Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a historian at New York University, said "calling people 'vermin' was used effectively by Hitler and Mussolini to dehumanize people and encourage their followers to engage in violence. Trump is also using projection: note that he mentions all kinds of authoritarians 'communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left' to set himself up as the deliverer of freedom. Mussolini promised freedom to his people too and then declared dictatorship.”
The response from the Trump campaign was to call the historians "snowflakes" who are "suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome" who fear that their "entire existence will be crushed when President Trump returns to the White House."
The response from the Trump campaign was to call the historians "snowflakes" who are "suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome" who fear that their "entire existence will be crushed when President Trump returns to the White House."
१०१ टिप्पण्या:
Notice how, as is so common with Trump's combative stuff, this is a response rather than an initiation.
We've finally reached the ultimate conciseness of politics, each side calls the other fascist endlessly
Democrats act like authoritarians. They think Trump sounds like one. I guess they should know if they look in the mirror.
The problem is that Trump talks like this and gets our hopes up, then when he gets the chance, he hugs those vermin, or says that they've suffered enough, or appoints them as director of the FBI. We need a real Hitler to find the final solution to the existence democrat party members.
Historian and senior research scholar = Marxist whores.
Academia sold its soul to defend an eighty year old multiple election loser corruptocrat…and they didn’t even get to keep free flowing abortions…
The Narrative intensifies: Trump not only will destroy our democracy, but he’s the next Hitler.
Many people believe this.
"The language is the language that dictators use to instill fear. When you dehumanize an opponent, you strip them of their constitutional rights to participate securely in a democracy because you’re saying they’re not human. That’s what dictators do."
So I can take that as an indication you support communists, Marxists, fascists and radical left thugs and that you're okay with lying and stealing and cheating on elections, then?
"Trump is also using projection: note that he mentions all kinds of authoritarians 'communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left' to set himself up as the deliverer of freedom. Mussolini promised freedom to his people too and then declared dictatorship."
People keep accusing Trump of wanting to be a dictator. How about some examples of where he's acted on that? You know, like wanting to force people to take an experimental medicine or lose their job, or something?
One thing is for sure, though- if anybody should know about projection, it's the left.
"The language is the language that dictators use to instill fear."
Oh really? Would that have anything to do with visuals like using the red zerg flood lights of Mussolini and USMC honor guard members in a skit to antagonize the 75 million people who didn’t vote for you? inquiring minds want to know.
"You should root out your faults one by one" Father S.J.Brown says in The World of Imagery, an interesting metaphor because the ground of comparison is not included in the metaphor but rather implied (faults are like weeds). Wm Empson says it's interesting because you don't know what the metaphor is until you know what advice it is giving. Not for example scything the weeds for several successive years. (The Structure of Complex Words p.335-336)
Has Trump considered scything.
I wanted the wall, and did not get a wall. IMO, Trump the salesman says stuff that (his) people love, but he cannot/will not deliver.
Right. And the WaPo and other liberals have never called Donald Trump any ugly names like that.
Maybe he should have called the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs "deplorables"?
That would've made their heads spin.
I wish the left would make up its mind. Is Trump a Russian loving Totalitarian Communist, or a right wing Fascist?
Or, who knows. The left can convince itself that an apple and an orange are indistinguishable, and that two oranges have nothing in common.
I think they call this nuance.
"I wanted the wall, and did not get a wall."
You didn't get what you want? Fair enough. Who are you looking to, who will get it for you?
I think it's possible that a lot of people in this country would be content with a dictator as long as we still had cell phones and entertainment, sports, etc., and a sufficient variety of food and other supplies readily available.
Democrats never dehumanize right wingers. They are always civil and polite when they speak about MAGA Republicans.
But calling people "Magats" is fine, right? I mean, they're just cultists who need deprogramming.
Doesn't this call for the Civility Bullshit tag?
Seems like the right has both a Trump and a Michael Fitzgerald problem.
And Achilles! Remember him and his desire to rid America of his political opponents via execution?
Trump's filter is slipping as it often does for the elderly.
When describing communists, it's very apt.
