११ ऑक्टोबर, २०२३
"So, in this moment, we must be crystal clear: We stand with Israel. We stand with Israel."
"And we will make sure Israel has what it needs to take care of its citizens, defend itself, and respond to this attack.
There is no justification for terrorism. There is no excuse.
Hamas does not stand for the Palestinian people’s right to dignity and self-determination. Its stated purpose is the annihilation of the State of Israel and the murder of Jewish people.... Like every nation in the world, Israel has the right to respond — indeed has a duty to respond — to these vicious attacks.... [I]f the United States experienced what Israel is experiencing, our response would be swift, decisive, and overwhelming."
१०१ टिप्पण्या:
Unconditional surrender of Hamas, military tribunal war crime trials for all members, including the leadership in Qatar. Or just keep bombing until they can't do this ever again.
Biden's corrupt regime stands with the Iranian Mullahs. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
FU Crook Joe. You have blood on your hands.
"There is no justification for terrorism" AKA might makes right
"Hamas does not stand for the Palestinian people’s right to dignity and self-determination. Its stated purpose is the annihilation of the State of Israel and the murder of Jewish people...."
Even though the Palestinian people elected them, in part because they wanna get rid of Israel. This is starting not to make much sense.
"Like every nation in the world, Israel has the right to respond — indeed has a duty to respond — to these vicious attacks."
Agreed. But that still doesn't mean it's right. That whole Israeli enterprise can be as wrong as wrong can be. But, hey, might makes right.
His words in support of Israel were perfect. My issue with his statement is not what he said, but what he didn’t say. He failed to say that Hamas must release all the hostages immediately or there will be hell to pay. He failed to say that he held Iran responsible for this massacre by Hamas and that the US would immediately take actions against Iran. He even failed to say that we would take back (since they claim it can be done) the 6B dollars we paid Iran to free the 5 American hostages.
About time, but missing "as long as it takes."
The old man crook husk-puppet fraud who supports Iran's nuke machine and lust for death - got some poll numbers in.
Its all ok. NYT is saying what Israel did wrong.
The paper of record dontchaknow.
Well, at least he's saying the right things. Now, let's talk about that $6 billion in fungible money...
And if Israel decides to drive the Gazans into the Mediterranean, do we stand with them then?
It is going to interesting to see how long this supports lasts should Israel go medieval on Gaza. It really isn't enough to root out Hamas if Hamas just reforms in Gaza with new men a year later, which is what would happen. We devastated the Taliban during the first half decade of this century, and yet the Taliban rule once more in Afghanistan stronger than ever. In other words, you don't exterminate such organizations that have broad support from their citizens.
The Starbuck's union disagrees. Supports Hamas.
Too bad. I enjoyed my Dark Sumatra. Lavazza Perfetto here I come.
Dude has left our own borders free and wide. The US should not send a dollar to Israel, but we should support Israel’s fight to the end against Hamas and Islamic Jihad within the laws of war.
It is nice that the meds kicked in eventually so he could give a speech 48 hours after the fact. Not being in the basement was a nice touch. Also, the fact that he was wearing pants.
Did he mention the part where he was funding this through his idiotic foreign policy?
The empty suit is empty.
Once upon a time American presidents didn’t wait several days to see which way the wind was blowing before they said this.
That’s pretty good…I was expecting sniveling and a deep bow to Harvard.
Biden did not mention that 4 letter word I-R-A-N. The elephant in the room. The country whose name shall not be uttered.
Props to Biden (or whatever staff person wrote this for him to read).
Somebody up there must have read the room. If you think they mean it, you haven't been paying attention.
No mention of Iran. He's been bribed.
The $6b payment is still on.
Like I wrote earlier, I'd take my chances with Harris now. At least her husband has some smarts.
Good for Biden.
“Crystal clear.” Is that like Dick Nixon’s “Let me be perfectly clear”?
At last, a Biden policy I can get behind.
