From "VIVEK RAMASWAMY’S TRUTH/The Millennial outsider Republican says he wants a revolution. To get there, he’d gut the federal government" (The Atlantic).
"Apoorva, like her future husband, grew up a practicing Hindu. The couple is now raising their two toddlers, Karthik and Arjun, in the faith. Apoorva’s parents also came to the United States from India. 'I think, as a child of immigrants, we defaulted toward being Democrats insofar as we thought about it at all, which was honestly not very much,' she said. In recent years, she told me, her mom and dad had become Trump supporters. 'They chose this country—they love this country more than any country in the world, and they believe in it,' she said. 'And it was cool' for them 'to see someone who was unapologetic about it.'"
The immigrants thought it was cool to see Trump displaying enthusiasm for the kind of things that caused them to choose this country. The Atlantic doesn't tell us what exactly Trump was "unapologetic" about that meshed with her parents' decision to immigrate. I'd like to see it specified. Something about hard work and equal opportunity?
९३ टिप्पण्या:
Apoorva, like her future husband, grew up a practicing Hindu. The couple is now raising their two toddlers, Karthik and Arjun, in the faith
The Atlantic 'priming the pumps' to disqualify Ramaswamy because of his faith being 'incompatible' with America...only just in case...
You could take much of Apoorva's quote and attribute it to Melania. She had no desire to be a politician's wife, either. As a homemaker, though, her career wasn't as valued as a surgeon's. When she took her time relocating to the White House the press attributed it to marital conflict.
I think it was simply that Trump is unapologetic about his love for the country. They weren't necessarily saying they agreed with the specific "why's" of his love, just that he doesn't feel the need to say, "but..." after he says, "I love the USA".
Hack-D press (quivering in fear) says gut the federal government like its a bad thing.
When the bloating comes along
You must gut it
Before that Yellen wears a thong
You must gut it
When bureaucrats are doing wrong
You must gut it
But I think this is about him and his vision. This is not about me.'...
Things Michelle Obama would never say for $1000.
They say politics attracts 2 personality types: fixers and facilitators. Fixers get involved because they legitimately want to fix something. Facilitators want to create the environment where other people can fix the problem.
It goes without saying that of the two, only the facilitators are genuinely successful. Fixers occasionally come along that achieve their goal, rarely, and that's it. What fixers don't realize is that the system thrives on the problem they're trying to solve not getting solved, and that's why what they desire to accomplish is A) so rare and B) why once they've achieved their goal other forces will begin taking action to ensure it never ever happens again.
Ramaswamy is a fixer. He's on the fringe spouting fringe ideas of how to fix problems either because he knows like all of us his chances of securing the nomination are slim to none or that he's incredibly naive (a hallmark of the millenial diaspora).
What this country needs more than anything right now is a fixer politician with the iron will and vision of Caesar Augustus or Ho Chi Minh. But that's not what we're going to get - at least not until it's way too late - and I think we all know that.
Imagine being educated and Hindu, migrating to America, and then watch liberals and Democrats turn it into a totalitarian communist nation.
They even created a new caste system with "The Deplorables" at the bottom of the social ladder.
I wondered why Vivek lives in Ohio.
"To get there, he’d gut the federal government."
Would that that would actually happen.
Smart people don't send their kids to public schools to mix with the Morlocks.
Needs gutting, and not with a scalpel.
"The Atlantic doesn't tell us what exactly Trump was "unapologetic" about ...."
How about "the country"?
“For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country ...." So says the affirmative action former First Lady who, along with her privileged spouse, set the country on a course of division, hatred and ingratitude.
Gut the govt?
I'm onboard.
He's sounding better and better every day.
John Henry
He wants to abolish departments.
Say he abolishes the department of education, who is going to administer and enforce all the programs and laws that the people in that department are responsible for now?
When you have such a useful skill — head and neck surgery — it's very hard to take a 4 year break. You're depriving many people of great benefits, and you're allowing your skill to decline.
Anyway... it increased my respect for Ramaswamy to know he is married to a head and neck surgeon. That's serious business!