Do I trust him to actually do this? Not really. He couldn't even rid his own administration of the anti Trump people and swamp vermin when he was President.
Yeah, and Stalin and Hitler put their political opponents through "Show trials" where the prosecutors leveled bogus made up charges and had biased judges declare them guilty.
That's the what BIden and the Democrats do.
You also had Leftwing DOJ/FBI lawyers lie to investigators and to congress about the their plan to "Sink Trump" with bogus charges of Hilary fianced "Collaboration with Putin". Huge portions of the DoD, State Department, and DoJ, declared they were part of the "Resistance" when Trump was POTUS. When Trump is reelected these people need to be fired.
We've be seeing this movie for 7 years. The D's and MSM, hysterically attack Trump and claim he's "Authoritarian" while THEY censor, gatekeep, jail, and use lawfare to destroy their opponents.
He’s not wrong when he says he’d like to rid the USA of the forces working feverishly to destroy our country. These people have shown how despicable they can be.
Trump is also using projection: note that he mentions all kinds of authoritarians 'communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left' to set himself up as the deliverer of freedom.
So we are admitting that communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left are all authoritarians? That's progress.
I give as much credence to this as when he said he would build the wall and make Mexico pay for it.
Biden is a treacherous sleaze mobster. and a crook.
Yet when Hillary calls for re-education camps for MAGA people, that's no biggie:
And when Biden says MAGA people are a threat to democracy, that's just being "presidential":
Finally, can we all just acknowledge that the "democracy" meme is an attempt to blur and nullify the Constitution, which sets up a constitutional republic, not a show-of-hands democracy?
The progs don't say that from ignorance, they say it to subvert the Constitution and its precepts.
It's all part of their attempts to create a national popular vote, set up equal-sized voting districts, increase the number of Senators based on a state's population, end the electoral College---in short to guarantee the eternal dominance of populous Blue states and an all-controlling government.
Yet THEY call Trump and his supporters fascists!!!
Political Junkie said...
I wanted the wall, and did not get a wall. IMO, Trump the salesman says stuff that (his) people love, but he cannot/will not deliver.
You cited one thing Trump didn't "deliver" on, but your implicit claim is that he didn't "deliver" on anything.
Please expand your point.
I've increasingly come to the conclusion that the reason the Left especially doesn't like Trump is because Trump really is a lot more like a typical Progressive politician in rhetoric and actions than he is a typical conservative politician.
They see Trump like conservatives see most progressives, and they are shocked by how he behaves, even though he behaves like he's a typical progressive, with his dehumanizing rhetoric and dismissive attitude.
Trump is a mirror to the Left. He is exactly what they are, which is why I've never personally liked him. I don't like that on the Left or the Right, it's just funny for them to overreact to someone who is just like who they celebrate if he just had the "right" politics.
"Academia sold its soul to defend an eighty year old multiple election loser corruptocrat…"
Academia sold its soul a long time ago. Academia is like a pox ridden old prostitute now.
His base loves that trash-talk. No one else does.
Considering that Columbia is full of literal Nazis....
Maybe he should call them "malefactors of great wealth" or "bloodsuckers of Wall Street," those being apparently examples of acceptable political rhetoric.
Meanwhile, Gavin Newsom announces a lovely new California initiative: Cradle to Career.
Absorbing "Billions" of data points about CA citizens.
It's just a coincidence that he's recently returned from PRC and a Xi schmooze-fest.
But he's not a fascist, oh no. How dare you!
Your Democrat Party selection for President, BTW.
It’s going to be a very long 2024.
Or instead of calling your opponents "vermin" you could call them "domestic terrorists" and sic the FBI, the CIA, a bunch of State Attorney Generals and even a District Attorney or two on them. And if you are connected with the Pelosi posse you can just lock them up for a good long time after January 6 without a trial or bail.
On balance calling your opponents "vermin" is less harmful to "our democracy".
Vermin, deplorables. What's the difference? Seriously.
Antico, AntiMa, Antifa... sounds like a leftist rally. A democratic/dictatorial duality. The problem is that lefties have worked diligently for nearly a century to project their character on others. The audacity of Trump to associate these extreme movements with left-wing ideology.