What utter bilge. The "Palestinian people" of Gaza chose Hamas as their leadership in 2007, and no significant opposition within Gaza has existed since then. The Palestinians are as responsible for the policies and deeds of Hamas as the Germans were responsible for Hitler and the National Socialists. The Resident and the simpering poltroons who control him seek to confine the responsibility for this war and its atrocities to a handful of easily replaced figureheads and grant the real war criminals amnesty.
In the case of Germany, unreflective persons seem to think the entire blame for the 75 million killed rests on Adolf Hitler and a handful of his cronies (plus a similar handful of Japanese), that if only Hitler and Tojo had been deposed the Germans would have returned to brewing tasty beer rather than welding tanks and u-boats. No honest reading of history supports that comfortable delusion. A few high-ranking Germans did oppose Hitler, that is true, along with a tiny clique of university students with a penchant for American jazz, but their stillborn rebellions against National Socialism relied on anonymity, assassination, and subterfuge because the overwhelming German majority favored the Nazis and viewed any deviation from Nazism as treason against the Reich. It took the virtual extermination of the German nation-state to change that. While we can romanticize the Stauffenberg conspiracy and praise its motivations, it had no realistic expectation of success. In 1944 the Nazis were Germany.
By the same token, Hamas is the Palestinian people. To pretend there's a distinction is just Biden's standard operating mendacity.
Current reports of drone attacks on Israeli civilian centers coming in from Southern Lebanon.
Hezbollah has now joined in. What good does it do to have Joe Biden on your side and a US Military whose colonels wear skirts?
Our intelligence community has been spending too much time monitoring the fake MAGA bogeyman and moms going to school board meetings to fight kiddie porn. Have a feeling the same happened in Israel. If reports coming out now are accurate, this seems coordinated.
Hamas has called for Friday October 13 to be a worldwide Jihad day.
Last week, before the brutal and barbaric attack on Israel by Hamas, I began reading "Six Days of War, June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East," by Michael B. Oren, an Israeli historian. It is a fascinating historical account drawn from the archives of four countries and scores of interviews from people who were there when it all happened. Highly recommended for a better understanding of what we are witnessing unfolding even today.
"[I]f the United States experienced what Israel is experiencing, our response would be swift, decisive, and overwhelming.""
Well with the Southern Border wide open... The United States WILL ONE DAY 'experience what Israel is experiencing'....
And I doubt Biden will do shit.
It would take another Bush II to actually do anything. And Biden ain't Bush.. hell he ain't a Reagan... and he ain't even all here.
[I]f the United States experienced what Israel is experiencing, our response would be swift, decisive, and overwhelming.
Would it, though? Or would it be a drawn-out period where we invade, but don't fight in a decisive way, and work mostly to win hearts and minds that won't be won over?
There’s not a whole lot of support we can provide at this point anyway now that we have a non-functional Congress.
I wish I could believe he means what he says, but I can't. The "angry Joe" delivery is a tell that he is acting not truth telling. Nice words. Empty but pleasant sounding. All his actions in the past say he won't "stand with Israel" for as long or with the same gusto with which he stands with Ukraine.
It is a reasonable and measured statement. It would be nice to think that Joe Biden actually meant a word of it. Perhaps he does. Who could know?
Yes, we do stand with Israel … so why’d we enrich their enemies to allow this horror?
Hamas does not stand for the Palestinian people’s right to dignity and self-determination.
So Biden is saying that the Palestinian people have a right to dignity and self-determination? That Hamas does not stand for those rights that the Palestinian people have? Is this an endorsement of a two-state solution?
Not exactly a ringing endorsement for Israel.
Ah, Mr. President, how about clawing back that $6 billion?
His word as a Biden.
When the United States was attacked on 9/11, we invaded and destroyed two countries where the terrorists were able to train, but did nothing to their home country or where their funding came from. The US has no moral authority to say anything to Israel about their response.
Paul said: Well with the Southern Border wide open... The United States WILL ONE DAY 'experience what Israel is experiencing'....
Exactly. Does anyone doubt this? Millions of unvetted aliens have been streaming in for years. Even the fall of the city of Troy didn't have this level of treachery and stupidity. It's only a matter of time before the killing and massive destruction begin.
