Gallup announces new poll results and illustrates its news with this photograph, as if to explain:

The text makes the argument:
Immediately after the attack, Biden pledged “rock solid and unwavering” support for Israel from the U.S., and he subsequently visited the country on Oct. 18 to reiterate that message....
But Biden has faced criticism from some members of his party for aligning too closely with Israel and not doing enough for the Palestinians.... Early this year, Gallup found that for the first time in the U.S., Democrats’ sympathies for the Palestinians outpaced those for the Israelis.
[The new poll] results strongly suggest that Democrats’ approval of Biden fell sharply in the aftermath of the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas and Biden’s promise of full support for Israel on the same day....
Meanwhile, I'm seeing this in the NYT, which seems to cut in the other direction: "Primary Battles Brew Over Progressive Democrats’ Stances on Israel/Representative Summer Lee of Pennsylvania, who joined calls for a cease-fire, has become one of several progressive lawmakers facing new pressure from primary challengers."
That says there are Democratic incumbents who side with Palestinians who are vulnerable to challengers who — like Biden — side with Israel.What are Democrats supposed to do? Even for Democrats who are not running for political office, there is confusion about which side to take:
[F]or many Jews, especially Jewish Democrats, the emotional cost of the conflict goes beyond politics. Older Jews, recoiling still from the carnage in Israel, find themselves confronted even by their children, who see the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in starkly different terms than the post-Holocaust narrative of heroic Zionism on which they were raised. The Israeli pioneers who made the desert bloom and defended the new state with their lives have been replaced, in a newer narrative, by colonial settlers displacing and oppressing the Holy Land’s rightful inhabitants.
११० टिप्पण्या:
Despite old crooks Joe's tumble.. His handlers are confident he will win.
Even for Democrats who are not running for political office, there is confusion about which side to take
That can happen when you lack integrity and everything is a tactic.
President Joe Biden’s job approval rating among Democrats has tumbled ... to 75%
Partisanship makes people stupid. Very stupid.
What are Democrats supposed to do?
They should enjoy their circular firing squad.
Isn’t that what they call the pro-Palestine wing?
The Squad?
First, the situation in Ukraine and Gaza are directly linked to the inept leadership of this geriatric and corrupt pedophile. Second, anyone who voted for Biden is directly responsible for the current state of affairs. Zero forgiveness and zero sympathy for anyone having voter's remorse for foisting this multi-generational catastrophe on us.
They can kindly die in a fire.
The answer is simple unless Democrats are unprincipled demagogues..Democrats should do what is the longterm best interests of the United States. "What are Democrats supposed to do? Even for Democrats who are not running for political office, there is confusion about which side to take:"
I suspect what democrats should do is stop listening to the groups that fund these massive protests every few years.
-Anti-Globaliizatin became
-Anti Iraq war
- Anti 1% ers became
- BLM became
- Pro-Palestine
The big mobs on call all the time at the drop of a hat. Are they still good for the Democratic Party?
Never forget: white people are responsible for the injustice in this world, and Jewish people are white people. (Palestinians are objectively POSs.)
Since today is Sunday, I'll share a few verses from Genesis 12: 1 -3. English Standard Version:
"Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."
I'm no theologian, but this verse is one (of many) reasons that I stand with Israel.
Biden won’t be the nominee. It will be Gavin Newsome.
It's funny that Crook Joe's crookedness, his bad economic plans, inflation, BS democrat pimping of unwanted green energy (see collapse of fully electric vehicles market) are all OK by the left - but as soon as he shows support for Israel - boom -the left drop him.
The modern democrat moron masses prefer the fem-o-Nazi Squad.
This internal division is long overdue. The Ds started to break into centrists versus hard left with Bernie Sanders and the Occupy Wall St. crowd around 2016. Without Trump the hard left would have split off in 2017, likely to spend a generation in the wilderness out of power. Over time, TDS has faded and everyone on the left realizes they went to bed with each other wearing beer goggles and are scrubbing the ewwwwww people off their bodies the next morning. Ds were the one-night-stand sausage-making party from 2017 to 2023.
