Writes The New York Times Editorial Board, in "The Challenges of an Aging President."
The Board recommends that Biden get out there interacting with voters and journalists, in spontaneous and unscripted settings, town halls and news conferences. The Board refrains from speculating that the reason Biden eschews opportunities to reassure us is that it wouldn't be reassuring.
For the second year in a row, Mr. Biden has even refused to do an interview before the Super Bowl, a practice that allowed presidents to speak to Americans informally before the country’s largest sporting event of the year, unpersuasively citing a desire to give the public a break from politics.
Give me a break, man.
६२ टिप्पण्या:
Given Biden's performance, it will be tough to make this election all about Trump, but I'm sure the Dims and the media will try.
"The Board recommends that Biden get out there interacting with voters and journalists, in spontaneous and unscripted settings, town halls and news conferences."
Unscripted? Hey, I'm all for it. It would be a slooooo motion train wreck.
Now do Kamala.
The problem is that he's not appealing to women, the NYT audience.
Trump refused Superbowl interview 2018 on nbc.
When Tucker Carlson interviews President Taylor Swift at the 2025 Super Bowl between the Green Bay Packers and the Kansas City Chiefs it will get the highest ratings in television history.
For some reason I've been getting Robert Reich videos in my feed. I watched one where he described the Biden administration was the most aggressive using government agencies to try and break up monopolies.
Maybe that's the reason that the DNC and their propaganda arms the mainstream media is going after Biden guns a blazing. It's like they think he's Donald Trump.
Bye Bye Merrick!! It's been terrible knowing you. Don't let the door....
Love that the left is eating themselves. They deserve us pointing and laughing at them.....
"Joe Biden is planning to make his attorney general Merrick Garland the scapegoat for the bombshell report which highlighted his mental challenges, it has been reported."
“Blogger Howard said...
Maybe that's the reason that the DNC and their propaganda arms the mainstream media is going after Biden guns a blazing. It's like they think he's Donald Trump.”
You call this going after him with guns ablazing. I mean they have attempted to hide his dementia like Roosevelt wheelchair. Even now it took a special prosecutors report stating he had been breaking the law for decades but he’s too damn addle brained to get convicted. Just not worth the trouble of putting this dementia patient on trial.
I just hope he gets through the primaries before they insert Michelle in there. She will really bring the cheat level up.
Biden can sit in a lazy boy in his basement for the rest of 2024, and the Press will still wonder why his poll numbers are to low when he is such a great President. If they had any of the attitude they give pretense to in this article, Biden would have never been the nominee in 2020. They would have rightly concluded that he was tired, old, and lazy.
It has started. It will be methodical and predictable, shaped at the contours by real-time events. The NYT EB opened the acceptability of his removal with this sad “Just try harder” editorial. Stephens and Douthat push more aggressively. One more embarrassment and Dowd, Bruni, the non-whack-job columnists will capitulate. NYT readers don’t know what to think about Biden and are in high anxiety right now. As the NYT carefully guides them to “It’s Time”, it will happen. Fascinating to watch.
We were assure by Ann yesterday that it wasn't that bad. Pay attention NYT...
It’s not too late!
Biden could still make an appearance at the Superbowl.
He could “streak” naked across the field.
That would show the “kids” how “hip” and “with it” our president is.
"citing a desire to give the public a break from politics."
Pull the other one. It's got bells on.
How is going after AG Garland for the content of the Special Counsel’s report any different than Nixon telling the AG Richardson to fire the Special Prosecutor?
I’m not sure Michelle is the solution to Biden-Harris. She’s de facto involved with all the bad policies that we’ve been dealing with by virtue of the fact that Obama and his peeps have been directing Biden in the background these past 3.5 years. Over a majority of people polled believe this to be true. Plus, the only thing she’s known to drive was a school lunch program that was eventually widely panned. Not much to run on, I think.
So I guess the question is what people truly want to happen - fix the border, economy, foreign affairs, inflation, etc, or replace a president who is an elderly man with significant memory and cognitive issues and whisps of corruption surrounding him.
