९ एप्रिल, २०२३

Easter sunrise.


IMG_0790 2

Open thread in the comments. You don't have to limit yourself to the topic of sunrises and Easter, but notice the outstretched orange arc rising around the sun. That is unusual and suggests, along with Easter, that you might want to look for what is uplifting.

३६ टिप्पण्या:

TickTock म्हणाले...

Noticed the arc right away. Not seen that before. One can pray that it is a sign ....
Thanks yet again for catering to an endless stream of beans and nuts.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

What a glorious day. Spring in Madison is great. Spent a whole lot of time uplifting garden debris to the curb!

Quayle म्हणाले...

I’ve been contemplating the keynote message at the worldwide General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints last weekend. The current church President, 98 year old Russell Nelson, called us to a “higher and holier way” in how we think about, speak about, and treat others. I’m going to have to make personal changes in some areas. I try, but he is saying that the bar is higher than we’re operating generally.Here is the full sermon (we refer to them as talks or addresses.)

Big Mike म्हणाले...

From Bloomberg:

Since Oct. 1, executives across sectors have sacked almost 538,000 employees around the world, according to a comprehensive review of layoffs by Bloomberg News.

That’s over a half million people laid off in the past 6 calendar months. And that comes on top of a current inflation rate of 6% and an overall 2022 inflation rate of 7.87%.

Remember who wanted to know who t was that died and left Milton Friedman in charge?

Chuck म्हणाले...


I truth, I am not the only one to extend those Easter greetings today. Somebody else did before me.

Chuck म्हणाले...

SNL cold open last night.

Rusty म्हणाले...

I'd welcome Mr. Friedman right about now.
We had a bunny shoot this morning. No we don't shoot bunnys.
Its in honor of Easter. We shoot cats.
Just kidding! Relax. They're already dead. Its almost impossible to load a live cat onto a clay thrower.
They're much easier to hit than clay targets.

Kai Akker म्हणाले...

I have been reading Anna Karenina, a reread; and, coincidentally, I think, Ann Patchett's This Is the Story of a Happy Marriage.

So why does the Tolstoy make me happy, usually; and the Patchett makes me feel sour, frequently? His insight is uplifting, somehow, even on a sad subject. Her swift phrasing has just a bit too much glibness even on her happiest subjects, which are actually fairly rare despite that title. I would only recommend the first one, for anyone who hasn't tried it already.

Dave Begley म्हणाले...

Saw Ben Wikler on CNN.

Narr म्हणाले...

Such a spring, here. Feels like winter one day, summer the next.

It looks like some of our enormous azalea bushes have had it. None of them look great, but some of them are showing little sign of life. They don't live forever of course, and they are easily as old as the house and I are (Midcentury Past Our Prime). We'd get a lot of square footage in the backyard if we removed the azaleas, but also lose some privacy around the patio. Even the dead tangle provides some concealment from the neighbors.

The single camellia that I thought was dead a few winters ago and that I pruned back got a lot of healthy green leaf last summer--no blooms--but is thoroughly dead now, as are almost all the nandinas.

OTOH, the dogwoods and a few of the azaleas--the ones that got what sunshine and brick-retained heat near the house was to be had--are doing well.

As for fauna, there's a very sociable big Brown Thrasher bird nesting in the healthy azalea bush behind the patio. He perches at eye level only a few feet away as I stand still and commune with the manitou, showing off his worm-trophy sometimes.

Lem Vibe Bandit म्हणाले...

I'm doing my 4th step fears with my sponsor AA and decided to leave out my Wokeism fears, my deep state fears, my fears that we are headed for an economic meltdown. I did include my fear that I will be deactivated by a rideshare i drive. I was already deactivated, and later reactivated by one of them. I also included the fear that I maybe racist, just a little.

I did have to include my fear that I'm on the spectrum. I've never share that fear with anybody, but from what I've read and recalled certain reactions to me by people whom I've come into contact with, tells me that they've noticed something.

If indeed Iam autistic, (self-diagnose) is probably very mild, if that's the right way of putting it. I'm near zero sugar or something.

Drago म्हणाले...

In a completely "unexpected" (wink wink) turn of events, LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rape Fantasist Chuck came out strongly and passionately in support of surrendering to the radical transgender psycho cult agenda and allowing them full access to the children.

Given his previous comments on this subject where Chuck signalled his full agreement with David French that allowing transgender psychos access to small children is a "blessing of liberty", I suppose I should have been more prepared to see Chuck once again align himself with the most radical of far left democratical policy.

We will need to watch carefully to see if Chuck's cemented descent into radical dem policy embrace will come to include explicit defense of pedophiles ("Minor Attracted Persons") like those supported and defended by the Lincoln Pedophile Project....whom Chuck also strongly, strongly, supports.

Did I mention he "strongly supports" them?

By "strongly" I mean like a mother bear protects her cubs.