Liberalism is a philosophy of divergence. Classical liberalism is a closed set of principles. The Nazis were a progressive, secular political party. The fascists conflate private and public domains. The Marxists embrace class-disordered ideologies. Religion is a behavioral protocol or model instructed by God, gods, mortal gods, experts, and parents. The means of enforcement varies.
Political Junkie said...
Jaysus. You sound like a petulent eight year old. "But I was promised a pony!" Think back. What was congress doing about the wall? What was being done to Trump at the time? We were fortunate to get what we got.
visuals like using the red zerg flood lights of Mussolini and USMC honor guard members in a skit
Or painting the White House with albinophobic colors, or holding parades to celebrate political congruence ("="), or conflating sex and gender to socially distance from others, or passing a law to arbitrarily sate binary bigots in a fit of pride and prejudice. #HateLovesAbortion
Liberals and other left of center (or far-right) can dish it but they can't take it. Boohoo. All's fair in lust and abortion, right? And under diversity taxanony of the progressive cult, they are all classified in color blocs.
You know what the funniest thing about this is? Trump says "“We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections,” and then the media says "the President promised to 'root out' his liberal opponents.
Then his opponents cry out that Trump is 'Hitler' for calling them communists, Marxists, and fascists. Do I have that right? Let the games begin.
scything the weeds
Scalping "burdens", detaining deplorables, diversifying classes, parading prejudice, sharing responsibility, conflating domains, and other residual artifacts of modernity.
People conveniently act like Trump just decided to quit building the wall.
That was Biden.
Michael Fitzgerald:
We need a real Hitler to find the final solution to the existence democrat party members.
Someone with a mouse in his pocket, I see.
Yeah, that's good for me. Everyone knows it's happening and, like watching a felony in LA or NYC live, folks just watch and walk on by.
Meanwhile, Democrat Brown Shirts, a.k.a. Antifa, Burn-Loot-Murder, Progressive antisemites are punching out, looting, stealing and intimidating anyone who isn't a Progressive and who looks Jewish. Democrat media is spreading propaganda about how evil Republicans are, especially Donald "worse than Hitler(tm)" Trump. Democrats continue to say the elections are fair, even while they exclude observers and continue to illegally count ballots, sometimes multiple times.
Democrats use lawfare to disrupt the campaigns of Republicans. Just ask Bankrupt Obummer about his first opponents sealed divorce papers. Or NYAG about Trump's business dealings in front of a biased NY judge and his unlawful clerk.
He should have called them deplorables.
Now do "deplorables", "extreme MAGA Republicans" and "White Supremecists", "Bitter Gun Clingers" etc etc etc.
Like many things Trump does, he's mirroring what Democrats have long done to Republicans.
Michael Fitzgerald said...
" We need a real Hitler to find the final solution to the existence democrat party members."
Free advice Michael- you need somebody to talk to. Also, read a fucking history book.
What Trump did was prove that the country was in trouble because of the policies the elite were imposing with respect to trade, energy independence and immigration. He changed the policies and the country began to recover. Without that, a person like myself would never have been sure that there was a solution. I would have gone on thinking that the Rust Belt was in some way inevitable. Now I know the Rust Belt is the result of policies profitable for a tiny minority of self-righteous insufferables living off the the money they made by the selling off of American manufacturing in the 90's and off the virtue they're manufacturing by harassing those they've looted. And recently I've learned that the Pronoun People are garbage antisemites under it all.
So folks here just disregard what Trump proclaims, and dismiss it as shtick from an irrepressible showman? Kinda like Christians who pay no attention to the meaning of the Lord's Prayer they recite by heart?
I'd trade Biden and Obama for Pinochet, any day.
@Readering, au contrails. I hope he gets elected an I hope he does it.
Democrats, fix your party. The danger is coming from your party. Look at all the Democrats supporting Hamas. Fix your party, then go after Trump.
Notice how, as is so common with Trump's combative stuff, this is a response rather than an initiation.
The audacity of Trump responding in kind. That merits an impeachment... indictment... whatever. No soup for you!
What if he said "scum" instead of "vermin". Would that be ok?
