१५ जून, २०२३
"President Biden is almost certain to be Democrats' pick for president in 2024, but he might not win the first two contests of the primary season..."
"... if they're in the traditional first-to-vote states of Iowa and New Hampshire — a scenario that seems increasingly likely... Biden's team is indicating he won't be on the ballots in those states if they vote before South Carolina, his choice to have the first primary.... That sets up a scenario in which Robert F. Kennedy Jr. or another long-shot Democrat could win those states — and embarrass the president.... In touting South Carolina to kick off the primary season, Biden’s team has said it wanted voting to start in a racially diverse state to give minorities more of a say in early presidential contests. New Hampshire was about 87% white in the 2020 Census, while Iowa was about 83% white. South Carolina was about 62% white."
६६ टिप्पण्या:
Talk about stupid! Not being on the ballot in IA and NH assures defeat. That's the headline. Joe loses!
I know one thing, Biden couldn't handle questions from Iowa voters.
I saw Vivek last night. A command performance in answering tough questions. I've never seen anything like it and I've seen plenty. I've seen both political questions and questions during Wall Street conference calls.
New Hampshire is also very anti mRNA vaccine. I visited friends there in Feb 2023 that had left SF because of the increase in crime, but mainly the compulsory requirement for COVID "vaccination".
These are RFK Jr. supporting Democrats. I also bet a bunch of their friends. Met two families that had quit jobs, and moved from Massachusetts to NH to avoid 1) compulsory school mRNA requirements for their kids, and of course, 2) to avoid mandatory mRNA requirements for their own employment.
But, they are a minority of Democrats. Probably in RFK Jr.'s 20%. I could see him competing there, but when you get down to real blue states, even WI, and white suburban women, teachers etc...they are all for mandatory mRNA for everyone and I don't see them giving up that support. They are entrenched.
Regardless, Biden will steamroll his opponents. With accomplishments like the railroad from the Pacific all the way across the Indian Ocean he just announced, how could he lose?
You know you're in a democracy when:
> The incumbent ran his campaign from his basement
> The incumbent wins the nomination despite losing important primaries
> The incumbent refuses to debate primary competitors
> The incumbent stifles rebellion at the convention
> The incumbent has a mandate despite being the most unpopular candidate in history
> The incumbent wins the election with 181 million votes
> The incumbent celebrates victory by losing another competition with a sandbag
Trunalimunumaprzure is just a word. A word for the things we do together.
"Biden’s team has said it wanted voting to start in a racially diverse state to give minorities more of a say in early presidential contests. New Hampshire was about 87% white in the 2020 Census, while Iowa was about 83% white. South Carolina was about 62% white."
What do they mean by "racially diverse"?
Suppose South Carolina is 62% white and 38% black (and black-identifying mulattos). And suppose New Hampshire is 87% white (including Hispanic) and 4% east Asian and 4% mestizos from Mexico/Central America/South America and 4% south Asian and 1% Filipino. In this thought experiment New Hampshire would be far more racially diverse than South Carolina.
77% of the U.S. population is White. What's the problem? Are we supposed to have Affirmative Action in voting now?
Sure, it’s not about rewarding the state that set up his steal of the primary.
New Hampshire has voted for every Democrat since Bill Clinton, except for Gore, but that still isn't good enough for SJWs.
"That sets up a scenario in which Robert F. Kennedy Jr. or another long-shot Democrat could win those states — and embarrass the president..."
If, by "the president", they mean Joseph Biden, it will take a lot more than that to embarass him. Joe Biden quite literally knows no shame.
reporting diversity in politics
Are they confident he will win South Carolina?
If Biden keeps Kamala, the Republicans have a chance.
If he doesn't, he does.
Ever since 2000, at least, the Southern Black vote has determined the Democrat nominee. Usually blacks vote as a bloc, and given their high percentage of the D party in the South they are the decisive factor. Hillary was the favorite in 2016, and got over 70% in SC.