None of those people are voting Republican and in a post fair-election election that’s just as good as a vote…
"Older Jews, recoiling still from the carnage in Israel, find themselves confronted even by their children" who find, to their surprise, they will all have to go through Big Mike to get to them.
After years of coddling Iran, Biden's support for Israel is hardly "rock solid," but still too strong for the Jew haters in his party. Who will push out whom? Will lefty Jews come to their senses? Will the long march through the institutions end with complete prog control of the Dem party?
Hey, Jews, if you don't like being in bed with people who want you dead, we deplorables don't despise you and want you to flourish. We're over here. No need to squint.
Denial comes in a variety of forms. Who is Drew Phillips, and why is he running against a man he respects? Why won't anyone talk to him for the record?
The subject of this is a take on the news Crack believes.
"What are Democrats supposed to do? Even for Democrats who are not running for political office, there is confusion about which side to take"
It really is disgusting that this is couched in political terms.
Like flatworms, even Democrats can avoid pain.
With defeat staring them in the face next year, Democrats will know the only way to save our democracy is to "postpone" the Presidential election.
If you see your side is losing support for your candidate because he says Israel must survive, then it's time to question who stands with you on your side. "Hmm, my side has a lot of people who want to see the genocide of Jews."
As I've been saying for three weeks now, this is a clarifying moment.
Older Jews, recoiling still from the carnage in Israel, find themselves confronted even by their children, who see the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in starkly different terms than the post-Holocaust narrative of heroic Zionism on which they were raised.
Make sure to say “Am Yisrael Chai” when you show the youngsters your new will leaving all your money to Israeli charities when you pass.
The only reason Joe Biden’s approval rating is above zero is because so many Democrats are in on the graft.
… they will all have to go through Big Mike to get to them.
As long as your worthless carcass is among the ones in front of me, I will die a happy man.
The single most impactful measure Biden could undertake to improve his desirability as President would be to appoint a successor qualified to takeover if he dies or is incapacitated.
The problem for Democrats is that Kamala Harris, his presumed successor, is the worst retail politician in America. She's a walking disaster area. Her word salad answers to basic questions are the stuff of legend. An octogenarian like Biden with Harris warming up in the bullpen is a really bad combination for Democrats. Harris is the uncle ruckus of politics.. she has no substance and despite her shape shifting by appealing to African Americans and Indians and women whenever faced by the said group by crying out loud how she is one of them she isn't recognized by either. The reality is she is the very personification of a mediocre diversity hire. Inspires no one except social climbers..
In fact, in a sane world, a Biden/Harris ticket would get routed in 2024. But this is America, and sanity and the current incarnation of the GOP don't have much in common. GOP voters seem determined to nominate the one guy who will actually lose to that awful Democratic ticket.
Democrats are still confident they can find the votes needed to win. As long as they have enough time, enough ballot drop boxes, enough mail-in ballot states, and enough ballot harvesters they could put up a potted plant for President and still somehow win. I think they've proven that.
Is Biden’s support for Israel really the cause of the downturn, or is this simply speculation? Is there a breakout of issues in the poll?After all, we still have open borders which are over-filling city’s abilities to care for them, high cost of goods due to inflation, rampant crime even in DC, continuing view of a vacationing and ever-more cognitively challenged man, and the auto industry/auto workers coming to realize that EVs can not drive the future of a robust and mobile population, to name a few things…
I speculate his numbers would be down even without the Oct 7 Hamas barbarism.
Older Jews, recoiling still from the carnage in Israel, find themselves confronted even by their children, who see the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in starkly different terms than the post-Holocaust narrative of heroic Zionism on which they were raised.
Those younger Jews might ask themselves what happened when the Pro-Hamas demonstrators came after the Jewish students in the Cooper Union library. Did they ask which students were anti-Zionists? Or were they howling for the blood of every Jew they could find?
His handlers are confident he will win.
a famous democrat leader said: "it's not the votes that count.. It's Who COUNTS the votes."
Who EVER the democrat nominee is.. That nominee will be the figurehead of the USA.
the Actual leaders will be the same as ALWAYS. Meet the new boss; the same as the old boss
You had it right the first time, Sweeney.
