Said Dave Chappelle, at a show in Raleigh, N.C., quoted in "Dave Chappelle Laments ‘Nightmare’ Facing Israelis and Palestinians/The comedian, whose remarks about the Israel-Hamas war last week made headlines, returned to the subject at a show in North Carolina" (NYT).
“Please, please, miss,” Mr. Chappelle responded. “Listen. Don’t start it up or I’m going to be in the news cycle for another week. This thing that’s happening in the Middle East is bigger than everybody. This is what’s happening and, believe me, I understand what’s happening in Israel is a nightmare.... What’s happening in Palestine is a nightmare.... There’s only two kinds of people in the world: people who love other people and the people that have things to make them afraid to love other people. Pray for everyone in Israel. Pray for everyone in Palestine. And remember that every dead person is a dead person,” he said, calling the situation a “tragedy.”
... Mr. Chappelle noticed a commotion stemming from the arena’s upper level. “That still might be the Jews coming for me,” said Mr. Chappelle.... “Sorry,” Mr. Chappelle said, stretching out the word. “I don’t want the Jews to know what I said.”
ON REFLECTION: I think Chappelle generates these mysteries to get attention to his new show as he works on it in the early stages. Eventually, we'll get the Netflix special and be able to learn what exactly he did say and compare it to what the idiots who weren't quoting him precisely thought he said. It's fine with me if he extends his show into this realm of media performance art.
१२३ टिप्पण्या:
God bless Dave Chappelle and protect him from any violence and harm, as he tries to remind us all that we are God's children.
God bless the Jews, and protect your people who gave us a messiah, the one who will show us the way.
A message for Hamas.
I have no problem with Chappelle. He is, in my opinion, one of the great comedians of all time. And he's not an idiot. He looks at things from other angles. me, he's allowed his opinion. I was not at the 'controversial' show. If he said something that made nice to Hamas, that's a problem. Otherwise, no problem.
“I was misquoted but I won’t tell you what I actually said.”
Hmmm…I like Dave Chappelle, but I suspect he stepped in it here.
"Right now, I’m in trouble because the Jewish community is upset."
The Palestinians have been saying that since the Zionists returned.
The Jews are trying to exist.
Many on the left and the Nazi-Hamas a-holes are a death cult.
Why even bring up the topic?
Chappelle should just stop digging.
We all do stupid stuff and those with humility make amends. Suck it up, Dave, you goofed.
"What’s happening in Palestine."
Pray tell, what is Palestine? Other than Jordan, that is.
"the Jewish community is upset."
You want to live in peace, your enemies want to exterminate you, and their allies engage in both-sideism: yeah, that's a little upsetting.
Dave Chappelle is fast becoming one of the most astute and honest observers we have.
I can believe anything he was purported to say because I saw the Netflix show with the "Space Jews" bit, which he revisited twice that show, neither time with the kind of affection he showed the trans community. To him, Jews are violent colonizers. Period.
Mr. Majestyk said...
"Chappelle should just stop digging."
He said Israel should not engage in war crimes. He said America should not pay for war crimes. He said what Hamas did was a tragedy. And he said we should care for the people of Gaza. Explain what part of that is "digging".
There are too many people who let fighting draw them away from American values. Dave Chappelle is not one of them. People who fight against reparations, when they know it was a deal that America broke, are those kinds of people. They're mean, selfish, ahistorical, and usually old and white. If they're black, they're black people that no other black person gets to talk to, or cares about, like Thomas Sowell, still telling stories about sleeping on fire escapes in the 30s, like that has any resonance for, or relevance to South-Central gangsters in L.A..
Y'all just twisted.
I thought that the “that might be the Jews coming for me” line was funny and I truly hope that the IDF wipes Hamas off the face of the Earth.
Chappelle is a comedian, a very good one.
He's also, in this case, an idiot.
"A dead person is a dead person" is the idiot's way of saying that a dead Hamas terrorist (the target of Israel's attacks) is equivalent to a beheaded Israeli infant (the intended target of Hamas' attacks).
TL;DR: Idiot.
Sebastian said...
"You want to live in peace, your enemies want to exterminate you, and their allies engage in both-sideism: yeah, that's a little upsetting."
I saw a discussion of the Israeli-Hamas problem at Cambridge University. (It's over there, somewhere). A Palestinian woman spoke about how, because of Zionist policies, she could not go home.
Later, two Jewish men spoke. The first one said his family had been chased out of Arab countries, and then he asked where they should go? The next one said his family was from Poland. He asked if his current family should return to Poland? Then he said, "I don't want to go."
The problem was, neither one of the Jewish men explained how their problems with the world became the Palestinian woman's problem, or why their problems equal they get the right to live in her house, on her land, and making her live elsewhere.
Can you do any better?
He is a talented comedian, and has the courage and integrity to wade into social commentary that is sharp-edged. The essence of comedy is to make people laugh even when it stings. But a mistake is still a mistake, and he should handle it better.
Somebody said something. Naturally, this requires mob action.
Quayle said...
"Dave Chappelle is fast becoming one of the most astute and honest observers we have."
Actually, the most astute and honest observers we have are rarely heard from. Where is Bryan Stevenson? Where is Ta-Nehisi Coates? (Whether you agree with him or not, he does know more American history, and black American history, than almost anybody in this country, but we rarely hear from him - probably because people don't want to know our real history). I once heard Rick Perry, the former Governor of Texas, give an amazing speech on race and reparations. Haven't heard him say a word about it since. Nor has he been invited anywhere to do so. The GOP definitely ain't interested.
He probably got the memo.
I sort of feel that the cease-fire crowd wants to make justice for the victims of October 7th impossible.
I suspect, as Althouse suggests, Dave is an attention whore.
Ya gotta love free speech.
Not every gag is an audience winner.
"Suck it up, Dave, you goofed."
How do you know?
