১৩ জুন, ২০২৩

At the Spiderwort Café...


... you can write about whatever you want.

১৫টি মন্তব্য:

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

If you are wondering why the story that the ChiComs brewed up COVID as a. "bioweapon" came out now, it was because Fauci and the deep state had to do some blame shifting, since we were as responsible for the research as anybody, and it wouldn't do for the American people to come to understand this. It's all coming out, what we did, and so the blame shifters and war salesmen have set to work. The neocons are planning the next war, and they want us on board, so it's a twofer for them.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Tucker Twitter 3 dropped just a few hours ago.

Tucker dug back in time and showed the moment Trump became an existential threat to the Washinton establishment.

Mike Pompeo hardest hit.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

BTW, I don't think that Putin expects normalization of relations with the West, ever. I think that he is planning that Europe be left as a rump on the Eurasian continent, totally dependent on the US for energy, paying double the prices for natural gas than Russia was charging, with their industrial economy pretty much decimated. China knows as well that the US has it in its sights. China is happy to have Russia as a partner to supply them with energy and food and strategic minerals. The Chinese are not morons. They can see that our plan for them is the same as our plan for Russia, and that if Russia falls, China is then left alone against us.

The Arab world is sick of us creating conflicts and using divide and conquer to dominate them. Africa is willing to look to Russia and China, since we have treated Africa like shit, assassinating every leader that gives us lip. South America is not far behind. We are making all of the mistakes that the USSR made, and some it could never even think of.

Maybe I am wrong and the US can conquer the world. We are utterly ruthless, so we have that going for us. Our population is utterly propagandized. But really, I don't see how Putin had any choice, he could either jump out of the pot, or be boiled. Our plan has been to break up the Russian Federation since Mika's, of MSNBC's Morning Joe, since her dad cooked up the plan to do it back in the '90s. Funny that his daughter is in the media, just like all of the ex CIA people we see everywhere. Once the Russian Federation is broken up, we can deal with all of the small countries, and strip them of their resources, just like we did Africa and the Middle East.

This has been the point of every war we have started since the fall of the Soviet Union, no matter what the individual pretexts have been. The reason we hate Putin so much is that he reversed the decline of Russia, and made our job harder. It's not necessary for us to conquer the world, we could compromise and get along.... Bwa ha ha ha ha! Who am I kidding! WW3 it is!

BTW, I wouldn't be surprised to find that there are some Ted Kaczynski fans in power out there who think that nuclear weapons will be far more effective than letter bombs.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"The mice were monitored in their cages over two weeks. The results were shocking. The mutant virus that fused WIV1 with SHC014 killed 75 per cent of the rodents and was three times as lethal as the original WIV1. In the early days of the infection, the mice’s human-like lungs were found to contain a viral load up to 10,000 times greater than the original WIV1 virus.

The experiment was part-funded by EcoHealth’s grant money, but the FOI documents show that, while the Wuhan institute’s experiments were described in Daszak’s April 2018 annual progress report to the NIH, he did not refer to the deaths of the humanised mice.

There was also no mention of the mouse deaths in the grant renewal application Daszak filed to the NIH later that year. In this account, he said the mice had experienced “mild Sars-like clinical signs” when they were infected with the mutant virus. It had actually killed six of the eight infected humanised mice.

Daszak eventually provided details of the experiment’s deadly results to the US authorities in a report after the Covid-19 pandemic. He now says his 2018 statement about the “mild” illness was based on preliminary results — even though the experiment in which the mice died had taken place several months before he issued the statement."

Lying in grant proposals and progress reports is highly illegal. Why isn't Daszak being brought up on charges?

Original Mike বলেছেন...

Sorry. That was from the recent London Times article.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Maybe I am wrong and the US can conquer the world.

Not with Mark Milley as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

Paywall? Try 12 foot ladder. But doesn’t work for NYT.

Ampersand বলেছেন...

Tim in Vermont at 824pm, "Maybe I am wrong and the US can conquer the world. We are utterly ruthless".

