The latest accusations were circulated through an unsigned complaint published Monday in The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative online journal that has led a campaign against Dr. Gay over the past few weeks. The new complaint added additional accusations of plagiarism to about 40 that had already been circulated in the same way, apparently by the same accuser....
१८४ टिप्पण्या:
They’ll probably promote her to queen of the world.
I have to say I am quite surprised. This is akin to an admission of a mistake... more post in the theme of 'the propaganda isn't working'...
Good for starters.
Next up, MIT.
Gay will forever be the poster child for promoting based upon skin color instead of merit.
DEI needs to be dismantled nationwide.
I thought she was the perfect standard bearer for what Harvard has become.
I was on the Honor Committee at Princeton in the '70s. We would meet even on graduation eve to adjudicate cases of academic dishonesty by students--the graduation program would not be printed until we had settled every case. I know two such people in my class who claimed to graduate, and I've always asked them to show my their name in the program. In the case of the Harvard president, a laughably thin record of (un)original research should never have gotten her a job offer, nevermind as president.
Biden will probably appoint her to the new Supreme Court seat he will create by executive order. Law professors and constitutional experts everywhere will explain how the appointment is constitutional.
MSNBC made her a better offer?
I'm still shocked!
If you were going to do something about it Harvard Corporation you needed to do it before you doubled down, tripled down, unanimously supported. Just when I thought I couldn't have a lower opinion of you... I do foresee a lower opinion of you when not one of the 400 or so douchebag profs who supported her quits Harvard and you pretend noting ever happened...
..of course, she 'resigned' will be their scapegoat...
When facing incompetents like Gay
There's really very little to weigh
For her blatant plagiarizing
She's announced she's resigning
You can stop trying to pray Gay away
Gay was unqualified from the start, but that smirk she wore during the Congressional hearing on rampant genocidal anti-semitism, not in some dingy working-class beer hall in Munich circa 1932, but on Harvard Yard -- that's what killed her, the idiot. If Gay had half the brains of any past Harvard president, she would have known how to be conciliatory, but she doesn't and she didn't and now she's cooked.
One may ask why the NYT wasn't covering this all along.
The charges of fraudulent data seemed more damning than the plagiarism, IMO. Hard to imagine that the rampant discrimination of supposedly privileged groups did her in, given that that's considered a virtue in the higher echelons of academia.
Maybe is was the donor rebellion.
Gay’s detractors saved the worst cases for later. Later being after Harvard had “checked” Gay’s work and only found minor errors like missing citations. Harvard made the already untenable decision to keep her worse. They couldn’t wait until Friday afternoon, the usual time slot for disposing embarrassing stuff.
And (interim) replaced her with...a White male Jew. This could not be more entertaining!
In Claudine Gay’s resignation letter, she does not take responsibility for minimizing antisemitism, committing serial plagiarism, intimidating the free press, or damaging the institution. Claudine Gay calls her critics racist. This is the poison of DEI ideology.
per Christopher F. RUFO
“It is a singular honor to be a member of this university, which has been my home and my inspiration for most of my professional career. My deep sense of connection to Harvard and its people has made it all the more painful to witness the tensions and divisions that have riven our community in recent months, weakening the bonds of trust and reciprocity that should be our sources of strength and support in times of crisis. Amidst all of this, it has been distressing to have doubt cast on my commitments to confronting hate and to upholding scholarly rigor—two bedrock values that are fundamental to who I am—and frightening to be subjected to personal attacks and threats fueled by racial animus.”
40 is a biblical number. Had to go then
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
On the day the Penn lady resigned I predicted that Gay would be gone before the end of the year.
Missed it by that much!
And another one bites the dust. We need to keep kneecapping these institutions and people every chance we get by any means possible.
I wish she'd gone because of DIE. But a win is a win is a win. Can we kneecap her successor too?
John Henry
Gay gone. 0bama hardest hit.
Makes me wonder What Next for her? Who will hire her, and using what money?
Hugely disappointed. I wanted her (he???) to be the face of the elite higher education establishment. Now she's gone. OTOH, her options are limitless. Secretary of Education?
Press spokeschick replacing the hapless Cringe Jean-Pierre? MSNBC hires her to partner with Jen WinnePsaki? The question is who (or what) will replace her? A POC chick? My guess is a POC gay male. Never in a million years will it be a paleface. The lone exception would be Lizzy "Spreading Bull" Warren.
Hilarious. The second accusation letter to Harvard’s FAS Dean, RIO, and CPC Chair starts out "Happy New Year!" Seriously. The PDF is available in the links.
Obama hardest hit ....
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:
They’ll probably promote her to queen of the world.
I have to say I am quite surprised. This is akin to an admission of a mistake...
Next up, MIT.
Gay will forever be the poster child for promoting based upon skin color instead of merit.
DEI needs to be dismantled nationwide.
I thought she was the perfect standard bearer for what Harvard has become.
WHEN I was on the Honor Committee at MY UNIVERSITY in the '70s. We would meet even on graduation eve to adjudicate cases of academic dishonesty by students--the graduation program would not be printed until we had settled every case. I know two such people in my class who claimed to graduate, and I've always asked them to show ME their name in the program. In the case of GAY, a laughably thin record of (un)original research should never have gotten her a job offer.
BUT, Biden will probably appoint her to the new Supreme Court seat he will create by executive order. Law professors and constitutional experts everywhere will explain how the appointment is constitutional.
I’M SURE MSNBC made her a better offer!
THAT SAID, I'm still shocked!
When facing incompetents like Gay
There's really very little to weigh
Gay was unqualified from the start, but that smirk she wore during the Congressional hearing on rampant genocidal ANTISEMITISM, not in some dingy working-class beer hall in Munich circa 1932, but on Harvard Yard -- that's what killed her, the idiot.
One may ask why the NYT wasn't covering this all along.
Comments may need to pass through moderation. Comments should respond to material raised in the post. I encourage brevity and substance and I ESPECIALLY discourage personal attacks and repetition REGARDING MY WORK ABOVE.
Of course - she's blaming racism, not her own unethical actions... She has no shame.
In the words of Queen:
There are plenty of ways you can hurt a man
And bring him to the ground
You can beat him, you can cheat him, you can treat him bad
And leave him when he's down, yeah
But I'm ready, yes I'm ready for you
I'm standing on my own two feet
Out of the doorway the bullets rip
Repeating the sound of the beat
Oh yeah
Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one bites the dust, yeah
Hey, I'm gonna get you, too
Another one bites the dust
I called "peak Woke" a while happened either with Biden wearing a COVID19 mask on a socially distant Zoom call, or Musk's purchase of Twitter... We've entered the Scouring of the Shire phase now. The end of Woke will arrive faster than the build up. Merit? Competition? Welcome back, we missed you for a generation.
I hate this “one accuser” nonsense. There are computer programs that we, as PhD students, had to run for all of our papers. I called it the way back machine. It looked for any of the students’ non-cited writings for similarities in any published work. It any were found the work was rejected. A student would have a visit if there was a hint of plagiarism. Any news source could check this on their own.
Gay's failing wasn't plagiarism, Harvard was fine with it until the publicity made them look bad. Can't have that.
All the plagiarism is bad, but the fact that her data was almost certain bullshit--proving nothing--in both her Ph.D dissertation and her prestigious article in APSR--may be worse. Daily Mail.
It warms my heart to read the first dozen comments here and see no one plucked any of the low-hanging fruit in this story (President “Gay”, Did she plagiarize her resignation letter?, eleven published papers?) Good commenters here.
