२१ फेब्रुवारी, २०२३
"Huddled aboard the anonymous train were President Biden and a skeleton team of advisers accompanied by armed and edgy Secret Service agents...."
"... embarking on a secret mission to visit Kyiv. As far as the world was concerned, Mr. Biden was back in Washington, home for the evening after a date night at an Italian restaurant. In fact, he was on a journey unlike any other taken by a modern American president. In an audacious move meant to demonstrate American resolve to help Ukraine..."
१२९ टिप्पण्या:
What a “gutsy call”.
"Propaganda, all is phony"
Per recent Washington Post/ ABC poll only 3 in 10 of Democrats want Biden to run again. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/02/14/biden-trump-2024-election/
At some point, NYT writers will get the memo and their tone will change.
OMG. You can almost hear the slurping of the fellating by the press in this report.
Has no other president done this type of trip?
The cherry on top for the "audacious" visit was the air raid siren going off while the future Nobel Peace Prize winner strolled through the courtyard with Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Couldn't have been choreographed any better. The fly in the ointment was that pesky CNN reporter stating that he hadn't heard a siren in 5 days. And notice that no one scattered when it when off.
Can we just call out already That:
1. Biden team told the Russians he was there before they told the US
2. Russia has as a result suspended the START treaty and is beating nuclear drums
This is one of those times we need a 4th estate. Not a propaganda machine.
FDR. Lyndon Johnson. Richard Nixon. Bush Sr. Bush Jr. Barack Obama.
The old man deserves credit for the long trip — by air and then by train for what, 20 hours? Tomorrow he’ll be a fool again, but today he gets a pat on the back.
Trump, Clinton. Blessed Jimmah sent his wife.
But for the Times to pull this boner out by conflating his previous trips with drug addled son to shakedown the Ukrainian shakedown artists is true art, more valuable than a Koons balloon dog statue shattered on the floor.
"date night" I think I am going to be sick...
In fact, he was on a journey unlike any other taken by a modern American president.
W. Bush went, REPEATEDLY to the Iraq war zone
FDR went to Casablanca (uboats), and Yalta (war zone)
HOW was Jo's journey 'unlike any other' ?
Do they mean: "1st Pres to go to a war HE started?" W kinda did that already too
maybe: "1st Pres to go to a prenuclear war sight, to see where the bombs will fall?" Coulda stayed in DC
A CNN reporter said he had not heard sirens for five days, thenBiden arrived and they went off. The administration had told the Russians Biden was going. The sirens were pure propaganda.
OH! i see. 1st time that Slo Jo rode a train that wasn't Amtrak! I'll give him THAT..
He WAS the 1st President that was Jo Biden riding a train that wasn't Amtrak
What’s the difference between the U.S. “Manifest Destiny” doctrine and the pan-Slavic empire ideal of Russia since Peter the Great? Read Dee Brown’s “Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee” for the details on how this Manifest Destiny of a continental U.S. was achieved.
They have so much contempt for us for not buying in to their shit, don’t they?
Campaign stop. Wait until he starts lying about being under enemy fire.
Transparently attempting to create narrative and political messaging parrallels with the Roosevelt/Churchill meeting off Newfoundland in 1941.
Well, they have alrrady labeled Zelensky another Washington & Lincoln & Churchill all rolled into one so why not go for broke. It will easily work on at least 50% of the people.
By the way..
When FDR went to Yalta.. Where WAS Yalta? Was it in the Ukraine? Or still in Russia?
NY Post headline: "China backing Russia in Ukraine would mean World War III: Zelensky"
Could one of the pro-war experts translate this? (Asking for a friend)
Seriously, Why didn't he fly in Airforce 1? They TOLD the russians he was coming.
Of Course, the Obvious answer is: Slo Jo likes trains
He wasn't visiting a Ukrainian school or hospital or apartment building so he was safe from Rooskies.
Well except Russia knew, because US informed Russia of Joe Biden’s visit hours before departure. And here is a White House Press Release announcing Biden’s trip to Poland back on 10 Feb, just 1 week after the New Palestine train derailment. Biden announced his trip to Eastern Europe to coincide with the sacred anniversary of the war’s start. The trio wasn’t because there was any strategic negotiation that needed his presence. Just a photo op to mark the anniversary.
Yeh got to check in on the graft pipeline which pushes Ukraine to total ruin while the midwest burns.
We no longer have a functioning press....
Did he dodge any sniper fire? Like Hillary?
Love the description "Bidenporn" .
I half think it was a propaganda effort to make Biden look like a brave man of action, and I half think the backroom cabal put him near artillery fire hoping that Russia would take him out.
It'd make for a cleaner 2024 election...
I can see the movie trailer now:
"In a world...where adult diapers are rare..one man dared to take a long journey...into danger."
