Is that necessarily a contradiction? What counts as a "cult of gender ideology"? Could you favor letting transwomen into a beauty pageant without joining the "cult"? One way to be un-cultish is to make practical distinctions and accept one thing — such as, transwomen competing against cis women in beauty contests — and reject another — notably, transwomen competing against cis women in sports. That kind of thinking is characteristic of people who are not ideologues. Ideologues get hold of an abstract idea, run with it, and denounce those who won't take it to its logical conclusion, however impractical.
७८ टिप्पण्या:
Opinions evolve over time. Who knew this gender ideology would become so pernicious?
Also, any time a trans woman competes in a women’s only event, it’s wrong. If we follow that rule, we’ll be consistent.
Donald Trump is a prodigy, but no ideologue.
Rush said it. Trump is not an ideologue
Do they think Trump supporters will be horrified? We've always known who he is. Watching CNN try for years to portray Trump as a hard-right bigot was the astonishing part.
Could you favor letting transwomen into a beauty pageant without joining the "cult"?
No. Or if there is a way without joining the cult, it is only by being a dupe for the cult.
A disciplined mind would not do such a thing.
Trump could hug a drag queen in the middle of 5th Avenue and he wouldn't lose voters.
Don't forget the components for a cult:
1. Belief 2. Founder 3. Followers 4. Motto 5. Mystery 6. Money - for instance:
1. Homeopathy 2. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann 3. Melanie Hahnemann, Past and Present Practitioners 4. "Similia Similibus Curentur" ("Like Cures Like") 5. Dynamization - Potentization - the "Life Force" no one can find 6. Selling "Cures" "Remedies", and Tuitions for a fee
1. Reiki ("Ray-kee") 2. Mikao Usui 3.: past and present practitioners 4. Usui-no-michi ("the Way of Usui") 5. Energy healing/faith healing 6. Selling "attunements"; training for a fee
And finally, don't forget: Trump is NOT a cult leader because cult leaders do NOT run for office
The plastic surgeons are the ones competing in the beauty pageants if trans women are allowed. Unfair!
Ideologues get hold of an abstract idea, run with it, and denounce those who won't take it to its logical conclusion, however impractical.
You mean, like the ideology that insists queer and trans teachers and kids indoctrinate other people to become queer and trans like them? Acceptance of others as a form of contagion?
Recycling pathetic right-wing talking points is very unoriginal, especially when they’re obviously fear-based. On days when more original ideas aren’t more forthcoming I’d suggest at least appealing to critical, fact-based evaluations of these political slogans, rather than propagating the right-wing meme machine as if an innocent bystander lacks the choice to do anything else. Even Trump admits his party does it out of desperation and boredom.
Not having to concentrate on the obvious, leaves time, resources and effort to concentrate on things that are not obvious.
Wasting time, resources and effort on gender ideology is the real manmade climate change.
I'm so old I remember when "nuance" was king.
Huge difference between tolerating something and promoting it. The left wallows in its debauchery.
As as parent of a daughter and grandfather of 2 granddaughters I am not a fan of beauty contests. Anything that undermines them, like letting crossdressers participate is fine with me.
On one level, at least. Otoh, I do not like the cultural genocide against our women so if we are going to have women's beauty contests, make them women only.
But that is hardly the point, is it? Adults can do what they like.
The problem that people are objecting to is turning children into sterile orcs via chemical and surgical sterilization and bodmods.
Save our children. That is what this is about.
John lgb Henry
Trump doesn't care.
Find the trend and monetize it!
One thing we know about Trump is that he is anything but an ideologue. He is as loyal to the positions he takes as he is to the people around him - in other words they are completely disposable.
Trump’s life is completely is centered on keeping his massive ego satisfied and he will do anything to accomplish that.
He is lucky in that there are far too many people who fail to see him for what he is. His enemies see him as Hitler. The tRump Swabs see him as Jesus. In reality he is more like the Wizard of Oz.
Shouldn't the pro gender bender left adore Trump now?
alanc709 said...
Huge difference between tolerating something and promoting it. The left wallows in its debauchery.
