"... Nearly 1 in 3 high school girls reported in 2021 that they seriously considered suicide — up nearly 60 percent from a decade ago — according to new findings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Almost 15 percent of teen girls said they were forced to have sex, an increase of 27 percent over two years and the first increase since the CDC began tracking it.... Almost 3 in 5 teenage girls reported feeling so persistently sad or hopeless almost every day for at least two weeks in a row during the previous year that they stopped regular activities — a figure that was double the share of boys and the highest in a decade, CDC data showed.
Girls fared worse on other measures, too, with higher rates of alcohol and drug use than boys and higher levels of being electronically bullied, according to the 89-page report. Thirteen percent had attempted suicide during the past year, compared to 7 percent of boys...."
"Teen girls ‘engulfed’ in violence and trauma, CDC finds" (WaPo).
"Richard Weissbourd, a psychologist and senior lecturer at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education, said... 'girls are more likely to respond to pain in the world by internalizing conflict and stress and fear, and boys are more likely to translate those feelings into anger and aggression,' he said. Boys are more likely to 'mask depression,' he said, while girls may be more vulnerable to social media and 'a culture obsessed with attractiveness and body image.'"
६९ टिप्पण्या:
Public schools - government run schools are a mess.
I'm not anti-public school, but the Teacher's union ( as Greedy as the Crook Biden family) have destroyed it.
Every government institution is rotten through and through with woke cancer.
They need to be fixed (made neutral) or disbanded.
I don't believe a single thing that comes out of any government-funded entity...
CDC and WaPo, huh. Anything about alien balloons?
America needs to re-think public education.
We spend more on it than any industrialized nation - yet get the lowest results.
Now - Public Run Teacher's Union Totalitarian ineptitude (see hollywood shit show) + Bullying. The the answer to everything is Joy Behar bullying. MSNBC type bulling. Joe and Mika -type bullying.
We would be wise to attempt to model our education after the German system.
Won't happen. There's too much grift and Hunter biden laziness at the top.
Self-abortion, huh. A wicked solution.
Forced or compelled?
Social progress or cognitive dissonance?
Sex, sex-correlated gender, and social juxtapositions, and never the three should conflate.
Teen girls are looking at TikTok and wanting to change into boys. That's the real problem.
Touchy-feely college professor Jonathan Haidt rang the alarm about teenage fragility by 2017 or earlier:
But Trump, but Jordan Peterson. So, Haidt got tagged as "alt-right" and mostly ignored. Teenage problems exploded beyond their naturally high level with smartphones. It's not healthy for young women to go to bed with their phones so they can send the final 200 messages of their 2,000 daily total. It's not healthy to be always "on." It's not healthy to be obsessed with "hearts" and "likes." It's not healthy to be a social media Influencer.
Let's all welcome Tuskegee syphilis research sponsors and COVID-19 distortion crew, the CDC, to the party.
Anxiety disorders. Avoiding relationships. Expecting to marry a billionaire. Stupid absolutist Woke morality. No forgiveness. These girls will grow up to be really twisted mothers, employees, and leaders if they don't all die.
"Girls fared worse on other measures, too, with higher rates of alcohol and drug use than boys..."
I do not believe that.
Oh, so that whole anti-bullying campaign was pure BS, as expected. It was just meant to punish those they didn't like without actually helping in any meaningful way.
I don't think social media has been particularly helpful. There has always been a problem with mean girls and girls feeling bad about not measuring up to their peers. Social media just makes that national or even global, while also potentially isolating them from other people. Also, it does not help that some of the mean girls online are actually guys or bots. As an added bonus, everyone wants to be an influencer and most of them fail badly, which is not helping matters.
That's because the left is trying everything they can to confuse them and turn them into boys.
Yay lockdowns!
This entire social media/Instagram/ Kardasian zeitgeist is poison. Even our daughter, who is level-headed, confident, and undeniably gorgeous, confessed to me about five years ago that she gets depressed after spending time on sites like Instagram…she starts to feel unattractive and like she is a failure because she isn’t living this fascinating and glamorous life.
And the attention paid will encourage more suicide attempts.
They spent 2 generations trying their best to kill the culture, and then they are surprised that the culture is sick.
Social progress - and - cognitive dissonance?
The last thing the schools want to do is give their students the idea that they have personal agency. Everything is about bureaucratic control and submission. The world has problems? Well, don't learn math and science, go protest and "demand" nee beg, your political masters to fix force those with useful skills to fix.