How does Biden think the war in Ukraine will end? Providing Ukraine with more resources to continue fighting will simply encourage a closer relationship between Russia and China. One year anniversary? How about a 5 year anniversary? And then of course comes reconstruction funded by more Western (read : US) money.
No U.S.A. at all. They warned us.
How dangerous a mission!!!
How much sacrifice he’s endured!!!
How courageous a heart, our dear leader of the Free World!!!
Look at the lengths for Truth and Peace!!!
Do you actually buy this shit?
I guess(NYTs/paywall)… you do.
Maybe a new DC comic in the making: all things Biden.
ha ha ha
I'm not saying, new tag is needed. But I like that word.
You want to jack off to some Bidenporn?
No, I do not.
(When I googled "hot Biden action" I got this shit).
No blood for oil.
Trying to remember how many times Joe Biden fucked us over starting wars then abandoning the war after buddies died. Joe Biden is probably the biggest asshole in DC history as far as veterans are concerned.
Everyone who supports this regime is a piece of shit.
Biden and Putin are working together to keep this war going.
Any real president of the United States would have never started this war. He is just a corrupt piece of shit and he will turn anti war as soon as it benefits him to.
So he needlessly put a bunch of military and secret service agents at risk for a political stunt? This is what passes for leadership today? How come he didn't go to Afghanistan to oversee the withdrawal?
So brave! The president, it seems, was stoic though his Secret Service detail was jittery. Is that right?
Did the writer(s) try for this effect, or does it just come naturally? I love the coinage "Bidenporn."
"The old man deserves credit for the long trip"...
It's not that far to Ohio.
Should have had the Poles paint a couple of their old MIGs in Russian colors and strafed a near by (but not TOO near by) street.
Did Joe add a corn cob pipe to his aviator glasses?
Can you imagine the Secret Service allowing the POTUS to stroll down the streets while an actual air raid was ongoing? Me neither.
Oh bullshit. The air raid sirens were for show. The air space isn't even fully controlled by Ukraine.
Putin let Biden visit. The dumb ass is probably punching the tar baby for all of us.
Well, he had to do something. After all, "the Big Guy" has to earn his payoffs. Hunter doesn't cut it anymore.
Someday, someone will do a detailed study of the relationships between various factions in Ukraine and the Biden family, with Smilin' Joe at the top of the heap. It won't be pretty. Money changed hands. Officials were removed. Burisma rolled. What is the story on that Vindman guy?
Then they can do China and the Bidens.
Doesn't anyone smell a pack of rats?
Well, come on generals, let's move fast;
Your big chance has come at last.
Gotta go out and get those reds -
The only good commie is the one who's dead
And you know that peace can only be won
When we've blown 'em all to Kingdom Come.
I like the train component. It was just like ridin' Amtrak home to Delaware for ol' Joe. Did they let him drive the train?
As I recall, FDR went to Tehran during WWII. And we all remember Bush43 and the turkey at Thanksgiving in Iraq.
Tina Trent can provide names and dates.
Bidenporn. Heh.
Bush in Baghdad in 2003 for Thanksgiving was gutsy.
The old man deserves credit for the long trip — by air and then by train for what, 20 hours? Tomorrow he’ll be a fool again, but today he gets a pat on the back.
No, it's a stunt. It's not like he was flying coach. I'm sure he has a nice comfy bed on AF1, and gourmet food. Not to mention the provocation of the Russians and the danger to the world.
Russia didn't suspend the START Treaty on account of this visit, It suspended it because the US and NATO have basically torn up every agreement, contract, and treaty made with Russia that was inconvenient to us.
If the west had honored Minsk, and honored the UN resolution to do stick to Minsk, this war never would have happened. But that would have meant allowing the people of the Donbas to live as they have for hundreds of years, you know, first as Russians, then as ethnic Russians in Ukraine. This could not be countenanced by the West. This was worth the death of hundreds of thousands, and the destruction of the economy of Ukraine.
Ukrainians say that they had to break the Minsk Accord because Russia never would have honored it, but Russia did not break it, Ukraine did. I hope you guys have seen enough now to know that Ukrainians, like Democrats, always accuse the other side of whatever it is they are thinking, planning to do, or do, if they know that the normies wouldn't like it. It's textbook propaganda.
I know, I know "no true American" would point out that the Ukrainians are inveterate liars, because Nuland, Burns, Blinken, and the rest of the neocons have decided that Russia is my enemy. Well, Russia is not my enemy, it's a country on the opposite side of the globe that's none of my business.
Yup, like TreeJoe mentioned, we told the Russians Joe was coming. The entire article is so gripped with how dangerous his trip was they forgot to mention that.
He wants to be a war hero.
Everyone knows he can't keep his mud..