I'm always curious what's behind people who substitute English for corporate jargon, and a total lack of credibility is a damn good explanation:
The ultimate postmodern irony of today is the strange exchange between Europe and Asia: at the very moment when “European” technology and capitalism are triumphing worldwide at the level of the “economic infrastructure, the Judeo-Christian legacy is threatened at the level of “ideological superstructure” in the European space itself by New Age “Asiatic” thought, which, in its different guises ranging from “Western Buddhism” to different “Taos,” is establishing itself as the hegemonic ideology of global capitalism.
If you accept absurdities you'll commit atrocities. You gotta watch the language. Ann doesn't appreciate the way I'll isolate words and phrases as NewAge (like "move on" recently) but it's through these power-mad cults, molding language, that society talks itself into fascism.
It's a pity she had to be outed this way, as her fellow fascists are going to try and portray this as proof her free speech position is also bogus, when it was what every American believed - especially conservatives - before Oct 7. So that's another coming challenge.
Can't say I'm sorry to see her go, tho. She's not my type. Can't have a beer with her, y'know? But the circumstances are definitely unfortunate.
I keep being reminded of how Germany slid into fascism, bit by bit, while Nazi leaders were studying our now-popular conspiracies, and using psychics, and wallowing in quackery and whatnot. We're now so comfortable in crazy we live happily with a Washington Post reporter being chopped up in our ally's embassy. Another ally's ethnic cleansing of a whole population. Zionists have killed over 100 journalists and we're too cool for school. We blew up the Nord Stream pipeline and wrecked Germany's economy. Just 'cause. We convinced Ukraine to walk into a buzz saw because we promised to hold their hand. And we lie about all of it and more.
I could go on, but it feels like something's very wrong. Like a screw's being turned and tightened, and that same familiar beast from the 30's is waiting for it to break, so it can run free once more. The west is just too cosy with death and crazy now.
We've totally lost our way.
Quaestor said...
"Gay was unqualified from the start, but that smirk she wore during the Congressional hearing on rampant genocidal anti-semitism, not in some dingy working-class beer hall in Munich circa 1932, but on Harvard Yard -- that's what killed her, the idiot. If Gay had half the brains of any past Harvard president, she would have known how to be conciliatory, but she doesn't and she didn't and now she's cooked."
This is *precisely* the formulation I just said fascists will make.
Dr. Carol Swain, one of Claudine Gay's biggest critics is a black woman with a pretty solid academic career.
But in Gay's resignation letter she says:
"Amidst all of this, it has been destressing to have doubt cast on my commitments to confronting hate...and frightening to be subjected to personal attacks and threats fueled by racial animus."
For some reason Ms. Gay didn't think calling for the extermination of the Jews was racial animus or harassment. That required "context".
Dr. Gay was pushed out for basically being stupid at an increasingly stupid institution.
Quaestor said...
"Gay was unqualified from the start, but that smirk she wore during the Congressional hearing on rampant genocidal anti-semitism, not in some dingy working-class beer hall in Munich circa 1932, but on Harvard Yard -- that's what killed her, the idiot. If Gay had half the brains of any past Harvard president, she would have known how to be conciliatory, but she doesn't and she didn't and now she's cooked."
This is *precisely* the formulation I just said fascists will make. She got canned for plagiarism - NOT for her position on free speech, which is 100% correct.
Laughed at/with RSM's Gay little ditty.
Agree with Rehajm as well: The Corporation (the irony, it burns!) needs to go too, every last one of them.
I hope to see more wearers of television googles fall along the roadside this year.
Long overdue. The only real question from my perspective is if she was really the President or merely a figurehead getting paid for her innate traits. It is hard to imagine such a light weight being given any actual responsibilities, but then again enforcing DEI is not much of an intellectual pursuit.
Gay will forever be the poster child for promoting based upon skin color instead of merit.
The first phony promotion (by her dissertation committee) begat the second promotion to Harvard president.
The people who promoted this phony at both points should lose their jobs.
In her resignation letter she accused her critics of "racial animus" AKA racism. What a perfect illustration of how DEI cultivates tribalism.
Now what about the Board?
I highly recommend that Harvard hire Wisconsin's very own Vegan Porn Professor Dr. Joe Gow.
"Harvard can use a guy like Joe" - Risky Business, 1983 (close
When "conservative online journals" pounce.
Imagine saying what Harvard history professor Alison Frank Johnson said:
“Instead of making a decision based on established scholarly principles, we had here a public hounding,” she said. “Instead of listening to voices of scholars in her field who could speak to the importance and originality of her research, we heard voices of derision and spite on social media. Instead of following established university procedure, we had a Corporation granting access to self-appointed advisers and carrying out reviews using mysterious and undisclosed methods."
Established scholarly principles -- on plagiarism and hidden liftings from others' work?
The importance and originality of her research?
That was a history professor and also the chairman of the German Department. She may have a point on how the Corporation's board went about its job here, although I suspect she is missing the point about the quality and timing of the board's "investigation." Could she really have said the rest of it with a straight face?
How can this not be taken as further demonstration that the rot at Harvard and other Ivies runs very deep? Almost all of academe.
I think back to the particularly high-quality faculty I once got to study under and the downward trajectory of the quality of college education is depressing. We knew it, but it is still sad and maddening to see such flagrant confirmation of the criticisms. What should be among the best appears to be so shoddy.
The pandemic came along to lift the lid for parents to see the truth of our junky public schooling. Now the crud that came along with politicized collegiate schooling is performing a similar function in exposing its junkiness.
"In her resignation letter she accused her critics of 'racial animus' AKA racism. What a perfect illustration of how DEI cultivates tribalism."
Can't get any richer than that. Hiring her in the first place was an act of racism.
Brylinski: "Now what about the Board?"
Scene from next upcoming Harvard Corp Board Meeting now that they have tossed aside Gay to cover for their own astonishing corrupt malfeasance...
Back around the mid-80s, when I was between bouts of grad school, our history department hired a new chairman. Man, he was a dynamo, and was going to put us on the map.
Turns out his resume' was nearly all fiction. Nobody on the search committee had bothered to assign even a g.a. to do some background checking.
He was gone in less than a year IIRC, nobody was held to account, and the matter was never spoken of again.
Have any of the Usual Suspects accused the Zionists of setting Gay up yet?
If not, give it time...because you know its comin'.
Her resignation letter told us all we needed to know. She was the poster child for racial tribalism.
"In Claudine Gay’s resignation letter, she does not take responsibility for minimizing antisemitism, committing serial plagiarism, intimidating the free press, or damaging the institution. Claudine Gay calls her critics racist."
Of course she did.
One might also ask, why isn't Penny Pritzker and the rest of the Harvard Board resigning? They are the authors of this mess, and tried to make all go away with legal threats against the NYPost and the lame "it's mere duplicative language, not plagiarism" defense. Hopefully Ackman is smart enough to press for something like that.
"This is *precisely* the formulation..."
My sincere thanks. Being labeled a fascist by the Crack Emcee is the firmest assurance I ain't one of those.
Believe whatever comforts you about Claudine Gay. Everyone here knows you're unassailably contrary. Whatever is true, you reflexively deny. Whatever is evidently false (e.g. 21,000 innocent Gazans murdered) you endly repeat.
Pardon my naivete but I just can't see why ordinary people even GAF about this. It's not like they or any of their family are ever going to go to an Ivy League school, let alone Harvard University. It's like those people that read People magazine or the daily Mail to see what the English Royal family is up to. Why do you even care?
THe Big Donors giveth,
And the Big Donors taketh away.
Blessed be the Big Donors.
Not much "academic Freedom" at Harvard. But does anyone care?
How much you wanna be the replacement will be ADL approved?