Most people don't know and Chapelle doesn't wear it on his sleeve, but he converted to Islam as a teenager. Doesn't mean he automatically hates Israel or Jews in general, but I do think it's going to color his comedy somewhat and that needs to be kept in mind.
I agree with Althouse, Chapelle is milking the incident to some extent.
What did Arnold
then recite?
no he doesn't, chapelle is given credit for truthtelling, well tell us what you said, and we will judge,
"To him, Jews are violent colonizers. Period."
Actually, if you recall the "Kanye West and the Jews" affair, now fading into the rear-view distance, Chappelle's difficulties with Jews are not confined to their activities in the Old World.
Be a comedian, Dave.
Jerry Seinfeld.
Is there something funny about Hamas terrorist a-holes filming their torture and murdering of innocent Jews (and others) and then bragging about about it to the proud Palestinian death cult parents?
Sick fucks.
Crack, “ People who fight against reparations, when they know it was a deal that America broke….”
What deal was that? Was there a contract? Legislation?
Reparations are just a free money grift to favor one race over another. Unconstitutional.
He said Israel should not engage in war crimes. He said America should not pay for war crimes.
I’m pretty sure they’re not pursuing war crimes to engage and I think you are too.
What they are engaging is war but that’s because it’s what Hamas wants and won’t stop at getting. The call for martyrdom is strong. And even if they did want to stop it’s not their decision. This is a proxy war between Iran and America, in this case an Iran that meddles in destabilizing about five non-Iranian Arab countries and counting. So even if America wanted out, just like we left Vietnam after Soviet-backed VC overtook it, I don’t think the Arabs want out and Israel will ruin more goodwill with its actual Arab neighbors by proving how weak it is to stand up to Iran and won’t gain a thing from the Ayatollah/Supreme Leader by doing so. So it has no choice.
This is so way beyond Western effete/black nationalist talk of colonialism I can’t even begin to tell you. Most Israelis are from the Middle East. I now think in retrospect Israel maybe should have shown more goodwill before or immediately after the Barak-Arafat talks broke down and just taken in a few hundred thousand original 1948 refugees who were too old to breed anyway, but it’s kind of hard to do one-way niceties like that when there’s a second intifada going on and bus blow-ups galore.
In any event, I think you’re partial to the Christian view of things. In which case you should really do yourself a favor and watch Mosab Hassan Youssef’s interview with Piers Morgan. Turning the other cheek is nice. Turning over your entire military deterrent is just abandoning Christianity and civilization to the ayatollahs and their self-hating Western useful idiots. I was willing to entertain just letting it all go also, until I saw that interview. If they give up now then the biennial cycle of warfare will accelerate and next time the missiles Hamas uses and the tactics they initiate will make the SS blush. Remember, this is not about the Palestinians and Israelis but about some douchebag in a turban who wants nukes and calls himself the “Supreme Leader.” Better to deal with him now than later.
West TX Intermediate Crude said...
"A dead person is a dead person" is the idiot's way of saying that a dead Hamas terrorist (the target of Israel's attacks) is equivalent to a beheaded Israeli infant (the intended target of Hamas' attacks)."
Oh, you guys and the "beheaded Israeli infant" that nobody's seen, and the "targets" Israel rarely hits. Israel has beheaded tons of kids, using bombs, but you show no concern, even when - you know - Hamas was retaliating for what Israel had done to the Palestinians. Your attitude is for Israel to keep piling on. 7,000 dead is not enough. That most of the dead or women and children means nothing. That most of the dead are civilians means nothing. That the Palestinians did nothing to deserve this means nothing. This is all because Jews wanted to come to Israel.
Not because Palestinians did anything to Jews, but because the Zionists aligned themselves with the racist post-WWII imperial powers (that didn't want therm either).
I think we should stop treating comedians as founts of great wisdom and insight. When did that start anyway? Was it Lenny Bruce or Richard Pryor or George Carlin? I don't think anyone thought The Three Stooges or Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis or Phyllis Diller were supposed to be spouting politically attuned points of view to entertain -or engrage- the audience.
I guess every entertainer now has to be lined up with some particular group or position. I guess the rest of us do as well. It's really impossible to function this way as a society, IMO!
It must be hunting season for Jews again. And since Obama/ Jarrett our Government has sponsored the crazy Iranians with money to buy the weapons. Only The Bad Orange Man reversed that operation until he got a storm of incoming from everywhere to steal his re-election. Now the 2024 return of Jew loving Trump is forcing Iran to launch its Extermination of Israel immediately.
The Jews had better fight back hard and fast or they will all be dead. And that fight is becoming an acid test revealing who loves the Jews and who hates the Jews. Fence sitters are no longer invited to posture anymore.
One of the finest comedians in all the history of the unique art form which is stand up comedy. I salute Mr. Chappelle.
Dave Chappelle is a brilliant comedian and a critical thinker with a unique perspective on current events that often goes against the mainstream narrative. I like how people went to a Chappelle show, then said they felt "unsafe". Are you familiar with the man's work? Like Carlin and Pryor before him, he's opposed to your cloying ideas of challenge-free safety.
The problem was, neither one of the Jewish men explained how their problems with the world became the Palestinian woman's problem, or why their problems equal they get the right to live in her house, on her land, and making her live elsewhere.
Sounds like she doesn’t have a problem. She’s either living safely in Londonstan or West Bankistan and basically thinks she has a human rights issue because ten miles away a country that’s NOT run by The Shi’ite Imamate Islamic Theocracy of Iran exists and ensures rights for more or less all who are there. But just without an open border. Oh no.
If she thinks what 20th century Zionism did (it existed for millennia) was so wrong then her request to do her own form of it must also be wrong or at least a form of double-speak. In any event, purchasing land should not be counted as an atrocity. If I rented an an apartment and my landlord sold the building I guess I’d momentarily feel “dispossessed” too but taking up RPGs and raids to “correct” it decades later is so extreme that I’d kind of expect how the sherif responded afterward.
