A real quote from Donald Trump about tonight’s results:
— Matt Wilstein (@mattwilstein) November 8, 2022
"Well, I think if they win, I should get all the credit. If they lose, I should not be blamed at all."
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
A real quote from Donald Trump about tonight’s results:
— Matt Wilstein (@mattwilstein) November 8, 2022
"Well, I think if they win, I should get all the credit. If they lose, I should not be blamed at all."
८० टिप्पण्या:
He is a drag on the party. Ego maniac.
Obviously meant as a joke, but there is a truth behind it.
ha ha ha
that's how I feel about my stock picks
stock goes up
I'm a genius!
stock goes down
fucking company/stock/market/Fed Reserve/China/God etc etc
and if the media was watching my ass and making predictions
that's the way it would go
he wants to be loved, he's in the wrong business
Maybe he does think he should get all of the credit, but I think he's pointing out the absurdity of him getting the reverse - no credit if they win, all the blame if they lose.
Perfect. But he's going to get beat up pretty severely in the coming days and weeks. Will he have second thoughts about 2024 given DeSantis's big win? I'm guessing no.
I think it's entirely possible Donald Trump was chosen by God to screw the pooch and get people worked up and shit. The reason I think it's possible is the world hates him! And I would just warn people who think being chosen by God is amazing and good ("I was chosen by God, orgies in the White House, man"), it's a mixed blessing at best. From the world's perspective, you really might not like being chosen at all.
Jesus was chosen by God and he was praying hard to avoid the sacrifice if he could (read the Bible if you don't believe me!) because he was scared of pain and death and shit like that, but Jesus also said, "it's your will, Lord, and I will do what you want"). And then he got the bad news. Or good news, as we Christians believe. We call it Good Friday, after all.
Some people think the apostle John was anti-Semitic. (We had a rabbi come to our church and she did not like John at all).
John says this, and it's caused division among Christians and other faiths.
I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
My take on this is the Holy Spirit is saying these words. The same Holy Spirit that split the Red Sea for Moses. For Christians who say Jews can't get to heaven, if you read the Bible, you might notice both Moses and Elijah made it to heaven, because they make a reappearance in the New Testament.
And neither Moses nor Elijah knew Jesus.
But they were all on the same path! Obviously.
Anyway, God is omnipotent, and he can choose anybody he wants to deliver a message. Including sinners and bad people. You have to get your heart right if you want to go to heaven. You might go there and find Republicans(!) or Democrats(!) having fun in the afterlife. Get ready for that shit! Don't be the older son who doesn't want to go to the party because he hates his brother.
Big sense Trump is done. This should have been a Red wave. His power is fading. DeSantis rolling in FL is huge. Clear where the party wants to go. Thanks Don for your service, but it's time for you to leave the stage
He isn't that wrong.
He is gauging the degree to which GOP leaders undermine or embrace his platform and followers or under-handedly dismiss both. In most states where they cooperate, the GOP outperformed, particularly long-shot Florida counties and long-shot state Assembly races in New York.
The buck never stops with Trump, he has always quick to blame others when anything fails.
"Trump's take: "If they win, I should get all the credit. If they lose, I should not be blamed at all"/"When they win, I don't get any credit, and if they do badly, they will blame everything on me.""
An Althousian close reading might point out the sense in the way he questions the double standard. Fine. But also irrelevant now.
But we should not go overboard and blame it all on Trump. The GOP has a bigger problem if under current conditions a red wave can't happen.
Hypothesis: a majority doesn't like what the GOP is selling--or even know. Instead, a majority may favor deficit spending and loan forgiveness and climate activism and open borders and Covid authoritarianism and softer-on-crime and progressive justices not bound by the racist Constitution.
Every day, I am reminded why he was my 13th choice for president.
Ugh. He is quite obviously make a rhetorical point.
But if the GOP fails to take the Senate is is absolutely Trump's fault. Again! He did it in 2020 when his lawyers told people not to vote so we can "prove" that Georgia how corrupt the election system was. 🤣 Dr. Oz and Hershel Walker are Trump's boys. Hershel Walker better pull out the runoff. Ask the Vikings how putting all your faith in Hershel Walker works out. 🤣 This should have been a cake walk.