"President Joe Biden’s job approval rating among Democrats has tumbled 11 percentage points in the past month..."
"... to 75%,
I don't understand the math. Does this really mean that Brandon is at 75% approval rating among dems? and that he was at 86%?
I thought most numbers I had seen for approval ratings even amond demmies had been considerably lower.
Sorry, David B. If these are the real numbers, he is not going anywhere. I can't imagine Newsome being selected as the candidate under any circumstances. They've got nobody else but still...
John Henry
Let's go Brandon!
Hair gel model Newsom the nominee?
May God have mercy on us…
I keep hoping the strain will give FJB a stroke or heart attack, and then I remember who is veep.
We. Are. Doomed.
And the Democrats told 'Serpent Head'... James Carville... to SHUT UP! cause he warned them that Biden was not the 'best' candidate..
I have no doubt Biden is really in the 25% overall... only diehard leftist and the homeless, that will vote for a burger, are for him.
Is calling for a cease fire siding with the Palestinians?
What does "I stand with Israel" mean exactly? Serious question.
“The Israeli pioneers who made the desert bloom and defended the new state with their lives have been replaced, in a newer narrative, by colonial settlers displacing and oppressing the Holy Land’s rightful inhabitants.”
The Jewish people were in the land that is now Israel millenia long before the Muslims showed up, let alone long before Islam was conceived by Mohommed. By my math, that makes the Muslims the “colonizers” and the Jews the rightful inhabitants. Then, why do the younger generations believe it is the other way around? Because the Regressives(TM) who are now indictrinating, err, I mean “teaching”, our children in elementary, middle school, high school, and colleges/universities are teaching their revisionist history, not actual history. This generation doesn’t know the Bible also has recorded historical events in addition to Jewish and Christian theology - the historical events in the good book show the Jews were there long before Islam existed.
I think they want to nominate the new head of Hamas.
My bet is Begley is right, and that dangerous airhead Gavin will be nominated. On behalf of the entire state of California, i apologize in advance.
It's hard to lose both the pro-Iran/Palestine wing and the Jewish wing of the dems, but Biden/Obama managed to do it. I can't imagine any Jew voting dem going forward, but I'm sure there will be some. What's extraordinarily difficult and almost impossible is imagining who the hell are the 75% moronic dems who would vote for him in '24.
The Biden people thought they could thread the needle by superficially supporting Israel, but undermining that support with veiled threats about "consequences" for any civilian casualties, and also by continuing to appease Iran. They haven't learned what the Israelis know from decades of dealing with these savages: There is no middle ground, only the complete obliteration of Israel will satisfy them.
Biden freed up $6 billion of Iranian money to get 5 American hostages freed.
That was done on September 11(!)
So focused on your Jan 6 fantasies and you forget the importance of September 11?
Republicans jumped all over Biden on September 12.
The Iran-Hamas connection is well known.
A month later, Hamas launches a war in Israel, and goes on a murder-rape spree.
Biden claims that the two events are unrelated.
Why, then, did we re-freeze the Iranian funds after the Hamas invasion?
It's the Afghanistan fuckup all over again. Biden's "diplomacy" has led to the deaths of thousands of people.
As bad as his horrible stagflation is, his foreign policy is worse.
It doesn't matter. all these Leftwing black/brown people will Vote D in 2024. They always do.
However, I find Biden's justification and support for Israeli's killing of arab women and children in Gaza and other war crimes digusting. And i find Biden's cucking toward Israel's Government and refusal to look out for the interests of the USA equally so.
The entire Arab world and Turkey are turning against us because of our "unconditonal support" for Israel. Biden's constant simpering about how much he supports Israel in ANYTHING they do, may play well in Manhattan and Miami Beach, but it loses the USA friends around the world.
Why isn't Biden calling for a ceasefire and negotiations? If he allows Israel to ethnically cleanse Gaza, the Arab/Muslim world will take action, and we'll get blowback.
As proven by Biden ringing the Captial with machine guns and 10s of thousands of NG troops in 2021, his obsession with Ukraine and Israel, his jailing a 1000 J6 protesters, and his complete indifference to inflation, crime, or millions invading our Southern Border, Biden simply doesn't give a damn about the average American. He regards his most of his opponents as "White supremists/Domestic terrorists".