Teach kids how to do something objectively valuable in the world and see how that accomplishment empowers them, but then you lose your little activist and they might not serve their elders' desire.
In the light of this analysis Carlyle's rhapsody on tools becomes a prosaic fact, and his conclusion—that man without tools is nothing, with tools all—points the way to the discovery of the philosopher's stone in education. For if man without tools is nothing, to be unable to use tools is to be destitute of power; and if with tools he is all, to be able to use tools is to be all-powerful. And this power in the concrete, the power to do some useful thing for man—this is the last analysis of educational truth.
—Charles H. Ham, Mind and Hand: manual training, the chief factor in education (1900) (1886)
First salvo to get new fed funded permanent programs requiring college decreed workers. graft and grift grift and graft.
I wonder what the High School teachers are doing to help all these flailing girls.
Anything about alien balloons?
Trial balloons. Hook, line, and sinker. They're till alleging an unearned disparity between the sexes, while exercising liberal license to indulge DIEversity, and denying dignity and agency. Levine's folly and Sanger's Choice only serve to exacerbate the cognitive dissonance... collateral damage.
1. Teaching girls that they are victims;
2. Sexualizing students at younger and younger age;
3. Politicizing sex and everything else.
Who is surprised at this result?
Girls had "higher levels of being electronically bullied"
This could be restated as "girls more often engaged in electronic bullying" (assuming that girls are primarily bullied by other girls, which seems pretty reasonable).
No fathers allowed to speak to them.
America needs to re-think public education.
Re-thinking isn't necessary. Anyone who has thought about education rather than means to ever greater power, the only mode of leftist thought, has already reached two conclusions: Radical and immediate reform is crucial to our national survival, and the NEA is an enemy that must be neutralized by that reformation
Unfortunately, the NEA's program of degradation and destruction has already succeeded in many places, thus rendering much of the current generation absolutely unfit to function in a self-governing society.
As an all too frequent visitor to Reddit's r/twoxchromosomes, this doesn't surprise me. There are posts on that subreddit along the lines of: "I finally met a guy that treats me right and respects me. I don't know how to handle this and am paralyzed with anxiety..." I shit you not - even women who have a good situation seem hell bent on being depressed and anxious. Further, the number of posts from women freaking out over pelvic exams is considerable. Post after post about 'some random guy told me to smile - THE MYSOGYNY!' Post after post about interactions with men in public that lasted all of a nanosecond - kept alive and brooded over for days. Post after post about 'a guy asked me for directions thank god my brother was with me' - each and every casual encounter is assumed to be fraught with danger. It's a wonder that young women even leave the house.
Would love to see data from the 1960's-1970's when kids had way more leeway to wander around unsupervised.
30 years Public Schools started refusing to keep order in hallways and protected the school administration only. Their new mantra was that any violence was equally the fault of the attacker and her victim. I say her because female bullies were the leaders in violence against innocent girls.
Like Rap Music spread teen violence as a tool from blacks to whites , the black girls perfected bullying in hallways. And the schools than refused involvement. They suspend all and act self righteous as if their only job was self protection. Stupidly rewarding violence was the result.
Get your kids out. Find a Charter School or a private Academy. You have to or the public schools will ruin or kill your children and laugh.
"America needs to re-think public education.
We spend more on it than any industrialized nation - yet get the lowest results."
In general I don't disagree with this sentiment, although the use of the word "lowest" is hyperbole.
I wonder how many other institutions/services the quoted statement applies to. Certainly the same statement could be made for healthcare, e.g. we spend the most on healthcare of any industrialized nation but get mediocre results.
I suspect the same statement could be made for our tax system, and our voting system. I don't have any factual information to back this up though, it just feels like it is likely true.
First time poster here, long time reader :)
This is probably 90% social media. I teach middle school, and the amount of drama, fights, anxiety, and the like caused by bullies on tiktok, instagram, youtube, etc is incredible. The other 10% is bad parenting. Parents who want to be best friends with their kids.
Best way to protect your kid from this stuff? Don't give them a phone. They don't need one.
What's the upside of social media again? I forget.
There was a national story over the weekend about a 14-year-old girl that was beaten by four other students and then committed suicide a few days later. Of course, a video of the assault was posted online. Where were the teachers when this happened, and what kind of person videos the event or watches it occur without stepping in to help?
