४ ऑक्टोबर, २०२३

Sunrise — 6:49, 6:51, 6:52.

IMG_3689 2

IMG_3694 2

IMG_3695 3

२७ टिप्पण्या:

BUMBLE BEE म्हणाले...


Fits the pictures perfectly. %100 Weimar.

lonejustice म्हणाले...

From my conservative friends at Powerline Blog: Gaetz of Eden

"I turn to the oracular Bob Dylan writing in William Blake’s prophetic mode for commentary on the deposition of Speaker Kevin McCarthy by Matt Gaetz and a few Republican colleagues joined by every House Democrat:

All and all can only fall
With a crashing but meaningless blow
No sound ever comes from the Gates of Eden"

https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2023/10/gaetz-of-eden.phpGaetz of Eden

Narr म्हणाले...

Magnifico. Especially the last.

It has finally turned here, from above average temps for the last fortnight and more, to below average for the next 6 - 10 days. Glorious, after some rain tomorrow--rain which the crops and the rivers all need pretty bad.

Some of the neighbors are having some seriously expensive tree topping and chopping done, just not the neighbors whose trees are closest to our house . . .

On my walk just now I saw a big gaggle of geese the size of a small gaggle of geese (about a dozen) heading SW, honking, and in someone's backyard oak grove some owls hooting and howling--it sounded almost fakey, like kids pretending.

Drago म्हणाले...

ADL to resume advertising on X.

Dumb Lefty Mark hardest hit.

farmgirl म्हणाले...

Holy Smokes!

Drago म्हणाले...

LLR lonejustice: "From my conservative friends at Powerline Blog..."


Those were the same surrender brigade crybaby whiners that declared this entire congressional term a disaster because it took a few votes in Jan for McCarthy to get the Speakership.

These losers desperately dream of returning to those halcyon days of HW Bush and Mittens Romney because they have no clue at all where the republican base is and what that base wants and desperately needs.

All the Powerline dudes know is they want that republican voter base to shut their yaps while their "betters" sell them out and tell the base what to do.

They ought to just bring Mirengoff back while they are at it.

Gospace म्हणाले...

Wife and I went out late today, not driving towards home until 2100. After exiting the thruway and driving on local roads, it seemed it was raining leaves. The wind was light to non-existent, temperature a balmy 71°F, and the trees were shedding.

Supposed to start raining, sometime heavily, on Friday, dropping down into the 60s for a high, and the 40s for lows at night. I wonder how the trees themselves can predict the weather like that....

Big Mike म्हणाले...

I found this to be interesting:

GOP Rep. Garret Graves told reporters on Wednesday that McCarthy is getting the office that McHenry has ordered [Nancy Pelosi] to vacate.

“Look the deal is that the office that Pelosi is in right now is the office of the preceding speaker. Speaker Pelosi and other Democrats determined that they wanted a new … speaker, and [that makes the new preceding speaker] Kevin McCarthy. So, he’s getting the office,” he said.

Rt41Rebel म्हणाले...

Autumn in SWFL is when the sun on your skin feels hotter than the atmosphere. Crisp 88 today felt good.

gadfly म्हणाले...

So "Mattress Gaetz of Eden" went so far as to ask the Tangerine Twatwaffle in 2020 for a broad preemptive pardon for any crimes that the congressman may have committed.

Perhaps there was some truth about the sex-trafficking business run by Gaetz and Joel Greenberg. And then there was his sexual relationship with a 17-year-old girl.

Ampersand म्हणाले...

The Isaacson bio on Musk is worth reading. I learned quite a bit about human nature, and key current technologies.

The Sowell book on social justice fallacies is also good, despite its preaching to the choir. Young people need to read it. It's not a series of knockout punches. More like Tommy Hearns delivering undercut jabs. It will make its readers smarter.

madAsHell म्हणाले...

Ya know, my experience with biting dogs?

It’s the owner making them crazy.

Humperdink म्हणाले...

RE: Power Line blog. Every time John Hinderaker writes a negative column about Trump he is deluged with comments slamming him. It appears he will never learn about Trump's base of support.

As an aside, I have been banished from commenting on Power Line for criticizing the aforementioned Power Line writer Mirengoff, who has been fired/quit/dismissed to "spend more time with his family" (sarc).

Humperdink म्हणाले...

My alma mater PSU has really stepped in it now. The university has suspended the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity until 2027 for hazing allegations. For those familiar with Kappa Alpha Psi will know why Penn State is in deep trouble.

wendybar म्हणाले...

Hardly unsurprising, given the way the elite youth would be happy to be little Communists now.


wendybar म्हणाले...

For lonejustice...


"Collin Rugg
Interim Speaker Patrick McHenry agressively slams the gavel as he and 200+ other Republicans fume over Kevin McCarthy's ousting.

Where was this anger as millions of migrants poured over the southern border?

Where was this anger as US debt rises over $33T?

Where was this anger when the FBI rounded up Trump supporters and threw them in prison?

Where is this anger as the "justice" system tries to take out Biden's top opponent in 2024?

They sit back and do nothing as our country burns but fume when their buddy loses his Speaker role."


