Carroll is seventy-nine. She just adopted a new dog, a Great Pyrenees. “She’s right here, Miss Havisham, Sham for short,” she said, gesturing offscreen.
"Robbie" is the lawyer, Roberta Kaplan, who's quoted saying she considered seeking a gag order when Trump, having lost in the defamation case continued to repeat the defamation. But she didn't want the "First Amendment concerns," and she's seeking additional punitive damages instead.
The dog is named Miss Havisham — that is, the character in "Great Expectations" who devotes herself extravagantly to her disappointment in men. At trial, there was an unsuccessful attempt to introduce evidence that she'd once named a dog/cat "Vagina."
From the Wikipedia article on Miss Haversham: "The condition of the 'Miss Havisham effect' has been coined by scientists to describe a person who suffers a painful longing for lost love, which can become a physically addictive pleasure by activation of reward and pleasure centres in the brain, which have been identified to regulate addictive behaviour – regions commonly known to be responsible for craving and drug, alcohol and gambling addiction."
Calling oneself "a crone" is an old feminist trope. It was big in 1979, when Mary Daly published "Gyn/Ecology," discussed contemporaneously by Rita Mae Brown in The Washington Post in "The Croning of a Woman":
The opening section of the book, "Processions," pretends to restructure language by reclaiming negative terms such as "hag," "crone," and "harpy," and giving them positive meaning. Really, though, it is an elaborate defense to ward off criticism. To my mind, Mary Daly doesn't need to justify what she's doing; she need only write clearly what she thinks.
One thing she thinks is that men are the enemy. True women, or, as she, "wrenching back some wordpower," refers to them -- Hags, Crones, Harpies, Furies, Spinsters -- represent life. Men are death. In this system of thought "the basic Sin of Phallocracy is deception -- the destruction of process." While this, like many of her other neologisms, is not adequately explained, one assumes she means the blurring of connections between events.
Nonetheless, Daly, in her righteous anger at the total rape of womankind, still does not address the question of why so many women comply in their own "living-death." By way of explanation, she writes "The Myth Masters [that is, men] are able to penetrate their victims' minds by seeing to it that their deceptive myths are acted out over and over again in performances that draw the participants into emotional complicity."...
According to Daly, if we can only find our "True Crone Selves" we can refuse to be destroyed. And if we can break away from male rituals and wars we will hear "the healing harmony of Hags, the cacophony of Crones."...
५२ टिप्पण्या:
"But I think we’ve got a few good years left to figure out a way to end the culture of sexual violence."
Okay, old crone. Start with Islam. See Surah 4:34.
Click for more ...
No, thanks.
My money's on, this lady is loonytoons.
Which I think is going to come out on appeal.
You always have a right to proclaim your innocence.
The court can't override it.
She is a 79 year old lying nutcase. I wonder why anybody gives her a platform to lie, but then The View is a popular show and they lie every day. I guess some people like to be lied to all the time. That's why they are Democrats.
Let's be honest here. She accused him of rape which is a very serious accusation.
She managed to do this by
1) Getting a law passed to bypass the statute of limitations
2) Using a civil action to pursue him (preponderance of evidence versus reasonable doubt)
3) Not providing any means for Trump to really mount a defense (no date [hell no YEAR] of actual "attack")
Her account was highly unlikely in such a major store with Trump being a major New York celebrity at the time.
Additionally, the judge was overly accommodating to her case by allowing "character" testimony to be introduced against Trump while denying equivalent testimony to be introduced against her.
she does look genuinely wraithlike, remnick having carried the russian hoax and the avenatti mudwater, just continues to soil the reputaion of the magazine,
It’s not tenable to trust a liar to figure out anything.
If you read in detail about how Comey threw Martha Stewart in jail, you will understand that it is perfectly possible to imprison a person for protesting their innocence,?The FBI never proved the underlying crime, but put her in prison for “manipulating her stock price,” by saying that she was not guilty of the crimes that she was accused of,
It was all very neat and Comey, a protege of Eric Holder, like his “brother in arms” (Google it) Robert Mueller, bragged about it.
Kaplan is seeking additional punitive damages — not a gag order.
Oh but it is an attempt at a gag order, using other means. If Trump keeps on talking about her does that mean the judge keeps adding punitive damages?