Biden should be impeached. Our entire military command should be court-martialed for dereliction of duty. And arm yourselves because there won't be any help coming when you dial 911.
Perhaps Joe should send the “smartest man he knows” over there to straighten their asses out.
Just like the old "Al Qaeda doesn't speak for all Muslims," it would be nice to find one Palestinian who will repudiate Hamas and its aims, and seeks to live in peace with Israel.
And maybe its time for White Elites to stop their #WhiteElitePrivilege of speaking for Muslims and Palestinians?
"There’s not a whole lot of support we can provide at this point anyway now that we have a non-functional Congress."
Absolutely right, Rich. Because the acting Speaker has no power. /S
As an aside, are your Democrats apologizing for voting McCarthy out? No. They aren't.
Congress will be non-functional as long as Democrats vote in lockstep.
And yet, he just restarted Palestinian aid that trump had ended and gave Iran 6 billion dollars to finance this attack. Like all of the slave camps, rape camps, fentynal deaths and deaths at the border, Biden and the democrats ARE complicit. With respect to the border, they are directly and criminally responsible.
He’s giving you his word as a Biden.
I think the worm is turning on BLM, Woke, and cancel culture. The Gaza strike killed many Jews, and they have powerful allies in NYC and D.C. Potential future employers of the Harvard Nazi-lite brats are demanding names.
Biden is "crystal clear" now because he's losing key allies posthaste.
“Blogger Yancey Ward said...
And if Israel decides to drive the Gazans into the Mediterranean, do we stand with them then?”
Sure, in fact I would say about time. Like here if you are going to call someone evil for protecting themselves long enough, sooner or later they are going to say, okay, you say I’m evil, a racists, etc. sooner or later they are going to say okay, might as well get the benefits of it and embrace it.
Gaza should be cleared out and the people forced to go to their Muslim neighbors.
If we let Israel respond the way it wants to the US doesn't have go get involved and punch another tar baby.
With what we've seen in the last three years, I don't trust the US Military to do anything right.
They even ANNOUNCE they have special forces going in to rescue American hostages. Wouldn't it make sense to announce that AFTER you rescue some hostages?
At this time, we must support Mom, apple pie and the American flag.
Who disagrees with that?
I believed him until he said "crystal clear".
Remember a few months ago wyvern Brandon was talking about how 2A would not protect against the govt? "We've got f-15s and nuclear weapons, math. Not a joke!" (quote approximate)
Some of us wondered how you could use f-15s against an insurgency with literally millions of small targets.
Unless you are willing to destroy entire towns and cities.
This is kind of what the Israelis face, isn't it? The Ford is off the coast and could level Gaza in a day or two, but unless it is willing to do that, there is not much less it could do. It is kind of a powerless giant.
Otoh, maybe that is the only thing that will work. Level Gaza killing everyone. Like we did to Tokyo in Feb 45. Or all the various German cities.
Oh. Wait. That didn't really work either.
I don't know what to recommend.
President Trump seemed to be making more progress in 4 years than the rest of the world in 4 thousand. He might have some ideas.
But, you know, mean tweets, Queens accent, non-elite. There are some things that are just a step too far to consider.
John Henry
Steve Scalise in his own words: "Like David Duke without the baggage".
The leading candidates make McCarthy look like a statesman. That's pretty much the story of the GOP now. Just when you thought a new low wasn't possible, there is the prospect of Jim Jordan or Steve Scalise as speaker. This is good news for the Democrats.
When India became independent in 1949 there were massive problems. Not the least of which was the needed to shuffle millions of people between India and Pakistan when they didn't want to and in the midst of a religious war with Hindus and Muslims killing each other in the millions.
Collins & lapierre's book "freedom at midnight" is a popular history of the period.
At one point Nehru despaired of being able to run the country. Mountbatten had been last viceroy and made a deal. Nehru would give him almost complete authority, but in secret. Nehru would become Mountbatten puppet if he would get India over the crisis.
Which is what happened. (I've greatly simplified, of course)
I don't know why this bit of history popped into mind just now.
John Henry
Watching Joe I see Charlie McCarthy , but do not know on whose lap he (Joe) is sitting.
