The Washington Post reports, characterizing the move as "the latest sign that Elon Musk is unraveling years of work and institutions created to make the social network safer and more civil."
Twitter first formed the Trust and Safety Council in 2016, as social networks were coming under greater scrutiny for their role in amplifying hate, terrorism, child exploitation and other problematic content online. The council convened a wide range of civil society groups, think tanks — and even some of Silicon Valley’s biggest critics....
Last week, three members of the Trust and Safety Council resigned, warning that the “safety and wellbeing of Twitter’s users are on the decline.” Musk responded to replies to their tweet announcing their resignation, writing, “It’s a crime that they refused to take action on child exploitation for years!” ....
Midway through the article, the topic switches to something that is in the url for this article — "musk-twitter-harass-yoel-roth/":
Yoel Roth, Twitter’s former head of trust and safety, and his family were forced from their home after Elon Musk’s tweets misrepresented Roth’s academic writing about sexual activity and children. The online mob also sent threats to people Roth had replied to on Twitter, forcing some of Roth’s family and friends to delete their Twitter accounts, according to a person familiar with Roth’s situation who spoke on the condition of anonymity due to concerns about Roth’s safety.
Musk’s followers also directed harassment at professors who reviewed the dissertation that Roth wrote in 2016.....
At this point, many readers will be puzzling about what's in the dissertation. It's "about sexual activity and children," and Musk supposedly "misrepresented" it, so give us the true, unmisrepresented content of the dissertation. Of course, it's bad if any "mob" threatened anyone here, but what was it that stoked the anger?
Musk tweets about Roth recalled the QAnon conspiracy movement, which claims incorrectly that Democratic Party leaders direct a child sex abuse network. “Looks like Yoel is arguing in favor of children being able to access adult Internet services in his PhD thesis,” Musk tweeted Saturday, attaching a screenshot of Roth’s dissertation.
Does Musk sound like QAnon there?! There's a huge difference between directing a child sex abuse network and arguing in favor of children's freedom to go to websites! To equate the two is to fail to grasp freedom of speech.
Finally, there's some detail about what's in the dissertation:
In the text, Roth suggested that services like the gay dating app Grindr should adopt safety strategies to accommodate teenagers using their platforms, rather than drive them out entirely....
That is disturbing, and it does justify questioning whether Roth was the best person to trust to take action on child exploitation. Is it true that the Trust and Safety Council didn't do enough, that it fell so short that it made sense for Musk to assert "It's a crime"? If so, what's wrong — and what's "abrupt" — about the dissolution of the Trust and Safety Council?
And where did WaPo support its assertion that "Elon Musk is unraveling years of work and institutions created to make the social network safer and more civil"? If the Council "refused to take action on child exploitation for years" — Musk's words — then it was not making Twitter "safer and more civil."
Whose safety?
७० टिप्पण्या:
LOL, Pizzagate, I thought that the only evidence for it was when Prince Andrew said that he could't have abused that 16 year old girl because he was at a children's party at a pizza joint at the time. We have "Pedo Pete" as his own son calls him, as POTUS. There are videos on that laptop of the sexual abuse of children, which was why Rudy Giuliani turned over a copy to the Delaware State Police, who never looked at it, supposedly, and sent it to the FBI has "Russian disinformation," and all dander the MSM can work up about it is about people are obsessed with Hunter Biden "dick picks"
Not to mention that Yoel had an anonymous account where he that said a guy with muscles and a beard is sexy, but if you add a child into the picture, it's way sexier. It's all gaslighting by the MSM. It is like "The Lives of Others." Meanwhile another billionaire owns the Washington Post, and you know that similar layers of manipulation of what we are allowed to see and know that might change our opinion of our ruling class and their true motivations is going on there. Same as NBC News, etc.
Pizzagate gets more plausible all the time.
And where did WaPo support its assertion that "Elon Musk is unraveling years of work and institutions created to make the social network safer and more civil"?
Ha. We don't need no stinkin' support.