Speeeeeaking of Georgia. Brian Kemp (Remember him? Remember how Trump primaried him?) had NO PROBLEM beating a supposed democratic superstar on the same ballot. It seems like the GOP should learn some kind of lesson but it 100% will not.
Do you really think that he was dead serious there?
And he appears to have been correct in his assessment. Vance wins big--nothing to do with Trump. Oz loses, Masters loses (to the incumbent)--All Trump's fault.
It is certainly time to move forward from Trump--for the simple reason that people are not rational.
Obviously, the quoted comment was tongue-in-cheek. The media see him as a bitter, deluded, egomaniac, but he was smiling when he said that.
When you're winning everybody is all, "I love that guy, I always loved that guy, I was the first to say he was the greatest", etc.
When you're down the same people are like, "I told you so. I never really liked that guy. He's a bum. I wish he'd just go away."
Trump changed the entire political landscape and conversation in the America and the world.
Trump was the guy who stood up and took the flack, took the beatings. Who else was going to do it? Jeb? Romney? Ted Cruz? I like DeSantis, but there would be no DeSantis as we know him without Trump coming first.
What does it mean to say Trumpism is dead? Americans are just going to toe the line now?
The very word "Trumpism" is a framing by his enemies. It was never about Trump. It was and is about the Revolution, the American Revolution.
Vive La Revolution!
sorry for the off-topic post at 5:42
I recall when he first decided to run. The pit of my stomach was filled with grief and despair.
He was my last choice in the GOP primary. I got on board, because party trumps person, and I supported him. Of course, I will never ever vote democrat. Well - unless they were to magically clean up their act and become morally grounded centrists like Tulsi Gabbard - with morals and ethics. (yeah - NEVER gonna happen)
Anyway - Of course when Hillary lost it was the best moment of my political life. I wasn't thrilled with Trump, but the result was intoxicating. I also knew Trump won in 3 battleground states by really -- not that much. It was a solid win - but not a blow-out (like Trump said it was)
Anyway - I remember saying to myself when he first got on the political stage - "this is going to be a nightmare" well - that's how it feels this AM. It might be unfair, and I wish he were prez right now instead of the corrupt old crook in charge...and all the crooks who are pulling his strings,,, but at this point , Trump needs to look at what is best for our nation and exit.
Tina Trent said...
He isn't that wrong.
He is gauging the degree to which GOP leaders undermine or embrace his platform and followers or under-handedly dismiss both. In most states where they cooperate, the GOP outperformed, particularly long-shot Florida counties and long-shot state Assembly races in New York.
I wonder if people will deal with the fact that Mitch McConnell actually undermined many republicans across the country.
Trump didn't lose last night. We all did.
Mitch McConnell purposely sabotaged the Republicans. The entire GOPe apparatus did things like set up ranked choice voting in Alaska to give the alaska house seat to the democrat instead of Sarah Palin.
Saint Croix - does God work thru politicians?
I'd like to think God stays away.
Even Ann Coulter wants Trumpism without Trump. and she wrote the book "In Trump We Trust." LOL
I'd don't even think it's wise to call anything "Trumpism" at this point- it scares people.
Looks like: Green-haired angry godless Gen Z showed up to vote. Covid killed the elderly. Plus - some vote shenanigans in AZ.
Trump, Trump, Trump, you gotta say less "I" and "me."
This election was a push, much to my surprise. You can't cook 435 HR races scattered across the country. This is a vote for the status quo, for whatever reasons.
People need to look at what DeSantis and Kemp did to solidify their hold on their electorates. A couple of things are obvious but surely not enough. They were both incumbents with records known to the voters. They both ran against well-known opponents with some prior successes and some prior failures. Neither allowed themselves to be cowed by the herd of independent minds that make up the self-styled illuminati class and their virtue-signaling attendants. Neither of them dwelt on the outcome of the 2020 election, but rather they both focused on making their argument for winning in 2022.