I still don't see how you get "additional" punitive damages after punitive damages have been awarded. Actions after damages have been awarded would be cause for a new trial for that new action. Ms Carroll doesn't get to keep going back to the judge for automatic redress.
I suspect Ms Carroll and her attorneys know this, but this is a way to keep her name in the media and keep Trump associated with the rape charge.
It won't work though. Trump doesn't care what people think of him. It's his superpower. He only cares about winning. The more they try to pile on him, the more he doesn't care, and the more it affects voters because they see him still standing. He becomes stronger.
Let's be honest here. She accused him of rape which is a very serious accusation.
Also, let's recall that the jury found in favor of Trump on the rape allegation, so his denying that he raped her would have the jury's stamp of approval, and any commentary by her that he raped her would itself be defamation and probably subject to greater damages - what is worse, falsely being labelled a liar or a rapist?
My young female friend says I've lived a sheltered life. Very few guys I know engaged in extramarital affairs. As one of my friends said, "Who has the time?"
I've never personally known of any sexual violence. Never even heard a rumor of it.
That being said, after my mom died I found this letter which she wrote to my dad (in her beautiful handwriting) listing all the things she loved about him, inter alia, he didn't beat her up or smack her around. Apparently that did happen to some of her women friends and I knew all of them. Maybe they were married to alcoholics. I threw the letter out. Should have kept it.
i have to say... The times *i* was raped, i remembered the date. i SURE remembered the YEAR
So, the feminists are a class-disordered diversity cult (DC) who carry out witch hunts, hold warlock judgments, and perform human rites for social, redistributive, clinical, political, criminal, and fair weather progress. #MeToo2
I hate it when some PI plaintiff says they are not doing it for the money. Or so that others won't have it happen to them. Or a future promise to donate the money to charity.
One of my maxims, "When someone says they aren't doing it for the money, they are exactly doing it for the money."
From Wikipedia's Mary Daly entry (first two sentences): "Mary Daly (October 16, 1928 – January 3, 2010) was an American radical feminist philosopher and theologian. Daly, who described herself as a 'radical lesbian feminist'. . .."
Radical Lesbian thinks men are death. Who'd athunk it, eh?
So she's now admitting to her career as a professional, paid, victim?
Ann, why are you giving this crone the attention she obviously desperately seeks? She's gone into her Tiny House on top of her Special Lonely Mountain so that she can pretend to be alone and do important "work" on this Deep Problem. We should take her at her word and ignore her while she does her work. And she's certainly the one to get it done, what with her psychic superpower of imagining male predation with such sincerity and vividness that a New York jury buys the story to the tune of $5 MM.
On reflection, of course, the criterion of what a New York jury will buy, is really no criterion at all. Whatever.
What a sad group of women... to believe in "the total rape of womankind," was that the line? Whew.
OTOH, I recall a line from the old sitcom "Dharma and Greg," in which the daughter of hippies marries the son of country clubbers. The hippy mom, in her maybe mid- to late 40s, skips a period and believes that she is menopausal (naturally she turns out to be pregnant; menopause isn't nearly as cute as babies). She is bemused - she doesn't feel "old enough." She tells her daughter Dharma.
Dharma rejoices, "You're a crone!"
Mom is even more bemused. She recognizes that she's supposed to be happy about this development - she is passing into a new and valuable phase of life - but darn it, she's just not old enough to be old!
Ms Carroll doesn't get to keep going back to the judge for automatic redress.
Ahem. "Ms Carroll shouldn't get to keep going back to the well for more money, but she probably will be able to anyway, because Trump.
There we go.
I have no idea what went on in a dressing room in the 1980s ( or was it 1990s?) whatever - so so long ago - a different era with different norms...
Did they get it on in a dressing room? who knows. No way he raped her. I mean - come on I heard on The Leftwing Hate Show "The View" - that Trump has a tiny dick. You can't rape anything with that.
Trump often handles things poorly - because he is a sheltered billionaire - who, prior to his beating Hillary in 2016 - was loved and accepted by the corrupt left.
Extremist leftist women all lost their minds when Trump beat Hillary in 2016. The leftwing pro-Hillary revenge hate machine produced "Any lie will do - to destroy Trump" and it has become a tired never ending movie.