Train he rides goes to God knows where
I don't know and I don't care
Kevin Tober
CNN's Alex Marquardt: "I've been here for the past five days. I have not heard any explosions. I have not heard any air sirens, until about half an hour ago, right when President Biden was in the center of Kyiv."
As far as the world was concerned, Mr. Biden was back in Washington, home for the evening after a date night at an Italian restaurant.
The world would not have known Biden was at an Italian restaurant in Washington if not for video of a Code Pink protester interrupting his dinner and screaming anti-war slogans at him from only a few feet away. I always suspected Code Pink was a Deep State false-flag operation designed to persuade ordinary Americans to be pro- Forever War by making the anti-war cause seem the domain of crazy people.
It wasn't Normandy Beach, but it was an appropriate gesture. He made an uncomfortable trip and exposed himself to a bit of risk in order to show support for the Ukrainians. I give him credit for that. I guess every western politician now has to go to Kiev to hug Zelensky, but his was a long trip for an old man. I agree that sounding the air raid siren was manipulative and phony, but the trip was real.....Biden's gait is old and halting, but he made an effort to appear resolute. I saw a news snippet where he walked up a long staircase in some palace. He did so without the aid of a banister so you can't say the trip didn't involve real risk.
Think of all the footage they can use on the campaign trail. GI Joe, kickin russkie ass.
He's getting press about this, and comments from The Narrative's highest paid historians, comparing Biden's trip to some of the greatest statesman moves in history. Trump actually started the Arab world making peace with Israel under the Abraham Accords and that received a little sentence of coverage. Biden, working full-on to start up World War III is getting praise from the same crowd that claimed electing Republicans in the midterms would get kids killed.
Interestingly, they don't seem to mind kids getting killed fighting in the war in Ukraine, or when it spreads to other countries.
Maybe one of these articles explains it, but why a train exactly?
"Maybe one of these articles explains it, but why a train exactly?"
Because he's AMTRAK JOE!
It's dangerous because we have carpeted Ukraine with man portable weapons that would allow a terrorist group to take out a President. These weapons are on the black market now in quantity. Not sure how "The Beast" would stand up to a Javelin. Wait until we inevitably sell out the Ukrainians, the way we did the South Vietnamese, and the Afghanis who relied on us. Not sure the Ukrainians will take it lying down.
But this is the least that Joe "Five Deferments" Biden could do after consigning so many young Slavs to their deaths in his little project.
They're selling postcards of the hanging, they're painting the passports brown
The beauty parlor is filled with sailors, the circus is in town.
"why a train exactly?"
Because we have sent so many man portable anti-aircraft missiles into Ukraine that we have no idea who has them. Not every person in Ukraine is happy about this little war John McCain cooked up, and that Joe Biden is pushing.
"Bidenporn in the NYT"
Exactly. Of course, Dems propagandize for Dems. But the sudden war lust on the left is still a bit surprising. Where are the peaceniks when you need them? Or were they just anti-GOP activists after all, using "peace" as a tool in the all-important domestic wars?
Now put him on a midnight train to georgia, then the city of new orleans, then the sunset limited. anything to keep him from starting a full scale war.
"Bidenporn." !?
Uh, okay.
The Biden visit to Ukraine was undeniably, spectacularly successful on what I think is the most important metric. Russian state television absolutely freaked out over the Biden-Zelenskyy meeting outdoors in sunny Kiev.
The Twitter account of Julia Davis has tons of detail.
Julia Davis, Founder of the Russian Media Monitor, has for years been the one American journalist who has most closely tracked, in real time, what is happening on Russian television. Ukrainian-born, she is fluent in both Ukrainian and Russian and her work is watched by journalists and intelligence services all over the world.
Somehow, I'm reminded of Bob Hope in Vietnam. "Tanks for the memories....'
It was telegraphed ahead to the Kremlin so there wouldn't be an unfortunate incident.
Was he there at noon on a Saturday? Our Wisconsin town tested the tornado warning sirens every Saturday at noon. We called it the "noon whistle".
My then-GF (now spousal unit) was visiting for the first time and she freaked out when she heard it the first time and wondered why we were all so calm and not running for cover.
Why are we paying to blow things up in Ukraine if climate change is the greatest existential crisis in the history of existential crises? What's the carbon footprint of Washington's arming of Ukraine? How many Pacific Islands will be under water before the turn of the century so that we could get some righteous kills on the Russkies?
"The old man deserves credit for the long trip — by air and then by train for what, 20 hours? Tomorrow he’ll be a fool again, but today he gets a pat on the back."
Set that bar high.
Where's the photo of Biden wading through a swamp with a bayonet in his teeth?
Fucking bullshit.
Visit Ohio.
Stop sending billions to the people who paid off your son.
Keep American cash and lives at home.
All you Ukraine lovers can sling a rifle over your shoulder and join the fight, but leave me and my money out of it.