I hope DJT will enjoy a healthy retirement.
Speaking of omnipotence - Some people sure do layer that kind of power onto Mitch McConnell.
Who knew he was so powerful - he controls Gen Z!
If I were Gen Z - and saw a photo of Mitch McConnell - I'd vote for the other team.
It's time for the old guys to move on. That includes old Mitch and old Trump. bye.
It's Trump's fault if candidates he endorsed lost?
So they'd have won if Trump hadn't endorsed them?
What Bob Boyd said @ 7:23 AM
Trump didn't lose last night. We all did.
Mitch McConnell purposely sabotaged the Republicans. The entire GOPe apparatus did things like set up ranked choice voting in Alaska to give the alaska house seat to the democrat instead of Sarah Palin.
11/9/22, 8:08 AM
And THIS.^^^
I think Trump sounds like a Sore Loser, even if he's joking. No one votes for that kind of person (See: Stacey Abrams for Trump's Democratic counterpart).
I agree 100% with Althouse that Trump was the loser last night. (And I'm glad about that)
I'm thankful I no longer live in PA. What a horrible choice the Parties served to voters yesterday.
I'd don't even think it's wise to call anything "Trumpism" at this point- it scares people.
It's supposed to scare people. It's a left-wing media word. Trump doesn't use the word "Trumpism". Trump supporters don't call themselves Trumpies or Trumpers or Trumpists. Their detractors call them that. The terms are derogatory.
Florida prohibits abortions after 15 weeks, with exceptions for the life of the mother or to prevent serious injury or if the fetus has a fatal abnormality. This is a sensible compromise, it is overwhelming popular, it is similar to European abortion laws and it is the future of abortion law in this country. But your typical Republican can not accept this reality. Here in Illinois, our Republican candidate, Dan Bailey, sounding fruity as all hell, would ramble on about how Jesus and the Bible forbid abortion, how women (especially stupid ones) are coerced into having dangerous abortions by Planned Parenthood and so on. Bailey lost big because he came off as a (closeted?) creep who hates women. Enough already. The Republicans need to adopt a sensible position on abortion or they are going to lose everywhere.
I feel the same as Hunter Biden's taxpayer funded hooker at 8:08.
Very disappointing election results. It means we must work harder. So much is at stake. I live near Portland and the folks here understand that things have gone terribly wrong, but they fear Republicans more than the chaos of drug camps, violent crimes and failing schools. It seemed crazy what Biden was saying about his opponents, but it feeds into a certain mind that really does see Republicans as fascists Nazis.
Hey. What's all this moping around shit?
What? Over? Nothing is over until we say it is!
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
Hell No!
Spiros - thank you. The nutty GOP cannot win.
Saint Croix - does God work thru politicians?
I'd like to think God stays away.
I have a theory that the Holy Spirit helped Thomas Jefferson (slave-owner) write The Declaration of Independence.
Understand that Jefferson himself (also an Episcopalian) would deny this, and say that there are no miracles and God doesn't help us out on earth. But you read the passion of Jefferson's original draft and you tell me whether a Holy Spirit might have been helping him out.
We hold these truths to be sacred and undeniable
But the really amazing thing is Jefferson's rant against the slave trade.
(King George) has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating it's most sacred rights of life & liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere, or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither. this piratical warfare, the opprobrium of infidel powers, is the warfare of the CHRISTIAN king of Great Britain. determined to keep open a market where MEN should be bought & sold, he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or to restrain this execrable commerce: and that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them, & murdering the people upon whom he also obtruded them; thus paying off former crimes committed against the liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another.
Jefferson was very smart (and a hypocrite, like the rest of us). But here he's talking about the evils of slavery, in a document demanding the king respect the freedom of all men. Huge step up in human affairs. And yes, I suspect, the Holy Spirit had something to do with it.
(Note Jefferson is reminding the king he's supposed to be a Christian and he's a failure at doing that -- hypocrisy, yes, but also right on the mark)
Pollsters and Republicans obviously underestimated both the imbecility and the dishonesty of Democrats.