"subjected to personal attacks and threats fueled by racial animus"
Ah, the race card. In case there was any doubt about her ideology. Hey, Claudine, what "threats" exactly?
Live by DEI, die by DEI.
Y'all a bunch of racist facists.
The new complaint comes as an increasing number of Harvard students are speaking out against Gay, arguing that she has been held to a lower standard than the average undergraduate
For all of you reatively dismissive of the plagiarism this is the problem. Once instance is a dismissible offense for an undergrad.
"two bedrock values that are fundamental to who I am"
There are others.
Iman said: "Gay gone. 0bama hardest hit."
I said: "Obama hardest hit"
I want to say at the outset, my comment is not an instance plagiarism of Iman. I blame delayed moderation. Please do not banish me. I'll grovel if required to do so.
Stupidity is more of a concern than plagiarism.
Merry and gay, all the live long day, pethaps not.
OK. Who made the "Did she plagiarize her resignation lettr?" joke?
Start of the tweet:
"Disgraced Harvard President Gay released her resignation letter this morning. I ran the letter through Grammarly's plagiarism checker and to my surprise it found evidence of plagiarism. Full text of her letter is the next post in this thread."
rcocean writes, "How much you wanna be the replacement will be ADL approved?"
How would you know?
Data falisification aside, what's striking about the plagiarism is the pettiness of it. There she is, time after time, sitting down with the work of others, and copy-pasting, copy-pasting, making the tiniest of changes, lazy and entitled, arrogantly self-assured in the knowledge that for her, surrounded by sensitive progs, anything goes.
Elite-level FAFO?
So now Gay is claiming to be the victim of "threats fueled by racial animus.” Pathetic.
No doubt there was some financial benefit waiting until 2024 to resign.
I'd love to be a fly in the room with Roland Fryer about now.
Gay's defense (that it's only about racial animus) is a classic illustration of Arendt's description of the role of totalitarian elites:
"The elite is not composed of ideologists; its members’ whole education is aimed at abolishing their capacity for distinguishing between truth and falsehood, between reality and fiction. Their superiority consists in their ability immediately to dissolve every statement of fact into a declaration of purpose."
This crap was apparently written by her in her resignation letter: Moreover, plagiarism in the digital age is a there-but-for-the-grace-of-God event; every writer should worry about the risk of the accidental cut-and-paste. I like to think I'd recognize and remove any language I hadn't written, but who can be certain?
Two times in a short paragraph she plays the innocent bystander to her crimes. "Who can be certain?" I can. So can every essayist and published author at Harvard who does the hard work keystroke by keystroke. You know when you are cutting and pasting, and you better attribute it. Like most professional writers, I despise the passive voice. "Every writer should worry" my ass.
Goodbye Gay. We hardly knew ye. Because you're a huge phony.
There’s no apology in her resignation letter. She just feels sorry for herself. Classless.
Also, she’s staying Harvard for some idiotic reason:
“As I now return to the faculty, and to the scholarship and teaching that are the lifeblood of what we do, I pledge to continue working alongside you to build the community we all deserve.“
Will students flock to her classes because they can plagiarize and make up data at will?
Pardon my naivete but I just can't see why ordinary people even GAF about this. It's not like they or any of their family are ever going to go to an Ivy League school, let alone Harvard University.
Speak for yourself, madam...
But she gets to remain on the faculty? Plagiarism is okay, then?
"How much you wanna be[t] the replacement will be ADL approved?"
I was wondering about that. Isn't the rule that this position now belongs to a black woman?
How much you wanna be the replacement will be ADL approved?
ADL, maybe. The social industrial complex (SIC), probably. DEI DIE another DAY.
They’ll probably promote her to queen of the world.
A Titanic reference is apropos.
Cracker said: "This is *precisely* the formulation I just said fascists will make."
It sure didn't take long for the the pejorative word fascist to roll off the Crack keyboard. I thought it was reserved all things Jewish/ Hamas/ Gaza. You have to hand it to Crack, he is quite elastic in his definitions.
As an aside, is there any replacement more qualified than Barack the Magnificent?
I'd like to know how much she was paid to leave.
And she said....
"They´re coming to take me away,
Haha, they´re coming to take me away,
Ho ho, hee hee, ha ha,
To the funny farm
Where life is beautiful all the time
And I´ll be happy to see
Those nice young men
In their clean white coats
And they´re coming to take me AWAY,
As a Harvard alumnus I am glad thatGay was finally forced to resign Pritzker should go as well. I am deeply saddened by problems at Harvard that this incident has exposed. iI am not sure how Harvard will go about correcting them because many of the problems are on the faculty and it will take a long and concerted effort by the Corporation and Board of Overseers to bring about change. Given the nature and professions of most of those most recently nominated and elected to the Board of Overseers I doubt they have the attitude or ability to bring about change. It is going to take continued pressure from the alumni money men and women to bring about any substantive change. Harvard is not alone in being a mess, but one hopes that it will provide some leadership in cleaning up the problems of higher education by cleaning its own house first.
To be honest it's bc Gay didn't kowtow to the sensibilities of the Jews (ie, ALL of them collectively, Israel, secular ethnics, or religious) and that won't be tolerated so they struck back quickly and hard. As long as Gay was merely plagiarizing or being anti-White they didn't care much and would let that all blow over but for Hamas's Oct.7th attack. That's the realpolitik analysis.
Quaestor said...
"This is *precisely* the formulation..."
My sincere thanks. Being labeled a fascist by the Crack Emcee is the firmest assurance I ain't one of those.
"Everyone here knows you're unassailably contrary."
On 12/6/23, Bob Boyd said...
"Crack is willing to watch this movie even though it's difficult to do so and even though it challenges some strongly held opinions he holds. Be like Crack."
"Whatever is true, you reflexively deny."
On 12/6/23, The Crack Emcee said...
"I think Dereck Chauvin deserves another trial,..."
"Whatever is evidently false (e.g. 21,000 innocent Gazans murdered) you endly repeat."
"Gaza's health ministry says 22,185 Palestinians have now been killed in Gaza since October 7. Israeli attacks have continued across the Gaza Strip with little let-up, as the death toll in the enclave rose above the latest milestone of 22,000.
More than 8,663 Palestinian children have been killed by Israeli forces in Gaza since October 7, according to the government media office, which added that thousands more are missing under the rubble amid relentless bombardment."
- Google, reminding us of the wonderful ways Zionists devise for a child to die - with our blessing.
The Zionists will be taken before the International Court of Justice on the 11th or 12th. They are expected to lose. They, and the American Government, will be condemned as mass murderers before the world, ordered to reverse trhemselves militarily - to protect the Palestinians - and to stop this heinous crime.
"Pardon my naivete but I just can't see why ordinary people even GAF about this. It's not like they or any of their family are ever going to go to an Ivy League school, let alone Harvard University."
It is because the social credit system administered by the DEI crowd, rather than merit, determines access to these gatekeeper institutions that ordinary people should care.
Jim Gust said...
Gay will forever be the poster child for promoting based upon skin color instead of merit.
DEI needs to be dismantled nationwide.
1/2/24, 12:44 PM
I thought that spot was already filled by Kamala Harris. Not that I am saying there can't be more than one. Folks can work on collecting the entire set and cycle through hanging them on the wall.
Prediction: The next President of Harvard will be DOCTOR Jill Biden.
Yes, she's only an Ed.D. and so didn't write a dissertation but instead just a "white paper" [in which, weirdly, all citations from a books are from between pages 1 and 30], and she has no published research, and has never run any organization at all, but last night, after her genius husband forgot what his favorite food was in an interview with hardball journalist ... RYAN SEACREST, she reminded him that his favorite food is ICE CREAM! So she obviously thinks faster on her feet than the presidents of Harvard, MIT, and that school in Philadelphia...
