets.
"Sorry. We don't like pedophiles. We don't excuse pedophiles, and we will not support pedophiles."
Will you commit to canceling anyone who when they were a teenager expressed a desire to have sex with another teenager?
I feel the urge to put on my cargo shorts and go buy several bags of different varieties of Doritos.
"Conspicuously absent from the summary is the word transgender."
What "summary"?
"Trans" is in the TMZ headline and the rest of it is a section I chose to quote. It's from the middle of the article. The first sentence of the article has "trans."
"inappropriate desires as a 15 year old towards a 12 year old female"
What desires do 15-year-old boys tend to have toward girls who are 3 years younger than they are? We're not talking about taking action, just having desires. The only "action" is the speech — tweeting about it. I agree that it was stupid and lacking in foresight, but that is the way of 15-year-old boys.
How would you want your own teenager's future to be limited based on the dumbest thing he ever said?
Many teenagers express a desire to commit murder. Would you destroy the future of any 15-year-old boy who ever said "I'd like to kill you"?
Ditto Wendybar.
Isn't this making liberals act in accordance with their own playbook? Cancelling someone for thought crimes?
Besides, life lesson for our youth. Youthful mistakes can have lifelong consequences.
Do you think a 15 year old has never sexually traumatized a 12 year old? Were any 12 year olds in her life at the time bullied or otherwise threatened by her? I support a complete investigation into the life of this woman. Btw, when was 12 teenaged? Teenager wanting to get it on with a child is a red flag. Who has this influencer influenced? Investigate all her followers. If it's okay to investigate Trump fans, it's okay to investigate her fans.
I like the Cool Ranch Doritos.
My first wife's real name was Doretta.
People often thought it was funny to nick-name her Doritos.
Doritos taste good. It doesn’t matter that everyone ‘knows’ they shouldn’t eat them. College educated white women vote for Marxists even though they’re bad for them. Maybe they don’t ‘know’ they’re bad for them but if they don’t what the hell are they ‘educated’ about?
There was a bag of taco flavor Doritos at Publix yesterday, printed in the old school graphics. No sign of the Frito bandito, though…
There are so many reasons not to eat Doritos, but I'm afraid this boycott, coming from the right, is going to propel those on the left to re-envision Doritos as elite and edgy.
And we of the right simply do not care. If Fritos-Lay makes a bundle of money from a backlash that has Elitists discovering a previously suppressed taste for tortilla chips, that’s their good luck. But after looking at what happened to Anheuser-Busch I’m not so sure that would be the way to bet. More likely, if Frito-Lay comes out of this mess in decent shape it will be because they’ve moved quickly to address their buyers’ concerns and responded with respect for their buyers. But feel free to purchase as any bags of Doritos as you’d like. For myself, I can’t stand them.
FWIW, Althouse, by definition a 12 year old is not yet a teenager.
From the Wikipedia page on the Columbian massacre
"In 1996, 15-year-old Eric Harris created a private website on America Online (AOL).
On the site, Harris began a blog, which included details about Harris sneaking out of the house to cause mischief and vandalism, such as lighting fireworks with Klebold and others.
...Harris's blog ... postings began to show the first signs of Harris's anger against society.[26] By the end of the year, the site contained instructions on how to make explosives.[27] Harris's site attracted few visitors and caused no concern until August 1997, after Harris ended a blog post detailing murderous fantasies with "All I want to do is kill and injure as many of you as I can, especially a few people. Like ..."
"Many teenagers express a desire to commit murder. Would you destroy the future of any 15-year-old boy who ever said 'I'd like to kill you'?"
There are infinite desirable futures besides social media influencer. Could mighty Hercules destroy all those desirable futures in a finite amount of time?
How would you want your own teenager's future to be limited based on the dumbest thing he ever said?
I thought that was the rule for everyone these days.
I was not aware there was an exception for minors.
I really do get where you’re coming from, Althouse, but living in the La-La-Land Madison it takes no courage for you to come out against cancel culture coming from the right. Now how about you take up the cause of someone in the throes of being canceled by your beloved Lefties? You see, from where I sit you’re just doing some “civility bullshit” of your own, trying to convince my side of the political spectrum not to fight back.
ME: "Conspicuously absent from the summary is the word transgender."