Senate seats in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia maybe Wisconsin. Hmmm. If a Senate majority depended on those seats, polls or no polls, who would you bet on?
Both quotes are correct.
Saint Croix - does God work thru politicians?
I'd like to think God stays away.
Lincoln thought God was calling him to free the slaves.
More Jefferson...
"I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just."
I want to make clear to every Republican that any opinion poll on abortion is useless and vile
because the media has been hiding the truth
most people have no idea what is going on
more and more people are figuring it out
it took decades for us to get rid of slavery
it will take decades more to recognize the humanity of unborn children
it will not happen overnight
but understand I do not give a shit what ignorant people say on this issue
and I despise the media for keeping our people in the dark and feeding them shit
I also think it will be a woman that leads the way on this
in my experience men are too angry about it
it will be a brave beautiful woman who leads us, I think
Trump's obviously joking there, but his supporters actually believe that crap. They are emotionally and intellectually incapable of recognizing that Trump isn't perfect. No loss or failure is his fault; all victories are due to his brilliance.
It's far too early to decide who I want the 2024 Republican candidate to be or not be, but if the Trump haters manage to drive Trump from the public square, they will drive out the ideas he stood for along with him and the next man or woman who dares to oppose the entrenched powers will get double what worked against Trump.
Certainly, the country might be in a different and better place if Trump had made a strong appeal to his supporters to vote in the 2020 Georgia runoffs, but that insider trading story was a big deal. If I lived there I might just have stayed home, too.
I guess we're finding out that the unloved moderate or Establishment or business Republicans are usually better vote-getters than the MAGA candidates. Swing voters are still a thing, and Trump irritates the ones who actually do turn out to vote. Anti-Trumpism is stronger than Trumpism. It motivates more people more strongly.
Trump is as "Trumpocentric" as his enemies. He "truthed" that Bolduc lost because Bolduc did a u-turn and denied that Trump was the real winner in 2020. That was not a factor in Bolduc's defeat. Trump doesn't handle the ups and downs of relationships very well. He's not building bridges for the long haul, but just lashing out with what he thinks at the moment.
“Mitch McConnell purposely sabotaged the Republicans.” — Huh. I’d say that MCConnell’s money is what carried J.D. Vance over the finish line, after Trump declined to put up any of his campaign funds.
Trump, gotta love that guy, what a jokester.
Blogger Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
“He is a drag on the party. Ego maniac” also “ The nutty GOP cannot win.” etc.
Your point is that Trump’s style, his bluntness, his words put off a lot of would be supporters. And what about you? Reading your own comments - are you winning any hearts and minds. Or are you just having fun bashing people you perceive to be at a very low point having lost elections they thought they had won. The trouble with the antiTrumpers is - that they never practice what they preach. Too much fun joining the cool Democratic kids (for once) and bashing Trumpers.
BTW Trump 2024
A reminder that Progressives have no sense of humor.
@ Gravel
That hasn't been my experience and it certainly isn't what you see in this comment section. Trump supporters criticize Trump all the time. And when people tell you they support Trump they always qualify it somehow. "I wish he wasn't like this, I wish he'd stop doing that".
I've never met anyone who doesn't criticize Trump or who doesn't think Trump is deeply flawed in one way or another and his supporters tend to be eager to demonstrate that they aren't blind to these faults.
Do you really think you can read the minds of over 60 million people and put them all in the same pigeonhole?
Trump has morphed into a Dem asset. That's why the Dems threw money in to support Trump-backed candidates in the primaries. Even if things go perfectly in terms of political circumstances and momentum, Trump tops out at 47%. That is what is known in a two party system as a fatal flaw. So long as Trump leads the Repubs, the Dems will control the government.
Consider PA: how many Fetterman voters would ever seriously consider voting for Trump? Trump starts his campaign off ceding 230 electoral votes to the Democrats.
And when it comes to the humdrum business of governing, Trump is too bored to do it well, and won't be able to attract enough competent sane people to help him.
Trump, Trump, Trump, you gotta say less "I" and "me."
That's like telling Trump not to breathe.