He (and the people who run him) won't do it, but all Biden really has to do to jump his poll numbers is to aggressively and publicly start controlling the border and deporting "migrants." Even if it is (like what Obama did) a head fake. Even if it is a 180. Never bothered them before.
The idea that Biden is somehow helpless to control the border and that it is The Republicans' fault is not selling (although there are certainly plenty of Republicans who are just fine with the current sham).
So from President Taxsponge Shitpants to QueMala Harris?
A classic out of the frying pan into the fire scenario. May the people what foisted this horseshit on America be held to account and the demented herd that voted for it be consigned to looking out windows and questioning every decision they’ve ever made.
So who will it be? Newsome has the perfect looks for the job, but the state of California argues against him. Kamala? Please... Who is hiding in the woodwork? Michelle's name is often bruited, but really, she seems unconvincing. There must be someone, and RFK ain't him.
"Joe Biden is planning to make his attorney general Merrick Garland the scapegoat for the bombshell report which highlighted his mental challenges, it has been reported."
So Garland can eat Beidenshit and get a billion dollar a year job from Wall Street dems, or destroy Beiden by poking him with leaks, choices, choices.
"The Board recommends that Biden get out there interacting with voters and journalists, in spontaneous and unscripted settings, town halls and news conferences. The Board refrains from speculating that the reason Biden eschews opportunities to reassure us is that it wouldn't be reassuring."
Well, it isn't like Biden never does press conferences- he doesn't do many, but he does "take" questions. If the NYTimes doesn't like them all being scripted beforehand, then demand that their reporters/interviewers asking these questions to stop acquiescing to the script and start asking different questions than the ones they are given. Let the White House know that the President will have to be able to think on his feet, not read the fucking answer off a cue card.
"For some reason I've been getting Robert Reich videos in my feed."
Howard, you been watching midget porn again?
“I’m not sure Michelle is the solution to Biden-Harris.”
Not the perfect solution, but she is the only solution left standing.
He has gotten called out for a lot of lies during that press conference, even if he did not appear totally senile while he uttered them.
Watching a family friend slowly succumb to Alzheimer's, I can say that she could appear lucid while spouting total nonsense to anybody who knew the facts of her life. She would make stuff up to fill in holes in her memory, kind of like AI language models.
"I watched one where he described the Biden administration was the most aggressive using government agencies to try and break up monopolies."
based on what? That he has gone after Musk? This is corrupt politics at work," if you are not giving to the Democrats until it hurts, good luck getting your merger approved, and even if you don't want a merger, you know what a juicy target you are, right.... right?"
Robert Reich is the same tool who called George W Bush on behalf of Enron, to try and get the Bush Admin to look the other way.
We were assure by Ann yesterday that it wasn't that bad.
The problem with the 25th Amendment route is Kamala Harris approval rating at 28%. You can’t 25th Amendment het no matter how much they want to claim she slurs her words in a speech. Harris also has nothing that suggests an impeachment is coming. With that to consider, do you think Biden’s cognitive skill is that bad? Tell us.
Getting rid of Biden and Harris at the convention is another story. But if before the convention, how does the DNC convince Kamala not to run as the presumptive nominee with a possibility to be the longest serving President since FDR. If you think Biden is a figurehead then Kamala can play that role.
The NYT editors surely know that unscripted events featuring Biden are never going to happen, and why. As with USSR-era Pravda, we are trying to read between the lines to decipher what's really going on. Can we expect a Biden abdication in favor of President Harris?
"If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well it were done quickly."
The NYT recommends that he get out there and show us he’s capable of doing things he’s incapable of doing, the equivalent of telling Peter Dinklage that he needs to prove he’s a great actor by dunking a basketball. If the NYT were capable of being again a great newspaper, they’d come out and say that their guy is a vegetable. Which they would if Kamala weren’t the parsley garnish.
Biden will get the dumb libtard vote and 47 percent of the USA, no matter what he does or how senile he is.
His liberal/left base litterally does not care. The only things that could sink him? If he became a Goddamn Republican, or cut aid to Israel, or came out as Prolife.
Y'all don't get it.