*If Mike Judge had put many of the things that have actually happened in the past 4 years in Idiocracy, they would have been criticized for being too implausible. All of our institutions are being run by the stupidest and most poorly educated people to have ever run things in all of American history.
Well, at least she can sleep at night, knowing that absolutely nobody is ever going to plagiarize her work.
As for the resignation, it does not come as a surprise to hear accusations of 'racial animus' coming from someone who has stood against proven accusations of plagiarism, and denied that evidence, or who has refused to provide the scientific data that formed the basis of a published research paper. I wonder if more is to come. But both of those are the signature of a dishonest person, someone that believes in the 'Wrong & Strong' approach to adversity. I'm glad to see it not prevail, and still disgusted with Harvard.
It's fitting that the device that apparently got her into office in the first place, be used to underscore a parting epithet.
She had 11 published papers. I had 21 by the time I finished a 3 yr post-doc. 11 isn't enough to get you a job at podunk jr college. The standard at Harvard used to be a pres had to rank at the top of his field. Used to be.
I am long gone from corporate America but resignation of this employee tells a tale. The underlying tone with corporate managers I know is that hiring of minorities contains a huge inherent risk. If they are a bad fit, mistreat underlings, or perform well below expectations, what is your alternative? Can't fire 'em. You need to find a "home" for them within the organization ...... and hope they quietly accept it.
J L Oliver said...
I hate this “one accuser” nonsense. There are computer programs that we, as PhD students, had to run for all of our papers. I called it the way back machine. It looked for any of the students’ non-cited writings for similarities in any published work. It any were found the work was rejected. A student would have a visit if there was a hint of plagiarism. Any news source could check this on their own.
…and this is the absurdity. To expand my point: everyone involved in this hiring decision was aware of her credentials- credentials that make her unqualified at best and really…a political hoax, they all knew who they were hiring and did it anyways. Fun to say they are all just stupid, but if your allies control the media and all have been richly rewarded for far bigger hoaxes in the past, well…you lose track of the bounds of what you can get away with…
Once upon a not-so-long time ago a university was regarded as a “community of scholars.” But what was Claudine Gay’s scholarship? She was placed at the head of arguably the most prestigious community of scholars when her own “scholarship” amounted to selecting which true scholars to plagiarize and how to fake the data that would support her bogus theories.
I dream of a world where black scholars are held to the same standards as white and Asian scholars, and I ask “why not”?
Harvard's Board of Fellows, its so-called senior governance board, should also resign. For presenting Ms. Guy as "best" candidate, for coddling her during the prolonged "plagiarist-gate" controversy, for picking an unqualified DEI-enforcer rather than a genuine academic star to lead first a College, and then to be its "first black/first woman" university president.
Harvard Fellows' choice of Gay, led by Penny Pritzker, was an insult to both Harvard as academic institution, and to all genuinely-qualified "people-of-color" academics in colleges and universities. Never has Harvard chosen a president with such unsubstantial credentials and weak academic record. Even if "black woman" was sole qualification for candidate, there are plenty stronger candidates amongst black women academics within US universities and colleges. This was a singularly stupid choice, and in retrospect, likely to eventually generate the type of scandal which has in fact occurred - entirely predictable folks.
Ms. Gay's own resignation email to Harvard alums is just another self-serving DEI screed. Wicked woman still retains her tenured professorship spot. That should be withdrawn as well, ASAP, for academic fraud and multiple instances of plagiarism in her published writings.
Except she didn't resign. She was exposed as incompetent, plagiarist who never should have been appointed in the first place. Instead she is going back to her golden parachute TEnURED faculty position as an incompetent, plagerist hackademic-which shenever should be have been either. Only in leftist hackademia do you get to successfully fall upwards.
My favorite part was when they said that the accusations of plagiarism were “not made in good faith.” Not that they were not true, Soviet style justice. I am amazed that they backed down, they did not have to. She could have stayed in place for life under the new rules.
Carol Swain has a degree from Yale. Some tribalisms stronger than others?
The NYT seems to have a bigger problem with the anonymity of the accuser than with the accusations.
I have to figure that when the Harvard Crimson ran an editorial calling for her to step down, she was done for.
Jews are bringing fascism. Crack never disappoints.
"I have never been a quitter. To leave office before my term is completed is abhorrent to every instinct in my body. But as President, I must put the interest of Harvard first."
Claudine Gay.
As a comparison, Stanford's president resigned over findings that papers he had been a co-author on had manipulated data in them, even though Stanford said he was unaware of the manipulated data produced by other co-authors. Gay had plagiarized text and falsified data used to draw conclusions (couldn't be blamed on grad students or post-docs) and refused to share the data so others could check her conclusions, a no-no in any real science. By the way, Marc Tessier-Levigne, the Stanford president did not blame anti-Canadian bigotry on the way out the door.
"Amidst all of this, it has been distressing to have doubt cast on my commitments to confronting hate and to upholding scholarly rigor..."
Lady, those, specifically, were your two points of failure.
Well it took em long enough... good lord.
Wonder what the SNL skit will look like.... not really. Pretty sure we already know.
But HOW?
Didn't they Realize, that she was just a Black Womyn.. She was Gay!!! She clicked ALL the boxes!
(except for basic competence)
It sure didn't take long for the the pejorative word fascist to roll off the Crack keyboard. I thought it was reserved all things Jewish/ Hamas/ Gaza. You have to hand it to Crack, he is quite elastic in his definitions.
Crack has always used fascist and racist interchangeably and often. Depends on what news event sets him off.
Oh, just to throw it out there again, Crack's favorite ethicist's POV on Crack's POV.
I see that Biddy Martin is one of the dozen members of the Harvard Corporation which seems to run things.
Biddy is right there Harvardians! She has led two major universities, she's female, she's gay with a little "g" and she already has experience at being run out of town on a rail.
Plus, Obama likes her! As does Althouse!
She's the one.
Her dishonesty and incompetence is balanced by the fact that she is a clean, articulate, African American woman.
"you lose track of the bounds of what you can get away with…"
"Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? I tell you, I gotta plead ignorance on this thing, because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing is frowned upon... you know, cause I've worked in a lot of *universities*, and I tell you, people do that all the time."
“… The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative online journal that has led a campaign against Dr. Gay over the past few weeks...”
A predictable swipe by the pearl clutchers at the Times, who would never acknowledge the WFB’s investigative reporting on Gay (which in an ideal world would result in a Pulitzer).
I think back to the particularly high-quality faculty I once got to study under and the downward trajectory of the quality of college education is depressing.. What should be among the best appears to be so shoddy.
Long ago (1956) I started USC to study Engineering. Nobody cared much about academic status and USC was called University of Spoiled Children" because it was private and charged tuition. UCLA at that time did not charge tuition. USC's big fame was football.
The Engineering school was OK but the OK part was mostly the teaching. No famous professors or big deal research. On the first day of Physics, the professor told us to look at those beside us and in front and behind us. He said, "By midterms only one of you will be here."
After a year working as an engineer, I decided to switch to premed. Since I couldn't get a student loan as a premed (Most don't get into medical school, I was told.) I became an English major and took my premed courses as electives. No politics, just hard work.
I enjoyed the English classes, too. After a year and a half, I was accepted to USC medical school. I didn't apply anywhere else.
The medical school followed the same principles as the university. Good teaching, a little research and focus on the students. My Pharmacology professor in 1963 was still teaching the subject in 2003 when I encountered him in the faculty. My students said he was their best professor.