Biggest money-laundering operation in history along with the early days of Las Vegas, the Vietnam war, Iraq war, Afghanistan war, etc...
It might have been more dangerous if he had spent 10+ hours on a NYC subway…
…or walking down a street in East Palatine Ohio
Michael Tracey
Putin just announced the suspension of New START, the only remaining nuclear arms control treaty between the US and Russia. For the first time in decades, there are no limits on either country's arsenal. Sure to be declared another great diplomatic triumph for the Biden Admin
7:19 AM · Feb 21, 2023
As Saint Obama once said..."Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up"
J Scott said...
Maybe one of these articles explains it, but why a train exactly?
I gotta admit; the reason doesn't seem to be very well-reported. I think, and presume, that the reason no one flies to Kyiv (remember that the UK PM, and the NATO ministers, et cetera, all went to Kyiv via train) is because the Russians' first aim in the war was to take the airports near Kyiv, resulting in some of the fiercest, most furious, damaging battles of the war.
I think that those airports are still unusable. But I agree with you, the reporting on that basic fact is sparse.
if this warzone is entitled to visit by FJB does this mean also FJB/USA stake claims the war?
is USA at war with Russia - without Congressional Declaration?
Joe Smith said...
Fucking bullshit.
Visit Ohio.
And tell me what, exactly, should Biden have done in East Palestine? And before you answer that question, let me anticipate what your own question is going to be about why Biden was in Kyiv. What was important with Biden there, was his mere appearance. Al that Biden had to do was appear there, to make the Russians crazy with anger, to undermine Putin, to embolden and give courage to Ukrainians and Europeans all over.
You hateful fucking pro-Putin "MAGA" pigs. You're ankle-biters at this point. You won't convince the Biden Administration, or Congressional leadership (NOT EVEN REPUBLICAN CONGRESSIONAL LEADERSHIP), not the U.S foreign service, not the U.S. military, not our NATO allies, not Western European leaders, and any goddamn thing. You aim is to win local Republican "America First" primaries (whereafter you get beaten in general elections).
Fuck you to hell.
gilbar said...
By the way..
When FDR went to Yalta.. Where WAS Yalta? Was it in the Ukraine? Or still in Russia?
is that when Stalin sold Brooklyn Bridge to FDR?
JRoberts said...
It might have been more dangerous if he had spent 10+ hours on a NYC subway…
…or walking down a street in East Palatine Ohio
even better - dare he stroll down to Obama library in Chicago? accompanied by Jussie Smollet
Putin would NEVER EVER hurt Biden. Biden is Putin and Xi's best ally.
Heck it would be like on Hogan's Hero's they kill Col. Klink!
The big guy needed to go over and shore up his revenue stream.
The political equivalent of the frat boys taking the slow kid into the woods. Are they going to leave him there? With all that implies. It would be much easier for the Democrats if he just didn't come back.
I'm with Smith.
It's almost like they-the Democrats_ want to trade nukes with Russia.
It seems like the least he could do for Zelensky for enabling the Trump impeachment. In return for not following through on Trump's request to investigate Biden's videoed admission of extorting Ukraine to benefit Burisma and line Hunter's pockets, Zelensky got this silly photo op and upwards of 200 billion unaccounted for dollars.
That's better than the deal Biden gave the Taliban.
Oh give me a break Man. No joke. Biden is half out of it all of the time. Travelling with him is a rehearsal for a funeral procession. I am sure the secret service put him in a chair put a blanket on his lap and he nodded off from most of the journey. Any place but Ohio. No one will do him harm, the world needs him to start a war. Come on Man.
Chuck the liar...... Nah. Too easy at this point.
I am seeing reports of air-raid sirens during FJB visit to Ukraine!
there were also report of siren-y sounds when FJB was at funeral for The Queen!
What a laughable piece of propaganda. All that's missing is the NYT's claiming "Biden deplanned under sniper fire" or that Biden drove to the front and took out a Russian tank with his bare hands.
WE told the Russians, Biden was coming, and the missiles almost always come at night. Basically, he flew in airplane 4,000 miles, met with a foreign policy leader, and come home. The NYT's makes is sound like CHurchill visiting the front to see the crossing of the Rhne.
It says everything about "Good ol working class Joe, from Scranton PA' that he refused to visit East Palastine Ohio where thousnds are suffering from a toxic spill, and doesn't care that millions of illegals (crimnals, diseased, God knows what) are streaming over our open border, but WILL Fly 4000 miles to give Zelensky $$$.
Unfortunately, the Ukrainians are going to give Biden back to us.
we have carpeted Ukraine with man portable weapons that would allow a terrorist group to take out a President. These weapons are on the black market now in quantity. Not sure how "The Beast" would stand up to a Javelin. Wait until we inevitably sell out the Ukrainians, the way we did the South Vietnamese, and the Afghanis who relied on us.
