If @NYTimesGuild members don't have a deal soon, we’re asking readers to not engage in any @nytimes platforms tomorrow and stand with us on the digital picket line! Read local news. Listen to public radio. Pull out a cookbook. Break your Wordle streak. pic.twitter.com/gzQCL58ir7
— NYTimesGuild (@NYTimesGuild) December 7, 2022
Golly! I stopped doing it for a while. Guess I start back up again today!
Your terms are acceptable
The danger will be like people leaving NYC during covid. Once they find something else they may never come back. Of course progressives never think of unintended consequences. To quote Tom Cotton “ I'm sorry that's happening to you. Best of luck.”
Enemy of the People!
If you don't like the job, go somewhere else. There's no reason for the public to support you.
Just like not crossing a picket line, all I had to do was nothing.
We represent the Lollypop Guild, The Lollypop Guild, The Lollypop Guild
And in the name of the Lollypop Guild,
We wish to welcome you to Muchkinland.
We welcome you to Munchkinland, Tra la la la la la la
From now on you'll be history.
You'll be history, you'll be history, you'll be history.
And we will glorify your name.
You will be a bust, be a bust, be a bust
In the Hall of Fame!
The best thing that could happen is that the journolists walk, the NYT owners quickly sell to Elon Musk, the employees are replaced and a new and real newspaper is established.
Just wishing.
That has to be the funniest piece of news I've read this morning!
Oops! I just did Wordle. Not sorry.
For onr day? Maybe... Peace will guide the planet and love will rule the stars.
"Break your Wordle streak."
Fuck you. It's the only thing about your POS employer worth doing.
Footnote: I don't have a Wordle account, I just play everyday. I don't have a "streak" per se.
So. Relief from the NYT here at the A...Tea House?
Fat chance.
You should boycott the NYT's because they are dishonest and evil.
That includes the staff.
Wordle 537 4/6
This makes 333 games played, without missing a single day. Even if I gave a crap about NYT reporters, I would still cross the picket line.
There's something foully insidious about the suggested alternative activities to interactions with the nytimes.com website.
If you think they hope to discourage the accidental liberation of the Times' captive readership, you'd be correct. Never assume those lower-ranking employees aren't anything other than willing cogs in the propaganda machine.
My current streak remains intact today.
All you "FREEDOM! FREEDOM! FREEDOM!" assholes who wish for the elimination of unions are wishing for workers to become chattel to their employers, (which they already are at too many companies and in too many job fields). You want what was once the norm to become the norm again. No surprise..."conservatives" always want to conserve the worst of the past, eh? As has always been evident to anyone but yourselves, you actually hate freedom and self-determination. It can only happen through the efforts of a body of people standing together defying the tyranny of their overseers.
The NYT management will be able to see how little people care.
In my case, I'd already done Wordle before I saw the message to abstain, so my behavior, like a lot of other people's behavior, will be taken as a vote against the workers, when it really had no such meaning.
As long as they don't fuck with Wordle, I hope they all starve.
Wordle is such a silly little pleasure. Let’s turn it into something political so that nothing we do can be lighthearted fun BTW, I broke my streak the other day. I missed amber. My last guess was adder. *sigh*
"In my case, I'd already done Wordle before I saw the message to abstain, so my behavior, like a lot of other people's behavior, will be taken as a vote against the workers, when it really had no such meaning."
Ahhh, but if you'd have known first....?
But it does say something about the union's tactics and their effectiveness.
I'm in solidarity with the NYT's union. I'll boycott the NYT today, tomorrow and forever. I'll be glad to support them. To paraphrase Union general Phil Sheridan, "The only good NYT story is a never published story."
… so my behavior, like a lot of other people's behavior, will be taken as a vote against the workers, when it really had no such meaning.
So would you have abstained from doing Wordle today if you had known? (You aren’t going to answer, are you?)
I've been not engaging with the NY Times for 30 years now in support of their underpaid employees.
Who are these Johnny-come-lately's who are threatening a one-day strike?
What kind of a weak-ass union strikes for ONLY one day? And announces that in advance? I'll tell you: it's a faux union. This is the same union that's negotiating for a pay CUT (when you consider inflation) for these employees. And the employees are too stupid to realize how their union has been infiltrated by management.
I've been not engaging with the NY Times for 30 years now in support of their underpaid employees.
Who are these Johnny-come-lately's who are threatening a one-day strike?
What kind of a weak-ass union strikes for ONLY one day? And announces that in advance? I'll tell you: it's a faux union. This is the same union that's negotiating for a pay CUT (when you consider inflation) for these employees. And the employees are too stupid to realize how their union has been infiltrated by management.
I hope the writers for the Times are forced to take real jobs and learn what it means to work for a living. Might teach them not to sneer at at the people who make sure their homes don’t burn down when they flick the switch. And that their plumbing doesn’t leak. And that their trash is collected. A little humility, you know.
I have never done Wordle and never will.