Blacks will support Biden over RFK, making any win by RFK impossible. His candidacy will just be bernie 2016, all over again.
If the Democrats loved the good old US of A as much as they love graft, corruption, and the power to stick it to Normals, Joe Biden would win no primaries at all.
There seem to be other Democrats who are low-key running. Gavin Newsom. Gretchen Whitmer (big article about her in Vanity Fair, a new PAC she set up)
Historically, the Black communities in America voted heavily for Kennedys. Kennedys first. Democrats second. Biden would be in trouble if RFK Jr. gets out of the corral in which they're trying to keep him.
Biden is counting on his black master, Clyburn, to fix things in South Carolina. Clyburn will do so but he has cancelled any other black Congressional seat.
"Biden's team is indicating he won't be on the ballots in those states if they vote before South Carolina"
Is it statutorily possible to be on a state's November ballot if you were never on its primary ballot? Maybe the oily Team Biden don't care about those states figuring that the oily Joe wouldn't be winning them anyway.
RFK Jr. is democrat-light. I equate him to the transheuser product with a similar sounding name. His queerbeer candidacy is queertier run-of-the-mill for his party's platform, for instance is position on 2A issues.
He is an unserious candidate from a dead dynasty in an evil party. Of course he's a democrat.
Jim Clyburn of South Carolina anointed Biden in 2020 and Biden's domestic policies are clearly shaped by Clyburn and the CBC.
If Biden deviates from Clyburn's agenda the Democratic Party will split in two, so they win or fail together.
I see RFK JR. just did a 3 hour podcast with Joe Rogan. I will try to listen/watch with an open mind, but the entire Kennedy family has always creeped me out (I'm from MA).
Don’t you worry,
Mainstream media is on full alert.
We’re not gonna let the president get embarrassed.
Democrats are lemmings and have proven they will vote for any party candidate with barely a pulse if so ordered. Since Biden is too infirm to campaign it will be up to another fossil, Jim Cliburn to play the Pied Piper in S. Carolina.
If you don't vote for Biden in the primaries, you ain't black.
This is why a smart black Democrat in Congress should run for President. There will never be a better chance at power than this election for such a person. Biden has shit for his brains.
“That sets up a scenario in which Robert F. Kennedy Jr. or another long-shot Democrat could win those states — and embarrass the president....”
Fantastic! Biden deserved to be embarrassed—humiliated and even shamed.
"Biden’s team has said it wanted voting to start in a racially diverse state to give minorities more of a say in early presidential contests."
Wow! Joe Biden is racist? Who'd have guessed?
But then as Jerry Seinfeld once quipped, “It's not racist if I like them."
What happens if the candidate dies of old age before the election or the inauguration?
RFK Jr. is benefiting from the rise of populism, extreme economic inequality that is fueling resentment against political elites and a cultural backlash against elite America's obsession with trans rights and DEI. BUT he doesn't have enough money or an adequate field organization (ballot harvesting and other, similar, forms of absentee voter fraud, door-to-door canvassing, contacting voters by telephone, voter registration and get-out-the-vote campaigns). Don't forget about the super delegates!
It's pretty obvious that RFK Jr. can't win the Democratic nomination but he can make things interesting.
I also think that if Biden is the nominee, then this will be the year for a left-wing insurgent campaign from a third party candidate.
Biden’s criminal operations rely on dividing by race. Which means he has to keep up his war on traditional white communities. Which in turn means they might not vote for their own extermination.
Maybe I'm being obtuse, but why would it be embarrassing for Biden to lose a primary (caucus) in a state where he has chosen not to be on the ballot?
I say Dementia Joe should top his 2020 not a campaign basement run by abjuring all campaigning, all primaries, all elections. I bet he'll win anyway.
LOL. 30% approval Joe will win it all. Have faith in our corrupt mob system. Please.