I am engulfed in concern, despair, and dejection.
I might stop my regular wine-drinking and take up gender dysphoria instead.
But I think before getting deballed, I will try two weeks as a Feminist. If my whining quotient does not uptick dramatically, getting me way more attention, then I will be truly lost in despair, dejection, concern and other problems. I will let you know!!!
"Forced to have sex." That could be almost anything. It sounds like rape but might just be verbal pressure. Given how other government statistics regularly don't mean what they sound like, I'm dubious.
You mean telling the next generation, "This civilization you inherited was built on cruelty and racism, is completely rigged, benefits from the snuffing out of babies, and will end with the Earth on fire, bringing the human race to a pathetic, meaningless end" isn't leading to inner peace and tranquility?
Contra President McHopenchange and his ilk, we need to rekindle a belief in life. In people. In a loving God. In truth and innate goodness. Without those, genuine compassion is impossible. And without compassion, despair is inevitable. We are built to love people. Constantly telling people to hate, to resent, to judge, is caustic to the soul.
"Radical and immediate reform is crucial to our national survival, and the NEA is an enemy that must be neutralized by that reformation."
"reform" is not going to work. "Pubic education" is a cash-stream, and the Left will devote far more effort to maintaining their grip on a cash-stream than the right will to prying it out of their clutches. They will stop when the money stops, not sooner. Do not send your kids to their hate factories.
There was a man who was in court recently for a paternity case. The DNA test results were conclusive. He was not the father.
The court ruled he had to pay child support anyway because the woman wouldn't identify the real father.
So yeah, not shedding any tears for you ladies who contemplate suicide. Get on with it.
Just for fun I asked Bing's ChatGPT, "What challenges do teen girls in the US face?"
Teen girls in the US face many challenges, such as:
o Anxiety and depression. According to a Pew Research Center survey, 70% of teens say anxiety and depression are major problems among their peers. The COVID-19 pandemic has worsened the mental health of many teens, especially girls, who report higher levels of stress, loneliness, and sadness than boys.
o Violence and abuse. According to a CDC report, 11% of teen girls experienced sexual violence in 2021, the highest rate since 2005. Teen girls are also more likely to experience dating violence, cyberbullying, and harassment than boys.
o Substance use and addiction. According to the Pew Research Center survey, 51% of teens say drug addiction is a major problem among their peers, and 45% say the same about alcohol consumption1. Teen girls are more likely to misuse prescription drugs, such as opioids and stimulants, than boys.
o Body image and self-esteem. According to a survey by the Girl Scout Research Institute, 80% of teen girls compare themselves to images in the media, and 60% say they are unhappy with their appearance. Teen girls also struggle with low self-esteem, eating disorders, and social media pressure.
o Education and career. According to a report by the American Association of University Women, teen girls face gender stereotypes, discrimination, and harassment in school and in STEM fields5. Teen girls also face challenges in balancing their academic, personal, and family responsibilities, especially during the pandemic.
These are some of the common challenges that teen girls face in the US, but there are also many others, such as dating, friendship, menstruation, and health.
(Each point had links to one or more sources (removed)).
This AI thing is BIG!
"Thirteen percent had attempted suicide during the past year, compared to 7 percent of boys...."
That's horrible.
Can't imagine all the climate change, we're all going to die sensationalism of the media and lefties helps matters any. When I was young it was nuclear armageddon, I guess, but it wasn't in your face 24/7. You had the space to grow up with your own little problems, not the weight of the world on your shoulders. These damn "phones" have turned out to be a curse.
Those numbers are terrible and there's no question that teen girls deal with a lot that I didn't have to worry about when I was a kid.
I will infer from the fact that the difference in *successful* suicide attempts between boys and girls was not mentioned means that that particular metric is still weighed heavily in the boys' "favor."
Take away the girl's smartphone and these problems disappear...
I don't have children, but if I had children today, there would be no smartphones in my home- at all. No tablets either- desktop systems only, and not in their bedrooms- in an open area of the home.
I think my generation got lucky- personal computers cost $10K+ when I was preteen/teenager, and there was no internet. I am glad, in retrospect, to not have had to grow up with today's technology- that I was already an adult when it arrived, but not too old that I couldn't adapt to it.