I like the way she compares her situation to that of Jill Biden. Any such comparison is bound to be invidious. She's a cancer surgeon. Dr. Jill Biden has an advanced degree in education. I wonder if Dr. Ramaswamy was being subtle. She's certainly more entitled to use the prefix as an honorific than Jill. At any rate, all of what she said will be a boost to her husband's chances in the Republican primaries....Both she and her husband are very bright and something new in the political landscape. As a veep candidate, Ramaswamy would be in a position to make lots of invidious comparison with Kamala.
who DOESN'T think the federal government is bloated?
Anyone? Inga? Rich? Robert? Speak up, with details please!!
I'll repeat, when Vivek announced he would try to raise the voting age to 25, he guaranteed he'd get absolutely crushed in the general election by the 18-25 crowd, who are already impressionable and responsive to GOTV campaigns. Poor political instincts to alienate such a large bloc.
It's a lot like Trump's "drain the swamp" pledge and Vivek's "gut the government" pledge. You'll only get ~20% of the massive Federal "worker" vote, rather than the ~30% you might hope for if you kept your mouth shut, and just did it quietly when in office.
Plus, as we saw with Trump, when you say you'll drain the swamp, the swamp will drain you. You know, "six ways to Sunday," the best advice Trump ever ignored, via Schumer.
"They" are badly mistaken. Sure, those two types exist, but what about the grifters and the power-mad? These last two times seem at least is numerous as the two that "they" mention.
Blogger Ann Althouse said...
When you have such a useful skill — head and neck surgery — it's very hard to take a 4 year break. You're depriving many people of great benefits, and you're allowing your skill to decline.
A number of MD politicians have continued to practice part time, including Rand Paul. Another was Tom Coburn, sadly taken from us by prostste cancer.
Ohio - the heart of it all…..
I read that Atlantic story last night. Vivek was pushed down a stairwell at his "diverse" grade school. Broken hip. Parents wised up and sent him to the safe St. Xavier, a Jesuit high school. There he excelled on the tennis team and was first in his class.
What happens if Vivek doesn't go to a Jesuit high school?
"Say he abolishes the department of education, who is going to administer and enforce all the programs and laws that the people in that department are responsible for now?"
That's the point (obviously). Said programs are, to put it mildly, counterproductive.
Ramaswamy told me a story about how in eighth grade, he was pushed down a flight of stairs at his public school. Though he underwent hip surgery
Yeah, he just "underwent" some surgery as an eight grade kid...
He was violently bullied, badly beaten, and his parents had to remove him from the school.
The Atlantic author worries that experience might have made him less sympathetic than he should be to the Leftist worldview on BIPOC and/or public school.
Stinks when someone's "lived experience" does that, huh?!
"Say he abolishes the department of education, who is going to administer and enforce all the programs and laws that the people in that department are responsible for now?"
Hopefully, no one. Which is the point of abolishing it.
There is a lot to like about V.R. Check out what a financial guy, MEET KEVIN, has to say about him in a 17 min. U-Tube. Might be a problem for him.
That's it for me!
I'm done with Vivek
Vivek is plagiarizing his story.
He stole his life narrative from a Tom Clancey novel. Jack Ryan, his wife was a Doctor.
De Santis was trying for it, but couldn't find a Doctor, quick enough and had to settle for is TV personality wife.
"Apoorva, like her future husband, grew up a practicing Hindu.
what does this even mean? to pracitice Hindu!
you can be Hindu just like Jew without practicing
Gilbar asked: " ... who DOESN'T think the federal government is bloated?"
According to the UK Daily Mail, the last place in the world where US journalism is practiced, Joe Biden's FEMA officials in Maui are staying in $1,000/night hotels such as the Four Seasons. They're not doing anything, mind you. Just vacationing on our dime. They have photos of these officials sitting in the cocktail lounge getting drunk.
Our government is OBSCENELY CORRUPT. These officials are spending our tax dollars this way while at the same time we have BILLIONS of dollars for Ukraine, but comparatively NONE for Hawaii. Locals are getting $700 to assist them. That's it. $700 won't buy a basket of groceries for a single family for a week.
We must replace this government of thieves and find better guards for the defense of our liberties.
"Say he abolishes the department of education, who is going to administer and enforce all the programs and laws that the people in that department are responsible for now?"
Gee, Duty of Inquiry.
I wonder if the Constitution has an answer. Maybe.
Something like the states do what the federal govt lacks enumerated power to do
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.
I know you are worried about all the federal laws being enforced....maybe that is a huge motivator to eliminate the "regulatory" state. Regulations strangling the citizens...that reminds me of the list of grievances enumerated in the Declaration of Independence.