Biden could be a rotting stiff with flies buzzing around him, yet come time for people to cast their ballots, enough of them are going to vote against Trump regardless. That's reality.
Yes, Biden is just hanging on physically and mentally. He may be right, that he will soon visit President Mitterand. But isn't the fundamental issue that our President has received millions of dollars in personal payments from several countries, including some of our worst enemies? Filtered through his upstanding son and other fine relatives. What was the quid Joe Biden offered for all that quo? Throughout most of American history, this level of corruption and betrayal would have been called out, examined, and punished -- by both sides of the political divide, even if not quite equally so. The media would have thrashed wildly in a feeding frenzy on each new discovery.
Where is that America? When called upon, can it arise again? Or has it been fundamentally transformed right out of existence?
This is the opening wedge. The 25th Amendment is being slow rolled into the Overton Window. Newsom, Josh Shapiro and Gretchen Whitmer are getting phone calls from would be kingmakers.
So Biden is arguing that he is perfectly healthy and ready to be tried for the felony of possessing classified documents? Is that what the WH is saying.
Struts and frets his hour... by prosecutorial admission. Ok (no pun intended).
>Breezy said...
I’m not sure Michelle is the solution to Biden-Harris. She’s de facto involved with all the bad policies that we’ve been dealing with by virtue of the fact that Obama and his peeps have been directing Biden...<
Yeah, and Taylor Swift is not exactly an outstanding singer but she has about 400million followers on social media who give her about 5million dollars per concert. The similarly talent discretionary Obama worshipping women, independents, and of course Democrats who would crawl through broken glass to vote for the wife of the Messiah - to give her a landslide victory - couldn't care less about policy. She possesses Obamaness and that is all that matters. (Ask her fledgling filmmaker daughter who was invited to present at Sundance.)
"He could “streak” naked across the field."
I can see him doing the naked part, but streaking? No. Unless you count that stupid two step faux jog streaking.
"[T]he stakes in this presidential election are too high for Mr. Biden to hope that he can skate through a campaign with the help of teleprompters and aides.... "
What a difference four years makes.
Hur's decision was perfect, wasn't it? QuidProJoe avoids prosecution. Hur's narrative provides grounds to force him out of the race.
This is a do or die election for both parties. If Democrats are able to steal it, Republicans are finished as an alternative and the republic is finished. If Republicans win and are able do to Democrats what Democrats have done to Trump and conservatives, the Stasi and cultural Marxism may never recover.
The impediment to Democrats getting their just deserts would be RINOs and the huge, corrupt Deep State.
Biden will pick people who ameliorate his foibles, while Trump will pick people who enable them.
Biden mixed up Sisi, Amlo, Macron and Mitterrand. Trump mixed up Orban and Erdogan, Haley and Pelosi. They’re both doing it more and more often. You can’t write a story on mental acuity in the presidential race and only focus on Biden.
They both need to go. In fact, the whole generation needs to go sit on a beach or take up pottery.
Apparently Elizabeth Wilson can throw no shadows on Jill Biden's unbridled ambition. Husband's incapable? Don't worry I'll take care of it says Jill. Really gives you an insight on how little the Dems consider the"general welfare" versus their own access to power. Maybe one more war somewhere with US bodies piling up will convince enough people that weak -to non-existent- leadership in the nation's highest office is not a good thing. Michelle is about as qualified to run for presidency as Penny Pritzker... and we know what a sh*t job Pritzker has done at Harvard.
As for the Super Bowl interview, talk about low-hanging fruit.
"Bottom up middle out. Build back better. Swaylor Tift. Corn Pop!"
That's it.
If the man can't do a scripted 'interview' that lasts three minutes, there is a gigantic problem.
Joe was a left side of the curve guy on his best day, but the bar for this type of media event is very low.
'Trump refused Superbowl interview 2018 on nbc.'
Probably because NBC are duplicitous cocksuckers.
Trump didn't need the media. Biden does, and he's leaving free money on the table.
'He could “streak” naked across the field.'
The show is only slotted for three hours.
He wouldn't get to midfield in three hours.
But if he did, he'd have to be sure there were some female Secret Service agents present...