Dark stuff, Tim. International relations exist on a separate plane from actual human relationships, and 'ruth' is definitely not invited. The world is undergoing a massive shift occasioned by the move toward urbanization, with its low birth rates and anomie. I don't know how this will turn out, but the US, if it's not governed by corrupt egocentric nitwits, is in a better place than just about everyone else. (Remember that 'if')

BTW, I feel fortunate to have this forum to formulate thoughts that, without this forum, would be inarticulate mumbles to myself.

NKP বলেছেন...

Tim in Vermont, please call the suicide hotline. I'm worried about you.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

First it was a bat market in Wuhan, then it might be an "accidental" leak from a lab (Fauci) funded in Wuhan. Let's cut to the chase. This was not an accident. The Chi-Com military released this plague. Look at the resultant world power structure. Who is weaker? Who is stronger? The media was so concerned with Trump, they lost sight of the mission. After all the plague derailed Trump, so all is (was) good.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

Chi-Com spy base in Cuba? Makes me laugh. We would better off focusing on the Chi-Com spies already in this country, of which they are legion.

tim maguire বলেছেন...

Ampersand said...I don't know how this will turn out, but the US...is in a better place than just about everyone else.

I'm often reminded of an observation by Dennis Miller that being best in the world at something is like being valedictorian at summer school. You can't show we're not in the catbird seat merely by pointing out our deficiencies.

(I get that my quote elided what some might consider an important conditional, but I don't think it's important--our leaders can be plenty corrupt and incompetent and we'll still be best positioned.)

Enigma বলেছেন...

@tim in Vermont: The neocons are planning the next war, and they want us on board, so it's a twofer for them.

Next war? A global economic cold war has been active for 10+ years.

China is 100x more of a threat than Russia. There's conspicuous silence from the guilty: Apple production in China, Disney selling propaganda-friendly films in China, NBA earning $$$$ in China, the Biden clan's financial schemes, Fauci and other Josef Mengele-like doctors who love to play god, etc. Few mention or care about the Uyghur genocide, nor China's rampant African imperialism... One might conclude that identity politics and Wokeness is merely a cover for the real goals of old-school "robber-baron capitalists."

The West outsources dirty mining and manufacturing to (TALENTED) Chinese people, and outsources all non-green, non-politically correct needs to China too. Most of the world is economically owned by China, even if the US Dollar hegemony legacy hides the fact. If China can unite the 3rd world/Emerging Markets for its Belt & Road plus an anti-Dollar currency the Old World Order is screwed.

The global center of power continues its inevitable westward march, as it has for thousands of years. Asia -> Middle East -> Europe -> USA -> Japan -> China. Russia became an easy bogeyman because of Putin's Crimea invasion, and as a "less risk than China" scapegoat for all world issues.

Kai Akker বলেছেন...

Berenson: https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/on-friendship-with-self-righteous

And one of the comments visible as I read his substack article. This is so true, times millions.

---Its sad. My pulmonary doctor brother in law has never reached out, Apologized or acknowledged anything...even after they required/demanded myself and my unvaxxed family take tests prior to our gathering for Christmas only for they themselves to all come down ill with covid that following February after their 3 plus shots. I honestly I dont ignore them...we pretend nothing happened but they are sort of dead to me now in a general sense...I feel nothing for them...ambivalent at best if only for the sake of my in laws and keeping the peace. They want us to visit but I can not bring myself to bother ...plus it's San Fran which is not real inviting either. They were willing to make our ailing in laws be alone for every holiday and then insisted on making us feel like dirty disease spreaders even when science and common sense contradicted this plainly and that in my opinion became clear very early on..my family had covid in early 2021 prior to vax so our risk of spread was at par with vaxxed. They are both doctors as well....and my brother in law even pushed us to vax our healthy 16 year old who had already had covid. I can't. They were supposed to be smart but I lost all respect for doctors and the medical community after this. I am a CPA and could follow the freaking logic better than them....totally blind to their own politically driven group think. Yeah I can't really go back...the emperor has no clothes. (Reference to a childhood fairy-tale)

Narr বলেছেন...

Yep, as Bismarck noted, God looks after children, drunks, and the United States of America.

We are very well positioned to ride out the worst of the crises coming on; much better than Russia--sunk in knout-love and dreams of the past, or even China--a paper dragon on the verge of yet another upheaval.

All it will take is steady, skillful leadership, and surely a country of 350 million people can find some steady and skillful leaders. Right?