And yet teenage boys (15-19 years old) commit suicide at a rate 3X higher than girls. I'll wait patiently for a WaPo article on the "wave of trauma" that engulfs teen boys.
By girl, does the CDC mean adolescents assigned female at birth or all adolescents identified as female?
Throw their phones, tablets, etc in the dumpster. Every morning send them on a 20-mile hike. With 50-pound ruck. Afternoons are for advanced algebra and translating Virgil. No gentlemen callers, no TV, 8 PM bedtime. Strict parietals.
Also? If they say “I feel,” they go to bed hungry. This is not about feelings.
Six weeks of that will fix everything.
"Excellent... excellent." - Montgomery Burns.
CDC looking for a way to get more money now that Covid funding is waning.
Government education is the problem.
Did anyone else's bs detector go off: Thirteen percent of girls and seven percent of boys attempted suicide. That doesn't seem realistic. Who among us when young has not contemplated how bad those bastards would feel if we died suddenly and they wouldn't have us around to blame anymore, but who among us has actually slashed their wrists......I just don't think that the natural default setting of youth is suicidal or transgendered.... On the plus side, boys no longer feel bad about jerking off too much and they have access to the internet to facilitate this activity. There was a time when many youths felt that such activity led to neurasthenia or sexual degeneracy and made an honest attempt not to do it more than three or four times a day. Kids today just don't appreciate the advantages they have
up nearly 60 percent from a decade ago
Gee, what might have changed?
I'm sure the "party of science" is thoroughly pondering that very question.
I wonder if medical questionnaires that include a question about depression might have become a self-fulfilling prophecy. It's standard procedure now (at least with the last three medical groups we've belonged to), along with questions about food insecurity and gun ownership, though the latter wasn't on the latest form. If the question about depression gets patients thinking about depression, is it contributing to the effect?
My only other question is: who knows who's a girl anymore?
Women are abusing prescription painkillers, antidepressants and other brain drugs, young women especially so:
Girls being girls is out of fashion. Girls, the unwanted sex.
William @ 3:59: LOL
According to a report by the American Association of University Women, teen girls face gender stereotypes, discrimination, and harassment in school and in STEM fields
This is one problem: conflation of sex and gender (i.e. sex-correlated attributes e.g. sexual orientation), and the accompanying State-established ethical religion that denies human dignity and agency. Also, diversity (e.g. racism, sexism, ageism) dogma that stereotypes individuals in color blocs, harasses with color quotas, and discriminates through affirmative action.
Thirteen percent of girls and seven percent of boys attempted suicide. That doesn't seem realistic
These statistical inferences are drawn by the same special and peculiar interests that alleged a rape culture in order to justify elective abortion, political congruence ("=") of couples and couplets, unearned disparity in compensation and status between the sexes, transgender conversion experiments in spite of the well-established science particularly with respect to teens and younger boys and girls, and that enabled transgender and socially liberal incursion into institutions where girls were raped, impregnated, molested, and boy were bullied, violated, and groomed.
Nobody wants to talk about single female head of household families?
Baltimore has 23 schools with zero students proficient in math.
60% increase in girls being bullied
But boys kill themselves at 3X rate as the girls.
But we will ignore the absence of fathers in a childs life.
VP Harris says 'causes and conditions'.
Until we re-enforce the importance, nay, requirement, for a family structure of male and female, we will continue to talk about, but do nothing to address all these problems, as tangential to family health.
Sounds like wokeism is achieving its full potential.
* Identify problem.
* Enact "solution" designed primarily for virtue signaling.
* Call people who don't think the solution will work racists or sexists or whatever.
* Problem gets worse.
* Call for even more of the "solution," blaming the worsening situation on those who never thought it would work in the first place.
* Rinse and repeat.
Thirteen percent had attempted suicide during the past year, compared to 7 percent of boys....
Like others here, I am suspicious of suicide stats that include "attempts" but say nothing about results. That girls "attempt" suicide more often than boys do has been the case for more decades than I've been alive. But the boys are more serious about it; when they try to kill themselves, they mostly succeed. When girls try, it's generally "a cry for help," one that occasionally doesn't work out as planned, so that the girl actually does die.
Of course, both stats seem nuts on their face. If you really think that one in eight girls in your neighborhood have tried to kill themselves in the past year, would you not be motivated to do something about it? Or even about the one in fifteen boys?
I'm late to this post (i was Fishing)
But WHAT is considered "forced"? If this like with a club? or with persistent begging?