I concluded long ago Biden is a senile, corrupt pervert. Either charge him or follow the 25th amendment process. He's a danger to this country as president. One would think that dems, given the state of the world, might put country before power, but no. They're all craptastic, navel-gazing elitists clueless about the plight and fears of the unwashed.
Not to worry, tho! We learn today that Hillary Clinton is tanned, rested and ready, all warmed-up to step in and lead us out of this mess! Truly, anyone still supporting the dems wants to destroy this country.
'You can’t write a story on mental acuity in the presidential race and only focus on Biden.'
Then have each side pick a doctor, and both doctors give cognitive tests to both candidates, with the results to be published immediately.
Even better, video the tests and release them.
I bet Trump would agree.
"The Board recommends that Biden get out there interacting with voters and journalists, in spontaneous and unscripted settings, town halls and news conferences."
I recommend he demonstrate his Olympic caliber gymnastic floor exercise routine.
Similar chance of success and much more entertaining.
It's a bit different when mixing up living contemporaries in the news with the long dead.
But go ahead..try to close the gigantic chasm with idiot level false equivalence.
Is anyone looking out for the well being of Team Juice?
This last stunt must have them refreshing their resumes...as is Mike Gallagher.
Kai Akker said...
Yes, Biden is just hanging on physically and mentally. He may be right, that he will soon visit President Mitterand. But isn't the fundamental issue that our President has received millions of dollars in personal payments from several countries, including some of our worst enemies? Filtered through his upstanding son and other fine relatives. What was the quid Joe Biden offered for all that quo?
Peter Schweizer had enough on Biden Inc before he was (s)elected.
Where were the Rs on this?
Oh right..conserving conservatism.
In effect, the NYT editorial board has officially declared that the so-called Mainstream media may now begin a propaganda campaign to force Joe Biden to withdraw from the 2024 race. Soon there will be a plethora of articles about who should replace him. No one will be supporting Kamala.
Guaranteed that Michele O has plagiarism in her slight resume. Bet on it.
You can’t write a story on mental acuity in the presidential race and only focus on Biden.
Of course you can if you are honest, which you are not. The evidence is all over the place.
Joe Biden's petulant news conference reminded me of this.
The Board recommends that Biden get out there interacting with voters and journalists, in spontaneous and unscripted settings, town halls and news conferences.
I agree. Let everybody see that shitshow. They won't be able to hide it.
Trump refused Superbowl interview 2018 on nbc.
Yes. And do you know why? Hint: It wasn't because he would come across as a drooling imbecile.
Then have each side pick a doctor, and both doctors give cognitive tests to both candidates, with the results to be published immediately.
Even better, video the tests and release them.
I bet Trump would agree.
Of course he would agree. There is zero risk. If the results are good, he gets to brag. If the doctor reports plaque in his arteries and on his brain, he gets to call the doctor a liar who has a Chinese last name. He can't lose. Except elections. He loses those.
There's a small window of opportunity to replace Biden on the Dem ticket before the 2024 election. No, it can't be to anoint Kamala; the Dems will need a real candidate. If I were a Dem, I'd pick Newsome -- yeah, he's awful, but so's Biden, but Newsome's compos mentis. Maybe there's someone else, someone we've never heard of who looks and sounds good. In fact. that's what they need. Dems! Do it now, do it soon!
It will be Newsome who replaces Biden. There is no one else even remotely plausible. Look for California to start cracking down on crime and homeless encampments.
'Of course he would agree. There is zero risk. If the results are good, he gets to brag. If the doctor reports plaque in his arteries and on his brain, he gets to call the doctor a liar who has a Chinese last name. He can't lose. Except elections. He loses those.'
Are you sentient? Are you as low-IQ as Rich? Can you read?
I used the words 'cognitive test.'
I am living in a world full of morons...
Robert Reich… didn’t he play Cosmo Kramer’s pal “Mickey” on Seinfeld?
Rich and his C.H.U.D. AI… it’s a scream! 😆
The Pentagon and the CIA didn't manufacture all those psychotropic drugs just to make sure they could edit the Venona files.
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