Lem Vibe Bandit म्हणाले...

I'm not going to post links here, but the campaign to take down/cancel Matt Taibbi appears to be for real.

Interested Bystander म्हणाले...


Rt41Rebel म्हणाले...

Anheuser Busch fucked up. The entire marketing department should be fired. Immediately. It’s so obvious… Had they used Dylan Mulvany (?) to promote Busch, or even better, Busch Light, I would have laughed about it, and the entire script would be flipped. Credit to Mark Kaye for pointing this out to me.

Gospace म्हणाले...

Well, for Easter dinner today I had purchased a bag of baby potatoes that included regular brown potato skin, red skin, and purple skin. Boiled them in heavily salted water until done, then thrw them in melted butter. A 24 oz bag among 3 adults- completely gone, and fast. And I just looked up- Why are the insides of purple skinned potatoes purple? Turns out it's from the antioxidants they contain. Apparently, they're much healthier then regular old white potatoes and taste just as good. Actually 4 adults, but my wife only had 3 little ones. She won't eat potato skins, and it's a pain to peel the skins off little potatoes, whether cooked or before cooking...

So now I'm going to have to buy them more often. Easy to make, and I like salt potatoes, which is why I prepared them in heavily salted water. Guess I'll just have to go through the trouble of peeling a servings worth for my wife.

Oh- if you've never heard of "salt potatoes", that's a Central New York thing. I had never heard of them before moving here. No fund raising chicken barbecue is complete without them. Easy to make. Simply dissolve a bunch of salt in the cooking water before cooking, then slather in melted butter. I used Amish rolled butter today- readily available in CNY. Don't know if it really made that much of a dfference. Amish rolled butter is noticeably better on a fresh toasted bagel then stick butter, even Kerrygold. I'd have to do a side by side test on freshly prepared potatoes to see if there's a difference- and I'm not going to bother. We always have the Amish butter in the house, so I use it. When baking my wife uses regular old stick butter. Much easier to measure the baking portions. Especially when the recipe says- "Use 1 stick butter." I've read that's an American thing- Europeans have no idea that we size our butter by sticks. I've been led to understand they read something like that, look at how their butter is packages, and wonder- "Just how much butter do those crazy Americans consume?"

Also cooked up carrots- my daughter's favorite. I buy the multi colored "Rainbow" carrots. They didn't have the baby ones, so I had to cut down the full sie ones after peeling. Throw some butter, a lot of butter, in the pan, melt and add some brown sugar, maple syrup, (Or just maple sugar of you've got it, then no need for brown sugar...), cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and allspice. Throw in the carrots, then keep stirring until fork tender. I also prepared a parsnip and small white turnip the same way. Everyone devoured the carrots. My daughter and son-in-law said the parsnip was OK, and I'm the only one who liked the turnip. I actually like parsnip in stew with gravy or boiled until really soft with butter. But- apparently I'm the on;y one in the family who likes that. Rutabagas are similar to turnip- and I've served mashed rutabaga at every Thanksgiving meal we've made. A few of my kids have learned to like it. Tried out mashed white turnip. My wife wouldn't even try it. My adventurous youngest son liked it. As did I. There's more actual taste to mashed rutabaga and turnip then mashed potatoes. Potatoes get all their taste from the gravy; the gravy adds to the taste of the of the others.

Owen म्हणाले...

Gospace @ 1:19: great food comments. Making me hungry for root vegetables and curious to try “rolled” butter. Thanks.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

Thanks for the potato recipe!

I've been eating more potatoes. I buy whatever is small and most colorful and just toss them, unpeeled, in some olive oil and salt and put them in a 425° oven for about 40 minutes. Easy to add other vegetables somewhere in the middle of that time. Everything roasted.

ngtrains म्हणाले...

Ann, those sound good. My daughters taught me something similar - but we slice the potatoes in half or quarters, and add italian seasoning. Quick, tasty and go well with grilled meats like pork tenderloin or steaks.

Kai Akker म्हणाले...

A Dead White Man of Little to No Relevance Nonetheless Speaks:

Factions are "often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community; and, according to the alternate triumphs of different parties, to make the public administration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans by common councils and modified by mutual interests. However [they] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."

Absurd. Does anyone even claim to know of such ambitious and unprincipled men? How could that type ever get the reins of our government? Yes, absurd.

Even if George Washington told us that in his Farewell Address. Roger Kimball, editor of the New Criterion, quoted it in his recent article.

Well, Washington. Then he got really carried away here and said, "This leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism."

Hah! I said, Irrelevant.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

Re: Salted butter: I won't typically use Amish Butter because it's often in a translucent covering, and that allows Sun in and causes oxidation (in contrast to Kerrygold's opaque covers). But I agree that salted taters taste delish!

CStanley म्हणाले...