And thank you, AA, for all you do. You're the go-to for more people than just me. I feel impelled to say this every so often.
Speaking of suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop:
Two months after the FBI subpoenaed the laptop Hunter Biden had abandoned at a Delaware computer repair store, the Drug Enforcement Administration searched the office of Hunter’s one-time psychiatrist Keith Ablow and seized a second laptop Hunter had left with him. The timing of the DEA raid and the fact that criminal charges were never filed against Ablow, coupled with whistleblowers’ claims that the FBI buried evidence against Hunter Biden, raises the question of whether the search was a pretext to recover Hunter’s laptop and protect the Biden family. . - The Federalist
The FBI's raid to recover Ashley Biden's diary come to mind? You know, the one that further exposes the pedophilic tendencies of Joe Biden?
It will be hard to judge what Roth’s dissertation says, because U Penn just deleted it from its website. The website that since 2015 has required all doctoral candidates to post their dissertations for public view.
Why would that happen, I wonder?
Why has Penn State made Roth's dissertation unavailable if there is no problem with it?
Here's a different take than the Washington Post.
When you see the media coverage, it’s easy to see why there is so little media coverage—they are desperate to ignore what’s really going on. So instead, we get stories like “Musk disbands the decency council! Musk must be against decency!” Without any attempt to look at what is really going on, what the decency council was doing and why they were disbanded.
The Post, The Times, The Guardian, all these outlets have carefully cultivated an audience that doesn’t want to know, they just want their biases confirmed. We can hardly expect them to unravel all that hard work by doing actual journalism now, can we?
This kind of thinking is similar to Milo Yiannopolis's opinions which got him cancelled. There is a subset of gay men who wish they could have been sexually active sooner and try to bring up the next generation of gay men in that "Utopia." So Roth wants Grinder for kids and Milo wants an older "buddy" system. Same thing.
My smile grows wider, as it has been for months. Why is this very high status lawyer couching his argument in terms of teens accessing the Internet? As opposed to adult deviants gaining access to teens? What are the odds such a person would be Jewish? They SHOULD be infinitesimal.
Ah, but Roth is a homosexual himself, making an argument that of course he has no stake in. What an interesting coencidence.
"Finally, there's some detail about what's in the dissertation..."
Whenever they characterize somebody's words, rather than relate the words directly, you know they are trying to smooth over a narrative problem by putting words into that somebody's mouth.
Gahrie: there’s even more tweets that people have found. If I can find an example I will post it. In them Yoel admitted to having a fake Twitter account that apprears to have been where he posted many of his dreams about sex with children.
The other Twitter story about to emerge is that its IT Dept was completely incompetent. The site is a security sieve.
Why? Because the entire company had adopted a strange quota system. You advanced in rank by being the most outrageous, and purportedly oppressed, pervert. I could see this coming way back in the mid-90s, when the kids flocked into the offices from the colleges determined to root out sexism, homophobia and racism in the offices.
Twitter was flooded with perverts bringing in their pals to milk the gravy train.
This was the inevitable outcome of Althouse’s feminism. Rich, white, suburban women claiming they were oppressed was the beginning of this racket. This was all drama queen play acting, but it was a lot of fun and a good way to tweak the men in personal relationships. This feminist movement was drenched with gay worship, and the next act in this drama was rich white kids going gay for the perks.
This has created incompetence and featherbedding in every institution. Althouse’s feminist ideology in practice, that is in light of what humans actually do, cannot contend with merit or free speech. The prof is convinced that intellectual argument can change this. It can’t. Feminist ideology is totally corrupt, and it is the wellspring of the craziness you’re seeing revealed at Twitter.
Ann wrote: "Musk intends to say that Fauci, et al., were abusing children."
It isn't even debatable. Never have so many had so much to answer for. It is imperative for our future health as a society that they are forced to answer, on an institutional and personal level. Answer and pay.