AA: "What "summary"?
Your summary of the TMZ article.
AA: What desires do 15-year-old boys tend to have toward girls who are 3 years younger than they are? We're not talking about taking action, just having desires. The only "action" is the speech — tweeting about it. I agree that it was stupid and lacking in foresight, but that is the way of 15-year-old boys.
My question was as a 15 year old, was Samantha a girl or a guy? I couldn't tell from the TMZ article.
AA "Many teenagers express a desire to commit murder. Would you destroy the future of any 15-year-old boy who ever said "I'd like to kill you"?
Maybe not destroy their future, but coming on the heels of multiple school shootings by teenagers it should raise a large red flag.
There’s a lot more to this story than the one post. How long did it take to learn the facts about the Mulvaney debacle at AB-InBev?
Define "inappropriate". A 15-year-old being attracted to a 12-year-old is normal. I've seen the comments describes as debased but haven't looked up what was actually said.
Taco Bell created the most non-Mexican, non-food version of "Mexican food" ever with its Doritos Loco taco.
DayGlo orange:
"Loco" means crazy in Spanish. There's a certain logic in hiring a cruel pedophile to represent the brand.
What “inappropriate desires”? Dip her pigtails in an inkwell? Sit on her face and fart? Drag her into a cloakroom and have non-consensual sex? Force her to wear a MAGA hat? What? The term is so vague and abstract as to have been denuded of any relevant information.
A 12 year old fails the “divide by two and add seven” minimum age rule.
Is the name SaMANtha a pun on the birth gender?
Samantha looks like a member of Spinal Tap.
Sorry, I can’t boycott Doritos as it would require me to first buy them.
The point is, obviously, that this spokesperson was chosen for being transgender.
This makes a mockery of women. If that makes you stop over-eating doritos, fine. But you're not actually going to die sooner if you have an occasional unhealthy snack.
You might harm impressionable young girls, though, if you keep normalizing and promoting toxic transgenderism and pedophilia.
Will you commit to canceling anyone who when they were a teenager expressed a desire to have sex with another teenager?
Nope. But that's not what we have here.
The article implies this is a one off statement even though they used the plural tweets.
TMZ conveniently left off other concerning language from the other tweets. Plus there can be a pretty major gap between wanting "sex" (your language) and (as stated in the article) "inappropriate things" with a 12 year old. Not even curious about that gap? Hey, here's today's math quiz. Is twelve less than 13? Why yes, yes it is. Then a 12 year old girl is not a teenager.
Professor, you are typically very precise in language. I think much of what is in this article has hidden in your blind spot.
Also, this person didn't stop at 15.
We live in a different world now. Take everything that is said seriously. Remember Columbine? Ignore the warnings at your own expense.
Not free to lay…
Another point. The article phrase was "a desire to do inappropriate things to a 12-year-old girl when she was 15".
Sure, sex with a 12 year old COULD be the meaning. In that case TMZ used a really odd way to say what you heard. But, boy oh boy, there are sure a wide range of other activities that could be fit under that circus tent.
Those other activities certainly can be more than your pedestrian claim, "a teenager expressed a desire to have sex with another teenager". (Math lesson not repeated.)
Rereading. She characterized her tweetS as "she doesn't remember writing "such barbarities".
Did you see the vid where Doritos are put alight?
I just saw an episode of Dorothy Sayer's Peter Whimsey mystery, "Clouds of Witness" in which the head of the household forbids a man to marry his sister because he was caught cheating at cards.
I guess standards were different then.
This is what the democrat party has created so it's surely going to be used against them. 20+ year old statements by republicans get them cancelled, but not Whoopi Goldberg and other democrats. Sorry, not sorry but this is just republicans defending themselves. These are the methods that the democrats and their media have championed, it only makes sense to force them to follow their own rules.
Paying attention to crap stories like this are equivalent to taking a thousand blows to the Head playing professional football. Some form of permanent pathological brain damage is inevitable.
Are you helping, Althouse?
15-year old vs. 12-year-old? Maybe, sort of, OK. But she also tweeted something about "In the middle of the street in Mallorca in panties and screaming that I’m a nymphomaniac in front of a super beautiful 8-year-old girl." Is that pedophilic enough for you?
