१८ ऑगस्ट, २०२३

Sunrise — 6:11, 6:12.



१८ टिप्पण्या:

Narr म्हणाले...

Our break from excessive sunism is coming to an end, alas.

I've seen a few hummingbirds about (didn't see a single one last year), and the dog is obsessing over a young possum he found in the shrubbery behind the house. It's not a baby, just a small youngster, and trying to get somewhere else. Dog just growls and postures while the critter hisses; I have to pick the dog up to go inside. At least he'll be tired from all the excitement.

Every adjoining backyard has at least one dog in it through much of the day, but the front yards are overseen mostly by cats and the occasional raptor, making it hard out there for a possum.

BUMBLE BEE म्हणाले...


Democrat Governance

gilbar म्हणाले...

remember! we are ALL supposed to be OVERJOYED at our money going to stoke war in the Ukraine!
so there!
President Joe Biden announced his administration would send relief payments to the tune of $700 per household to Hawaiians whose homes, communities, and loved ones were tragically lost in a sudden blaze last week that devastated the historic town of Lahaina on the island of Maui. Those checks, however, won’t even cover each household’s portion of the $113 billion in aid packages the United States has billed taxpayers for the war in Ukraine, which averages almost $900 per household.

But! that is FINE! we are ALL (supposed to be) FINE with a proxy war that is pushing the russians into the arms of the chinese

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

The Michael Oher story is a Swing And A (Ole) Miss

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Just spotted the Star satellites a long string of them flying over Georgia.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Trumpism is called excessive because it's effective.

Nobody has fought them as hard since Reagan.

wendybar म्हणाले...

Biden the clown embarrassing America daily....What do you expect a guy who Chi-NA owns to say??

RNC Research

Biden says "America first" policies make the United States "weaker, not stronger"


Scott Patton म्हणाले...

Megan McArdle: As a woman in tech, I saw these are not my people. Overlaps with the chess story this week.

tim in vermont म्हणाले...

One U.S. official, who didn’t want to run afoul of the administration by offering real views on the record, said the realities of the counteroffensive are sinking in around Washington. - Politico

Ha ha ha. Well, there is a little bit of honesty in the story, anyway. The actual reality is that the "counteroffensive" has done little more than offer up equipment and men to be destroyed by the Russians at their convenience. Same as Bakhmut.

While the U.S. still backs Ukraine’s fight, the official said, “We may have missed a window to push for earlier talks.”

Like January of 2021. What did Trump say about the Russian buildup? "I thought he was negotiating." Well, he was, and Joe Biden refused to pick up the phone, and now here we are. Hundreds of thousands dead because the US wanted to push Russia out of the Black Sea and Ukraine wanted to pogrom the ethnic Russian out of the territory they claim based on handshakes and diktats of dictators like Stalin, Hitler, and Khrushchev. Our deal was that if Kiev helps us achieve that strategic aim, we would help them create an ethnically pure nation state, like France or Spain, but larger, by pushing out the Russians that have lived there for centuries. It was the kind of evil bargain that only Joe Biden could love. Kiev thinks that they will be revered as heroes for centuries, like Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, for achieving this dream, and people will overlook the crimes committed to get there. The US fed this belief, and has been nurturing naziism in Ukraine since the Cold War as a weapon against the now defunct Soviet Union, and now against Russia. Russia which has never done anything to us, but sold us Alaska and defeated the Nazis.

lonejustice म्हणाले...

Waiting for the Sun:


tim in vermont म्हणाले...

It's a heavy lift to get to the truth when a lie has been pushed by the media and the political class, but I repeat myself, for year after year.

Maybe somebody here can help me understand what it is that Russia has done to the United States, not the non-existent Soviet Union, which included Ukraine, Khrushchev was Ukrainian, Stalin was a Georgian, but Russia or Putin.

gilbar म्हणाले...

remember back when we entered the Ukraine War?
And people were saying "we MUST STOP russia!' Because!!!!! BECAUSE!!!!
remember back THEN, i said: "So, if it's THAT important.. What happens WHEN WE LOSE?"
Because we ALWAYS LOSE.

Now, hundreds and HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of dollars (and Hundreds of Thousands of lives) later..
It's becoming clear TO ALL that "our side" is NOT going to win ANYTHING.. Instead we're losing.
If it was SO IMPORTANT that we get into this war, to STOP THE RUSSIANS... What happens NOW?

ps. isn't it Interesting? That for my entire life, the US has had The Most Best military..
In the World.. And yet, We ALWAYS LOSE. Why IS that?

Gahrie म्हणाले...

And there's your reason for reparations, again: this is our lives, and it's just not been fair.

Most of us learn as children that life isn't fair and get over it.

Mike of Snoqualmie म्हणाले...

The Seattle "Fake News R Us" Times just published another climate hoax article. They describe how night time temperatures have risen over the last 75-years. That rise is called the the Urban Heat Island effect, caused by concrete, rocks and asphalt. More development, higher nighttime temperatures. These nighttime temperatures are recorded at SeaTac airport, lots of concrete, lots of asphalt, not to mention hot jet engine exhausts. A third runway was added about 20-years ago, increasing the amount of heat-retaining infrastructure.

This article is another example of why I stopped my subscription to the Seattle “Fake news R us” Times last year. I'm sure Cliff Mass will have blog-post later today excoriating the Fake News Times.

Narr म्हणाले...

Racist corruption in college fuhball? Tell me it ain't so!

The segregation of bigsport athletes of all races from the masses of students goes way back, certainly in the Southland and probably elsewhere. My boyhood friend Ralph (Little Ralph to distinguish him from his dad, the University AD and former football coach, who had played for and assisted General Neyland back in the day) played at UT and MSU, and even then--early '70s--was growing disgusted with the payoffs and special rules.

He dropped out and eventually became a cop.

Unfortunately what remains of our educational system is inextricably tied to special treatment for jocks at every level and at every institution. My pal the provost--in real life a noted professor of philosophy--used to say that the most expensive team is one that loses, to which I replied that the cheapest team is the one that doesn't exist.

B/black enrollment at most colleges and u's will collapse without infusions of academically unprepared athletes, who have privileges and amenities (and immunities) beyond what is generally known--as long as they're useful.

Gahrie म्हणाले...

Unfortunately what remains of our educational system is inextricably tied to special treatment for jocks at every level and at every institution

The athletes and coaches at the high school I teach at are pissed because I don't give the athletes special treatment.

Candide म्हणाले...

“Maybe somebody here can help me understand what it is that Russia has done to the United States?”

Maybe they didn’t pay enough to Bidens and Clintons? Sure they paid some, but they could pay a lot more and they just wouldn’t.

Narr म्हणाले...

Gahrie, thanks for the backup. I don't know how you put up with it.