Obviously being sarcastic with the journalist.
Until this part:
"If they do badly they'll blame everything on me."
Right as rain.
Obviously meant as a joke
His "jokes" stopped being funny or interesting a long time ago. Once you become President of the United States, including when you're a former president who's making noise about running again, your job isn't to be a comedian. Of course a politician can use humor sometimes, but he'd need a more stable foundation of knowing/saying the truth for that to work.
Typical Trump bovine scat. After last night, anyone who listens to him deserves the pain they get.
#Agree with John Althouse Cohen.
Blogger John Althouse Cohen said...
Obviously meant as a joke
His "jokes" stopped being funny or interesting a long time ago. Once you become President of the United States, including when you're a former president who's making noise about running again
The voice of the Biden voter.
Blogger Inga said...
Trump, gotta love that guy, what a jokester.
The resident dullard has not noticed the changes since Brandon took over. Some people are just not observant. A lot of them voted yesterday.
Blogger Gravel said...
Trump's obviously joking there, but his supporters actually believe that crap. They are emotionally and intellectually incapable of recognizing that Trump isn't perfect. No loss or failure is his fault; all victories are due to his brilliance.
Another Biden voter.
Eva Marie - I think Trump will lose if foolishly nominated in 2024.
I don't like losing.
If Trump and his supporters cannot handle push-back - that's on you. Grow up.
“If Trump and his supporters cannot handle push-back - that's on you. Grow up.”
If antiTrumpers don’t treat their fellow conservatives better than the lefties do, you will never build a coalition - which, if winning instead of whining is your motive, you need to do. Wake up.
Hmmm, I wasn't even talking about Michael K, but there it is.
I've only voted for one D in my entire life, chief. Voted for Trump twice, and will again if he is the nominee. I enjoyed his presidency tremendously, but he's the worst fucking loser I've ever seen in American politics. Worse than Al Gore, even.
Bob Boyd - really? See Michael, above, trying to read my mind and my 40 year, never missed an election voting history. There is a significant portion of the online Trump supporters who cannot emotionally or intellectually accept that anything he does or says is counterproductive. I didn't think MK was one of them, but again - there it is.
Eva Marie said...
Blogger Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
“He is a drag on the party. Ego maniac” also “ The nutty GOP cannot win.” etc.
Your point is that Trump’s style, his bluntness, his words put off a lot of would be supporters. And what about you? Reading your own comments - are you winning any hearts and minds. Or are you just having fun bashing people you perceive to be at a very low point having lost elections they thought they had won. The trouble with the antiTrumpers is - that they never practice what they preach. Too much fun joining the cool Democratic kids (for once) and bashing Trumpers.
BTW Trump 2024
11/9/22, 10:07 AM
Saint Croix - does God work thru politicians?
I'd like to think God stays away.
Think about that time the Soviet Union almost nuked us, or we almost nuked them. Atheists in the Soviet Union, plus Mr. JFK who was Mr. Adultery and All Kinds of Shit.
Somebody kept us from getting nuked. You read shit about it, and I'm like, "Thank you, Lord."
I've been bitching about AI because atheists are so fucking stupid they will give the nuclear launch codes to Blogger.
God can stop that shit too but holy shit we're not supposed to test him.
Anyway, to answer questions about the Holy Spirit.
I tried publishing Jefferson's original draft of the Declaration of Independence on the Althouse blog. I tried multiple times. I had a theory that the Holy Spirit was helping Jefferson, because the Declaration was so anti-slavery, and Jefferson was a slave-owner.
I published it several times. It kept getting removed. I thought Althouse was doing it. Or Blogger. Or something. Finally I asked on a cafe thread. I asked Althouse if she was removing my post about Jefferson and the original draft of the Declaration?
And farmgirl (I love farmgirl) suggested that maybe the Holy Spirit was removing them. (I was like, oh shit!)
The Holy Spirit works in secret. So it could be Althouse, or Blogger, or the Holy Spirit. Those are my three options. (The internet is a bitch, right?).