6/17/23, 9:07 AM
And the idiot who calls Trump supporters SWABS deserves Biden and the left. YOU are a BIG part of the problem.
Typically, the leftmediaswine cannot distinguish between business practices and political leadership. For example, they, and the morons who rely on them, think Trump's bankruptcies equate with Biden/Clinton/Johnson style grifting as government officials.
Beauty pageants are show biz.
I wouldn’t personally promote it, but it IS a BEAUTY pageant after all. And some of those trans are knock down gorgeous. Until they speak, then Ruh roh.
The pageant example for Trump is essentially the same as not being opposed to trans-men entering the men's athletic contests. In other words, letting trans-women into beauty contests doesn't convey an unfair physical advantage to such contestants.
@Wince - You beat me to it! The antics of the doctrinaire Left often make me think about the excessive "pride" that John Kerry and other Democrats took in their supposedly "nuanced" thinking.
Groomer hpuddinghead getting his panties into a twist again, I see.
While trans/homosexual females are not affected, trans/social males (e.g. Levine) in dress, are.
Trump does not bray handmade tales, but discerns significance in context. For example, a trans/homosexual males as an individual, a gender divergent male, and a couplet in union. Civil unions for all consenting adults.
Sometimes a human life is a baby, while for others it's a carbon cluster, a pollutant, a "burden", a technical term of art.
He is lucky in that there are far too many people who fail to see him for what he is. His enemies see him as Hitler. The tRump Swabs see him as Jesus. In reality he is more like the Wizard of Oz.
I can almost see the spittle fly as a hard lefty describes what he/she/it thinks of Trump.
Blogger wendybar said...
alanc709 said...
Huge difference between tolerating something and promoting it. The left wallows in its debauchery.
6/17/23, 9:07 AM
And the idiot who calls Trump supporters SWABS deserves Biden and the left. YOU are a BIG part of the problem.
6/17/23, 9:45 AM
————- —
No, the problem is the tRump Swabs because the refuse to see Trump for what he is.
For three consecutive elections the American public has rejected Trump. Not Trump’s positions, but Trump personally. Anyone who ties themselves to him in contested elections loses.
The tRump Swabs further compound this by trying to chase anybody that does to adhere to Trump out of the party. The prime example of this is Kari Lake urging McCain supporters Tom”get the hell out” of the Arizona Republican Party. Only an idiot thinks the way to victory is to contract their coalition.
And finally, we can thank the tRump Swabs for a split senate in 2021 and 2023. They took the advice of people like Lin Wood and Sidney Powell and sat out the Ga Senate run offs enabling things like The American Recovery Plan and The Inflation Reduction Act to become law all because Widdle Donnie had his ego bruised because he was unable to beat a dementia patent.
Have you ever noticed that Trump eventually has issues with everybody he surrounds himself with. This would raise a huge red flag with any person of even a minimal amount of intelligence.
I believe that Raylen Givens, in his infinite wisdom said it best when it come to people like Trump:
“If you run into an asshole in the morning ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day you’re the asshole.”
1) Beauty pageants are on the wane.
2) Any male who would watch a beauty pageant isn't going to watch one where males are competing, no matter what they look like.
3) Therefore, what John henry said.
Huge difference between tolerating something and promoting it.
Exactly: normalize, tolerate, or reject. A child is not aware of the forward-looking consequences of her choices.
The left wallows in its debauchery.
Their religious virtue predisposes them to exercise liberal license to indulge wicked solutions, thus [ethnic] wars/Springs, thus class-disordered ideologies, thus Critical Diversity Theory (CDT), thus redistributive change, thus planned parent/hood, thus medical mandates, thus human rites etc.
”Typically, the leftmediaswine cannot distinguish between business practices and political leadership. For example, they, and the morons who rely on them, think Trump's bankruptcies equate with Biden/Clinton/Johnson style grifting as government officials.
Beauty pageants are show biz.“
The rightmediaswine consumer who posted this perfectly captures the rationalization of plantation slavery in a nation where all men were recognized as equals.
Or the legitimization of Toddlers in TIaras, for that matter.
transwomen competing against cis women in sports.
