২ জুলাই, ২০২৩

Sunrise — 5:28, 5:30, 5:36.


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IMG_2186 2

৮টি মন্তব্য:

Narr বলেছেন...

From the Antichronological Sunrise Series, 2023 edition.


The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

To say the "real world" is exclusionary of the phony, fakes and frauds.

The world is made up of those too. They are people too. To exclude them is... insincere.

I'm trying to come to terms with the idea that "truth" is vanishing.

We probably should start that conversation.

TickTock বলেছেন...

A large nuclear fireball, 93 million miles away. It's a big world/universe. Full of wonder.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

YouTube: Is It Brave to Say What You Think?

"Konstantin Kisin and Tom Bileyu discuss the importance of speaking up and freedom of speech."

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Meme Watch: Why didn't I think of that?

Wilbur বলেছেন...

From the Harvard Crimson, November 11, 2010

In May 2009, shortly after the retirement of Supreme Court Justice David H. Souter '61, Carl M. Loeb University Professor Laurence H. Tribe '62 wrote a short letter to President Obama, in which he laid out the case for appointing the recently departed Dean of Harvard Law School, Elena Kagan, and the case against appointing Sonia M. Sotomayor. The letter, recently posted by former Bush administration lawyer M. Edward Whelan III '81 on the Ethics and Public Policy Center’s website, has garnered significant attention in the media for Tribe’s frank characterizations of those serving alongside Justice Souter and those being considered to replace him.

In the letter, Tribe describes Sotomayor as "not
nearly as smart as she seems to think she is." Noting Sotomayor's "reputation for being something of a bully," Tribe cautions Obama against her appointment, warning that this aggressive bench behavior "could well make her liberal impulses backfire and simply add to the firepower of the Roberts/Alito/Scalia/Thomas wing of the Court."

After urging Obama not to appoint Sotomayor, Tribe counsels Obama to appoint Kagan,
"whose combination of intellectual brilliance and political skill would make her a ten-strike, if you’ll forgive [his] reference to bowling." Continuing to praise Kagan, Tribe describes her as "a scholar of the first rank and a star as a teacher" and as someone who "would project a well-grounded image of justice as fairness and of law as codified common sense."

Since the letter was leaked last week, Tribe has
refused to discuss what he regards as "confidential advice to the president." He has, however, said that his opinions on Sotomayor have changed, noting "that the reservations [he] expressed about Justice Sotomayor prior to her nomination were amply refuted by the closer study [he] was able to give her record before the president made his decision and were happily negated by her performance as a justice thus far."

Jersey Fled বলেছেন...

Day three and the Pride flag is still up. She has now proven that she is 10% more woke (better) than the other (few) people who had flags up for Pride month but have since taken theirs down. It’s the flag equivalent of using all caps when you post here.

Can’t wait to see what flag is up tomorrow.

lonejustice বলেছেন...

Worth a listen to those who like Nick Cave:

Heart and Soul: Nick Cave on grief, faith and music.
The Archbishop of Canterbury in conversation with the musician Nick Cave.