Also don't do the Pravda Times generally either.
Does skipping a day break a streak? A hitting streak remains intact if you take a day off.
So today I find out that I have been supporting the newspaper writers' union for about 20 years.
I feel good about that.
Solidarity forever.
I stopped doing Wordle long ago -- just about when the Times acquired it -- because the pattern of my being successful or (very rarely) not never really changed. It's not a challenge, but just the same old same old.
It's like doing a Crossword from the same place -- eventually you start to recognize the clues of short words that are always used, and that makes things too easy.
I feel like Robert Cook has a good point here.
I've never played Wordle before. I have half a mind to start now!
They knew the answer and it still took them 4 tries?
If they strike, maybe the Times can replace them with AI copyrighters. Or maybe just publish Twitter and White House press releases directly. Who would notice the difference?
Wordle is the only GOOD thing about that rag. I don't really care about the liars on strike. Hope they all lose their jobs.
Blogger Robert Cook said...
“All you "FREEDOM! FREEDOM! FREEDOM!" assholes . . .”
It always humors me when someone who wants their audience to change their minds about an issue starts out by calling them assholes.
Influencer workers are telling subscribers not to read for a while?
Reminds me of the famous "two weeks to flatten the curb".
What if people don't come back and start doing random stuff instead 😯
Did not see this on NYT app today, completed both crosswords, and on to Tiles and Spelling Bee. Stop for a union? No.
Did not see this on NYT app today, completed both crosswords, and on to Tiles and Spelling Bee. Stop for a union? No.
I stopped doing wordle the day they announced that the NYT had bought them. It seemed like a good way to end my string. Plus I figured they'd pay wall it sooner or later. The only NYT content I pay for or interact with is the cooking page and app. So I went there and saved a few new recipes that caught my eye. I use it just often enough to justify paying for it.
And not for nothing, but the design of Wordle was stolen from the game Mastermind, invented by an Israeli postmaster. That game itself was stolen from the original game Bulls & Cows.
So, hardly an original concept.
This is a naked appeal to the traditional support that unions give Democrats, and visa versa. Are unions good or evil? In w022, I would put them more on the bad, than the good side. A century ago, they were fighting for better work conditions by banding together in order that their employers have a harder time replacing them. But for the last half century, our government has done more to protect worker safety than the unions have. Sure, their votes helped pass that legislation, their feather bedding demands have just made their employers slower to react to changes, and thus more likely to fail. And the unions’ knee jerk support of Democrats has resulted in an extraordinarily corrupt party, and, now, Administration. We are in a position right now, where the President’s son took bribes from Ukraine and China, passed some back to his father, and we are, likely as a consequence, shipping many $Billions$ To Ukraine, that gets funneled back to the politicians supporting that country, in its war with Russia. Moreover, our inventory of critical war materials has been severely depleted - such things as artillery shells. Meanwhile the Speaker’s husband has been egregiously engaged in insider trading, using information gleaned from materials provided to Congress, often under subpoena.
Of course, while the union here helped give Dems power here, so did, probably even more so, the NYT itself. They actively thwarted public knowledge of the story about Hunter Biden’s laptop. They were rewarded for pushing the Russian Collusion attacks on Trump.
Which is the greater evil - NYT or it’s unions? It’s not clear. Why should I support either? There isn’t.
A day without the Times being pushed on blogs?! We might actually learn something beyond the favored Democrat Party progressive narrative. Or, more likely, just be offered less free reading material on blogs that source the NYT.
I did them one better. I disengaged from Times content months ago. Couldn't stand the wokeness in every.damned.crossword. (Though I do miss Rex Parker's apoplexy when the NYT would clue "NRA" as "depression-fighting organization. Ah, sweet, sweet schadenfreude!)
I recommend Semantle for those of you who relish a challenge. Far more taxing than Wordle.
Haven’t done it in a while. Let me at it.
It hit me as a little passive aggressive to suggest that the NYT customers go and visit their competitors. What if the NYT subscribers like the other local news sources better and switch over to them?
We get NYT through our law firm and can access through the firm's intranet. Wonder if they will block access in solidarity?
Got the wordle in 4. Should have been 3.
Wordle and sudoku are the only reasons I go to the Times website.
This is like what Kissinger said about the Iran-Iraq War; it's a shame both sides can't lose.
I gave up on Wordle when the NYT acquired it - didn't want to have anything to do with them. Now I do five other versions, usually just after midnight when the new ones appear:
1. Bardle - all the clues are words found in Shakespeare, or character names. There was one month when all three of the "caterpillars of the commonwealth" in Richard II were answers. That's BUSHY, BAGOT, and GREEN, if you're wondering.