“Will you commit to canceling anyone who when they were a teenager expressed a desire to have sex with another teenager?”
Not before giving you due process. At age 19 you expressed desire to burn down my house while my 13 year-old was sleeping upstairs? And now it’s 10 years later? Yes, sorry it has taken so long, but I think you still have some explaining to do.
I might buy some Doritos, not because Doritos is edgy, but because it will annoy the right people. Teenagers say dumb things. Teenagers do dumb things. If what we say and do as a teenager can ruin us later in adulthood, we're all doomed.
No one could survive this standard.
So anyone who is appalled by the idea of a 15 year old tweeting a desire to sexually assault a 12 year old is a "right-winger" now?
I agree that things said and done at 15 should be cut some slack, but I'm not sure there's a left-right divide on the sex assault aspect. Or is it OK for certain persons but not OK for others?
makes you (makes ME) wonder if Professor Althouse would be so tolerant and understanding, if a person was on record demeaning homosexuals and said that it was "ok", because they were younger then, were just enjoyed "dark humor"??
So much Dorito hatred from La Althouse.
I haven't had a Dorito chip in years, yet I can still immediately recall the delicious salty flavor. That's more than I can say for the taste of Bud Light.
"FWIW, Althouse, by definition a 12 year old is not yet a teenager."
I know and was aware of that when I wrote what I wrote. I don't think anything I wrote characterized a 12 year old as a teenager.
The word "twelve" does not contain the suffix "-teen," but what is the relevant difference between a 12 year old and 13 year old?
When we think of behavior and mental development and how much we feel morally obligated to protect them, the 12 year old and 13 year old are much the same.
"Your summary of the TMZ article."
I didn't summarize the article!
I quoted a part that I found interesting and gave you a link in case you want to read the whole thing.
You made an observation about something that didn't happen.
"Now how about you take up the cause of someone in the throes of being canceled by your beloved Lefties?"
You've been following this blog for a long time, so you must have terrible reading skills or a defective memory. I've been against cancel culture from both sides for the whole 20 years.
"You see, from where I sit you’re just doing some “civility bullshit” of your own, trying to convince my side of the political spectrum not to fight back."
Your perception is distorted by YOUR bias.
"My question was as a 15 year old, was Samantha a girl or a guy?"
I wrote a hypothetical, so I made no assertion about that, but I was thinking primarily of a male-bodied person, and I think Samantha was that.
@Mary Beth
I appreciate your desire to provide the facts, but people can go to the article if they want to read the graphic words. I don't want them on my blog. They are written pornography of a pedophilic variety.
Doritos. Doritos aaaghhmmm...
Where were the parents when these things were tweeted? You’d think if you saw your 15 year old kid tweeting like that, you’d intervene in some way. Isn’t that their job?
Just another reason to keep children off of social media. I'm not going to bother reading what a 15 year-old Hudson said about a 12 year-old. Most 15 year-olds have plenty of impure thoughts, but most are hesitant to broadcast them to the world. The trans community has been so brutally aggressive in defending their brand, I have no interest in defending Hudson.
Althouse comments supporting her position in this post:
“Will you commit to canceling anyone who when they were a teenager expressed a desire to have sex with another teenager?”
“What desires do 15-year-old boys tend to have toward girls who are 3 years younger than they are? We're not talking about taking action, just having desires. The only "action" is the speech — tweeting about it. I agree that it was stupid and lacking in foresight, but that is the way of 15-year-old boys.
How would you want your own teenager's future to be limited based on the dumbest thing he ever said?”
“Many teenagers express a desire to commit murder. Would you destroy the future of any 15-year-old boy who ever said "I'd like to kill you"?”
Althouse comments suggesting Harvard was wrong to rescind Kyle Kashuv's acceptance based on social media posts when he was 16: [crickets chirping]
So we begin to see where Althouse draws the line: Canceling for racist tweets is okay. Canceling for pedophilic tweets is not okay (see Kyle Kashuv posts).
Unfortunately we now have lots of data about "trans women" who are really biological men, with the inherent aggression and sexual desires of men. We now consign women felons to prisons with men who subject them to rape, and the last stat I saw was somewhere between 80-90% of all prison rapes are now committed by "trans" people. In fact I've noticed quite a few of these Guys-to-girl transitioners exhibit what used to be called misogyny, and that sort of thing used to be condemned by feminists, not excused.
