May 31, 2023

The alien's documentary about what gives meaning to the life of the humans.

I love the work of Baron Ryan, and I looked him up to see what he might be doing. The main thing I found though was from 2014, when he was 17: "Nixa Boy Scout Earns All 139 Badges."


farmgirl said...

… he’s the one who did the small talking tokkie, yes? Where my 31yr old daughter asked: wtf did I just watch lol? Not familiar w/Woody Allen, I see a deadpan similarity. The sad thing is, he’s not completely wrong.

And: aliens?
B/c G*d makes snowflakes run for safe spaces?

robother said...

Another Baron? Can the Earls, Dukes and Marquis be far behind? So much for dandling Vera, Chuck and Dave on your knees. With generation with names like that, it's Grandpa who'll have to bend the knee.

Sebastian said...

This will be funnier a century from now, when most developed countries will have gone through a demographic implosion.

mikee said...

Reddit has an ongoing series of writing prompts and sci-fi posts about how aliens view humans. Generally, our normal human behavior is seen as amazingly disturbing.

Chuck said...


I was hoping to hear that word. It prompted me to inquire when did “earthling” enter popular English language usage? Answer; Robert Heinlein, 1949.

Ann Althouse said...

"… he’s the one who did the small talking tokkie, yes?"

I know him from TikTok and that's where I first ran across this, but I went to Instagram to get the code to embed because I don't think TikTok looks good embedded and because lots of people avoid TikTok.

CJinPA said...

Excellent premise, ruined by a cliched take on Dummies have Children.

So many opportunities for humor and insight on broad topics wasted on contemporary Culture Approved drivel.

Free Manure While You Wait! said...

"The main thing I found though was from 2014, when he was 17: "Nixa Boy Scout Earns All 139 Badges.""

I'm curious to learn how many others have achieved this, and what percentage of them became serial killers.

Readering said...

Do aliens have kids? Or do they live indefinitely?

Narr said...

139 badges? I was sure the new "Anal Sodomy" award would get it up to 140.

Eva Marie said...

“I'm curious to learn how many others have achieved this, and what percentage of them became serial killers.”
In the linked story: 250 out of 110 million. No word on how many became serial killers.
I love the photo of him with all his badges.

madAsHell said...

All 139 merit badges!?!?!?

I was well on my way to Eagle Scout, but got sidetracked by skirts, and beer. 139 merit badges?? What the hell is wrong with this guy??

Assistant Village Idiot said...

I have five grown sons. None of them acted like this in the least. Nothing in the answers sounds anything like what I would say. I think this is a pattern, of people with no children believing that they understand the people who do, and failing miserably.