I'd love to talk to the independents who think Biden is doing a good job. What exactly is he doing for the average American? But I'm sure the independents response would be something insanely stupid like "Biden is pro-choice" or "Biden likes black folks" or "I"m doing OK, so everything is Fine."
Is calling for a cease fire siding with the Palestinians?
Of course it is. There was a ceasefire before October 7th, which Hamas grossly broke. Telling the victims of a horrific attack that they shouldn't respond is so absurd that only the evil Jew-haters could say it with a straight face.
Jews love Democrats. Democrats don't love Jews.
Two wars going and still the Dems haven't worked ramped up production to meet actual needs Israeli/Ukrainian needs. The Pentagon talks about increases to 90,000 shells a month while Ukraine alone uses 7,000 shells a day. And now Israel needs weapons. I expect the problem is talked about in memos that DEIs send around to each other, shuffling responsibility onward. C'mon guys, in what sense is Mr. Malarkey supporting Israel if he is not working to rebuild US weapon stocks so they'll be there if needed? Will his polls go up when Dems realize he wasn't real about supporting Israel? or down when Americans realize he was too senile to realize that in a real war you increase weapons production to the amount needed or you lose?
Naftali Bennett's Gaza Blockade Plan
Bennett's not in the government but this is one way it could go.
Couple interesting pull quotes:
Blockade of Gaza, suffocation of Hamas operatives in tunnels, and occupation of a security zone inside Gaza until Hamas surrenders, demilitarization of the Gaza Strip and release of the hostages.
* Not to act in the way Hamas expects us to act and for which it has planned*
Hamas is counting on us entering every bunker and tunnel with tweezers in order to exact a high price in blood.
Hamas wants us to get into trouble during the entry process that will force us to cause heavy collateral damage by killing Gazan children, etc., so that the world will force us to stop. We must not act according to Hamas' expectations.
The publication of the siege plan frightens and stresses Hamas leaders and will serve as a catalyst for results
Countries around the world can absorb the refugees – temporarily, of course – until Hamas surrenders and the war ends. Between 6 months and 5 years.
Any country in the world that expresses pain over the refugee situation in the south is invited to temporarily host refugees (Scotland, Egypt, Turkey, etc.).
9:56 Rich - Did hell just get super cold? I agree with that comment.
I predict, as I have said here before, it won't matter. Temporary blip. The D's will come out in mass to vote against DJT. With the "threat to democracy" bullshit or legit, all means to D victory will be deployed.
Related/unrelated - I thought the consequences of no WMD in Iraq in 2003 would have been so negative that there was a national interest in "us" planting WMDs and then finding them. Maybe even a false flag op using WMDs. Just one person's opinion.
Even for Democrats who are not running for political office, there is confusion about which side to take:
What happened to Israel is horrible. Evil. What is happening to children in Gaza is also horrible. I don't feel like I'm "on a side".
The risk of escalation, and the Democrat and Neocon morons in charge, make me not trust anybody in this conflict. I don't trust Hamas. I don't trust Netanyahu. The hunger for war with Iran is scary.
I know this isn't profound. Just hoping and praying for peace.
“ Roger Sweeny said...
Not going to assume for a second that was accidental. A bit heavy-handed but, since the Internet obscures timing, it probably would have been convincingly deft in person.
Anyway, yeah, the Donks will absolutely, and increasingly, steal elections. They’ve spent the last 30 years relentlessly building the infrastructure to do so. If a new generation of awakened Republicans ever manage to restore the process to fairness, history will give Trump the credit for waking them up.
Like John Henry I have trouble getting my head around the idea that 75% of Democrats still support Joe Biden.
I know some Democrats; some of them are even my friends and are certainly intelligent; but if 75% of Democrats support Joe Biden--with his awful record of performance--then the entire Democrat party is in cognitive decline.
The man doesn't know what day it is.
To be fair, when every day is pudding day they all blend in...