Allocution, contrition, removal from positions of influence and
restitution are necessary before forgiveness can be even remotely considered for those among us who engaged in - and continue to engage in - the monstrous abuse of children, motivated by a hideous mix of tribalism, cowardice and a thirst for power.
From what I'm reading, there is fault all around. Yoel and his team were not following their own rules. They were making them up on the fly, as they felt, and even when shut down, worked to create other paths to do what they wanted. In the end, it was a cabal that imposed a one way direction on what can be said or thought. Not free speech. No reason to keep that same group around. Just because you call it the 'Trust and Safety Council' does not make it so.
As for Musk. He needs to quickly learn the power of the thing he bought, and to start backing off and letting the public do its thing, and his team to learn how to do theirs. He's quickly turning himself into a Trump-like character, which is what the left was hoping to turn him into. He's doing it to himself. Know the power of your medium + the simmering anger of the masses. No reason to squirt lighter fluid on it as the owner of the thing.
paminwi said...
12/13/22, 6:11 AM
Elon: Look, Yoel, I understand. Some people have powerful malevolent impulses that they do their best to keep suppressed. We can get you the help you need, buddy, take as long as you-
Elon: ... This isn't the Biden cabinet. You're fired, Yoel.
"the latest sign that Elon Musk is unraveling years of work and institutions created to make the social network safe for Leftist les without challenge."
Trust and Safety is such an Orwellian term along the lines of Ministry of Truth
"the latest sign that Elon Musk is unraveling years of work and institutions created to make the social network an operational tool for leftist talking points, approved leftist narratives, and democrat party authoritarianism."
If any of us had full frontal nudes of 16 year old girls hanging in our living rooms, it would be child porn and we would likely be arrested.
Unless we happened to be high powered dems named Podesta. Then we would get gushing article in the WaPo praising our taste in fine art.
It is probably just a coincidence that Podesta's niece Lesley was part of the troika who resigned Friday. Part of the troika charged with protecting twitter from child porn.
Yes, I am sure it is just just a coincidence.
John Henry
Do we have any evidence that Roth was actually threatened physically? That he and his family were "forced from their home?"?
Absent evidence, I call bullshit.
If the dissertation is so upright and aboveboard, why did U Penn feel the need to treat it specially? One of the conditions of Penn dissertations is that they be public. Roth's was until Friday when Penn removed it.
It is not like they are disappearing it since it is widely available with a (non-Google) search. Now Penn is saying that trying to disappear it was a mistake and should not have happened.
Kind of makes me want to go take a look to see how horrible it really is. Apologists are trying to spin it as a nothingburger. But they are spinning so hard, that I wonder what is really in it.
I'll not go read it. I have enough nastiness in my life without more slime like this.
But keep telling us how innocent it is. Maybe someone will believe you. Not me.
John Henry
"Musk tweets about Roth recalled the QAnon conspiracy movement, which claims incorrectly that Democratic Party leaders direct a child sex abuse network..."
So "without evidence" is no longer operative. Wonder why?
Don't assume the creepy Twitter account is the "fake" account for Roth. Sounds like his official one was the true fake.
Fauci et all were abusing children.
Not sexually, that I can see any evidence of.
But they abused them with the insane masking, lockdown, school closing and othe3r policies.
Is there anyone at all who disputes this?
John Henry
Poor Yoel, he wrote something years ago that is being dusted off, taken out of context and used to cancel *him*. 😓
Sucks to be him, but its impossible not to be super-schadenfreude-y this morning.
Who is making these threats? How did they get his address? Musk didn't publish it did he? How is he responsible for someone showing up at Yoel house? But...when Musk has free speech we are ALL LESS SAFE. See! We told you how unsafe free speech is!
Fake news.
Democrats Die in Defecation…
I have a dream…
It seems like every time somebody turns over a rock these days there's some kind of pedo shit under it?
Sexualization of children is the new found dem value. Good to know.
“Trust and Safety” has an Orwellian flavor.