Rancida Tilapia needs supervision on intake of meds… Dementia Joe should have his partners in crime do a better job of airbrushing the $50,000,000,000.00 money trail.
Maybe the analogy is that since Brandon is already a puppet anyway, perhaps we should have our president emeritus as puppet master.
Instead of whoever is doing such a shitty job of it at the moment.
John Henry
You're smart.
Don't tell me some shallow shit about understanding what "just" happened
"Dude has left our own borders free and wide. The US should not send a dollar to Israel, but we should support Israel’s fight to the end against Hamas and Islamic Jihad within the laws of war."
Bearing in mind, of course, that the Geneva Conventions are not applicable here, as Hamas has grossly violated them (in addition to not having signed onto them).
Agree with Walter 12:10
it would be nice to find one Palestinian who will repudiate Hamas and its aims
Apparently you missed some nice posts here yesterday, one of which was a "Palestinian-Israeli" who provided a brief timeline of his changed opinion on Hamas. I found it inspiring and am glad other Althousians read social media (and provide these tasty bits) so I don't have to wade through the hate and BS to find them myself. It's all here if you look hard enough.
Excellent hombre : Congress will be non-functional as long as Democrats vote in lockstep.
His non-sequiturs are but one reason I usually skip over Rich, as I do Crack and Chuck (but not chuck) and a few others.
Rich said..
"There’s not a whole lot of support we can provide at this point anyway now that we have a non-functional Congress."
I assume you mean, because the Senate is in the hands of the dems? That's silly, a divided Congress is not (necessarily) a non-functional Congress
+1 to Richard at 10:45a. And as Big Mike notes, it has taken a few days. Unfortunately, as the other Mike notes, “Angry Joe” seems to be a persona he puts on that may not be hollow, but usually is only a show to impress Americans (mostly to be scared of F-15s to be used against us, which shows how hollow the persona is).
Setting aside Biden’s deeds a month ago, where is the anger for Americans being held hostage now? Hamas didn’t discriminate among nationalities they took hostage, and they made clear they know the nationalities of the hostages they have now and will use that knowledge to persuade their countries to be lenient against Hamas.
Blogger walter said..."His word as a Biden."
What's Biden trying to do, get the mainstream press to turn against him?
Palestinians chose Hamas. There may be a handful who reject the barbarianism, but most I suspect would wholeheartedly approve of what has happened.
Biden imported a Corruptocrat voting base AND terrorist sleeper cells.
celebrate - you Hamas supporting jerk-wads on the left.
While today Iran's supporter, aka POTUS, is holding an all important "show" regarding, what he terms, "junk fees". He even has a "Mom" to whine about extra fees when she flies!
Also, it would have been more impressive if the follow-up was not a speech about "junk fees."
A senile empty suit being led about by genuine idiots.
[I]f the United States experienced what Israel is experiencing, our response would be swift, decisive, and overwhelming.
Really? Because on 9/12 I remember it started with "not all Muslims" and "Religion of Peace" and "Very small minority" and "FEARED Backlash against Muslim Americans"
After which we fought an indecisive two decade war and doubled the Muslim population of the country (to thunderous applause of many groups, including Jewish ones)
And while the topic is being raised, how many people have to be raped or killed by migrants until we shift from "The Wall is Fascism" to "Genocide South America"?
More blather from the old bozo. When push comes to shove--the IDF is about 2 miles away from the shoreline with all the Gaza population in front of it--what will Biden do? We'll see.
The financial support for Iran is far higher than the $6 billion for hostages. I don't have the link handy, but it also involves the effects of sanctions removals for oil sales, as well as other reversals of Trump policies. On net Iran has gained well over $50 billion thanks to Joe Biden.
There’s not a whole lot of support we can provide at this point anyway now that we have a non-functional Congress.
Find another dead horse to beat.
Can he really get away with releasing the frozen funds, and not be accused of causing the attack???
Have your cake, and eat it too!!
Rich - Biden and his gang of authoritarians do what they want.
They are the fools who send billions to Iran without anyone's permission.
leftist idiot.