Cheryl Hines, the actress and wife of Robert F. Kennedy Jr, believes that the lack of Secret Service protection for her husband is a political decision. It is all Biden's fault - but it isn't. SS protection guidelines state that an independent candidate must get 20% of polling numbers for at least 30 days.
A crazy invaded the crazy RFK's fenced property twice and his own security took care of the problem. Kennedy money self-funds every wild goose chase that he chases.
Bob Boyd said...
"Is calling for a cease fire siding with the Palestinians?"
Good question. I'd say it is tactically because the Israelis have sometime they have to do. The "terror" attack was planned and carried out by an organized political/military entity - Hamas. The Israelis must go into Gaza and they must eliminate that organization root and branch. I see no other option, such as a cease fire or a negotiated peace, for the nation of Israel. Hamas must be destroyed.
It's going to be ugly and they''re going to take a lot of heat and lose some support because of that necessary ugliness.
And they need to get on with it. The delay in the ground assault is allowing opposition, political and military, to coalesce to the detriment of Israel and the diaspora.
And when it's over, they need to deal harshly with a few of their own for allowing this to happen.
"Jews love Democrats. Democrats don't love Jews."
NYC Jews love democrats. Secular Jews love democrats. "I am a Jew on Yom Kippur and a complete amoral asshole the other 364 days of the year" American Jews love democrats.
Democrats love their vote. They love their political contributions. And little else.
"SS protection guidelines state that an independent candidate must get 20% of polling numbers for at least 30 days."
DHS and Congress have discretionary authority.
We've killed enough Kennedys.
gadfly said...
Cheryl Hines, the actress and wife of Robert F. Kennedy Jr, believes that the lack of Secret Service protection for her husband is a political decision.
She’s right. The Secret Service has at least twice recommended that RFK Jr. get protection but Biden personally overruled the chief twice, even after the same stalker broke into Kennedy’s home twice.
Idiocrats remain unfazed by Biden’s decrepitude.
Obviously, there are a lot of anti-Semites in the Democratic party. But this poll doesn't mean anything because the 11% will still voter for Biden over the Republican nominee when the election happens.
Trump will be 83 at the end of his second term. But I guess that it is better to have an old incoherent fool like Trump as president than somebody who is just old?
Hamas: cowardly Sneak attack without warning... targeting innocents.
Israel response: endless warnings to "get out".
SS protection guidelines state that an independent candidate must get 20% of polling numbers for at least 30 days.
Except that the decision to withhold SS protection was made while he was a candidate for the Democratic nomination. And even that 20% for independent candidates is not a rule, but one of many criteria that go into the determination, which is ultimately at the discretion of DHS.
What happened to Israel is horrible. Evil. What is happening to children in Gaza is also horrible.
Hamas and Islamic Jihad, as well as their Gazan supporters, are responsible for both. There are no two sides for anyone reasonably fair-minded and acquainted with the facts.
"must" may be overstaing it.
"When determining whether a candidate for the Office of President or Vice President of the United States qualifies as a major candidate, the Secretary has broad discretion and may consider a variety of factors. These factors include, but are not limited to:
Whether the candidate has publicly announced his or her candidacy and has filed the appropriate documentation with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and is in compliance with the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended, and related laws;
Whether the candidate is actively campaigning on a national basis for the office for which his or her candidacy has been announced, as demonstrated by operating a national campaign apparatus, regularly appearing at public events in multiple states, producing and publishing campaign advertisements, and other similar indicia of a campaign;
A threat assessment conducted by the Secret Service of general or specific threats directed towards the candidate (for these purposes, “threats” should be defined as explicit threats of bodily harm to the candidate or indications of inappropriate behavior towards the candidate suggesting potential bodily harm);
Whether, during and within an active and competitive major party primary, the most recent average of established national polls, as reflected by the Real Clear Politics National Average or similar mechanism, the candidate is polling at 15% or more for 30 consecutive days;
Whether the candidate is the formal or de facto nominee of a major party for President or Vice President;
Whether the candidate is an independent or third-party candidate for President polling at 20% or more of the Real Clear Politics National Average for 30 consecutive days;
Whether the candidate is the Vice Presidential running mate of the above independent or third-party candidate."
Blogger Temujin said...