Some interesting points. In MY lifetime, the only country the US hasn't sold out, is South Korea; And i wasn't born when that war started. Pretty much, EVERY other country we've supported has folded up (well, except Costa Rica and Honduras.. Yet).
So, it's Not Really a case of "IF".. But "WHEN" we walk out on The Ukraine. WHEN that happens..
There will be a LOT of american arms laying around. What happens to all of that?
Now, SOME of You will say: "HA! The Ukrainians Are Winning! The Ukrainians WILL Win!! They WILL!"
and *i* say; "as Al Smith would say.. Let's Take a Look, at the record."
At 9:46am, Chuck goes off into one of his Famous Drunken Rages. Sleep it Off Chuck; You're Drunk
I wonder if Ukraine has a nuclear weapon or two. Maybe they kept some of that material, made some smaller devices that they could actually deliver.
It would explain some things.
Chuck the name caller.
Chuck the....(fill in the blank).
I read his comments for the laughs.
I always await the dragging he gets by Drago and others.
Such easy pickings.
Have a blessed day.
Carter lost Iran. Obama betrayed Iraq. Biden, following in their footsteps, betrayed Afghanistan, seeks emoluments in Ukraine, with transnationalist redistributive change of South African... Russian resources.
I had to see Chuck's latest turd drop.
You hateful fucking pro-Putin "MAGA" pigs.
I think Chuck is about ready to go to Ukraine to fight. When Biden gets his war, Chuck will be ready to fight. At least in his mind. Maybe Biden will get confused enough to think he is president of Ukraine. After all, he is sending our money there. Except for "the Big Guy's" cut.
An anonymous train? Anonymous? Really? Unlabeled? Unscheduled? Nameless? But anonymous? Who the hell writes this stuff? Do they have editors? Or did they just want us to know it wasn't Amtrak?
If Biden was aware that he was in Kiev it was a courageous trip to make. And it encouraged the Ukrainians in a dark time. But lessons have been learned from the war up till now. For example, we know we have to speed up the process of making our various weapons because a war uses them up. They get fired off. Then they're gone. Trump restocked the US military which he said had "no bullets" when he came to office and this war has drawn on the stocks he built up. That was putting the stocks to good use because the war has severely damaged the Russian military and the last few months have shown that though Putin is quite ready to throw away Russian lives in the usual Russian way the Russians aren't quite so ready to be sacrificed. But it's time to speed up the manufacturing flow and stop relying on what Trump did for us.
It's time to call on manufacturing in Ohio and elsewhere to rebuild and to do more than call, to do it.. But this conflicts with the Ring Around Biden and its imperative to destroy the American people whom they hate as much as Putin hates the Ukrainians. They'd have to set aside their prejudices against guns, ammo, oil, competence and men. Snark, drag queens, sex-education for kindergarteners - which one of these three shot down the Chinese balloon? Or helped save Kiev?
The Ukraine needs the Donbas which is its manufacturing region just as much as we need to rebuild our manufacturing which was mostly sold to China, and for the same reason. So let's not be Chamberlains at Munich (and Joe Biden's trip - whatever we think of him = was meant to show that we aren't going to do a Munich on the Ukrainians.)
But our words need to be backed up by actions and the action required is to speed up the procurement process and if that's too hard for the Fetterman Senate to hear and process then the House has to act using the power of the purse.
Patrick Henry once said:
“Gentlemen may cry, ‘Peace, Peace,’ but there is no peace. T... Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? ... Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!"
It's death we will be given - see East Palestine - if the DEI's keep on running and ruining our republic. Slava Ukraine = Throw the Ring in the Fire.
Biden was in Ukraine because Zelenskyy and Zelensky’s paymasters told him he had to go. It’s part of the deal of being a corrupt traitor.
I know a bunch of Ukrainians and Russians. They, to a person would tell you that Tim In Vermont has this nailed, and they despise each and every asswipe that wants to further this for their stock
Portfolios and their idiot buddies.
Of course Chuck is one a them pro all war pussies.
J Scott said...
"Maybe one of these articles explains it, but why a train exactly?"
Most likely, Biden flew to Poland and took the train to Kiev from there. Biden is in Poland right now.
Which brings to mind an old Soviet joke.
A painter contacts KPSS Politburo with a message that he wants to present a new monumental painting titled 'Lenin in Poland'. The painting is brought in and unveiled. It shows Stalin fucking Lenin's wife in all the graphic details. After considerable silence a lone voice asks,
- So where is Lenin?
and painter answers,
- Lenin is in Poland!
So, while Biden is in Poland, who is fucking whom in DC?
And tell me what, exactly, should Biden have done in East Palestine?