Why did they ban funding and conducting Gain-of-Function research in the first place? Because it was deemed too risky. It was experts who deemed it too risky, but we don't hear about those experts much, do we?
It seems Fauci and company decided to go ahead and do this research anyway and exactly what GoF opponents feared would happen did happen. Millions died and we're actually lucky it wasn't worse.
Why should Fauci and company not have to answer for that? To save "Science"? Bullshit. Drag it all out into the sun.
The council convened a wide range of civil society groups, think tanks — and even some of Silicon Valley’s biggest critics....
Wide in what sense? It might have been a wide range in terms of professional backgrounds, but it I bet it was a walled garden politically.
Good on Elon. Now do the "Truth and Reconciliation" department, or whatever they're calling it these days
D.D. Driver said...
Are you a pedophile too?
A really wild suggestion: Musk got rid of the Council, because he has concluded that they actually are not even trying to "make the social network safer and more civil", but are using their power as a political weapon instead. Maybe WaPo should consider alternative explanations. Nah.
The council could not be TRUSTed to apply the rules fairly and their idea of SAFETY was to allow child porn to be freely shared. The time for Orwellian-named entities run by hateful partisan actors is apparently over at Twit HQ.
It seems if you’re a certain type of person, it might feel like Twitter is where everything’s happening on the internet. That is very much not the case. Outside of the bubble, most people simply do not care about the bird site.
A lot of attention has been put on Twitter since Elon Musk completed his $44 Billion takeover. However—as he’s finding out—Twitter is really not very popular. The platform has an inflated sense of importance for a variety of reasons.
Twitter is one of the original mainstream social networks on the internet. It was launched in 2006, around the same time that Facebook was taking off and Google bought YouTube. It’s been around for a long time, but it’s never been as popular as its competitors.
Here are a few stats to put Twitter’s size into perspective:
Twitter was the third most popular social media site for a period of time in 2011-2012. That’s the best it’s ever been.
Tumblr has had more users than Twitter for much of its existence.
Instagram passed Twitter in users in less than four years despite Twitter having a four-year head start.
TikTok had more users than Twitter before it was even available in the U.S.
Pinterest had more users than Twitter as recently as February 2022.
In January 2022, Twitter was behind Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook Messenger, Snapchat, Telegram, and Pinterest in monthly active users. People talk about Twitter in the same breath as Facebook and Instagram, when it’s actually on the same level as Quora.
If Twitter is so small in the grand scheme of things, why does it still get so much attention? That has to do with who is using Twitter—journalists, politicians, and celebrities.
A lot of people who garner attention are using Twitter to broadcast their thoughts out into the world. Even if you don’t use Twitter, you’ve probably seen tweets in the news. “[Celebrity] says [blank] about their co-star!” “[Political candidate] slams their opponent over [blank]!” You get the idea.
Anyone can make an account and interact with those journalists, politicians, and celebrities, but you don’t really have to. Even if you never use the site, what’s happening on Twitter is being regurgitated into the news cycle. This gives the impression that it’s more popular than it really is.
That’s the big difference between Twitter and a site like Tumblr. They’re both relatively similar in size, but Tumblr doesn’t have a lot of journalists, politicians, and celebrities. Big names are good for Twitter’s clout, but not its bottom line.
The other thing that contributes to Twitter’s inflated place in the social media world is how much people on Twitter talk about Twitter.
Every social media network is a bubble to some degree, but Twitter’s bubble is much smaller than those of us on Twitter would like to admit. The outside world does not care, and that’s totally fine. I personally never saw the interest and the posts I see up in here seem to be from people who love this kind of interaction conspiracies, whose doing what etc. It would probably be better to get off the internet, find a relationship if that's even possible for some, see the world and stop listening to what everybody else is doing, such a busy body world huh? Oh well I guess some see this as progress seems to me like a waste of time but if you got nothing else, but time go for it! Like Melanie says," I don't really care, do you"! silly rabbit
It's obvious that the safety part of the "Trust and Safety Council" was directed at the pedos and groomers, i.e. safe from the long prison terms they richly deserve.