Readering, Really? The TRUE meaning of the Lords Prayer? You sound more delusional everyday
"Timothy Naftali, a senior research scholar at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, said: "The language is the language that dictators use to instill fear. When you dehumanize an opponent, you strip them of their constitutional rights to participate securely in a democracy because you’re saying they’re not human. That’s what dictators do.""
EXACTLY what the Progressives, with their compliant media have done to Trump and his supporters. Timothy needs to look in the mirror.
Cameron has it figured out.
I found out I am a domestic terrorist. My Crime? Attending a school board Meeting.
Locking up Jan 6 protestors without a trial?
Spending money by forgiving loans, without Congress appropriating the money?
Raiding the home of the Mayor of NYC, because he exposes the failure of Bidens open borders?
I judge Authoritarians by their history of actions. Not campaign rhetoric
It’s 2023 Readering. It’s all fun and games to garbage like yourself until somebody punches you in the mouth. Then you get all sissy. I look forward to the coming civil war.
It sounds like the panicked pleadings of a drowning man who can barely keep his head above water.
Academia are the enemy. They and their ilk should be treated as such. The "leaders" they support and themselves have sold out this country to our other enemies. They are enemies not for disagreeing, for having different opinions, but for actively supporting the chicoms et al. They should be removed, they are traitors.
Well, he's right.
Dave Begley said...
"The Narrative intensifies: Trump not only will destroy our democracy, but he’s the next Hitler.
Many people believe this."
Low IQ lefties. But I'm being redundant.
Mutaman said something about history. Which is laughable. But that's mutaman.
Readering said...
"So folks here just disregard what Trump proclaims, and dismiss it as shtick from an irrepressible showman? Kinda like Christians who pay no attention to the meaning of the Lord's Prayer they recite by heart?"
I'm trying not to laugh. You didn't mean for it to be funny, but it is. "So folks here...." "Y'all think...........(well. we do.) "Christians".
How to say, "I'm a biggot." without saying your a biggot.
Watch out, Readering! Trump and Jesus gonna gitcha!
Blogger John Public said...
I wish the left would make up its mind. Is Trump a Russian loving Totalitarian Communist, or a right wing Fascist?
Or, who knows. The left can convince itself that an apple and an orange are indistinguishable, and that two oranges have nothing in common.
I think they call this nuance.
11/12/23, 6:17 PM
Fascism is and has always been left-wing. It's the root of all of the other isms: communism, socialism, German Nazism, and Islamic Nazism. The root idea of fascism is "Shut up and obey us, or die!"
Mutt or man? Tough call…
ok, now describe a woman
if you dare
"When you dehumanize an opponent...." Bwahahaha!
As though the lefties haven't been dehumanizing Trump for years and as though comparing him to Hitler, etc., isn't dehumanising. Do these dimwits ever look in a mirror.
OTOH, it is refreshing to see WAPO make the connection between "communists, Marxists, fascists, and radical left thugs" and Trump's Democrat opponents.
"When you dehumanize an opponent...." Bwahahaha!
As though the lefties haven't been dehumanizing Trump for years and as though comparing him to Hitler, etc., isn't dehumanising. Do these dimwits ever look in a mirror?
OTOH, it is refreshing to see WAPO make the connection between "communists, Marxists, fascists, and radical left thugs" and Trump's Democrat opponents. Some of us have made that connection for several years.
Wow! Donny is now talking overtly like Hitler...but lacking Hitler's charisma, polish and way with words.
Trump also lacks Hitler's focus and work ethic, so if he is elected again he will lose the plot and dither around and neglect to accomplish his his first term. Now, if a charmless creep like "Shorty" DeSantis were ever able to worm his way into the White House, then we'd really have to worry. He is just the kind of small-minded shit who would make it a point to try to fulfill all his most repressive election promises.
Readering @ 12:11: Two shots for the price of one, eh, readering.
We are aware of what you are politically. It is surprising to hear that you know any Christians - even fallen ones.
Kirk Parker said...
"Notice how, as is so common with Trump's combative stuff, this is a response rather than an initiation."