Why do you feel "women" need adjectives? Especially one like "cis" which is intended, and which I always hears as offensive or inferior.
If you really feel the need for and adjective, how about "real" or "biological" or even "womyn born womyn"? Don't insult all of us with this "cis" bullshit.
Women should always be just "women". It's the others who should be adjectified.
I thought at first you might be quoting CNN and if you were, the above is not directed at you. But rereading it looks like you writing "cis woman"
John lgb Henry
Trump knows words.
He has the best words.
"I'm so old I remember when 'nuance' was king."
This is a great point!
Yes, when it was John Kerry and then Obama, Democrats enthused over the nuance their candidates brought to every issue. The fawning was disgusting!
I documented a lot of it. See my tag "nuance."
AMDG: "The tRump Swabs see him as Jesus."
This is what passes for political "analysis" on the supposed rational right.
Trump won because he ran against Hillary.
100 or so new business ventures.
4 bankruptcies in which no creditor lost money.
New businesses and new products of all types fail about 60-80% of the time.
I'd say a 4‰ failure rate looks pretty good for donald trump.
Compare that to Joe Biden who not once but twice sold his own driveway leaving his house inaccessible.
John lgb Henry
Back then he thought it would make money for him.
Now he thinks he can make MORE money taking the opposite tack.
What's the problem?
Nobody cared until the gender identity cult started to demand child sacrifice for their carnal rites. Now transurrectionists are violently attacking society to continue their teacher union-sponsored human trafficking schemes.
Trump never supported any of these.
And Trump favored gay marriage back when Clinton, Obama, and Biden said such a thing was ridiculous, clearly marriage was between a man and a woman. He also said that he would allow guys dressed up as a woman to use the woman's restroom.
Trump is a liberal, most of his policies are what used to be standard Democrat talking points.
Secure the border to protect working class wages.
Keep manufacturing in the US so that the working class will have jobs.
Keep energy prices low through exploiting the resources available in the US.
The fact that my liberal friends think he is WORSE THAN HITLER shows that their very susceptible to propaganda. Perhaps that's why the are libs.
Trump is an opportunist. His principles are flexible. If you don't like them, he has others.
Nuance, baby. It was all the rage back in the day. Kerry? Consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.
Obama swam in nuance. He was Aristotle, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and Tristan Tzara in one neat package. He smoked too much weed as a teenager to make sense as an adult. America swooned.
And now, Smilin' Joe Biden...
Gun control for everyone. God save the Queen, man.
"You mean, like the ideology that insists queer and trans teachers and kids indoctrinate other people to become queer and trans like them? Acceptance of others as a form of contagion?"
Awww someone is sad that they didn't get any John Weaver hugs when their school
leftwing cultists invited the Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkey to their school...
We can also succumb to the never ending milieu control of the cult and refer to good old fashioned women as "cis"-women.
If I understand "cis" correctly, those are women to like to have sex with real men who have penises.
By narrowing down the objection of transgender athletes competing against cis-women, is it then ok if transgender women compete is sports against lesbian women the ever annoying Megan Rapinoe.
If for one would LOVE to see a transgender woman take Megan Rapinoe's spot on the US Cis, Transgender and Lesbian Women's Soccer Team. Take her spot like has happened to other female athletes. That would be awesome.
He wasn't running, nor was he elected, based on his stance on tranny beauty contestants, that I recall. This is an example of gaslighting, i.e., misdirection, by the media.
The fundamental flaw in Progressivism in general is that it has no limiting principle. If a little bit of something is good, way too much must be way better. If a large amount of something is bad, the least little bit must be expunged. And, of course, they get to decide which is which. There are ideologues on all sides, but conservatives are more likely to believe that the dose makes the poison and that the same person or policy can be good in some ways and bad in others.
"Opinions evolve over time. Who knew this gender ideology would become so pernicious?"
What ideology? Why pernicious?
"Donald Trump is a prodigy...."
Oh? You really meant that?!
So if absolutely anybody else supports gender / transgender ideology, they are modern Heros of the Revolution, and worthy of accolades and acclaim. Unless it's Trump. Then it's curses, chaos, and condemnation, all the way down.