I was sorry to see USC follow the crowd into DEI and Woke nonsense. It has gotten rich, as well. Tuition when I started in 1962 was $600/year. About 8 years ago when I quit teaching it was up to $57,000 a year.
So my question is did people in Harvard Corporation Administration know about these allegations ahead of time? If they did they choose to ignore them, or did they keep the knowledge close to the vest so they could use it against her at a later date if they thought it was necessary.
You know, if she had it, white privilege would have kept her from even trying this level of plagiarism.
If you refuse to hire people based solely on merit, what are you saying about the people you do hire?
When I was a young conservative in the 1960's and an undergraduate at Harvard, there were a few conservative, or at least non-liberal, profs, but even the liberal profs actually tolerated conservatives -- they sometimes tried to convert us, but they didn't make us non-persons. You see, being "liberal" used to mean that you were open to new ideas. Now, leftism (you can't call it "liberalism" any more) has gone so far away from mainstream opinion that its proponents don't dare to engage in free debate with anyone outside their gang. That's the lesson of Claudine Gay. Everything she said was in strict accordance with leftist opinion on campus (most any campus!), but shocking to regular people.
Harvard needs to hire a better liar.
Because it won't change its leftist politics.
I know how bad this is. Gay should never have been hired in the first place. Plagiarism is wrong on every level, especially at her level as leading a prestigious university. My question is this: How many commentators here on this blog have ever, in their high school, college, grad school, law school, whatever, ever cited an authority in a paper/essay without proper attribution? I'm sure there are lots and lots of you here. You know who you are. And you know you have done it. Probably multiple times. Not because you are bad, but because you are lazy. And you didn't want to do all of the necessarily research. But no one will ever cross check you, because no one cares who you are. You are non existent as far as the national media and the rest of the world is concerned. But I challenge any one here who is villifyig Gay to tell us your real name, and then post here some of your real high school essays, college research papers, or thesis/dissertations. If you do, I guarantee you that I can find some sentence you wrote that was plagiarized from another source. It's easy to do with the Internet. So post your writings here on Althouse Blog. Go ahead. Prove me wrong.
Plagiarism isn’t a conservative vs. liberal issue. My son is a liberal academic that holds two PhD’s. After reviewing the allegations against Dr. Gay, he was dumbfounded that this wasn’t caught earlier. It’s a disgrace she’s still a member of the faculty at Harvard. Perhaps next time they might consider hiring based on merit, rather than race and gender.
Those horrible pouncing Conservatives!
Seems like Ms. Obama, (not that kind of) Doctor Jill and Ms. Gay all had dissertation (or less) that were, academically weak (I'm being generous).
So President, sorry tenured Professor, Gay fits right in.
Harvard may be a bit more careful about the scholarship of the next president. But does anyone believe the individual chosen will be anything close to politically neutral?
Hamas 7th Century Death Cult Fanboy Li'l Crack-y: "The Zionists will be taken before the International Court of Justice on the 11th or 12th. They are expected to lose. They, and the American Government, will be condemned as mass murderers before the world, ordered to reverse trhemselves militarily - to protect the Palestinians - and to stop this heinous crime."
OMG! LOL x Infinity!
The International "Court" of "Justice"!!!!!
Controlled by the UN! Which just appointed Iran, IRAN!, as the Chair of its....wait for it....wait for it....wait for it....HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION!
You can't make this stuff up!
The UN...which controls UNWRA...which openly aligned with and actively supported Hamas terror operations!
OMG, my sides are beginning to hurt from laughter!
But it gets better, as it always does with the astonishingly dumb Crack-y!
The US and Israel, an ACTUAL country, despite Li'l Crack-y claiming Israel is not a country...just a "crime scene" (yes, that idiot actually posted that!), are going to be "condemned" by the pro-Muslim Brotherhood Caucus and (I can barely write this as laughter overtakes me) "ordered" by a bunch of bureaucrats who supported the mass raping of African children by UN Blue Helmets for decades, DECADES(!), to cease and desist!
So, time to sum up, wouldn't you say?
Radical islamic terrorist nations and their supporters, like Li'l Crack-y, will criticize the US and Israel (hey, I did NOT see that coming!) and pretend they have some bizarre credibility to start moving the little Risk game tokens around the board.
They, like Crack, are like infants...with the same "intellectual" "firepower" of the Jewish babies Hamas kidnapped...with, unfortunately, Crack-y's twisted approval.
Tsk tsk tsk
Mental illness is never pretty when confronted.
There is a reason the US has never recognized or participated in the moronic make-believe activities of neither the ICJ NOR the ICC.
And oddly enough, the murdering fascists of Hamas are not even signatories to the Geneva Conventions! Maybe Crack-y can explain why that is....LOL. Yeah. I know. That's an hilarious thought.
And lets check the record and "rocket docket" "speed" (LOL) of the fake ICJ: hmmmmm, it appears the Khmer Rouge "case", with the mass atrocities in the MILLIONS in the '70's with the mass graves of those MILLIONS viewable by all, took until 1997 for the fake "trials" to "start"...and it took until 2003 to gain agreement for the fake "trial" to gain approval to go ahead...and in 2006 they selected their fake "judges" for the fake "trial"!
I'll bet you dollars to donuts this buffoon Li'l Crack-y thought it was going to be a 60 minute Law and Order doink-doink episode!
And at the end of the day, the UN anti-semitic haters of Jews have zero power behind their fake pronouncements!
Poor Li'l Crack-y! Those darn Jews simply wont die and go away!
Hey Crack... put in your resume'.
@lonejustice sez: "My question is this: How many commentators here on this blog have ever, in their high school, college, grad school, law school, whatever, ever cited an authority in a paper/essay without proper attribution?"
How incredibly unperceptive you are ! How many of the commentators here have ever blatantly transgressed their professional oaths and responsibilities, and then, when confronted, pretended otherwise, or simply ignored them?
Isn't that really the question?
The Ivy's. That's who we are supposed to take our orders from. The social elite, educated by the elite of Academia.
But here is what I see.
After more than a generation of affirmative action, Claudine Grey is the smartest, most ethical most experienced person the selection committee found, out of 100's of potential candidates.
This is the best Black Woman in the world.
Use my name on any of my published papers and my doctorate dissertation. All are available online, you just have to pay to see some of them. I never once copied and pasted a piece from another author. I didn't even do this in college or high school, though in my high school we didn't write papers.
I suspect, like most on the left, you like to project.
I've got tenure,
Jolly jolly tenure,
I've got tenure,
To last me all my life,
I've get tenure to gab,
And tenure to fab,
And tenure
To pay me well for life.
Her type is no stranger to me. I worked with and for some Historic Firsts, and that status made them virtually irremovable. And even if removed from the admin, they are tenured in a department and may not even lose substantial pay (though in her case she might).
As a graduate of a couple of Middling State U's, I feel quite a bit of schadenfreude, so there is that.
"The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative online journal that has led a campaign against Dr. Gay over the past few weeks."
If the left had any intellectual integrity (I know, right?) Dr. Gay would never have been in the position she found herself (president of Harvard, not revealed to be a common plagiarist). They'd have never elevated her to that position in the first place.
Rhetorical question... Is it bad to lead a campaign against an academic who plagiarizes and manufactures research data? If so, why? If not, why is the ideological orientation of those initiating the campaign relevant?
Okay, that's three questions.
After seeing her resignation letter I see that she's given up "scholarly research" and has turned to fiction. Danielle Steel, watch out.
I trust her resignation will not result in any reduction in her compensation. It didn't for the others president.