I run The Macho Response and - even liking Trump - I still know dehumanizing language is 100% wrong. Vermin. Savages. Monsters. Ever since October 7, people identified as white are scampering back to their early 20th century grab bag of labels and revealing themselves as a completely un-evolved species of man. On DEVO's 50th Anniversary, even. I wonder - "as is so common with combative stuff" - do you notice feeling the same desire to make excuses for elements of fascism when it's blacks, Indians, Mexicans, or anyone else - say, Palestinians - speaking in response to a provocation? Or is your awareness (and forgiveness?) limited to when it's Trump in this situation, and if so, why?
Yes, I'm wring a fucking paper,...
Readering ---- why single out Christians? Are only Democrat leftists allowed to act as modern day gods?
As Aggie points out, Trump says, "We will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections," and people of the left sit up straight and say, "Hey! He's talking about me!"
You guys, you don't have to own it so hard...
I'm not a fan of "dehumanizing" or eliminationist rhetoric (and even less a fan of dehumanizing or eliminationist actions, of course), but when your opponent is trying to tar some subset of people with a particular brush and you grab the brush and slap a bunch of tar right on your own chest, surely you can't claim that he did it to you.
Or will the claim be, "We knew, of course, that he wasn't talking about us - we just needed to speak for the communists, Marxists, and fascists, because they have no one else to speak for them"?
It's odd how the left look straight past the moral failings of their leaders.
Why do all leftist democrats and leftwing progressives - AKA democrats - why are you all OK (and silent) with Biden's family corruption?
There are too many comments here, trying to avoid the obvious, so I won't even try. You know what's happening and so do I.
Howard: "It sounds like the panicked pleadings of a drowning man who can barely keep his head above water."
Or perhaps an astute observer of what the lefties have become. Clearly, a significant portion of the Democrat base supports terrorism and the corruption of the legal system and federal law enforcement. Why not communism, Marxism and fascism? (Fascism is, of course, of the left, despite lefty projection.)
Vermin is aspirational for many on the left. I would characterize them more as some type of fungal infection that feeds on the pus from infected wounds. Still, vermin is a loaded word. The prime objective of a politician is to get elected. The rhetoric that Trump uses warms the cockles of many hearts here, but he'll not win over many suburban women with such language.....Biden has to convince the voters that contrary to appearances, he's not an addled old man. Trump has to convince the voters that contrary to appearances he's not a flamboyant blowhard.
Trump's filter is slipping as it often does for the elderly.
Trump's is slipping. Biden's is around his ankles.
So folks here just disregard what Trump proclaims, and dismiss it as shtick from an irrepressible showman? Kinda like Christians who pay no attention to the meaning of the Lord's Prayer they recite by heart?
When you resort to non sequiturs, you've lost.
"Wow! Donny is now talking overtly like Hitler...but lacking Hitler's charisma, polish and way with words."
With all of the 'Kill the Jews' marches going on worldwide, solely attended by liberal Hamas collaborators, are you really this unaware?
I figured you were a crazy liberal, but up until now I never thought you were dumb.
The Crack Emcee:
I still know dehumanizing language is 100% wrong.
And yet, you use it.
"When you dehumanize an opponent, you strip them of their constitutional rights to participate securely in a democracy because you’re saying they’re not human."
I take it that the constitutional right to not be dehumanized through language is in one of those penumbras.
The left is clueless about Trump and the 90 million people that are going to vote for him.
Including the young, Black Males, hispanics, Jews. Trump the is the only candidate the supports the interests of the USA and its People.
This has created lots of attention for Trump, and not a single $ of campaign funds had to be spent.
Refreshing to see the Washington Post not dissemble about "liberals"
communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs
Of course, these are the debasers of the word "liberal" to hide their true nature. None are classical liberals
A recent trend remarked on at Marginal Revolution
Classical liberals are increasingly religious
by Tyler Cowen November 12, 2023
Not too long ago, I was telling Ezra Klein that I had noticed a relatively new development in classical liberalism. If a meet an intellectual non-Leftist, increasingly they are Nietzschean, compared to days of yore. But if they are classical liberal instead, typically they are religious as well. That could be Catholic or Jewish or LDS or Eastern Orthodox, with some Protestant thrown into the mix, but Protestants coming in last.