Spiral or thinly cut them (I now have a spiral cutting attachment on my kitchen aid stand mixer but have also used a mandoline)
Boil for a few minutes just until softened
Add real butter, a touch of salt, and chopped fresh rosemary.

Delicious….have often made them on Easter but this year we had asparagus instead along with a new salad recipe I tried which was awesome. Used the mandoline to thinly slice zucchini, yellow squash and fennel, then marinated these for about an hour in lemon juice, olive oil, salt and white pepper. Then toss those veggies with some arugula, and top with toasted pine nuts, chopped dill, and crumbled feta.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"Ann, those sound good. My daughters taught me something similar - but we slice the potatoes in half or quarters..."

Yes, I do cut them in half or quarters if they aren't quite small. I should have said that.

CStanley म्हणाले...

Sometimes you can find the really tiny potatoes and when you roast those with olive oil and salt they are sublime. Crispy salty outsides and a pop of creamy potato in the middle.

Rusty म्हणाले...

Just Kidding.
Pull!. MEOW!!!!!. BLAM!
It's a good way to get rid of your surplus kitties.

Thank's a lot Gospace. As if I'm not big enough already.
I do the olive oil ands salt thing but use the air fryer.

Drago म्हणाले...

Kai Akker: "A Dead White Man of Little to No Relevance Nonetheless Speaks:"

That Washington! Always persisting!

Lance म्हणाले...

My family loves potatoes roasted with olive oil, rosemary, garlic and salt. Sometimes I add diced carrots.

We also love what we call "dessert carrots", similar to what Gospace described, cooked in a sauce of butter, brown sugar and other spices.

Lance म्हणाले...

Also +1 for President Nelson's talk "Peacemakers Needed".

Quayle's comment above had the YouTube link, here is the transcript.

wendybar म्हणाले...

Auron MacIntyre
The leftist plan for transgenderist violence is simple:

Kick the dog until it bites 1/🧵
1:56 PM · Apr 7, 2023

wendybar म्हणाले...

This Dylan Mulvaney GUY reminds me of Princess fame whore, Megan Markle. Anything to get rich and famous....
Here he is as the mentally ill boy he was in 2020 on the Price is Right.

And here he is, as a mentally ill boy in 2018 on the Ellen Show. https://youtu.be/kfulifuUBIM

Curious George म्हणाले...

"Rt41Rebel said...
Anheuser Busch fucked up. The entire marketing department should be fired."

"I keep seeing these comments A-B marketing department..."

To have Dylan what's his name be a paid promotor was not a decision of the marketing department. That move came from the C Suite. Including the CEO.

Inga म्हणाले...

Thanks for posting the link to SNL’s cold open. Possibly the best cold open in SNL history.

Inga म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Inga म्हणाले...

“Oh- if you've never heard of "salt potatoes", that's a Central New York thing. I had never heard of them before moving here.”

Salt potatoes, or Salzkartoffel are well known in Germany, Austria and among Ethnic Germans from Eastern European countries. They’ve been around for hundreds of years. We boil the potatoes until tender, then when done, drain liquid off (of course) and then cover the pot with a lid and give a vigorous shake. Then butter, sour cream, or whatever. Usually just butter, salt and pepper.

Narr म्हणाले...

I don't recall Salzkartoffelln at Oma's, but I'm sure there must have been some. I do recall, fondly, Schnibbelboehn, and Rotegrutze (guessing at the spelling).

Gospace म्हणाले...

I looked up Salzkartoffel recipes on google. Similar- but different. Peeled potaoes boiled in salt water vs skin on potatoes. Cut up large potatoes instead of smaller baby whole potatoes. And- missing the slathered in butter part- there are other ways to prepare them. I might try one of the recipes I found online, but they are definitely not the same thing.

But the key difference between both Salzkartoffel/CNY salt potaoes and ordinary boiled potatoes is- cooking them in heavily salted water. Not a sprinkle or a shake of salt, but a LOT of salt in the water, so the cooking process embeds the salt in the potato

Potatoes are a very versatile food. They can be immersed inhot oil or pan fried, boiled, baked, mashed or in pieces r whole, or even slices, mixed with nothing, or with cheeses and whatnot. Personally, I hate and detest scalloped potatoes- made me vomit as a kid, and just the thought of eating them causes the bile to rise. Yet Wegman's sells a frozen potato concation called Potaoe Grotin, that are vitually the same thing in patty form, with ust about the same ingredients, that I enjoy... My wife has learned that if I'm around- DON'T MAKE SCALLOPED POTATOES! She would make them for her and the children when I was on deplyment or patrols. So my kids eat them- I don't.

One of the common fund raising dinners in our area is scalloped potatoes and ham. She doesn't like most forms of ham, including that, and I don't like scalloped potatoes, so, we never help out with those. As purchasers or behind the scenes helpers. I've helped out with the chicken barbecue and ziti fundraisers. Both behind the scnes and as a purchaser.

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