The peop!e that selected her should be the ones resigning. It is clear her qualifications and work suffered no inspection. Only her identity mattered.
On her statements about speech, on campus, I agree with her. Except, in her world, that only works in one direction. I was hoping that Representative Stefanik, a Harvard graduate, was going to ask the obvious follow-up question. "Would it be OK to advocate for the genocide of black people?"
LLR-democratical Rich: "Plagiarism isn’t a conservative vs. liberal issue."
It most certainly is. This latest episode proves that. QED
LLR-democratical Rich: "My son is a liberal academic that holds two PhD’s. After reviewing the allegations against Dr. Gay, he was dumbfounded that this wasn’t caught earlier."
Hilarious! Gee whiz, who would have thought a pure incompetent diversity hire with zero actual academic capability would be given a complete and total pass on her incompetence by a 100% raging lefty academic bureaucracy?
My goodness! Its downright inexplicable!
LLR-democratical Rich: "It’s a disgrace she’s still a member of the faculty at Harvard. Perhaps next time they might consider hiring based on merit, rather than race and gender."
The ENTIRE lefty/democratical/woke exercise in identity/marxist policies and practices absolutely guarantees that the monolithic woke/DEI practices will continue on leftiest/dem campuses.
While we're at it, I'd also like to see the external evaluation letters for her tenure and promotion. What could they possibly say about those, what, 11 papers, possibly 5 in top journals, with a few thousand citations, if that? How could they make the case, normally required at Harvard, that Gay was at the top of her field, compared to scholars in her general cohort? How corrupt were those processes? How deep does the rot go?
lonejustice challenges the commentariat. You first lonejustice.
Here are the qualifications the Fellows enumerated in their letter for the interim president, Alan M. Garber: "We are also grateful to Alan M. Garber, Provost and Chief Academic Officer, who has served with distinction in that role for the past twelve years—and who has agreed to serve as Interim President until a new leader for Harvard is identified and takes office. An economist and a physician, he is a distinguished and wide-ranging scholar with appointments at Harvard Medical School, Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health." The very simple question is: why weren't they looking for this level of quality in their initial search?
The left implodes due to a marxist framework they created and implemented and the LLR-democraticals Rich and the much less capable and often embarrassing lonejustice pop on in to try to fulfill 2 of their 4 explicitly stated purposes at Althouse blog:
- defend and excuse democraticals at every turn (Rich jumped in on this one)
- deflect every negative story involving democraticals on to others (lonejustice delivered another, per usual, pathetic effort along those lines @5:59PM)
- smear and lie about conservatives and republicans
- attempt to drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers
I guess we'll have to wait for He Who Shall Not Be Named to deliver on 3 & 4.
Up your game LLR-democratical lonejustice! You're hurting the team...again.
There's my first (documentable) mistake. Happy New Year!
Gay’s arrogance is quite something to behold. I hope she is the subject of a case study at HBS.
Lonejustice - Anyone going for Pres of Harvard has to have a full and spotless record. Doesn’t matter a whit what any of us peons did decades before Google came to be. It’s about excelling and then role modeling excellence. That’s how you earn the chance to lead and get paid the big bucks and all the accolades.
Drago: try to be more concise with your sarcasm, it doesn't improve with length.....
Probably a question for Crack:
Is Claudine Gay "African-American"?
What makes a person African-American" anyway? Is it just skin color? Is a Nigerian immigrant who becomes a naturalized US citizen an "African-American"? How about a black Puerto Rican?
Claudine Gay is the daughter of 2 Haitian immigrants, born in NYC. So no question whatsovever about whether she is a US citizen. Under Haitian nationality law, she seems to also be a Haitian citizen derived through her parents. Is a Haitian national (even if also a US citizen) and African-American?
Most of the folks we think of as African-American are also ADOS (American descendents of slaves)
Gay is definitely not ADOS. Possibly in the distant past but slavery was abolished in Haiti in 1814 so if she does have slavery in her family tree, it is more than 2 centuries old.
Since a non-ADOS black didn't suffer from generations of slavery and racism like ADOS, should they be eligible for affirmative action? By taking unmerited(?) affirmative action benefits, did Gay deprive some more deserving African-American of the benefits of affirmative action?
Someone like our very own Crack Emcee, for example.
John Henry
Readering said...
“Carol Swain has a degree from Yale. Some tribalisms stronger than others?”
Joe Biden said…
If you didn’t get a degree from Harvard, you ain’t black!
This is racist.
White bread Pedo Pete plagiarized his way to the more powerful presidency.
Aggie said...
@lonejustice sez: "My question is this: How many commentators here on this blog have ever, in their high school, college, grad school, law school, whatever, ever cited an authority in a paper/essay without proper attribution?"
Never. It was a good way to get your work rejected and drop down a grade when you finally corrected it.
say hey doctor gay
nothing to fear but dat fear
itself! you may use
Claudine Gay will have a soft landing. She holds an endowed chair at Harvard, which means she's tenured, and probably knocking down $900K a year--I mean Princess Liawatha was teaching two classes at Harvard and making $500 K a year.
Gay was also a tenured associate professor at Stanford in 2005-2006 before joining the Harvard faculty.
Having endured the drudgery of cite checking as a 2L student on the California Law Review in the late 60s, I can't understand how this woman could publish so many papers with so much plagiarism. I thought there were computer programs around today to find this stuff. But hey she got away with it--until somebody with an animus against her smirky performance before Congress went looking. And I suppose the Harvard Board didn't bother to vet this professor who had been at Harvard for 17 years before she was tapped for President. She's one of ours boys, no need to check.
I ... wrong.
I elided the portion that was fantasy projection.
Every member of the board needs to resign. They knew what they were doing. A compromised leader is easier to control.
This is unfortunate. She was the poster child of what the universities have become, especially the elite, status universities.
Here's an excellent history of the universities (British in this case) by Edward Dutton, PhD, aka Jolly Heretic. Oxford/Cambridge were in ill repute for a couple hundred years when they were captured in the 17th century not coming out until the late 19th century. Harvard and Yale started in the same vein as theological finishing schools.
You people are fools: I clearly wrote that Gay should go. I merely said don't read more into it except she's a fraud - and you morons treat that as an endorsement.
Just a bunch of brain dead idiots, so passionately racist, you can't read.
ME: "It feels like something's very wrong. Like a screw's being turned and tightened, and that same familiar beast from the 30's is waiting for it to break, so it can run free once more."
NPR: 'Prophet Song' is a beautifully-written, slow descent into fascism
Most of the characters in Paul Lynch's Booker Prize-winning novel don't want to believe that tyranny is taking shape before their eyes, even as power is cut off and democratic freedoms evaporate.
There was President Gay,just minding her own business, walking across the Harvard campus at 2am in the middle of a blinding snowstorm and negative 15 deg F with her sushi order from the 24 hour Japanese restaurant in her hand, when all of a sudden a pickup truck with Confederate flags flying came bounding over the Quad sidewalk and screeching to a halt and 17 good old boy computer programmers with cut off sleeves and MAGA hats piled out of the pickup yelling "This is MAGA Country" and "Hey, aren't you that black chick President of Harvard?" and "Hey, I think we just might be under-dressed for these particular climactic conditions...byatches!"
Followed by the ruffian, ne'er do well scalawags pouring very white marshmallow topping over her head (that can take awhile considering the viscosity and ambient air temp!) while several of the whiz kid programming rednecks accessed Gay's personal accounts, hacked into all the school archives where Gay had published amazing, insightful, deeply meaningful, completely original academic works, and then modified those human-life-altering lessons with materials from other published authors!