Has the definition of "forced" changed?
Gov't schools (not really "public", just mis-labeling) fail fail to protect against bullying - because the bullies, if identified, don't get punished as much as they are able and willing to punish those who snitch on them.
Snitches get stiches. But comparing real normal girl breasts to anime & photoshop huge tits is almost guaranteed to make normal girls feel inadequate.
"Forced to have sex" ??? I call BS.
"If you don't have sex with me I'll stop going out with you and tell everybody you're a frigid bitch" << this kind of threat is NOT "force".
And it shouldn't work -- but in our women dominated schools (what % teachers are women?), few or none of the unmarried teachers are virgins. How can they tell the insecure girls whose bodies are changes to NOT have sex?
Women far more often attempt and fail at suicide, usually NOT using guns, than men, who often do use guns and have a much higher kill per attempt rate.
Schools need far more explicit help and support and good schooling for those, often with low IQs, who are NOT going to college. More shop classes, home economics course, cooking courses, house repair & maintenance. And more unstructured recess so they have personal time In Real Life with real school mates -- who have quite similar, yet slightly different, problems.
Democrats have been controlling the US education for decades - and colleges have long been discriminating against Republicans in hiring professors.
Voters gotta stop voting Democrat.
A) It's the CDC. Zero credibility.
B) Is this "self-reported" information?
I smell yet another large rat.
Of course, both stats seem nuts on their face. If you really think that one in eight girls in your neighborhood have tried to kill themselves in the past year, would you not be motivated to do something about it? Or even about the one in fifteen boys?
We ignore dozens of young men killing other young men in our major cities every weekend. #Blacklivesmatter
NPR this morning had an interview with a researcher of teen psychology. He blamed the increase in teen suicide attempts on despair about Climate Catastrophe and Race Relations.
At no time did he or the interviewer ask, "Who is promulgating the narratives about those subjects, and are those parties behaving ethically?"
Almost 15 percent of teen girls said they were forced to have sex
And yet school boards and school superintendents and feminists insist that biological males should be able to use girls’ rest rooms and share girls’ locker rooms on sports teams merely on the sayso of those biological males that they “identify” as female. The boy in Loudoun County who wore a skirt ( a kilt, liberal news sources no insist) and raped two girls at two different high schools helped elect Glenn Youngkin here in Virginia. Consequently the former school superintendent for Loudoun County, Scott Ziegler has been indicted, albeit only on misdemeanor charges. Personally, I think he, and each member of the school boards should be sentenced to 20 minutes in a closed, locked room with the fathers of the raped girls. And make sure those fathers have baseball bats.
How frequently do boys and girls actually kill themselves, and has the number been increasing? What proportion of substantiated attempts succeed? These facts would help estimate how much BS there is in the poll results.
"If you don't have sex with me I'll stop going out with you and tell everybody you're a frigid bitch" << this kind of threat is NOT "force".
Correct. But it works much of the time anyway, because the vaunted Sexual Revolution took away girls' and women's major source of power in burgeoning relationships: the power to consent to or withhold the thing boys and men wanted more than anything else. As soon as women, especially young single women, became convinced that the proper manifestation of their sexuality was exactly the same as men's, they were lost - because if they decided they didn't want to "do it," they were no longer goody-two-shoes but their decision grudgingly accepted; now they were "frigid butches."
Used to be, "frigid" was reserved for married women who refused sex with their husbands. Now, "frigid" is any fourteen-year-old who is so backward that she won't even give blowjobs on the second date. Or any sixteen-year-old who isn't up for anal.
Heh... Not "frigid BUTCHES" - thank you, autocorrect.
Jonathan Haidt correctly pointed out the correlation between social media use and self-harm among teenage girls. The author of this piece is a little late to the party.
Paraphrasing Haidt, he said when you give teenage boys a smart phone, they load it up with video games and porn. When you give a teenage girl a smart phone, she loads it up with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat, and TikTok.
When your self worth is calculated based on the ratio of likes to dislikes in your social media feed, you're going to be a very unhappy person.
I'd like some geographic and racial cross tabs and a complete definition of "forced." It does seem from the newspapers that we are failing our adolescents but those I actually speak to seem to be all right.
Schools were closed for a while, then had paranoid social distancing and masking long after there was any point, as recommended by CDC.
COVID posed no significant threat to kids.
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