Gee it sounds like the entire nation needs a crash course in Civics. Going back to source documents to seek guidance in addressing questions.
Michael K said...
A number of MD politicians have continued to practice part time, including Rand Paul. Another was Tom Coburn, sadly taken from us by prostste cancer.
Don't forget Rep. Dr. Ricky Bobby (R-TX/13), who continues to practice pharmacology, addiction medicine, emergency medicine and mixed martial arts!
"Sure, those two types exist, but what about the grifters and the power-mad? These last two times seem at least is numerous as the two that "they" mention."
Almost exclusively in the 'facilitators' camp. 'Fixers' are objective/mission dedicated, and personal enrichment or ambition is usually subordinated to problem solving. Facilitators are universally focused on their friends and their network, and making sure those relationships are lucrative to ensure loyalty.
A friend hired teachers to come to his home and teach his children. From grade school through high school. He followed the English system. One child went to Harvard. It was no more expensive than private school tuition until high school when he was compelled to hire more expensive talent in the required subjects. Harvard was easy for the one.
"I think...that Trump is unapologetic about his love for the country."
Hoohah! Trump has no genuine love for anyone or anything other than himself. His lies and pandering are so crude and obvious it is astonishing how readily his credulous idolators fall for his every hollow gesture and insincere utterance. Hitler recognized, don't just tell lies, tell big lies, as they are believed most readily and steadfastly.
Vivek's company is Roivant. It is essentially a VC public company for biotech. Vivek scored on 5 out of 6. Under modern VC portfolio theory, that's a grand slam home run. If 20% are successful, that's considered to be very good.
"Imagine being educated and Hindu, migrating to America, and then watch liberals and Democrats turn it into a totalitarian communist nation."
He'll still have to imagine that, as it hasn't happened. Maybe if Trump or a Trump figure becomes President, the totalitarian part might come true.
"'To get there, he’d gut the federal government.'
"Would that that would actually happen."
Yes, the War Department and its budget needs to be cut until it is no more than a tenth of its current grotesque size, and the intelligence agencies equally as much, (if not shut down in full).
Well, it sure wasn't equal opportunity that got the Ramaswamys where they are academically. In 2011, Vivek accepted a Paul and Daisy Soros New Americans Scholarship open only to illegal, legal, and green card immigrants or their children.
Others need not apply.
Starting around 2010, I was a lead researcher on The Soros Files, and one of my specialities was how scholarships and donations to schools were used by the Soros' to radicalize American higher education. See, for example, John Jay. I might even have a file on Ramaswamy - I studied the career trajectories and ideologies of hundreds of scholarship recipents. So I know just how much Ramaswamy is lying about what it meant to get this scholarship and the clear political and ideological ties between Paul and George Soros and their foundations. Professional victimhood, and contempt for white Americans, was valued in winners of these prizes, though not advertised publicly, of course.
Vivek is no Clarence Thomas. He was born into extreme privilege, not segregation. He was wealthy when he pursued a scholarship for the "disadvantaged." Southeast Asians are in no way "historically disadvantaged" at elite schools. So what was expected of him (and all the other purportedly "disadvantaged" Soros fellowship recipents) in exchange for pretending to be disadvantaged? He was expected to advance the leftist identity politics agenda. Many, if not most, of the recipients of scholarships from both Paul and George Soros were not disadvantaged -- and they were already preferred candidates over white and non-immigrant students too.
Both Paul and George Soros chose applicants based on the student's hard leftist principles. Could that not matter because Vivek has changed his mind about the Left? No. Somewhere, his application materials live on in a Soros family foundation, and I bet they will be released when useful. He should have released them himself and explained his transition to conservatism. That might have been a real conversation. But he did the opposite, so that pooch is already screwed.
Vivek tried to wipe his ties to Soros family foundation money from the internet. Had he addressed it directly, instead of even paying to conceal it, I could be inclined to trust him to be "transparent," one of the qualities he is currently trying to trademark as a virtue HE HIMSELF DISCOVERED FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY. Clarence Thomas, for example, has always been open about how he got from Pinpoint, Georgia to the Ivy League, and from being a leftist student to a conservative champion.