Both Israelis and Palestinians come from the same people. They’re incredibly obnoxious and obsessively disputatious but one is allied with the west and the other side forgot their identity and does the bidding of the ayatollahs. No other mid-east country wants to take either of these annoying children. I’m fine with letting them both go on their own to either figure out how to live together or blow each other up but then I see things like that interview with Mosab Hassan Youssef and realize that there still is a side worth taking as long as civilization matters more than always needing to get your way and thinking you’re right no matter what.
I have a new policy on the conflict whereby I tune out anyone who thinks only one side has anything worth saying. Except in the US. It looks like we’ve chosen the right side and to give that up to make a spell-casting sorcerer like the ayatollah happy is just nuts.
Among other things I like is that a woman interrupted his set by shouting, "Free Palestine."
And he recognized Israel in response.
“Please, please, miss,” Mr. Chappelle responded. “Listen. Don’t start it up or I’m going to be in the news cycle for another week. This thing that’s happening in the Middle East is bigger than everybody. This is what’s happening and, believe me, I understand what’s happening in Israel is a nightmare..."
There are any number of cowards who will not say "Israel" and who are trying to hide the atrocities of Hamas.
Chappelle is also speaking for the people in Gaza, obviously, and his heart bleeds at the loss of innocent life there. Mine does too. I do not like the deaths of any babies. Pro-lifers love babies, regardless of anything else.
Babies are innocent of these crimes.
We should all strive to be a humanitarian like Dave Chappelle.
Dave Chappelle vs the Ayatollah Khomeini
Where is Bryan Stevenson?
I don't know where he is now, but he was at All Saints Hall at my church when I saw him last.
The Crack Emcee:
"Right now, I’m in trouble because the Jewish community is upset."
The Palestinians have been saying that since the Zionists returned.
I'll let Mosab Hassan Yousef, the eldest son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef respond.
Chappelle must not have gotten the memo that there is no humor in Islam.
I keep this bit of video bookmarked for just such occasions.
Israel has beheaded tons of kids, using bombs, but you show no concern, even when - you know - Hamas was retaliating for what Israel had done to the Palestinians.
Hamas is not “retaliating.” It’s pursuing its sole foreign policy objective of endless jihad. As one of their young recruits said when calling home from a kibbutz while bragging to mom and dad about having just killed ten Jews, “it’s too late to go back! Either martyrdom or victory!”
He may or may not have been the one to have attempted the beheading undertaken with a garden hoe. A much more “civilized” war tactic with obviously much more civilized aims, or so you would have everyone believe.
It’s not about grievances but about a cult of barbarism. The veteran war journalists shown footage from the attack could barely keep it together. The barbarians feel proud of the carnage and welcome your mistaken confusion of that pride for “justice.”
Any other deadly sins you’d like to perpetuate?
The Crack Emcee:
Oh, you guys and the "beheaded Israeli infant" that nobody's seen.
You are not the whole world. The IDF showed footage of those infants and more to news organizations. I used to read a Mexican newspaper back when and they routinely printed photographs of corpses. The one that made me stop was an eight year old (or so) boy who hanged himself because his brother died. Ghouls.
Just because we don't show that sort of shit here publicly doesn't mean it hasn't been seen.
Didn't you recently say it boggles you that people on the Internet write their assertions as if they were fact?
You're a prime example.
Compare and Contrast, the Liberal reaction to:
Lenny Bruce vs.
Dave Chappelle
You can tell who runs society by who you can make fun of.
I saw him in Milwaukee. It was one of the most diverse in age, gender, race, etc. I was seated next to a woman that appeared middle eastern. When the show started we high fived our neighbors and - even though not all of the jokes hit - everyone laughed their asses off. He did end with some remarks about the conflict. If I recall he echoed what was quoted from N.C. I got the sense he was more sympathetic to the Palestinians. I don’t know. It is all nightmarish though. That’s for sure.
"Dave Chappelle is fast becoming one of the most astute and honest observers we have." He is a comedian who likely has no more insight than the rest of us.
5000 rockets and 1400 slaughtered later, David Rubin provides this take: "To clear up any confusion for the morally bankrupt ... Who would Hitler be rooting for RIGHT NOW?" (Emphasis added.)
I'm pretty old, but growing up we shook our heads believing that sanctioning the Holocaust was unthinkable. Anyone who believes that now is blind and stupid.
Oh yeah, this obnoxious douchebag is such a peacemaker, he just don't want "The Jews" coming for him... Fucking lib prick. Sanctimonious shithead. There are two kinds of Democrat Party members in the world right now, the ones openly hating Jews, and the ones couching their poison in anodyne bromides about "peace" which poorly disguises their delight to see the Jews massacred and their distress at seeing the Jewish reprisal.
hpudding said...
As one of their young recruits said when calling home from a kibbutz while bragging to mom and dad about having just killed ten Jews, “it’s too late to go back! Either martyrdom or victory!”
This is 75 years later and you have the nerve to say there's no retaliation.
hpudding said...
Hamas is not “retaliating.”
You can keep saying that, but nobody believes it, because the facts don't say that.
Last time I looked he was a performer who needs people to watch him so he can make money.
He is apparently quite funny, but even funny people need publicity and crowds if they want to eat...
Btw, do white people have a 'Community'?
Everyone else does...
"Like Carlin and Pryor before him, he's opposed to your cloying ideas of challenge-free safety."
Am I mistaken? Isn't Rich one of our lefty trolls? That would explain his confusion.
Most of us here understand the challenges to our safety, Rich. It's why we own guns.
Guaranteed, more than one audience member recorded the show.
"We should stop pretending like the real goal is to take out Hamas, because nothing in [the Israeli's] actions, thus far, suggests that that's consistent with the goal,...This is just all about retribution."