Anyway, I published my theory again today. I thought maybe, okay, it's after the election, maybe I can bring up that the 1619 Project is kind of ridiculous, because the original draft of the Declaration of Independence was not pro-slavery at all. And I repeated, like an idiot, the possibility that Holy Spirit might have helped Jefferson with his draft of the Declaration.
And I said a prayer, "Lord, if I say something stupid or evil on the Althouse blog, please have the Holy Spirit remove it. Amen."
Anyway, that post is gone. And sometimes I get confused about what thread I put shit on. Did I delete it? Is it on another thread? And I'm looking for it and it's just gone. Could have been me, could have been Blogger, could have been Althouse. (The internet is a bitch, right?).
That's strange as shit, because my post at 5:42 AM is still up.
So I would tentatively suggest that the Holy Spirit did not help Jefferson write his Declaration, that was all Jefferson. Maybe Satan helped him, I don't know, he was angry as shit! Anyway, possibly, the Holy Spirit helped Trump get elected, because that post is still up. And the Holy Spirit did not help Jefferson write the Declaration, because that post is gone.
Just one possibility. Maybe Althouse removed it, maybe Blogger did, maybe Saint Croix is confused (again!)
Anyway, 9:37 am, I would pay attention to that one.
And think deeply about the idea that God, and Jesus, and the Holy Spirt, help the losers in the world, and not the winners.
(God helped Trump to help the poor white people in the world nobody gives a shit about).
Just as Paul Cicero said to Henry Hill in Goodfellas, so we now have to say to Trump: "Now I gotta turn my back."
It's a self-deprecating joke.
I just say this -- it's a damn good thing that Trump campaigned as visibly and as hard for GOP candidates as he did. Otherwise, the GOP would have been absolutely CRUSHED given how AWESOME and GREAT the state of the country is right now.
He deserves all the credit for how the GOP did last night.
We can handle push back, we just don't like being called Trump Humpers by people who are supposed to be on the same side. YOU are sounding like the Progressives. YOU grow up. It's really sad that we are all being torn apart whilst our country is on fire.
While it is true that his supporters are very enthusiastic about him, and while he deserves the thanks of the nation for his good policies and eternal praise for his part in ending Roe's legalized slaughter, Trump simply does not appeal to the wavering Dems or to the independents.
When he is on the team, he is the anchor -- and not in the good sense. He drags the others down. He just does. Time to stop believing otherwise.
Let me add:
Blogger Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
“If Trump and his supporters cannot handle push-back - that's on you. Grow up.”
It’s conservatives who don’t support Trump who can’t handle push-back. They couldn’t handle Democratic push back when it came to Bush or McCain or Palin or Romney. How quickly they retreat to “if only he/she hadn’t said binders of women, or I can see Russia or whatever.”
Trump supporters have withstood being called Hitler supporters, insurrectionists, election deniers, racists, bigots. It’s the conservatives who have distanced themselves from Trump supporters, who join Democrats in slamming Trump almost as virulently as Democrats themselves. It’s these conservatives who need to learn to have the confidence to walk into a room of Trump haters and defend their fellow conservatives who voted for Trump and who will support Trump in 2024.
Eva Marie said...
Let me add:
Blogger Hunter Biden's tax payer funded Hooker said...
“If Trump and his supporters cannot handle push-back - that's on you. Grow up.”
It’s conservatives who don’t support Trump who can’t handle push-back. They couldn’t handle Democratic push back when it came to Bush or McCain or Palin or Romney. How quickly they retreat to “if only he/she hadn’t said binders of women, or I can see Russia or whatever.”
Trump supporters have withstood being called Hitler supporters, insurrectionists, election deniers, racists, bigots. It’s the conservatives who have distanced themselves from Trump supporters, who join Democrats in slamming Trump almost as virulently as Democrats themselves. It’s these conservatives who need to learn to have the confidence to walk into a room of Trump haters and defend their fellow conservatives who voted for Trump and who will support Trump in 2024.