This guy in question is a physically hideously unattractive spokesperson for Doritos, like Russel Brands ugly brother in a dress, and as a marketing guy I would have vetoed the deal on that fact alone. But there's far more to the story, of course, which the evil Big Media machine elides in the service of furthering evil. Just like the "one can" lie that accompanied the early Bud Light stories, we have the "one tweet" lie embedded in this one. What else are the obscuring?
* He (as a young man) repeatedly expressed the desire to anally rape pre-teen girls. That ain't normal. It is disguised by the article referenced, but even the perp called it "barbarous" later.
* He also said he wanted to perform in public, “In the middle of the street in Mallorca in panties and screaming that I’m a nymphomaniac in front of a super beautiful 8-year-old girl.” Eight not twelve. Relevant, no?
* He also said, “I hate women who are victims of rape and who turn to self-help centers to overcome their trauma. [Okay,] fat whores!” That sounds like violence feelings towards "real" women, a common trait amongst certain trans people (not all of course).
It is a sign of sociopathy and like the rattle on a diamondback, it's a sign to beware. I don't understand Althouse's apparent sympathy for these people. I do understand compassion for people who are mentally imbalanced, but when an international brand elevates one to prominence, the circumstances bear investigating before condemning the ones who boycott the brand. And people who willingly put their evil desires in writing for the world to see sometimes don't stop at just saying it, and usually don't stop at "just one."
Just like Doritos eaters.
There are so many reasons not to eat Doritos, but I'm afraid this boycott, coming from the right, is going to propel those on the left to re-envision Doritos as elite and edgy.
By that marketing logic, Jergins may want the left to believe Jergins was the "lotion it puts on its skin!"
"Between you and me, that thing with the dog is coming off a little freaky."
"I don't want them on my blog."
Sorry, I just saw this statement after posting three horrible quotes. They can be found here.
So, to the left, Doritos corporate "shrinkflation" is offset by their... kinkflation?
I seem to remember the treatment dealt to another flamboyant character named Milo a few years back.....
But this cracker has also called for the annihilation of the nuclear family and other punkish types of attention-whoring so, while I think cancel culture is unseemly, I'm satisfied that Frito-Lay is going to get the punishment it deserves for hiring this clown. In Spain? What is it that caused the Spain franchise to think this was a good idea? It sounds like another Dylan-Mulvaney type of horribly-guided senior executive's Bright Idea gone wrong.
Everybody knows most Doritos are sold in Walmarts, next to Bud Light displays, so....
I'm afraid this boycott, coming from the right, is going to propel those on the left to re-envision Doritos as elite and edgy.
Only liberals could consider doing sexual things to a twelve year old as "elite and edgy".
Good God...
It is interesting that the left is quick to defend a mom that ran her car into a teenage bully, but when a transgender bully wants to do "thuggish" things to a 12 year old; it is the rather tame outrage on the right that's the story. Let me know when Samantha Hudson is repeatedly hit by "Mama Bear's Honda Passport" before suggesting this is cancellation.
“There are so many reasons not to eat Doritos, but I'm afraid this boycott, coming from the right, is going to propel those on the left to re-envision Doritos as elite and edgy. I see this as a win for Doritos. Just putting the word "Doritos" in play right now is going to trigger the urge to eat the strangely compelling low-quality snack food.”
I must’ve missed the phase where the left re-envisioned Bud Light as elite and edgy.
"Everyone knows this."
Says the high-IQ law prof. Depends what the meaning of "knows" is.
I propose a variation on the Althouse theorem about what people believe: people don't know what they are assumed to know.
As a student of consumer behavior I doubt that any of this will drive more people to Doritos than it repels. I'd like to know what, if anything, the USA management had to do with Spanish brand promos. Frito Lay used to be a fairly smartly run brand. But they might be part of an international, transnational, conglomerate now. IDK. Got a real job to do today.
Duh. They are part of Pepsico. I knew that. Getting old has its advantages but a sharp quick memory ain't one of 'em. Unfortunately, Pepsico went way woke several years back starting when that Indian (subcontinent kind) woman was elevated to CEO. She hated conservatives.