Trump should have handled it differently - but he is up against the mob-justice culture in left-wing New York.
Me-again Markle, at 79.
"“Now it’s not just Robbie Kaplan, me, and the nine jurors. I think people are starting to recognize that when Donald Trump defames someone, or when Donald Trump lies, people tend to believe it, and they act on it. So, hence, they attacked the Capitol when he said he won the election. They attacked me because he said I’m a liar. . . . I think people are going to get pretty sick of ‘figuring out’ that Americans are acting on his lies.” She added, “The one way to stop him is to make him pay for lying. And if he were made to pay for ‘shooting somebody on Fifth Avenue,’ I don’t think he would’ve shot him. Money is precious to him, and Robbie is going to go get some of his money for his lying.”
Worst rape case ever.
More raping by "Robbie" and those 9 jurors.
Take a peek at Carroll in 2017
Why does Trump keep talking about her? You'd think he'd want to move on. How does talking about her help make America great again?
Radical Lesbian thinks men are death. Who'd athunk it, eh?
Radicool (sic) trans/homosexual female from the Isle of Lesbos, puts radicool (sic) trans/homosexual males on safari, and radicool (sic) trans/neo-mascufeminists of Levine et al's dreams of Herr Mengele, on notice.
Shocked that the me-too movement, based on actual evidence, mostly led to defenestration of liberal icons, the left has now shifted to stories with no proof and friendly juries.
Hmmmm no date, even no year. But she does give a location.
Well more specific than that Kavanaugh accuser.
But "believable", right?
" ...the cacophony of Crones." So she's related to my ex?
A better question is why she keeps talking about Trump, if she doesn't want him to talk about her.
The vagina tweets: There's absolutely no basis for not allowing those in. If it was a criminal rape case, I could understand---woman's background off limits. In a civil case, everything comes in and let the chips fall. Hideous miscarriage.
She doesn't have the wherewithal to recognize how her own tweets have contributed to the sexual violence she says she abhors. How to shag a chap: doesn't "shag" mean lure a man in---set him up? That one tweet of hers about liking it rough. All admissible in a civil case.
She probably has a potential career in fiction writing. OK. New York jurors are easy when Trump is concerned but she could try another topic for fiction. She can afford it now, unless of course she loses on appeal, which she should.
@walter: Interesting video. She doesn't seem like a woman who'd be traumatized for life by a semi-public sexual encounter with a celebrity. She does, however, seem like a woman who it would be wise to stay away from.
A better question is why she keeps talking about Trump, if she doesn't want him to talk about her.
Hell hath no misery like a slut who dreams of unrequited rape.
or... a boy who chases a girl who chases a boy. Alas, he's married, with children... 1987 to 1997.
"the more he doesn't care, and the more it affects voters because they see him still standing. He becomes stronger."
If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
Ahem. "Ms Carroll shouldn't get to keep going back to the well for more money, but she probably will be able to anyway, because Trump.
I understand that, but it bothers me that the media and even our hostess don't push back on that. Nobody questions why the legal process should work that way.
Trump isn't going to pay Ms Carroll anyway. He's said he's appealing the decision. That pushes out any payment till that process is resolved. Will likely be years. And the man is pushing 80.
As a multi-billionaire he makes the $5 million every 2 weeks.
Money is precious to him, and Robbie is going to go get some of his money for his lying.
Money isn't precious to him. And the law doesn't have an efficient way to charge people for lying. Money is precious to Robbie obviously, which is why she's seeking it.
"Extremist leftist women all lost their minds when Trump beat Hillary in 2016"
I will never forget what I saw in the skyway between City Center and what was once Dayton's, on the morning after the 2016 election. A thirtyish, well-dressed businesswoman was talking on her cell phone, and right as she was telling the person on the other end of the call in tones of utter desperation, "IT WAS THE RUSSIANS!", she literally crumpled to the floor.
Fortunately there's a railing and she grabbed it just in time.
Something like that, you never, ever forget. First, because it was so bizarre to see because in over 35 years of working in C-suites, I have never seen an executive do that. And second, because it demonstrated that less than 10 hours after the polls had closed, the Russian interference propaganda was already in full swing. And that meant that even before the election, they had it queued-up and ready to go if needed.
And yet many people say I'm a fool for not voting.