A literal Republicans Pounce moment!
After which these typical, everyday, standard issue, racist, republican voting, modern day klansmen threw a rope around the neck of this Modern Enlightened Brave And Courageous Woman Of Color And Merit and took off in their Criminal Confederate mode of Conveyance while shouting "The South Will Rise Again", "Geronimo" & "Kilroy Was Here" (for no particular reason) and tossing out Cabela's coupons for Tiki torches!
Little did any of us know that at the time of President Gay reporting this Robert E Lee-like attack to the police, super sleuth "Macho Response" Crack Emcee was working round the clock to find the "Real Perpetrators"!
And find them he did!
It will not surprise any of you, gentle readers, to discover it was all an Evil Israeli White Devil Zionist Op made to look like someone else!
Wow! Those money changers sure are sneaky!
Crack also discovered those smarty pants Jew boys were the ones hacking Crack's website and keeping the flood of would be future devoted fans of Crack from accessing Crack's unique online hot takes!
That's just how evil the Zionists are!
It is my understanding Crack has reported this entire demonic incident to The International Court of Justice, the Hamas Hotline and the Frito-Lay-Doritos Division Customer Support Dept.
Apparently she’ll stay on as a faculty member and make $900k ?
This. This is why we’re dying as a country.
She should be pushed out and left to fend for herself in the REAL world. If she makes it, good for her. If not, fuck her. Made her own bed. Let her sleep in it. This isn’t punishment or banishment or shame or anything. It’s Dilbert failing up.
F Harvard.
Joe Bar writes, "Only [Claudine Gay's] identity mattered."
Incomplete. Gay's skin color and sexuality mattered far more. In fact, melanin and homosexuality were Harvard Corporation's entire selection criteria. Everything else, especially her scholarship, or more precisely, her lack thereof, and her deficient common sense faded to insignificance. They couldn't have cared less about the true constituents of identity.
Here's my advice to Harvard, select the next president from within a real intellectual discipline, one of the hard sciences, or better still, the classics. The reason Gen Z is overrun with barbarians who will eventually be proscribed in the war for the survival of civilization is the general ignorance of the shared heritage of the West in Greco-Roman antiquity among the TikTok toddlers. Since Nature abhors a vacuum, their simple brains are overwhelmed by the loudest noise rather than consoled by the wisest words.
Secondly, confiscate all iPhones on the Harvard campus. Don't restore them until the owners recite the Enchiridion from memory. Nothing will do more for revived scholarship short of occupation troops.
Thirdly, troops will probably be necessary, nevertheless.
Mason G writes, "Okay, that's three questions."
You forgot What is the capital of Assyria? and What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow? Which is five questions. Or three. I have trouble with five and three quite often.
is accuser correct term for /provider of fact and evidence?\
Ponder the resignation of Lawrence Summers from Harvard. Was it due to the malign forces of misandry or antisemitism? Why didn't he bring these issues up in his resignation letter? Was this part of a larger conspiracy?......In Gay's defense, let it be said that President Biden committed a much more flagrant and overt act of plagiarism than the Harvard President and no one thinks that disqualifies him from serving as President of the United States. Plagiarism for me but not for thee.... We now live in an enlightened society where shoplifters are not prosecuted for their small crimes. Isn't it time we move to more enlightened views for the even smaller crime of plagiarism? Harvard as our leader in all matters intellectual should show us the way forward. After all, it's not like she did something serious like malign female mathematicians.
Glenn Greenwald: Censoring Israel Critics (& Right-Wing Hypocrisy) Is Nothing New
does Gay get to keep Desk/Door nameplate saying President? & take away embossed stationery ? under Presidential IMMUNITY Power? [asking Trump for advice]
will this force retraction of Diplomas also?
is accuser correct term for /provider of fact and evidence?\
deepelemblues said...
"Jews are bringing fascism. Crack never disappoints."
Norman Finkelstein - Ben Shapiro's Final Solution:
"If you believe that the Jewish state has a right to exist, then you must allow Israel to transfer the Palestinians and the Israeli-Arabs from Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Israel proper. It's an ugly solution, but it is the only solution." (Ben Shapiro, 2003) He went on to say that, if Israelis don't openly avow this goal, it's "because they are afraid that if they expel the Arabs, they will be called Nazis." It seems that Israelis are no longer afraid. Indeed, senior Israeli officials have called for wiping out "Amalek" and making Gaza "uninhabitable." Is it okay, Mr. Shapiro, to now call them Nazis?
Q: What is different between Haahrvaahrd Board and a Republican Senate Caucus?
Committing a series of injustices, against honesty, integrity, merit and talent, doesn’t equal ‘justice.’ A lot of shoddier women and men (usually not the best women nor men) and foundation money can’t paper over reality. ‘Social justice’ is still nebulous, and a weapon for the less talented to advance over the more talented. The more ideological and resentment-filled to take hold over the right people who will honor, curate, restore and respect.
Electing Pritzker money, Chicago corruption, and a ‘sanitized black’ guy who purused and manipulated activism, undermined and upheld rule of law, advanced and manipulated white guilt, whose mother and father came from somewhere other than typical American race-relations...none of that changes deeper truths. His parents bonded over Red Justice and these ideas won’t honor much of the American founders’ honesty, integrity, merit and talent.
So it is with Claudine Gay.
Slavery is what it is. So are our ideals and so are we.
To all the 2nd and 3rd rate people who find themselves in positions of authority and decision-making, lets just say that reality keeps score. Teuth comes for us all. People may forgive, or they may not. People don’t forget.
A hearty ‘fuck you’ to those still doing dirt on the arts, humanities and much of life, Fuck you for getting wrapped up in identity over individual ability, gender over truth, and postmodern style over substance. I may forgive or I may not. I haven’t forgotten.
Reality and time come for us all.
And all the RACE BAITERS are out in force today...
Al Sharpton is planning a "civil rights" march in her honor!!! Seriously. They are demanding she has the RIGHT to plagiarize and be Anti Sematic all because she is a BLACK WOMAN!!! Check out their twitter feeds. Roland Martin was the worse. All you can do is point and laugh at their RACISM.
It is my understanding Crack has reported this entire demonic incident to The International Court of Justice, the Hamas Hotline and the Frito-Lay-Doritos Division Customer Support Dept.
Crack would you mind passing along that Frito Lay number? I’m pining for some Hokkaido Camembert Cheese Doritos and the manager at the local Publix looks at me funny when I ask for them…
…and maybe somebody could bend a paper clip and stick it in the factory reset hole in Drago?
She'll be tanned, rested and ready in November when Biden goes by the wayside.
Crack... You're OK, the world is wrong.
Lord of the clods indeed.
@Skeptical Voter: "Having endured the drudgery of cite checking as a 2L student on the California Law Review in the late 60s, I can't understand how this woman could publish so many papers with so much plagiarism. I thought there were computer programs around today to find this stuff."
This follows from academia's purge of tough critics, purge of the right wing, the pursuit of racial/gender equity, and grade inflation since the 1960s. Students used to be happy with a C, but now demand and expect As or Bs in every class. They rationalize it as "Only the best students get into college/Snobby University, so no one should be considered 'average' in their grades." They demand equal grades because...strong academic performance is clustered in small subpopulations world wide.
To advance their own careers, tenure-tracked profs teamed up in cliques to maximize their publications. They created insider-only journals and invented the "least publishable unit" (LPU). In the old days a prof may release a bunch of related work together in a large article or book, but now split it into dozens of wispy papers across the crony journal network. The crony network doesn't actually want to vet the work (as they are all equally trashy derivative mush, and build houses-of-cards). The cronies only demand supportive circle-j*rk citations from those who publish in the same journals.