Democrats are still confident they can find the votes needed to win. As long as they have enough time, enough ballot drop boxes, enough mail-in ballot states, and enough ballot harvesters they could put up a potted plant for President and still somehow win. I think they've proven that.
Exactly. I don't expect to be around for the election but, if I was a Democrat, I'm sure my vote would still count.
Rich said...
The single most impactful measure Biden could undertake to improve his desirability as President would be to appoint a successor qualified to takeover if he dies or is incapacitated.
Biden does not have that unilateral power.
The Constitution's 25th Amendment specifies how to deal with those situations.
"Section 2. Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress."
Biden might try to engineer a more palatable successor by getting Harris to resign and then appointing her replacement, but the Republican-led House wouldn't go along with such a scheme---ESPECIALLY since Harris's resignation would put the GOP Speaker of the House next in line, in accordance with the Presidential Succession Act of 1947.
A certain percent of morons regreting their moron decision to ruin their country. They must have looked at their 401Ks
Cheryl Hines, the actress and wife of Robert F. Kennedy Jr, believes that the lack of Secret Service protection for her husband is a political decision. It is all Biden's fault - but it isn't. SS protection guidelines state that an independent candidate must get 20% of polling numbers for at least 30 days.
A requirement to provide protection if a certain polling level is met isn't the same as banning it if it hasn't been met. According to the Secret Service's website, protection can be provided outside the guidelines on a case-by-case basis based on threat assessment.
Rusty wrote: “They must have looked at their 401Ks”.
Stocks go up and down — who knew….
The “value” of a security is what others are willing to pay for it, based on both fundamental analysis and momentum (emotions). If all the stock in a given index were transacted at the same time, then the amount of money moved would be equivalent to the market cap of the index itself. Somebody would have to disburse an equivalent amount of a given currency
This is of course impossible as most market actors are not willing to buy/sell unless a security reaches a specific “value”. Values are based on recent past transactions, in which actors on both sides agreed on a given price. This appreciation/depreciation is thus only on paper until you transact the security, at which point it is exchanged for currency
Money flows in and out of the stock market as investors get hyped or scared due to a number of factors, and convert it from or to other asset classes, such as fixed income etc. this means that in a bull market more and more money will get injected into stocks, increasing valuations based on supply/demand dynamics (as with anything else, if more people want a finite good, they will have to start bidding higher to get it), while in a bear market people will start selling for what they can get for their stocks, and some of this money won’t be reinvested and will leave the system to be allocated somewhere else.
So part of the value created is real (for lack of better terms) as currency is converted into stocks in actual transactions, while part of it is only on paper, as it’s based on other peoples’ transactions but never actually converted into currency. When valuations swing, both real and paper money is lost or made.
In most occasions your loss equates to someone’s gain, whether this is immediate such as in the case of short selling, or future, if the stock appreciates from that moment onwards. The other person’s gain won’t be equivalent to your loss though, as each actor buys/sells at a different moment. Stocks exchange hands at incredible speed every day, and each transaction is unique in terms of size and pricing. You might have bought from investor X and price A and resold to investor Y and price B, while investor Y will then resell part of the stock to Z for price C and another part to investor U for price D etc.
In short, paper gains come and go. Dividends go in your pocket.
“Exactly. I don't expect to be around for the election but, if I was a Democrat, I'm sure my vote would still count.”
I hope that is not the case, Michael K. We need you.
Proud Brownshirt RideSpaceMountain said:
"NYC Jews love democrats." I am a Jew on Yom Kippur and a complete amoral asshole the other 364 days of the year" American Jews love democrats.
You, RideSpaceMountain, are a Jew hating amoral asshole. For your information, the Jewish community in New York City is still as important as ever and continues to be the largest concentration of Jewish people in the world.
There are 1,412,000 Jewish people in the eight counties that compose New York City and its environs. To this one may add over 350,000 Jewish people in New Jersey and 50,000 in southern Connecticut, many of whom live in suburbs and bedroom communities that still look to New York City as their center.
The three major branches of Judaism – Orthodox, Conservative and Reform – all have large theological seminaries in New York City. There are more Orthodox rabbis in New York City than anywhere else in the world.