2. Verbdum - Latin Wordle.
3-5. Dordle, Quordle, Octordle - Same as Wordle, but you're doing 2, 4, or 8 boards at once, inputting the same tries for all of them. Total rows are 5 + number of boards. A lot of people like to start Wordle with ARISE / YOUTH, which contain all 6 vowels plus 4 of the 5 commonest consonants T(N)SHR. I prefer PICKY / TONAL / RUBES - all 6 vowels + 9 mostly common consonants, and it makes a nice description of the kind of audience avant-garde orchestras hate when touring the provinces. If you follow with WEIGH / FAMED, the game is mostly very easy: the only letters left are JV (rarish) and QXZ (rare). But you have only 2, 4, or 8 more tries, so absolutely no room for error, and will occasionally fail. For example, if the board has _ A U _ E and your remaining letters are S and C, with no further hint, you have to flip a coin between CAUSE and SAUCE. There are a few other pairs or trios of words like that.
I'm getting a little bored with 5-letter Wordle versions, since I rarely see a new word. For instance, I think I've seen all the 5-letter words with no AEIOU in them. If the Y in PICKY is green, it's almost certainly SLYLY, DRYLY, or WRYLY, if it's yellow, NYMPH, LYMPH, or GLYPH. If there are more all-Y words than these six, there are not a lot more.
I've tried 6-, 7-, and 8-letter Wordles - easy to Google - and they're harder because you have to think of longer words containing the letters you haven't tried yet. I need to find my lists of starter words to get back to them: they took a lot of work to devise.
you actually hate freedom and self-determination. It can only happen through the efforts of a body of people standing together defying the tyranny of their overseers.
Bullshit. Freedom and self-determination is the work of the individual. Not the fat, lazy collective.
"Blogger MadisonMan said...
It's like doing a Crossword from the same place -- eventually you start to recognize the clues of short words that are always used, and that makes things too easy."
It's nothing like that.
Today's Wordle:
Spoiler alert:
My Start word is always "Learn"
"It always humors me when someone who wants their audience to change their minds about an issue starts out by calling them assholes."
You presume I was trying to change minds. My remark was addressed at those whose minds are made up and won't be changed.
Boiling up the popcorn as we speak.
“All you "FREEDOM! FREEDOM! FREEDOM!" assholes who wish for the elimination of unions are wishing for workers to become to their employers, (which they already are at too many companies and in too many job fields). You want what was once the norm to become the norm again. No surprise..."conservatives" always want to conserve the worst of the past, eh? As has always been evident to anyone but yourselves, you actually hate freedom and self-determination. It can only happen through the efforts of a body of people standing together defying the tyranny of their overseers.”
Did you write a post to condemn Biden for fucking the railroad workers Union, they voted to not accept the contract!
If @NYTimesGuild members don't have a deal soon, we’re asking readers to not engage in any @nytimes platforms tomorrow and stand with us on the digital picket line!
Cool. Maybe that'll eventually drive the NYT out of business. Sort of a win-win, don't you think?
Josephbleau- what union do you belong to and for how long? What have they done for you that you are unable to do for yourself?
"Did you write a post to condemn Biden for fucking the railroad workers Union, they voted to not accept the contract!"
Was there an entry here discussing that? If so, I missed it. Yes, Biden definitely fucked the railroad workers. He's a shit, and always has been. (I didn't vote for him, if you presume that. Didn't vote for Trump either, easily as great a shit, if not more so.)
I think the railroad workers should strike, despite the prohibition on them from doing so.
"Bullshit. Freedom and self-determination is the work of the individual. Not the fat, lazy collective."
Yep. George Washington freed us from British rule all by himself, acting alone. President Roosevelt (or Stalin, depending on one's point of view), individually defeated the Nazi army in WWII. You, I'm sure, will throw off the shackles of tyranny imposed by the despotic US government all by yourself, with no armies of citizens working together. But then, if you think democratic rule--decision made by the many--is a government of "the fat, lazy collective," then I assume you would admire self-determined individuals who rule nations by fiat. After all, "the fat, lazy collective" doesn't deserve freedom if they didn't each personally kill their oppressors.
I've been a dues-paying union member. I've been in the union hall when a strike vote was taken. I've been on strike. I've walked a picket line.
Unions, like government without strong limits, are inherently corrupt and inexorably degenerate to primarily fund and preserve the sinecures of those running the union. Any actions taken by the union officials are with this in mind.
Solidarity forever, brothers and sisters.
There's a deep recession coming, the kind where some people go hungry…but go ahead and keep making demands…
Union Anecdote- The last 6-8 weeks I’ve been shipping things from the UK to the US. Royal Mail workers are ‘striking’. Royal Mail tells you what days will have disruption and apologizes for the inconvenience. I track all the shipments using the Royal Mail tracking. All the parcels clear Royal Mail on time. When they pass to the US they get held up in US Customs, bounce around between Queens to JFK to Miami(?) to Rancho Cucamonga before making it to USPS, where Us postal workers fib about making deliveries on time. Trekking to the local post office usually ‘clears things up’ according to the local postmaster who knows me by name…
How can we tell when the strike is over?
Wordle is fun. I am 315/315; 180 times out of 315 I've gotten it in 3, including today.
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