Who won the last Iowa Caucus last time? Did we ever learn?
ah poor Crook Biden - embarrassed. LOL.
LOL - I mean never. Biden is a proud and obnoxious super-mob puppet-husk.
He doesn't even need 30%. LOL.
It's humorous that they think the Dems are still having primaries.
Blacks will support Biden over RFK, making any win by RFK impossible. His candidacy will just be bernie 2016, all over again.
If RFK Jr. can pull Biden/the Dems to the middle as much as Bernie pulled them to the left, he will have performed a valuable service.
NH has always been a state where candidates need to go out and meet the people, shake hands, have conversations with small groups in living rooms, etc., both because of its size and its coming first in the primary calendar. Perhaps Slow Joe is not so slow that he realizes he cannot compete in that arena.
Sebastian: "Regardless, Biden will steamroll his opponents. With accomplishments like the railroad from the Pacific all the way across the Indian Ocean he just announced, how could he lose?"
He should have gone all the way with a railroad that circumnavigates the globe....by sea alone. And icebergs...hence additional funding required to maintain the global temps so the Iceberg Stations don't melt.
Donald: "Maybe I'm being obtuse, but why would it be embarrassing for Biden to lose a primary (caucus) in a state where he has chosen not to be on the ballot?"
Because the "shoe-in" fantastical guy who got 81 Million (LOL) votes last time and has saved our economy and rescued America's reputation overseas and reestablished wonderful allied relationships across the globe and has led America to its greatest turnaround performance of all time and has all his faculties and energy and has never looked stronger.....is choosing to not compete in a couple states because.....
Does that help?
They can't let Biden run again and they can't let Kamala stay as VP. RFK Jr is too much of a wild card and probably not competent to be president. Newsom most likely will become the last minute nominee and he will be formidable.
Biden is old and frail.
RFK Jr is smart to run against him. Biden will probably die of natural causes before primary season is in full swing.
Not to worry democraticals and GOPe-ers, Zuckerburger purchased dem-aligned "republican" SOS Raffensberger in GA, working hard to "fortify the next election", announces he will correct known Dominion voting machine flaws AFTER the 2024 election.
"Just In: They’re starting early to ensure victory in the 2024 election.
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger says the state of Georgia won’t update vulnerable Dominion software until after the 2024 election.
According to federal cybersecurity officials Georgia voting software has many vulnerabilities and weaknesses and the state knew about it for at least two years.
Raffensperger says it’s safe even though the federal officials and cybersecurity experts disagree with him. He says he will update the software after 2024 to add new security updates from Dominion."
Remember, if the GOPe can just get rid of Trump, everything can return to "normal", without drama, the way things used to be.
Gee, Paul Ryan might even decide to run again!
After all the things he has done? Lies? Plagiarism? Corruption? How could he possibly be embarrassed? He’s going to Baskin-Robbins.
Based on what his staff is doing they know the fix is in. This kind of crap is for the rubes...
PB&J. That's jelly, served on white... wheat bread. #DEI
The last time South Carolina played key role in national politics it do not play out so well.
When’s the election, again?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. did the Rogan Experience today for the full 3 hours.
Does anyone really believe that the DNC runs an honest primary?
Biden Declares War On The Navajo
The Navajo are heavily dependent on revenue from oil and gas production on their lands. They derive tens of millions of dollars every year from this source. For a people whose poverty rate is triple the national average that is a very big deal.
Joe “Great White Father” Biden does not care. He is saving the planet. He is waging war on fossil fuels.
Interior Secretary Deb Haaland recently announced the closure of all land within a ten-mile radius of the Chaco Cultural National Historical Park to new oil and gas leases. That ban will remain in effect for 20 years. The park and the surrounding area are on Navajo land.
In May the Navajo nation voted to reject the closure which affects 351,000 acres. The Interior Department itself estimates the closure will cost the Navajo $194 million over the length of the ban. Haaland did not care.