Many of these "New York City Jews" are Conservative and Orthodox. But as a Brownshirt, I guess you hate them all. Go to hell.
Biden is a petty and bitter old fark who would take SS protection away from Trump if he could.
Michael K said...I don't expect to be around for the election
That doesn't sound good, Doc. Are you okay?
I'm trying to think if it would be possible for me to hate and despise Joseph Robinette Biden more than I already do.
Yeah. Yeah, I think it is possible. Probably happen by next week.
Blogger Rich said...
Trump will be 83 at the end of his second term. But I guess that it is better to have an old incoherent fool like Trump as president than somebody who is just old?
You think Biden is "just old"?
I mean, Team Juice has its moments must not be paying attention.
(Or suffering blinding TDS)
This is what voter fraud looks-like!!
Wow! That was quick!
Rich said...
"Rusty wrote: “They must have looked at their 401Ks”.
Stocks go up and down — who knew…."
How do I know Rich voted for Biden without Rich tellin g me he voted for Biden.
Exactly. I don't expect to be around for the election …
@Dr. Michael K., just when I thought the day couldn’t get worse. I’ll be pulling for you, sir.
"Michael K said...I don't expect to be around for the election."
I hope to god that isn't the case. I look on you as a friend, doc.
Since October 7 I have spoken to two older Jewish men who have told me that I was right in 2020 about Biden being bad for Israel and Jews. These are people who believed their hand would fall if they pulled the lever for a Republican. The tone in condominiums in South Florida is not very pro-Biden at the moment and I suspect the upper West Side and Queens may be similar. I think the cause of the fall off may be the $6 billion payment to Iran, not the full throated hypocritical support for Israel.
LLR-democratical Rich/C****: "Trump will be 83 at the end of his second term. But I guess that it is better to have an old incoherent fool like Trump as president than somebody who is just old?"
Walter: "You think Biden is "just old"?
I mean, Team Juice has its moments must not be paying attention.
(Or suffering blinding TDS)"
Walter, Rich is Team LLR and, as with the other members of the LLR-democratical Brigade, you'll find him on just about every thread gaslighting in the extreme, deflecting for the dems, purposefully mischaracterizing facts etc.
Transparent and tedious, which is par for the course.
While the only Constitutional ways to remove a sitting VP are resignation and impeachment/conviction, nothing says the sitting Vice-President has to be on the ticket for the next election. VP swaps were pretty common into the mid-1900s (FDR had three different VPs if I remember correctly) and even Gerald Ford chose to run with Bob Dole in 1976 rather than Nelson Rockefeller. Bear in mind, however, that sitting VPs have only rarely successfully won election after a two-term Presidency. GHWB was one of the few to accomplish it.
Take the (D) away from Biden's name and his approval among Democrats falls to the low 20s.
[F]or many Jews, especially Jewish Democrats, the emotional cost of the conflict goes beyond politics.
Stated another way, for some/many Jews, politics supersedes the emotional cost of the conflict.
"Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation..."
I'm no theologian, but this verse is one (of many) reasons that I stand with Israel.
lonejustice - Muslims trace their lineage back to Abraham as well (through Ishmael).
“Even for Democrats who are not running for political office, there is confusion about which side to take:“
Because they’re morally bankrupt. And STILL American Jews by large majorities will vote for them. Incredible.
Why should RFK Jr. get Secret Service protection just because a Palestinian assassinated his father?
Remember when Williams died, the family were initally very cagey about how Robin died.
Cagey. As you are now. He KILLED HIMSELF. His last act on earth was to kill. That's his legacy. That and the normalization of suicide by people who minimize what he did.
Flags! Look at all the flags! We're so flaggy!
I miss the old days, when a single flag for each relevant nation was considered enough.
Michael K said...I don't expect to be around for the election
It's not too late to meet for lunch. I am in Rancho Vistoso and you are in the Foothills.
Give me a time and place.
Biden is now claiming that the US added 330,000 new jobs, including Hamas jobs apparently. In addition to agricultural and service we now have rape and pillage as a category.
Blogger Bob Boyd said...