- Krystal and Saagar, Breaking Points
hpudding said...
"It’s not about grievances but about a cult of barbarism."
First, anyone trying to talk to me about cults has to know how stupid they sound. Second, anyone who suggests that an atheist is down with Hamas has to know how stupid they sound. Third, anyone who's stupid enough to patronize other people about this subject -[ like you're the only one who knows what's going on and has to explain it to the others - has to know how stupid they sound.
What you're all trying to get around is the fact that there's another argument to be made. And it's not the narrative you're all in love with. For some reason, you can except that's true when it comes to Donald Trump, but you can't accept it for anything else.
So you're hypocrites. And big ones.
Reasonable, peace loving Hamas warrior would not decapitate a baby. However,
"CINCINNATI - An Ohio woman accused of decapitating her 3-month-old daughter had been ordered by a court to stay away from the child, a prosecutor said Tuesday.
Officials say that when police went to a Cincinnati home on Monday, they found the baby decapitated and stabbed multiple times with a large chef's knife. They said the infant, Jayniah, was on a kitchen counter, and her mother, 20-year-old Deasia Watkins, was found in bed, covered with blood."
"Missouri Mom Decapitated 6-Year-Old Son and Family Dog, Told 911 ‘The Devil Was Trying to Attack Her’: "
"Texas woman accused of beheading, eating infant son"
Oligonicella said...
The Palestinians have been saying that since the Zionists returned.
I'll let Mosab Hassan Yousef, the eldest son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef respond.
See how dumb you are? I mentioned the Palestinians and you start talking about Hamas - who are not the Palestinians.
When are you gonna stop making those people pay for what Hamas does?
So other than being a racist, Crack is also an anti-semite.
Who woulda thunk it?
Chappelle is a comedian. and pushes the is ultimately free speech. it is funny or not, that is purely subjective.
What he actually said is a mystery. And he will bring it up, but won't say it again. attention whore? I have no idea
people who didn't like what he said left. Some people laughed. Comedy is good for making people think about issues from a different point of view.
making this into a black vs white issue, or a Jew vs Palestinian issue, is what people like crack love to do. Right or wrong is a meaningless distinction when race and religion is your cudgel to swing.
I'm reminded of Steve Harvey and Seinfeld talk about doing jokes about tragedies, and when is too soon. they both agreed that comedians always found the 'funny' part way before the rest of us. I think it was Seinfeld comedians getting coffee thing?
You guys can't get Hamas and the Palestinians separated in your heads. Let's bring it home:
Basically, you'd kill all the blacks in South Central, Los Angeles, because the Crips and the Bloods commit crimes. It doesn't matter to you that all the blacks in South Central, Los Angeles are not in the Crips and the Bloods. They committed no crimes. All that matters to you is that some of their sons have joined the Crips and Bloods. So everybody has to suffer and die.
And then you wonder why you're not the good guys.
"I think we should stop treating comedians as founts of great wisdom and insight. When did that start anyway? Was it Lenny Bruce or Richard Pryor or George Carlin?"
It was a mistake letting entertainers do anything more than entertain during WWII.
I admire Dave Chappelle for being generally fearless. Doesn't mean he's always "right" (whatever that means in the context of "Comedy").
But, as Narciso points out, saying he was misquoted but not saying what he actually said is kind of weaselly. (Or Trumpian--he should have said "Fake News!" and let them figure it out).
"He said Israel should not engage in war crimes. He said America should not pay for war crimes. He said what Hamas did was a tragedy."
Ahem: Did he say that what Hamas did was "war crimes?" Or did he say that "A tragedy happened?"
There is a huge difference. And if he said the latter he's a coward.
Chappelle is a comedian. A performer providing entertainment, in exchange for compensation.
That's not a role with very many restrictions beyond what the market will bear.
In particular, there is no expectation that Chappelle provide anyone's notion of Truth. You don't find him entertaining, withhold your attention.
Expressing an opinion regarding Chappelle's entertainment is an amplification of that entertainment, an advertisement to people who might be interested in giving Chappelle attention in the future. Expressions of outrage, laughter, or fondness all seek out a greater audience.
All fine by me.
Chappelle makes fun of everybody. He's a humanist, in my view.
My favorite Chappelle skit is this one, when he mocks the very idea of race. Brilliant humor.
(I was surprised when I saw that skit years later. Holy shit, that's Bill Burr!)
you will never see quotation marks
It’s all hearsay
And I will not repeat what I said
It doesn't look like he's denying he said it, just saying that they can't prove it.
Gawd I'm sick of the "We don't hate Jews, just the Zionists" so it's OK to send in terrorists to rape, burn and kill (even targeting) civilians. But the same people say Hamas is not all Palestinians so leave them alone...
Convenient verbiage to have it both ways.
'Reparations are just a free money grift to favor one race over another. Unconstitutional.'
I am all for reparations assuming contracts are signed and all forms of affirmative action are banned forever, even if it takes a constitutional amendment.
It's the only way to keep blacks from constantly complaining instead of competing like everyone else...
I’m missing the part where Israel is an apartheid state or the Palestinians are “caged” or colonized. Israel left the Gaza entirely, with not incidentally, 25 miles of premium Mediterranean beach front and a land area very considerably larger and only slightly larger population than Manhattan. That they cannot thrive and find happiness is strictly their problem.
Lost in all the JewHate is the fact that over 20% of Israeli citizens are Arabs. Arabic is the second most spoken language in Israel.
Whatever sense one can make out of the the morass of history in the region, in no sense are the Israelis the primary source of the problems.
- Krumhorn
You can keep saying that, but nobody believes it, because the facts don't say that.
What facts? The facts of a founding charter that quotes 10th century sorcerers? I thought you found 75 years to be the magick number, not ten centuries. LOL.