The person being religious is now a predictor of that same person having non-crazy political views.
"We pledge to you that we will..." Said Donald Trump
We elected you to do that last time. And you didn't. We even voted for you a second time.
You don't deserve a third vote.
Communists are indeed vermin. Trump is exactly right.
Who but vermin would attempt to reimpose this utopian 19th century delusion on the world, after the charnel house that it made of the 20th century, dwarfing the toll from fascism of all stripes?
And the bleats of "Real Communism hasn't been tried yet" are laughable. 38 countries tried it. 36 of them have abandoned it, amidst an ocean of blood and a mountain of corpses at least 150 million high.
I'm greatly in favor of renewing a vigorous McCarthyism. If Nazis are not to be tolerated in public life, the very same should be true of Communists. They should not be allowed across our borders, even as tourists. They should not be allowed to draw a government paycheck at any level from a kindergarten classroom to the Cabinet. Our schools should be required to teach the children hatred and contempt for collectivists of all stripes.
If it ever looks like they are a threat to regain power, violent armed counter-revolution is the only rational response.
Mark said...
"We pledge to you that we will..." Said Donald Trump
"We elected you to do that last time. And you didn't. We even voted for you a second time.
You don't deserve a third vote."
Hah! You never voted for him the first time. You made sure that his administartion encoutered as many obsticals you could throw in his way.
Hassayamper said...
"Communists are indeed vermin. Trump is exactly right."
Then so was Hitler and we all made a grave mistake.
"I wanted a wall, and did not get the wall."
Yes, indeed. But I think things might be a little different now. Trump thought that he had time, and was inclined to move slowly. The art of the deal is not the art of the steal. But he has no realized what these vermin are capable of, and what they have in mind. Donald Trump now knows that he is in a fight for his life, and his children's lives, and his fellow patriotic Americans' lives. And the hour is late.
"We pledge to you that we will..." Said Donald Trump
VA Lawyer Mark: "We elected you to do that last time. And you didn't. We even voted for you a second time.
You don't deserve a third vote."
Why do you suppose you and Team GOPe/globalists have been unable to convince a majority of republican primary voters to go along with your assessment and recommended actions?
Several violent anti-Jewish attacks on the Ohio State campus by the New Soviet democratical party-islamic supremacist brown shirt shock troops.
Just like everywhere else the New Soviet democraticals are in control.
Expect to see much more of this as 2024 comes more into focus.
"I wanted a wall, and did not get the wall."
You got Remain in Mexico, which Biden isn't enforcing.
effinay objects to the Left's "Democracy" push.
I have a few thoughts on this as well.
1. The US would not exist if it did not have strong states rights (small states would not have ratified).
2. To those who say "So and so LOST the popular vote! Illegitimate!" I point out the rules are chess, not backgammon. Furthermore, the rules have structured campaigning, and the body politic as well. Why, Republicans (and Democrats) might actually CAMPAIGN and Dems give other than Lip Service/Money Gathering in CA, if the popular vote mattered.
3. The claims that under the rules of backgammon, their candidate would have won is not in evidence. Living in CA, I don't vote as in practice my vote carries no weight. If it were to count, I would vote.
4. Finally, let's consider a constitutional amendment, ONCE the Big Blue proponents take the necessary first step consistent with a popular vote: to allocate state's electors proportional to the vote.
Democracy. What a good sounding idea. It tells you a lot about the people pushing this specious meme: that they really don't care about truth, only winning.
And the left and their propaganda arm, the MSM, continue to push lie after lie. Unbelievably to me, those on the receiving end of the lie, even knowing they were lied to, slurp up more of the slops with an insatiable appetite.
Cook fancies himself a modern day William Shirer, documenting the rise and fall of The Second Trump Reich. I recall noting this the first time around here in 2016 when the pearl clutchers thought Trump’s supporters “looked at him like he was a Messiah.” Guess what? The Trumpian Reich never came to pass. Instead we got Joe Biden.
"Cook fancies himself a modern day William Shirer...."
That piker! I fancy myself a modern day Robert Cook!
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