11/9/22, 3:26 PM
Once again. THIS^^^^^
Don’t believe Trump could win the nomination if challenged. He had his chance and blew it. Obama could have been the great racial healer but his ego got in the way. Biden channeled FDR in the mistaken belief a slim majority was a mandate.being an old fool he thought hitching up o the screeching prog wagon was a good idea. Trump gave us Warnock once. Hopefully voting in a runoff will be too much trouble for the lefties.
Believing that Trump was a good president, and was cheated out of the 2020 win, but accepting that Trump is not the best choice going forward, does not make someone an "anti-Trumper." And it is childish and divisive to call people that.
Blogger Inga said...
Michael K is still humping Steve Bannon and Trump. Michael has a lot of “energy” for a geezer.
Interesting that you misunderstand so much. No surprise for the dullard. Bannon is a very smart guy with interesting ideas. Trump is past his time. For a geezerette you seem to have energy, not mental, just physical. You will experience the results of this clown car running the country. God and Hard, I hope.
If you don't know what I mean by this...
Don't be the older son who doesn't want to go to the party because he hates his brother.
It's a parable, the most famous one Jesus ever used. It's well discussed here.
Christians = Older Sons
Woke Idiots = Younger Sons
Bob Boyd - really?
Look at this thread. Read your own comments for Pete's sake.
Saying "Really" is not an argument. It's admitting defeat.
It’s been interesting seeing the sad pathetic infighting among the rightists here.
“Blogger Inga said...
Michael K is still humping Steve Bannon and Trump. Michael has a lot of “energy” for a geezer.
Interesting that you misunderstand so much. No surprise for the dullard. Bannon is a very smart guy with interesting ideas. Trump is past his time. For a geezerette you seem to have energy, not mental, just physical. You will experience the results of this clown car running the country. God and Hard, I hope.”
I actually deleted that comment of mine because I thought it was too mean, but thanks for quoting me and adding your bitter angry response. You deserve mean comments, I’m sure your children who don’t speak to you anymore have given you an earful.
Trump is done. He was happy to see the Democrats finance the goofy candidates he backed, knowing full well the catastrophe that could (and did) ensure for Republicans. Republicans who tepidly went along with him fearing he might hurt them or refuse to help them, must see that going along with Trump now will make THEM the traitors to their party's success. The are already deserting his sinking ship as fast as they can. Donald himself will now enter his dark night of the soul, brought on by his own tragic flaws, and I almost pity him what is about to unfold for him. For Republicans, if they play it right, this election can be the moment when they truly turn (in the very direction Trump initially catalyzed but then betrayed) and re-establish their party as a fit fighting machine. With a bloated Red Wave super majority, they would have been too tempted to outdo Biden in over-reaching and provoking backlash. Now they have a chance to build carefully on a solid basis for 2024.
reading these comments..how anyone could vote for the mess that is the democrat party right now..a stroke victim wins in Pennsylvanian..people are fine with an addled ancient congenital liar who is obviously in bed with China who in two years has run our country into the ground..you are wasting your breath. evidently killing full term babies and drag queens in our schools are more important than defending our borders and being fiscally responsible . from my friend group..the democrats are the ones on the government teat..teachers..docs that work for the government run insurance scams..where the people who advocate for freedom and fiscal responsibility are the small business owners and entrepreneurs. it’s not gonna change. i think the tipping point is here..there are more people taking than making..and the center will not hold. just go enjoy your families..don’t overspend..don’t send your kids to public schools..learn how to take care of yourselves. at some point when the well runs dry they will wake up..kinda like the mask and vaccination nazis. ya think they are thinking about how stupid they were now that we have overwhelming evidence of the negative repercussions of the vaccines? nah too much to hope for. ignorance is bliss..
exhelodrvr1 said...
Believing that Trump was a good president, and was cheated out of the 2020 win, but accepting that Trump is not the best choice going forward, does not make someone an "anti-Trumper." And it is childish and divisive to call people that.
11/9/22, 4:36 PM
And so is calling Trump supporters TRUMP HUMPERS, like some now ANTI-Trumpers call us. All this is doing is dividing our own side. Not a good look. It works both ways.
Nobody made him endorse bad candidates.
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