I wonder if Elon Musk has got hold of Jeffrey Epstein's little black book.
You know, the black book containing the names of all the people who were having sex with children at Epstein's many mansions and islands.
The book containing the list of his clients that he supplied little girls to.
The book containing the list of people who have never been arrested for their crimes.
I wonder if he has that book and if some very powerful people are getting sorely afraid of what he might do with it.
John Henry @ 7:03: “… Now Penn is saying that trying to disappear [Roth’s dissertation] was a mistake and should not have happened…”
You don’t say! So is it now back up on the site for all to see? Can we tell if when it was off-line it had been, um, curated? You know, just so the public doesn’t “misunderstand” some of the more advanced ideas?
I like the way Penn “explains” that the disappearance was “a mistake” but apparently offers no names or details for who made the “mistake” and why, and whose behest.
The collective elite left - including Democrat Party Washington Post(D) - are corrupt lying liars who lie on behalf of the corrupt elite democrat party - run by Joe Biden and his corrupt puppets.
And where did WaPo support its assertion that "Elon Musk is unraveling years of work and institutions created to make the social network safer and more civil"?
@Althouse, brava! Your skepticism about a Post article is much appreciated. We are supposed to take it on faith that a council named “Trust and Safety” was actually all about trust and safety and civilty rather than making Twitter s place that supports pederasty and pedophilia.
@Rusty. I think DD Driver was employing sarcasm.
As their Trump obsession recedes, Elon Musk is the new focus of their opprobrium.
Musk is their new bogeyman. These lefty mouth breathers must have one, or they’ll melt.
In the United States we have made Pedophilia taboo. This is a massive achievement for our society and our culture.
Everyone here is correctly pointing out how disgusting and amoral the pedophile shit is. The problem is people think that it is not normal.
Pedophilia is the norm around the world.
Child rape is the national past time in Afghanistan. India has temples to child rape. China has the biggest underground child sex economy in the world. The economy in South East Asia is built on cheap factory produced exports and foreign sex tourism trading in children of both sexes pimped out to wealthy men from other countries.
Joe Biden is the norm around the world.
You notice that all of the Democrats on this board still defend Joe Biden's depravity.
And they still defend the grooming in public elementary schools.
A not insignificant percentage of men and women are sexually attracted to adolescents. Do not underestimate how much effort needs to go into suppressing this itch.
The truth is that Twitter turned a blind eye to trafficking. See here for one of hundreds of articles on this.
Since Musk took over, the number of accounts and the hashtags used for trafficking and child porn have been curtailed. This is a huge step forward. If the narrative weren't trying to unperson Musk, he would be praised.
It's not about Twitter's relative size. It's about who uses Twitter and what they use it for.
News doesn't break on TV or radio anymore. It breaks on Twitter. And Twitter is where the narratives are established. Those narratives then migrate to the other platforms.
"... the “safety and wellbeing of Twitter’s users are on the decline.”
The progressive movement runs on bullshit and counter-bullshit can injure you. LOL!
We olds remember whinging to our mom's about somebody's mean talk only to be told, "Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you."
I read that WaPo article last night. It was over the top. Is all their "journalism" like that? It would exhaust me reading that everyday.
Penn State has hidden Roth's dissertation. China has hidden the research records of the Wuhan Lab. When people argue there's "nothing to see here" and then bar you from examining it you don't have to be a rocket scientist to come to the conclusion that they're guilty of what you suspect. Or worse.
More titillation for the deplorable spank bank.
Since Musk took over, the number of accounts and the hashtags used for trafficking and child porn have been curtailed. This is a huge step forward. If the narrative weren't trying to unperson Musk, he would be praised.
No, the sexualization of children is another leftist sacrament, like abortion. We have gone from the McMartin preschool hysteria to "Drag Queen Reading time."
... the QAnon conspiracy movement, which claims incorrectly that Democratic Party leaders direct a child sex abuse network
QAnon did not push "conspiracy theories". Rather, QAnon advocated support and trust for President Trump.