Jamie म्हणाले...

As an aside, I have been banished from commenting on Power Line

Me too! I credit myself for the now-more prominent warning about rude language. I used the word a**hole, appropriately in context, not aimed at any other commenter or at any contributor to PL but in a hypothetical "conversation" between a woman being assaulted and the social worker urging her to complain about consent. This was when the rude word warning was tiny and all the way at the bottom of the page, at least on the mobile site. Not even realizing that I had transgressed, I emailed them to ask what was up with my account such that I couldn't comment any more, and received a response that not only has I transgressed, I had transgressed to such a degree that I was permanently banned. I would've thought that would have taken a more offensive word, myself.

Now I only go there for the Week in Pictures.

Rusty म्हणाले...

"As an aside, I have been banished from commenting on Power Line"

Narr म्हणाले...

I never thought Powerline had any excuse except the Week in Pictures (which I found linked at Insty).

Gospace म्हणाले...

madAsHell said...
Ya know, my experience with biting dogs?

It’s the owner making them crazy.

On a similar vein, I've dealt with many young men diagnosed with, well, all sorts of problems.

None of which are readily apparent on camping trips when their obese underactive parents aren't around.

wendybar म्हणाले...

As an aside, I have been banished from commenting on Power Line for criticizing the aforementioned Power Line writer Mirengoff, who has been fired/quit/dismissed to "spend more time with his family" (sarc).

10/5/23, 3:57 AM

I, too was banished for reposting a meme that was making the rounds on other blogs....It had a SWEAR word in it. Since then, I have seen a few others making that mistake, but they seem to get away with it.

wendybar म्हणाले...

Geez. Powerline is acting just like the Progressives they claim to detest. They seem to be censoring anybody who doesn't agree with the GOPe 100%

wendybar म्हणाले...

Thank Joe Biden, the Progressives, and the GOPe who cave to them....coming to your childrens schools this year!! Who knows what ELSE they are spreading. https://legalinsurrection.com/2023/10/chicago-police-station-closed-and-cleaned-due-to-scabies/

Mason G म्हणाले...

"I used the word a**hole, appropriately in context, not aimed at any other commenter or at any contributor to PL"

I was aware of their "rude language" obsession and was still banned for writing (and this is the exact phrase): "You ****** up, you trusted us."

FullMoon म्हणाले...

These pictures are great. I get links to them in my e-mail.
Makes the blue sky here feel boring.

wendybar म्हणाले...

Miranda Devine
Incredible that Sen. Menendez’s girlfriend wasn’t given a blood alcohol testing after hitting a pedestrian with her car and killing him. It should be mandatory in fatal car accidents. And why did she refuse to give cops her phone?

Miranda Devine

Replying to @mirandadevine
A witness at the scene said cops seemed to know who Ms. Menendez was and treated her with striking deference. In police recordings a man who identifies himself as a retired police officer can be heard saying he came to the scene as “a favor” to a friend https://nytimes.com/2023/10/04/nyregion/nadine-menendez-mercedes-death.html?


MadTownGuy म्हणाले...

Argentina's Supreme Court finally closes pandemic-era ‘Fiesta de Olivos’ case

"The Supreme Court has definitively closed the court case lodged over the controversial 39th birthday celebrations of First Lady Fabiola Yañez in Olivos presidential residence during the strictest stages of the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown.

According to the Noticias Argentinas news agency, the nation’s highest judicial tribunal rejected a final appeal from an NGO against the "conciliation agreement" reached by all present at the party, including President Alberto Fernández.

The July 14 celebration during the winter of 2020 while lockdown was at its peak became public knowledge when photos of the event were leaked.

Now the Supreme Court has unanimously declared “inadmissible” a lawsuit of the Asociación Civil Republicana para la Justicia objecting to the conciliation agreement closing the case.

Lawyer Fernando Irazu representing the association sought to have it accepted as a “particular plaintiff” pressing criminal charges against Alberto Fernández, considering him responsible "for crimes against public health, abuse of authority and malfeasance in the context of the obligations imposed during the ASPO (Aislamiento Social, Preventivo y Obligatorio) quarantine dictated by Fernández himself via successive emergency decrees.”

The lawyer’s plea had been rejected by all previous instances and reached the Supreme Court, which adopted the same criterion. The ruling thus stays firm with no further questioning possible.

"The meeting shouldn’t have happened, I’m sorry," President Fernández apologised in public at the time.

He and his wife settled in court “an integral reparation of the damage” caused by the birthday party. The agreement implied the payment of some three million pesos to public health institutions.

Last October the Federal Cassation Court had already pronounced the “inadmissibility” of the objections to the reparation.

The party, which was ultimately to mark a drastic change in the presidential image, was held on Tuesday, July 14, 2020, to celebrate the 39th birthday of Fabiola Yañez. Nine people were invited, entering the chalet at 9.30pm and leaving all together at 1.47am the following morning.

The photos show them with no facemasks and ignoring social distancing in breach of the impositions established by the government to reduce the impact of Covid-19.

More at the link. I guess rules are for the little people in Argentina, too.