Rich -
Your so-called Steve scalise quote is devoid of context or a link.
We know you are a loyal democratic leftist - which means you are a solid lying liar who lies.
Care to provide that context?
Or are you merely a brownshirt foot solider for the corrupt leftist cause?
Lets not forget the Palestinians in Gaza get MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF $$$$$$ from across the globe in aid. This is on top of actual food donations. They use that $$$$ to buy rockets, guns & munitions. They DO NOT use it to build anything for the Palestinian citizens we are supposed to weep for. No bunkers for safety from the “evil Israelis”! No electrical power plants, no desalinization plants. They, of course, receive free electricity and water from the “evil Israelis”.
So….my sympathy for the Palestinians is low.
Rich doesn't care at all about innocent lives lost, tortured, be-headed. He cares nto at all about our open southern border. In fact - he just denies it like the rest of the hivemind collective propagandized idiot left.
Rich cares about scoring BS political points using standard leftist lies. He's the perfect foot-soldier Crook Husk-Puppet Joe.
Vote for Hamas (Hitler) - Get Dreden-ed.
Vote for Biden - get chaos, crime, death to the middle class, never ending inflation, lies to cover it all up, fraud, a president who grifted millions in influence peddling to enrich his own family - and is above the law. Open southern border, millions of non-citizens on the tax payer dole, terrorist sleeper cells, a botched, inept and deadly cold-hearted exit from Afghanistan, lies and more lies, your 401K in the toilet, taxes and fees and more, with lies about taxes and fees... woke BS, porn in your public grade school, collectivist lies about book banning that are unfounded and used to cover the fact that the woke left demand porn in your grade school library.
No wonder Rich loves him some Biden.
Perhaps the US military can fly some rainbow flags ... and pay for Hamas sex change operations.
At tax payer expense.
Democrats already do vote in lockstep. So? Corruptocrats stick together. Hive!
Hamas rocket attack devastates Israeli children's hospital and supermarket
Rich to type fake David Duke quote.
“That whole Israeli enterprise can be as wrong as wrong can be. But, hey, might makes right.”
Yes, that’s one way to think about it. But then most older Americans know that the enterprise is right and it’s just.
We wonder if Rich recalls the fact that Steve Scalise was gunned down and shot by a Bernie Sanders Supporter at a congressional baseball game?
John henry,
I don't know why this bit of history popped into mind just now.
Don't you?
“Gaza should be cleared out and the people forced to go to their Muslim neighbors.”
I’m that old that I remember discussions in civics class (we discussed world events, historical events, etc., besides our government) about the Palestinians. None of the other Arab/Muslim countries wanted them and actually kicked them out. Hence the territories in Israel. It sounded like they were basically the “trailer trash” of the Arab/Muslim world.
Resident Biden has confirmed his $6 billion terrorism promotion fund will not be rescinded. Is that delightful? The mindless monster in the White House has chosen to continue funding the slaughter of Jew babies rather than admit a mistake. I suppose that was to be expected given his druthers. Biden would happily finance infanticide in the United States if the Supreme Court would have given him the green light. And so with their blood sport derailed by court order here, Biden, Rich, and Abby Someone get to enjoy the spectacle over there.
11:21 - Q
Nicely done.
( Rich - you should read that and attempt to comprehend. (lol - just kidding - stay hivemind)
Trump - no wars.
Biden - The world sure feels free to go to war as they laugh at weak woke corrupt America.
Otoh, maybe that is the only thing that will work. Level Gaza killing everyone. Like we did to Tokyo in Feb 45. Or all the various German cities.
Oh. Wait. That didn't really work either.
In fairness, that worked better than anything that has been tried since.