Paul Soros, like George, claimed throughout his life to be oppressed by America, despite fleeing Hungary to get here. In his 2006 book, American (Con)quest, now wormholed, he claims that America is a nation based on racism and oppresssion. Despite escaping from the Soviet bloc, he lived by his brother's anti-American ideology, even as he presented himself as a patriot.
The more I see of this Vivek guy, the less I trust him. I want to trust him, and I'll crawl over broken glass to vote for him if he gets the nomination or VP. But despite all the talking he has already done, he has a lot of explaining to do.
Duty of Inquiry says "Say he abolishes the department of education, who is going to administer and enforce all the programs and laws that the people in that department are responsible for now?" Hopefully no one. For starters, education is the responsibility of the states and the federal government should have no role in it. Secondly, everything the department of education does is make work for our bloated administrative state. I would argue the the federal department of education actively makes education worse in this country.
Does rambling in front a a junior college classroom count as teaching? I'm pretty sure it isn't really work.
Wasn't jack Ryan's wife some kind of high end doctor? Eye surgeon maybe? Who continued to practice when he became president?
John Henry
"she doesn’t necessarily plan to give up her job"
Would the Secret Service allow her to keep working?
"they have 'some educators who come to the house.'"
Governesses and tutors? How positively Victorian!
I assume Vivek is running for Vice President, where his wife keeping her day job makes much more sense.
Abolishing the department of education doesn't make the laws that congress has passed vanish.
My point is that his promise is empty if he doesn't get the laws repealed.
Mr. Cook - Do explain in accurate detail how Trump is totalitarian.
Talking points about his stealing the election in 2020 not needed.
Yes, the War Department and its budget needs to be cut until it is no more than a tenth of its current grotesque size, and the intelligence agencies equally as much, (if not shut down in full).
Robert the good little leftist drone spitting out the approved talking points.
The constitution created the federal govt. To strangle its lust for power, the Constitution delegated, enumerated, limited powers, to the new Federal Government. The 'War Department' (DoD Department of Defense) was one of those enumerated powers.
As much as you don't like it, the DoD has a distinct advantage of actually having a Constitutional charter.
Now do the CDC, NIH, Dept of Education, EPA....I can go on for a long time...if you are interested in trimming federal spending.
Anyway... it increased my respect for Ramaswamy to know he is married to a head and neck surgeon. That's serious business!
OK Althouse, are you just messing with us now?
Judge someone by their spouse? Sounds creepily like the Caste system Viveks family fled.
Did your Opinion of Trump go up with his choice of spouse? World class model, and very successful Business woman that spoke 5? languages? I mean the woman is accomplished. She leaves Dr Jill in the dust by measure of accomplishments, if not credentials.
Secondly, everything the department of education does is make work for our bloated administrative state. I would argue the the federal department of education actively makes education worse in this country.
The dept of ed is there to employ all those social warriors Phd's comming out of colleges.
LBJ and his great society program declared LBJ was going to make the educational structure in America the best of the World. But it already was the best, It has been steadily going down hill since LBJ started the Politicians Race to throw money at Education.
Duty of Inquiry:
I am old enough to remember when, heaven forbid, there was no Department of Education.
In fact the bulk of my education was completed by the time the Department of Education was started (1980).
The quality of education in this country has certainly not improved since 1980. For anyone. Not by the measured results, in any event.
Maybe we don't really need a Department of Education.
Blogger Robert Cook said...
"I think...that Trump is unapologetic about his love for the country."
Hoohah! Trump has no genuine love for anyone or anything other than himself. His lies and pandering are so crude and obvious it is astonishing how readily his credulous idolators fall for his every hollow gesture and insincere utterance.
Cook, like so many on the left, is mindreading again. Cook tell us how much time you have spent with Trump to gain all these insights.
Get back on your meds.
Blogger Darkisland said...
Wasn't jack Ryan's wife some kind of high end doctor? Eye surgeon maybe? Who continued to practice when he became president?
Yes, she was an eye surgeon at Johns Hopkins. I think Clancy's first wife was the model for her character.
Tina Trent wrote: "I might even have a file on Ramaswamy - I studied the career trajectories and ideologies of hundreds of scholarship recipents."
Then find it and tell us what's in it!
Robert Cook said...
"Imagine being educated and Hindu, migrating to America, and then watch liberals and Democrats turn it into a totalitarian communist nation."