Long after I left...oh well.
Althouse said...What desires do 15-year-old boys tend to have toward girls who are 3 years younger than they are? We're not talking about taking action, just having desires. The only "action" is the speech — tweeting about it. I agree that it was stupid and lacking in foresight, but that is the way of 15-year-old boys.
Wait. I'm confused. I thought the Dorito dude was a woman with a penis. Are we now misgendering her and assuming that she developed her gender identify after 15 years old? Wasn't her gender wrongly assigned at birth?
Let's clarify. We are discussing a grown man with a penis, who identifies as a woman with a penis, but at 15 when she was a boy with a penis, she posted sexual desires about a 12 year old with a vagina.
This former Dorito rep was misgendered at birth. Looking back at being 15 years old, this was in today's truth a 15 year old lesbian's fantasy regarding a 12 year old. Seems to me we have a lesbian problem here.
Althouse...deep down you're not buying all this transgender bullshit either. Freudian slip?
Why do women with penises have to be shoved down our throats?
Pun intended.
because they aren't women, they are just freaks, heck of a marketing strategy,
the stolen Spanish electorate with the help of the Catalan renegades are doing this, and the Marxist Sumar party,
In regard to the "risk" that the Left will now see Doritos as "elite and edgy," I am very doubtful that will occur in any way that would help sales. In recent years, brands have repeatedly rejected their current customers in favor of new Left-wing customers, the so-called "modern audience." This is met with kudos from the Left and woke on X and other social media platforms, not to mention their marketing teams they recruited from the best universities, but then the "modern audience" doesn't actually buy the product, at least not in any quantities that would help. Meanwhile, this usually alienates the current customer base, which stop buying either because the brand has angered them and/or the product has been changed and it no longer appeals to them.
See Bud Light, "Gamergate", the Marvel "M-She-U" installments, the entire comic book industry, Disney Star Wars, Target, etc.
In this case, I don't think anyone needs to be "cancelled". I do think it's both stupid and wrong to use a person with a mental illness as a spokesperson. Stupid, because the mentally ill are off-putting to most normal people and wrong, because transgenderism is a social contagion and should not be spread.
Frito-Lay fired the influencer, so let's cut them a break for responding correctly. Let's also leave the influencer alone, as there's no reason to torment the already tormented.
As for Doritos: I'm not sure that they're much worse than other fried snack foods. They are enjoyable, in moderation.
Looking at Breezy comments @8:31AM. A couple of things... yeah, I don't recall the left embracing the suck that is Bud Light and thinking it was edgy, unless by left, you mean Garth Brooks. Also, should I care if the left embraces eating Doritos or drinking Pepsi? Maybe they'll buy out KFC and Taco Bell too. I'm not seeing the downside of this for the political right.
"but what is the relevant difference between a 12 year old and 13 year old?"
Nice framing, how about if you asked but what is the between 12 year old and 19 year old? I suspect your answer would be different. The pertinent question is what is the between 12 year old and 15 year old?
A 12 year old is in grade school or just starting middle school. A 15 year old is starting school, probably with friends who drive and have cars. Good chance they can get drugs and alcohol also... So there is a lot of difference between 12 and 15.
>Ann Althouse said...
Just putting the word "Doritos" in play right now is going to trigger the urge to eat the strangely compelling low-quality snack food.<
Probably a lot like the urge of some to be amused by the "strangely" compelling "low-quality" Babylon Bee.
It's a plain folks' thang - you wouldn't understand.
“What desires do 15-year-old boys tend to have toward girls who are 3 years younger than they are? We're not talking about taking action, just having desires. The only "action" is the speech — tweeting about it. I agree that it was stupid and lacking in foresight, but that is the way of 15-year-old boys.”
There is a big push right now by the LGBTQ(etc) community to mainstream pedophilia. “Minor Attracted” is the buzz word, but it means pedophilia. It’s bad enough that male trans women are being allowed into female safe spaces, often resulting, at least in prisons, in rape. Male homosexual minor attraction has long been a thing in the Gay community (and, at least for awhile, NAMBLA was allowed to March in their parades). No one really cares what consenting adults do with each other in the bedroom, but tolerance ends when children are involved. At least so far - there is a real push going on to dynamite that barrier. And you have to ask why? And many of us see it as a further step in destroying our culture. If society can’t perform the fundamental job of defending our children from predators, then what good is it?