QAnon stopped posting well before the 2016 election.
While and after he did post, various people discussed QAnon on various Internet websites. Some of those various people did push various conspiracy theories.
Those discussions on Internet websites are the so-called "QAnon conspiracy movement".
The various conspiracies discussed on those websites are the so-called "QAnon conspiracy theories".
Suppose some commenters on this blog pushed some conspiracy theory.
Those commenters might be called "the Althouse conspiracy movement".
That particular conspiracy theory might be called "an Althouse conspiracy theory".
That's the same logic.
So, a team of twitter employees was an "Institution"? My, I never knew.
Am I the only one who gets annoyed as fuck over the CONSTANT refusal of the Wapo/NYT to write in a stragightforward manner about anything? EVERYTHING has to slanted and larded up with loaded propaganda words and insult labels.
And why aren't we all mocking the title of the team that Yole the troll headed up? Trust and safety? Judas Priest. Stalin or Hitler couldn't have come up with a better name for the Censorship department. Its a good think Hitler didn't rename the Gestapo the "Trust and safety police".
Finally, you'll note that the SJW always play the "safety" game. If they denounce Musk, they aren't putting him at risk. But if Musk denounces them, then he's "PUTTING THEIR LIVES AT RISK". The right of course, never fights back on this, they just call the SJW's "Snowflakes" which is a loser.
I am “safe” on Twitter because I mute (or, rarely, block) every obnoxious person I encounter there. Everybody could do that.
Can we just agree that all Democratals are pedos and groomers and all Republicans are racists Nazis and move on with our lives?
... the QAnon conspiracy movement, which claims incorrectly that Democratic Party leaders direct a child sex abuse network
QAnon did not write anything along the lines that "Democratic Party leaders direct a child sex abuse network".
Rather, QAnon indicated that the Trump administration was preparing to prosecute sex rings -- which might include some important people -- that sexually exploited girls and young women.
In retrospect, QAnon was indicating the prosecution of Jeffrey Epstein.
Fauci was a direct witness to and researcher of the sex lives of gay men in his role as AIDS czar in the infectious disease agency he headed at the beginning of the epidemic.
At that time, the excesses of bath house subcultures, including grooming and raping young men and boys, and extraordinary promiscuity and histories of VD outbreaks were commonplace. But while other epidemiologists came away shaken by recording such dangerous sexual behavior in the cause of understanding and quelling AIDS, Fauci was always considered more interested in cultivating his persona as a dramatic rescuer and avoided calls for commonsense public health measures -- which was his bloody job description. Even as several responsible gay writers were calling for a dramatic reorientation towards self-restraint among gay men, Fauci, always an attention-whore and celebrity panderer, never called out the behavior and never took action where children were being abused. A decade later, when I worked on a CDC public health grant, it was still understood that we had to turn a blind eye to the sexual use of children among gay men and never discuss it, let alone report it. That was the culture at the CDC, NIAID, and the NIH. How many gay men and boys (and female ones), and Covid victims would be alive today if Fauci were not the person in charge of our public health policies? He has decades of blood on his hands.
Trust and Safety
Sex and gender
Diversity [dogma]
Transgender conversion therapy
Reproductive rites
Redistributive change
Protect marriage
Social justice
Social progress
Political congruence
Secular ethics
Organic (carbon-based)
Non-sterilizing, viral vector vaccine
Clinical cannibalism
Climate change
Universal science
All's fair in lust and abortion, love and war.
Fifteen states [at least] have no restriction age of consent laws set at age 16. Most would consider 16 to be too young and yet the law says otherwise. If someone makes a claim about teenagers and sex they are not outside the realm of what is possible and happening in America. To claim that any such talk of the subject is equal to the qAnon conspiracies that some conservatives believe is just absurd.
Left-wing "Trust and safety"
LOL! Just more Ministry of Truth - from the Authoritarian Left.