Thanks for asking. First, he might’ve directed FEMA to get off their lazy asses and start providing food and shelter and clean drinking water to the residents. As it is, FEMA got going on its own, but no one intelligent believes that this happened for any reason other than Donald Trump announcing that he will go to East Palestine.
Had Joe Biden gone to East Palestine he might’ve demanded to know why it was the Ohio EPA doing the water testing and not the federal EPA, given the risk of water contamination downstream from Ohio. How many hundreds of thousands of people in southern Illinois, southern Indiana, and Kentucky draw their drinking water from the Ohio River? For that matter, why aren’t Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell there demanding to see action, given the number of their Kentucky constituents who are at risk of water intakes being shut off.
He might’ve demanded to know why a train consist could include that many cars filled with hazardous chemicals and not be classed as a “high hazardous material train.” We know why Norfolk Southern would like to avoid classifying a train as a high hazardous material train, since they would be forced to restrict train speeds, choose safer but probably longer routes, and notify state and federal officials, and all that costs money. But why did the FRA regulations as currently issued and enforced allow it?
But we’ll never know.
As a side note, one can (as I do) despise Joe Biden and Vlad Putin equally. Hating Democrats doesn’t mean loving товарищ влад. For that matter I despise Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, and Ronna McDaniel.
And I see nothing wrong with making America great again. Gonna take a lot of work after four years of Slow Joe. Maybe we can get the money for this effort by taxing country clubs out of existence.
Chuck- What are your plans for WWIII? I don't mean geopolitical. I mean personal. Where do you and yours plan to sit that one out once Joe Biden and Mitch McConnell get that match lit?
As for Biden emboldening and giving courage to Ukrainians and Europeans all over, I think that went out with the bath water when he showed the world his military prowess coupled with his loyalty for allies in his bumbling back-out of Afghanistan (how we do forget these things here in America). Also, lowering hiring and fitness standards to get into the military, then sending those you've enlisted into indoctrination programs- not to get their minds ready to kill- but to teach 'better' use of pronouns. I think this probably has sent more chills down the backs of Euros than it has of the Russians.
Chuck said...
Fuck you to hell.
Go to Ukraine please and fight your own war.
We need to take care of the people of Palestine, Oh. Not kill Ukrainian and Russian people with Joe's bullshit war.
You are a worthless coward and as everyone in the world knows dishonest to the core of your being.
Temujin, I have said all I need to about Afghanistan. I opposed the withdrawal. The withdrawal that Donald Trump proposed, then insisted on, then tried to meet with the Taliban at Camp David (on September 11?!?) about, then tired to force upon Pentagon officials who wouldn't go along. Trump could not wait to get out of Afghanistan. He wanted out, before the 2020 election. He wanted out before calendar 2020 came to a close.
Biden, I always thought, made a dreadful mistake by thinking that he could get cover from Trump's brinksmanship in pulling out of Afghanistan.
My views on Afghanistan echo those of Liz Cheney; Adam Kinzinger, Mitt Romney, most of the Department of Defense.
And with that, I am done with this. It isn't germane to Althouse's blog post or the rest of this page. I don't care what your views are, or debating it with you. I do care about defending an accurate portrayal of my position. Full stop.
LLR and Whitmer Fanboy Chuck (who never served but did spend the bulk of a entire day posting at length about his tortured decision-making process as to whether or not he would join the military but in the end he "courageously" decided to let all the "hateful fucking pro-Putin "MAGA" pigs" serve in his place instead): "What was important with Biden there, was his mere appearance. Al that Biden had to do was appear there, to make the Russians crazy with anger, to undermine Putin, to embolden and give courage to Ukrainians and Europeans all over."
LOL x alot of other numbers
Biden going to Ukraine plays perfectly into Putin's message to his people since 2014: the US and NATO, not Ukraine, are running the show completely with Ukraine as the puppet and that the explicitly stated goals of the western powers to crush russia, crush the russian people, depose Putin and break Russia up into a dozen balkanized pieces are still in effect.
Well, not to mention the gargantuan pipeline of corrupt money laundering, selling of arms on the black market, acting as the test bed for western weapons development (see Germany and the Spanish Civil War) and the filling of many Swiss bank accounts.
LLR Chuck, always a moron, is especially so when it comes to matters of geo-political/military maneuvering and foreign policy.
I'm betting there aren't enough Media Matters/DailyKos primers on these subjects in existence to bring our doltish and really, lets face it, quite cowardly, LLR Chuck up to speed on things.
As always, for LLR Chuck, it remains NeverTrump = NeverConservative = AlwaysDemocratical.
The idea that Biden's trip inspired anyone is literally North Korean level democratical Suck-Uppery......which is in fact LLR Chuck's ONLY actual skillset and area of "expertise".
Temujin: "Chuck- What are your plans for WWIII? I don't mean geopolitical. I mean personal. Where do you and yours plan to sit that one out once Joe Biden and Mitch McConnell get that match lit?