So, yes, maybe this is unfair. But you have to view it as backlash to the left’s continuing efforts to destroy our culture and civilization by tearing down its traditional boundaries. It’s part of their ongoing culture war against the rest of us, and many see overreaction here as necessary. If 3 years difference in age isn’t that bad, then what about 4, 5, 6, 10 years?
“As for Doritos: I'm not sure that they're much worse than other fried snack foods. They are enjoyable, in moderation”
That is my partner. She loves them, but only in moderation. For road trips, she gets Doritos, and I (hopefully) get popcorn. Leaving the hospital yesterday, I gave her a bag and a half of Cool Ranch Doritos. The bags were small enough that she finished them. We rarely buy big bags, because they usually end up going stale. Moderation.
Eat more carbohydrates. Underfunded Medicare, unfunded Medicaid, and Obamacares cannot sustain the two trillion public deficit in conjunction with private corporations without plausible support.
"So Samantha Hudson — at age 15 — tweeted debased desires? That's completely aligned with the debased desire to eat Doritos."
Doing weird sexual stuff with kids is "aligned with" eating Doritos? If you say so.
Thanks for reminding me to put Doritos on the grocery list.
I find it interesting that, to my knowledge, only Bud Light has really suffered a significant economic setback from "partnering" with a transgender as a spokesperson or influencer.
I believe the difference in the Bud Light situation was the existence of the video of their marketing executive ... I can't remember her name ... wherein she gave an interview to someone online and ... we've all seen it.
It was that interview that served as the impetus for the uproar that resulted and drew in those who otherwise would not have paid this much attention. She personalized the mindset and behavior which so many people find distasteful, at best, in the corporate world and government.
Ah, it just hit me - Alissa Heinerscheid.
The industry has transitioned from transfats to transgenders/homosexuals in order to stabilize their fat profits.
Doritos are delicious, but they really are crap for your health.
If more liberals eat Doritos it's kind of a win...
I would posit that 15 yo boys have older women in their sights - like Stacy's mom.
"Trans" is in the TMZ headline and the rest of it is a section I chose to quote.
As a language maven AA, you have to laugh that 'trans' is perfectly acceptable and even preferred, while 'tranny' gets you cancelled unless you're talking about your Cadillac Hydramatic : )
I don't get it. Why did Doritos hire such a person as a spokesperson? Did they do this after the Bud Light debacle? It just seems inordinately foolish and ill advised... I think Isabella Rosellini would make a better spokesperson. That would be really edgy and help Doritos achieve penetration in the upscale market of people who travel by private jets. That market is so much bigger than the transgender market and is worth exploiting.
Doritos and a Bud Light! The breakfast, lunch and dinner of champions. Or so our trans influencers tell us.
I just hope they have Caitlyn Jenner in a cowgirl outfit telling us beef is what's for dinner.
It might bring the prices down.
There's lots of junky snack food I've tried over my 6 decades of life, and most of it I can take or leave. The only one I've found repellant and nauseating is Doritos. Just don't get the appeal at all. Napalm-roasted dead leaves dipped in insecticide powder. Why??
As for whom to choose as 'spokespersons', why go after the mentally ill, as this person clearly is? (And I don't mean the "transgender" stuff. I've met trans who are perfectly lucid, nice quiet people. They are embarrassed by the toxic behaviour of 'trans activists'). Why not go after a demographic that has money? Unless the mentally ill have more disposable income than I think, and they spend most of it on Doritos ... come to think of it, that might explain a few things.
'I would posit that 15 yo boys have older women in their sights - like Stacy's mom.'
I hear she's got it going on.
Of course, the little perv should have been after Stacy, because in ten years...
'I don't get it. Why did Doritos hire such a person as a spokesperson?'
These people are communist ideologues. They have a mission, a goal.
To subvert every standard norm in society and help usher in the glorious era of their gods Equity and The State.
Doritos watches Bud Light walk out into a clearly marked mine field and get blown up. Doritos decides to walk out there too. Why? What's out there? The end of a rainbow?
Ann Althouse said...