What you're all trying to get around is the fact that there's another argument to be made.
And no one respects the answer to it you’ve come up with except for a guy in a funny hat who replaced the taxi driver in Tehran. None of their fellow Arab rulers are going to support disestablishing Israel, so keep making its existence a perpetual grievance all you want. A preference for crying over doing something useful is big on college campuses, too.
First, anyone trying to talk to me about cults has to know how stupid they sound.
Oh, that’s impressive. The “me so smart” fist in the air move. So you support the land over lives cult, then - and not the Ayatollah willing to actually arm it? With all your brains maybe it’s time you put away the toy keyboard and actually told us what you’re doing to be a part of whatever impressive solution I’m sure you’ve put so much poetry into - even if your prose is piss poor. ;-)
”I'll let Mosab Hassan Yousef, the eldest son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef respond.”
See how dumb you are? I mentioned the Palestinians and you start talking about Hamas - who are not the Palestinians.
When are you gonna stop making those people pay for what Hamas does?
WOW! Talk about dumb!
First of all, the kid is a PALESTINIAN! So who are you to say that HIS voice doesn’t count? Just an American Farrakhan Follower who wants to silence an actual Palestinian who spent time in Israeli jails!?
Second, he sure as heck isn’t even speaking for Hamas! That’s the whole point of what he has to say. He has nothing to do with them. And he doesn’t feel he’s being made to pay for anything by whomever they’re fighting, either. Talk about lumping all Palestinians in with Hamas! That’s exactly what you just did! The same way you lump all Israelis in with what some settlers and organized terrorist groups did 75 years ago.
Just keep pretending you know anything. Let’s see how many more rounds you can go without even looking anything up about Mosab Hassan Youssef and completely mischaracterizing him. While pretending you know anything first-hand or even second-hand. Have you ever been there or are you just a conflict colonizer? An interloper pretending to speak about his deep knowledge of the Middle East based on, you know… life in California.
Have you ever considered auditioning to become an adjunct college lecturer? Maybe just fill out an application with nothing on it but the one word, “WOKE.” ;-) They’ll hire you in a heartbeat.
Yup. Krystal Ball and Saagar Enteji. A white European conflict colonizer and an Indian-American conflict colonizer. True know-it-alls! Coming in from abroad to dictate how the Middle East should be!
FullMoon said...
"Missouri Mom Decapitated 6-Year-Old Son and Family Dog, Told 911 ‘The Devil Was Trying to Attack Her’: "
I don't know about the rest of you, but I see a society overflowing with God, Jesus, angels, Satan, quackery, misinformation, fraud, every New Age belief under the sun, Buddhist and Hindu pieties, mysteries of the unknown, the Pope, psychics, chiropractors, every random conspiracy theory a person could possibly imagine - plus much, much more - and, I wonder, what result do you think you're going to get?
Hitler, Himmler, and Hess just needed a few psychics, conspiracy theorists, and quacks to end up putting Jews in ovens according to their "logic." We're waaay past that, when it comes to the acceptance of such absurdities, so we live with all manner of atrocities. Remember, that's just one story. There's many stories like that, and worse, out there (I don't think Ann's touched on the "Cult Mom" Lori Vallow (and Chad Daybell) killing her kids for being "demons"). I list many on my blog, but include Israel and Hamas as two religious groups that have currently killed about 3,000 Palestinian kids, so that's me. I see everybody believing in something more than what we're actually dealing with. It's like what I was saying about my time here, often spent batting down assumptions and narratives, so rarely dealing with real issues. Instead, we have arguments. What else could there be?
I would think an intelligent society would be rolling back absurdities. Instead, America uses them for everything from entertainment to being embraced as their deepest and most cherished beliefs. So no one does anything, as everything goes to shit. Even when tragedy after tragedy after tragedy happens, no one does anything. Except turn back to their absurdities for comfort. (Open your mothafuckin' Bibles.) Like I said a few days ago, about that pilot on mushrooms: in this society, reality's being toyed with so much, instead of being a definite no-no, crashing that plane was as attractive as the Barbie movie.
Hamss slaughters innocent Jews, takes hundreds hostage, and hides behind these hostages and innocent Gazans. If Israel tries to strike the Hamas terrorists, it will inevitably end up killing some innocents. Whose fault is that? Hamas's. The alternative is to do nothing, which would be insane.
All this really is quite elementary, but at least one person posting here apparently doesn't get it.
Althouse said… “Eventually, we'll get the Netflix special and be able to learn what exactly he did say and compare it to what the idiots who weren't quoting him precisely thought he said.”
I wouldn’t take that to the bank. Nearly everything we read and definitely everything we watch in mainstream outlets like Netflix has been pre approved by the censorship complex in place right now.
If you doubt it, check Taibbi’s Substack.
Wow, Crack, this Jooooooz thing really has you . . . exercised. Never seen you quite like this.
“Scholars who study Hamas have warned that any attempt to eliminate the group, as Israel has vowed to do, could plant the seeds for more violence and extremism, deepening Palestinian feelings of subjugation under Israeli
occupation and control.”
They have no interest in peace. None whatsoever.
What so hard about recognizing that dead babies are equal and that killing 5000 Palestinian civilians because Hamas killed 1000 Israeli's is WRONG.
Always this bizzare attitude that if you kill a baby by dropping a bomb on him is somehow a big yawn, but "BEHEADING BABIES" in person is the greatest outrage ever.
I wonder how many of these internet tough guys with their "Kill all 'em all, they're human shields" types, blubbered and cried over George Floyd, or consider executing murderers "barbaric".
What's even more bizzare is the US Government was NOT dropping bombs on Arabs right after 911, and Bush never suggested we needed to "retaliate" by killing 20,000 Arab Civilians. But Biden all the GOPe and Democrats are just fine with Israel killing and killing and killing. No humanity. No soul. No drop of American Patriotism.