He'll still have to imagine that, as it hasn't happened yet.
FIFY Cookie. And not for lack of trying.
One person's "gut the Federal government" is another's trim the necrotic tissue.
"The Atlantic doesn't tell us what exactly Trump was "unapologetic" about"
Like every media outlet these days, they never do. They just toss out vague phrases like, "Trump encouraged racism", but never cite examples. Ever.
And the Progressives eat that shit up. Just like Two Girls One Cup they keep regurgitating it up, passing it back and forth and re-eating it over and over again. Problem is, there's very little nutrition in that, but my god how they love the way it tastes!
"Apoorva, like her future husband, grew up a practicing Hindu."
I'm no grammarian, but wouldn't that sentence mean they're not yet married?
Tina Trent:
Keep an open mind about Vivek. I'm assuming the Soros scholarship was for undergrad. He was first in his class at the rigorous Jesuit high school of Cincy. He took free money. So what?
You are doing the logical fallacy of guilt by association.
I'm nearly done with his "Nation of Victims" book. Excellent. He's no Manchurian Candidate. This guy's solid. Watch the debate. Read one of his books.
Another golden egg laid by the Trump Goose. First he opened up everyone’s eyes to FAKE NEWS. Then he survived 100+ investigations proving honesty is possible, and now his candidate tree has birthed the golden tongued young man with an Indian brain.
Hoohah! Trump has no genuine love for anyone or anything other than himself.
Cookie, You are once again practicing psychiatry without a license. Being a neo=Marxist does not give you that license.
As to the above citation, calling Jill Biden a Doctor is akin to calling Ketchup a vegetable.
They say politics attracts 2 personality types: fixers and facilitators."
My congresswoman, Ilhan Omar, is the latter. When she was elected to congress four years ago, we were reading stories about how she couldn't afford the rent in DC. Today, her net-worth is $83M. Not bad for someone who spent four years in a Dadaab refugee camp in Garissa County, Kenya. That's why when she tells us that America hates BIPOC folks and is keeping them down, I know she is full of shit. No fucking way she can actually believe that.
Waxay guursatay saddex jeer, hal mar walaalkeed, sida dhillo caadi ah.
Sebastian said...
"she doesn’t necessarily plan to give up her job"
Would the Secret Service allow her to keep working?
It might not matter, if Vivek lays off 75% of the Secret Service. Or 75% of the people who make out the paychecks for the Secret Service. Or 75% of the people who collect the taxes to pay any of the federal employees.
Hey, everyone,
How do you pronounce "Vivek"?
And will everyone who gets it wrong be subject to the same scorn as those who mispronounced "Kamala"?
Robert lives in his own little world. Where FDR is a living god and being a member of the communist party is risking your neck.
It's called the Department of Defense, Bob. Health and social security take up 53% of our federal budget. Defense,(including homeland defense) takes 16%. So as usual you're full of it.
Reduce federal outlays by 10% accross the board. That is the only fair way and only public sector workers will feel the pinch. I can say that because we routinely waste more than 10%If you ever want to discuss facts we're here for you.
"He was expected to advance the leftist identity politics agenda."
Don't insinuate, show us. Share some evidence of how Ramaswamy advanced the Leftist identity politics agenda. You followed all of these people, right? You've got the receipts, right?
Vivek Ramaswamy is advocating a return to the gold standard (but he calls it a commodities basket currency because he doesn't want to sound crazy). I think it's a bad idea and so should you!
Say he abolishes the department of education, who is going to administer and enforce all the programs and laws that the people in that department are responsible for now?
State and local agencies, boards and districts. As it should be.
There is absolutely no need for a federal Department of Education. Zero. Zip. Nada.
How do you pronounce "Vivek"?
"My point is that his promise is empty if he doesn't get the laws repealed. "
No, it's just prosecutorial discretion.
"And will everyone who gets it wrong be subject to the same scorn as those who mispronounced "Kamala"?"
I don't understand- I pronounced Harris' first name "Dumbass" and no one objected.
iowan2 said...
Did your Opinion of Trump go up with his choice of spouse? World class model, and very successful Business woman that spoke 5? languages? I mean the woman is accomplished. She leaves Dr Jill in the dust by measure of accomplishments, if not credentials.
Do you have any nude pictures of Melania?
If not, would you like some?
"Do you have any nude pictures of Melania?