You got that Right.. The people that OWNS the land is being denied use of THEIR OWN LAND.
WHY? because democrats think THEY should decide what when where.
I just got back today, from the Qualla Boundary, which is what's left of the Cherokee Nation,
after democrats decided that the Cherokee shouldn't be allowed to allow goldmining on their land. People wanted to PAY the Cherokee for access to their lands..
BUT, the democrats decided that WOULD NOT BE ALLOWED.
Instead, the democrats rounded up (nearly) all the Cherokee, and ethnically cleansed the southeast; exiling (nearly) all the Cherokee to some Hell-hole, called Oklahoma.
A few Brave Cherokee (see what i did there?) REFUSED TO GO; and hid out, in the farthest reaches of the Appalachians.. Which became, The Qualla Boundary.
It's interesting, how when your talking about democrats; it's Always the Same deal
I've already expressed my hope that 2024 will be a repeat of 1952 and 1968 in NH. Can't believe Biden will make it easier. If Biden sits out NH and Iowa if they go before SC all kinds of momentum likely to develop.
Trying to recall which GOP candidate elected to skip NH to disastrous effect.
"This is why a smart black Democrat in Congress should run for President."
One little problem there ....
Is this a big vs small post? Biden the big national politician who performs like a small politician?
The powers thaThe primaries are just for show. They mean nothing. A handful of people will decide. Joe was easier to control than Bernie and Hillary couldnt win a race against a snail.
They know Trump won twice. Why else are they doing the full court press?
The Inga's of the world are fine with this. One day the Inga's of the world will not like something.
Maybe theyll tell her she HAS to give up her house. Or maybe her grandchilden will be future slaves.
She's a good citizen, she'll know what to do. She better, nobody will be around to defend her.
tommyesq has it.
NH and Iowa required six stops per day, meeting with small business owners, farmers, teachers, welders. You get the idea. Dirty common people. The movers and shakers are wearing seed corn caps, not $8000 Armani suits. They are also smart and informed. Not the coastal elites that believe what they are told, and live 24/7 never meeting a person that has a different opinion.
All politicians hate IA, and NH. The want to to by adds, and meet with bundlers, never having to answer to the parents that go to school board meetings.
Biden could drop to 15% approval and still win the mob-nomination.
For New Hampshire, going first was originally about town meetings and mud season:
“The Granite State’s decision to adopt a presidential primary was born out of the progressive movement of the late nineteenth century, which, among other reforms, led to the constitutional right of women to vote. New Hampshire adopted primaries for local and state elections starting in 1910, and then instituted a presidential primary for the 1916 election. To save money, the state legislature decided to hold the primary on Town Meeting Day, the second Tuesday in March. For over two centuries, New Hampshire’s town meetings had been timed to occur in mid-March, after the most brutal part of the winter and before the muddy season, which made it difficult to travel. Thus, Yankee frugality and the cold New England climate contributed to the timing of the New Hampshire presidential primary, which has been the first primary in each presidential election cycle for one hundred years.”
Why does Biden hate white people
@NMObjectivist Newsom most likely will become the last minute nominee and he will be formidable.
Newsom promises to bring California politics to the entire country. That strategy worked well from Reagan circa 1970s through the 1990s, but it doesn't resonate today. Newsom can be easily slammed on taxes, rampant crime, ineffective car, trucking, high speed rail, and ports management, extremely unpopular "equal outcomes" diversity programs, and much more.
San Francisco's downtown is in economic free fall, and Newsom can't escape his SF roots.
Astounding downtown SF business closures. Just drop off the keys at the bank and get out before you are killed by a street person or before their tippy high rise apartment building falls and crushes you:
Be aware that when reports say "Union Square" they avoid mentioning that the neighborhood is adjacent to the Tenderloin district. The Tenderloin is home to social services, people sleeping on the street, open needle drug use, poop on the street, etc. Some recent failures such as "Hilton Union Square" are actually in the Tenderloin and places farther away have long been sketchy too.