"Hey israel, we're so sad you're killing arabs in Gaza, but if you need more bombs, just give us a call"
Or maybe you could stick to comedy and not be running your mouth about international affairs in the first place.
Ever think of that?
His take in Jussie Smollette.
His take on Jussie Smollette.
Sounds like classic Chapelle yada yada yada to try to extricate himself when he overstepped and let people know how he really felt. Which is why he won't repeat it, and is praying nobody recorded him.
Funny how he tripped all over himself to repeat what he said about trans people when they put him on the hot seat for that.
I, for one, would like to hear what Crack and rcocean suggest Israel do. If they were the Israeli Prime Minister, what actions would they take to protect Israeli citizens from Hamas terror attacks while avoiding all casualties among the non-Hamas Gazans?
'Always this bizzare attitude that if you kill a baby by dropping a bomb on him is somehow a big yawn, but "BEHEADING BABIES" in person is the greatest outrage ever.'
You're losing it.
One side regrets it and tries to avoid it.
The other side revels in it and hides behind women and children when retaliation comes.
These two things are not the same...
"You guys can't get Hamas and the Palestinians separated in your heads."
Well of course they are separate. Hamas is engaged in Islamic Jihad. Palestinians are the people telling the world where the hostages are, those students here condemning the terrorism, the ones everywhere separating themselves from jihad. They weren't the people cheering in the streets of Gaza, spitting on the hostages. And all those Islamists worldwide flooding the streets and cheering terrorism are just supporters of "retribution", right Crack? /S
Retribution my ass. How about: Hamas fires 5000 rockets on Israel population centers; Israel fires 5000 on Gaza City. Fair enough? No? Why not?
Of course not. We have to deal with the cognitive dissonance of the "Free Palestine" crackpots, or here, Crack Emcee. Israeli Jews, bad. Hamas, good. Then Hamas does the unthinkable. Cognitive dissonance requires denial or cranking up the Jew hate or both.
Make your argument. When it hasn’t gotten any traction after 25 to 30 attempts, a sane person would normally choose to recognize that fact and STFU.
rcocean 3:36: Oversimplify and mischaracterize much?
This was a very interesting interview, thanks. He makes a lot of good points however I find it hard to believe that the Palestinians are going to be celebrating in the streets and thinking Israel for destroying Hamas.
He also makes very good points about how the Palestinians have really suffered mostly from their corrupt leadership. Also appreciate his aspirations for Palestinian children to get education and have a life.
Blogger Oligonicella said
I'll let Mosab Hassan Yousef, the eldest son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef respond
MalaiseLongue: "Wow, Crack, this Jooooooz thing really has you . . . exercised. Never seen you quite like this."
What you have to understand is Crack's invincible historical ignorance is wedded to this strange belief that no jews lived in Judea/Israel for 3000 years and then "whammo!" essentially a whitey zionist entity comprised of remnants of Robert E Lee's Army of Northern VA + Nazi's + the entire cast of the Dukes of Hazard suddenly appeared in the fictional land of "Palestine" and drove out all the brown people living in harmony with nature and in peace and love with each other.
What so hard about recognizing that dead babies are equal and that killing 5000 Palestinian civilians because Hamas killed 1000 Israeli's is WRONG.
By that "logic," all war is wrong, because civilians die. We should not have gone to war against Japan in 1941 simply because they killed a couple thousand Americans at Pearl Harbor. After all, at least half a million Japanese civilians died as a result. Or is this a special rule that only applies to Jews?
All this really is quite elementary, but at least one person posting here apparently doesn't get it.
At least two. I used to think that Jew-hatred among non-Muslims was predominantly on the left, at least 10 to 1. Reading the comments here is making me rethink that.
MalaiseLongue said...
"Wow, Crack, this Jooooooz thing really has you . . . exercised. Never seen you quite like this."
Funny, how you don't say the Palestinian people have me animated, but say it's the Jews. Please point out where I've been talking about the Jews, exclusively, and/or excessively. Show me where I've persecuted them as bad people. I'd like to understand how you came to this conclusion.
Israel is now up to killing 7000 people. Not members of Hamas but just people. And we give them money for that. Our new Republican speaker made it his first order of business. Not taking care of us, but taking care of them. Those people haven't done anything to deserve what the US, colonial European powers (and Zionists) dished out. They are the ones who refused the Jews, before and during WWII, and they are the ones who should pay for it.
George Flloyd,
Coroner was paid off, pressured.
Full sequence looka a lot more like drug induced excited delirium.
The Chapelle joke about space Jews was a hint of his prejudice. The fact that he repeated the joke twice emphasized his intention to harass. I think he did it twice hoping for a bigger reaction. Maybe he overstepped after that, and has realized it wasn’t just Jews who got offended.
I fully recognize the disgusting bigotry of his position that Jews shouldn’t have been allowed to return to the Middle East and don’t deserve to have a country. It’s the same belief system held by Hamas and some people closer to home, only Hamas actually dedicate their lives to destroying Israel and murdering Jews.
I find prejudice against any group is reprehensible but no one can convince a hater not to hate. They always deflect and I suspect Chapelle will find a way. He’s extremely clever.
It’s disappointing because I really have enjoyed his comedy.
FTR this is the big time, fearless free speech dude that re talking about the terrible tranies, even when the powerful woke-mind-virus society hates his free speech. We are told.
But, he won't repeat what he said re Israel/Palestine. He's afraid to jabber about that....rather it's best to stick w/ just trashing trainies and the woke-mind-virus that is said to be so powerful.
Logic is tricky.
Dave Begley said...
"Crack, “ People who fight against reparations, when they know it was a deal that America broke….”
What deal was that? Was there a contract? Legislation?
Reparations are just a free money grift to favor one race over another. Unconstitutional."
And like the Danes and their Danegeld, once you start paying you'll never stop paying.