The word "twelve" does not contain the suffix "-teen," but what is the relevant difference between a 12 year old and 13 year old?
@Alhouse, puberty?
Late to the party. Lots of good commentary.
Maybe the good Professor needs a do-over. We all do once in awhile, and I’ve found her over the years to be much more fair and reasonable and civil than most. Although she does have her own blind spots.
She has been anti-cancel, but this post especially makes me think she was having a bad morning, or maybe this is her gay/trans blind spot on full display.
Nothing about the past actions/comments of this person Doritos hired/then fired is acceptable (especially for a spokesperson/brand Representative). Yes all people are redeemable (despite Hilary’s view) but these acts/comments themselves are not. And certainly not in a business that wants to keep its customers.
Professor, you really were very selective (choosing to comment only on the least absurd things - and not commenting on - even without quoting - the others), and I think your ‘protesting too much’ right from the get go on this one shows that you knew that your take was way off.
So, we’ll call it a DO OVER.
Now, on to tonight’s SOTU and the garbage takes the media will have trying to prop up their guy Joe…
@Big Mike
Oh, good lord. Look it up. I did: "The onset of puberty, the time in life when a person becomes sexually mature, typically occurs between ages 8 and 13 for girls and ages 9 and 14 for boys."
@Althouse, yes, I’ve been around this blog since well before you and Meade were married. I don’t believe it’s my mistaken impression that caused me to call civility bullshit on you. The way I see it, your response to cancellation from the left is on the order of “Oh dear, tsk, tsk” and your response to the rare cancellations from the right is on the order of “Think what a terrible thing you are doing!” Yes, I am biased.
But so are you.
Being a 15 year old boy with several years .. well, decades, experience, that was my first thought too. There's a reason MILF and Hot Teacher memes are pr0n staples, and people understandably but regrettably titter nervously over reports of teen boys being victims of sexual advances from older women. Thinking lascivious thoughts about a specific younger girl who has gotten an estrogen hit a little earlier than her peers is one thing, expressing desires for generic girls at a specific age significantly younger than yourself is a bit more unusual.
While significant numbers of young women are currently observed to exhibit markers of puberty at age 8, this does not mean all girls do so. As noted in the abstract below, the attainment of full adult secondary sexual characteristics is not occuring at earlier ages.
In an attempt to determine whether the secular trend toward an earlier onset of puberty has continued over recent decades in the United States of America, published reports concerning the age of attainment of pubertal events have been reviewed. Such reports are very limited and vary in both design and inclusive ages of study subjects. Among females, two recent large cross-sectional studies indicate that fifty percent of females in the United States attain Tanner breast stage 2 at 9.5 to 9.7 years of age. This is younger than previously thought, although adequate earlier studies of girls in the United States are not available for comparison. These two studies also indicate that about 14% of girls attain Tanner stage 2 while 8 years of age; one study extends earlier reporting that about 6% exhibit onset of breast development while 7 years of age. There is no evidence that the age of menarche or the attainment of adult (Tanner 5) breast development has decreased over the past 30 years. The data also suggest an earlier onset of Tanner stage 2 pubic hair but no change in attainment of stage 5. PUBMED
(Development of breast buds under the areola, also known as thelarche, represents entry into Tanner Stage 2.)
Doritos are not good for you, but they are addictive in some ways. But it's a youth-driven market. I don't know a whole lot of people older than 60 who choose to buy them.
Maybe younger people actually pay attention to the now-terminated spokesthing? I recognize just how old I am however.
Doritos are stoner food. Nobody over the age of 25 should be eating them.
At 15 I had a desire to do very appropriate things to an 18 year old girl. So I missed the cut.
I am a trans chip-eater. I’m TransDorito. If you don’t let me have just one more Dorito, I’m going to kill myself and that will make you a murderer with NEW spicy nacho blood on your hands.
Did some digging, these are not basic innocent comments. See the quotes below from NEWSWEEK. Samantha was a bio male at the time.
"The post, translated from Spanish and is graphic, begins by saying, "I want to do thuggish things [to] a 12-year-old girl," before providing an example of an extreme sexual crime against a child. Hudson, now 24, was said to have been aged 15 when the tweet was posted online, which she tweeted, according to her, to be funny.