But hurt feelings. But a broken utopian dream. But cognitive dissonance. But Orange Man Bad.
Embarrass THIS president?
Is that even possible?
Biden is well beyond shame.
"The Inga's of the world are fine with this. One day the Inga's of the world will not like something.
Maybe theyll tell her she HAS to give up her house. Or maybe her grandchilden will be future slaves.
She's a good citizen, she'll know what to do. She better, nobody will be around to defend her."
She'll blame Republicans.
Biden's team is indicating he won't be on the ballots in those states if they vote before South Carolina, his choice to have the first primary.... That sets up a scenario in which Robert F. Kennedy Jr. or another long-shot Democrat could win those states
It is virtually impossible in a contested Primary to win both IA and NH.
Biden survived the 2020 Primary to get to SC because the Democrat Party in IA worked to sabotage the IA Caucus counting, to make sure whoever beat Biden there couldn't walk away with the "victory" and start campaigning on it.
If there are clear winners in IA and NH, then unless the MSM just goes in lock-step to block them and support Biden, Biden's going to be much more than just "embarrassed"
And I'm not at this point willing to believe that the MSM will be able to enforce that level of lock step conformity, especially with Twitter refusing to play along
Donald: "Maybe I'm being obtuse, but why would it be embarrassing for Biden to lose a primary (caucus) in a state where he has chosen not to be on the ballot?"
Because the low information voters who decide most elections tend to care about who won. If RFK Jr wins both the IA and NH votes, and the MSM doesn't manage to completely suppress that information, RFK Jr is going to get a lot of positive attention, and Biden is going to start to look like a total loser to a lot of Democrat Primary voters.
What happened in 2019 - 2020:
Every Democrat candidate who got a "chance to shine" and went up in the polls, immediately tanked after Dem voters got a close look at the loser.
Then we finally had the IA Caucuses, and the Dems running them managed to make sure they were so screwed up that it took over a week to get a "winner", by which point everyone was focusing on the NH primary.
Sanders won the NH Primary and NV Caucus, but with well under 50% of the vote.
Then Biden was dragged to victory in South Carolina.
After which the people in charge of the Dem Party forced just about everyone else to drop out and endorse Biden before "Super Tuesday"
What will happen in 2024?:
So far, the only "name" candidates in are RFK Jr and Biden. Unless that changes, RFK will be the winner in IA and NH
Instead of having ~15 pools of 5% of the votes for 15 different candidates, there will be "Biden", "RFK Jr" and "Undecided"
Which means there won't be people to push out and get to throw their support to Biden.
"Vote for Biden, he won South Carolina" really isn't a winning slogan, at least, not among Democrats.
What the Biden team is afraid of, and should be afraid of, is that someone like Newsome is going to decide in October to officially jump in, for fear that RFK beating Biden early will do what it's done in previous elections: cause the incumbent to bow out (see 1968, for example)
If it's RFK vs Biden, and been looks weak, Biden drops and Michele or Oprah sweeps in to take the nomination
If it's Newsom, RFK and Biden, and Biden drops, then Newsom gets the nod, and neither Michelle nor Oprah has a chance to drop in
But if it's Newsom, RFK and Biden, Biden is going to have a hard time avoiding debates. Even though doing a debate will kill his campaign
It's a large scale prisoners dilemma
"Blogger rwnutjob said...
Why does Biden hate white people"
Why does Biden hate people
"President Biden is almost certain to be Democrats' pick for president in 2024"
Does that ring true? Does the DNC really think they can brute force that in the face of credible self enrichment by bribery and the stink of Hunter? Any plan B candidate gets tarnished over time by lack of interest and effort to connect with voters. The Democrats need to move against Beiden now, can they call Bernie?
Sure, concern trolling, so nominate Beiden and be done with it. But Bernie could win and Beiden can't. Trump indictments regardless.
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