Jim @3:52
Could you provide what credentials are needed to comment on international affairs?
Or is this just your racist version on "shut up and dribble"?(be the Kings Jester)
This whole kerfuffle is exactly the Treatment Trump has gotten since he came down his Golden Escalator.
Like Trump, Chappelle is getting attention by disrespecting the self declared elites. For his indiscretion, he will be subjected to harassment by lies.
I fully recognize the disgusting bigotry of his position that Jews shouldn’t have been allowed to return to the Middle East and don’t deserve to have a country.
I know you are in support of Israel, but this plays into the notion that Jews had left the Middle East. Before 1948 there were something like half a million Jews living in the Middle East, communities dating back to biblical times, where they were generally treated as second-class citizens at best. Roughly half of the early population of Israel was Jews who fled or were forced out of other parts of the Middle East, along with those who were already there.
A few points worth noting:
1. It's true that not all Palestinians are Hamas. For instance, the rocket that supposedly destroyed a hospital and killed 500 people, which did in fact strike a parking lot, killing 10-20 people, was not fired by Hamas. Nor was it fired by Israel. It was fired by Palestinian Islamic Jihad. There are said to be 6-10 other armed groups in Gaza besides Hamas, but they're all trying just as hard to kill Jews. If there is any political party in Gaza opposed to killing Jews, they have not made themselves known.
2. The only evidence that Israel has killed 7000 in Gaza is the word of Hamas, and people who murder, torture, rape, mutilate, and abuse hostages never have any problem with lying. Thinking they would is like thinking a professional Mafia hit man would not stoop to lying, or jaywalking, and that would be stupid. Hamas is of course far beyond the Mafia in brutality.
3. Hamas routinely claims that Palestinians are all civilians, so even killing an armed Hamasite in the very act of killing Jews is a 'war crime'. They also claim that all 'settlers' are legitimate targets, so none of what they did three weeks ago, even what they did to babies and nonagenarians, counts as a war crime. Both claims are of course vicious lies, believed only by very stupid people, and passed on only by the stupid, the vicious, and the insane.
Always this bizzare attitude that if you kill a baby by dropping a bomb on him is somehow a big yawn, but "BEHEADING BABIES" in person is the greatest outrage ever.
I don't notice anyone who thinks it's boring or nothing or whatever a "big yawn" is supposed to mean. Any difference in reactions is because people see a difference between an intentional act of one person beheading another and deaths that are due to proximity to a military target. When a government locates military bases or launches rockets from residential areas, schools, and hospitals, the victim of their attacks can either not respond or respond and risk killing civilians. Israel is not intentionally going after civilians.
If you have a solution, please suggest it.
Wow, Crack, this Jooooooz thing really has you . . . exercised. Never seen you quite like this.
This is the script every time he shows up. The first while, he's somewhat non-combative. He then degenerates into a rage over either politics, cults or race. Mostly the latter two.
I await his next stage as before.
The Crack Emcee:
I don't know about the rest of you, but I see a society overflowing with God, Jesus, angels, Satan, quackery, misinformation, fraud, every New Age belief under the sun, Buddhist and Hindu pieties, mysteries of the unknown, the Pope, psychics, chiropractors, every random conspiracy theory a person could possibly imagine - plus much, much more ...
Yes, we know you're deeply paranoid. You even say so, providing excuses for your state.
I would think ...
"Would" being the operative word.
How's that response concerning your assertions as fact re Baum coming along, Crack?
I just heard Israel has killed over 7,000 people - 13 are confirmed members of Hamas. They also may have killed 50 hostages.
Good Times.
“Who are these people?!”
—- Jerry Seinfeld
Its amazing how many anti-woke, anti-cancel culture conservatives and neo-cons are now braying for people to be doxxed, cancelled, and destroyed because they are Pro-Palestine
Chappelle should be able to Joke about Israel and Palestine all he wants. He's an American talking about foreigners.
And Biden and Blinken are now "casting doubt" on how many arabs in Gaza have been killed. "I dont trust their numbers". Shades of "There is no Antifa". The Palestine Health Authority responded by publishing the the names and addresses of thousands of civilians who've been killed or injured by Israel.
Biden and BLinken are such souless scum. "Yeah, Hamas are liars". Look, they both know that Israel has dropped thousands and thousands of bombs on Gaza, one of the most densely packed places in the world. What do they think happened when a 1000 Lbs. bomb hits an apartment building full of civilians?
He's trying to thread a needle that cannot be threaded.
Full Speech Pakistan UN Envoy Munir Akram: "Israel Committed Original Sin"
The Palestine Health Authority responded by publishing the the names and addresses of thousands of civilians who've been killed or injured by Israel.
Yeah, been done before and we've seen them later on video walking around.
Q to ponder
and vice versa
an endless circle
Chappelle should be able to Joke about Israel and Palestine all he wants. He's an American talking about foreigners.
I have no problem with Chappelle joking about Israel and Palestine. We live in a free country.
I’m mostly entertained by Crack’s willful ignorance. I mean, I understand that he resents Israel and the Jews, because their successes show that there’s a better choice than wallowing in self-pity over historical injustices, and Crack is wallowing made flesh. But his assertion that history started in 1948 is uninformed even by Crack standards. Even if Pakistan’s envoy to the UN(!) agrees with him.
Pookie Number 2 said...
"I’m mostly entertained by Crack’s willful ignorance. I mean, I understand that he resents Israel and the Jews..."
You understand? I've already mentioned that the trial of being on this blog is having to live with white people's stupid assumptions (assumptions are almost always stupid). You guys have vivid imaginations, that you just let run wild, and then you pin whatever you come up with on someone else. It's really fascinating. Like, I haven't really given much thought to the success of the Jews - considering they're still trying to find a safe place to exist - but I'm glad someone's brought that resentment (I've never felt or considered) to my attention. I'll look out for it.