As for Biden emboldening and giving courage to Ukrainians and Europeans all over, I think that went out with the bath water when he showed the world his military prowess coupled with his loyalty for allies in his bumbling back-out of Afghanistan (how we do forget these things here in America)."
Au contraire Temujin. According to LLR Chuck, when he's wearing his Field Marshall decoder ring, Biden's bugout in Afghanistan was an absolute perfect exercise driven by wizened leadership....right up until the democraticals, like LLR Chuck, could no longer hide the astonishing levels of malicious intent and failure at which point, and I kid you not (go back and read if for yourself) LLR Chuck and the rest of his co-leftists flipped the script to lie and smear Trump by falsely claiming that Biden had actually utilized Trump's exact exit plan!!
Which should not be surprising at all really given LLR Chuck's explicitly admitted purposes for posting at Althouse:
- Smear and lie about Trump and conservatives
- Drive a wedge between Althouse and her readers
Think of LLR Chuck as the Althouse blog version of the Project Veritas board members whose sole purpose is to destroy another effective established entity that doesn't toe the far left democratical party line the way LLR "Audie Murphy" Chuck does.
Marcus Bressler: "OMG. You can almost hear the slurping of the fellating by the press in this report."
Careful! If LLR Chuck thinks someone got in there ahead of him he's likely to start throwing down pitchers of gin and tonics like they are shot glasses.
R C Belaire: "How does Biden think the war in Ukraine will end?"
With the Biden family Univ of Penn operation surpassing the Clinton Global Foundation in corrupt revenue.
LLR Chuck: "Temujin, I have said all I need to about Afghanistan. I opposed the withdrawal."
Perhaps Biden can follow the transnationalists and Clinton's modern model to carve Ukraine and establish Rosovo.
Then there were air raid sirens. I escaped the exploding bombs all around, dodged mortar rounds, zigged and zagged to avoid the bullets from scary black assault weapons... I'm not kidding. C'mon man, no joke. War is hell.
More Chuck lies:
Blogger Chuck said...
Temujin, I have said all I need to about Afghanistan. I opposed the withdrawal. The withdrawal that Donald Trump proposed,
I almost admire Chuck's determination to let ideology cancel (I was about to write "trump") facts and truth. Chuck has one beacon guiding his life. Trump hatred. Nothing else matters. Not war or bankruptcy or even honesty.
Love how Althouse puts out this chum bait. Allows the old Boomers a chance to play "Crossfire".
You're an idiot Chuck.
No you are.
I got your comment right her
No, you got it all wrong.
Since the question of "How does Biden think the war in Ukraine will end?" has been asked I put my theory out there. I believe he thinks it will end with a Ukrainian victory due to a revolt by the war weary population of Russia that overthrows the Putin regime. Oh, and with him portrayed as the hero of the piece. But the last time the war weary population of Russia overthrew the ruling regime they (and the rest of the world) got the Bolsheviks in charge. So... not an encouraging track record.
If Biden's point was to show support for the Ukainians, he would have spent a day or two in the front line trenches with the Ukrainians doing the actual fighting and dying. Anything less than that is nothing but political self-enhancement. And I wrote nearly the same thing when Bush visited the troops in Afghanistan and Iraq- he wasn't going out on patrol, he was safely ensconced where there was no fighting and no danger.
Even worse, Biden's team ensured the Russians would know where to not lob any missiles for day, so Biden was taking no real risks at all. And for all the warriors in this thread, if you want to support the Ukrainians, by all means- go to Ukraine and join up- they will send you to the front line with all the conscripts, too, and you can show how brave you really are.
'You hateful fucking pro-Putin "MAGA" pigs.'
Not our war.
Send the money being shoveled (and laundered) in Ukraine to Ohio.
Use it to house and feed American veterans.
Use it to build a wall to keep this country from having to house and feed millions of illegals pouring over our borders.
What don't you understand about 'not our war?'
We have no treaty with Ukraine. We have no obligation to piss away American treasure, and soon to be American lives if the doddering fool in the White House has anything to say about it.
Why are liberals such war-mongers?
Why do liberals love CIA operations and intervention in foreign affairs?
It never used to be that way.
You're a disgrace...
How will this end? With a likely Russian victory at some point. Americans are famously short sighted these days, and they imagine the Russians will give up at some point, or that some cabal in Moscow will take Putin out and sue for peace on good terms for the Ukrainians. This is all but certain to be a fantasy. Nothing that I know about Russian history suggests this is a likely outcome. A stalemate where Russia ends up with Russian majority areas and most of the Black Sea coast is probably the best Ukraine can hope for without troops and air support from NATO, and the worst case is that the Ukrainian army is thoroughly defeated as they run out of men willing to fight the war.
Earnest Prole said...