If not, would you like some?"
Class act Chuckles...
Chuck, no one wants your stash of Melania pics from when she was 5 years old, you pervert.
"Trump encouraged racism", but never cite examples. Ever.
Well, you are just not paying attention or lying (the latter is more likely). Trump settled with DOJ for refusing to rent to Black people. He also advocated for the death penalty for the Central Park Five, even after it became obvious that they were innocent and would be exonerated.
And if you don't think the man who killed the woman in San Bernadino for flying a Pride Flag in front of her store wasn't inspired by the homophobia of the right, you are again either in denial or lying (again the latter is more likely).
Vivek has no chance of securing the nomination or the election, for the simple reason that he identifies as Hindu.
That's certainly a mark against him in my book, and if he's the Soros-bot that Tina suggests that's another. (I wouldn't vote for a Muslim either, so cool your jets.)
Chuck asks,do you have any nude pictures of Melania? If not,would you like some?
That depends. Are they in pristine condition or have you been using thm?
Once more unto the breach.
Congress has passed laws and funded programs that the department of education either enforces or administers.
Good ideas, bad ideas, not the point.
Take away the department and the laws remain.
Federal laws.
Federal programs.
Take away the department and everyone will sue.
School districts.
They will go to court.
They will say "Congress passed this law. I want my money."
And the judges will agree and all the things the department of education did will be scattered across the various federal agencies.
Nothing changes.
Getting rid of the department changes nothing.
You have to change the laws, and changing or repealing laws is hard to do.
This is like cutting the top off a dandelion and thinking you killed the weed.
Tell Chuck “oh Hell no!”, iowan 2. One can well imagine the condition of that yokel’s Melania pics.
As to the above citation, calling Jill Biden a Doctor is akin to calling Ketchup a vegetable.
I thought everyone knew that ketchup is a fruit.
Or to be pedantic, a fruit puree of tomatoes and grapes (vinegar)
John Henry
Blogger Spiros said...
Vivek Ramaswamy is advocating a return to the gold standard (but he calls it a commodities basket currency because he doesn't want to sound crazy). I think it's a bad idea and so should you!
I guess you prefer "Modern Monetary Theory" as printing more money has no consequences.
Chuck has returned to his pervert roots in "The Dispatch." At least it is females.
I don't think he's the sort of diversity that Democrats would vote for. I'd be curious to see how they portray him as the latest incarnation of Hitler.
Freder Frederson said...
"Trump encouraged racism", but never cite examples. Ever.
Well, you are just not paying attention or lying (the latter is more likely). Trump settled with DOJ for refusing to rent to Black people.
Freder is always so good about posting links to his outrageous lies that I am surprised not to see one here. Oh well.......
You turn the programs and the money over to the recipients at the state and local level.
"Would the Secret Service allow her to keep working?"
What a telling question.
Dogma and Pony Show said...
"Tina Trent wrote: "I might even have a file on Ramaswamy - I studied the career trajectories and ideologies of hundreds of scholarship recipents."
Then find it and tell us what's in it!"
Yes, please. Information is needed.
Dogma and Pony Show said...
"Tina Trent wrote: "I might even have a file on Ramaswamy - I studied the career trajectories and ideologies of hundreds of scholarship recipents."
Then find it and tell us what's in it!"
Yes, please. Information is needed.
Under Trump this country had the highest black EMPLOYMENT for the last 50 years.
Congratulations to India on a successful Moon landing.
Russia's crashed — business as usual there.
Vivek became wealthy outside of the political world, and his wife is a surgeon who plans to continue her work. I'm reminded ever so slightly of Jack and Cathy Ryan from the Tom Clancy universe, minus the cloak and dagger action.
Re. abolishing departments, it's easy to forget that the Department of Education only launched in 1980. The Republic did without it for the first 204 years of its existence. Is education in America better than it was in 1980? How much did the Dept of Education contribute to today's educational state of affairs? Was it worth the cost?
Blogger Bunkypotatohead said...
I don't think he's the sort of diversity that Democrats would vote for. I'd be curious to see how they portray him as the latest incarnation of Hitler.
admirer of admirer of Hitler is bf to AOC - so unless she endorses Vivek
Then find it and tell us what's in it!"
Yes, please. Information is needed.
advise : let us wait till Obama and Democraticals also join in to ask for it.
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