"Rush said it. Trump is not an ideologue."
That's quite true. In fact, Trump has no perceptible bedrock beliefs, ethics, or ideology at all. His only apparent internal guide stone is opportunism: He does and says whatever will enrich him materially, bolster his ego, save his ass from the consequences of his behavior, and help him gratify his animal wants at any given time or in any given situation. He is well aware of the bottomless credulity of his cultists, and he plays them like the sharpest three-card monte grifter in Times Square does out-of-town marks.
He was a democrat in good standing at that time.
>>>>>>>>>>>>And finally, don't forget: Trump is NOT a cult leader because cult leaders do NOT run for office>>>>>>>>>>>
Lyndon LaRouche
The purpose of a beauty pageant is not to find the most beautiful woman but rather to make money for the promoter of the beauty pageant. A trans contestant--a few years ago anyway--would generate publicity and interest in that pageant. Trump's views--whatever they are-- on trans surgery were secondary to his interests in promoting the pageant. He was into promotion, not inclusion. Not so long ago people were more bemused than offended by the trans phenomenon. That was before kindergarten drag shows and football linebackers competing in women's events.
Trump could hug a drag queen in the middle of 5th Avenue and he wouldn't lose voters.
He already has lost them. Certainly hasn't gained any.
So, do you think Republicans today would just shrug if they found out a leading Democratic candidate had once hosted transwomen in a beauty pageant? No, they would not. They would not look for nuance. They would instantly call the Democratic a ‘groomer’. Even if the Democrat had not taken a particular position on the subject.
Here's some nuanced observations about trans surgery. I think an ugly woman who chooses to be become a man makes a far better deal than a man who chooses to become a woman. Ugly men have a far easier journey in life than ugly women. I bet Chaz Bono feels more at ease in the world post transition. Probably gets hot chicks too what with his celebrity and moeny.... Ellen/Eliot Page made a far worse bargain.. Ellen Page was an extremely attractive woman. That's like a superpower. Now he's a slightly built, rather delicate man. If Eliot thinks he had a hard time in adolescence, he should ponder what high school would have been like if he had had to go through it with his current physiogomy....There are many nuances to be examined in this trans fad. I urge every attractive woman to think twice before she cuts off her breasts. If, however, Joy Behar wants to transition I would be fully supportive.
Ann Althouse said...
"I'm so old I remember when 'nuance' was king."
This is a great point!
Yes, when it was John Kerry and then Obama, Democrats enthused over the nuance their candidates brought to every issue. The fawning was disgusting!"
Please cross tag this with an anti-gravitas tag. Aside from the fact that policy wise Trump was a good president, I'm voting for him even if he is convicted in these sham political show trials simply because he exposes all the pious frauds in government,media, politics and entertainment not only for what they are, but he also forces them out as the cultists and ideologues that they are and forces them to their reductio ad absurdum. Perhaps you should consider giving Joe Biden the Sham Wow malarkey tag.
"Years before he said he was running for president to 'defeat the cult of gender ideology,' Donald Trump welcomed and praised the inclusion of transgender women in the Miss Universe pageant."
Contradiction? Like this?
Days before he said "Individuals in the video certainly will not be invited to future events", Joe Biden welcomed trans activists to the White House.
I've never thought Trump actually has his own political and social philosophy like Reagan did. For the most part, it doesn't necessarily matter as a salesman sells the product they think will be bought.
This quality does explain Trumps missteps and lack of skill in choosing subordinates.
But at this point the media has made it impossible for him to shift, they'd hate him matter what.
He has a lot of Schwarzenegger about him really, but rather than woo his ego and lead him leave behind his promises like S did, they attacked and made Trump dig more in.
Strategic error but he didn't capitalize on it. Trump is like McClellan at Antietam.
Nuance? That's sooo 2004. The favored word now is denial.
I don't think Trump considered at the time that mothers would subject their children to chemical castration and surgical disfigurement.
Good people often have a Road to Damascus experience. Only the truly evil are cocksure of themself from the get-go.
So, Robert Cook, tell us about your moment of reflection and repentance? Nothing to say? Well...