Michael K said...I don't expect to be around for the election
That doesn't sound good, Doc. Are you okay?
Thanks for the kind thoughts. Trees don't grow to the sky and my time is limited.
Michael K wrote
“Biden is now claiming that the US added 330,000 new jobs, including Hamas jobs apparently.”
That’s a satire site: “The most reliable source of fake news on the planet.”
Let’s not let our sense of humor expire before we do.
God bless you, Michael K, and know God loves you, and an afterlife awaits.
Muslims trace their lineage back to Abraham as well
Hence the Abraham Accords
the most important foreign policy victory in the Trump administration
and the most notable steps towards peace in the Holy Land in the 21st century
our media is ignoring the Abraham Accords because they are virulent Trump haters who irrationally think he's an anti-Semite.
our media is insane with rage
Trump went to Saudi Arabia
and the Saudis -- arguably the most important Islamic nation in the world, because Mecca is in Saudi Arabia -- was about to join the Abraham Accords
and Biden the moron
decided to unlock $6 billion in Iranian money
that's Iran who funds Hamas
the Iran who hates the Saudis as much as Israel
(Shiite vs Sunni)
the Saudis have been quietly working with Israel for years to keep an eye on the Iranians
scared of their potential for nukes
Trump took out one of the Iranian terrorists
Biden the Dummy unlocked $6 billion, which unleashed Hamas, who went on a kill-the-Jew rampage, hoping to have horrific body counts and blow up the peace treaty
i like a world, that has Dr K in it.. Dr K, you're in my prayers
As has been mentioned many times before, the Democratic Party is a coalition of special interest groups that generally do not like each other all that much, which is why the Democrats have to demonize the Republicans as Nazis (or worse) to keep the disparate groups together. The cracks have already been showing with Hispanics starting to bail. The open border policies are stressing the African-American community, which is also not all on board with the teachers union as inner city public schools are borderline useless. The Asians have discovered that they are honorary white people that the Democratic Party thinks should be explicitly discriminated against. The Gaza situation pits the Jews, who are rock solid Democrats only to find that a part of their party literally wants them dead, and the Muslims, who weren't onboard with the whole LGBTQ+ thing and has a substantial percentage that would be more than happy with less Jews.
A skilled President and political operative might be able to thread the needle in this situation. Professional buffoon and graft artist Biden couldn't do it on his best day, and especially not now since he is senile. The people who make up his brain trust, if you will excuse the term, are all ideologues that refuse to believe their ideas do not work even after repeatedly watching them fail or are on the take. That excludes the ones that are Iranian spies.
Yeah, take care Doc K.
However, I find Biden's justification and support for Israeli's killing of arab women and children in Gaza and other war crimes digusting
You choose to be wholly ignorant (or just lying) about Muslims. Hamas is killing and suppressing all the innocent people of Gaza. Hamas and other terrorists being supported and directed by Iran.
A little mind game to consider. Which would end ALL the Muslim aggression. Removing Israel? Removing Iran?
2000 years of history gives a hint to the answer.
That's very tough news, Doc. I'm damned sorry to hear it.
Don't know you, but I get a feeling you've pretty much kicked ass at living life and I'd bet you've enriched every community you've found yourself a part of along the way, just like you've done here in this one. Keep kicking.
Thanks for the kind thoughts. Trees don't grow to the sky and my time is limited.
Well, doc. It's always a pleasure having you around.
Until that time.
Somebody has noticed that since Barack Hussein Obama every thing that our government’s foreign policy has done is for Iran’s best interest. ( With the exception of the part of Trump’s term that wasn’t sabotaged.)
Rusty: Buying anytime for the long term wins 100% of the time. Remember, the stock market comes back 100% of the time.
@ Michael K These tough times are opportunities to teach us things we can’t learn without them.
Rich said...
Quit digging.
Wait, 75% of Democrats approve of his administration? I for one look forward to voting for the next president, perhaps McGovern as an articulated corpse or Muskie as a musty meat puppet. Has any pollster asked the follow up question, "Do you think Biden is running his administration?"
Hey Rich, how's that Eastern Airlines stock doing? And your Enron holdings, still going up?
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