১৯ ডিসেম্বর, ২০২৩

"A federal judge in New York has ordered a vast unsealing of court documents in early 2024 that will make public the names of scores of Jeffrey Epstein's associates."

ABC News reports.

The documents are part of a settled civil lawsuit alleging Epstein's one-time paramour Ghislaine Maxwell facilitated the sexual abuse of Virginia Giuffre. Terms of the 2017 settlement were not disclosed.

২৫টি মন্তব্য:

RideSpaceMountain বলেছেন...

You know what's a bigger head-scratcher than Jeffrey's prison suicide? Epstein was a convicted, proven rapist and abuser of children and never lost access to his bank accounts. Epstein was never ‘debanked’. In point of fact, the man wasn't put upon financially almost at all except for fines, which in itself is hilarious because a fine is essentially saying something is legal for a price.

Those protesting truck drivers? Debanked
Kanye West? Debanked
Nigel Farage in the UK? Debanked
Mike Lindell, the My Pillow Guy? Debanked
Gun stores large and small doing regular daily business? Debanked
January 6 protestors hunted and being hunted nationwide? Debanked

Word of advice, if you don't want to be debanked, become a convicted pedophile and child abuser. Other aspects of your life might turn to shit, but at least you'll have access to your finances especially if it's millions or billions, unlike those subhuman icky truck drivers.

Assistant Village Idiot বলেছেন...


Michael K বলেছেন...

Oh Oh, lots of pols running for the hills.

baghdadbob বলেছেন...

But not the full, unredacted flight logs to Epstein Island, or the names in his "little black book."

Ampersand বলেছেন...

So we can look forward to a list of "associates", without a clear indicator that the associate was an actual or potential victim or victimizer. Epstein was a conman and a blackmailer. As for the "associates", in the deathless words of Mr. T., I pity the poor fools.

Rit বলেছেন...

From the ABC News report: Anyone who did not successfully fight to keep their name out of the civil case could see their name become public -- including Epstein's victims, co-conspirators and innocent associates.

In other words, those without the right political connections and deep enough pockets could well see their names become public.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

'Vast' is certainly overstated.

I'm guessing that the powers that be will continue to be shielded.

We will get nobodies and ancillary folks (maids, pilots, etc.).

The swamp takes care of its own...

gilbar বলেছেন...

so, will BJ Clinton show up on there only once? Or once for every time he molested a girl?
just kidding, the CIA and the FBI would NEVER allow THAT info to get out

rhhardin বলেছেন...

It sets up a lot of innocent names drawn through the mud.

Immanuel Rant বলেছেন...

Getting in early to say that the Judge didn't kill himself.

rehajm বলেছেন...

I’m risk averse so I’ll take a Gates, Clinton Exacta box and a Prince Andrew, Gates and The Democrat field trifecta key.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

What does Jeffrey Epstein, Hunter Biden and LGBTQ activist Kendall Stephens have in common?

Their alleged access improprieties have a sexual component that makes their stories irresistible. A sign that somethings basically remain the same.

lonejustice বলেছেন...

Hopefully we will also learn whatever ties Trump had to do with Epstein.


Whiskeybum বলেছেন...

How many people with at least a basic understanding of how politics work in a banana republic will be gullible enough to think that said list will be unredacted, either explicitly or implicitly by omission? Or that other names could be added to it? Too much time has passed for political tinkering to have taken place since existence of the list became known. How convenient that after 5 years of stalling, Brer Rabbit's unwillingness to be thrown into the Epstein List briar patch is overcome, only to find out that Brer Fox's name is the only one on it!

Iman বলেছেন...

In this case, sunlight ain’t a strong enough disinfectant.

narciso বলেছেন...

less than meets the eye

Rusty বলেছেন...

Michael K said...
"Oh Oh, lots of pols running for the hills."
Let's wait for the list.
Nobody is going to be on that list that the FBI doesn't want on that list.

Dude1394 বলেছেন...

Ruh roh

BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...

RideSpaceMountain said... He wasn't debanked.

Maybe State Dept. took over the accounts?

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

Trump is innocent, otherwise we would already have seen his name on a log via a “leak.”

Virgil Hilts বলেছেন...

This will be a nothingburger, sorry to say.
I'm very pro-israel (hope all of Hamas is destroyed), but do wonder if the Mossad controlled (or hacked) Epstein and has all the tapes. Same thing our FBI did under Hoover.

RideSpaceMountain বলেছেন...

"Maybe State Dept. took over the accounts?"

You cant take over something Mossad never gave up.

Maynard বলেছেন...

Oh Oh, lots of pols running for the hills.

This is not the bombshell that the press is making it out to be.

Christopher B বলেছেন...

Don't go popping any champagne corks, or start jacking off to the thought that Donald Trump's name is going to be one of them. Some of these are Epstein's victims.

Check narcosi's link to TechnoFog.

If you don't do that, the TL;DR is this is a list of roughly 160 names redacted on depositions, witness lists, and other paperwork from the Ghislaine Maxwell civil trial. About 100 of these John (and Jane) Does have already been identified because they gave media interviews or testimony, and Techno and his team have already worked out most of the major names not already released based on thumbnails the two legal teams gave to the judge to assess if the person's identity should remain sealed.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

oh please.

the list will be scrubbed of any and all democrats and democrat donors.