AMDG said.
(Stop - you're making the baby Drag Show cry.)
"For three consecutive elections the American public has rejected Trump. Not Trump’s positions, but Trump personally. Anyone who ties themselves to him in contested elections loses.
The tRump Swabs further compound this by trying to chase anybody that does to adhere to Trump out of the party. The prime example of this is Kari Lake urging McCain supporters Tom”get the hell out” of the Arizona Republican Party. Only an idiot thinks the way to victory is to contract their coalition. "
Stop you're making the baby drag show cry.... er I mean - go on.
I like Kerry Lake but she is blind to her Trump addiction. Rule #1 in politics - don't tell voters to go to hell. Unless you want to lose.
Blogger Drago said...
AMDG: "The tRump Swabs see him as Jesus."
This is what passes for political "analysis" on the supposed rational right.
6/17/23, 10:33 AM
I guess there are some tRump Swabs who see him as an effective leader but they are as delusional as those who see him as Jesus.
He does not have an ounce of nuance in his body. Every action he takes is of then moment and only based on what his ego needs at that particular moment.
AMDG said...
"Have you ever noticed that Trump eventually has issues with everybody he surrounds himself with. This would raise a huge red flag with any person of even a minimal amount of intelligence."
I've noticed. While I come to Trump's defense on many things - It is very clear the man has no idea how to actually drain a swamp.
“If you run into an asshole in the morning ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day you’re the asshole.”
And assholes like you will continue to vote for GOPe who cave to progressives and backstab their constituents, which is why Trump has so many supporters. But continue being the asshole you just described.
Robert Cook said...
"Rush said it. Trump is not an ideologue."
That's quite true. In fact, Trump has no perceptible bedrock beliefs, ethics, or ideology at all. His only apparent internal guide stone is opportunism:
Another example of mind reading by clueless lefties. Not even your hero Stalin was an ideologue. Lenin was but Stalin was an opportunist.
So, do you think Republicans today would just shrug if they found out a leading Democratic candidate had once hosted transwomen in a beauty pageant? No, they would not. They would not look for nuance. They would instantly call the Democratic a ‘groomer’. Even if the Democrat had not taken a particular position on the subject.
You do know there's a difference between a trans adult participating in a beauty contest and a trans teacher shoving their ideology down the throats of grade-school children, right?
Because we're not complaining about the former. We have major issues with the latter.
Or is that too nuanced for you?
@ Robert Cook - for your edification, I recommend you look up the word “prodigy”. It means a person possessed of exceptional ability. But the word “exceptional” does not mean “good”.
The fundamental flaw in Progressivism in general is that it has no limiting principle.
What a canard. The limiting principle is to not be unreasonable.
Conservatives always wiggle around that one though, since they object to using reason in the first place.
Re: nuance and the allegedly disgusting fawning of Democrats over it…
They still do!
As opposed to Republicans, who fawn over how crudely their candidates can screw up not only the details but the main point of everything they say.
Let’s hear it for inaccuracy and sloppiness. Yeay!
Flip-side Inga (Hunter's Hooner): "Stop you're making the baby drag show cry.... er I mean - go on."
Gee, its inexplicable how you guys cant seem to move the polls in your direction.
So I guess now the MSM will support Trump because he was pro-trans rights a few years ago. Wait? They won't?
"Ideologues get hold of an abstract idea, run with it, and denounce those who won't take it to its logical conclusion, however impractical."
You mean, like the ideology that insists queer and trans teachers and kids indoctrinate other people to become queer and trans like them? Acceptance of others as a form of contagion?
Well... when kids and young people who detransition or who manage to resist transitioning in the first place say that adults indoctrinated them, and when kids who do transition cite the influence of adults other than their parents on their decision, whaddayagonnado?
And when - in an instance of which I have personal knowledge - four kids in a single class, all of them social outcasts to some degree, all come out as trans within a couple of months of one another... and when - in instances of which I have personal knowledge - kids who never outwardly showed the slightest hint of gender dysphoria from birth onward suddenly declare themselves to be some category of queer that doesn't actually require them to have sex with a same-sex partner (bi, for instance) but does magically increase their social standing (and then, once they're out of high school, they're just as magically heterosexual again)... is it unreasonable to suspect social contagion?