Biden stands with Israel until such time as his back hurts. Then he'll sit down. Look at the steadfast way American feminists stood with the women of Afghanistan. There's a point--and it's not beyond the horizon--when Biden and the Democrats will stand down in their support of Israel. They did so in Vietnam. They had initially been willing to support the South Vietnamese. It was Johnson's war, but, as time went by, they discovered that the South Vietnamese government just wasn't worthy of their support....Hamas has apparently more in common with Isis than with Marxism, but they're definitely third world rebels. The left gives their true love to third world Marxists, but they're not opposed to any movement that stands in opposition to Western values. In a choice between the Ayatollah and the Shah, they chose the Ayatollah....This won't end well. The Israelis will do a lot of damage to Gaza and kill a lot of people, but they're just not able to inflict the kind of death and destruction that we brought down upon Germany and Japan... I just don't understand how you can reach any kind of condominium with a people who want to kill your mothers, kill your children, and rape and kill your women and now have a history of doing so. And there they are. Millions of them.
LLR-democratical Rich/C****'s deflection tactics simply arent working at all, are they?
And they are certainly failing to shift the focus off the hamas/BLM supporting democraticals with voters.
Looks like Team LLR-democratical needs to signal the bullpen to send in anotjer reliever.
Maybe a southpaw this time?
Words are cheap. Anyone in the media pressing Biden to explain his love affair with Tehran?
You know, its got to be killing Rich/C**** that C**** cannot deviate too far from his "Rich" online persona and revert back to his hack "legal" hot takes since that would sort of give the game away, wouldn't it?
Forced to forever wear the mask...like his democratical-allied Hamas
A fitting fate for such a flawed foible-rich flunky of fascists.
Shorter Biden: How dare these people expose me as a chump!
Notice how defending the border became a thing last week? The National emergency beep.
Almost as if they knew something was coming.
but hey, we have our best transpeople on it.
The best transpeople in the world.
John henry said...
Otoh, maybe that is the only thing that will work. Level Gaza killing everyone. Like we did to Tokyo in Feb 45. Or all the various German cities.
Oh. Wait. That didn't really work either.
Unless that's sardonic or something I'm not getting this part.
Didn't Germany and Japan surrender, live under restricted rules for a while then with our help rebuild into prosperous allies?
The world according to LLR-democratical Rich/C****....
(Deep inside a Hamas bunker in Gaza while furious air raids are taking place and the Iranians are cajoling Hezbollah with sweet sweet democratical cash to open a Northern front against Israel)
Hamas Leader 1: The Israeli's are killing our entire leadership group and our infrastucture is completely destroyed and the Egyptians refuse to open the Rafah corridor!!
Hamas Leader 2: We've asked for massive resupply from the Iranians but they say Phase 3 and 4 of our Grand Plan might have to wait to help out our allies, the Biden family and Obama!
Hamas orderly sitting in the corner: Did you guys hear about this Scalise infidel?
Beiden chose the words, “in this moment we stand with Israel.” Meaning in previous or subsequent moments he may not.
Condi Rice caught what a lot of us missed. He should have called out “state sponsors of terrorism.” Though I suspect we all know why he didn’t, as the sponsor in this case is clearly spelled I-R-A-N.
No joke, man.
He forgot to say that part.
To those who say the Palestinians elected Hamas: in 2007 Hamas won with 44% of the vote. Right now in Gaza, over 70% of the population couldn't vote or wasn't born then.
Hamas is a terrorist organization not a political party or even a ruling one.
" Daniel12 said...
To those who say the Palestinians elected Hamas: in 2007 Hamas won with 44% of the vote. Right now in Gaza, over 70% of the population couldn't vote or wasn't born then.
Hamas is a terrorist organization not a political party or even a ruling one."
If Palestinians didn’t support the actions of Hamas, then why were they out celebrating in the streets and parading around and spitting on the bodies of their victims? Celebrating by handing out candies in glee??
Oligoncella, tommyesq,
There is a considerable body of opinion that strategic bombing of Germany and Japan was non-productive or even counterproductive.
That is, it did not shorten wwii and may have prolonged it.
Many people, NOT including me, question the waging of war on civilians via strategic bombing.
John Henry
"Otoh, maybe that is the only thing that will work. Level Gaza killing everyone. Like we did to Tokyo in Feb 45. Or all the various German cities.
Oh. Wait. That didn't really work either."
I guess I slept through all periodic those missile attacks from Japan and Germany over the past 78 or so years.
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