"Why does Trump keep talking about her? You'd think he'd want to move on. How does talking about her help make America great again?"
Why does Lincoln keep talking about slavery? You'd think he'd want to move on. How does talking about slavery help make America great again?
Bob Boyd said...
Maybe because he gets asked about it.
She queried her readers about having sex with Trump.
Typical rape victim behavior.
"Think of the fantasies!"
I was once walking through the UC Davis campus with my very liberal sister. (We were both on the far side 0f 60 at the time.)
She threw a fit because the drakes were impregnating the female ducks without consent. The lesson I learned is that rape can be found anywhere, given the right definition of consent.
I attended a lecture by Mary Daly once, many years ago. How that came about, I don't remember (no, I wasn't invited by a woman).
Amazing experience, though. Classic demonstration of feminism as the doctrine that women are special. Audience went crazy. Different kind of crazy than EJC--or was it?
A thought crossed my mind: perhaps she can collaborate with OJ to find Nicole and Ron's killer. Justice must be served!
The internet produces variable numbers, but it appears that roughly 90 to 95% of those incarcerated in the US are male. It is difficult to reconcile that statistic with Ms. Carroll's assertion of blanket male impunity.
The good thing about feminist complaining is that it alerts men to the women that they should avoid, if they don't enjoy being despised.
She threw a fit because the drakes were impregnating the female ducks without consent.
And the lion in polyamorous relations with lionesses, from which a pride is conceived and celebrated in gay parade. It may not be her Choice... choice, but it is certainly Her choice.
Maybe because he gets asked about it.
That's the worst reason.
Shocked that the me-too movement, based on actual evidence, mostly led to defenestration of liberal icons
And that's why #MeToo progressed under the label #WhoopsNeverMind.
What a powerful goddess, a pure fucking female goddess. Winner of stupid battles.
It's nice that she's come to this conclusion, that she must fight for powerless women, or something.
It'd probably be uncharitalbe of me to wonder why she didn't feel like fighting for such women in the 27 or so years between Trump's apparent attack on her and her decision to file suit? (I guess we can't be too specific on the time span since she isn't sure if the attack itself happened in 1995 or 1996, but that's a few months anyway, small quibble).
She didn't even think it was worth mentioning publicly, nor apparently privately to anyone but 2 close friends once, shortly after the attack, for the entirety of that two and a half decade span, either, much less that it should be used to help inspire and assist other women who might have been similarly victimized. Really she didn't make an issue of it until it was a story she could use to help gain publicity for, and thus sell, her book. I mean, Trump was President by then, so it was certainly a bigger story for her, no doubt about that.
Oh well; the victims who might have been spared harm had she pressed charges back when it happened or even just told the story at any point between the mid 90's and her 2019 press tour aren't worth thinking about.
You'd think people would be more ashamed when they say "we all knew Harvey Weinstein (or whoever) was a dangerous predator, it was common knowledge" but they don't seem to be.
Rob C said...
Let's be honest here. She accused him of rape which is a very serious accusation.
She managed to do this by
1) Getting a law passed to bypass the statute of limitations
2) Using a civil action to pursue him (preponderance of evidence versus reasonable doubt)
3) Not providing any means for Trump to really mount a defense (no date [hell no YEAR] of actual "attack")
Jeanie could not and did not "get a law passed." The NY Assembly passed the Adult Survivors Act in 2022 on a vote of 140-3, which as best that I can tell had nothing to do with Trump or Carroll. But suddenly there was a means available to get around the 3-year statute of limitations that existed before 2019 when the time period was changed to became 20 years but was not retroactive. The 2022 legislation was a correction to permit civil actions for a one-year time period beginning in November 2022 to file under the longer-term provision.
Trump was found guilty of most of the charges by a jury of his peers. And now he will get burned every time he bad-mouths her in the future - $5 mil now, $10 mil in the hopper, and the beatdown goes on and on.
The point is to make the justice system equitable and fair, not to devolve it to the classical stature of harpies, creatures acting out of rage and vengeance that exceeds and perpetuates cycles of violence and reduces the humanity of everyone it touches.
Sounds like the usual unifying horseshit tactic of the Democrats, Tina.
Carrol is an obvious misandrist.
Iman: read slower, perhaps.
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