"The fundamental flaw in Progressivism in general is that it has no limiting principle."
What a canard. The limiting principle is to not be unreasonable.
Conservatives always wiggle around that one though, since they object to using reason in the first place.
Hahahahaha... [wipes eyes]
Thanks, pudd'n, that was great! "Not to be unreasonable" = outlaw new ICEs and new nonrenewable energy generation (plus the only form of clean non-petroleum-based energy generation that could even remotely make a stab at addressing the demand) at the same time! "Not to be unreasonable" = permit elective abortion until birth! "Not to be unreasonable" = encourage sex education - which was never part of the early childhood education curriculum even when heterosexual sex was the only socially acceptable kind - in preschool and kindergarten classes!
(That last one - I'm assuming the preschoolers don't have to make collages of P-in-V sex or any other kind - but there is no point to telling 4-6-year-olds that their sexual organs might not match "who they are inside" unless you want to introduce the topic of what sexual organs are for. Tell me how I'm mistaken.)
Oh yes, Progressives are all about reason! Especially when they choke off debate by throwing around "racist," "transphobe," and "fascist" as if they're arguments!
Robert Cook at least attempts to bring actual arguments to bear. I don't know whether to suggest you try harder, or just thank you again for the laugh.
Cis-gender is same-sexual is an... another own goal.
Trans/homosexuals and trans/bisexuals are male and female sex. So, are trans/neo/quasi/pseudo, and even trans/socials in feminine dress.
That said, heterosexuals establish unions as couples, while homosexuals establish unions as couplets.
Oh, and the past, present, and progressive celebration of albinophobia in gay parade is unbecoming of purportedly humane actors.
Finally, civil unions for all consenting adults. The "Respect for Marriage Act" is another wicked solution conceived and birthed by the politically congruent party.
Trump is the bull elephant, and while he did not follow through on several significant points of his campaign, he did expose and bring them to public attention. Now, people wonder what role the establishment, the fourth leg, foreign interests, etc., played and plays inn sustainable progressive prices in medical, education, agriculture, and energy, the World [ethnic] Spring series, human rites, diversity, etc.
"So, Robert Cook, tell us about your moment of reflection and repentance? Nothing to say? Well...." (You left out the period after the ellipsis...I added it.)
About what?
Reflection and repentance? Well, I registered as a Republican when I turned 18, having grown up in a Republican family, (all of whom, including cousins, etc., remain Republicans). As I started looking at the world through my own eyes, and witnessed experiences of people I knew personally, I realized the world wasn't as the Republicans defined it. (My parents, both now dead, were not part of the lunatic fringe who dominate the Republican Party today. Being truly decent people, I doubt they would have supported Donald Trump if they were alive--as my still-Republican twin brother does NOT--but I can't know.)
I shifted my perspective--repented of my ways, if you prefer--and I registered as a Democrat at age 25. However, after begrudgingly voting for Clinton in 1992, I have since voted for Green Party candidates in every presidential election since. In my post-NYC location, I am registered to vote, but I have no party affiliation.
"Another example of mind reading by clueless lefties."
What you call "mind reading" is just observing his actions and listening to what he says and how he speaks of others. You're one of his marks, and marks are desperate not to recognize they've been (or are being) taken.
The rest of your comment was typically childish, typical from you.
"@ Robert Cook - for your edification, I recommend you look up the word 'prodigy.' It means a person possessed of exceptional ability. But the word 'exceptional' does not mean 'good.'"
Okay...with that in mind, Trump is a prodigious grifter and con man, with an extraordinary ability to completely bewitch not just stupid people--and many of his believers are stupid*--but also people who appear to be intelligent. He is an object case in how even smart people can fall hard for blatant and/or insidious appeals to their (conscious and unconscious) confirmation bias, prejudices, and wishes.
*(As the Church of the SubGenius has taught us: "Act like a dumbshit and they'll treat you like an equal.")
You referred to women as "cis women".
They are just women. Real, actual, women.
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