In another post, Hudson allegedly said: "In the middle of the street in Mallorca in panties and screaming that I'm a nymphomaniac in front of a super beautiful 8-year-old girl."
Newsweek has reached out to PepsiCo US and PepsiCo Spain via email for comment.
In addition, some have resurfaced other tweets of Hudson's accusing her of hating women who have been victims of sexual abuse.
In another translated post on X, Hudson writes, "I hate women who are victims of rape and who turn to self-help centers to overcome their trauma. k fat wh****"
" I don't think anything I wrote characterized a 12 year old as a teenager."
Guess several of us were fooled by the question:
"Will you commit to canceling anyone who when they were a teenager expressed a desire to have sex with another teenager?"
The only guy and girl from the article and post were 15 and 12.
How foolish of us to presume that because of that you were referring to someone else with the cancel question.
And, yeah, I saw that later 12-13 same-same....
"You should not be eating Doritos anyway. Everyone knows this."
That is not a factual statement.
Granted, you shouldn't eat too many Doritos, but millions of people love them. My favorite are the taco flavor Doritos.
Fritos actually started at Disneyland in California. They became wildly popular and became a giant company. My dad used to love Fritos. Back in the 1960s, Fritos chips were large (about an inch by an inch and a half) and didn't have any additional flavoring. But they eventually made Fritos smaller and came out with Doritos that had the more traditional, triangle shape for dipping into salsa. The first bags of Doritos had no flavoring. They were just regular tortilla chips in a bag. But then came the chip flavor wars of the 1970s and 80s. So Doritos came out with a lot of different flavors and ditched the unflavored corn chips. (Which I think was a mistake. Just look at unflavored corn chip sales today.)
Ok, I confess to love Doritos and yes I do buy them occasionally when the mood of my 60+ years of youth requires it. The crunch and the flavor take me back to some fond memories.
Goodness gracious, a few Doritos are not gonna kill you. They just may bring you joy.
Meade said...
"If you don’t let me have just one more Dorito, I’m going to kill myself"
Althouse said...
"You should not be eating Doritos anyway. Everyone knows this."
I hope Meade makes it to California to get treatment otherwise he's a goner.
Coupon for 50% off 14 oz. bag of Doritos with every pitbull adoption.
Ann Althouse said...
"Sorry. We don't like pedophiles. We don't excuse pedophiles, and we will not support pedophiles."
Will you commit to canceling anyone who when they were a teenager expressed a desire to have sex with another teenager?
1: 12 year olds aren't "teenagers"
2: HE was 15, wanting to HARM 12 year old girls, not find one to have "consensual" (to the extent which a 12 year old CAN consent to sex, which is "no, they can't) sex.
So, 1 flat out factually wrong, one "really missed the point"
Good for Doritos for firing him.
But for hiring him in the first place?
That means I won't be buying any Doritos for the foreseeable future
Haven't eaten Doritos in 49 years. Had too much as a child. My brother came home from college eating Doritos and cream cheese. There's a limit to what you can tolerate if you are 13. I missed my basketball game that night. But did have familiarization training for being drunk just a few years later that lead to a 44 year "boycott" of whiskey.
They should have just created Doritas for the trannies and left Doritos alone, for the rest of us.
They should have just created Doritas for the trannies and left Doritos alone, for the rest of us.
Well, it took a minute to find the ugly stuff, but I've never even met a 15 year old who admits to being a pedophile and seems fixated on young girls who have been raped -- while mocking them for being raped. So, yes, by promoting him, a food company is promoting degradation of victims of pedophilia and especially child rape victims. And now he degrades all women by posing as a woman in S&M gear.
These are multinational corporations with massive advertising research staffs. So I don't buy that they didn't know this when they hired him.
I feel for sexually disordered people, to the degree that they're not predatory or demeaning towards women. I feel for people who have schizophrenia. I would expect a company to not try to make schizophrenia cool in order to promote their products.
Thank you for the anti-commercial for the commercial product, which you named often enough in the post to make me wonder if you really meant it, if not as a commercial endorsement, as a marketing publicity campaign. You could have written, "snack chip" instead of the product name, right? But using the product name lends its name recognition to the post, right? This is an unhealthy cycle I see here.
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