"As far as the world was concerned, Mr. Biden was back in Washington, home for the evening after a date night at an Italian restaurant."
The world would not have known Biden was at an Italian restaurant in Washington if not for video of a Code Pink protester interrupting his dinner and screaming anti-war slogans at him from only a few feet away. I always suspected Code Pink was a Deep State false-flag operation designed to persuade ordinary Americans to be pro- Forever War by making the anti-war cause seem the domain of crazy people. 2/21/23, 8:15 AM
Or the Biden people simply tipped-off the protester. How did she even get in the restaurant?
Yes, given the context, this whole Biden trip has hallmarks of a propaganda effort.
Perhaps concocted by the "best communicator" in the White House, Biden himself.
Problem for Biden is he's not a great communicator, and people can see through it, even the CNN reporter.
In fact, he was on a journey unlike any other taken by a modern American president.
Oh, bullshit. Hardly a week goes by without somebody from D.C. getting a photo op with Zelensky.
I think this visit was a big mistake. Puts us even more squarely in the appearance as the "guarantor" of Ukraine. I agree strongly with those who say Biden has no idea how this war will end as a result we are signing up for another endless war. Strategically we are going to be bled dry so that the Chinese can walk into Taiwan. I keep hoping that I am wrong but I daily see us falling further into the Viet Nam trap.
Brilliant coinage. But what is its scope? Of course it covers the thrilling exploits of Scranton Joe dodging bullets on his raid yesterday into Kyiv for the all-important photo op; but what about more-mundane activity, like stuffing secret documents into the trunk of his Vette? Where’s the boundary?
Or is everything he does considered extra special?
Shut up Chuck..
an unprecedented journey
Fixed it
Also, for those keeping track, Biden has now claimed to have been "basically raised" Puerto Rican, Jewish, black and Polish.
Hey, Poland. Yeah, you, Poland, listen up:
When the Huns send those main battle tanks to Ukraine their military will be at its lowest point since the late forties and your Eastern flank will be secure as the Russians are tied down fighting their fellow Slavs.
Now's your chance! You owe the bastards! Do it!
wendybar: "Shut up Chuck.."
You have to understand, for LLR and Whitmer Fanboy Chuck, the ONLY "normal" news outlets are the farthest and wokest of the far left wokies.
Then, when the farthest of the far left wokies don't hire conservatives, that is what constitutes "proof" to LLR Chuck that conservatives/republicans are crazy.
All part of LLR Chuck's never ending smear campaign in support of his beloved and heroic lefties.
Michael K: "Chuck has one beacon guiding his life. Trump hatred."
Not true.
LLR Chuck's one beacon guiding his life is hatred of anything that opposes democraticals and their policies. And if those in opposition to LLR Chuck's democratical pals happen to be minorities...and with a solid military record...look out.
Because LLR Chuck really, really, really doesn't like minorities who don't know their place on the democratical plantation.
It's gotten pretty ugly in the past.
We got Putin because the Russians got royally pissed at the West spending tens of billions keeping that drunken buffoon Yeltsin in power. Now we are spending hundreds of billions to get rid of Putin.
Even if we do get rid of Putin, what's left. A failed petrostate with thousands of nukes and a well earned hatred and contempt for the West. But hey, as long as we can tell ourselves we are the moral virtuous good guys.
Who-knew said,
“...the last time the war weary population of Russia overthrew the ruling regime they (and the rest of the world) got the Bolsheviks in charge.”
No worries, this time will be completely different, all the Top Men promise so.
How different? Who knows, but definitely different. Maybe better, who knows? The Future is not written, right?
He had to go there now, before the place falls under Russian control.
I wonder if he will still use these photo-ops for his campaign when Russian tanks are rolling thru the area.
He had to go there now, before the place falls under Russian control.
I wonder if he will still use these photo-ops for his campaign when Russian tanks are rolling thru the area.
The steely eyed candidate for re-election strode the war torn streets of Kiev; his quaking secret service detail murmured “ please Mr. President, we know you are too brave and caring to think of yourself, but think of us and our families!” A fleeting smile brushed the hero’s lips as the air raid warning horn was turned on; “Just you worry about what happens to the Russians and their families when I am done here. Moscow will look like Ohio!”
The eagle eyed leader of the free world suddenly propelled himself toward an overturned car, spotting a young blond girl underneath. Using the superhuman strength developed from 40 years of sitting on the Senate, he righted it in one forceful expenditure of potency, and lifted the child. As he deeply smelled her hair he said, to no one in particular; “this is what I am fighting for.”
Bunkypotatohead said...
"He had to go there now, before the place falls under Russian control.
I wonder if he will still use these photo-ops for his campaign when Russian tanks are rolling thru the area."
Russian tanks ARE running through the area. Alas. They are Russian tanks harvested by Ukrainian farmers.
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