As usual, yours is a post without any links, or any real information. Just calling me names and making assertions blindly. How helpful. Yet, even though you provide nothing of substance, I'm accused of being "willfully ignorant." Is there a manual, that you consult, about how to be unfair, or are you just winging it?
I need to know so I can tell the others,...
"By that 'logic,' all war is wrong, because civilians die."
“Blogger The Crack Emcee said...
I just heard Israel has killed over 7,000 people - 13 are confirmed members of Hamas. They also may have killed 50 hostages.”
7500, Crack. Don’t forget the hospital bombing!
Mr. Majestyk said...
"I, for one, would like to hear what Crack and rcocean suggest Israel do. If they were the Israeli Prime Minister, what actions would they take to protect Israeli citizens from Hamas terror attacks while avoiding all casualties among the non-Hamas Gazans?"
I think to suggest rcocean or I must have an answer to this question, just because we want the truth to hold sway over a Zionist narrative, is a mistake. But, since you do want an answer, I think acknowledging the truth never hurt anything. It would take some of the steam out of the whole thing. It would be one less thing to argue about. The truth, also, is a pathway to a one state solution. Not two. Which is better than trying to get everybody to leave, whether you define "everybody" who would have to as the Zionists or the Palestinians.
Drago said...
"What you have to understand is Crack's invincible historical ignorance is wedded to this strange belief that no jews lived in Judea/Israel for 3000 years"
Before 1948 there were about 1 million Palestinians, and about 10% of them were Jews.
You clearly don't know what I think, but don't let that stop your smear machine.
Robert Cook said...
"By that 'logic,' all war is wrong, because civilians die."
A little slow on the up-take there: I was watching a Cambridge University debate on the Palestinian conflict, and after a Palestinian woman spoke, a Jewish man stood up and passionately told the crowd to think of Iran, and how Israel is the only bulwark against the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the Middle East. After he finished, the Palestinian woman asked how Israel can be against nuclear weapons in the Middle East, when Israel is the ONLY country with nuclear weapons in the Middle East?
Again: a little slow on the up-take.
You guys have vivid imaginations, that you just let run wild
This from the guy who - when he takes a break from begging for handouts - shrieks nonstop about racist bogeymen under his bed.
It’s not a shock that you don’t understand your own motivations. That would require intelligence and introspection, and there, alas, you’re 0 for 2.
If you actually need a link to understand the historical connection between the Jews and Israel, you’re honestly beyond help.
Yet, even though you provide nothing of substance, I'm accused of being "willfully ignorant."
There’s no reason to assume good faith on the part of someone who continues to brainlessly parrot Hamas’ death numbers immediately after they proved - on a global basis - to be false. But for the benefit of those that are actually interested in understanding history better than Crack’s cartoonish “The Jews came and displaced millions of peace-loving Palestinians”, start with Dershowitz’s The Case for Israel.
Could you provide what credentials are needed to comment on international affairs?
Or is this just your racist version on "shut up and dribble"?(be the Kings Jester)
Not sure just what was 'racist' about my comment. I've seen Chappelle before. He is/was a comedian.
I don't expect views on international affairs from comedians anymore than I expect comedy from the Secretary of State.
Pookie Number 2 said...
"There’s no reason to assume good faith on the part of someone who continues to brainlessly parrot Hamas’ death numbers,..."
"No reason" - after I specifically mentioned it. So you're now acting like a shitty TDS-suffering liberal discussing Trump, and rather than hold a conversation like a normal person, you're gonna make up the rules on your own about what you must provide in order to be credible yourself. You just make it up all on your own. I ask for info - You say you don't have to do anything because,...I'm so loathsome. Really? What are you? 15 years old?
You need to take a course in self-awareness before you talk to me again.
Pookie Number 2 said...
"If you actually need a link to understand the historical connection between the Jews and Israel, you’re honestly beyond help."
I think this is why white people needed slaves. You just don't want to do the work yourself.
The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...
"7500, Crack. Don’t forget the hospital bombing!"
I'm not sure if that's sarcasm or not: The latest information out there says no one's sure who bombed the hospital, so why would I blame Israel? Or, are you still buying and spreading the Israeli propaganda that says Hamas did it, when no one knows for sure?
Jim at said...
"I don't expect views on international affairs from comedians anymore than I expect comedy from the Secretary of State."
Today, because I have an unfavorable opinion of the creation of Israel,, someone on this blog demanded I solve the Middle East problem. Like merely having an opinion, on one thing, means you're supposed to be, or are claiming to be, an expert on any other. Have you seen the movie Idiocracy?
There's not a lot of logic floating around here.
When I read the calculus here of what Israel can and can’t do for its security I guess I see some rules developing.
1. If an enemy attacks your civilians, you are allowed to attack them, but only kill as many as they killed, and detain as many as they injured, then you stop and wait for them to do it again. There is no right to resolve the problem.
2. But before the above, you have to be judged over the arc of history, and particularly, if someone was displaced from land, regardless of the cause, like being paid for it, or loosing a war they started, you are not allowed to respond, your attacker gets a free shot. This is the “my victims parents were bad” clause.
3. And also, the attacker and attacked must be rated on a scale of power. If an economically successful group is attacked by a group that is in poverty or living off of subsidy, the successful victim group is required to shake their head and say, oh, these poor poor people need me to give them more money.
Like merely having an opinion, on one thing, means you're supposed to be, or are claiming to be, an expert on any other.
Okay, this one was hilarious. No-one expects Crack to be an expert on anything except whining and screeching about largely non-existent racism.
I ask for info - You say you don't have to do anything because,...I'm so loathsome.
Hamas is loathsome; you’re simply pathetic.
But you’re welcome to actually read a book on the history of Israel in the unlikely event that you’re actually interested in understanding what you’re discussing.
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