See Alan Sokal's 1996 effort to unmask this issue. He obviously failed, and may have inadvertently spread the cliquish LPU strategy further:
Publishing Gay's 11 papers would be a 1-3 year exercise for a capable manipulator of the system. But Gay wasn't capable. I expect most of the profs who signed the letter in support don't have great publications records either. But, Gay was so bad that she lost track of her copy-and-paste method. I can see it now (as with Melania Trump's plagiarized speech): The speechwriter likely opened a copy of Michelle Obama's speech and then rephrased/built on/adapted the content between each paragraph. If the first version ain't broke...
We simply don't need most university staff today -- they've become jobs programs that recycle the same ideas and redistribute money to entrenched supporters of the state. Universities have become repositories of fake science and ideological drivel useful only for random, myopic flavor-of-the-day activism. Bring back firing. Bring back competition.
Affirmative action.
Whites and Asians - you must take the math test.
Blacks - you do not need to take the math test.
John henry said...
"Is Claudine Gay African-American'?
... Claudine Gay is the daughter of 2 Haitian immigrants, born in NYC. So no question whatsovever about whether she is a US citizen. ... Most of the folks we think of as African-American are also ADOS (American descendents of slaves). Gay is definitely not ADOS.
... Since a non-ADOS black didn't suffer from generations of slavery and racism like ADOS, should they be eligible for affirmative action? By taking unmerited(?) affirmative action benefits, did Gay deprive some more deserving African-American of the benefits of affirmative action?"
I do not understand why more people are not discussing this point.
It is the more recent arrivals who do seem to benefit more from Affirmative Action than the ADOS.
And 10% of African Americans are recent arrivals or their descendants. If you look at the Under 18s, this rises to 20%.
Never one to carry the generational trauma thing, I, but how are black Haitians not decendents from slaves?
Rocco said...
"I do not understand why more people are not discussing this point."
Hamas did what they did on Oct 7 after sitting in the rubble for years and saying that same thing.
Not giving a fuck about us, in favor of virtue signaling with anyone darker than mayo, IS the point, Rocco. Expecting my autodidact ass to figure it all out, and defeat it, before an audience that doesn't really care they're oppressive, is also.
Scott M said...
"Never one to carry the generational trauma thing, I, but how are black Haitians not decendents from slaves?"
They're not descendants of American slavery. They're the folks whose example terrified Thomas Jefferson. When you're talking about identity, that makes them totally different from us, who were always outnumbered, always outgunned, and knew it.
They didn't come up with wendybar on the case.
$900 grand a year ! But: Tenure can be revoked and an abrupt dismissal is perfectly appropriate in a case of wholesale, long-term, career-spanning plagiarism and undefended data fabrication (i.e. refusing to produce scientific data supporting published work). Let her sue. Is there any doubt, if this were a hetero white male, that his *ss would be out the door, pronto - on these criteria?
Scott M said...
"Never one to carry the generational trauma thing, I, but how are black Haitians not decendents from slaves?"
It's not a question of whether they are descended from slaves. It's a question of whether they are descended from U.S. slaves; and they are not.
And 95% black Haiti has been run by blacks (and mulattos) for over two centuries. Any "generational trauma" is of their own making.
rehajm: "…and maybe somebody could bend a paper clip and stick it in the factory reset hole in Drago?"
Ed McMahon-voice: "hi-yo-ooooooooo!"
Who else misses Carson?
Hamas 7th Century Death Cult Fanboy Li'l Crack-y: "Not giving a fuck about us, in favor of virtue signaling with anyone darker than mayo, IS the point, Rocco. Expecting my autodidact ass to figure it all out, and defeat it, before an audience that doesn't really care they're oppressive, is also."
I've lost my assignment sheet. Can anyone tell me who has the Make-Crack-Fail-Today duty?
AlbertAnonymous said...
"Apparently she’ll stay on as a faculty member and make $900k ?"
Who knew that mediocrity paid so well?
But that's the difference between progressives and people who can think. The left sets up people who are clearly not qualified for the roles they are assigned. Then they get upset when it's pointed out. The difference between Gay, and say, Sowell.
AlbertAnonymous said...
"Apparently she’ll stay on as a faculty member and make $900k ?"
Who knew that mediocrity paid so well?
But that's the difference between progressives and people who can think. The left sets up people who are clearly not qualified for the roles they are assigned. Then they get upset when it's pointed out. The difference between Gay, and say, Sowell.
"she’ll stay on as a faculty member and make $900k "
She will suffer the scorn of all the original thinkers there.
She will suffer the scorn of all the original thinkers there.
my original thought about this >> sweet gig!!!
Rocco said...
"And 95% black Haiti has been run by blacks (and mulattos) for over two centuries. Any "generational trauma" is of their own making."
Not true, Rocco. This is another Palestinian story. Haitians are being "punished" by the western powers: "The History of Haiti in Under Ten Minutes"
If you don't know this, consider what you just wrote, in light of it. Like Zionists, White Americans have been taught to snidely blame the people America's abused for their misery.
Hamas 7th Century Death Cult Fanboy Hamas: "Hamas did what they did on Oct 7 after sitting in the rubble for years and saying that same thing."
There it is! Pure terrorism apologist on top of calling for driving all Jews out of Israel! Quite the CV!
And speaking of "rubble", did you notice the Israeli Air Force took out Hamas chief Saleh Arouri and six other Hamas leaders in Beirut with just three missiles that targeted the Hamas office on two floors and a missile struck Arouri's car.
Not a single non-Hamas person was scratched in the floors above/below the strike or the other building just 6 feet away. You cant even find a broken window!
If Hamas cowards hadnt built their military ops structure in mosques, hospitals and schools with intentional human shielding, how many fewer deaths would there be in Gaza?
So post your writings here on Althouse Blog. Go ahead. Prove me wrong.
Do you realize just how big of an asshole you are?
Not one to quibble...okay, fine, exactly to quibble, but the acronym you used, which I honestly had not encountered before was ADOS (Americans descended of slaves). Again, I couldn't be further from Claudia's side of the political isle, but she was born in New York City and is 100% American. Her ancestors, being Haitian are likely in the extreme to have either been brought over during the trade or born as slaves themselves in the Carribean. Seems like the acronym should be ADOAS, no?
And I agree about Haiti. My in-laws did annual mission trips there (she's a doctor, he's a home remodeler/craftsman) and are essentially hardly-reformed hippies. Both shake their heads at what has happened there, both historically and, far more importantly, to themselves.
I don’t know who “us” is, but I damned sure wouldn’t piss on Crack if he was on fire. So, you know…
Crack’s just felt disgruntled ever since he was told he couldn’t join the janjaweed.
You have to understand something about Jew haters like Crack. It’s not what Israel does that bothers him.
It’s the fact that it doesn’t symbolize loss, but rebirth. Losers hate success, and Israel symbolizes, for them, the ultimate refusal to be a victim.
Crack is a whiner who poses as a “macho man” when in reality he wasted his life chasing women in cults. And Palestinian nationalism is the ultimate cult - demanding absolute loyalty of its followers, led by billionaires fleecing them and goading them into groupthink based on nothing other than promising a sense of moral superiority over the “other” - a state full of Jews.
Even if Israel lost this war, that wouldn’t be enough for the losers. Crack actually thinks Israel should pack up its bags, depopulate and apologize for what he believes is the “sin” of Zionism: Allowing Jews to purchase and own land or run a government.
Why would anyone be a part of such a ridiculous movement? Because they’re losers who either aren’t able to purchase/own land or lead public office themselves.
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