Leftists sing in unison - "no big deal" (they obey!)
You can trust leftist authoritarian speech crime "Trust and Safety"
the excesses of bath house subcultures, including grooming and raping young men and boys, and extraordinary promiscuity and histories of VD outbreaks were commonplace
In order to normalize transgender sexual relations, the politically congruent ("=") felt compelled to support demos-cracy that aborts in darkness. Under the Rainbow banner (i.e. a symbol of albinophobia), no less. What lies beneath was, in fact, clear and progressive, and the death of transgender males was collateral damaged deemed necessary to sustain social progress.
And they still defend the grooming in public elementary schools.
And, apparently, Twitter under the reigns of the "Trust and Safety Council" led by a PhD transgender advocate of grooming "young adults"... younger and younger through the mechanism of political congruence ("="). Have faith in your experts, take a knee, beg, social progress. That said, throw another baby... fetal-baby on the barbie, it's over, right?
"Whose safety?"
You know the answer Ann.
The safety of homosexual pedophiles.
Who just want to have consensual sex
with any minor they're attracted to.
Is that too much for Democrats to ask for?
rcocean said...
So, a team of twitter employees was an "Institution"? My, I never knew.
Am I the only one who gets annoyed as fuck over the CONSTANT refusal of the Wapo/NYT to write in a stragightforward manner about anything? EVERYTHING has to slanted and larded up with loaded propaganda words and insult labels.
Its a good think Hitler didn't rename the Gestapo the "Trust and safety police".
12/13/22, 9:32 AM
Possibly you are: all the Facebook grandmas and NPCs regard WaPo more highly than the Bible or even SNL. Meanwhile, independent thinkers have long since shed the need to even address WaPo's constant stream of agenda idiocy.
Your new sources will be better than WaPo ever could be. Free your mind.
'Trust and Safety Council' sounds incredibly Orwellian and something the Democrats would name a house committee...
To clear up a bit of confusion: it’s the University of Pennsylvania (Ivy League) that hid his dissertation, not Penn State.
"...years of work and institutions created to make the social network safer and more civil."
Stop it...stop it...I can't breath.
I enjoy reading Jim Treacher on Substack, and much liked this observation of his regarding Yoel Roth:
“Let’s say, for the purposes of argument, that Roth has been unjustly accused. Let’s posit that he’s being punished unfairly, with no recourse. If that’s the case, here’s my question:
How does he like it?...”
Twitter first formed the Trust and Safety Council in 2016
Just in time to be co-opted when Trump became President.
The Washington Post reports, characterizing the move as "the latest sign that Elon Musk is unraveling years of work and institutions created to make the social network safer and more civil."
I have a simple response to every leftist I run across on Twitter wanking about "Nazis": I point out that the Commies killed far more people and are cur renting raping, enslaving, and killing far more people, than the Nazis
Then I ask if they support banning all the Commies
It does make them shut up
"Yoel Roth, Twitter’s former head of trust and safety, and his family were forced from their home"
The most "Liked" thing I've ever posted on Twitter is where I asked one of the Blue Checks reporting that claim "What support do you have for the truth of that claim, other than Roth claiming it?"
So far, no one defending the claim has provided any answer to my question
So I'm pretty sure that claim is a lie
I note that U PA took down Roth's dissertation.
1: Here's a link to an article about the dissertation, that contains links to it:
2: If his work was being mischaracterized, they wouldn't take it down. They'd leave it up, point to it, and point out why the claims aren't supported by the actual text.
3: Early in his dissertation he decibels how people use emoticons in order to get around Grindr's rules.
Later in his dissertation he says that kicking kids off of Grindr et. al. is the "worse" choice, and what should happen is that kids should be allowed to join, and kept in "safe spaces".
That people would immediately come up with ways to get around Grindr's rules to turn those "safe spaces" into "happy hunting grounds" for pedophiles is obvious. And the fact that it's the outcome Roth wants is made obvious by his celebration of how people get around Grindr's already existing rules
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